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01x12 - The Three Amigos

Posted: 02/06/17 00:00
by bunniefuu


Look who's back from the flooring expo.

How many free burritos did you sneak out with this time?


I'm so happy I'll be sealed inside this tin can with you all day.

I think I might have just changed our lives.

Turns out the only person who likes free burritos more than me is Lisa McCaffrey.

The property developer?

I've been trying to get a meeting with her for years.

Well, I chatted her up at the salsa bar, and then I held her plate while she guac'ed her taco.

Is that your way of telling me I'm gonna get a call from her lawyer?

No, I broke the ice.

And I got us a chance to bid on their new development.

Five houses.

Are you serious?

Don, we've never done a job that big before.

That could mean a lot of money coming in.

We could buy more equipment, hire more crew.

I think we've got a real shot at this.

I gave her the full Don Burns.

Her hair was blowing back like a girl in a music video.

Adam: Okay, so when we sit down with Lisa, I'll hit her with our glowing references, run her through the numbers.

Then I turn on the charm, and, boom, close with a joke.


You gonna do the one about the one-legged ballerina names Eileen?

No. McCaffrey's Irish.

I'm gonna go with the Pope stuck in the phone booth.


She'll enjoy the social commentary.

Okay, then you hand out our floating key chains, and try not to give 'em the one with your car keys attached this time.

And then, boom, we-we're done.

Hey, how's the pitch coming?

Looking good, yeah. We're all done.

We're gonna watch the game.

Oh, hey, um, how would you feel about inviting Lowell to come watch with you tonight?




On purpose?

I see enough of him at school.

And he was in rare form yesterday at “Bring Your Dad to School” day.

So, as a contractor, I get to use a lot of really cool tools, like, uh, this thermal laser, which can tell me the temperature of anything.

Mrs. Rodriguez is... ice-cold, as usual.

Okay, now Emme is gonna hand out free floating key chains to all of you.

(children cheering)

Thank you, Mr. Burns, for giving the kids things they will throw at me later.

Lowell, you're up.

Thanks, Mrs. Rodriguez.

My name is Lowell, and I am a stay-at-home dad, which means 40 hours a week, I am entirely alone.

And that's how I discovered my talent for eating toast into the shapes of states.

Well, that's why I think you should invite him.

I saw him at the grocery store today, and he was obviously lonely.

He's just not the kind of guy that Don and I hang out with.

Well, I mean, is that such a bad thing?

I mean, Don, you know, I love you, but when you two are together, half your sentences end with, "That's what she said."

Even when there's no way that's what she could have said.

Honey, could you just try to keep your fingers out of it.

That's what she said.

(both chuckling)

Yeah, well, I already told Lowell he could come over.

He'll be here in ten minutes.

What? So basically you just set me up on a playdate?

That is not how men make friends.

I am expanding your horizons.

I do it for myself, too, which is why tomorrow I am going for drinks with Alicia Rodriguez.

Wow, I can't believe you're doing that to yourself.

That's what she said.

I am a woman. I know what she said.

Hey, guys.


Thanks so much for having me.

When Andi said you wanted me to come watch the game, I was super jazzed.

Well, the jazz is mutual.

But here's the thing, Lowell.

Once the Penguins game starts, we don't talk much.

Oh, I never talk during Pens games... bad luck.

Gotta unpack these snacks before the puck drops.

First up, seven-layer dip.

Spoiler alert, the bottom layer is Doritos.

What did you just say?

He said Dorito dip. That's dip with Doritos in it that you can dip into with more Doritos?

You invented this?

I've been waiting for you my whole life.

How's it going, fellas?

No talking. The game's starting.


I've been waiting for you my whole life.

Here's an intermission treat.

Fresh popcorn with Junior Mints already mixed in.

Shut up!

Hey, Don, I just got an e-mail from Lisa McCaffrey's people.

They want to know our tech needs for the presentation.

A bucket of water for the key chain would help.

