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05x02 - This Has to Do with Me

Posted: 02/07/17 00:00
by bunniefuu
Previousy on Switched at Birth...

Our girls are home!

I'm gonna take a couple of pre-med classes My plan is to find a place to live.

What about the apartment above the Cracked Mug, isn't that empty?

You're mad.

Nothing is gonna change between us.

You're... breaking up with me.

My daughters are back I knew it.

Please don't make this harder than it has to be.

I'm just making a buck off girls' stupidity.

You are an arrogant, sexist, bottom-feeding thief.

Rumor has it that you are the new RA.

It's true.

Oh, hey, we're having a party tonight.

Come dressed as your favorite singer.

Young money, baby!

Oh, my God!

That's totally insulting, you know that, right?

You don't like Lil Wayne?

Whatever. I'll see you later.

Good morning.

I had no idea that being "just friends" was gonna be so uncomfortable.

Hey, I offered to take the floor, but you insisted that Lil Wayne was a gentleman.

Truer words have never been spoken.

(cell phone beeps)


What's wrong?

A picture of us from the party last night.

Someone posted it on Chat Bandit.

Seriously? Why?

To tell me what a r*cist ass I am, apparently.


Mine's blowing up, too.

This is the photo I posted on Instagram.

I dressed up as Lil Wayne. You'd think I went as a KKK member.

"Just another brainless white girl, coasting on her white privilege."


Oh my God...


People hate us.

(theme music playing)

John: My pitcher's injured, I need someone to replace him immediately.

What about Travis? You have him back now.

Yeah, but he needs some serious conditioning.

He wasn't playing in China. He was coaching.

Well, what's your Plan "B" then, John?

I found this kid pitching for Michigan.

He apparently has some family issues, needs to transfer closer to home.

And home is Kansas City?


That's great.

I'll get right on it. What's his name?

Chris Walker.

90-mile-an-hour fastball, k*ller slider, and check this out... he's batting .325.

I love it. We will travel him down here.

No need to. He's already here.


Talking to other schools.

We'll have him over for dinner.

Once he gets a peek at your Royals stuff, it'll knock his socks off.


Well, hello.

I thought you and Daphne had moved out.

Yes, we did, but there's a significant lack of groceries at our pad.

You do know where to obtain groceries out there in the real world?

Hmm, yeah, but I wanted to see you guys!

Ohhh, there's some lasagna in the fridge.

Thank you!

I... will grab it for Daphne.

I'm having dinner with Travis tonight.

Dinners out, apartments... sounds like all you're missing is...

A job? I will have one, very soon.

As a tattoo artist.

There is this studio in town, it's run by this amazing woman named Noelle.

She is truly an original artist.

She did a full triptych on Tove Lo's back, and it landed her the cover of Rolling Stone.

People come from all over just for her designs.

So you have an interview with her.

Not exactly, but, I did this for months in Beijing.

I've got a k*ller portfolio, and what I know is, in order to be doing cutting edge work, you've gotta be at a great studio.

So no worries.

I got this job in the bag.

Sounds good.

Thanks, 'rents!

Hey there, Bender.


Bender. Judd Nelson?

Breakfast Club.

God, you're young.

I knew the age thing was the reason you ended this.

I told you, my daughters are home, I need to focus on family, that's all.

Okay... so if age isn't the hangup, let's talk numbers.

You don't have to say it out loud, I'll just start counting, and you could blink when I get to the right number.







Oh, good for me.

You Regina and Luca?


Great. The mom and the jarhead.

Excuse me?

What did you say?

Professor Evers put us together for the group challenge.

I assumed you guys already saw the list.

Of course.

I was just telling Luca, that I own a cafe in East Riverside, and we can use that for the project.

Fine. I'll go let Evers know.

(whispers) How did that happen?

(whispers) Maybe the professor thinks we're a good fit.

I just... I don't get it, when did dressing up like a hip hop artist become a r*cist thing?

Right? And who made up that rule?

You can only dress like a celebrity you love if they're the same ethnicity?

And I love Lil Wayne!

I wasn't trying to make fun of him.

I have a Chinese lotus tattoo on my neck, but I'm not Chinese.

Is that appropriating Asian culture?

You know what? It's Chat Bandit.

By lunch, everyone's gonna be talking about some football player who's taking steroids.

We just have to wait it out.

I just don't get how it blew up so fast.

There were a bunch of kids at the party, including a lot of black kids, and no one seemed to care last night.

