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05x12 - Bratva

Posted: 02/08/17 00:01
by bunniefuu
My name is Oliver Queen. After 5 years in Hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city. Today, I fight that w*r on two fronts. By day, I lead Star City as its mayor, but by night, I am someone else. I am... Something else. I am the Green Arrow.

Previously on "Arrow"...

Really sorry about this, Sergeant.

You're not here to secure the trigger. You're stealing it.

Want to read your confession before you sign it?

You did this!

No one will ever believe your story.

We call ourselves Helix.

We're calling the data cache Pandora.

With it, you can spark revolutions.

So you're not just giving me the file for John.

Got what we need to exonerate John.

How'd you do that?

Long story.

Pleased to meet you.

I know exactly how this brotherhood works, and right now, it works for me.

Shipwrecked on Lian Yu, fled to Hong Kong, and now you're mixed up with the Bratva.

The man who survived all this is destined for so much more.

You need to give the monster an identity.

It's only when the monster becomes someone else, some...thing else that you're free to be Oliver Queen.

I don't know if I'm ready.

I will help you become ready.

[Men speaking Russian]

What are we doing here?

These are low-level drug dealers.

They're target practice.


You're beginning to understand now.

Understand what?

That the man who embraces the dark is never without sight.

Ahem. Ok. So is this the Orchard Bay facility or the downtown rebuild?

How long until the...announcement?

Don't you have a chief of staff who usually handles this stuff?

Excuse us, please.

Thea is looking into a few joint initiatives that I proposed while in Hub City last week.

Oh, that's really too bad.

I've come to look forward to her many looks of death.

Thea likes you. She's just-- it's ok, Oliver. She's not the Queen I'm seeing.

That's sort of an old-fashioned way to say it, don't you think?

Well, I'm not really sure how else to put it given that we haven't progressed.

That's a funny way of saying we haven't slept together.

Quentin: Ahem. Hi.

Hi, Quentin.

I wasn't expecting to see you today.

Well, you know, that's the thing about rehab.

It's a long process, and then it ain't, and by the looks of that assistant out there, you need me back bad.

How about I give you guys a moment?

It's all right, Ms. Williams.

I wasn't planning on keeping my problems a secret.

In fact, I wanted to talk with you about them, you know, on camera.

I'll have my people set up an interview.

Thank you.

I believe you are running late for a press conference, Mr. Mayor.

Whoa, you live a complicated life.

How are you?

You know, I'm better than I've been in a long while, thanks.

That's fantastic to hear, but look, maybe we shouldn't-- not press my luck by sitting down with your new girlfriend?

Well, no. Just--just wait a little bit.

Let Thea come back and prep you and--

Oliver, if I were any more dry, I'd be dust, ok?

I'm ready to move forward, and this is how.

Now didn't Ms. Williams say you're late for a press conference?


Oliver, voice-over: I'd like to thank district attorney Chase, who stepped out of his lane to represent my friend John Diggle and to make sure that justice was done.

Mr. Chase's efforts further exemplify Star City takes care of their own.

Thank you, everybody. That will be all.

Thank you for getting me out.

Thank whoever leaked the NSA's case against Walker.

My job was easy.

Congratulations, Mr. Diggle.

I was wondering if the D.A. might have a second to chat.

Save your energy, Ms. Williams.

I know you're doing a story on the death of Detective Malone.

I have no comment for you.

And yet everyone I spoke to you said you were the man to speak to.

It's a little odd for a D.A. to be so involved in a police matter.

Oliver: The victim was a member of the ACU.

That office is monitored by city hall, not by the SCPD.

Oh, my God.

Not what you wanted to hear?

The military police just took General Walker into custody.

Walker and his men just shot their way off of Fort Zerillo.

30 dead, and he and his men are in the wind, and the nuke trigger he stole in Chechnya is still missing.

♪ Arrow 5x12 ♪
Original Air Date on February 8, 2017

What can you tell us?

Felicity: Lots, but first, welcome back.

Hugs, kisses, warm feelings.


I just got word from Lyla that Argus discovered a batch of encrypted e-mails between Walker and a group of Markovian separatists.

He's looking to sell the nuke.

We can't let that happen.

We have the U.S. military and Argus hunting Walker.

They can't go where it's going.

The sale's in Russia.

John: This one's personal.

I got to take that murderous son of a bitch off the grid right now, whatever it takes.

City hall gives me access to a private plane.

I'm coming, too.


This is personal for me, as well.

