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03x13 - Smile Like You Mean It

Posted: 01/24/17 14:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Gotham...

Thompkins: I demand that you arrest

Detective Gordon for the m*rder of my husband.

You talk of hate and revenge, but you still love James Gordon.

I hope she knows what a lying cheat you are, Maria.

I had to leave, or they were gonna take me to prison.

You can't run fast with a five-year-old.

I'm your daughter.

First, we take away his mind.


And then when this bird is broken...

Who are you in on this with?!


.. you can put him out of his misery.

Bullock: Guess where Dwight Pollard worked before the morgue.

Indian Hill.

It's time to get him.

What you call sanity, (laughing) it's just a prison in your minds.

All: 'Cause you ain't seen nothing yet!

(cheering and applause)

♪ Funniest sound I ever heard ♪

(chuckles) Three nines, and joker's wild.

Four of a kind.

Must be my lucky night. (laughs)

♪ Word... ♪
♪ Papa oom mow mow ♪
♪ Papa oom mow mow ♪

♪ Is he serious or is he playin'? ♪
♪ Papa oom mow mow ♪
♪ Is all ♪

Stop or I will fire!

I said stop or I will fire!

♪ Ooh ♪


(g*nsh*t) Call for backup.

♪ Mow mow ♪
♪ Papa oom mow mow, papa oom ♪
♪ Mow mow ♪


Call for backup? (laughs)


(lock buzzes)

(distorted laughter)

♪ ♪

It's you.

It's really you.


(indistinct police transmission)

(camera shutters clicking)



It seems after shutting down Indian Hill, the government just packed everything up and shipped it here.

To a Wayne Enterprises facility.

They sent it back to the same people who were running Indian Hill and funding Strange to begin with?


Do we know how Jerome ended up at Indian Hill?

No, but it makes sense.

Strange was collecting psychopaths, right?

Fish, Galavan. Jerome fit the bill.

The woman that walked out of the morgue, that was Dwight's trial run.

He's gonna bring back Jerome.

Oh, that's great.

That's all this city needs... Jerome Valeska sucking air with 50 fanatics at his back.


If you wanted to bring back someone from one of these, what would be your next step?

Thawing 'em out. These pods run at 237 degrees below zero. You'd have to get the body to core temperature before even attempting reanimation.

I worked on the design of these when I was at Wayne.

Oh, good job. Thanks for helping the bad guys.

How long?

If we're lucky, three hours.


GCPD. You're under arrest.

He needs a hospital.


Appreciate you boys seeing me so late.

Doesn't seem like we had much of a choice, Mr. Clemens, does it?

Please, call me Cole.

You want money.

That bitch, Maria Kyle, she owes me 200 grand.

I heard 100.

Well, you got to figure gas money coming out here and, uh...

Well... (chuckles) think you can afford it?

Alfred: And what exactly is the nature of this debt?

Call it lost income due to a broken contract.

She said she'd do something.

She didn't.

Ergo, she owes me the money I would've made, plus interest.

Or what?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I would never hurt a woman.

However, I would feel justified in giving the police enough evidence so that your little girlfriend could only talk to her mama every other Thursday through a screen for the next 40 years.

So, you give Maria the money, she gives it to me...

I'm out of your lives.

Cash, obviously.

He should have been taken to a hospital.

He will be.

I needed to talk to him.

I can do that better here than there.

Bending the rules, what a surprise.

It's Jerome Valeska we're talking about.

You remember what he's done.

There's always a reason.

He needs to go to a hospital.


I know you had Falcone call off Zsasz.

Thank you.

You want to thank me?

When you find Dwight, you have him bring back Mario from the dead, how 'bout that?

James Gordon.

The James Gordon. Wow.

It's actually you.

So cool I'm meeting you.

You should thank your friends.

They're the ones who left you behind.

Eh, I'd have done the same.

Tell me where he took Jerome.

Why? You can't stop it.

Stop what?

Um... the night of the awakening.

You mean waking up Jerome?

Jerome is just the first step.

You think we're a small band.

But we are everywhere.



Put out a citywide call, I want every unit looking for this symbol. Go, now.