They could see it float.

Okay, that's an idea.

But I don't think that's what they meant by "tech" needs.

They just want to know if your PowerPoint is on your laptop, or if you're gonna integrate with their monitors.

Do you need HDMI, VGA, or are you going straight composite?

H-G-D... what?

It's pretty technical.

I only know about it because I used to work in marketing before we had kids, and I lost a very high-stakes arm wrestle to my wife.

Y-you were in marketing?


Oh, hey, would you mind if we ran our presentation by you?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What? I'm our marketing guy.

Let Little Debbie here take care of the snacks.

Yeah, but Little Debbie sounds like he knows what he's doing.

Okay, I like that we have nicknames, but maybe we could try something like "Champ" or "Scout."

I don't want to go in there and look like amateurs.

Well, I'm just saying, I don't think we need all that stuff.

Well, I'm just saying this is a whole new ball game.

Lowell, back me up with some of your nerd words there.

Come on, Scout, speak up.

Well, I loved that. Thank you.

Um, generally, when these big companies hear pitches, they're expecting a multimedia presentation.

Animation, 3D models.

And I'd be happy to help if you want.

That sounds great.

No, thanks.

Why are you getting your back up?

Because I got the meeting, and I'll close the deal.

It's what I've done since we started.

Now, if you'll excuse me, this dip has upset my stomach, and I would like to be at home.

Well, if it made you sick, why are you taking it with you?

So later, when I feel better, I can eat it again and make sure that's what it was.

Adam: Hey.

How'd it go tonight with Lowell?

Uh, he was fine. Don was the problem.

Did he eat too many snacks and have to take his pants off again?

No, no, no, no.

Lowell offered to help us make a more high-tech pitch, and Don got all bent out of shape.

His fly was down, but I think it was just a coincidence.

Well, it's not a surprise.

I mean, Don is not a huge fan of knowledge.

Remember how mad he got when we gave him that word-of-the-day calendar?


Yeah, he's got this theory that his brain is like his stomach.

Every new thing he takes in pushes an old thing out.

I've got to make room in Don's brain for Lowell's ideas.


I'm just excited that you got along with Lowell.

Did you tell him how much fun you had hanging out with him?

Men don't do stuff like that.

(cell phone chimes)

It's from Lowell.

"I had so much fun hanging out with you."

Smiley face, sh**ting star, hockey puck.

You have to e-mail him back. Something thoughtful.

Will you stop trying to make me do weird things with other men?

That's what she said.

Come on, that was solid.

But I should write Lowell back.

He is offering to help me.

Uh, well, you do it.

I'm bad at these.

Just say something breezy, yet manly.

(chuckles): Oh, fun.

Okay, "Great hanging out with you, too.

"Your pants were super cute...


Very funny. (chuckles)

Did you actually send that?

Get it back.

It's too late.

(singsongy): You have a new boyfriend.

Okay, Butterbean,

Have a great day, huh? Mwah.

Oh, listen, for your snack, I gave you popcorn with Junior Mints.

Shut... up.

I know, you're gonna love it.

Adam! Adam!

Hey, Lowell.

Good morning, "bro."

Ah, so you got my e-mail.

I was so pumped, I made an animated graphic of the Burns Brothers logo to show you what I was talking about last night... take a look.

(heroic music plays)


Wow, our names exploded right out of that house.

Hey, can you send that to me so I can show it to Don?

I think he'll really love it.

Already did. Already sent it.

Oh. (chuckles)

This is only the beginning.

I can make a presentation that you'll like even more than my super cute pants.

You know, your tone is very different in e-mails.

Yeah, people say I sound just like my wife.

It was Andi, wasn't it?

Well, to be honest...

Don't answer.

I just want to ride this rainbow.

(heroic music playing)


Wow! Our names just exploded out of that house!

Nice job. I love it.

I didn't make it, Lowell did.

I hate it.

What is your problem?

Our business is just you and me.

