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06x01 - Survival of the Fittest

Posted: 01/27/17 05:02
by bunniefuu
Quinn: I'm just saying marriage is a crazy idea.

I don't know why anyone does it.

[Cellphone beeps]

Marriage is bad for you.

Did you know your chances of becoming obese are 37% higher if your spouse is obese?

60% of married adults have had an affair!



What if she's not there?

Or what if she is there, but she doesn't want to talk?

He could've gotten to her.

She could've changed her mind.

Come on.

Woman: With projections for Texas and Virginia now clear, this entire election has come down to one state... California.

It's winner-take-all for those 55 Electoral College votes, with only one county left to report,

a county that will determine...

Where are we on San Benito County?

who wins California

We'll know soon.

And becomes the next president.


That county... San Benito County...

Is set to make history tonight.

Last call!

Anyone who still needs to vote should go right now!

Just because we've already won Virginia doesn't mean you shouldn't cast your ballot.

I want "I voted" stickers on everyone!

Abby: I never told you, but POTUS is on with our guy right now.

Exit polling data show this is too close to call.

[Sighs] This could be a very long night.

Good evening, everyone!

I just thought I'd stop by with some good news.

I just got off the phone with California's Secretary of State, and he says we are up in San Benito County by over 2,000 votes.

[Cheers and applause]

[Gasps] Liv...


We're gonna win.

[Exhales deeply]

What are you hearing out of San Benito County?



Are you covering San Benito?

Like a slanket.

Secretary of State said we're up by 2,000 votes.

What are you hearing?

2,000? Wow.

"Wow"? What does that mean?

President Grant won San Benito County in both of his election cycles, a good sign for his ex-wife, Senator Grant, who was very popular as First Lady of California and still retains a residence

down U.S. 101 from San Benito...

Hey, Liv?

I was thinking, when she makes her victory speech, it would be great if I could introduce...


[Shuddered breathing] Hold on. I'm getting word.


Damn it.

We now have it.

Mellie: This is it!

Turn up the TV! Loud!

BNC is now ready to call San Benito County and the state of California, and...

This is a surprise.

BNC is projecting that Governor Frankie Vargas

will carry San Benito County...

[All murmuring]

and the state of California to become the next President of the United States.


Uh, amazing.

Well, that's it, folks.

After one of the greatest setbacks in political history, Frankie Vargas... The comeback king...

Has done the unthinkable and become the 45th President of the United States of America.


Obviously... there has been voter tampering in San Benito.

So, Elaine... get me the California Secretary of State on the phone.

Conference in the head of the FEC and the FBI Director.

And make sure that the entire campaign staff is aware that this race is far from over.

Got that?

[Indistinct conversations]


[Exhales deeply]

Mellie needs you.

I just need a minute.

She's refusing to accept defeat.

The only person who can see her through this is you.

I need a minute.

You waged a valiant and historic campaign...

I need a minute!




[Inhales deeply]

[Sighs, clears throat]

Abby: Vanessa, where's Jake?


Your husband, Jake? Where is he?

He left.

He left? He can't leave.

We haven't even conceded yet.

Where'd he go?

No idea.

There you are.

Olivia: Mellie...

Advance is prepping the plane.

I've asked Besma to write some statements for our guys, spin for the press.

And Renee is working on my speech.

Oh, and we are looking into constitutional lawyers.

We're gonna need the best...

No, we don't. Listen...

Yes, we do.

We leave tonight for California to push for a recount, not just in San Benito County but everywhere...

Mellie, stop. Look at me.


You need to call Governor Vargas and concede.

It's over.


We are still in this. With the right legal strategy, we can...

It's over, Mellie. You need to call Vargas.

There is no strategy to fight this.

Of course there is.

I don't know why you're not getting this.

You have to make the call now, Mellie, before too much time goes by!

You wait too long, the press out there is gonna say you're ungracious.

They're gonna label you a sore loser.

And because you're a woman, half of them are gonna call you a bitch, and half of them are gonna report that you cried.

You don't go down like that.

We don't go down like that.

The race is over, Mellie.

You have to make the call.

The race is not over.

It is only 4,000 votes.

It's 4,000 votes right now.

In an hour, it will be 20,000.

Every network is calling California for Vargas.

California is over. California is done.

America has made its choice, and it is not you.

Do you hear me?

We lost.

We lost. They won.

It's over.

Make the damn call!