Actually, Iris was pretty upset.


Do you think we should talk with her?

I'll do it.

This will all blow over.

It'll be fine.

(rock music playing)

♪ I'm not gonna be the kind that just goes away ♪
♪ Keeps it still, pays the bills ♪
♪ Don't ever disturb the peace ♪

Hey, are you Noelle?

Excuse me.

I'm booked up for the next two weeks.

Call back after hours, or go to my site, you can schedule online.

Actually, I'm an artist looking for a chair.

I've been working in Beijing for the last year.

I brought my book if you want to see my stuff.

Excuse me.


Look. I don't hire people without references I trust, and... do you even have any ink?

I have... some.

Sorry. Not hiring.

Hi. Excuse me. What time do you think we'll be out of here?

It takes how long it takes. You made an appointment for two people, not half your sorority house.

Sorry. When word got out, our ranks kind of swelled.

We just have a function later we have to get to.

So, make another appointment.

This isn't a drive-through.

We're taking our sorority photo this evening, and we all really want them in time for that.

Is there any way you can do us all?

We'll pay extra.

Let me help you out.

I can get them all stenciled while you do the inking.

It'll take you half the time.

I don't even know you.

Oh, trust me, I can ink a wicked fire dragon with a seven-color fade.

I promise you, I can lay up a stencil of three Greek letters.

Look, it's just a stencil.

If you don't like my work, you can always wash it off.

Stencil paper is in the third drawer down.

(softly) Yes!

One other thing... don't ever distract me while I'm working with a customer again.

Got it?

Got it.

♪ Only can live for myself ♪

I'm so sorry.



Um, can I ask you a question?

Did you post that photo of me and m1ngo on Chat Bandit?

No, but I'm not surprised someone did. It was really offensive.

Iris, it was a costume party.

Everyone was dressed up.

m1ngo was mocking black culture.

He was dressed like Lil Wayne.

That's not exactly black culture.

So, you're the expert on black culture?

Of course not.

I just don't get why you're acting like he wore blackface?

He may as well have.

He was running around with a grill, Daphne.

Because Lil Wayne wears a grill.

Yeah, and it's a complete racial stereotype, one that m1ngo reinforced for the entire dorm when he put on baggy pants and threw up westside g*ng symbols.

Is this even about last night?

You've never liked m1ngo.

I'm clearly not the only one upset that he turned "ghetto black person" into a costume for the dorm's entertainment.


I hate that we're fighting.

I know.

We need to catch up.

Are you free for lunch?

No, I'm meeting my friend Adina, and a few other people.

Nice. Is she part of your sorority?

Black student union.

Oh. I didn't know you hung out with them.

Well, a lot's happened in the last 10 months.

Like what?

I gotta run.

I'll see you later, okay?




You know, let me kick you down something for the effort.

Uh, I appreciate that, but honestly, what I'm really looking for is a job.

I told you, I'm not hiring.

But you could use the help.

I mean, think how much your business would grow.

I like my studio the way it is.

But clearly you have some experience.

There are other studios in town.

Yeah, places where I'll spend all day inking Popeyes or zodiac tramp stamps.

But your designs are incredible.

And I want to be working with the best.

Maybe I could use some help.

Thank you! Oh, I will k*ll it for you, I promise.

No, no, no, that's not what I mean.

What I'm offering you is an apprentice job... phones, cleaning, helping with supplies. That's it.

Or there's always the zodiac tramp stamps.

♪ I can't get enough ♪
♪ I can't get enough of it ♪

Hey! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I have a good reason for being late.

I got a job!

Come on, we can rally.

Uh, YJ's is open late, let's go?

It'll be just like our midnight noodle runs back in Beijing.

Uh, well...

I'll wait. We can go later.

I'll talk to him.

Look, I'll make it up to you.

Okay? I promise.


It's not exactly a tattoo artist job.

It's more like a tattoo apprentice.

It's a little harder than I was expecting to get a chair out here.

Apparently people want references in English.


Hey, Sharee!

How are you? How is everything?

b*mb. I got a job in the athletic department, and it looks like I'll make the Dean's list this quarter.


But how about you, world traveler?

How's being back from China?

It's okay.

I went to a party with my ex-boyfriend last night.

Oh, that. Yeah, I saw.

You saw the picture?

I think everyone on campus did.

Were you offended?

Not really.

I get why people are upset, but I don't let stuff like that get to me.

I wish everyone felt that way.

