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03x11 - Not Everything's About Annalise

Posted: 02/03/17 00:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How to Get Away with m*rder"...

Sam Keating went missing that night.

His remains were found a few weeks later.

Did you all do that?

Do you really want to know?

I'm denying Ms. Keating's request for bail and ordering that she be remanded to Philadelphia County Prison.

Dr. Bradfield of the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office has confirmed that Mr. Gibbins' cause of death is asphyxiation due to smoke inhalation.

You said he d*ed before the fire.

Before I did the official autopsy.

Our initial theories change all the time.

I saw someone there. Was it you?


It should have been you.

We were told you wanted to make a statement?

About the m*rder of Wes Gibbins.

What about it?

I did it.


How'd you know where to find me?

I've got contacts at the station.

You know that.

What'd they want?

They're investigating Annalise.

You tell them anything?


But I might.


That you k*lled my father.

You think Laurel would approve?

Why wouldn't she?

You'd be hurting me.

Maybe that's what she wants.

You don't know her.

Not like me.

I know that she deserves better than you.

And you think that's you?

I'd never hurt her the way you have.

Or Annalise.

You don't know Annalise.

You k*lled her son.

She told me.

And now you're dead to her.

You know that. Otherwise, you'd have hurt me by now.

But you're not gonna.

Because you know she would never forgive you for it.

That's how much more I mean to her than you.

Frank: I picked him up in my car, told him Annalise wanted to see him.

He was nervous... I could tell.

But then he got in.

I took him to the house.

When he saw she wasn't there, he got scared, tried to leave, so I knocked him out.


[Buzzer, click]

Guard: Keating. On your feet.

I said, "On your feet"!


Where are you taking her?

Turn around.

[Handcuffs click]

Where you taking Fresh Fish?

I ain't even got a taste yet.

Woman: Dang, mama, I was gonna make you my boo.

Cut the gas line and left the burner going on the stove.

Gave me time to get out before it all went up.

Watch your head.

Where are we going?

Mumford: Why?


Let's say we do believe you.

Why k*ll him?


She left me for him.

I tried to be okay with it, but...

I lost it when I found out she was pregnant.

Guard: On the gate!

[Buzzer, click]

Where's my lawyer?


You're violating my Sixth Amendment right to counsel.

She's all yours.

I demand to see my lawyer.

Davis: You wanted Laurel dead, too?


She was in the house when it exploded...

She wasn't supposed to be.

That's why I'm here.

I can't take that I hurt her.

I don't talk till I see Bonnie.

She didn't answer her phone.

It's the middle of the night.

And this is urgent.

Let's talk about Frank Delfino.

You were Delfino's lawyer, right?

When he was charged with attempting to m*rder his father... Got him out on parole.

After that, you gave him a job, brought him into your home.

A little unorthodox.

Was he working as an investigator for you?

I k*lled him.


JFK... and Elvis.

What else do you want to know?

All of it is inadmissible until you get me my lawyer.



Ms. Winterbottom, this is Officer Taylor from the Philadelphia PD.

[Door opens]

Get up. You're free to go.


Davis: Your confession can't be corroborated.

So either we arrest you for obstruction of justice and perjury or you get to go home... We forget this ever happened.

You got street cameras outside the station, right?

Ma'am, you can't just walk back there!

I'm Ms. Keating's lawyer.


You're gonna arrest me but not charge me?

We can question you for 48 hours before we have to charge you.

You got a lawyer you want us to call?

Nah. I'm done hiding.


No. Get him out of here.

I k*lled Wes.

Tell Annalise I'm sorry!

Please! Tell her I'm sorry!

Obviously, this is a difficult time.

I urge you to use the resources we have available...

Talking to counselors, taking time off, whatever you need.

The Office of the President will support you.

Thanks. That means a lot.

Obviously, we have some outside attention because of Professor Keating's arrest...

Police, journalists.

So please know we are a resource if you need any guidance.

He's a lawyer, right?

Um, Mike Richardson, a trustee for the university.

With all due respect, the whole "We're here for you" spiel loses its intended effect when you have legal counsel taking notes.

It's university policy to have adequate record in situations like these.

You mean situations where you need to protect the endowment.

I can assure you my presence is simply about safeguarding your welfare.

No, you're afraid we're going to sue...

You know, for negligence and punitive damages for not providing adequate security to your students.

We simply wanted to check how you're doing.

Wes was a close friend of yours.

Not that close, really.

Regardless, we've all lost a member of this campus's family.

Did you ever even meet Wes?

No, but...

Have you scheduled a memorial for him yet?


Of course not.

Because your immediate goal is to distance this university from Professor Keating.

Michaela, we should just...

Let me remind you that the most basic legal tenet is innocence until proven guilty.

That applies to Professor Keating, who... let's be clear... Is being framed for a crime she didn't commit.

Yet this office still hasn't released a statement of support for her, which I understand from a covering-your-ass point of view, but not from a looking-to-the-future one.

Professor Keating is Middleton Law.

She is a brilliant, empowering force of legal nature, and you should think long and hard before you hang her out to dry.

[Handcuffs click]

They're talking to Atwood.

She'll have to drop the charges now that Frank's been arrested.

I've scheduled a call with Judge Malik to get the paperwork moving.

I'm getting you out of here, Annalise, by the end of the day.

Tomorrow at the latest.

Trust me.

I trusted you to get me out on bail.

Look how that went.

Where did the car go after?

Not sure, but we're checking all the security cameras.

And you still haven't found Wes Gibbins' phone?

No, so we're screwed.

We're on record that Keating acted alone.

I know, but that doesn't prove Delfino was involved.

He's the last person to see our victim alive.

You think any jury's gonna believe he didn't k*ll him?

[Knock on door]

Come in.

You wanted to see me?

Close the door.

What's this?

We need you back on the Keating case.

What changed?

Frank Delfino confessed to k*lling Wes Gibbins last night.

Doing it for Annalise.

Of course.

What do you need?

To make sure his story checks out.

You know Laurel Castillo, right?

I haven't been back in a hospital since my wife was sick.

Ovarian cancer.

The hardest thing...

Losing someone too soon.


You still work for the D.A.?

Who do you think sent me?

When did you know you were pregnant?

Frank turned himself in last night.

He says he k*lled Wes because he found out about the baby.

So... you tell Frank you were pregnant?

I don't feel well.

So you didn't tell him.

I want you to leave.

I know what it's like to be scared of Annalise, believe me.

Call me when you want to talk.


[Cellphone ringing]


Did Frank confess?

Who told you that?

Just tell me.


Who told you?

[Sighing] Ohh.

Nate. He just wants to know if Frank knew I was pregnant.

Did he?


I didn't even know.

Which means he's lying.

He's just trying to save Annalise, right?

I don't know.

I'll call you back.



You have another suspect who has confessed.

A suspect who has every reason to do this at your client's bidding.

If you don't believe him, why hold him?

That's the detectives' call.

This office hasn't even decided if we even want to charge him.

Because you know you have to release my client the minute you do.

We need more than this very convenient confession to believe a career criminal.

So you're saying you have no other evidence yet?

Oh, we have evidence... A mountain of it...

And it all points to Annalise Keating.

Bonnie: Atwood's lying.

They have evidence against Frank, and if I can find it, I can get Annalise released.


You're tired. So am I.

But this helps us all.

What do you need?

Call Oliver. Have him hack the D.A.


He did it for Annalise once already.

That was before.

Before what?

He knows about Sam.


I told him.

You what?!

Why would you do that?

'Cause I'm an ass.

Look, he already promised he wouldn't go to the police.

You believe that?

Well, we haven't been arrested yet, have we?

You thought things couldn't get any worse, right?

I'm gonna go talk to him.


You messed up. Now it's my job to fix it.

How is that your job?

Who else is gonna be the grown-up around here?

Hey, BonBon's here.

Oh, is that what you were doing with the president this morning?

Because all I saw was an entitled crazy person.

I was saving our asses.

You were defending Annalise like she deserves it.

If they sell her out, which you know they want to do, then we all go down.

Maybe we should.


When are we gonna stop helping Annalise, when it only makes things worse?

You are the only one getting us in trouble right now.

Wes is dead.

Annalise probably k*lled him.

She didn't.

Oh, sorry. Frank did.

He's just taking the fall.

You would believe that.


Annalise is a mess.

She is losing it in there, and...

I'm scared... more than I should admit to you.

So I need your help, and so does she, and maybe you hate that... And her.

But it is your lives on the line here, too.

It's as simple as that.

[Buzzer, click]

Well, looky who's back... The boy-k*ller.

[Gate closes, locks]

What, you didn't think I knew how to read?

What was it?

One of them Mrs. Robinson type of things?

Your boy toy got tired of your sad old ta-tas, so you torched his ass?

Jasmine: Leave it alone, girl.

Well, ain't it bad enough our men getting sh*t up by the police.

Now they got to worry about us k*lling them, too?

Like police don't frame innocent people?

She ain't innocent!

Says right there she offed her husband, too!

[Voice fading] sh**t, I'm scared, to be honest, like maybe you're one of them black widows and you're gonna come at me and Jas next.


You asleep?

I have 10 minutes before my rounds, so I thought I would sneak you a-these.


So, I heard you could get discharged soon.


Any news from the police?



Didn't I see that detective in here this morning?

Uh, I thought you were on an O.B. rotation.

I am.

So how come you were here this morning?

I came to visit you.

You never stopped by.

Well, that's because that guy was in here.


What's going on?

We're not friends, Meggy.

Maybe we could have been when Wes was still here, but he's dead.

And it's illegal for you to know details about my medical care when you're not actually my doctor, so...

I really need to sleep.

Sit down.


Just sit. Then we'll explain.

My God. You're making this worse than it has to be.

You've said enough on this topic, so you can shut your mouth.

We know you know, Oliver.

You told them.

Don't look at him. Right here.

This is clearly a stressful time for you, as it is for all of us, and I'm sorry about that.


We understand that you don't know any of the details.

Yeah, and I don't want to.

I think that's smart, because all you really need to know...

He just said that he doesn't want to know.

Sam deserved it.

Even Annalise would tell you that if she could.

Back here.

Every action you take right now has consequences for us.


This is my life on the line, and I've worked too hard to have it ruined because someone opened their fat mouth!

You understand... right?

I do.


Now you need to hack the D.A.

Davis: We checked every street cam in a 10-mile radius.

We can't locate Delfino's car in any of them.

So it's possible they separated before Wes d*ed.

Delfino says he drove Wes straight to Keating's house.

I don't believe that.

We have enough to charge him.

Give me more time.


I just need to think. Please.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Should I come back?

No, we're done.

Oh, keep it open.

You're the one who cried sexual harassment.


Tell me you got something out of the girl.

She won't talk to me.


Can I do anything else?

Help me get a new job after I get fired.


The second the press hears we wrongfully indicted Annalise Keating, I'm done.

Ship me back to Tulsa.

Let me talk to Frank.


I know the guy.

And I'm damn good at my job.

Atwood: You're sure you don't want a lawyer?

Frank: I waive my rights.

Let's just get this over with so you can charge me.

See, I'm not sure that's gonna happen.

I confessed.

You got me on candid camera.

What's so hard?

You're lying for Annalise.

And I understand why.

She's controlled you for quite a long time.

Guard: Y'all have got 15 minutes!

Jasmine: Yeah, yeah. I heard you. sh**t.

Come on. Over here.

Put your stuff there.

Push to the front, get in, get out.

[Indistinct conversations]

Atwood: You were just a sad, angry criminal.

And Annalise showed up, worked her magic, and got you 10 years free.

And now you're sitting here, paying her what she's owed.

Charmaine: She don't look as good as she did in the paper.


She's still trying to keep that weave tight, though.


Why she ain't turning around?

'Cause she rude.

Hey, yo!

Why you k*ll that boy?

Hey, I'm talking to you!

Annalise had nothing to do with this.

Of course she did.

She loved that kid.

No, she told you to be a good little soldier and take the fall for her.

Charmaine: You deaf, bitch?

I asked you a question.

Why'd you k*ll that boy?

I didn't.


Like hell you didn't.

Dumbass burnt down her own big-ass crib, too.

Guess lawyers ain't as smart as we thought.

Look at her running scared.


You're lying for her.

That camera shows Wes got in your car at 4:24 p.m., but the house didn't explode until a few hours later.

What happened in between?

I'm done.


Release me, call a public defender to get you off my back, but I'm done being interrogated.

You hear me? Done.

Charmaine: Yo, what this weave set you back?

Got to be at least half a G or so.

Enough to keep me in smokes till my trial.

Get the hell away from me before I b*at your face!

Oh. Huh.

You gonna b*at my ass?

Let's see.

Hey! Hey!

You want to roll up on somebody, let's do it.

Or you just want to talk?

Charmaine: That's right! You better run!

Better sleep with one eye open, too.

You trying to get k*lled?



The only thing they like smelling more than a man in here is fear.

Take it!

[Buzzer, click]

Guard: Keating!


[Door closes]

I'm not who you were expecting.


I'm sorry if this is a shock.

It's just... I had a meeting with your students this morning.


It's just protocol. Honestly.

Still, talking with them, hearing how important you are to them...

What is this?

'Cause if you're here to fire me, I got that part.


Then why are you here?

As my A.A. friend?

'Cause let me be clear...

If anyone offers me any liquor in here, I'm drinking it.

Go. Say what you came to say.

Say it!

I just came to make sure you were okay.

That's all.

I'm sorry, Annalise.

[Sighs deeply]

I'm fine.

I know.

Still, I'm sorry.

Connor: You threatened him.

Michaela: Oh, please! That was a gentle nudge.

You want to see a thr*at? Try me.

Oh, my God, you've lost it.

I am the only one holding us together right now.

Because you're acting like Mussolini right now.

Mussolini got things done, didn't he?

[Keyboard clacking]

It may come as a surprise to you, but I was not always the glue that held this group together.

Yeah. I was late to the party, too.

Not... that it's a party.

[Chuckles lightly] It's a... m*rder.

That's bad, but...

[Clears throat]

I just... I get how scary this can be, finding out about all the... awfulness.

So... I'm here if you ever need to... talk or... you just... want a hug.

Michaela! Connor!

What's wrong?

Uh, I got into Atwood's server looking for stuff that they had on Frank, but it's mostly stuff they had on Annalise.


They found a Jane Doe in the woods, and the lab ran a bunch of DNA tests to try to identify her.

Who is it?


[Knock on door]

It's the po-po.

We must have triggered an alarm. They knew we were hacking...

No. No, no, no. I put up a bunch of firewalls.

Shut up and act normal.

Did you find anything yet?

Look at that.

[Door closes]

Either the D.A.'s office is out of options or they decided to send in the big g*ns.

Nice to see you, too.

New gig going well?

It'd be a whole lot better if you told me the truth.

That's all I've done.

Yet here I sit.

No charge in sight.

Wes didn't die in the fire, man.

The M.E. report says he did.

So did you, in your... confession.

You screwed up with Annalise.

She told me that while you were away.

So this is your way of fixing things.

Not everything's about Annalise.

Michaela: Did Frank k*ll Rebecca?


BonBon, please don't lie to us.

Why would I lie to you right now?

Are you being serious?

I don't know anything that you don't know.

Please, just... everyone breathe.


Oh, God. What now?

They have a lot more on Annalise than just Rebecca...

Like, tons.

They're investigating her for Sam, the Hapstalls, Emily Sinclair, Lila Stangard.

I can't do this anymore.

That's what I've been trying to say.


Bonnie: You were right.

They're not going to stop.

Even if they charge Frank for Wes, they're just going to keep coming at you.

For Sam..

Rebecca... everything.

You need to put it all on Frank.


We'll go to Atwood, ask for a deal, say you'll talk.

Frank's a sociopath, you were scared for your life, so you didn't say anything, but that's the reason he left town, so you only knew for a few months.

He owes you this. He knows that.

You act like you're bringing me a solution.

It is.

It's a lie.

It's the only sh*t you have right now.


Is Annalise gonna do it?

They're meeting with Atwood right now.


They don't extradite to the U.S.

They don't like gay people there.

Or black people.

I'm assuming.

Well, there have to be other countries that...

Don't Google countries where we can seek asylum.

The police might be tracking our phones.

All the more reason for us to do something.


I'm serious.

We can... We can break Laurel out of here, pick up Oli, and Uber straight to the airport.

My passport's expired.

It's $100 to renew.

I didn't think I'd be able to travel anywhere for a while.

Well, there goes that plan.

Meggy's acting sketchy.

She keeps visiting me. She brought me jello.

Isn't that just nice?

Nice... or sketchy.


Oh, God.

How could we all be so stupid?

We have information relating to various investigations.

In exchange, we'd like an immunity deal for all charges against Ms. Keating.

You mean a "Get out of jail free" card for crimes orchestrated by your client.

Ms. Keating played no part in these crimes.

Therefore, there will be no admission of guilt.

Of course not.

We came here to negotiate in good faith.

You mean to leverage bodies for leniency.

I'm sure the state is as interested as we are in bringing closure to the families of these unsolved cases.

To be clear, these are unsolved m*rder cases.

We've told you everything we're willing to tell you without a deal.


One of your own students.

An orphan who fought his way through a difficult foster-care system to become something.

Ms. Keating is clearly devastated by the loss of her student.

You were his professor, and he trusted you.

It is in your interest to negotiate with us.

He didn't have a mother figure, so you just stepped right in and took advantage of that.

Speaking to my client in this way is an abuse of power.

But that's what you do.

You get vulnerable, broken people into your clutches, and you devour them.

That's enough.

You insinuated yourself into this boy's life.

This meeting is over.

You abused your power as his teacher.

You ruined his life.

You did this.

b*rned this poor boy alive.

Just think about the pain that he felt as he d*ed.

The agony...

You want to know pain?! I'll show you pain!

Uncuff me!

Look at my pain!

Uncuff me, I'll show you pain!

I'll show you pain.

Uncuff me. Uncuff me!

Look at my pain!

No deal.

[Door closes]



Dorothy: Why is that funny?

Rose: No offense, Dorothy, but your cupcakes are dry and tasteless.


Nobody ever likes your cupcakes.

My cupcakes are moist and delicious.


Men love my cupcakes.


[Volume decreases]

How'd it go?

She get the deal?

I need to talk to Laurel alone.


Just let me talk to her.

I'll be fine.

What is it?

You can fix this.

Give me all your 9s.

Go fish.

What the hell happened to you?

Give me the blade.

You're not gonna k*ll yourself, are you?

Just give it to me!

♪ Until we go down ♪
♪ Until we go down ♪
♪ Until we go down ♪
♪ Until we go down ♪

[Swedish accent] Hello.

Would the lady like to take off her clothes?

I am Gustav, and I heard that the queen bee is in need of a rubdown.


I'm under explicit instructions to make sure you feel... so very good.

Asher, stop.

[Music stops]


[Normal voice] Sorry.

Just... you were a boss today, and, yeah, it's hot, but also it was nice, too.

You know, feeling like someone's in charge, especially... right now.

So "Thank you" is all that I w...

Gustav was trying to say.

Focus on my shoulder blades.

That's where I carry all my stress.

[Swedish accent] As my lady commands.



Is Michaela behind you to thr*aten me again?


Can I say anything, do anything?

Yeah, you can tell me this is all just a terrible joke.

Like the time my brother told me Mr. Giggles got hit by a car, and I cried for hours, until he brought the cat into my bedroom and I learned all about April Fools' Day.


How have you been doing this?

Get up in the morning and go to class, listen to me complain about my role.

You don't have a role.

[Chuckles] See?

Even that... pretending like things can be normal again.

I don't know how you've been doing this by yourself this whole time.

Now do you know why I wanted you to go to the police?

You were right to break up with me.


You wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for my big mouth.

I made you tell me. [Chuckles]

I should have broken up with you, Oli.

A long time ago.

I should have rejected you or made you hate me, but instead, I... just needed you.

I need you, too.

Will you spoon me?


[Voice breaking] Don't let go.

I won't.

Laurel: We dated off and on since first year.

When you say "off and on"...

It wasn't the most stable relationship.

So you broke up last spring, and then you started dating Wes.

Then Frank k*lled him because of your little love triangle?

It's more complicated than that.

I saw Frank last week.

[Voice breaking] I told him I was pregnant.


And that it was Wes'.

I would have never told him if I ever thought he would hurt Wes.

Did Annalise put you up to this?

I haven't talked to Annalise since the fire.

And Bonnie... she never visited you in the hospital?

The visitors records will verify that.

I remember something else from that night.

The doctors said that it would happen, that the dr*gs would... wear off and that I would remember things.

I, uh, saw Frank... before the expl*si*n.


In the basement.

[Breathes shakily]

He ran out of the storm door.

He did this.

Wes: Annalise uses you.

You do whatever she wants because you know she'll get rid of you otherwise.

What else have you done for her?

k*lled people?


Rebecca ran away.

I know she was m*rder*d.

Congratulations. You're finally getting charged.

Frank Delfino, you are being charged with the first-degree m*rder of Wesley Gibbins.

Your bail hearing will be set under the rules of criminal procedure.

Until then, you will be residing in the county prison.

Frank: Clearly, you're still hung up on this girl, so... why don't we find her?

Can't be too hard to locate a white girl with cornrows.

You k*lled her.


Admit it.

I k*lled your dad.

Not Rebecca.

Nate: You know Frank didn't do this.

An eyewitness placed him at the scene.

We had no choice but to charge him.

Frank said he k*lled Wes in the fire, but he d*ed before that, according to the M.E.

That was her initial report.

Then run a second autopsy!

That's not necessary.

Because it's a cover-up?

From where I stand, the suspicious person in all of this is you.

Is that it?

You're actually the one covering up for Annalise?

My job here is to ask questions.

You're asking the wrong ones.

Am I?

Go home and get some sleep. Clearly, you need it.

Wes: Take me back to the police station.


You gonna tattle on us?



I'll walk.

[Car door opens]

[Buzzer, click]

They charged Frank.


They charged him as your co-conspirator.

I thought that I could do this, Annalise.

I really did.

I thought... that this would get you out.

It's okay.

It's not.


I deserve this.


We got a puppy problem.


He knows Rebecca's dead.


Cops, I guess.

Are you still following him?


You want me to do anything else?

Just don't lose him.

I'll call you soon.

[Engine starts]