[Breathes deeply]


I have Senator Grant for the Governor.


Congratulations, Governor.


Mm. You ran a great campaign.



I believe it is time that we unite the country... and I am ready to support you in any way I can.



God bless you and this great country.


Man: We're told we're moments away from Governor...

Soon to be President... Frankie Vargas, speaking live from Fairmount Park in his hometown of Philadelphia.

These will be his first words after his historic win, and...

All right, hold on.

He's taking the stage.

Let's take you there, live.

Your next president, Francisco Vargas.

[Cheers and applause]

[Camera shutter clicking]


[Exhales deeply]

You know what gets me?


Cyrus Beene was on the winning team.

Cyrus Beene gets to hold public office.

Can you believe?

Vice President Beene.


Vice President Beeeeene.



It's like having a vampire a heartbeat away from the Oval.



Be nice.

I will be gracious... out there.

In here, I am spiteful and petty.


I'm sorry I lost.

[Breathes deeply]


Thank you.

For everything.



[People gasping, shouting]

What's going on?

Wha...? Oh, my God!

Woman: Folks, this is just...

My God...

Frankie Vargas has been shot.

The President-Elect has been shot.

[Reporters shouting]

[Camera shutter clicking]


Does the President have plans to address the nation?

Yes, when we have more information.

Tell me you have the sh**t.

We got him.

FBI found him hiding in a shed about a mile from the rally, and Secret Service has the w*apon.

My men swept the parking structure adjacent to the park.

Uncovered a 98-Bravo long-range sn*per r*fle on the fifth floor.

Nelson McClintock.

Prints on the sn*per r*fle look to be his.

We're testing.

Are we sure he's not part of a t*rror1st cell?


The CIA has no Intel on this guy.

Appears to be homegrown.

We recovered a smartphone on him, but it's locked, and the tech company's putting up a legal fight.

They aren't gonna give their help.

We don't need it. My team opened it already.

Nice of the National Security Director to show up on a matter of national security.

I was being briefed by my guys.

We ran a vacuum over the entire event, sucked up the data from everyone's phones.

McClintock didn't make or receive a call, text, or e-mail the entire time he was in our zone.

So we're working under the assumption he acted alone.

It would seem so, sir, yes.


I want hourly updates, and I want to know...

Man: Sir.


You need to get to the hospital.

Which one of you is Agent Spaulding?

That would be me, ma'am.

How can I help you?

Do you see those doors, Agent Spaulding?

I'm the last person to go through those doors tonight.

I want this place secure.

Shut the elevators down.

Close the banks across the street.

Clear the floor.

Only essential personnel.

No campaign staff, no press, no family, no local police, no florists, no orderlies, no administrators.

I want to see only doctors and nurses, agents, me, and you.

That's it.

I want everyone else off this floor.

And let's toss a net on all cell service, WiFi, land lines and cable.

No communications in or out.

We are an island until I say otherwise.

Is that clear?

Ma'am, I'm sure you have some security clearance.

But I need you to know this is a high-level operation.

This is my team, and I'm in charge here so with all due...


Excuse me? No?

"No" to what?


I don't have some security clearance.

I have all of it.

No, this isn't a high-level operation.

It's the high-level operation.

No, this isn't your team, it's mine.

No, you are not in charge.

You were in charge. I am in charge now.

If you have questions or concerns, I suggest you take those up with your boss, who can take them up with his boss, who can take them up with my boss.

Guess who my boss is.

I will give you a hint.

His office is a big Oval.

You want the hospital secured, ma'am?

Yes, Agent Spaulding, I do. Thank you.

Now, where's Governor Vargas?

Vargas was flown to Saint Anne's Hospital, as was Vice President-Elect Cyrus Beene, whom we're told is fine and only there offering his support.

We now go to a correspondent live on the scene.

I can't believe Frankie got shot.

Hey, chin up.

At least now we can pull the trigger on that trip to the Caribbean, right?



Oh, yeah, it's sad. Very sad.

I voted for him.

He was smart... and genuine... and he would've been the first Latino president.

That would've been pretty great.

Look, Frankie Vargas is smart and is genuine and is still alive.

Let's not bury him yet, okay?

[ Camera shutter clicking]

[Reporters shouting]

Will he be giving an update on President-Elect Vargas' condition?

Not at this time.

Can you give us an update now?

The President-Elect is being treated by a team of the best doctors and surgeons on the East Coast.

