01x15 - Magnifying Glass

Episode transcripts for the TV show "MacGyver". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"MacGyver" centers around Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates a secret U.S. government organization where he uses his extraordinary talents for problem solving and his extensive knowledge of science to save lives. A reboot of the 1985–1992 ABC series of the same name.
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01x15 - Magnifying Glass

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪
♪ It's a Friday ♪
♪ We finally made it ♪
♪ I can't believe I get to see your face ♪
♪ You've been working... ♪

Man: Vanessa... why didn't you tell me?

I'm telling you now.

When did you find out?



Yeah, at band practice.

We've texted, like, 500 times since then.

I know, but I wanted to see the look on your face.

A full scholarship?

Your parents must be freaking.

They're happy.

My mom spazzed a little, but she always does that.

I'm so proud of you.


So much for having the place to ourselves.

♪ You be the DJ, I'll be the driver ♪

Hey, you mind turning your lights off?

(song fades under ominous music)

Is that a... mask?


♪ ♪

(machine beeping)

Jack: I'm telling you, man, you are playing with fire here.

Jack, we have... stared down t*rrorists, defused countless bombs, and even stopped a planet-k*lling virus, and you're scared of...


Yeah, and if you were smart, you would be, too.

Haven't you heard of the robot apocalypse?

The-the-the robo-pocalypse?

Yeah, in science fiction.

This is science fact.

If the Phoenix is to pose as a think t*nk, every now and then, we have to do something think-tanky.

That's cool. Let's work on space rockets or solar panels, instead of trying to build our own Terminator here, man.

It's not a good idea.

It's not a Terminator.

Well, it looks like a Terminator.

Come on, Jack, the earliest applications for A.I. will most likely be in the field of patient care.

All right, virtual helpers who'll remind the elderly to take their medicine.

What's so scary about that?

Well, nothing at first, until those virtual helper thingies become sentient, self-aware.

They don't want to listen to us anymore, and they rise up.

I mean, the next thing you know, we'll all be in float tanks with those... USB ports hanging out of the back of our heads, I'm telling you.

That's The Matrix. You're mixing up your doomsday theories.

If you know so much about sci-fi, Jack, then you know about Isaac Asimov and the three laws of robotics that keep us all safe.

When it comes to robots, there's only one man I trust.


I'm telling you, Arnie showed us the future, and it ain't cuddly, boys.

It's k*ller robots.



He was making a move. You saw him.

(phone rings)

You sa... you saw him. He was making a move.

Matty needs us upstairs, now.

You done lost your damn mind, Jack.

Yeah, whatever. Ah!

Bozer: That's why you hurt your hand.

Jack: Ah, I hate robots, man.

Matty: Last night, Vanessa Frank and Daniel Lee were found dead in a small park near San Francisco.

They were having a picnic when an unidentified man gunned them down.

An eyewitness told SFPD that he thought he saw the sh**t walking away, but he couldn't make a positive ID.

Excuse me, Matty, maybe I didn't get the memo.

We're a spy agency.

This sounds like a straight-up m*rder case.

Why can't the San Francisco PD handle this?

Ordinarily, they would.

But Vanessa Frank was my goddaughter.

Matty, I'm sorry.

The eyewitness was a passing driver who spotted Vanessa and Dan from the road.

He told SFPD that he saw a man in a black hood walking away from their bodies, holding a g*n.

A young couple in the park and a black-hooded sh**t?

What is it, Boze?

The details just sound familiar.

A lot like something that happened a long time ago.

The details are identical.

Identical to what?

To the murders committed by the Zodiac k*ller.


Like the serial k*ller from the '60s?

I thought they caught that guy.

No. Actually, he just disappeared.

Matty: This is a police sketch of the original Zodiac from 1969.

Fashion trends come and go, but creepy is forever.

Well, this has got to be a copycat.

His last m*rder was almost 50 years ago.

He'd be in his 70s by now.

