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06x13 - Teeth, Nose, Teeth

Posted: 02/08/17 00:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Suits"...

What you thinking about?

Just thinking about names.

It's just that if I'm gonna help raise them, I'd like to give them something.

You're gonna be the one who gave him his last name.

My little guy--he got asthma.

The window in the living room-- it's been broken for seven months.

His client hasn't paid her rent in three months.

She's had no heat, and a broken window all winter despite repeated requests for repair.

We don't have it in writing, which is what the court requires.

I'd like to request time to confer with my supervisor.

You have to help him.

I can't.

We are requesting permission to evict if we don't have a check by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.


Should be enough to cover your rent for the last three months.

I don't what to say.

This is a job offer.

When you graduate, you're gonna have to pass the Character of Fitness test.

And you think working at your firm looks better than working at mine.

You're gonna tell me you had nothing to do with Harvey asking me to help you get a law license.

I wasn't even on her radar.

I had one thing I wanted to do, and you ruined it for me, just because you can't accept the fact that I don't wanna come back here.

I wasn't trying to get you back.

I was trying to help you.I don't believe you.

Stop messing with my life!

[tense music]

[Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" cover]

♪ ♪

[knocking on door]

Hey. Mike, what are you doing here?

I came to apologize for yelling at you about going to Gibbs.

You don't have to do that.

Yes, I do.

I know you only had my best interest at heart.

You always do, and...

I shouldn't have snapped at you.

I shouldn't have gone to her behind your back.

That's okay.

It kinda worked out.

Come on in. Let's have a drink.

You can tell me all about it.

♪ ♪

You kidding me?A legal clinic?


I thought Gibbs told you she'd never let that happen.

Yeah, by telling people I was a fraud.

Turns out the one guy who knew I was a fraud from years ago runs the clinic.

Not only was he willing to hire me, he was happy about it.

Seems like crime does pay.

You bet your ass it does.


What? You're never gonna believe it, but they have me supervising this third-year law student.

She thinks she knows more than me.

You mean you have a you.

She is so much worse than me.

Is she constantly talking about what a great memory she has?

Dresses shitty? She have man purse?

Are you done?

Why? You have someplace you gotta be?

Actually, I am supposed to stay away from our apartment for awhile.

So anyway, I said to Louis, "I don't care if most of the associates start in the bullpen. I'm not giving up my office."

That's great, Rachel, but I'm on my third glass of Chardonnay, and I don't think you called me over here to tell me you submitted your application to the Bar, or that you're putting your foot down with Louis.

[chuckles]Y ou're right.

I called you over here to tell you that...

I put my foot down with Mike.

You finally told him to pick a hairstyle and stick with it?

No. [laughs]

I finally told him that he made me a promise before he went away, and now that he's back and gainfully employed, it's time for him to make an honest woman of me.

Rachel, I'm so happy for you.

And the answer's yes.

What answer?

I didn't ask you a question yet. Yes, you did, and I'd be thrilled to be your maid of honor.

Thank you, Donna.

Mike, that's great.

I'm happy for you.

Still up for being my best man?

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

We going back to the church?

No, we're gonna do it at our place this time.

No, you can't do that.

Yeah, we just wanna keep it small, intimate.

I understand, but what kinda best man would I be if I didn't offer for you to have it here?

Pretty shitty one if you ask me.

So basically you came here to apologize, so you didn't have to get married at your shitty little apartment.

You think that I'd ask you to be my best man if we had a better location?



Thanks, Harvey.

♪ ♪

Now all we need to do is make sure you don't skip out on this one. Yeah, it's funny.

We also need to make sure that you don't--

[coughs]--Donna at the wedding.

What did you just say?


You got something caught in your throat?

No, I'm all good.

♪ Suits 6x13 ♪
Teeth, Nose, Teeth
Original Air Date on February 8, 2017

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ The greenback boogie ♪

What's this?

We're celebrating.

Louis, you know I can't have champagne.

I know, which is why we're having the best sparkling apple cider money can buy.

Well, in that case...

What are we celebrating?

The fact that it's your first sonogram this week.

Louis, about the sonogram...

Joshua asked if he could be there.


He's the baby's father.

He wants to be in its life.

Or wants to be in your life.

Louis, I chose you over him.

You don't have to be worried about that.

And if you want me to say he can't be there for this, then I will, but he asked me, and I thought it was a fair request, so I'm asking you.