Some kid acting like a fool is not worth my time.

I gotta do something.

I can't just sit around and watch people say these awful things about me and m1ngo as if they know us.

Look, I'm not sweating it, but some people are.

Being a black kid at UMKC can be... complicated.

As a friend, I'm telling you... the best thing you can do is try to stay out of it.

Bottom of the ninth, one out.

Saberhagen throws a cutter, and the ball gets hit into the hole at third.

Routine ground ball, no problem.

But the ball takes a bad hop over the shortstop's glove.


And in that moment, I am thinking what every single person in that stadium is thinking, "There goes our no-hitter."

So what happened?

So I dive to my left, s*ab the ball in the hop, sitting on my ass in the dirt, turn the double play, game over, we win.


True story, I was there.


I don't think I bought myself a beer for the entire rest of the season.

That's unbelievable.

You know what? I do believe I have that game ball in my office.

Signed by the entire '85 Royals team.

Let me see if I can find it.

Chris, thanks for sitting down with us.

I can tell that John's becoming a big fan.

He seems really cool.

I just... I just want to make the right decision with this move, you know?

I'm really sorry to hear that your aunt is not doing well.

John tells me that she raised you?

Yeah. Yeah, she did, me and my little brother both.

Well, I want you to know that you have my promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure you can be there for her.

Whatever you need.

I'm really glad to hear that.

Because if I'm gonna make this move to UMKC, you know, I'm gonna need some things.

The main thing being a car.

Uh, okay.

That's understandable, but you do know that it is not possible for us to buy you a car?

It is in clear violation of NCAA rules.


You know, because the school I visited yesterday is offering up a Mustang.

I just gotta be able to get back and forth, you know, on account of my auntie.

Well, we will absolutely take care of your transportation needs.

I will make sure that you have access to shuttles or volunteer drivers... whatever you need.

Yeah, I don't think you get what I'm saying.

I want a car.

I put together some numbers for you guys to look at.

We have to raise the Cracked Mug's daily revenue by 10% to pass the project.

This place does solid business.


Did you lose your vision in Afghanistan?

It's only 8:00 and this place is like a graveyard.

So we'll recruit fresh customers.

We could do a UMKC night, hand out door prizes, do reward cards.

We have to up profits by 10%.

Hosting a study session isn't gonna bring in that kind of cash flow.

I wish we were near a military base.

I downed five espressos a night when I was in active duty.

So do gamers.

That could work.

We could do a video game night.

Get some machines in here, charge a small fee for a tournament.

I love that idea.

I can get some people in the door, make sure we're drawing in the right kind of crowd.

Then I'll handle the special event permit.

Great. Let's do it.

And these kids, they're on... what is it?

Chat Bandit.


Okay, they're exactly what's wrong with this whole PC culture.

Let me tell you something.

The real world our there is a lot more offensive than some kid dressed up like... whoever that is.

Excuse me, you go here?

Sign our petition?

Greg Shimingo is an RA in Hanes Dorm.

Apparently, he's got a long history of bigotry.


That's not true.

I lived there. I know him.

Did you see what he wore the other night?

Yeah, and I don't see what the problem is.

It was a costume party.

Well, with or without your help, we're getting rid of this guy.

"I spent the last eight months in Asia and I can tell you from personal experience that the right to individual expression remains the most fundamental part of who we are as Americans."

Wow. It's bold.

Last year during the whole t*nk thing, I was the angry mass' favorite topic of conversation on Chat Bandit.

All I wanted to do was get facial reconstructive surgery and change my name.

Are you sure that you wanna step into the spotlight?

Yeah, I have to.

I don't think that people understand what they're asking for.

If m1ngo loses his RA job, we're basically giving permission to administration to tell us how to dress.

We're volunteering to lose our right to free speech.

Daphne Vasquez, future doctor, current journalist.

I like it.

I'm just glad the UMKC Sentinel agreed to let me write an op-ed.

The editor hinted that if it was good enough, he would lead with it.

Look at us! Beijing sisters, we are back, and we are ready to take KC by storm.

Kathryn, I cannot lose this kid.

He is a sure-fire solution to my pitching problems.

Buying him a car? I mean, really, John?

That was out of line.

Oh, welcome to the modern world.

Please. Honestly, I do not understand why these kids aren't paid in the first place.

They play for four years, they make us millions of dollars, and most of them never ever get to the pros.

They get nothing.

They get an education, John.