Yeah, but the Zodiac just shot his victims.

As long as the man can still walk and squeeze a trigger...

Jack: All right, so which is it?

We're looking for a 70-year-old serial k*ller, or some brand-new kind of psycho here?

Either way, I'm on the next flight to San Francisco, and I'd like for you all to come with me.

This isn't an official Phoenix assignment, so I can't make you go.

But I'm asking for your help.

Of course.

I'm in.

Me, too.

Whatever you need, Matty, you got it.

Then you need to see what we're facing.

SFPD won't release this video to the public.

They still remember the panic the Zodiac caused when he terrorized the city years ago.

This is Officer Janine Alvarez speaking.

The time is 10:48 p.m.

I'm first on the scene of an apparent double homicide.

First victim male, Asian, late teens.

Appears to be shot three times in the chest and once in the right arm... signs of a struggle.

Second victim female, Caucasian, late teens.

Shot four times in the back, right hand is covered in blood.

She's trying to crawl away.


She's trying to identify her k*ller.

Copycat or not... we're gonna catch him.

♪ A new day's coming ooh, ooh... ♪

Bozer: Betty Lou Jensen and David Arthur Faraday were his first victims.

David was the first boy Betty's parents

ever let take her out.

♪ Ain't it beautiful ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh... ♪

Bozer: One moment you're on your first date, but the next...



Bozer: David was shot once in the head, Betty got five b*ll*ts to the back.

Both died instantly.

That is really creepy.

Police only proved five murders were the work of the Zodiac.

But in the letters he sent to the San Francisco Chronicle, the Zodiac claimed he k*lled 37 people.

I'll give him this much... he knew how to dress the part.

The hood, the glasses.

Very creepy.

He was theatrical.

The lead detective on the case believed he was inspired by movies.

One of the first letters he sent quoted a line from The Most Dangerous Game, a 1932 movie about hunting people.

Well, see, that's why I think he's a copycat.

If he was the real guy, what about the creepy handwritten letters with the cipher at the bottom?

That was the most famous part about the Zodiac.

Yeah, but back in '68, the letters didn't show up until months after the first murders.

Good thing we're not in '68 anymore.

I'm gonna run a search of the cameras in the area Vanessa and Daniel were k*lled, see if we can get a video of our copycat.

That's if he's a copycat.

Come on, you really think a serial k*ller who's gotten away with his crimes for more than 40 years is gonna suddenly start back up again?

A life change could suppress the urge to k*ll for a period of time.

Both the BTK and the Grim Sleeper stopped k*lling people for years, But then, eventually, the monster inside of them woke back up.

And maybe you know way too much about serial K*llers.

I call it being prepared.

You ever come face to face with one, your survival hinges on being able to get inside of their head.

You know, figuring out what drives them, and finding a way to use it against them.

Otherwise, you'll just end up another one of their statistics.

Like I said, you know way too much about serial K*llers.

That's because I've seen every serial k*ller movie and documentary ever made.

Research for a movie I was writing.

I swear, look, if this was a serial k*ller flick, I'm not the psycho.

I'm the loyal friend who dies first.

Oh, no. I'm the loyal friend who dies first.

Relax. If we do our jobs right, nobody else gets k*lled, and we catch this guy before he strikes again.


(quiet conversations)

Hi. Can you tell me where Sarah is?

Oh, yeah. Right through there.

Give me a moment.

Yeah, of course.


Jack, MacGyver.

Sarah, these are the men that I was telling you about, Angus MacGyver and Jack Dalton.

They're a part of my team.

We're so sorry.

Jack: Ma'am, there's, uh... there's no good way to ask the questions that need to be asked here.


I want to help in any way I can.

Jack: Okay.

Do you know if Vanessa caught the eye of someone new recently?


She and Daniel, they were very happy.

Was she having trouble with anybody?


Nobody was following her, stalking her, anything like that?

Sarah: No. No.