I promised I'd never let another Havenrock happen again as long as it was in my power, and I believe that this qualifies.

Walker will have his whole unit with him, maybe even some Markovians.

We need the whole team for this.

Agreed, but Quentin just got out of rehab, and with Thea out of town, I--I need someone to keep an eye on him.

Who'd you have in mind?


Better be the report on the Washington district water projects...

Not exactly, Hoss.

What are you--what?

Why aren't you in your office?

Well, I came in here to work because everyone's been dropping by my office, asking how I am, and I don't need the attention, and by the way, I just got off the phone with Oliver, who says he's on the way to Russia, so what are you doing here?

Oliver said I'm supposed to help you prep for your interview with Susan Williams and it was safer for me to be here than over there starting an international incident.

Also, you need to talk to your receptionist.

She didn't believe I was here for you.

I had to sneak past her just to get in.

Wow! I wonder how she could have made that mistake!

Heh heh.

Listen. Why don't you just do us both a favor, all right?

Just go home, polish your hockey mask or something, and I'll just tell Oliver you were here the whole time.

That's cool, right? I'm--

Sure, except you're fresh out of rehab, not a politician, about to face the media, so what's it hurt to have a little help?

Oh, just my waking sanity. Ha ha ha!


All right. Well, pull up a chair.

All rightie.



Ok. This whole flying private thing is something I could really get used to.

Being mayor has its perks.

You're lucky that Star City's sister city is in Russia.

As of 12 hours ago at least.

Are you ready for this?

When I signed on, I didn't think I'd be stopping a nuclear arms deal in a foreign country.

Yeah. When I signed on, I didn't think I'd be dealing with aliens.



Curtis: John said you had friends in Russia.

One friend. Reached out, didn't hear back.

Oliver Queen.


Unh! Ohh.

You never should have come back to Russia.


Alexi Leonov-- you remember him, yes?

He was one of your brothers.

I can explain.

You asked favor of him.

He asked favor in return, and you pull g*n on him instead?

You know why I can't be some Bratva thug.

You made promise.

You swore oath, and now one of your brothers is dead, so why should I welcome you as brother?

Go home, Oliver.

There's nothing for you here.

Felicity: Ohh. Feel like somebody died of tuberculosis in here.

Rory: What's the Russian word for creepy?

Curtis: Zhutko.

I was studying on the plane.

Where did you find this place?

John: Lyla. This used to be an Argus safe house, and as you can tell from Amero-Russian relations, it hasn't been used much lately.

Yeah, no kidding.

And why aren't we working with Argus?

I assume preventing black market nuclear deals would be pretty high on their to-do list.

John's right about Russia.

Argus can't operate here without causing a diplomatic crisis.

Felicity: Oh, yeah. Speaking of diplomatic crises, why did your friend punch you?

3 years ago, I used a Bratva contact when I was trying to track Slade Wilson.

He asked me for something in exchange.

I refused.

Slade k*lled him.

How long do you think until we're up and running?

I'm not sure.I 'm pretty much starting from scratch here, and I have to hack the Russian server to see if we can find any chatter on Walker, and that might take no time, or it might take a--a lot of time.

What about your Bratva friend with the good right hook?

You could try making nice.

It's not that simple.

Yeah? Well, simple or not, Oliver, we have to use every asset we've got.

I made a mistake with Leonov.

It was a challenging time, but you still owe me for Gregor.

Lucky for you, I never liked Leonov.

Sit. John Diggle, it's good to see you.

Now you're my favorite American.


So what brings you to Russia?

We're looking for a U.S. general that has gone rogue.

We have reason to believe he's trying to sell a nuke to Markovian t*rrorists.

What concern is that of yours?

Are you gonna help me find this man or not?

After business with Leonov, just me sitting with you squares us with Gregor, yes?


Then we are even and back to how things work in Bratva.

I help you, you help me.

An arrangement you refused with Leonov if I'm not mistaken.

An arrangement I'm going to refuse again.

That part of my life is over.

Well, then I cannot help you, but I can offer you some free advice.

Act quickly, Oliver.

The Markovians do not, as you Americans say, sit on their hands.

You did well.

You've proven to be a most adept student.

I know a few teachers who would disagree with that assessment.

Hideo Yamane--his name's in my father's notebook.

For good reason. Mr. Yamane's criminal enterprise is responsible for much of the designer drug trade in Starling City.

I think you'll recognize his chief product.

My sister was using this, so I k*lled her dealer, but I didn't consider the supply.

I left her, I left the city vulnerable.