Kathryn, please, I've heard that a million times.

Okay, I don't like it any more than you do, but those are the rules.

And unless you have a way around the National Collegiate Athletic Association, we are stuck here.

Do you remember... Richie Sutter?

Pitcher for the Cards, yeah.

Richie's got a couple of car dealerships.

I thought I'd give him a call.


He's a big UMKC fan. He just wants to help.

Richie is willing to give Chris a loaner car.

No money changes hands, there is no paper trail.

When Chris is done with school, he gives the loaner car back.

Chris gets to see his sick aunt, we get our new star pitcher, and no one is the wiser.

That's really clever.


But it's still cheating. We can't do it.

You heard that that kid said. We wouldn't be the only ones doing this.

Are you seriously gonna roll out that argument with me?

That's what you said when we got into our tax trouble, and look where that got us.

Kathryn, I am on the verge here, okay? I can feel it.

We're not gonna lie and cheat like those other people.

Tuesday, ah, yes.

Noelle can see you then.

All right, cool. Bye.

Is Noelle around?

Uh, she'll be back later this afternoon.

Can I help you with anything?

Yeah, I was looking for a specific image, but I don't see anything like it in this book.

She can always draw something up for you.

What were you thinking of?

An owl.

Aww, I love that.

Well, you can always go traditional or maybe more cartoony.

It totally just depends on the vibe you're going for.

Here, check this out.

Now, it's not an owl, but it is a high-contrast black and gray technique.

An owl would look great done like this.

Wait, is this your book?

Uh, yeah.

I want you to do my tattoo.

You should really come back and discuss all of this with Noelle, really.

I've seen her work. I like yours better.

Don't you want to do it?

Well, yeah, but...


Let's do this.

Okay, take a seat.

Straight back. Thank you so much.

What is that?

Is there a problem?

Yeah. It's not 1982.

I think when we said video games, Aidan was probably thinking Xbox or PlayStation.

Oh, of course.

I knew I'd get screwed when Evers paired me with the old person.

Watch it.

You know what? Aidan's right.

I messed up. Let me call the vendor.

Maybe he can swap the machines out.

No! No, keep the games.

We'll bring in some '80s music.

Do a throwback arcade night. It'll be cool.

Are you willing to bet your grade on it? 'Cause I'm not.

Fine. Let's do both.

It'll be sort of an old-school-meets-new-school vibe.

Whatever. I'll call around for some game consoles and try to save our asses.

Don't listen to him. It's gonna be fine.


That's absurd. The university has no right to tell us what to wear.

I mean, if we start by censoring students' wardrobe, what's next? Burning books?

We may as well live in Soviet Russia.

So we're just supposed to let some r*cist idiot keep his job in the dorm with students of color because, what, he's got the right to free speech?

This is America.

We can't infringe upon someone's first amendment rights whenever our feelings are hurt.


There are plenty of legal limits to free speech in the US.

You wanna know what's a crime?

Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, making rude suggestions to women, and threatening someone using racial slurs.

No, I wasn't talking about sexual harassment or threats.

Wait, you're Daphne Vasquez?

Are you even Latina?

I'm Puerto Rican. I grew up in East Riverside.

I know who you are now.

Your dad's that Royals player. That white Royals player.

Uh, her skin color is totally irrelevant, okay?

We're talking about free speech, not racism.

See, that's so easy for you to say.

Don't be naive. This is so clearly a racism issue.

You think I don't understand discrimination?

I don't know?

Are you kidding me?

Wait, wait, stop.

You will never understand...

And who gave you permission to own the struggle anyway?

That's right!

You sound so r*cist. How can you even say that?

(all arguing)

Okay, okay, enough!

Everybody settle down.

As fascinating as all this is, we've still got Kant to wrestle with today.


What are you doing here?

Oh, I believe the phrase is "hiding like a coward."


Everywhere I went today, people were just looking at me like I was some kind of serial k*ller.

They can't stay mad forever.

It gets worse.

I have to meet with the RA board in an hour to fight for my job.

This whole thing is just a nightmare.

They can't fire you over this.

Sure they can.

According to Chat Bandit, I'm the worst RA alive.

If they fire you over a costume, the university is essentially declaring that they can censor us.

We have the right to offend people.

That's what makes us Americans.

If we let them tell us how to dress, what's next? What books we can read?

What websites we can visit?

Hey. Hey.

You can do this.

I know you can.

Just talk to them.

Yeah. You're right.

I got this.