(cackling continues)

(man humming quietly)

We're almost done loading the vans.

How are you doing?

Ding... dong...

And we are...

(beeps) there.

I hope you had a nice sleep.

'Cause we got a busy, busy day ahead. Hmm?

(electrical buzzing)

Well, hang on to your hats, folks!

'Cause you ain't seen nothing yet.



(whoops, cackles)

(cackling continues)

Barbara: "Unsurprisingly, there have already been calls for the mayor's resignation. The clearly disturbed Mayor Cobblepot capped the interview by announcing, 'To hell with the people of Gotham.'"

What are you doing?

I'm reading.

"Mayor Crumblepot." Clever, huh?

"Neither the man, his chief of staff...

Is Ed here?

"Edward Nygma, nor his...

Did he come back?

"Deputy chief of staff...

Did he call?

Tarquin..." somebody, were available for comment, begging the question, who is running Gotham?"

(sighs) I need to find Ed.

You need to fix this situation.

Who cares what people think of the mayor?

The city runs itself.

I'm talking about your other job.

The real one.

You melt down in public, hide out here, people start to smell blood in the water.


Tommy Bones.

The Duke.

The East Side gangs are holding, but south of the Narrows, the docks, there's chatter.

The king is dead.

Or soon will be. That kind of chatter.

I need Ed, he's the only one...

Listen to me!

Ed's not here.

I am.

So get up, take a shower, do that disco vampire thing with your hair.

I will call a meeting of the heads of the family, you will come, you will be your old self and the rumors will stop.

Why are you helping me?

Because people think you like me, Ozzie.

And as long as they're scared of you, I get to keep breathing.

1:00, my place.

Are you sure about this?

Of course.

You saved our lives.

And other reasons.

Selina: This is so stupid.

Cole is a weasel.

Just call the cops and get his ass arrested.

Alfred: And what about your mom?

I mean, a weasel he most definitely is, but if what he says is true, she could go to jail.

Selina: And isn't that why you have lawyers?

You pay a guy like Cole, all that happens is he comes back again.

And again.

Look, worst case scenario, this buys us time to get your mom's record cleared so he doesn't have a hold over her.

Right, 'cause it's just money.

Or another choice is I could leave.

I don't want to, but... it is an option.

Selina: You know what?



If he doesn't mind paying, why not, right?

But I'd start keeping a lot of cash around.

Gordon: They're all over the city.

Bullock: Maybe they were here the whole time and we just didn't notice.

Seems most are concentrated in the Narrows, rougher parts of town.

Abandoned buildings, warehouses.

Bullock: You're thinking this is how they communicate?

Announce the next meeting as the group moves around?

Could be more than one group, could be multiple chapters.

Like the Elks, and Dwight's the Grand Poobah or something.

I'm thinking that son of a bitch we found at the break-in could have been telling the truth.

What, that they're everywhere?

Huh? That Jerome's got thousands of disciples waiting for him to wake up? Come on.

This is 50 wackadoos, tops.


Maybe not.

I think I got something.

You asked what Dwight would need to revive Jerome.

That girl, Melanie Blake, his test subject...

She received thousands of volts of electricity.

That amount...

Gordon: Would cause a power surge in the electric grid.

I was about to say that would cause a power surge in the electric grid.

Here. Ninth and Henry.

The power company recorded several surges around the time Melanie Blake would have been brought back, and multiple surges as recent as 15 minutes ago, same location.

I'll get the Strike Force.

I'll get the car.

I'll just... stay here, if that's okay.

Yeah. That's okay.

Bullock: Yo, Alvarez!

We got a location on Dwight. Let's go.

(line ringing)

It's me.

Dwight: No.

It goes here.

This goes here.

Wake up.

Come on. Wake up.

Gus: I just heard from our guy in the GCPD. They've got our location.

The others are gonna wait for us at the rendezvous.

He's still dead.

I know he's still dead.

I ran into some technical difficulties.

Nothing that I can't fix.

Is everything plugged in?


Try turning it on and off.

I did! Three times.