As soon as they have an update, you will, too.

[Razor motor whirring]

James used to complain about that same thing back when he had your job, having to shave a second time when the days went too long.

There's no new information.

I haven't even asked you a question.

President-Elect just got shot.

I know what the question is.

You said the doctors were working on him.

Does that mean they're giving him stitches, or does it mean they're zipping him into a body bag?

The statement I just gave an hour ago is...

The statement you gave an hour ago is what you chose to say.

Want to know the truth.


When Fitz was shot, it was me behind that podium.

It was on me to keep America calm, to keep the stock market from crashing, to keep an entire country safe.

So I bent the truth.

I said he was better off than he really was because that's what the country needed to hear.

Is that what you're doing? Are you bending the truth?

Come on.

I'm your friend.


You're Olivia Pope.


How is she?


She lost a presidential election, then this happened.

I have to imagine she's pretty upset.

Marcus, I know you have a job to do, but so do I, and I can't do my job if I don't have the facts.

How is he?

How's Frankie?

The first b*llet hit him in his arm.

That was nothing.

The second one hit him in his stomach, but with the medics responding as fast as they did, I don't think that would have been a problem.

The third b*llet...


The third b*llet ripped a hole in the side of his face.

Went through his skull and into his brain.

He didn't stand a chance.

[Monitors beeping]

[Monitor beeps]

[Monitor beeping]



I just want a legal opinion.

If Governor Vargas dies, who becomes the next President of the United States?

Is he...?

I said "if."

But is he?

If, Rosen. If.

Is it Cyrus?

Yeah, could be.

He's the Vice President-Elect.

Except he's not, not really. Not yet, anyway.

He won the election.

He won the general election, the popular vote.

But you know as well as anyone, the President and Vice President of the United States aren't actually elected in the general election.

They're elected by the Electoral College, which meets on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December...

A month from now.

That's the only election that really matters under the Constitution, and Governor Vargas and Cyrus Beene haven't been elected by the Electoral College.

If they had been, if we were having this conversation in late December or early January, then, yes, Cyrus would become president if Governor Vargas died.

But right now...?

Right now.

Right now, we're in the Twilight Zone, Mr. President.

If Governor Vargas dies tonight, Cyrus Beene could be the next President of the United States.

Or it could be Mellie or Jake or me or the Marine standing in the hall out there.

The fact is, it could be almost anyone who meets the basic qualifications to be President, because, legally... And there are very few limits on what the Electoral College can do and very little precedent to indicate what it might do in a situation like this...

Legally, the next presidency is wide open.

But practically, I think it makes an enormous difference what you do.

The reality is, Mr. President, the next President of the United States is who you say it is.

[ Camera shutter clicking]

Rowan: Isn't she something? Hmm?

Look at her... An amazing predator.

Can you believe this is for a private collector?

Was it you?

Admit it, Olivia. This is a gift.

Now you can make a case.

If Frankie dies, Mellie has a legitimate shot to the Oval.

But be careful.

You have to play it just right.

I asked you a question.

Yes or no?

If you push Mellie too soon, you look callous.

If you wait too long...

Did you sh**t Frankie Vargas?!


I don't believe you.

Did I think about k*lling him?

[Laughing] Yes.

It was... It was a genius move.

But you made it very clear during the generals that you did not want my help.

I didn't need it.

San Benito County begs to differ.

You had it right in your hand, and you let it go.

How could you let that happen?

You... You know better.

You... You... You are better.

You are faster, stronger, and smarter than him.

How could you be so weak?

How would you let that man outplay you?

That's what happened, Olivia.

He outplayed you in the generals, and he outplayed you tonight when he paid an assassin to sh**t Frankie Vargas!

What did you just say?

And there it is.

That streak of weakness, that crack that allows anyone through.

See, that's why you lost.

Because you believe I am a predator, which is...

I am your father.

I am not a predator.

I cannot be a predator, not in this world.

I am very smart prey, trying to help my species survive.

Think. Think like them.

Who gains the most if Frankie Vargas dies?

Who has spent decade after decade helping fairer, yet less competent men than him raise their hand on Inauguration Day?

Who has the heart of a conqueror and the arrogance of a king?

Who would, quite literally, k*ll for this job?

Cyrus Beene loves Frankie.

Cyrus Beene loves Cyrus Beene.

He's always been the most dangerous predator.

I offered you San Benito, and you turned me down.

That cost you the election.