And she didn't mention a... an old boyfriend, somebody she met on the Internet?

Sarah: No.

If someone was bothering her, she would've told me.

She always told me everything.

We were so close.

Sarah. We're gonna find the person who did this.

I swear it.

(door opens)

Man, I have known Matty a long time, and I've never seen her like this.

And I'll be honest with you, what happened between us, in Chechnya, that was all my fault. I really let her down.

I don't know, I kind of... don't want to let her down again, you know what I mean?

Yeah. What happened between you two is in the past, Jack.

Right now, we just need to focus on... finding this.

What do you see?

It's not about what I see, it's about what I don't see.

You see it?

Hell yeah, I see it. Someone cut that branch so they can have a clear line of sight into Vanessa's room here.


(door creaks)

Macgyver: This is it.


Yeah, take a look.

Jack: Oh, yeah.

Direct view from this spot right into Vanessa's window.

Look at that.

Definitely his perch.

Hmm. Taking his time here, too.

There's got to be, like, four packs of smokes in there.

Hey, yeah.

Well, he's methodical.

He picks his victims in advance, waits, watches, carefully plans his attack.


Did you clear the room?

Well, you told me to come to the window.

Next time, clear the room before blindly following my orders.

Shut up.

(g*n clicks)





That looked painful, man. You all right?

Yeah. Not my, uh, best landing.

What were you doing in that apartment?

Yeah, what's up, man? Huh?

How you doing?



Start talking.

Don't hurt me. I live here, man. I live here.

In this building. I-It's warm, and nobody bothers me.

Nobody bothers you, huh? While you're up there being a weirdo, chain-smoking, stalking co-eds?

What are you talking about?

We know you k*lled the girl you've been watching, man.


You know what? I don't even need this.

I'm just gonna beat the bricks off...

No! No, no, no.

I didn't k*ll anybody, man.

I'm not even stalking no one.

It's my first time in that unit.

Look, I normally stay in the back stairwell, b-but the guy...

Guy? What guy? he... yeah.

What guy? What's he look like?

I don't know, man. Huh?

What does he look like?

Normal! I don't know!

He's not homeless! You know?

We call him the smoking man.

The dude's old, though. Tell you that. But like scary old.

That's good. How old?

Scary old.

Yeah, you know know how, like, Clint Eastwood is like, he looks like he'd kick your ass?

Yeah, yeah, I get it. How old?

I don't know, man.

Late 60s?



What else?

He's got gray hair, yeah. Um...


Dude walks around with, like, this big lumbering walk.

Bozer said the Zodiac walked just like that.

The Zodia... who?

Yeah, do me a favor: stop talking, unless it's about the guy that you saw. Okay?


Glasses, lumbering walk.

And he is the right age.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

If this is true, we might solve one of the greatest crime stories of all time.

Hell of a way to go down in the history books.

Officer: Let's go.

Well? Get anything new out of him?

No. He just repeated the same story he told you.

A big, gray-haired, white guy came here repeatedly for the last six weeks to smoke cigarettes and look out that window, but... unfortunately, it's not enough to help us catch Vanessa's k*ller.

Well, the building was full of homeless people.

You never know. Maybe one of them got a good look at him.

What's Encyclopedia Brown up to?

Well, I never really know. It's part of his charm, I guess.

Is SFPD's forensics team here?

I think I found something.

No. It's gonna be another half and hour.

So you're just gonna have to wait to borrow their toys.

Or I could just make my own Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter.

(chuckles softly)

What are you laughing at, Dalton?

Well, I don't know.

You have no idea what he's doing either.

(garbage bag rustling)

♪ ♪

Okay, since it looks like you're just playing with the trash, you mind telling us exactly what it is you're doing?

Yeah, just one sec.


That doesn't work for me.

What'd I do?

You already know how I feel about you improvising.

And right now, all I see is you possibly destroying valuable evidence.

Okay. Um...