Look, you have spent the last year telling everyone that the Prophet would return.

People have made sacrifices for you, Dwight.

I left a really good job at the post office.

The police are coming, and you promised them Jerome.

The others expect to hear him speak.

They want to see his face and if you can't do that...

You know, you make an interesting point.

(electricity crackling)

(sirens wailing nearby)

They want to see your face.

(sirens blaring)

(electric buzzing)

Bullock: No awakening for this guy.

Looks like Dwight took off pretty quick.

Yeah. Like he knew we were coming.


Bullock: Holy smacks. Is that Jerome?

Why'd he take his face?

(crowd clamoring)

(heavy door opens, closes)

Dwight: Brothers and sisters, I promised you Jerome would return and today your faith is rewarded.

Jerome is here.


Behold the Prophet.

(breathing unsteadily)

The Prophet is here.

Where's Jerome?

Woman: Where's the hell's Jerome?

The Prophet is here.

(crowd muttering) Where's Jerome?

The Prophet is here!


Listen to me!

Jerome is here.

He never left us.

Each of you kept him alive.

Each of you is Jerome.

I am Jerome.

We are all...


Woman: I'm Jerome.

Man: I'm Jerome.

I'm Jerome.

I'm Jerome.

You are Jerome.

You are Jerome. You are Jerome.

And you, and you...


(chanting): We are Jerome.

We are Jerome!

We are Jerome!

(cackling) We are Jerome!

We are Jerome! We are Jerome!

We are Jerome!

Great. Thank you.

I was going through the evidence you recovered from the scene.

That phone was on the corpse next to Jerome.

The last number came from the precinct.

Wait. You're saying someone in this house tipped them off?

It would make sense. They cleared out moments before we got there.

So we got a freaking mole?

I was gonna replace that lamp.

Is there any way to know who called?

The number came up as the main.

So you can't make some kind of gadget to figure it out?

Sure. I'll get on that.

Let me see it.

Gordon: Everybody listen up!

Everyone stop what you're doing.

We have a mole.

The cult we've been tracking was tipped off to our raid, and the call came from in here.

It was sent to this phone.

So... let's find out who the traitor is, shall we?

(keypad beeping)

Gordon: Grab him! (excited chatter)

Get him!



Officer: No, no, don't.

Get him in the room.

Get him in the interrogation room.

Good bluff.

Thank you, sir.

Bullock: Everybody get back to work.

Barbara: My, my.

You scrub up nice.

Am I early?

About that...

I sent out the word.

Said you wanted to see everyone, express summons, et cetera, et cetera.


See for yourself.

This is a rebellion.

Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

But... I did warn ya.

You have been such a friend, Barbara.

Tell me.

What should I do now?

Well. If it were me, I would pick one of them, the Duke, maybe, or Tommy Bones, and teach them a lesson.

They don't respect you, Oswald.

In fact, you probably want to k*ll Tommy Bones and the Duke.

Just clean house.


I'm sorry. Just... (laughs)

(stifled laughing)

Well. I'm glad you can find the humor in it.

Did you really think I would be so easy to manipulate?

What was your plan?

Take advantage of me while I was in a weakened state?

Trick me into attacking my subordinates so they truly did rebel?

Inciting w*r, so that you could pick up the pieces?


My dear, you are tragically out of your depth.

Oswald. I am your friend.

Perhaps I should call Tommy Bones. Or the Duke.

Or any of the families, and ask them if you really invited them to this meeting.

What would they say?

(phone ringing)


He's right here.

Tommy Bones.


You get the message?

We don't work for you no more.

Your day is done, freak.

How dare you?

I will gut you!

I will hang your entrails from every lamppost in Gotham!

Then Nygma dies.


Walk away quiet. Maybe we'll send him back in one piece.

We'll even let you keep being mayor.

(phone clicks, beeps)

They have Ed.

They're holding him hostage.

I will k*ll them.

Every one of them!


I have to go.

I have to gather my men.

(Penguin muttering indistinctly)

(phone rings, beeps)

Put her on.


He bought it.

Well done.

So we're good, now?

I said all you told me.

Yeah. We're good.