But just in case, though, do you think you could... you could text me some of that stuff you just said?

Hey, Mom.


What's all this?

Apparently it's what the kids do for fun these days.

You okay?

That seemed pretty intense over there.

Did you read my article?

Of course.

(clears throat) And I heard a lot of kids talk about it today.

You made quite an impact.


Mexican hot chocolate coming right up.

Talk to me.

I thought I could use the article to show everyone how crazy this whole thing is, but I feel like I just made things worse.

Well, m1ngo made a pretty clueless decision to dress up like that.

You defended him.

You think his outfit was r*cist?

Of course.

How would you feel if someone showed up at a party wearing a sombrero and pushing a lawnmower and said they were Latino?

I'd be offended.


But I'd still defend his right to wear whatever he wanted.

Just like I have the freedom to call him an ass.

Do you think that writing the op-ed was a mistake?

I may not agree with your point of view, but I raised you to fight for what you believe in.

And you're doing that.


Hi. I got you your latte...

What the hell is this?

An owl?

I was just trying to make the customer happy.

She was looking for a very specific piece, and I happened to have something like it in my book, and I made the sale!

You can check the money in the register.

You showed a customer your book?


Because I had what she wanted.

I'm so sorry. I promise it won't happen again.

I know it won't, because you're fired.

Chris: I think I really like it here at UMKC.

That's great. Well, we really want to make this work.

Good. So, let's get down to business.

Actually, there's not gonna be any business, or car, or anything like that.

I mean, I really don't know what other schools are offering you, but what I have beats the hell out of a car or a little bit of flash money.

You see, John Kennish is an incredible coach, and he cares about every one of his players.

And make no mistake about it, he is going to take this team to the regionals, and then to the College World Series.

Chris, if you decide to come here, Coach Kennish is going to make sure that you get a long look from the pros.

And he can do that, because he was in the majors.

And one more thing. I will make sure that you get a first-class education and graduate with a degree.

So think long and hard about this, because what I have to offer you is a future.

And compared to that, a car is chump change.

No offense, but that's easy for you to say sitting in that big house in Mission Hills.

But me?

I gotta get paid.


I got fired.

Can we just get out of here?


I cannot believe this. This city is a jinx.

It's like there's a full-on conspiracy to keep us apart.

No. No, you're right.

You can't do that.

Sometimes I wish we never came back home.

Back there it was just me and you and Daphne, and there were no parents, no old boyfriends, no bosses to get in the way.


♪ Hey! ♪

('80s music playing)

Come on.



You don't have to play this dinosaur on my account.

Oh, I'm not. I love these games.

Plus, I spent three years in Afghanistan.

Make-believe v*olence doesn't really interest me.

And I won't give that douche the satisfaction.

Hey, Regina?


Hook me up with a latte?

What the hell?

Oh, no!

What is going on?

Is there a problem?

Your wi-fi crapped out.

I was about to hit Onyx.

Okay, I'll go check the router, it'll be back up in two seconds.

Doesn't matter. I'll have to start the whole game over.

This blows. I'm out of here.

If they leave now, we're screwed.

We still have the other games.

Okay, hey, wait, wait, wait!

If you guys stay and play the arcade games, first round on the house.

Ms. Pac-Man? No thanks.

Why not? Are you afraid you can't beat the 1985 Kansas City Ms. Pac-Man champion?

Winner takes home tonight's tips.

You're on.

This way, my friend.

Red! Sorry, guys.

Hey. What happened?

The RA board voted to keep me.


Ugh. I used all that free speech stuff that you wrote for me in my meeting.

I knew they'd get it.

I couldn't have done it without you.

Hey, I ordered an extra-large vegetarian pizza for us to celebrate.

All I want to do is just pig out, watch TV, and forget this ever even happened.

It sounds perfect.


Um, actually, I'll meet you in your room, okay?

Okay, fair warning, you take too long, you're gonna be eating vegetarian crusts for dinner.

I'll hurry.


Luca: 10,000 more points and you will beat his high score.

You got this, Vasquez.

Shh! You're distracting me.

A true Ms. Pac-Man champion plays with all her senses.

(machine beeping)

Oh, yes!

She won!

She won!


That was sick. You got some skills.

Thanks, kid.

Looks like you saved the night.

Aidan: Mmm. You beat Ms. Pac-Man, we're still 200 bucks short of the goal.

Evers is gonna fail us.

We'd have been fine if your ghetto Internet hadn't gone out.