[mellow percussive music]

Yeah, he can be there.

♪ ♪

Are you sure?

No, I'm not, but I know it's the right thing to do.

♪ ♪

[whispers] Thank you.

♪ ♪

Um, excuse me, I just need to--

Oh, hello, Benjamin.

Have you come to manipulate my hard drive?

Debug my processor?

Reboot my motherboard?

Please, I just need to update your VOX in peace.

If I wanted my VOX updated, I'd be talking to someone with a lot more experience than you.

Ms. Paulsen, I know you know this but I will remind you for the 37th time-- that VOX is our computer's operating system, and it needs to be updated once a quarter.

Once a quarter?

[groans]W hat, are we married?

'Cause I got news for you. This main frame needs a new memory stick a hell of a lot more than once a quarter. That's it. I'm finished.

I would walk you through the hard restart, but I'm afraid you'd focused on all the wrong words in that sentence.[ sighs] No, right now I'm just focused on the fact that you're finished.

Now leave your money on the table, so I can watch you walk away.


Mind telling me what that was all about?

You mean me making sexually suggestive comments to our IT guy? He has a name, you know.

I do, but I'd be shocked if you knew what it was.

That's not the point.

No, Harvey, the point is, I'm not doing anything to him, I'm doing it for him.

And how exactly do you figure that?

I figure that, because Benjamin updates everybody else's computers remotely, and once a quarter he's down here, pretending not to like my act, so unless you want me to focus my rapier-like wit on you, I suggest you walk your pretty little self back into your office.

Benjamin.I knew it.

No, you didn't.

[dynamic music]

[indistinct chatter]

Mike, thank God you're here.

Sofia Price just called.

She's been in the hospital since last night with her son.

Is he okay?

I think so, for now.

It was an asthma attack, but she wanted me to tell you that--

She couldn't drop off the check for her rent.

Damn it, um...

Call her back. Tell her I'm on it.

Mike, wait.

You covered what she owed with your own money, didn't you?

Because that's above and beyond.

We can talk about how awesome I am later.

Right now, I need to make sure that Sofia's rent is paid by 10:00.

[tense music]

Louis, can I talk to you?

Of course.

I--I don't even know what to do.

My hands are shaking. Rachel, what's going on?

I'm not getting into the Bar.

What? That's ridiculous.

Read this.

[indistinct] After careful review of your application, the Character and Fitness committee will not be granting you an interview?

This is bullshit!I know, because I knew I was gonna have to defend myself, but I didn't think I wasn't even gonna have the chance to defend myself.

Okay, calm down.

How can I calm down?

This is exactly what my dad was afraid of.

He said that they'd hold my relationship with Mike against me.

You don't know this is about Mike.

Of course it's about Mike. What-- what else would it be about? It could be a mix-up, some kind of clerical error.

You could've filled out the paperwork wrong.

I went over it ten times.

Rachel, there is an explanation for this, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

You don't know that.

Look at me.

I promise you will get your interview, okay?

[whispers] Okay.

♪ ♪

Harvey, we have a problem.

What is it?

This is about Mike. Of course it's about Mike.

That's why I came here the second Rachel left my office.

What'd you tell Rachel?

What do you think I told her?

I told her that it must be some kind of mistake, but you and I both knows it's not, which means you need to fix this.

Yeah, I do need to fix it, and I will.

Normally, instead of coming to me, you'd go full steam ahead and do something that makes the situation significantly worse.

Possibly. What are you getting at?

Why did you come to me?

Because we said we'd run this firm together, and if we're gonna do that, then I have to be honest with myself of what I'm good at and what you're good at.

And you know I'm better at this kinda thing than you are?

I do.

Louis, that shows real growth.

Thank you, Harvey. And it shows growth on your part not to make light of the fact that I just admitted something that was... very difficult for me to admit.

You mean that I'm better at everything than you.

That's not what I said.

Too bad, because that's what I heard.

Okay, Harvey, seriously, this is not about you having fun with me.

This is about Rachel.

I know it is, and if I weren't confident that I could take care of it, I wouldn't be giving you a hard time for admitting how much better I am at everything than you. God damn it.

Sorry, Louis, gotta go be better at something.

See you later.

[dynamic music]

♪ ♪

Can I help you?

Yes, you can.

My name's Mike Ross.