(g*nsh*t, body thuds)

Bullock: Officer Andrew Dove, six years with the GCPD, twice decorated.

Up for promotion in six months.

Well, congrats, pal, 'cause you're going to Blackgate, and they love cops there.

I stopped being a cop a long time ago.

The hell you did.

No one ever stops being a cop.

You were here when Jerome and the Maniax att*cked.

You defended this house against him.

And that's the night I changed.

Bullock: Don't waste your breath, Jim.

Let's put him on a bus to Blackgate, stick a target on his back and forget about him!

(chuckles): Good cop, bad cop doesn't work on cops.

At the very least, you two should have switched roles.

You know what?

You're right.

You're gonna tell me what Dwight's planning right now!

(wheezing laugh)

(maniacal laughter) You think this is funny, don't you?

How about this?!

(chuckling weakly): Hilarious.


(maniacal laughter) If you insist!
Harvey. Harvey, no! No.

25 milligrams of sodium pentothal.

Give him a few minutes, he'll tell you what you need to know.



Lee, stop.

Don't touch me.

What the hell was that?

You wanted Dove to talk, so now he'll talk.

You shouldn't have done that.


Did I not just see Harvey punch him in the face?

What about you? You brought a wounded suspect into the precinct instead of taking him to the hospital, because you wanted to interrogate him.

You guys can bend the rules, but I can't.

None of us should... Me, Harvey, you.

But especially not you. You're better than that.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Would you stop it?

Look, you want to blame me for Mario's death, that's fine.

I can live with that, knowing you're okay.

But don't let your hatred of me turn you into something you're not.

Or what, Jim?

If I change too much, you're gonna put two in my heart, like you did to Mario?

I'll talk to Harvey.

You came back to the job too soon.

You need some time off.

Yeah, you do that.

And I'll tell the commissioner how I saw the acting captain punch a suspect in the face.

Don't ever touch me again or tell me what to do.

Jim, hey, it worked.

Dove gave it up.

Dwight's heading to Channel 9 to make some sort of announcement on the 6:00 news.

All right, call the station.

Have them evacuate...

I'm already on it. Let's go!

The GCPD has asked us to evacuate the building.

They assure me that everything is under control.

(employees screaming)

No one's going anywhere.

(alarmed cries)

We've got a show to do, people.

And, as you know, the show must go on.

(maniacal laughter)

(exhales in frustration)

What the...

(muffled cry)

Boo. Ha, ha, ha...

Wow. Well, that is quite a story.

You know, I know I've been dead, but doesn't that seem kind of crazy to you?

Hey, maybe you're dreaming.

Try sh**ting yourself.

Huh. Oh...

Nah. Hey, tell me more about this cult.

They think I'm pretty great, huh?

They're a bunch of raving lunatics and idiots.

Lunatics and idiots?

Ooh, my kind of people.


Sorry. (groans)

Head's still a little fuzzy.

You know, I was just reborn.

Last year was nothing but darkness... as far as the eye can see.

I know you, right?


Hey, did you and I ever, uh...

(clicks tongue) Oh, God, no.

Why? Gingers not your type?

Oh, I remember.

You're Jim Gordon's little... Twinkie.


How's it going between you and Jimbo?

Huh? You still together, or...



Oh, that's a shame.

I really liked you guys.

What happened?

He k*lled my husband on our wedding night.


Glad you find it funny.

I do.


I get why you don't.



You miss a lot being dead.

You know what? Go ahead, enjoy it.

There's about a hundred cops on the other side of that door ready to k*ll you all over again.


I see your point.

It's a business.

So, when I was last, you know, uh, alive, I was about to k*ll Bruce Wayne.

I suppose I didn't manage to...

No. Right.

Theo Galavan k*lled me, that jug-eared Judas.

Well, I suppose I should start by k*lling him.

Theo Galavan's dead.

Oh... Who beat me to it?

W-Which time?

Galavan came back to life, too?



That son of a bitch is always upstaging me.

Well, I guess I'm just missing one thing, then.

Where is my face?

(sirens blaring)

(tires screeching)

Something's not right.

