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02x15 - Ken and the Basketball Star

Posted: 01/28/17 06:51
by bunniefuu
[Knock on door]

Is that Danny Willis?

Yeah, we're studying together.


Hey, Danny.

Dad, this is...

Danny Willis, basketball phenom... the Steph Curry of Hidden Oaks High School... in my house!


Oh, I remember in 5th grade, you could hit from anywhere on the court.

How do you know?

I used to watch his games when I dropped Dave off at oboe practice.


Shh! You're embarrassing me in front of Danny Willis!

It's nice to meet you, Dr. Park.

Oh, it's nice to meet you.

So, um...

So, yeah, so, you know, what are you guys studying, man?

Oh, uh, AP Bio.

AP Bio?

A baller with brains?

The Steph Curry of science, too?!

[Laughs] What can't this guy do?

Well, he can't start studying until you get yourself under control!

Am I in his lap?

Not yet.

Then I'm under control!

Anyway, bro, good luck at the championship game Friday.

Wolfpack rules!

Westbrook sucks!

Well, it's official.

Connor and I are living together.

Oh, that's right! He moved in today.



Yeah, I can finally use that welcome mat that says "Home is where the heart is" without it being super-sad.

I remember when Ken and I moved in together.

He used to leave little love notes for me.

I still leave you notes.

Oh, right.

This was on my pillow last night.

"Don't use the downstairs toilet."

Turn it over. There's more.

"Seriously... don't."

[Cellphone chimes]


Molly said Danny Willis hurt his ankle at practice today and is wondering if I could take a look at him.

"Uh, chyah!"

You're pretty booked this afternoon.

Damona, I said "Chyah!"

It's Danny Willis!

Does Wolfpack pride mean nothing to you?

It literally means nothing to me.

[Knock on door] Hey, Pat...

Aah! Allison!

What smells so good?

Are you making coffee?

[Laughing] Oh, no.

All right, you caught me.

Don't tell anyone.

I brought my baby to work.

Wow, that is, like, professional-grade.

I saw one of those in Italy.

So you enjoy cappuccino?

I used to drink them all the time.

But then I married Ken and...

I don't know, sometimes it's better to be asleep.


Oh, my God.

This is literally the best coffee I've ever had.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.


People might start hanging out with me just because of this.

See, my coffee is robust and flavorful, but not a lot of people feel the same about my personality.

That's ridiculous.

You're robust and fla... you're delightful.



Thank you.

Hey, why don't you have a seat?

Let's chat.

Oh, um...

[Laughing] No, I swear to God.

Ken and I searched all over the house for Dave's pajamas until I looked at Ken and realized he was wearing them.

[Both laugh]

He is a tiny, childlike man.

Oh, gosh! I got to get back to work!

Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Why don't you take your 'cino to go?

Thank you.

All right.

All right.

Same time tomorrow?

Oh, I can't. I got to take Dave to school.

Oh, screw it. He can Uber.

Does this hurt?

A little.

Okay, can you push back on my hand?

Push, push.

So, about the championship game Friday?

Yeah, I have some bad news... for Westbrook High, because you gonna play in that game, son.


It's just a contusion, not a sprain.

Oh, thank God.

Oh, please... Call me Dr. Park.

Thank you so much.

Hey, thank me when you're in the NBA... with a signed jersey, huh?

Or tickets or... I don't know, make me part of your entourage.

I can be Asian Turtle. [Chuckles]


Danny, can you reach your fingers all the way around your other wrist?

Um... yeah.


Is something wrong?

Hey, buddy, do you mind hanging around a little while longer?

[Pats table]

Oh, damn! What smells so good?

Where'd you get that coffee?

Oh, from the... downstairs cafeteria.

No! No!

That's Pat's coffee.

What?! No.

Uh-huh, uh-huh. I know that coffee anywhere.

When we were together, Pat used to make that for me every morning.

I stayed with him for an extra month just for those cappuccinos.

Fine. You got me.


Are you hooking up with Pat?


He just brought his espresso machine to work.


No, no, no! But you can't say anything!

I told him I wouldn't tell anyone.

Can you get me a cup?



Okay, y-you can have a sip of mine.


Oh, damn!


I'm so sorry!

That's messed up, Allison!

You can't... Please. Eh, deh, deh, deh, deh!

I don't even need you. I don't even need you.

Pat's out of the office all afternoon, and I've got the keys to everybody's office.

[Gasps] No! No, no, no, no!

You can't. I gave Pat my word.

You want a refill?

Let's do this.

So, based on my exam, I heard a loud heart murmur, and I noticed the length of his fingers, among other findings.

Here's the bottom line...

I suspect he may have something called Marfan syndrome.

Marfan syndrome?

Yes, a genetic disorder that affects the body's tissue, which, depending on severity, can prevent someone from engaging in rigorous physical activity.

Like basketball?

Well, possibly.

Which is why I'm ordering an echocardiogram to look at the heart and a whole battery of tests to rule it out.

But until then...

I'm afraid Danny can't play basketball.


No, basketball is my life.

Trust me, Danny, I know. I'm your biggest fan.