I'm here on behalf of Sofia Price, and this is every dime of rent she owes your client.

And why exactly are you bringing that to me?

Because you're an attorney, not a landlord, and I don't want there to be any misunderstandings.

What I understand is that it's 10:18, and your client had till 10:00.

You have got to be sh1tting me.

I most certainly am not, and maybe your client should have thought of that before not paying her rent all those months.

You think I don't know what's going on here?

You're trying to get her out, so that you can get this place out from under rent control, but I'm not gonna let you get away with it.

No, what's going on here is that my client is sick of having a troublemaker, who doesn't pay her rent, as a tenant.

Listen to me, you cannot evict her now.

Her son is in the hospital.

I have a job to do.

Now, I am sorry about your client's son, but the court was very clear, and there's nothing more that I can do.

[somber music]

Mike, what happened?

Got there 18 minutes late.

What does it matter? You had three months back rent.

They wanna kick her out to get out of rent control, and now that we've missed the deadline, there's nothing we can do about it.

Wrong, there is.

I got to thinking--why would they be in such a hurry to evict somebody who can actually come up with the money?

They're not just trying to get her out.

They're trying to get everyone out.


They're gonna demolish that whole building.

I was over there last night. The workers were already there, which means they've already started.

I get it. You wanna hit 'em with a countersuit.

I wanna nail their asses to the wall.

Now you guys get to work on the suit.

I'm gonna go talk to Nathan about stopping Sofia's eviction from happening in the meantime. Mike.

You don't need to go to Nathan.I can handle this.

Listen, I appreciate that--

I get it.

I shit the bed the other day.


Look, Mike.

I admit, sometimes I get flustered in court.

But the law's clear on this. It's a layup.

If we have a pending lawsuit, it puts an a*t*matic hold on the eviction.

I'm telling you I can handle this.

Please, let me make up for the other day.

[pulsing music]

Well, what are you waiting for?

Get your ass down to court.

Let me know as soon as it's done.

♪ ♪

All right, Benjamin, playtime's over.

What the hell did you do to my computer?

I didn't do anything to it, other than increase its performance.

If that's your idea of increasing performance, then you ought to rethink your career, because that thing has crashed more times than Mel Gibson on his way home from a Saturday night.

Wait a second, are you smiling?

Of course not. You're yelling at me.

Why would I be smiling?

Don't bullshit a bull-shitter, Benjamin.

You're up to something, and you better come clean right now.

Okay.I was hoping to do this in a more formal environment, but...

Allow me to introduce The Donna.

What the hell is that?

It's a digital version of you, with approximately 10,000 of your best quotes, witticisms, and zingers, packed into five gigahertz of computing power.

That's why you've been personally updating my computer and nobody else's?

Yes, I've been secretly recording you for the better part of two years.

Two years?

Why me?

Because everyone always wishes they could say the right thing at the right time, and you are the one woman in the universe who says the right thing every time.

Now to mention, you are without a doubt the most amazing legal secretary in the history of everything.

Benjamin, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me.

Okay, but you said it about yourself two weeks ago.

That I did.

In that case, Donna Paulsen, I wasn't gonna ask you this for another few weeks, but how would you feel about pursuing this with me as a business opportunity?

Let me think about it.

But first, let me borrow that thing for a few days.

[mellow bass music]

♪ ♪

Wanna tell me why you're playing games with my associate's admission to the Bar?

You're Harvey Specter.

In the flesh, and if I don't walk out of here with an appointment in my hand, you're gonna find out what that means, because Rachel Zane deserves to make her case.

Rachel Zane.

This is clearly a scheduling error.

Sorry.I will, uh, set her interview for two weeks from today.

I'd say thank you, but you should've done that in the first place.

I don't think she's gonna pass, though.

What'd you say?

I just thought you should know the vote has to be unanimous among the members of the committee, and I have a sense that at least one isn't gonna say yes.

Well, you could've just rejected her, but you went to the trouble to get me down here, so get to it.

Well, I'm just saying... that if someone were to, say, sue my biggest competitor for enough money so that their stock price plummets, perhaps Ms. Zane's chances would take a turn for the better.

Let me get this straight, you're on the Ethics Committee, and you're asking me to do something illegal.

It's not illegal if you can find a legitimate reason to sue them.

Then there's gotta be more to the story, or you wouldn't be calling me in here, blackmailing me into doing this.