Excuse me?

Hey, you're wrong.

Did you see how many people stayed to watch Regina kick some nerd boy ass?

People love the old arcade games.

The games!


Yes! If the other machines have half this many quarters, we'll easily have 200 bucks.

That one'll take about four hours.

Excuse me. What do you want?

Uh, I left my portfolio.

I'm with a customer. You can wait.

(conversing in Chinese)

Hey, I need to talk to you.

I'll get your book. Hold on.

(Chinese conversation continues)

Look, I really need to talk to you, like, now!


(shouting in Chinese)

Wha... what the hell was that?

Those guys were talking about robbing you!

What, you want a thank you?

I can handle myself.

So can I.

There's a lot of things you don't know about me.

I speak Mandarin, I know ASL, and I'm a great tattoo artist, which you would know if you bothered to look at my work.

Can I please just have my portfolio back?

Thank you.

Look, um...

I know what I did was wrong.

I was just trying to impress you, and I guess I went about it in a really stupid way.

Hold up.

You think I fired you because I'm some kind of a hard-ass, don't you?

What you don't get is that when you did that tattoo, you put my whole business at risk.

You don't have a health permit. You're not licensed.

You could have gotten me shut down. I could have lost everything.

I get that.

I'm sorry.


Let me see that portfolio.

That's rad.

Your design or the client's?



I like the sword.

So, what were you doing in China?

It's a long story.

Yeah. I bet it is.

(calculator beeping)


Not bad.

It's a good thing you didn't return the games.

We'd have been sunk.

You know, it's funny.

When I checked the office earlier, I saw that someone had unplugged the router.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

Luca! I can't believe you did that!

What if everybody had left?

They weren't going to.

Your arcade idea was good.

That weasel was just too pompous to admit it.

But still! You took a big chance.

Because I believed in you.

Thank you.

The 1985 Ms. Pac-Man champ, huh?


That must make you at least...

Stop it.

You're not getting it, Vasquez.

I don't care.

Your age has never mattered to me.

I like you.

(whispers) And you like me.

I do.

There must be some other prospects.

I made a thousand calls.

It's just hard mid-season, you know?

The situation with Chris was really unique.

I'm really sorry.

With that kid's attitude, what are you gonna do?

But you know what?

You've been great.

I'll figure something out.

(doorbell rings)

I hope it's okay that I came by so late.

Just wanted to give you this.

Your signed letter of intent.

We are thrilled.

You made the right decision, son.

Turns out it was my only decision.

The NCAA found out the other school was offering me a car, and well, they rescinded their offer this afternoon.

Oh, no.

Well, I can't say I'm sorry to hear that.

I got big plans for you, Chris.

You're gonna be happy here. I'll see to it.


I hope so.

'Cause I need this.

I can't believe it.

Do you know how lucky we are?

Luck had nothing to do with it.

You made that phone call?


I am really enjoying your fierce sense of morality right now.

(soft rock music playing)

♪ We've got each other ♪
♪ We circle back here after we... ♪

What is all of this?

♪ It's the time of our life ♪
♪ So hold on tight ♪

Iris, are you okay?I 've been texting you.

I know.

Hang on, are you mad at me?

Are you kidding?

Hold on.

Talk to me.

I don't want to talk to you. I read your article.

Then why are you acting like this? I defended you.

You basically said m1ngo's right to free speech trumps my need to have a safe space on campus.

Come on, college isn't supposed to be a safe space.

The whole reason we're here is to be challenged intellectually.

I'm not talking about intellectual safety, Daphne.

For you this is all just some fun academic debate, but I'm talking about my emotional safety.

What do you mean?

Everywhere I go on campus, I have to be on guard.

I have to put on this... like, this armor to protect me from stuff you don't see.

Like what?

Like when I woke up to find a little tiny drawing of the confederate flag on my door.

Like when a frat guy told us their party was for "hot girls only," but they really meant white girls.

Like when my Geology professor made a joke about "savages" and looked right at me.

Oh my god.

Or, like the other night, when I got home and my RA was making fun of black people.


The dorm is my home.

It's where I sleep. It's the place I'm supposed to be able to take off that armor.

But you're moving out because one guy wore something that upset you?


I'm moving out because that guy was my RA, the person who's supposed to protect me, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm tired of not having a voice.

And I can't live in a place that doesn't even ask black kids how they feel when there's a race issue on the table.

I had no idea.

Well, now you do.