But it's too big a risk.

You see, Marfan syndrome affects the heart and its surrounding blood vessels, and playing basketball could result in cardiac arrest.

Whoa, whoa. We came in for his ankle.

Now you're talking about cardiac arrest?

I've been playing since I was little.

And he's never had an issue.

Well, I'm relieved, because if you do have it, you've been extremely lucky.

This doesn't make any sense.

Why can't he play until we find out for sure?

You have to treat it as Marfan until you rule it out.

It's that serious.

How many cases of this have you diagnosed?

Well, none, because it's...


So we're taking advice from a guy who has zero experience in this area.

No, because it's rare.

This guy's a quack!

I told you we shouldn't have come to him! He's crazy!

He's been kicked out of four games for yelling at the ref.

It's my medical opinion that he should have his eyes checked.


Mr. Willis, I have to let the school know.

I can't clear your son to play.

No, Dr. Park, you can't do this to me.

I'm sorry. I have to.

Let's get out of here.


Oh, oh! Close your eyes.

Okay. [Chuckles]

Yeah? Yeah?

Okay, but if I'm being kidnapped, can I pack an overnight bag?


And... open!


What? What?


You... made a mess!

I'm making dinner for our first night together.


Baby, that is so sweet.

Thank you.

I guess I did make a mess.

But you know what they say... to make a mess, you got to make a mess.

Well, I guess I'll just set the table.

Oh, no need. I figured we'd just eat in front of the TV.

We will?

Yeah. Who cares, right?

Surely not me.

Oh, it's gonna be so great.

So great.

Oh! And you peeled the potatoes right into the sink.


Hey, boo.

What's the haps, yo?


I think Danny Willis might have Marfan syndrome.

Oh, no.

I know.

I had to tell him he couldn't play until we figure it out.

The test results won't come back for another two days, meaning they'll probably lose the championship.

Everyone's gonna hate me. I'm gonna be an outcast.

[Inhales deeply]

Maybe I'm being overly cautious.

He might not have it. I've never diagnosed it before.

It's so rare...


You did the right thing.

Dad! You won't let Danny play?

Why do you hate winning?

Molly, Dad's a doctor. He knows what he's doing.

I'm sure he's diagnosed this thousands of times.

Right, Dad?

Actually, I've never diagnosed it.

Well, I'm out.

Yeah, Molly, Danny could have something serious.

So we're just gonna have to wait it out.

I understand, Dad.

But, just so you know, not everyone does.

The guys on the team are not pleased with you.

Molly, I'm a doctor. I don't care about that.

Which ones?

Brayden, Jayden, Bryson, the other Brayden.

Whew! Thank God. None of the starters.

Let me finish. Brendan, Brandon, Brady, Brodie...

Equipment manager Brodie or mascot Brodie?



Well, I am marrying a lunatic.

Are you quoting Connor?


[Laughs mockingly]

He likes to eat dinner after 8:00, which is fine if we were living in Barcelona!

And this has never come up before?

Well, when we were dating, it didn't seem like a big deal.

I didn't know it was a way of life!

He never puts the TV remotes back in the remote caddy.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

And get this... he is a dish-soaker.

Yeah, a "Leave them till the morning" dish-soaker.

I had to get up and sneak-wash dishes in the middle of the night!



This sounds like a you problem.

[Gasping] Look!

You've lived alone for some time now, and, you know, you're pretty set in your ways.

That is ridiculous.

I'm as flexible as Cirque du Soleil.


Give me your stapler.

We're just gonna keep this right here.

Okay, I see what you're doing.

But the thing is, my stapler is in the ideal position for me to efficiently staple my paperwork.

Anywhere else, and I might have to reach for it, and that is a nightmare that I would rather not contemplate and...

Oh, my God. I am so set in my ways.

How am I gonna survive marriage if I can't even make it through one night?

Don't worry. I will help you.


Oh, I'm gonna break you.

We start today at lunch.

See you at 1:00.

Oh, yeah, but I eat lunch at 12:30.

I know.

[Both giggle]


Girl, thank you for bringing this coffee back into my life!

Thank you for abusing your power as office manager to get us in here.

Girl, please. It's not the first time.

Remember I sent out that memo saying that the building was closed because of "sewage problems"?

It wasn't. I wanted to go to Coachella.


Do you think it tastes even better because it's forbidden?


Allison made us do it!


Using me for my coffee.

And here I was, thinking you actually enjoyed our chat the other day.

I did!

You said that very quickly, which makes me think it's the caffeine talking.

Guess I'll just take my ball and go home.

The ball being my espresso machine.

I got that.

And I'm really sorry.

Oh. Mind if I just top this...

I'll just go.


How are you liking it?

The burrito or the show?

I was just...

They're both happening at the same time, so... it's hard to tell which one you mean.


Well, I think I'm getting under your skin a little.


[Chuckling] No. No. I mean...

I guess there might be one or two tiny things.

Okay. Like what?

Um... like the dishes and the not-timely washing of them.

The remote and the never-putting-back of it.

The mealtimes and the utter disregarding of them. [Chuckles]

What? What?