Every step we take leaves a little bit of dust behind from all the places we've been before.

It's hard to see on a dirty floor, but with a little bit of Mylar and a static charge...

(static crackling)

You can see the k*ller's footprint.

Ha. See, I told you.

The boy's a magician.

Hey, Riley. It's Jack.

I'm sending you a picture of a boot print.

We need to know everything you can tell us about it, all right?

Yep. On it.

Matty: Did you get anything from the cameras around the park?

No. The k*ller must've cased the area beforehand.

He clearly knew how to avoid being recorded.

Bozer: But since the Zodiac mostly k*lled couples in parks, we're also monitoring surveillance cams from romantic spots all over the city.

And there's a lot.

Jack: Oh, good. Maybe we can stop this guy before he strikes again.

How's it coming with the boot print, Riles?

Riley: I can tell you it's size ten and a half, but finding a match in the database is gonna take hours.

Bozer: Actually, I might be able to beat that time.

You know what?

I knew I've seen that before.


The print you sent matches a boot used by the U.S. military in the 1960s.

They were called Wing Walkers.

And guess who else wore them besides the U.S. military?

The original Zodiac.

Yep, and he wore size ten and a half, too.

If the shoe fits...

Okay. Let's not start touting conspiracy theories as fact.

Anybody could've gotten a pair of those.

Boots are mass-produced.

Riley: Not these. Not anymore.

They stopped making them over 20 years ago.

Only place you can buy a pair now is a site like eBay.

Riley, do you think you can...

Riley: Find a site selling them, hack in and see if anyone near here bought a pair recently?

I was doing that before I started this sentence.

Okay, in the last four months, 11 pairs of Wing Walkers were bought in the U.S.

And one pair was shipped to a Russ Collins, who lives right here in San Francisco.

That's starting to bug me.


You, twisting up those paperclips, man.

It's stupid.

You're stupid. It's relaxing.

(phone chimes)

MacGyver: Riley. She says she ran a full background check on our homeowner, Russ Collins.


No record, clean.

Clean, except for the fact that he special ordered the exact same pair of boots worn by a serial k*ller.

Which is merely circumstantial.

Even if we found the boots, and I was somehow able to... match them to the boot print that I found, it's not enough to convict him in court.

Okay, what about Collins?

How old is he?

Let's see.

Born in 1949.

So he was 20 when the killings started.

Old enough to be the original.

I don't know, man.

I think we're looking pretty solid.

It's the best lead we've got.

Doesn't mean he's the k*ller.

(knocking on window)

Uh, delivery?


We're in a parked car here, dude.

Back up.

You looking to get shot tonight, huh?

Get around the front of the car.

Move around there.

"To the two men in the Sedan."

Who gave you this?

Some guy down the street offered me a hundred bucks to walk this to your car.

Some guy?

What he look like?

Just some guy.

He had on a hat and sunglasses.

Sunglasses at night.

You didn't think that was a little bit weird?


I don't know, man.

Could you please just put the g*n away now?

Don't tell me what to do, boy. Sit your ass down.

(g*n clicks)

If the k*ller did give him this, everything down to the glue used to seal the envelope is evidence.

I'm gonna try and preserve as much as I can.

"This is the Zodiac speaking to the two men in the parked Sedan. You may be watching me, but just know that I am watching you. Me - 39 You - 0."

All right, I'm gonna go ahead and say it: I'm starting to get freaked out here.

Yeah, you're not the only one.

All right, fan out, clear the place.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

(door opens)

Your name is Ronald Winter.

Normally, in a situation like this, I'm supposed to give you as little information as possible about who I am and what I know.

But I'm gonna tell you something before we do this little dance, because maybe it will inform how you answer me.

Vanessa Frank wasn't just the victim of a gruesome crime.

She was like a daughter to me.

I want you to understand that I just lost someone I watched grow up.

Someone I loved.