The more to the story is, you have a history of ethical ambiguity, and that's what this requires.

And you're either gonna do it, or you're not.

Either way, like I said, Ms. Zane's interview is in two weeks.

[tense music builds]

♪ ♪

Reckless endangerment? Is this a joke?

I guarantee you, Sofia Price isn't laughing.

Well, any judge in his right mind is gonna laugh you out of court, because you don't understand the law.

No, you're the one that doesn't understand the law, Ms. Johnson.

You started demolition with tenants still in your building.

You sent a three-year-old to the emergency room.

You pursue this, I'm going straight after the mother, and I'll turn her into the negligent party, and she'll be lucky to keep her son.

You do that, and I'll show the court that you filed construction plans with the city, claiming that the building was empty, which is punishable under the criminal code.

No, Mr. Ross, you won't show them anything.

He will.

Did you think I wouldn't check up on you when all of a sudden, a Queens legal clinic starts acting like a Midtown law form.

Well, I did.

And if this goes to trial, he's the one I'm up against, and we all know what happened last time.

You wouldn't be here if that's all you wanted to tell me.


So why don't you give me a number, and I'll take it to my client.

$10,000. Not a penny more.

You see, all my experience at a Midtown law firm tells me you're authorized to go to 20, so let's say 25 and call it a day.


Criminal charges, Linda.

So if I were you, I'd cut that check, consider it a bargain, and hope to hell that little boy doesn't get worse.

[tense music intensifies]

♪ ♪

Hey, any luck?

Depends on your definition of the word.

I met with the assh*le that sent the letter to Rachel.

Let me guess, you couldn't convince him to give her an interview. No, I got her the interview, but the vote has to unanimous, and he's putting a price on his vote.

What does he want?

He wants us to fabricate a lawsuit against his biggest competitor. Jesus Christ, that's not an ask, that's a criminal action.

You think I don't know that?

Okay, Harvey, if we find a legitimate suit, it doesn't have to be illegal, which means, under the circumstances, maybe it's worth doing.I 'm not doing shit until I know the full story on this guy.

Harvey, this is Rachel's future we're talking about.

Yeah, I know it is, but I'm telling you this isn't all he wants, and I'm not going to agree to anything until I know what the hell it really is.

Well, what are we gonna do?

I'm not doing anything. You are.

I don't understand.

Louis, you were man enough to admit to me that I'm better at fixing things.

Well, you're better at something than me, and it's called financial transactions.

I appreciate that, Harvey, but what does that matter?

This guy's doing this to drive down someone's stock price, and I wanna know why.

I'll take care of it.

What do we tell Rachel?

The truth-- that it was a mix-up, but now she's got a date on the books.

And you and I need to fix this before then.

[tense music]

[exhales]S ofia.

How is he? He's okay.

They said he should get out in a couple of days.


I have some good news.

We can stay in our place?


But you have a month to find a new place, and a check for $25,000 to help you find it.


Mr. Ross, I'm grateful for everything you've done, but Marissa told me that if we could prove what happened to AJ is their fault, they'd have to pay.

They are paying.

Shouldn't they pay at least enough for his treatment?

His injections next year are gonna be $25,000 right there.

Sofia, going to court is always risk.

[poignant music]

Our lives have been one risk after another.

This check isn't a risk. This is real money.

♪ ♪

How much could we get if we win?

Absolute best case--$ 500,000-- but I'm telling you--P lease, Mr. Ross.

They did this to him, and if we have a chance to change his life, we need to take it.

♪ ♪

[whispers] Okay.

♪ ♪
Louis, can I help you?

I was just thinking about when I stood here years ago, and I had to tell you that you weren't gonna get into Harvard.

You thought you'd never be a lawyer, but I knew you'd find a way.

You got me my interview.

I did.

Turns out...[ laughs]

It was just a mix-up.

Thank you, Louis.

Do you think I'm still gonna have to defend myself about my relationship with Mike?

I don't know, Rachel, but I do know we're gonna do whatever it takes to make sure you become a lawyer.

[stirring music]

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

I'm seeing someone.

These aren't for you. They're for my fiancée.

But if it'll get you to close this deal, you can keep 'em.

I'll just buy her another bouquet.

I already closed this deal.

Turns out you didn't.

That is bad faith.

Circumstances changed.

What the hell changed between today and tonight?

My client found out that her son needs more treatment, which means she needs more money.