This is why I found you, Oliver, so you can correct your mistakes.

Now Mr. Yamane is in town tonight, meeting with his Russian contacts.

He's a careful man. He'll be heavily guarded.

Am I ready?

That's what we find out tonight.

[Canary cry]

Sorry. I don't really have much control beyond on and off.

Yeah, probably because you just produced the sound of a thousand Beyoncés.

I mean, polyphonics doesn't even begin to explain what you're doing.

Felicity: Can you guys please...keep it down?

Ok. Walker has gone completely dark.

There is no way of pinpointing his IP or his GPS from his phone, which is probably just a burner anyway.

That's good.

How is that good?

Military men tend to be creatures of habit.

If Walker's using a burner, odds are it's the same model he used in the states.

And the only one making calls to the Markovians.

Walker's flip phone of choice is an old model.

The only network here that supports it is Detralink DST.

Curtis: Can you hack it?

I mean, I could, but it would take a lot of time.

I think I know someone that could get us a short cut.

You have contacts in Russia, too?

Kind of. Uh, he might need a little bit of convincing.

Think you two could look like Bratva?

[Violin playing Russian music]

[Indistinct chatter]

Sorry. I mean, prosti.

I can't see a thing in these.

Tough guys don't say sorry, Curtis.

Right. No "prosti."E rr.

Felicity: Guys, focus.

Why isn't Dinah here with us?

Look. I'm secure enough in my manhood to admit that she is way more intimidating than either one of us.

Yes, and a total unknown quantity.

Look tough.

Maxim Ostrovsky. You speak English.

I suggest you start using it.

Who are you? What do you want?

To talk in private.

Don't make me ask you again.

Who are you?

Someone who needs access to your system's credentials.

You work for Detralink.

Not for long I won't if I gave you my sign-in materials.

Funny. You didn't seem worried about losing your job when you ignored company policy to notify the Kremlin about certain suspicious and t*rror1st-like activity on your network last year.

How do you know about that?

Better question is who would I tell-- because I am sure that the Kremlin would love to hear about this.

You can't.

My family, they'll k*ll them.


So I suggest it's in your best interest to give me exactly what I want.

Time to go.


That guy was seriously shaken.

What'd you say?

What he needed to hear.

I've got what we need to get a location on Walker.

[Organ playing]

[Congregants whispering]

Recon's in position.

I count 10 civilians in the Church.

No sign of Walker or his men.

Backstop's also in position.

No activity here.

Oliver: Are we sure this is the spot, Overwatch?

Felicity: Walker's phone just went active from that address.


John, there are civilians here.

I don't care, Oliver. This may be our only shot.

We're moving on the target.

Everyone, stay sharp.


John: Proximity alarm!

Walker knew we were coming.

Heads-up! Get down!

[Muffled g*nf*re]

Are you guys hearing that?

I'm guessing those aren't fireworks.

Recon, get those civilians clear. Backstop--


Walker: I don't know who you gentlemen are, but I want to thank you for being so damn eager to find me!

[Canary cry]

You guys all right?

Oliver: Yeah. We're good.

John: We lost Walker.

Overwatch, do you have eyes on?


All right. Meet us out back.

We got to find Walker.

We have his man. He'll take us right to him.

Come on.


What the hell is this?

There's no way you're Argus or DOD.

Shut up!

Do whatever you want.

I'm not telling you anything.

There are thousands, maybe millions of lives at stake.


You don't want those deaths on your conscience.

My conscience? You got to be kidding.

Err! What's that?

This is your conscience!



Nothing stops.

Nothing stops until you tell me when and where the buy is happening.

Now you have 5 minutes to decide what you want your face to look like!

Agh! Aah!

Oliver, you just gonna leave him in there?

Just give it time.

Oliver, we don't have time!

We have to get Walker now, right now!

Let me in there, and I'll give him all the persuasion he needs.

He's gonna crack.

If you push him too hard right now, he'll tell you whatever you want to hear to get the pain to stop!

We have to be smart, John.

You know that.

As I enjoy my visits to mother Russia, have you ever considered relocating to Starling City?

[Arrows whooshing]


Man: Aah!

What do you want?

Money? dr*gs?

I'll give you anything.

There's nothing you have that I want.

Why? Why are you doing this?

Because you have failed Starling City.

All right.I got transcripts of past interviews Williams has done with alkies and addicts-- no offense.

Ahem. Is you being here really necessary?

Oliver wanted me to help you prep for the interview, so how about some practice questions?

All right. So. You just got out of rehab.