Tonight... you have a second chance at the Oval.



Survival of the fittest, Olivia.

[ Camera shutter clicking]

[ Cheers and applause]

Olivia: You see that?

He stepped away from Frankie just before the first g*nsh*t.

Like he knew it was coming.

You really think Cyrus had something to do with this?

The man staged a sh**ting in the Pennsylvania State Capitol.

It's not that much of a stretch.

What do our sources say?

It's all about McClintock, if he acted alone.

And they're pretty sure he did.

Look for a connections between Cyrus and McClintock...

A phone call, a wire transfer... Anything.

If Cyrus and McClintock shared so much as a look on the street, I want to know about it.


[ Camera shutter clicking]

Mellie: [Gasps]

Teddy, what?


What color is it?

Teddy, honey, want to go draw mommy a picture?

Oh, what a good one!

[Door closes in distance]

He's dead, isn't he?

[Breathes deeply]

And I think Cyrus may have had something to do with it.


Of course he did.

Oh, this town... these people...

We need to talk strategy.

You don't honestly think I'm gonna step over the corpse of Frankie Vargas and make a play for the Oval, do you?


That could've been me up there.

And I have sat here all night with my baby in my arms, and all I can think is that this place is cursed.


I don't want it.

This big white house, four more years...

I don't want it.

I lost my son here.

Fitz got shot here.

My marriage died here.

I don't want it!

Look, you had a scare.

It was scary, I get it. I was scared.

But you have a duty to the American people...

I am going to Santa Barbara, lie on the beach.

We need to talk to Fitz.

What he says, how he plays this out over the next couple of days is gonna be critical. No.

Maybe Spain. Spain is lovely.

Mellie, listen to me...

I am done running for president!

Well, I'm not!


[ Camera shutter clicking]

They stole my phone, right out of my purse.

I want it back.

No one stole it, Mrs. Vargas.

It was removed, and it will not be returned.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but we can't make any phone calls.

I have to...

Look, I don't have time for this.

I need to call my children.

Their father's dead.

I have to tell them their father's dead.

I understand that, and I'm sorry for your loss, but that can't happen.

Who the hell are you?!

Who's in charge here?!

I am.

Now, I'm sorry, but...

Look at me.

You used to be a person, I assume.

My babies saw their daddy get shot on TV.

They're terrified, and now their worst nightmare has come true.

I have to call them. I have to be with them!


Abby: You need to announce his death, sir, as soon as possible.

Do not give her a phone.

His wife wants to tell her children.

I understand that. She can't.


Sir, imagine if we were talking about your children, about you...

I am imagining!

Abby, this is not just about announcing Frankie's death.

This is about reassuring the American people that there is a clear path forward, that there will be continuity in our government, stability in our democracy, a leader they can follow.

That man wanted to lead this country.

That man believed in this country.

The responsibility...

Who should take his place?

Who's worthy?

Who do I point the American people to?

Mellie? She lost.

If I throw my weight behind her, it'll look like I'm stealing the election.

I can't.

So I go with Cyrus.

The only problem is, the country didn't vote for Cyrus.

The country voted for Frankie, the man dead on the slab.

How do either of those choices make any kind of sense?

They don't, sir, but you have to do something.

Not until I'm ready.

Sir, he's dead!

He isn't dead until I say he's dead!

[Door opens] Charlotte: Olivia Pope is asking if you have a moment, sir.

Put her on.

She's here.

You know.

Of course you know.


You haven't made an announcement yet.


And now you're here to "advise me" on my choice.

Let me guess... Team Mellie.


She's what's best for the country.

I've heard the stump speech, Liv.

Hell, I've given the stump speech.

She would make an exceptional president.

The world would embrace her.

You have to choose Mellie.

Because she's your candidate?

Because the other choice just tried to k*ll his way into the Oval.

McClintock is a setup.

This is what he does.

This is how Cyrus operates, Fitz.

We know him...

What proof do you have?

Come on, Liv!

Please tell me this isn't just conjecture, that you have something other than some unfounded allegation and that this isn't just your gut working in overdrive.

If I waited on this, Fitz...

If I waited on this, and I turn out to be right, then...

What if you're wrong?!

I won't be wrong!

I can't be wrong.

150 million people made their choice.

They voted for their next president, and it wasn't Mellie.

And guess what?

None of that matters now.

The King is dead, Fitz.

Long live the King.

Your word is all it takes.