I think what happened is your client's seeing an opportunity for a bigger payday, and you can't control her.

Well, what you think doesn't really matter.

If you don't raise your offer to $100,000, we're going to court. Are you out of your mind?

This isn't Wall Street.

We don't give out that kind of money.

If you lose, you're going to be giving out a hell of a lot more than that. And if I agree to this, you'll be right back here tomorrow, asking for more.

Look, I'm telling you, I can get her to agree to this.

And I am telling you, you've had your offer. That's all your gonna get, and if you don't take it right now, we're going to trial, and I am gonna wipe the floor with this kid.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Listen to me, if you think you're gonna pull some kind of trick to get you to be able to sit next to him and hold his hand, there's no way that's gonna happen, because you were deemed a fraud, and no judge in the world is gonna let you turn his court into a joke.

♪ ♪

Jesus Christ, Harvey's handwriting is so bad, he makes my doctor look like a calligrapher.

The Donna: You're telling me, sister.

That handwriting's sloppier than Mel Gibson on a Saturday night.

Holy shit, you can adjust my phrases to the situation at hand?

The Donna: Of course I can.

Who do you think you're dealing with?

As a matter of fact, I just incorporated "holy shit" into my vocabulary right now.

No way, that had to have already been in there.

The Donna: Well, look who finally showed up to the party.

"The Party," written by, produced by, and starring The Donna.

I like the way you think.

The Donna: Of course you do. I'm you.

And you know what you are?

both: Awesome.


You want to take a coffee break?

The Donna: I think we've earned it.

Yeah. Me too.

The Donna: And none of that Keurig shit that Gretchen likes.

Fresh brewed, or nothing.

When did you get so sassy?

Harvey, good, you're here.

I got your message. Did you find something?

You tell me.

Explains a lot, doesn't it? It does.

Good work.I 'll take it from here.

Wait, where are you going?

Where do you think I'm going?

I'm gonna see that assh*le and set him straight.

But I ordered you a sandwich-- turkey, no mayo, extra pickles, like you like it.

Do you want me to fix Rachel's problem or not?

I do. It's just...

I thought we could talk.

What do you mean talk?

Harvey, please, I need to talk to you man-to-man.

It's not about business.

Did you really get me extra pickles?

Donna once told me that's what you like.

[stirring music]

Okay, Louis, I got a few minutes.

♪ ♪

You really can tell if it's fresh brewed or not?

The Donna: Please, this isn't my first rodeo.

[laughs]Y ou're telling me.

Donna, could I talk to you for a second?

The Donna: Of course you can. What do you need, hot pants?

What--what is that?

It's a device called The Donna that Benjamin's working on, and it's awesome.

Go ahead, ask it something.

I don't wanna ask it something.

I wanna ask you something.

No, that's the whole point. It is me.

The Donna: If by you, you mean much better than you.

See? What did I tell you?

Donna, I'm serious.

Look, this is a really cute joke, but can I please just have a conversation with my friend?

The Donna: If by friend, you mean--

Of course you can, Rachel.

What do you need?

So let me get this straight, you're in love with a woman that you've known for about ten minutes. She's having another man's baby, and yet, you're gonna marry her, and raise it as your own.

In a nutshell.

What exactly do you want from me?

I need your advice.

The guy's gonna be at the sonogram tomorrow, and I'm afraid I may cause a scene.

Louis, I don't understand what you're coming to me for.

What do I know about--H ere, this is why.

Yeah, you get it?

This is why I'm coming to you.

Oh, he's good-looking.

He's not just good-looking.

He's a g*dd*mn Renaissance statue.

And I need to know what he's thinking.

Louis, I don't speak for all handsome men.

What do you see when you look at me?


I wanna know what you see when you look at me.

Right now, be honest. Say the first three things that pop into your head.

Teeth, nose, teeth.

God damn it! Be serious.

I am being serious.

Well, you know what--

Never mind.I shouldn't have come to you.

Louis, it doesn't matter what I see.

What matters is what this woman sees, and she obviously sees something, or she wouldn't be with you.

She'd be with him.

Look, I appreciate that, Harvey, but you know me.

I'm gonna be in the same room as him, looking at an image of what he made with her.

How do I not lose my shit?

You're right. It is his baby.

But it's yours too.

And you're gonna want it to have as much love as it possibly can, and that means having a good relationship with its father, because there's nothing more important than family.