What makes you think you're still fit to serve as deputy mayor?

Well, uh, that's a very excellent question, Susan.

Ms. Williams.

Ms. Williams. Ahem.

Well, I think it's my dedication to this city.

I have lived here my--my whole life.

So have lots of people, and I'm pretty sure not all of them are recovering alcoholics.

I think it's been my ability to persevere.

What are you persevering through?

Could you be more specific?

Well, I'm trying to.

Would you let me get a word in edgewise, please?

You think Susan Williams is gonna go any easier?

Now when did the drinking begin?

Was it before or after the death of your daughter Laurel?

What'd you just say?

Do you hold yourself accountable for her death or for working with Damien Darhk?

Shut your damn mouth about my daughter!

Dude, chill. I'm just trying to help.

You're trying to help?

Great. I'm gonna leave here, and when I get back, you don't be here!

It's just me.

You know you have a workstation inside, right?

Yeah. I wasn't having any luck locating Walker, so I decided I'd work on my frustration in private.


The guy back in the tea house didn't look like someone who owed you a favor.

He was terrified.

Felicity, what's really going on?

The NSA file that exonerated John, it was part of a cache of information given to me by a hacker group, and that cache includes Intel that I used to pressure the Detralink exec.

You mean, you blackmailed him.


For this data cache to have exactly what you needed for this particular guy, it has to be huge.

I think the term is "beyond massive."


One of the last things my dad said to me when he gave me the rags was that they hold a power most people could never even imagine and that I needed to respect and guard that power, not abuse it.

The people in this data cache, they're not good people.

I'm starting to believe that purpose on this earth is to stop people like them, like Walker, no matter what the cost.

Sometimes, you got to fight fire with fire.

I'm not worried about them.

I'm worried about you.

[Van door opens]

I thought you were working on locating Walker.


Is everything ok?

This might be none of my business, but I think she crossed a line to find Walker.


What line?

[Walker's man screaming]

Stay here.


Where's the buy happening?

Where's the buy happening?

Hey, hey!

John, that is enough! That's enough!

I thought we were doing this my way.

Your way wasn't fast enough, Oliver!

I'm not letting Walker get away!

Neither am I.

Felicity: What's happening?

What happened?

John got a little carried away.

Did he say anything?

You get yourself cleaned up.

I'll be back.

Where you going?

I'm going to handle this.

[Men speaking Russian]

What do you need me to do?

That did not take long.

Anatoly, what do you want?

To our imperfect union.

Vashe zdorovie.

Vashe zdorovie.


For coming as backup or for not telling anyone?


[Rock music playing]



[g*nf*re, shouting]

[Man groaning]



This isn't the first time you've done something like this....

Is it?

I don't mean as the Green Arrow.

You mean as a thug, right?

No. It was...

It was part of my life that I thought that I had moved past, we are.


You know, the other guys said when you get in one of your moods I should just let you be, but, um, to be honest, brooding really kind of gets on my nerves.

They told you about me?

They tell you about Prometheus?

Yeah, they did.W -w-why?

Is--is this mood because you got pulled back into some Bratva drama?

No, it...

Dinah, I'm trying to move forward, but I'm back here, I'm in Russia, in the Bratva, and it just proves to me I can't seem to do that.

Prometheus got in your head.

What was it, some crap about infecting the people closest to you?

Yeah, and tonight, I watched John t*rture a man, and there's something going on with Felicity.


You affect the people in your life, Oliver.

That's hardly a revelatory observation.

In--in fact, I--I think it's, uh-- it's called living.

Prometheus has you so fixated on what's wrong with you that you've completely stopped seeing what's right.

You know, John and Felicity, they'll listen to you because you have more to offer than just this.

Your past is a part of you.

There is nothing you can do about that.

You can't change it.

It doesn't mean it has to be your anchor.

Talia: The other names in that book are waiting for you, Oliver.

They're waiting for you at home.

I know. Leaving the Bratva is not going to be easy.

I swore an oath of allegiance.

Your father asked you to take a different vow, did he not?

You told me he wanted you to right his wrongs.

You cannot do that from here.

Can I come in, or is it still no dogs allowed?

Pfft. You really got a wiseass mouth on you, don't you?

I'm not sure, but did you just say my mouth looks like ass?

Look. I just came here to tell you that Susan Williams' producer called to confirm that 10 a.m. tomorrow still works for the interview.

When did you become my assistant?

When I answered the phone, I guess.

It was out of line bringing up my daughter.