Are these my issues, or is there a chance these could be your issues?

Yeah, okay, see, Damona said the same thing, but I'm actually not so sure. Whoa, whoa.

You talked to Damona about this?

Yeah. Why?

Well, 'cause I don't go telling all my coworkers about all the problems I have with you.

That's because you're unemployed.


Look, I'm sorry. I just...

Wait. [Chuckles]

You have problems with me?

Let's just say you're not the easiest person to live with in the world, either.

Wow. Wow.

That is the pot calling the kettle wet... which, by the way, totally makes sense because they've both been soaking in the sink for the last day and a half!

Thank you for proving my point.

Do you have any idea how rigid you can be?

Rigid? I have to be rigid to hold things together in the face of Armageddon!

You know what? I'm gonna do something crazy.

I'm gonna eat my burrito and continue watching my show.

Why not? It's Armageddon!

Oh! Oh!

Well, I am going to eat my burrito at the table, because I am not a savage.

What's going on?

I just got Danny's test results back.

He has Marfan syndrome.

[Sighs] I'm so sorry, Ken.


You were right to trust your instincts.

Thanks, but that doesn't make me feel any better.

[Footsteps approach]

Where are you guys off to?

The basketball game.

You're going, too? You hate basketball.

Yeah, but, you know, any excuse to paint my face.

That's awesome you cleared Danny to play, Dad.


Yeah. Everyone's so excited. People like you again.

No, I didn't clear Danny to play.

Well, I guess someone did.

[Gasps] No, he can't play!

I have to stop him.

Go, Dad!


Sorry. It was the face paint.


What are you doing?

Look, I don't care about dirty dishes or what time we eat.

You're going through a lot right now.

I mean, you quit your job, you basically uprooted your tire life to come be with me.

I was selfish to make this about me.

And the truth is, I really only care about making it work with you.

Oh, Clark.


No, just leave it.

No, it's not a big deal.

Just leave...

It's a symbol of my love. Just...

Look, I'm scared.

I have never been this far with anyone.

I love you.

I'm sorry.

I am gonna try not to be so set in my ways.

It's not about your way or my way.

It's about us figuring out our way.

[Smacks lips]

Can our way include cuddling on the couch after an argument?

It better.

[Both chuckle]

You okay with that pillow on the ground?


Pick it up.

Oh, thank you!


No! No! No, no!

Stop! This bus does not leave!

Danny Willis can't play!

Uh, Dr. Park?

This is the cheerleaders' bus.


I guess they can go.

Danny. You can't play tonight.

Actually, he can. He's been cleared.

No, the test results came back. You have Marfan syndrome.

And whatever doctor cleared you didn't know to look for it.

Look, as a parent, I get it.

It's okay.

But this isn't an ankle sprain. This is life-or-death.

Your aorta is compromised.

If you exert too much pressure on it, it could rupture and...

Okay, you ever heard of Reggie Lewis?

p*stol Pete Maravich?

They all had structural heart problems and collapsed and died right there on the court.

Don't let that be your legacy.

There's more to life than this.

Which is why I can't allow it.

Even if that means getting beaten up by Jayden over there.

I'm Brayden.


Doc, I hear you, but maybe we limit his minutes and watch him closely.

I-I mean, it's just one game.

Hold on.

I could really die?


Then I'm not playing.

I'm so sorry.

No, it's okay. I'm okay, Dad.

We should have listened.

I'm okay.



Go get 'em, guys.


Yeah! Go, Wolfpack!


What'd I miss?

Good stuff, buddy.

[Knock on door]


Did you come to retrieve the knife you left in my back?

Good luck. It's in there pretty deep.

I'm sorry, again.

But I'd love to make it up you, if you could tolerate coffee from the place down the street.


That's very kind of you.

Thank you, Allison.

So, can I stay for a chat?

Oh, you don't have to do that.

No, I told you... I enjoyed the other day.

I loved making fun of my husband with you.


He just makes it so easy.

All right, have a seat.


Not bad, right?

Mm. Motor oil.

But I think we can improve on it.

She's still here.


I had to hide it from those who would use me for my coffee.

But for the worthy...


[Both chuckle]

Tell me again about the time Ken started wearing lifts.

[Chuckling] Oh!

He thought no one would notice.

[Both laugh]

[Knock on door]

Hey, Danny.

Come on in.

Good to see you, man.

Yeah, I, uh, I just wanted to thank you for, you know, saving my life.


I'm... sorry.

My heart's broken, too.

I know basketball was your dream.


But I have a new dream.

Yeah, I want to become a doctor... so that I can help people, just like you helped me.


My God. Wow. I don't know what to say.

[Chuckles] Well, maybe one day, you can help me out with a letter of recommendation?

Oh, you got it, man.

'Cause I want to be the Steph Curry of medicine, so...

Ooh! So sorry. That title's already taken.

[Both laugh]

Oh, and I, uh...

I wanted to give you this.

It's not an NBA jersey, but...

No. Um...


This is so much better.

Um... wow.

Thank you, man.

I... I'm sorry.

I'm tearing up, and I try to be so cool in front of you.