I'm the sales guy, and you do whatever you do.

The work?

I'm just saying three's a bad number.

Somebody's gonna get pushed out, and I don't like it.

You're always worried about something getting pushed out.

Not everything is like your stomach, Don.

I really think we should let Lowell help us.

Well, I forbid it.

You can't forbid it, we're partners.

Fine, let's take a vote.

We've tried this before.

There's only two of us. It never works.

Well, let's just see what happens.

All in favor?

(sighs heavily)

All opposed?
I don't know why I even do it.

So, um, how's it going at school with Adam?

I, uh, it's f-fine. Fine.

Aw, did you guys have another fight?

(laughing): On the contrary.

Um, uh, y-you know what, never mind. It's...

Ah, come on. Spill it.

I'm not gonna drop it until you tell me.

You won't judge?

You won't know if I do, how about that?

(both laugh)

Last night, I had a dream about your husband.

It was...



(nervously chuckles)

And Adam and I were, you know, boom-chucka-chucka.

Oh. (chuckles)

And sound effects.

(upbeat music plays)

Wow. I can't believe you got the whole presentation done.

And how did you get a bald eagle to land on my shoulder?

The first thing I did was believe it was possible.


Hey, are you sure Don's gonna be okay with this?

Oh, when he sees this, he is gonna be more than okay with it.

You know what, let me worry about Don, okay?

Let's watch it again.


What is Lowell doing here?

Don, I thought you had a banjo lesson tonight.

My teacher got a gig on a riverboat.

Well, hey, I'm glad you're here.

Check out Lowell's presentation.

That's what you're doing?

I can't believe you would go behind my back.

Well, I'm doing it for us.I 'm trying to get us this job.

But I forbade it.

Well, I think you were wrong.

Should we vote on it?

How're you gonna vote on it, there's only the...

Don't-Don't-Don't even.

Look, you're being pigheaded.

Just take a look at it.

No. I've seen all I need to see.

Here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna do the presentation to Lisa McCaffrey on my own, without you or your new best friend.

Oh, really?

So, you're gonna be so stubborn that you ruin it for both of us?

Yes. And if you want a meeting with her, you can go guac her taco on your own time.

(door closes)

Okay, the headline is I'm your new best friend.

Wow, that sounds like a real overreaction, even for Don.

He is stubborn like a mule.

Also like a mule, you can't walk up behind him or he'll kick you.

Uh-huh, so there are two mules in this fight.

Wait, why am I a mule?

Oh, please, I have had many a fight with you, my friend.

What, you're telling me that you change your mind when you hear a good argument for the other point of view?

Well, I'll let you know when I hear one.

Look, obviously for Don, this is about more than getting a job.

I mean, sometimes things seem like they're about one thing, but they're really about something else.

You think?


Like... Mrs. Rodriguez had a sex dream about you.

That's got to be about something else. (laughs)


Did you just make that example up or is that real?

Let's just say I made it up...

Ugh. but it's real.


I have to see her at school.

Why would you tell me that?

Well, because I wanted to see what my face looked like when she told me.

So, you know... (clucks tongue) got it.

Come on, I already got my hands full with Don.

(sighs) Okay. I mean...

All right, well, did you even try to find out what's really bothering Don?

Once again, you have no concept of how men do things.

Okay? We don't ask about feelings.

Feelings were invented a long time ago, so that women would have something to talk about back at the cave... while men were out hunting.


So, what's your plan?

I'm gonna handle things with Don the way I always handle things with Don.

By torturing and harassing each other and never accomplishing anything.

Also known as the Tom-and-Jerry method.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Say what you will, those two guys took Hollywood by storm.

Where's my chair?

You might want to look in the Porta Potti.

Well, I can't because I had the Porta Potti towed to your front porch.

Enjoy the smell.

That is so juvenile.

Yeah, well...

My drawer is full of pudding.