(indistinct chatter)

Whoa! Hold your position.

Whoa! Hold!

Son of a bitch!

Female reporter: I'm on the scene now and we're reporting live. (door opens)

The Channel 9 news station seems to have had a hostage situation.

Uh, we're not sure how many hostages...

It's all here?

200 grand.

We did it, baby.

Come on, let's just get out of this town.

Hey, smile.

We won.

Yeah, smile. You won.


You're rich.

Go away, kid.

Shut up, Cole.

You caught me.

What do you want me to say?

I just want to make sure I got it right.

You find out Bruce Wayne and your abandoned daughter are a thing.

You figure, "There's an easy mark."

You come back, make nice, do the whole mother/daughter bonding thing, and then pull this scam.

That about it?

Pretty much.

You want to hate me, that's your choice.

You're damn right.

Why so angry?

It's not like your boyfriend cares about the money.

I know he doesn't care about the money.

I don't care about the money.

I care that my mother, who left me when I was a kid, only came back to use me!



Please, don't.

Don't ever... come back.

(stage lamp explodes)

(wild laughter)

The time has come to reveal ourselves.

Gotham will remember...

No. History will remember.



The police are outside.

Detective Gordon is on the phone.

It's just like when he called Jerome outside the Children's Hospital benefit.

Hello, Jimbo.

Shut up, Dwight. We have the building surrounded.

There's no way out. Let the hostages go.

You're outside?

You are, aren't you?



Gordon: The cult will never follow you, Dwight.

I saw you, at the theater?

You don't have what it takes.

(inhales) Breathe, James.

I haven't touched a hair on your pretty girlfriend's head.


You're just repeating what Jerome said to me last year.

I am Jerome.

Gordon: No, no.

You're the understudy pretending to be the star.

You're a fraud.

No, I am Jerome!

I am Jerome.

And soon Gotham will know it.

Gordon: Well, for the record.

You're doing one thing Jerome never did.

Boring me.

So the back entrance is a no-go, but we think we might have found a way through the ventilation system.

All right, let's go.

Dwight's going live any minute.

The Penguin k*lled the Duke and his crew because he thinks they kidnapped Nygma.

Meanwhile, they're still looking for Tommy Bones.

Hmm. Who they won't find, since you already k*lled him.

And now these nimrods are terrified for their life.

Which is why they're here with their guard down. Hmm.

You gotta hand it to Nygma.

He knew how to get Penguin to turn on the five families.

Poor Ozzie is tearing apart everything he built.

Remember, when this is over, and we're in charge, Nygma dies.

You made a promise.

Sealed with a kiss, baby.

Now, what about them?

We've got option "A," appeal to their reason...

Convince them we alone can protect them from Penguin.

Seems unlikely. They are men. Hmm.

You just like option "B."


Fine, option "B."

(Schubert's "Ave Maria" playing) ♪ Ave ♪

Man: All right, we worked it out.

What the...

Ed, honey, everything's set.

Penguin's all yours.

(men crying out)

Yeah, yeah, option "B".

(b*llet casing tinkling on the floor)


Four... three... two... one...

(distorted): Brothers and sisters, my name is Dwi...

(clearing throat)

My name is...


History will call tonight the night of...

Look at that.

No charisma, no stage presence.

The time has come to reveal ourselves.

Though he is a handsome fellow, huh? (chuckles)

Hey, Doc, keep watching.

You don't want to miss what happens next.

Today, Gotham will remember.

(man screams)

Oh, sorry! Didn't see you.

(cackles, siren whoops, man continues screaming)

Officer (over megaphone): Put your weapons down.

We want to talk to Jerome.

We want to talk to Dwight.

We won't hurt you.

We just want to talk to you, Dwight.

The Prophet told us that we're all prisoners, slaves to a city that doesn't love us, but tonight... tonight we rise up.

We are all Jerome.

Each of you... (cackling) is Jerome. That's the truth.

Gordon: Stop.

All of us are Jerome.

We are all... (door bangs open)

Gordon: Drop it!

Bullock: Cut the feed!

(people screaming)

Keep them up where I can see them.