[laughs]Y ou're right.

Thank you, Harvey.

[dynamic music]

Hey, Mike. How's it going out there?

What can I do for you?

I want you to take a look at this.

Let me get this straight, you want Oliver to petition the court to let Marissa argue his case. Yes, I do.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

Why not?

'Cause he's a full-fledged attorney, and she's a third-year law student.

He gets flustered in court.

And she's never even been to court.

I'm telling you that I don't think that he can handle this.

She can, and this woman's future is on the line.

Then convince her to take the deal.

She doesn't want the deal.

Putting me in a hell of a spot here, Mike.

Nathan, you hired me for a reason.

You told me to run the associates, and I'm running them.

Now, are you gonna let me do that or not?

You're gonna do it, do it, but you're gonna be the one to tell Oliver.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, I, uh--I did. Come in.

I want to talk to you about the, uh, Sofia Price case.

Great, because I actually wanted to tell you about five similar cases in New Jersey that won huge settlements.

That's good work, and we can use that.

But listen, I need you to do something for me.

You want Marissa to be first chair.

I think it's for the best.

Mike, I know why you think this is the right choice, but I can do this.I 'm sorry, Oliver, but at this point in your career, I don't think you can.


Oliver-- you said it yourself-- you get flustered in court.

I know that, but if I'm going to be a real lawyer, I have to get better in trial, and the only way to do that is to get back on the horse. And I'm telling you that when the right case comes along, I promise I will let you do that, but this is not the case.

This one's Marissa's, and I need to know you have her back.

I do.


I'll go tell her.

You don't have to do that, Oliver.

Yes, I do.

It's better for the clinic if she thinks I have confidence in her, not that you don't have confidence in me.

♪ ♪

You're back.

You better believe I'm back, because I looked into what you're doing and why you're doing it.

There's really not much to find, Mr. Specter.

Well, let me lay it out for you.

Velocity Data Solutions stole your technology, and they're rushing it to market, so you want to orchestrate a takeover and get back what's yours. That sound about right?

My company is gonna go under, because of what they did.

People are gonna lose their jobs.

Then go to the FBI.

I can't.

Why not?

Because I can't.

Yeah, I'll tell ya why you can't.

Because a squeaky clean guy like you doesn't come to a guy like me unless he's got no choice, and you need me a hell of a lot more than I need you, so why don't you give me a call when you're ready to tell the truth.


They got it from me.

I'm listening.

I had an affair.

I was stupid and careless, and she got access to my laptop.

And you're married, and your wife can't find out about it, and that's why you can't go to the FBI.

There, now you know.

What I know is Rachel Zane deserves to be in the Bar, so you're not only gonna stop blocking her, you're gonna run interference for her if someone else does.

I don't have the power to do that.

Bullshit. You had the power to stop it, and you better believe that you can turn it the other direction.

And in return, you'll do what I want.


You're gonna do it, because it's the right thing to do.

But I'll do what you want for something else.

I need to talk to you.

What's going on?

Oliver just gave me all the case files for Sofia.

He said I'm the one who should bring this home.

Yeah, I know.

We talked about it, and I agree with him.

Mike, I know this wasn't Oliver's idea.

It was yours.

'Cause you don't think he's ready.

Which is why I'm coming to you.

Marissa, you can handle this.

I know I can, but the problem is I can't do it.

What are you talking about?

Um, my father's been sick, and I haven't talked about it, because I don't like to...

But now he needs surgery, and I put in for the time off weeks ago, and I have to be there for him, but now that I'm telling you this, I'm thinking maybe I could fly back a few days early, or I could get there a day later--

Stop, stop, stop.

[poignant music]

It's okay.

I wanna help Sofia, Mike.

I know you do.

But you need to be with your father.

♪ ♪

What are you gonna do?

I'll figure something out.

♪ ♪

Donna, hey, how did you like the--

It's a no.

What do you mean it's a no?

I mean it's a cute joke, but I'm not interested in pursuing it as a business opportunity.

I don't understand.I thought you liked the idea.

I did, but that was before I realized that it was nothing but quippy lines and sassy remarks.

But that's who you are.

No, Benjamin.

That's part of who I am, and that's the only part you've ever seen, but that's because we don't really know each other.

But if we did, you'd know that what really makes me special is my intuition and my empathy and my heart, and this doesn't have any of that, so...