You gonna tell that to Susan Williams at 10 a.m. tomorrow?

Look, man. You expecting me to give you an apology, you don't know me that well.

I don't know you at all, but my sponsor says that I'm the one that owes you the apology.

It's cool, Hoss.

No, it's not cool.

My daughter Laurel is gone, and I got to figure out a way to live with that which doesn't involve booze or snapping at guys that are just trying to help.

You know, 10 a.m. will be here before you know it.

How about another dry run?

Take a seat.


Quit calling me Hoss.

All right. Ready?

Where are your questions?

I got them right here.

Where were you? Did you take Dinah somewhere?

Yeah. Not like that.

It's ok.

What happens in Russia stays in Russia, remember?

Where's Walker's man?

Curtis and Rory are keeping eyes on him.

I think she means protecting him from me.

Oliver, I still think it's a mistake not pushing this scum bag for the location of the sale.

We don't have to. We're gonna have it within the hour.

What? How?


Anatoly wasn't playing ball unless you did the Bratva's dirty work...

Which is where you took Dinah.

Oliver, I thought you didn't want anything to do with the Bratva.

I don't, but if it's a choice between me crossing the line and the two of you crossing one, that is a very easy choice.

What did you do?

It doesn't matter. Here's what does.

I am who I am. Now I'm trying to work past that.

Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but I cannot--I will not have the two of you make the same mistakes.

Oliver, you are the one that taught us that sometimes you have to get in the muck to make things right.

Well, then Prometheus wins because he'll be right.

I need the two of you to prove to him and, quite frankly, to prove to me that he's not.

I need the two of you to be better than me because you are.

That's why we work together.

Uh, there is a whole mess of angry Russian dudes outside.

Anatoly: I have location for Walker and men to help in fight, but we have to leave now.

Your strange friend's pronunciation is horrible.

Yeah. I'll tutor him later.

[Men shouting]


Pleasure doing business with you, Lev.

You sure you don't want to toast the transaction?

Eh, I'd love to, but I got a plane to catch, and there's someone I'm trying to avoid.

American government?

Heh heh. I wish it were just that.


[Tires squeal]

Green Arrow, Tango headed your way.

I love saying the word "Tango."

So do I.

[Tires squealing]

[Canary cry]

Curtis: Uh, ok. In the future, you might not want to do that with a van carrying a nuclear b*mb.

That was neat trick. Now what's your plan?

[Tires squeal]

[g*ns cocking]

Stay down, you son of a bitch!

Who the hell are you?

You didn't expect to see me here, did you, General, and no one's gonna believe that I was, but everyone's gonna know that you tried to sell a nuclear b*mb to t*rrorists.

You're assuming I actually meant to sell the b*mb to the Markovians, John.

b*mb's not here.

Walker was headed for the hangar.

Odds are that's where the nuke is.


Why the ruse?

Why sell a nuclear w*apon once when I can steal it back and sell it to another rebel sucker?

Ha ha ha!

Felicity: Rory!

Curtis told me you needed some help.

He was probably worried I'd do something stupid.

Those were exact words actually.

Ok. You need to get out of here.

And he said those would be your exact words.

The b*mb is in countdown mode.


It's wired with a failsafe. We must have triggered it when we entered the hangar.

Can you disarm it?

If I can't...

The yield of this thing will spread over 50 miles.

Do it.

You know you want to.

Come on, John. You have to.

I got a lot of friends, John, Lot of resources with itchy trigger fingers, and you...

Well, you got a wife and kid.

Terrific, Overwatch, any luck locating the nukes?

Curtis: Overwatch is off comms and in the hangar.

I think she's trying to disable the nuke herself.

I'm on my way.

No. No.

What happened?

Trapdoor code.I walked right into it.

What does that mean?

Any attempt to disarm the nuke will exponentially pace up the countdown clock.

Well, w-w-what are you doing?

Hoping like hell I can figure out how to fly a plane.


I can't disarm the nuke, but hopefully I can get it to a less populated area.

Less populated? Wha--like Havenrock?

Rory, this isn't the time to revisit that.

No, no, no. This is exactly the time.

The--the rags survived Havenrock.

They can survive this, too.I can use them to contain the blast and the radiation.

No. You don't know that!

Well, I don't need to know.


Ok. Well, it should be me, not you.

I don't have time to take these rags off, so go just in case this, you know, doesn't work.

Felicity, go!

Walker: Do it.

Go on.

No, General.

[Uncocks g*n]

No. You're gonna stand trial.

I'm gonna see that justice is done.

