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01x01 - Apocalypse Now

Posted: 02/03/17 00:00
by bunniefuu
[Police radio chatter]

Frank: L.A.'s always been a hunting ground.

They built these streets over old game trails.

Indians stalked deer down La Cienega Boulevard.

Rangers tracked horse thieves into Beverly Hills.

I've been hunting armed men through this city since O.J. was doing Hertz commercials, and I can tell you, one thing never changes, not in 11,000 years...

Nobody sees it coming.


[Woman screams]

Shut up! Shut up!

This isn't going well.


How so?

Rhodes! We still have options here, man!

No! Por favor!

Keep him talking.

Hey, Rhodes. I got an idea.

You should take me hostage, huh?



[Gas hisses]


Don't sh**t!

[g*n cocks]

If we want this tree to last, we got to be careful with the roots.

So we can let it breathe, just like this, Kyle.

[Siren wailing in distance]

Dad. They're gonna ruin everything.


No, they're not.

They've been expelled from the garden.

They know what happens if they mess with it.

Listen, being a man is not about how tough you are, Kyle.

Anybody can throw a punch, pull a trigger.

Tearing stuff down, that's easy.

Building up... that's hard.

Remember that.

We try to leave this world a little better than we found it.

[Sirens wailing]

[Police radio chatter]



Reporter: Witnesses tell the Channel 9 News that Officer Craig dove through a second-story fire escape...

Babe, you married a cop. This is what you signed up for.

Kyle, listen to me.

You are the love of my life.

But, baby, you've got a blind spot.

You think you're out there chasing crooks.

You're not.

You're chasing your father's ghost.

People who k*lled him, whoever they are, they got a 10-year head start on me.

They're still out there somewhere, walking free.

Just don't get so caught up in the past you forget that we have a future.

I'll work on it.

Thank you.

Oh, and I'm so proud of you, Kyle.


I'm so glad you're okay, Kyle.


How's your back?

Try me.


[Cellphone rings]



Joy: Officer Craig. Deputy Chief Lockhart.

Um, yes, ma'am. Is there a problem?

Meet me at City Hall at 0900.

And wear something presentable.

[Receiver hangs up]


Thank you very much, Deputy Chief.

Oh, thank you so much.

[Camera shutters clicking]


There he is, the man of the hour.

Just doing my job, ma'am.

Modest, like your old man.

Tell me, Kyle, what do you know about the Alonzo Harris scandal?

We studied him in ethics class.

He was a great cop, but somewhere along the line, he lost the meaning.

What they don't tell you in ethics class is what happened to this city in the aftermath.

Judges tossed out every case that Alonzo as much as breathed on.

Packs of violent predators released back into the wild.

The m*rder rate in this city soared.

Alonzo was still k*lling long after his death.

No one talks about that part.

Because the people who paid the price were the wrong color or died on the wrong side of the freeway.


Kyle, I need you to go undercover and stop a rogue cop from becoming the next Alonzo Harris.

You'll be promoted to the rank of detective and reassigned to S.I.S.

But in actuality, you'll be maintaining close surveillance on one of the finest investigators this department has ever produced.

Come on. Son of a bitch.

Son of a bitch.


Kid, come here.

Come here. I'm not gonna bite you.

Man: L.A.P.D., Olympic Division.

Hey, you got little hands.

Reach in there and grab those doughnuts while I shake this.

That's stealing.

Our tax dollars pay for these pastries, pal.

They belong to us.

Come on. Nobody's looking.

That's it. Get those little hands in there.

Yeah, Yeah, yeah.



The hell happened to you?

Your dad make parole or something?

Nah. Moreno, man.

He runs a dope house on my block.

I have to walk past it on my way to school.

He wants me to be a lookout for him.

Guess he ain't used to hearing "no" from people.

Wait, Moreno?

South Side Tracy... That Moreno?

And you turned him down.

What the hell's the matter with you, kid?

Lookout, man, that's easy money.

Yeah, well, I don't want no part of it.

Your funeral. Look, here's the deal.

You see that tub of type 2 diabetes over there with the ass in the front of his pants, looks like he was born to die on the toilet?

You wait around long enough, he might run out of excuses and take a battery report.

But you'll just wind up right down here tomorrow.

It's not like these South Siders are gonna get bored beating the crap out of you.

And nobody here is gonna do anything about it till they k*ll you.

Then you'll investigate your homicide, but they won't catch him 'cause nobody's gonna testify against a g*ng banger anyway.

You want my professional advice?

Don't make it hard on yourself.

Take the lookout job.

You know what?

Go to hell.

[Chuckles] Better.

You're a cop?

Well, technically.

Name's Frank.


Nice to meet you, Allen.

Come on.


Buy you breakfast.

♪ When I came out heat ♪
♪ Try to stop me, let it hang out ♪
♪ Let it bang, let it rain out ♪
Yo soy el dios, you adios

[Engine shuts off]

Look, Allen, this neighborhood's got no shortage of knuckleheads.

Hell, if I'd have been raised by an invisible dad, my mom feeding me Funyuns for breakfast, I'd be worse than any of them.

Come to think of it, I am worse than any of them.

But you're better than that.

You read me?

Everything you just said is r*cist.

Just get your ass to school.


Probably better if you're not here for this next part.

[g*n cocks]

[Dog barking]

[Rap music playing indistinctly]

Morning, Hoss.


Damn, Eastwood. Easy.

Quit whining, you big baby.

You ought to be thanking me.

Yeah? For what?


Saving your ass from the fire.

What fire?

This fire.

[Man shouting in Spanish]



Ah, Frank!


Okay, everybody, listen up.

This franchise officially closed due to numerous fire code violations.

And Moreno.

Next time I hear you beat up on a kid like that, I swear to God they won't be foam b*ll*ts.

You talking about Allen?

Come on, Frank, you know me better than that, man.

Never touched the kid!

One of my overenthusiastic homies exceeded his authority.

That problem's been dealt with accordingly.

We referred that fool to H.R.


Yeah, well, as a great philosopher once said, mo' money, mo' problems.


[Siren wails]

[Sighs] You know, I like patrol.

Keeps me in shape, and I get to meet a lot of firemen.

Most of all, though, I like the simplicity of it.

You get in a car with Frank Rourke and it'll never be simple again.

I'll be all right.

You're a good man, Kyle.

Promise me you won't get lost out there.

Just happened to be driving by when I saw the fire, so I entered the premises to render aid to any persons who I thought might be trapped inside.

With a riot g*n?

Hey, man, you never know.

You gonna write me the commendation or what?

Detective Rourke.

Kyle Craig.

Who the hell's Kyle Craig?

I'm your new trainee.

We were supposed to meet back at the station.

Oh, yeah, right.

Well, come on.

Might as well get this over with.


Moreno: Let me out, Frank! Come on, man!

Sir. Somebody's in the trunk.


Say, with observation skills like that, you're gonna make a fine detective.

Yo, Frank, let me out, punk!

[Engine starts]

All right, Frank, why?

Come right in
Forget about him
I lead a life of crime
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap

♪ Dirty deeds ♪

Done dirt cheap

Hands on the hood.

All right, this isn't a training day.

It's more of a trial by fire.

I'm the Kobayashi Maru, Kyle. I'm the test nobody passes.

My last two trainees didn't make it through a single shift.

They both quit.

They asked to be transferred out of the S.I.S. on their first day?

No, I mean they quit, as in quit the department.

I'll take my chances.

[Banging] Frank!

This ain't funny, man! Come on!

Come on, Frankie!

What's that?

Partial plate for a vehicle I've been looking for for a long time.

My dad was on the job.

He was k*lled.

Botched robbery.


But before he died, he managed to write a partial plate on his wrist.

I figured maybe I'll get lucky.

My wife thinks I'm nuts.

Do you lie to her?


You lie to your wife? It's a simple question.

That's none of your business.

But it is my business.

Crime in L.A.'s up 300%, arrests are way down.

Cops don't even want to make a damn traffic stop.

Afraid they'll wind up on "Anderson Cooper."

[Banging] Frank!

Put us through sensitivity training now.


[Men shouting indistinctly]

Crooks love it 'cause it's like "The Purge" every night out here, but you know who winds up with the turd end of the tomahawk?


Who's Allen?

Allen's the very people we swore an oath to protect.

Police work's like sex, Kyle.

It's a lot more effective when it isn't pretty.

Now, with that in mind, this job may require you to be somewhat economical with the truth.

Man who lies to his old lady will lie to anyone, so I'm gonna ask you again, then I'm kicking your ass out of the car.

Do you lie to your wife?


I tell her the truth.

That's kind of the point of being married.


There's no point in being married.

Took me four marriages to figure that out.

You know, when I was in high school, my buddy and I, we got pulled over by some sheriff's deputies.

Ordered us out of the car at gunpoint.

One of them stuck his foot on the back of my neck.

They told us we fit the description...

Heartbreaking, but we don't hassle teenagers.

We hunt the city's most dangerous game...

Heavily armed and highly motivated, and they will k*ll you, Kyle.

b*ll*ts either go in the bad guys or you wind up wearing them, and I'm... I'm an avid fan of the former.

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

[Sirens wailing]

[Police radio chatter]

♪ Crazy ♪
♪ But that's how it goes ♪
♪ Millions of people ♪
♪ Living as foes ♪

Moreno: Come on, Frank! Stop playing, man!

Are you gonna tell me who we're carpooling with?


[Banging] Frank!


I'm gonna beat your ass when I get out of here, man!


I ever tell you how my third wife got into this pyramid scam selling cosmetics?

Start out as a beauty consultant, right?

Supposed to work your way up to sales director.

Now, here's the thing.

I counted 400,000 bucks in this bolsa.

That's sales director money, my man, and you and I both know you're just a beauty consultant, so just between us girls, what's your secret?

Moreno: Tony Robbins.

"Awaken the Giant Within."

Changed my life, man.

You know, it touched my heart, Holmes.

Man, Frank, stop playing, man.

It's hot in here, dawg.

Better when you used to just beat my ass with the Yellow Pages.

That was a simpler time.



Moreno, meet Kyle Craig.

Hug a thug, man.

Hey, I know you.

You're from the news.

You saved that baby. That's pretty sick, homey.

Mind if I get a picture with you right quick, post it on my Instagram?


This is insane.

I know, right?

Fool torched my house, man.

That was pretty foul, homey, even for you.

You got off easy.

Allen's a civilian, man.

The hell you need another lookout for?

South Side Tracy controls that whole block.

What's out there that's got you so paranoid all of a sudden?

Blowtorch Bob. He's back in town.

Roberto "Blowtorch Bob" Menjivar.

Cartel boss controlled everything from Baja to Bakersfield.

I know who he is.

He just tunneled out of Altiplano Prison.

Every cop in the world is looking for Menjivar.

Why the hell would he come back here?

Dude wants his chair back.

Menjivar went to prison, one of his sicarios took over.

Enrique Rios.

Rios strung up all of Menjivar's lieutenants, turned them into gazpacho, then went after their families, kids.


That's why I work for Rios now.

He got this b*mb-ass health plan, too...

He lets you live.

It's a go-bag, isn't it?

Menjivar's back.

It's open season on anyone who sided with Rios.

You're getting out of Dodge.

You better bounce, too, Frank.

Once Menjivar starts crossing names off his "naughty" list, it's only a matter of time before he gets to you.

[Train whistle blows]

[Horn honking]

[Speaking Spanish] Don't stop. Run him over.

[g*n cocks]

[Sirens wailing]

Contact, rear!

Man: sh*ts fired, sh*ts fired.

Officer need shelp.

All units...

Frank: Come on, let's book.

Looks like you're walking, Holmes.

Man: Officer down! Taking heavy fire.

Three suspects are armed with a*t*matic weapons...


[Sirens wailing]

[Tires screech]

[Police radio chatter]

[Tires screech]


Come on, Jen.

Come on, partner! Come on!

Frank: Kyle.

Kyle, she's gone.

She was my partner.

I was supposed to be here.

Then you'd be lying next to her.

Expect to see this kind of thing in Culiacán, Juárez, not Los Angeles.

Ambush. Took 'em out with an RPG.

I've seen this before, sir.


Zamindawar, Afghanistan.

Makes sense.

Cartels hire private contractors out of special forces.

Could be Menjivar settling accounts.

Looks like an assassination attempt anyhow.

Ambulance was shot to hell, abandoned in an alley down the block.

You the new guy?



This is Rebecca.

We're probably gonna k*ll some people today, Kyle.

sh**ting starts, stay clear of my muzzle and we'll get along just fine.

So that means S.I.S. is taking this one?

Apex predators, professional skill sets, heavy ordnance...

Exactly the kind of monsters S.I.S. was created to take down.

I don't give a rat's ass what these people do to each other.

But they just k*lled six of our own, so I'm gonna make damn sure they never see the inside of a courtroom.

Welcome to the other side of the mirror, man.

It's dark over here.

What do you got?

Tommy: Give me a sec.

[Keyboard clacking]


Your partner's body cam.

[Police radio chatter]
Can we run facial recognition?

No need to. His name's Theroux.

Mercenary out of Cuba.

That's who k*lled your partner.

You'll get your chance.

Rebecca: Ambulance company wouldn't tell me who they were transporting.

Guy was a patient of Daniel Elghanian, plastic surgeon.

So Elghanian performed a facial reconstruction yesterday, billed to an offshore corporation called Luchador Capital.

Luchador's the name of Menjivar's yacht.

Every cop in the western hemisphere knows Menjivar's face.

So Elghanian gave him a new one.

Frank: Theroux wasn't working for Menjivar.

He's hunting him for Rios.

Mexican drug w*r just relocated to Los Angeles.

Luchador Capital paid for another procedure back in August.

Menjivar was in prison in August.

[Chuckles] It was a breast enhancement.

Patient's name was Natalia Vostok.

She's a call girl Menjivar's obsessed with, his L.A. woman.



She might be the one thing that draws him out into the open.

Don't tell me. You know her, too.

Not personally.

But I know someone who does.

♪ I spend it all on you, baby, baby, just watch ♪
♪ A BMW, a Bugatti, thick rock ♪
♪ Get you a fancy yacht any chance I got ♪

Fabian Wikstrom.

He made a fortune creating that video game "Aggravated as*ault."

Loves to throw parties.

This is where we'll find Natalia.

♪ And I'll get 'em real quick ♪
♪ Get you a fancy yacht... ♪

Nice shoes.

Is this your new partner?


Detective Craig, ma'am.

Holly Butler, Hollywood madam.

Has a nice ring, don't you think?

Sounds better than pimp, I guess.


We all got our vices, kid... Sex, dr*gs, booze.

I can't just give up my girls every time a cop comes knocking, particularly one who leaves the toilet seat up every morning like we live in a damn frat house.

We think Natalia's in danger.

Why didn't you say something before, moron?

You were so vague on the phone.

'Cause vice might be listening in.

I doubt they'd approve of our arrangement.

It's called a relationship, Frank.


She was downstairs with Wikstrom last time I saw her.

I know, the rogue cop and the Hollywood madam.

Sounds like a sitcom, right?

But listen.

You make it back to your wife tonight, she's gonna ask you about your day and you're gonna have to lie your ass off.

With Holly, I got no reason to lie.

But I do anyway.

♪ The bass and the tweeters make the speakers go to w*r ♪
♪ Ah, the mighty trumpet... ♪

Ahh, Frankie! Willkommen.

Gruss Gott,
Fabian. Ladies.


Natalia. Popular girl.

Do I know you?

[Baboon screeches]

That thing comes any closer, I'm gonna sh**t it.

I'll plant a g*n on it and say it reached.

He's fine, huh? Everything is fine.

It's Roy Rogers here. He's fine.

You see how he wears his adult diapers without complaint?


Hey, as long as you don't play Daft Punk or look him in the eye.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind.


[g*n cocks]

Drop it, Theroux!

That'll do, pig.

You won't sh**t her. You need her.

You're right, Frank.

But we sure as hell don't need her.

Drop your weapons.

Drop yours or she's dead.

Go ahead and sh**t her.

I'll just find myself another informant.

Nice shoes.

[People screaming]

What the hell happened?

You should've dropped the hammer.

[Dog barking in distance]

You okay?

You're a bastard.

I'll take that as a yes.

Why didn't you take the damn shot?

That was your chance to avenge your partner and you choked.

I didn't choke. I made a decision.

Roomful of innocent bystanders.

That's only a problem if you miss.

He was unarmed.

You're not pushing a patrol car anymore, Dorothy.

You want to fight monsters, Kyle?

Then you sure as hell better be willing to become one yourself, 'cause you know what?

At the end of the day, somebody gets eaten.

And when you burn through every law in the books, torn down everything that separates us from them, then what's the difference?

I ever have a son, I have to warn him about cops like you.

sh**t first, and who cares if you're wrong?

You can always make something up, right, Frank?

Wrong. You got to warn him about the ones who don't care.

Ones who don't bother getting out of the car.

I'm the one you want protecting him.

You know what? Training day's over.

You flunked.

Go on.

Move your ass back to Encino or wherever it is you came from.

You're done.

Beat us here by five minutes and you already shot someone?

That's got to be some kind of record, Frank.

[Tires screech]

[Electricity crackling]

[Men shouting in Spanish]

[Tires squeal]


Who the hell's that guy?

It's Kyle's.


No, Rios would've k*lled him outright and shot us when we came out.

Menjivar wouldn't risk a sh**t, not with her in the crossfire.

They grabbed Kyle for collateral.

Well, this is an epic fail.


Or maybe it's perfect.

You're all under arrest.


Do you know why they call me Blowtorch Bob?

You're into welding?

When I was with the Contras, I used an acetylene torch during interrogation.

I learned this at the School of the Americas, Fort Benning, Georgia.

Where is Natalia?

I honestly have no idea.

I find it brings out the flavor.


I wouldn't expect you to understand.

But I'm not without honor.

I don't harm women and children.

Those police k*lled today was Rios' work.

I'm ashamed to say that Rios was mine once.

Now he's like a pig broken out of its pen, like your partner, Frank.

Frank's not my partner. My partner's dead.

Watch out for him anyway.

Frank is not who he pretends to be.

Don't trust anything he tells you.


[Cellphone rings]

I have your partner.


I can bring him back alive or I can ship him back in pieces.

A trade tomorrow at dawn. My Natalia for your trainee.



That's not how it works, Frank.

I'll lead you all over the city first to make sure that you are alone.

If I see SWAT, choppers, a coyote I don't like the looks of...

Kyle dies bad.

[Cellphone beeps]

Tomorrow morning, your boss Menjivar's gonna walk me into an ambush and k*ll me.

I know this because it's what I'd do.

But I have other plans, and in order for those plans to work, I need to know where your boss intends on making the exchange.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

Despite what Lil Wayne would have you believe, eventually everybody talks.

Snitching's like looking at porn or listening to ABBA.

Everybody does it, but nobody cops to it.

So don't be too hard on yourself.


[Baboon chatters]


In Africa, these things k*ll more people than lions.

You know that?


And now comes the part where I let it rip your face off.

She's up all night till the sun
I'm up all night to get some

No! No, no, no!

[Screaming indistinctly]

It's a ghost town in the Mojave! Huh?

It's a ghost town in the Mojave!

Just get this thing away from me!

... who we are

[Music stops]


Like I said, everybody talks.

[Siren wailing in distance]

An U*i or an AK
'Cause the police always got somethin' stupid to say

I have to leave town because of you, man.

Now they both want to k*ll me, Menjivar and Rios, so thanks.

Frank: Shut up and listen. I'm about to save your life.

You got to go back to Rios, but you'll like this part.

You get to set me up to die.

You came so highly recommended, Theroux.

But Menjivar is still alive.

It's not like I can write you a bad Yelp review and get on with my life.

You fail again, we're all dead men.

Here's the idiot that let Frank get away with your 400 grand.

You come here to throw yourself at the mercy of the court?


You're a bigger fool than I thought.

I don't do mercy.

[Dramatic music]


Okay, okay! I can get you Menjivar, man.

You know where Menjivar is?

I know where he's gonna be.

And I know Frank's gonna be there with him.

That's a fact.

[Tense music]

[Brakes squeal]

Frank: Buenos dias, Bob!

Cóma estás?

All right, sweetheart.


Menny's totally going to k*ll you.


Quaint spot.

You walk Natalia first, then I'll walk Kyle.

Sure thing, Menny.


As soon as I have her, k*ll him.

Natalia: Menny!

Whose idea was it to do this on the surface of Mars?

My feet hurt!

And look, my pedi's completely ruined.

This sucks!

I know, my angel. I know.

What happened to your face?

You look 10 years younger.


[g*ns cocking]

Vaya con Dios.

Watch the car!

Watch the car.

Yeah, I heard him.

Give me the girl, Frank.

We got a Hummer coming in hot.

Back up.

I told you, Frank.

It's not cops, Bob. It's Rios.

Told him where we were meeting.

He's coming here to k*ll us both.

You're insane.

Way I figure it, we got two choices.

We can both die here.

Or form an entente cordiale.

If that means team up and k*ll everybody, then hell yeah.

You cannot be serious.

[g*n cocks]

Qué onda, jefe?

You should've stayed in prison, Menjivar!

Tommy: There's that son of a bitch Theroux.

I got him.

Wait for Frank.

Hey, this is a ghost town, right?

Let's make some ghosts!

Fuego, pendejos!

Fuego, fuego!

Fuego, fuego!


Watch your hands.

More bad guys? That's the solution, really?


Law enforcement. What a joke.

I'm taking you in, Theroux, for k*lling my partner.


[Shouts in Spanish]


You are under arrest!

For the m*rder of Jennifer Mitchell.

Ow. Ow. Damn it.

Well, you got what you wanted.

So did you.

I suppose here ends our entente.

Shall we k*ll each other now?

I'm too tired. Maybe another time.


Until then, Bob, you owe me.

You two go ahead and book Theroux.

Wait, we're arresting people now?

That was literally the most wanted man in America.

You let him walk.

Regime change.

Someone's gonna run the drug trade in L.A.

Better a businessman like Menjivar than a butcher like Rios.

We can't win this w*r.

Best we can do is restore balance, protect the ecosystem.

You're not some half-assed game warden.

You're just another dirty cop with 400 grand in his trunk.

Calling me a dirty cop, that's... that's like calling Santa Claus a burglar.

Sure, I'm breaking into people's homes, tracking soot all over the damn carpet, drinking and eating all the milk and cookies, but just look at all the joy I bring.

Got your partner's k*ller, didn't you?

What were you gonna do? Knock on some doors?

Wait for the lab report to come back?

I'm a cop, Frank.

Cops have rules. We have limits.

This is my father's badge.

He died wearing it, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna tarnish it for you.

You remind me so much of him.

Your dad.

I look in your eyes and I see Billy in there looking back at me.

Lockhart figures I won't be able to see you clearly because your dad and I were tight, but I do see you.

You're one of us, even if you don't realize it yet.

Got some of your dad's magic in you.

My dad was nothing like you.

What did you really know about your old man, Kyle?

Church on Sunday, peewee football, catch in the backyard?

You knew what he wanted you to know.

He protected you from the rest, the way we all do.

Most of his waking hours he spent out here with us.

This was his family. I was his family.

Man: Let us read from the Bible and the book of Genesis.

You're lying. You didn't know him.

We went through the academy together.

Worked CRASH together when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

He called me that night, said he had something by the tail.

He wouldn't tell me over the phone, but whatever it was, it scared him, and nothing scared your dad.

I was supposed to meet him at Hollenbeck and 1st in Boyle Heights.

He never made it.

What are you saying?

The department tried to write it off as a botched robbery, but no stickup artist could've ever gotten the drop on your dad... No way.

That was a hit.

Those numbers on your wrist, I fed them into every DMV database and search engine on the planet.

I don't think they're a partial plate.

I think they're a message.

[Dramatic music]

I know what it means.

Genesis chapter 3.

"But of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of a garden."

Come on.


What does it open?

I don't know.

But it cost your dad his life, and Lockhart wants it.

I think that's the real reason she put us in a car together.

She was Billy's captain, but Billy didn't trust her with it.

He trusted me.


But I don't.

Then run on back to Lockhart.

I'm sure she'll make you lieutenant.

But she won't solve his m*rder.

Lockhart doesn't want to solve it.

She wants to manage it.

But you need someone who's not afraid to chase this thing off the edge of the map.

You need me.

Yeah. I do.

But you need me. Don't you, Frank?

You want to chase this thing into its lair, but the further into the darkness you go, the harder it is to find your way back.

You need someone to hold the lantern... or you'll lose your way.

Alyse: Hey.


Sounds like you had a long night.

Uh, Frank called last night.

He did?

Told me you were gonna be in late, but I made him promise me to go gentle, and absolutely no strippers.

So, how was it?

You know.

Locker-room stuff.

We sat in a stakeout most of the time.



That's not what happened.

[Knock on door]

Allen: Who is it?

Pope Francis.

I thought that was you.


Put this in a safe place.

It's a trust for 300 grand.

Don't get excited.

You can't access it till you're 18.

It'll get you through college, as long as you don't go into criminal defense.

Or civil rights.

Nobody likes a smartass, kid.

You're under my protection now, Allen.

Everybody out here knows it.

[Siren wailing in distance]

Why don't you just go to the department with this?

Would you know the hand of God if you felt it?

That's what this feels like.

Like it's what my father would've wanted, or does want.

[Sighs] I don't know.

Something he said to me before he died.

Tearing down is easy.

Building up is hard.

So, you're gonna, what, rehabilitate this guy?

I'm gonna train him.