I'm sorry, but it's a no.

[somber music]

♪ ♪


I'd love to chat right now, but I can't.

I'm actually going to a movie for a change. [chuckles]

Yeah, I just need a second.

What's up?

I need you to argue the Price case tomorrow.

What'd you just ask me? Because it sounded like you want me to take the case that you begged me to give to Marissa.I did give it to her, but you didn't tell me that her father had surgery.

Because I didn't know her father had surgery.

She put in for it.

And I don't pay attention to that shit.

Give it back to Oliver.I told you he'll lose.

Then he'll lose. Now I'm sorry, but I have to go.

God damn it, this is a woman's life, and you're going to a g*dd*mn movie.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Are you f--

Listen, we work in a clinic.

Every one of our client's lives is hanging by a thread, and if they lose, they're out on the street, they don't get the surgery, or they get deported.

That's life.

And I haven't had a life in five years, which is why I hired you, so don't you ever say that to me again.

[tense music]

Look, Oliver's the kind of lawyer we get here.

If he can't handle it, he can't handle it.

That's how it goes.

Then I wanna petition the court to sit at the table with him.


We can ask for a special exemption, and--

And I said no, all right?

You're not an officer of the court.

They will not grant it, and that is not your place here.

Then at least I can sit near him, and I can--

You hear me right now!

I gave you a chance, because I needed it, but if you risk the reputation of this clinic over one housing case, I will fire you and make sure that you are banned from ever sitting foot in a courtroom again.

Is that clear?

♪ ♪

Is that clear? Yes.

It's clear.

♪ ♪

This is a nice place you got here.

When are they condemning it?

What are you doing here, Harvey?

I need to talk to you.

Now's not a good time.I gotta figure out how--

What if I told you I have a way to get you into the Bar?


Someone came to us trying to play games with Rachel's Character and Fitness interview and--

Wait, what--what the hell are you talking about?

Relax, I handled it, but now we have a chance to get you in.

What's the catch?


Harvey, there are no free lunches.

What's the catch?

We need to come up with a lawsuit against Velocity Data Solutions to drive their stock price down.

Are you kidding me? No.

What do you mean no? What--what's wrong with you?

What's wrong with me is I don't particularly feel like going back to prison, and the last time I checked, fabricating a lawsuit to manipulate a stock is illegal.

It's not illegal if we find a legitimate suit.

[sighs]T hat is such bullshit that we'd just be telling ourselves that, just like we told ourselves we weren't colluding with Cahill.

And that got you out of prison, so let's finish the job, and get you back to being a lawyer.

Harvey, I'm more a lawyer now than I ever was.

Oh, bullshit, you're a babysitter and you know it.

Hey, I'm doing what I wanted, and I'm helping people, so if you wanna call me a babysitter, you go right ahead, but right now the house is on fire, the kids are in the bedroom, and I'm about to g*dd*mn save them.

Mike, we have an opportunity right now.

It's not gonna present itself again.

I appreciate that, Harvey.

I do.

But I'm telling you, my answer is no.

[dramatic music]

Hey, what's going on?

What's the emergency? Where's Marissa?

Marissa's gone.

What do you mean gone?

I mean that you're first chair tomorrow, and we need to get you ready.


Oliver, it's not a big deal.

Not a big deal?

We can't risk having me mess up in court again.

This case is too important. You know how I know that?

Because you told me.I know what I said.

But we don't have time to find anyone else.

The trial's tomorrow.

Now, are we gonna do this thing or not?

It happened at my first mock trial.

I was so prepared.

And then trial started, and the other side threw a wrinkle in.

And I thought I could think on my feet, but all of a sudden, I felt everyone watching me, and my mouth went dry, and my mind went blank, and I froze.

Oliver... we can get through this together.

Except now you told me I can't handle it, and that's gonna be boring a hole in my brain, making this thing a thousand times harder.

Well, I can't take back what I said, but what I can do is stay here all night to make sure you prove me wrong.

[stirring music]

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

I want you to say it.

We're gonna win this.

We're going to win this.

Say it again.

We're going to win this.

One more time, but this time mean it.

We are going to win this.


Now, the first thing they're gonna do is file a motion to dismiss. Actually, they already did.

♪ ♪

Good. Let's work on that.

♪ ♪

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

I had to stop off and get Joshua a present, 'cause I wanted to welcome him into the family.