I want you to know where I'm coming from, emotionally, so that you know the minute you lie to me, the minute you hesitate, the minute you tell me a half-truth, I'm gonna know, and I'm gonna take that very, very personally.


Had a nice, long chat with your delivery guy.

Jack: Oh, yeah?

Yeah. Story checks out... no priors.

As much as I was hoping that he was our big break, I'm thinking the only thing he's guilty of is wanting to make a quick hundred bucks.

Well, did he at least give you a better description of our suspect?

Mm. Along with the hat and sunglasses, he was wearing a hoodie.

He was tall, but Ronald had no idea how old he was.

Well, that helps.

Please tell me that you found something here, because I am not going back to Sarah to tell her we have no idea who m*rder*d her daughter.

Matty, I wish we had more, but we were expecting Seven and we got Leave it to Beaver.

Okay. Let SFPD handle the house.

Let's regroup and figure out our next move.


You okay, buddy?

You know how you get that faraway look in your eye when wheels are turning in your head?

No, not really.

Well, you do it all the time and I'm getting it.

You think you're thinking, Jack?

Yeah. Yeah, go with me on this one.

It's gonna sound like a board game question, but what is it about a serial k*ller that makes 'em so hard to find, huh?

They look perfectly normal on the outside because they're trying to cover up what's going on on the inside.


This place is Leave It To Beaver... dish towels folded perfectly on the sink.

The couch... cushions look like they ain't never even been sat on, man.

And look, look.

That's the stock photo that came with the frame.

How do you know?

Well, because I have this one.

It's all too perfect.

Like it's been staged.

Like something horrible may be lying just beneath the surface.


♪ ♪

Wi-Fi signals are just radio waves.

And the cool thing about radio waves is that they can travel through walls.

(wavering electric humming)

Now, with... a dish to focus the waves and a speaker to turn the reflections that bounce back into sound, we can...

You can see through walls.

Yeah. Or hear through them, really.

(insistent wavering)

There's a large open space behind this.

(lock clicks)

Good eye.

Well, I think we found our guy.


1968, '69.

These are the original San Francisco Chronicle articles on the Zodiac murders.

So either this is a shrine to the original Zodiac or this guy is the original.

These photos clearly aren't vintage.

They've been printed off of a computer and they're recently taken.

Son of a bitch.

He's been scouting his victims.

Like he did with Vanessa.

He's been watching her for weeks.

She's had no idea.

Matty, if, uh, you want to step outside, maybe...

No. No, the key to catching this bastard is somewhere in this room and we're gonna find it.

Is that a laptop?


Uh, do we need to get Riley in here on this thing?

No need to. It's not even password protected I don't think this guy ever expected anyone to find this place.

Okay. Well, it looks like e-mails. A lot of 'em.

What do they say?

I wish I knew.

This is the code the original Zodiac used, I believe.

According to Bozer, some of these were deciphered, but others not even the NSA or CIA could crack.

Hey, neither organization had themselves a Riley.

Let's utilize her.

We need to get a disk image of this laptop to her ASAP.


MacGyver: Yeah.

I'm calling forensics.


So our Zodiac... copies the original down to the smallest detail... even wears antique boots.

But now he's sending him e-mails over a laptop?

I'm... Am I missing something here?

I think the real question is... who was he corresponding with?

And why?

(phone rings)

Hey, buddy, what do you got?

Bozer: Right now?

A serious case of the heebie-jeebies.

Matty had me take the letter you guys got from the SFPD evidence room and compare it to letters from the original Zodiac.

Officer Reyes hooked me up with a handwriting expert.

Now, he's still running tests, but he took one look at your letter and said it's definitely a match to the original Zodiac.

Hey man. Uh, Presidio Heights, corner of Washington and Cherry.

Riley: I can't trace the e-mails.

They're single-use addresses routed through Tor.

So I started trying to crack the cipher, but... it's no joke.

I think he changed encryption keys from one letter to the next.

I was able to partially decode a few of the e-mails, but the rest are gonna take a while.

What did the e-mails that you could decode say?

It's correspondence between our Zodiac and someone who was actually encouraging him.

Encouraging him? Like... like what, "Attaboy, go serial k*ll?"

More like teaching him.

Giving him the step-by-step on how to be a serial k*ller.

The original Zodiac would never need anybody to teach him how to k*ll.

This is definitely a copycat.

A copycat that someone else pushed over the edge.

Riley, I need to know who both the k*ller and the correspondent are, and I need to know that now.

Copy that.

Whoever they are, I'll unmask 'em.

Matty: Call as soon as you've got something.

All right.

(hangs up)

(music playing through headphones)

♪ You're gonna live in the golden age ♪
♪ You're gonna live in the golden age ♪
♪ You're gonna love but we don't love change ♪
♪ People say you are lyin' ♪

(song continues playing quietly)



Okay, Riley.

♪ Hey ♪

Just calm down.

♪ Hoo-ooh-ooh... ♪

Route those e-mails through as many proxies as you want, slick.

You can run, but you can't hide.

(gasps, muffled shriek)

(muffled breathing)


Good, you're awake.

You thought you could track me down.

You thought you could find me.

No one's ever found me.

And now no one's ever gonna find you.

(phone rings)

Jack: Thanks, man.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.



"To Those Who Seek Me."

MacGyver: "I know you found my special room, and I'm sure right now you think you're smarter than me, but you pigs have never been smarter. Here's my ultimatum: stop coming after me, and in 24 hours I'll release the little angel. But if you follow me, if you look for me, if you hunt for me, she'll join the others. Me... 40? You... zero."

40 question mark... what the hell's that supposed to mean?

He's saying if we don't stop looking for him, Riley will be his 40th victim.

Eh, he's lying. He's not just gonna let her go.

If we want to get Riley back, we're gonna have to do that ourselves.

I agree. He's just trying to stall.

Changing his behavior because he knows we're close.

So how do we get even closer?

Matty: Riley was decoding his e-mail... it's still the best lead we have.

Password protected.

Yeah, and knowing Riley, there's not a tech in the world that's gonna be able to crack her code.

So... now what?

We're running out of time here... you know that, right?

(clears throat loudly)

This is gonna sound weird... but I think I know her password.

Yeah, it does sound weird.

I stand next to her while she's typing.


A lot.

And I'm a very observant guy...

Wait, you know what?

We could talk about what a creeper Bozer is later.


Nice work, Bozer.

Jack: No way. Did he get it?

Yeah, he did.

Way to go, creepy.

Okay, it looks like the decoding software she was using on the e-mails is still going, but it didn't get very far.

Okay, she has a browser open. What was she searching?

Properties all over the Bay Area.

Must be at least 50 of them.

All owned by the same guy: Russ Orwell.

And who is Russ Orwell?

According to what Riley dug up, Russ Orwell is the actual owner of the house we found the secret room in.

Collins was an alias... that's why it came up clean.

Looks like Orwell was a bit of a slumlord.

He owned all of these properties.

Nice work, Riley.

So, Orwell's our guy?

Not likely.

He was k*lled 15 years ago; bludgeoned to death.

Handwriting expert just got to me with his final results on the letter you guys got.


It's a 100% match.

All right, wait, wait, so now we are hunting the original Zodiac?

Actually, no.

As people age, their handwriting changes...

100% match means this isn't handwriting at all.

The ink on the letter came from off-the-shelf computer toner... our k*ller scanned the original Zodiac letters and-and...

Made his own font.

Matty: You know what, guys?

I don't care if he was communicating using smoke signals.

Right now I just want to find him and Riley.


If he was using one of Orwell's properties, maybe he's using another one.

There's got to be over 50 places there.

Even if we get the SFPD's help, by the time we search them all it's gonna be too late.

Well, we just got to find the right one.