Oh, shema yisrael.

Adonai eloheinu, adonai echad...

What's happening?


Oh, my God!


He always gets the credit.

Are you ok?

This means I get a promotion, right?



Curtis: To Rory and his amazing nuke-stopping rags, which hopefully doesn't give us all radiation poisoning.



[Curtis and Felicity coughing]

John: Wimps.

Dinah: Yeah. Can't you hold your vodka?

Now you're my favorite American.

Did you hear from Lyla?

Walker's being escorted under military guard as we speak.


You know, Oliver, Walker threatened JJ and Lyla just like Andy did.

At first, I wondered why I didn't sh**t him like I did Andy.

Then I remembered what you said to me and Felicity.

Well, I'm just glad that it took.

But, you know, Oliver, you were wrong.

Me and Felicity, we're no better than you.

You, me, Felicity, we make each other better.

I'll drink to that.

You're my brother, Oliver.

Oliver, heh heh.

It's good--good being friends again.

I forgot how strong this is over here.

I make sure and bring some when I come to Star City.


Ahh. I hear you're mayor now.

Big promotion, hmm? Now you Pakhan.

Now you tell everyone what to do.

That's not how things work in America, Anatoly.

Hmm. Yeah. That's the way things work everywhere.

I was hoping maybe you could repay me.

Thought we were even.

I thought you returned to Bratva.

That was temporary.

That is the thing about oaths, Oliver.

They are never temporary.

They are for life.

I need to speak with Anatoly.

Where have you been?

I need to speak with Anatoly.

Where is he?

[Heart monitor beeping]



Is that you?


What happened?


I questioned his deal with Kovar.

He did this to me.

You were right about him.

His loyalty lies with Kovar, but Gregor is Pakhan.

There is nothing we can do.

That's not true.

We can k*ll him.

You are my brother, Oliver.

Oleg said that you needed to tell me something.

It can wait.

You know, if visiting Star City's sister city is what it took to get you to bed, I would have bought you a ticket to Russia months ago.

Heh heh heh.

A friend of mine told me that my...

My past doesn't have to be my anchor, and I think my past is what was...

Stopping me from moving things forward with you.

Looking at all this, I can understand why.

What exactly happened to you on that island anyway?

Things that I'm not ready to talk about.

Not even this crazy tattoo?

I mean, like, how do you even get something like this on a deserted island?

Hey, hey.

Not ready to talk about it.

Right. Ok.

So you mean, like, not now or not ever?

Not now.

Maybe someday.


I can wait for someday.

[Rene grunting]

Hey. What'd that bag ever do to you, huh?

You got a minute?


How'd the interview go with, uh, Oliver's girlfriend?

Cakewalk. In fact, I asked her if she went easy on me, and she said she did because of something you said to her.

I didn't say much.

I just told her a story about you and me.

You and me?

I figured you didn't remember.

When I was a kid, you were a beat cop on my block.

You caught me tagging a building...

But instead of hauling me in, you crouched down, looked me in the eye, and told me...

I could be more than just some rip-and-run thug.

It really set me on a better path.

You did, I mean.

Pbb. I had--I had no idea, Rene.

Anyway, I just wanted the reporter to know just what kind of guy she was sitting down with.

Didn't you still get dishonorably discharged from the military, though?


Nobody's perfect.




Uh, what are you doing here?

Oh, I was just making sure you're not radioactive.

Heh heh.

Are you going somewhere?

Yeah. I'm sorry.I was--I was gonna call.

Well, I was probably gonna wimp out and text.

What's going on?

The blast did something to them.

They don't work anymore.

I don't have any control, they don't offer any protection.

Oh. I'm sure it's just temporary.

I'm not.

I have a bond with them, Felicity.

I can feel it, and let's be honest.

Without the rags, I'm a liability and one the team can't risk, not with Prometheus out there.

Ok. Well, that doesn't mean you have to leave.

Don't worry.I 'll be back.

You'll, uh...

You'll let the team know?

Yeah. I mean, I'll probably just wimp out and text.

[Cell phone chimes]


You were right.

All the guys in this photo are Bratva.

It means "brotherhood" in Russian.

I know. Bratva get tattoos on their chest when they make captain.

What about the other thing?

No. I couldn't find anything else on Queen in Russia, but I reviewed criminal activity from the period he was there, and I found something very interesting.

The Russians call him luchnik, the Archer.

Does he remind you of anyone you know?

The Green Arrow.

What are the odds of Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow being in Russia at the same time?

Very good...

If Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow.