03x25 - Civil w*r Part 3: The Drums of w*r

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x25 - Civil w*r Part 3: The Drums of w*r

Post by bunniefuu »






Save your strength, Hulk.

The cells are made to neutralize our powers.


Songbird speaks truth.

My cell prevents me from calling mine hammer, Mjolnir.

But I know it is out there.

Falcon, I'm starting to think the Avengers are cursed.

This ought to be interesting.

Okay, Hawkeye, tell me why we're cursed.

How else do you explain this run of bad luck?

Attilan's destroyed, Inhumans get forced to register.

We stand against it, so our own government sends other Avengers after us.

And we get arrested, Captain America gets blasted...





I told you. Cursed.

Hope Iron Man's having better luck than we are.

Hello, Tony. After all we've been through, nothing for your old friend, Truman Marsh?

A sad sight.

The great Tony Stark rotting in solitary.

Consider it payback for trying to undermine me.

This isn't over, Marsh! The Avengers will...

The Avengers are done.

You and your team will spend the rest of your lives wasting away in this hole.

So long, Stark.

See you again... Never.



Step one: get out of cell.

Step two: find the other Avengers.

Change of plans. Step two: run!



Whoops. This is awkward.

Okay, Guardsmen, I accept your surrender.

Escaped prisoners are to be terminated.

Maybe I would've been safer in my cell.

Whoa careful! You could hurt somebody.

Like me.

Okay. Huh?

This some kind of trick?

It's a rescue.


Funny, the people you meet in prison. Huh?


Through there! Go!

I brought backup.


The backup has arrived.

Black Bolt and Medusa are helping us?

You'll need to catch me up on who's on whose side.

After we find and free the others.

Already did.

Natasha got us out before she got you. 'Cause she likes us better.

Thought you might want this back.

Hulk, I could hug you.

Except I know how hugs make you angry.

Come on. We still have another teammate to find.

Captain America was badly injured.

If they brought him here, we should look for him in the infirmary.

Black Bolt feels terrible.

If he had known what would happen, he never would've agreed to registration.

You were only trying to do what you thought was best for your people.

We were wrong, and we will do whatever we must to set things right, before anyone else is hurt.

Iron Man: Cap!

It's just not right seeing him like this.

Captain America's indestructible.

(GROWLS) He's an Avenger.

He is our Avenger.

Let's get him outta here.

More Guardsmen!

Um, those aren't Guardsmen.


Seeing Cap hurt makes me mad, and being mad makes me smash!





Keep 'em away from Cap.





I may not have Mjolnir, but I still have two hammers!

The left and the right!









Use my shield and give Black Bolt some cover.

You got it.


Steve! We thought you were a goner.

So did I, to tell you the truth.

Why do I say that? I always tell the truth.

Lousy bot! Gonna smash you into... (GROANS)

It's rude to interrupt. (GRUNTS)



Widow, take half the team and concentrate your att*cks on one bot at a time.

Falcon, take the others and do the same.

Keep it for a sec. It's a good look on you.


Yeah. It is a good look on me.


Combine your att*cks! As a team!



Songbird, turn up the music!

(EXCLAIMS) You gotta be kidding me!

More lousy bots?

Stay together, and target them one at a time.

(LAUGHS) Just like bowling.

Who wants to knock down the pin?

I do!




We cannot take them down faster than new ones arrive.

Everyone cover your ears.

Black Bolt, tell us what we wanna hear.


Whoa! Glad he's on our side.

Black Widow: While you were locked up, our situation went from bad to worse.

Marsh has amped up Inhuman registration.

Strong-arm tactics, using raids, arrests, and threats.

Black Bolt feels we should talk to Truman Marsh.

Convince him to undo the registration program.

Perhaps we can reason with him.

Marsh cannot be reasoned with.

He doesn't even like me, which is disturbing.

Everyone likes me.

I just don't get it. How did a government bureaucrat like Marsh get so much power and authority?

Picking up something strange.

A signal just got bounced off the satellite grid and shot out across the whole planet.

Hey. What gives?

Black Bolt?

Destroy! (ECHOING)

Grab on to Tony!

What about me?

Hold on to your boots!


Everybody accounted for?

Except Hulk. He must've landed around here...

There he is.

Without Mjolnir, I cannot fly, nor can I properly fight.


It's nearly here. I can feel it!

That signal I picked up on the Avenjet?

Same signal's coming from their necks.

From their necks? The registration disks.

They're under mind control. Try not to hurt 'em.









This isn't you, Black Bolt.

You're stronger than this!

Thor, neutralize the registration disk.

But how? (GROANS)




Black Bolt, I will not harm you, but Mjolnir most definitely will!

Now for the disk.


Thor's hit just took out his disk.

Thor, we need another lightning strike. This time at Medusa.

A boulder? Where'd she find a boulder?

Stand clear!


That signal was broadcast all over the world.

Now every Inhuman who registered is under mind control.

This is all our fault. If only we hadn't agreed to...

Ain't no angst like Inhuman angst. It's not your fault.

There's no need to apologize.

No need to apologize? I guess that means we're all cool then.

Team, you remember our mighty Avengers friends who arrested us.

Good times. But the past is the past, and things have changed.

Indeed. Despite our protests, Truman Marsh attempted to force Ms. Marvel to register.

Even though she was already working on the side of the government.

That was the final straw.

So even Ms. Marvel went into hiding.

Then we quit working for that pencil-neck Marsh.

And that's how we got here.

But we understand if you're a little, uh, seriously ticked off at us for having to arrest you.

Uh, kind of, yeah.

We're on the same side now.

And we have bigger problems. Friday?

Within the last hour, the Inhumans who registered have begun to attack humans.

The media has named this conflict "The Inhuman Wars."

We know the Inhumans are being mind-controlled.

But nobody out there knows that.

Couldn't we use your lightning?

Nay. Asgardian lightning is an exact process.

It would be impossible to target every Inhuman on the planet.

It doesn't make sense. Marsh has to be behind this.

But what does he have to gain by starting a w*r between humans and Inhumans?

Cap, go find out.

Take Falcon, Black Bolt and Medusa with you.

Widow, take Hawkeye, Hulk, Songbird and Thor.

Most intense fighting's in the city. Get in there and stop it.

Captain Marvel, take Black Panther, Red Hulk and Vision.

Hit the city, uptown.

Ant-Man, you're with me. Let's move.

No, my love. Do not even think about it.

We will find another way.


Slow them down and let the bystanders get to safety!


Puny Haechi! You are as ugly as you are mean!



Target the Inhumans, Flint and Iso!

You and me, Karnak!




Sensors indicate a single Inhuman contact approaching straight ahead.

Oh, not her.

They've got Ms. Marvel.

What are we doing here?

We have one registration disk intact.

Your big brain and your small expertise are gonna help me deconstruct it.

Falcon: I traced the signal that activated the registration disks.

It originated from the Security Council, here.

Everybody out! It's wired to blow!

Captain America: Bigger things are in play.

No! Do not do this!

Do not do what?

Wouldn't be right to hit a little girl. I'll just have to blast her!



Hey! Let go!


Oh, you gotta be kidding me.


Come on, Kamala.

I'm your number one favorite hero.

You've written fan fiction about me.

You do not want this.


The disk is shielded, so we can't get a scan of what's inside and makes it tick.

You're thinking too big. Think small.

Small enough for us to shrink under the shields and explore the disk from the inside.

We gotta stop this w*r.

So let's get a little bit little.


Wait. How dangerous is this?

Extremely. But it's best not to think about it.

ANT-MAN: It worked! I'll start scanning.

These design elements, they're familiar.

They almost look like... Mine!

Of course Truman Marsh would steal my tech.


We should've known. The disk has self-defense systems.

Keep working. I'll draw their fire.

Hey, self-defenses, follow me!


That all you got? You guys ain't so tough.



Situation's getting too hot!



Iron Man, rise and shine.

We've overstayed our welcome. Come on, Tony!


Well, we didn't get fried to a crisp, but our disk wasn't so lucky.

I managed to get a partial scan.

It's not much, but if we study the data, maybe we can find some way to shut down the registration disks.




Black Bolt, stop!

No. You are wrong, husband.

This will not allow the Inhumans to choose their own destinies.

This will end their futures.

Uh, I was gonna ask you why you took off like that, but now my questions are more about the scary-looking machine.

After the Terrigen wave created new Inhumans, this device was developed to potentially reverse the effects.

To return Inhumans back to their cocoon, allowing our people to choose whether they wish to have powers or not.

You had this machine, but didn't use it to undo the Terrigen wave?

The device was never perfected.

For once someone is put back into a cocoon, it leaves the Inhuman in a permanent coma-like state.

That's your plan, Black Bolt?

To save your people, you're going to turn them off?

No, it is not the only way to stop the w*r.

You are not saving our people.

You are taking them away. Our family, you, me.

Things look bleak, but we can't lose hope.

Hope is stronger than any w*apon, stronger than any prison, stronger than any w*r.

I know you blame yourself that the Inhumans became mindless pawns, but you can't risk extinguishing your people like this.

Potentially losing them forever is not the solution.

This machine will not bring peace.

This machine is flawed and dangerous.

Don't do it, Black Bolt. Together, we can find another way.



That's enough! I've been holding back because you're our friend.

But I know how tough you are, Kamala Khan.

You wanna bring it? Then bring it!






Whoa, Danvers. Take it easy. She's just a kid.

Ms. Marvel can take it.

She's not just a kid, she's an Avenger.


At this close range, I may be able to superheat the disk's internal components.

Should I try or...


I will take that as a yes.


Red Hulk: Any time, Vision!



Whoa! What just happened?

I mean, uh... Ow!


(GROANS) We're never gonna find a weakness in this disk.

There are too many gaps in the data.

It's hopeless.

It's not hopeless. We just have to find it.

Whatever it is.


Huh? Hmm?



Both: Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Widow, we've got a possible way to disable the registration disks, but we need help to get the tech from Avengers Tower.

Avengers assemble! Back at the Tower!

I heard what happened.

Good to see you back to normal.

It's good to be back to normal.

My normal, mostly non-evil self.


Man, there are a lot of us. Come on.

You always were very clever.

But if you think I'm going to just let you undo my registration disks, you're wrong.


I call first dibs on smashing his face.

I call second.

Are you trying to thr*aten the Avengers?

We're Earth's mightiest heroes.

You're just a deluded schlub in a bad suit.

Still wrong.



Surprised to see me?

But now it all starts to make sense, doesn't it?

Not that it matters now.

I have been biding my time.

Letting you think you've won, studying your every move, setting up the pieces, watching you do exactly what I wanted.

I'd hoped humans and Inhumans would annihilate each other for me.

But if I want the job done right, I'll have to do it myself.

Now a new world order, the Ultron Revolution!
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