There's got to be a dozen properties here, all occupied.

He would never take her there.

Okay, and this group right here is in a high traffic area... he wouldn't risk being spotted moving a hostage.

MacGyver: Yeah.

Okay, so we're looking for an unoccupied building.


Didn't you say the original Zodiac was a big fan of movies?

Yeah. Why?

Yeah, I think I know where he took her...

Starview Way Cinema.

Looks like an old, abandoned movie theater.

(film projector whirring, Riley grunting softly)

I understand.

(phone beeps)

Look... you don't have to do this.

I don't know who you are, I don't know...

I haven't seen your face.

You can let me go, and I won't be able to tell anyone what you look like.

How about now, little angel?

Now you've seen my face.

So what could you possibly say that would keep me from sending you with the others?

(engine roaring)

♪ ♪

(tires screech)

I'm afraid our time has come to an end.

You can't pull the trigger, can you?

Shut up.

You can't do it.

Shut up.

Riley: Because you know this isn't right.

Man: You think that I care if you live or die?

But you do care about getting the details right.

The hood... the... the g*n, the glasses, the... the symbol, the letters, the c... the code, even the boots.

You copied everything down to the smallest detail.

Until now.

Me? The girl in the movie theater?

This... this never happened.

The Zodiac never did this.

You do want to be like him, don't you?

Shut up! You don't know me! You don't know what I want!

The good news is, Riley's got him talking.

The bad news is, there's no cover between us and that stage.

We can bust a move, but he's gonna see us, man.

He'll k*ll her for sure.

I'll just have to make sure he's looking the other way.

Riley: You were forced to improvise.

Riley: Now if you pull that trigger... you break the pattern.

If you break the pattern, you're not the Zodiac.

You're not even a good copycat.

Okay, be ready. This is gonna happen fast.

Riley: You're just a pathetic rip-off who tried and failed.

I have to. It's too late.

Then do it!

Pull the trigger.

Show everyone what a pale imitation you are.

(Riley coughs)

How'd you guys find me?

With the stuff on your laptop.


Bozer knew your password.

He what?

Yeah, he figured you'd be upset about it.

Well, actually, I could kiss him right now.

Yeah, so could I, but maybe we should find that Fauxdiac first, huh?


Which way did he scamper off to?

That way.

MacGyver: It's a trapdoor.

♪ ♪

(whispering): Where is he?

I don't know.



You know what else the original Zodiac k*ller never did?

Get caught.


The homeless guy? What the hell?

Didn't we just hand this bum over to the SFPD?

I guess they let him go.

I'm sure that won't happen again.

(indistinct chatter)


I'm glad you're safe.

(chuckles): Me, too.

Heard I have your keen skills of observation to thank.

Uh, well, you know, learning to be a spy, I've just been practicing my...

It's all good, Bozer.



Meet Russ Orwell's son, Wyatt.

After his father was k*lled, Wyatt was wanted for questioning, but the cops never could find him.

Looks like he's been living off the grid for years, using his father's money and properties to hide.

I can't believe we had him the whole time and we didn't realize it.

And sent us on that wild goose chase looking for the real Zodiac.

So, what about the guy Orwell was on the phone with?

We traced the calls to someone on the island of Oahu, a Dr. Madison Grey.

Jack: Really?

I got an old buddy in Hawaii.

He's on some task force out there.

I'll give him a ring, see what's up.

Hold up a second, Jack.

I just...

I just wanted to say thank you.


Thank you.


That it?

Don't you have a call to make?

It can wait.

No, it can't.


(Jack chuckles)

We'll go pack up.

Good idea.

Wait, hold up a second, blondie.

I, um...

I still have some very real concerns about the way you like to operate when it comes to official fieldwork.

Um... thanks?

Shut up.

What I'm trying to say is that... what you did here was nothing short of a miracle.

I don't like having to count on miracles, but I am... truly grateful that you made one happen here.

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