Gordon: Dwight, stop!

Just keep moving.

All right, man, all right.

Dwight: Don't make... (grunts)

You can't do this. This is the night of the awakening.

This is the night of the awakening.

Not anymore.

Did you know?

That she was only after the money.

I-I wasn't sure.

Did you know?!


It was obvious.

And you gave her the money anyway?

The money wasn't important.

She was lying!

What were my options, Selina?

If I didn't give her the money, she would've skipped town.

So, you thought you'd pay her.

Have her stick around, maybe get used to being my mom.

Is that it?


You lied to me.

I didn't tell you the truth.

It's the same thing.

Perhaps, but telling you your mother was a con artist who'd only sought you out for the purposes of getting money from me... didn't seem like a very attractive alternative.

You... and her... you both lied to me.

But for very different reasons.


Fight me!

Hit me!

Fight me!

Fight me!


You know... the only reason she came back to Gotham, the only reason she tracked me down after 11 years... was you.

Woman: We love you!

We love you!

Woman 2: We love you, Dwight!

(shouts of support continue)

I want Dwight taken back for questioning.

So much for the big awakening, huh?

Yeah, still, we should get some cars out on the street.

Dwight got his message out.

A few lunatics could still respond.

(phone buzzing)

Lee? What is...

Thompkins: Jim.

I don't know how, but Jerome is alive, and I think he's coming after Dwight.

Where's Dwight?

I saw a uni walking him that way. Why?

Jerome: Hang on, Dwight. We got a busy night ahead.

What's that? (cackles)

This guy's hilarious.



(grunts, chuckles)

So... how's it look?

It's good. It looks good.

You wouldn't lie to me, right, Dwight?


It looks good.

It's good.

Say... you're not mad, are you?


What could I possibly be mad about? Huh?

You know, the whole cutting off your face.

Oh, buddy... you brought me back from the dead.

What's a cutoff face between friends?

I guess that's true.

You guessed right. Bingo.

(hums "Thunder and Blazes")

What are, what are we doing? Ooh.


You'll see.

(whistling "Thunder and Blazes")

Nothing? He is out there! Someone has him!

Sorry, boss. Mr. Nygma wasn't at any of Tommy Bones's or the Duke's hideouts.

Santino. Hit Santino.

He was close with Tommy Bones.

I-I bet they are in this together.

Gabe: Boss, got to tell you, I'm hearing some weird things.

Ed is in danger.

I will tear this city apart brick by brick!

(phone rings)


Nygma: Oswald.

Ed, is that really you? Are-Are you okay?

I... I can't talk long.

I snuck away to the phone.

Ed, who has you? Where are you?

Kane Chemicals.

Hurry. Oswald, hurry, please.

(dial tone hums) Ed? Ed?


Uh, uh, c-come on.

Now. No, Gabe. Not you.

You stay by the phone in case he calls back.

Kane Chemicals, let's go. Move!

Nothing on the news van, but reports are coming in.

Random att*cks, looting... at least six fires in the past hour.

You're telling me that ding-dong Dwight actually got people to go ape?

You need to see this.

Reporter: As has been reported, Channel 9's van was stolen this evening.

We are now getting video from the thief, which we will play in hopes it leads to his apprehension.

Jerome: Testing. Testing.

Bullock: Campos, call Channel 9!

Tell them to stop broadcasting this now!

Jerome: Am I live?

Am I on air?

Can you hear me? Ah, screw it.

Let's do it.


Some of you may know, I died.


But take it from me, death is... dull... but coming back... that is something.

Leave it to dying to give you a whole new perspective on life.

And I would like to share that with you.

Uh, Officer, you look terrible.

Hey, you got... oh.

Tonight, Gotham, in the darkness, there are no rules.

So, tonight, Gotham... do what you want.

k*ll who you want. Hmm?

And when morning comes... you, too, shall be... reborn.


Oh, and, uh... Dwight.

I don't forgive you for my face.


He's at the power plant across the river.

Bullock: You'll never make it in time.

Go to the roof. Let me call a chopper.

We need a bird to go now.

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.