I'm not gonna ruin the surprise, but I made a lot of pudding... and it's in a lot of places.

You really think you can do this presentation without my help?

Why not? You think you can do the presentation without my help.

That's not what I said.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

My ears are facing the other direction.

Okay, you know what?

I'll be outside working.

Call me when you're ready to apologize, huh?

I found the rest of the pudding.

Oh, you think so?

Okay, come on, Emme.

Hurry up before Mrs. Rodriguez gets back.


What are you looking at?

What are you looking at?

Andi talk to you?

Unfortunately, yes.

I'm not ice-cold now, am I?

We have got to get you in a carpool.

What are you doing here?

I got an e-mail from you saying you wanted to apologize.

Let's hear it so I can say no.

I didn't e-mail you, you big baboon.

Or did I?

You leave your phone out, beautiful things happen.

Well, I'm not gonna stay here if he's not gonna apologize.

Well, I'm not apologizing.

Okay, all right, Tom and Jerry, that's it.

I am in charge now. Sit down. Sit down.

Okay, now, obviously something deeper is going on here, and we need to get to the bottom of it.

Now, Don, why are you so mad at Adam?

Because he's a bossy boss and he's always a bossy boss.

Okay. Okay.

Um, and what I'm hearing is that, uh, Don feels like you don't listen to him and his ideas.

That's a bunch of crap.


(clears throat)

I-I-I think what Adam is saying is he never knew you felt that way.

I'm the older brother.


Okay, um, I-I-I think what Don is saying is that traditionally, he would be the leader in your relationship.

Okay, he may be older, but he's a big baby.


Um, I think what-what Adam is saying is that sometimes he feels like you don't do what's best for the business, like an equal partner.

He's never treated me like an equal partner.

You only asked me to start the business with you because you felt sorry for me.


Okay, okay, w-wait.

I think what Don is saying is...

Oh... oh, I think he actually said it.

I'm just your big, dumb brother who couldn't make it on his own.

Are you kidding me?

I asked you to do it because I needed you, and you've always acted like you were doing me a big favor.

I was sublimating.


Yeah, I read that stupid word-of-the-day calendar.

Thanks to you, I forgot 365 perfectly good words.

Look, without you, Burns Brothers would be nothing.

I can't talk to people and close deals like you can.

You're our secret w*apon.

You bet your ass I am.

And when you liked Lowell's thing, I thought you were trying to find someone to replace me.

You're my brother.

I couldn't get rid of you even if I wanted to.

I think what Adam is saying is he loves you.

What? N-N-No, I'm not. No.

Well, good, 'cause I would've kicked your ass.

Aw, he loves you, too.

All right, look, if you want to do the presentation without Lowell that's fine with me.

I-I-I'd rather lose the job than lose my brother.


Well, I'm fine using Lowell, as long as we do it together.


Okay, so, let's go get that Porta Potti off your porch.

That's gonna be a filthy job.

That's what she said.

(both laughing)

(laughing) Hey, honey.

Andi: Hey.

How was the presentation?

Oh, we blew everyone out of the water.

So, imagine our surprise when she gave the job to her nephew who just got fired from Best Buy.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

Yeah, but the mini-mall she's building is going to Burns Brothers Construction.

Oh, my God. That's amazing.

Yeah, that nephew's gonna have a hard time building houses when he keeps finding pudding in his gloves.


And guess who's gonna build a website for these guys? Me.

You don't have to guess, I just wanted to say it.

Yeah, and none of it would've happened if you hadn't put us together with Lowell, and put me and Don back together.

So... thanks for not staying out of stuff.

Aw. (kisses)

Pleasure doing business with you.

That's what she said.


Andi out.

Now that one was solid. Huh?

There's my girl.

(cries out)

(cries out)


Ugh, Andi. Andi.

I just had the weirdest dream.


Boom-chucka-chucka, Mr. Burns.

(cries out)

(sighs, chuckles)

Oh, forget it. My heart can't take another one.