[Exhales sharply]

I will get you proof as long as you promise to avoid making your statement until I do.

I can give you until morning.

I need more time than tha...


That's it.

[ Camera shutter clicking]

Tell me we found something that links Cyrus with McClintock.

Huck: Nothing yet.

No communication between McClintock and the campaign.

No transfers of funds into his bank account, either.

I spoke to a couple of the guy's co-workers.

Sounds like he really had it in for Vargas.

Full rage spiral every time he talked about him.

There's no way McClintock pulled this off all by himself.

Three sh*ts, no misses, from that distance?

Actually, dude's an avid hunter...

Knows his way around r*fles.

Designs his own scopes, regular at the g*n range.

I could try combing through the FBI tip line, 911 calls...

Good luck with that.

We'll be here till next week listening to all those crazies.

Well, what's your suggestion, Charlie?

I'm just saying...

Caribbean awaits, Robin.

We got to get a move on.

Look, you think you can get in, Huck, to the tip line?


832 tips right here.


Quinn: Look, enough, Charlie.

You want to be done with this case?

This is our only option.

[ Camera shutter clicking]

Chef said you didn't eat dinner.

I'm not hungry.

I'm sorry.

For what?

I used to lie in bed next to you and listen to you breathe in and out, and I would loathe the sound.

I would resent your right to air.

You were sucking up all the presidential oxygen, the rare air, the air I would've done anything to breathe.

And you didn't even appreciate it.

You didn't even want it.

I thought...

"How weak.

How spoiled."

The view from here...


[Inhales deeply]

The view from here.


Thing about the view from here is, there is no view.

Here, we are the view.

All eyes on us.

You aren't weak.

You just aren't power-hungry.

I never realized that.

I'm sorry.

Let's not pretend I'm a good person.

Oh, Mellie, come on, I'm Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III.

I was born with power.

Me wanting power is like a drowning man wanting a bath.


[Breathes deeply]

I'm supposed to choose... between you and Cyrus.

My last big act as president.

This will be my legacy. Can you believe that?

After all the stolen elections, now here we are again.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

Mellie... if you don't want it... now's the time to say so.

No one will know but me.

You can just walk away.


That's nice.

[Exhales sharply]



I want it.

The crown, the rare air...

I do want it.

It's been nearly seven hours now since President-Elect Frankie Vargas was shot in Fairmount Park...

You'll see behind me that a massive candlelight vigil is under way, the number of people growing by the minute...

No appearance yet by Cyrus Beene or by the hospital staff, who remain tight-lipped about President-Elect Vargas' condition...

All we can do now is pray.

We went through all 832 voicemails on the FBI tip line.

No leads.

Check them again.

We did.

Look, I'm sorry, but there's no proof that Cyrus had anything to do with this.

I don't buy that!

Charlie: The tip line, McClintock's social media...

Everything points to this guy being a lone wolf.

Then we're not looking hard enough.

Huck: Liv, it's over. No.

We fought a good fight.

I'm glad we looked into this...

Don't you do that.

But the clock is about to run out.

Do not give up!

He said until morning.

Cyrus Beene m*rder*d Frankie Vargas!

He did this to make himself president!

This was his plan from the very beginning.

And while we're here doing nothing, he is in that Pennsylvania hospital room, launching a full-scale presidential campaign!

Huddling with advisors, reaching out to delegates, practicing his speeches!

He m*rder*d his way into the White House, and we are doing nothing to stop him!


You may be okay with that.

I'm not.

Olivia Pope. I'm here to see Cyrus Beene.

Sorry, but no one is allowed through.

I understand that, but it's urgent.

Ma'am, you're gonna need to step back.

It's fine. She's with me.

What's going on?

I need to see Cyrus.

That's not possible right now.

Hey, Liv...

[Door closes]

Abby: He's been like that since he got here.

Hasn't uttered a word.

I made the doctors check him out.

They said he's in shock, that he needs to be left alone.

I had them check his heart just in case.

The last thing we need is the President-Elect shot and his V.P. having a heart attack...

[ Camera shutter clicking]

I was sure it was him.

I'm embarrassed, and I'm ashamed, and I am...

[Sighs] I am so sorry for wasting your time.

I wanted you to be right.

You're always right.

I figured if you were right, my choice would've been made for me.


So what am I supposed to do?

You shouldn't be asking me that.

You know what I'm gonna say.

I'm biased.