Louis, that is so sweet, but it turns out Joshua can't make it.

What do you mean he can't make it?

He was gonna fly in, but something came up with work, so he canceled his flight.

What the hell kind of father is that?


This is bullshit.

It's his flesh and his blood, and if he's gonna be father, he needs to be a father.

What are you talking about?

You didn't even want him to be here in the first place.

Well, I want him here now.

Louis, I thought you were a more forgiving person than this.

And I thought you wanted our baby to have a relationship with its biological father.

And he's going to.

But if you're gonna get this worked up about something like this, it makes me think I don't really know you.

Louis, can you honestly tell me that you really know me?

Are we ready to take a picture?

[poignant music]

♪ ♪

No, I don't.

And now I feel like I'm ruining this, so... if you don't want me to come in with you, I won't.

Maybe it's best if I just do this myself.

♪ ♪

Your Honor, this incident occurred three nights ago, yet the boy has a history of asthma, proving one has nothing to do with the other.

These hospital records show friable construction material in his lungs.

How did it get there? It could have gotten there from a hundred different places.

This case is based entirely on speculation, and it should be dismissed.

This case is based on the fact that your client started construction while tenants were still in the building, in violation of the Real Estate Code.

And what if I told you Ms. Price signed off this?

I'd say that's not possible, because she didn't.

Well, you've got documents, and I have one too.

This is a copy of a certified letter from my client to the remaining tenants three weeks ago, stating that construction will begin, giving fair warning to the occupants.

Your Honor, my client's never seen that.

Well, she might not have seen it, but she got it. It doesn't mean she opened it, or--or even read it.

According to the city, that doesn't matter.

Building Code 305-A: "Tenants are required to be notified of all construction by certified letter."

Is this a certified letter or not?

[whispering] God damn it, Oliver, say it's inadmissible.

Yes, it is, but--

So you admit that she was notified, and therefore my client should be absolved of all liability.

I--I don't--I--

[tense pulsing music]

♪ ♪


Your Honor, this is the fraudulent attorney I spoke with you about before trial.

We ask that he either refrain from speaking, or be removed from the court with an immediate ruling for the defense.

Request granted.

Sir, open your mouth in my courtroom again, and you will be removed, and this case will be dismissed.

Mr. Grady, do you have an objection to Ms. Johnson's statement or not?

♪ ♪

I don't.I 'm sorry, I don't.

Then the court has no choice but to dismiss this case with prejudice.

♪ ♪

Benjamin, before you ask, I already told you--

What if I could make it more like you?

What do you mean?

You said what makes you special is your intuition, your empathy, and your heart.

What if I could make it have that?

How could you possibly do that?

The same way I gave it the ability to learn from your quips, I might be able to give it the ability to learn from your heart, but it would require your help.

You really think we could do that?

I don't know, but I know we can try.

Well, then the first thing that you need to learn is never, ever, ever sit in my chair.

Oh, I'm sorry, I--I was--

[chuckles] Relax, Benjamin, I'm just messing with you.

[nervous laughter] Oh.

But get out of my chair.


[mellow guitar music]

♪ ♪

Louis, what-- what are you doing here?

I need to bring you a few things.

What is all that?

High school yearbooks, childhood photo albums, and six out of seven of the highlight reels my mother shot of us growing up.

What happened to the seventh?

Oh... summer of D&D.

And if it's all the same to you, I would like to still be able to have sex again.


Louis--Y ou were right.

We don't know everything about each other, but that just means we need to get to know each other better, and what better way to get to know each other then by preparing to bring our child into the world?

Louis, if this is your reaction to what we went through today, I feel like I know you better already.

[gentle guitar music]

Speaking of what we went through today, how'd it go?

Why don't you take me home, and I'll tell you all about it.

♪ ♪

Harvey, can I talk to you for a second?

Sure, Rachel. What's going on?

It's about my interview with the Character and Fitness committee.

What about it?

Louis tried to lie to me.

He said it was some sort of mix-up, but when I asked Donna about it, she told me that you were the one who went to see that man for me, not Louis.

Look, Harvey, it's okay, you can tell me.

It was about Mike, wasn't it?

No, it was about leverage.

What do you mean?

The guy holding up your interview was trying to get us to do something, because he thought he could.

Are you going to?

Yes. He is.

Are you saying what I think you're saying?


[percussive music intensifies]

I'm in.