You're the only one who can answer that question now.

I don't want to fix another election.

Then you know what you have to do.

Frankie Vargas was a good man.


His family's loss is the country's loss.

And yours.

I appreciate that, Mr. President.

I need you to promise me something.


I need you to make me a promise right here, right now.

Uh, uh, I'm not following.

That you will uphold the legacy of Francisco Vargas.

That you will be honorable, forthright, always put the country above all else.

Be better.


Than you are.

Than I was.


I am handing you the most beautiful thing in the world.

I am handing you America.

Take care of it.

Yes, sir.

Good luck, Cy.

[ Camera shutter clicking]

[Breathes deeply]

[Knock on door]


I already know.

The President's going to announce Frankie Vargas' death this morning.

And next to him will be Cyrus Beene.

Of course.

[Breathes deeply]

Thanks for the heads-up.

So, now what?

We wait on Liv, see what she wants to do.

Or we could go to the Caribbean.


I can hack into the airline reservation system and get us a couple of first-class tickets in five minutes and be on the beach by dinner.

It's not the right time.

Not the right time?

Robin, how can you...


This is a place of work.

People are trying to work.

Charlie, Quinn doesn't want to go to the Caribbean with you because she's a workaholic and she's afraid of the ocean.

I am not.

Quinn, Charlie wants to take you to the Caribbean so he can propose to you.

Unless he wants to k*ll you.

Which one is it, Charlie?

Do you want to m*rder her or you want to marry her?

I want to marry you, if you want to marry me.

You look like you're gonna vomit.

Uh... no, I-I-I just...

Marriage... that's... that's... I mean... I mean...

Wha... Did you even, like, buy me a ring?

Well, that was the plan, and then this whole 833 tip-line voicemail thing happened and kind of put a damper on things, so is it okay if I steal one for you once we're there?


Huh? It was 832 voicemails.

I downloaded the call log off the FBI server.

It was 833.

So what do you say, Robin?

Should we jump off a cliff together?

Let me see the call log.

Build a little home...

Let me see the call log, Charlie.

Or, as our friends in the Caribbean say, "una casita"?

Give me the damn call log, Charlie!

Something wrong?

It is with a profound sense of loss that I am announcing the passing of Governor Francisco Vargas.

Despite the valiant attempts of his surgical team, Governor Vargas' injuries were too severe, and he died this morning at Saint Anne's Hospital.

Olivia: There's another message?

Before I hacked the server, someone else went in and manually deleted a message off the tip line.

What does it say? Well, we don't know yet.

I'm trying to recover it.

Frankie Vargas passed away before he was able to inhabit the office he was elected to.

But his achievements, his selfless work, and his dreams shine a light forward for all of us.

And even though we don't have the message, we do have the cellphone number of the person who left it.

Her name is Jennifer Fields.

She's a volunteer on the Vargas campaign.

Where is she now?

Last activity on her cellphone came from a cabin she owns on Burke Lake.

60% of married adults have had an affair!



Fitz: There is no replacing Frankie, but if anyone is qualified to uphold the values he held so dear, it's Vice President-Elect Cyrus Beene, the man Governor Vargas himself chose to be his successor in the event of such a tragedy.

God bless you, and God bless America.

Why aren't they returning my calls?

I'm almost done decoding the deleted voicemail from the server.

Did you try them?

I-I-I would, but I'm just really close to decoding this.

Something is wrong.

I just told you to stop what you're doing and call them, so that's what you should be...

[Door opens]

Olivia: What happened?!

Sorry. We need new phones.

Did Jenny wear a ring?


Check the photo.

Ring... yes.

Right hand, ring finger, gold band with a red stone?


We found Jenny.

At least, we found her hand.

[ Camera shutter clicking]







What is happening right now?

[Computer beeps]


Uh, guys, I think I got it...

The deleted message.

Jennifer: Hi. My name is Jennifer Fields.

I'm here at Fairmount Park.

Governor Vargas, he just got shot.


I wanted to offer my condolences.

Thank you, Liv.

[Breathes deeply]

That means a lot.

I was worried about you.

[Snickers] I mean, I knew you could pretend to grieve for one day, but two days in a row?

Who knew you had the acting chops?

I have some information.

I... I'm not sure who to talk to, but...

My God...

It was Cyrus Beene.

He k*lled Frankie Vargas.

You son of a bitch.

I know you k*lled him, and I'm going to prove it.