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02x09 - Cleopatra

Posted: 01/24/17 05:43
by bunniefuu
Alex: Eight hours ago, I was trapped inside the hostage crisis at the G20 Summit. It was the work of a group calling themselves the Citizen's Liberation Front. I saw the First Lady decapitated and discovered a biological w*apon being used as a su1c1de fail-safe, making all rescue attempts impossible. I was captured, tortured, rescued. The CLF released almost 1,600 hostages, but 122 are still inside. I don't know who's still alive. I don't know who the Citizen's Liberation Front are and what they want. I just know the FBI has to stop them, which is how I ended up here.

All right, Parrish.

What'd you get yourself into this time?

Hannah? What are you doing here?

I think the better question is, what are you doing here?

The center of a conspiracy that no one magically knows about but you, again.

Alex Parrish, national hero, in the wrong place at the right time two years running.

You're gonna tell me everything.

And you're gonna convince me that you're not a part of it so I can convince the FBI before a Hellfire m*ssile, launched by our own government, strikes a hostage crisis in downtown New York, k*lling everyone inside, including the hostages.

So... pretend we never met.

Pretend the fact that I didn't like you, then grew to respect you but still... didn't like you, never happened.

You told me this crazy story once before that turned out to be true.

You better be able to do it again.

10 months ago, I went undercover at the CIA recruitment facility known as The Farm.


For the FBI.

With your ex-husband.

Your ex-fiancé.


I never thought I'd miss this place.

You know, some good stuff happened here.

Yeah, it did.

It looks good on you.


Too bad this is the only place I can wear it.

Or... was the only place.

Or is?

You know that I can't talk to you about FBI business now that you're no longer an FBI agent, including where the new safe house might be, or... if there even is one.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm good.


I feel like a weight's been lifted off me since I lost an "Inception" layer.

[Both chuckle]

You know, now I'm just a CIA operative in training, not an undercover FBI agent posing as a CIA operative in training... much clearer lines.

But you still can't wear the ring in public.

Alex: I know.

I said a layer has been peeled off.

I didn't say there weren't still 20 more to go.

We were there to spy on other CIA recruits potentially being enlisted into a rogue group inside of the agency.

You failed. You left the FBI.

Yeah, they thought I couldn't do the job.

Were they right?

Eight square blocks of downtown Manhattan say otherwise.

So, this hidden group, Ryan infiltrated them, but you didn't?

Harry: So, you're on the outside now?

Depends on your perspective.

I may not be with the FBI, but I'm still at The Farm, rising up on the m*rder Board.

Well, if you wanted to simply be in the CIA, that would be fine, but you don't.

You want to solve the riddle of the terror threat that's growing inside of something neither you nor I are a part of, but something you still know next to nothing about.

Hannah: This Harry Doyle...


He went through The Farm with us, but was there on an exchange program, where someone from British Intelligence learns U.S. training and vice versa.

And you brought him in to your undercover mission?

Well, he pushed his way in.

I want to find out who's above the recruiter, who Owen is recruiting for.

Okay, how do you propose to do that, Alex?

I'm gonna go back into Owen's house and take those phones that I found in his false wall.

Yeah, okay. What, this false wall?

You see, after our little chat the other day, I got curious and did some snooping, and it seems like your only lead... those phones... have vanished.

Maybe this is a good thing.

If the phones are missing, it means they're in play.

Yeah, but you missed the window.

The sale is over. The merchandise is gone.

How can you track down something that you couldn't even get when it was right in front of you?

If the AIC is now training, Owen is training them.

I just need to figure out...

What? Cozy up to him? Get him to trust you?

Yet you tried that, and you failed.

So, I'm sorry, Alex, but I can't help you find the AIC.

The AIC?

That's just the name we gave it.

CIA in reverse.


Where was Ryan in all of this?

Still working undercover for Miranda Shaw.

[James Vincent McMorrow's "Rising Water" plays]

So, the text you got with the three of you k*lling that man disappeared?

Yeah. Not even a minute after we got it.

It's like something out of "Mission: Impossible."

You did the right thing.

♪ For what I've done ♪

Doesn't feel like the right thing.

This is a game-changer for us, the step-up that we needed.

You said that there were three of you.

Did you pull the trigger?

No. That was León.

Then somebody up there likes you.


The suspects, those fellow recruits, the ones you thought were part of this AIC at The Farm, how did you know who they were?

They all got special phones.

And you didn't?

♪ Abandoning my car ♪

Still no contact from the AIC phone?


Has Owen approached you?

And your fellow insurgents, how are they holding up after what you all did?

Better than you, I hope.

Well, one more so than the other.


Hey. [Chuckles]

Dayana, you...

Took longer in the bathroom than usual.

I know.

♪ What happens now? ♪

Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night?

I thought I told you I can't.

Shelby Wyatt? Well, she was my handler till I left the FBI, but then she made a connection with León and went undercover herself.

Your top-secret job.

When are you gonna tell me about that?

I think I've proven myself trustworthy.

It's better that you don't know any more.

♪ Because you make me feel alive ♪

You haven't talked about Sebastian Chen.

♪ In spite of rising water ♪

Oh, you're back.

I am.

And you're talking to me. Wow.

He's two people... the one you see and the one he hides inside.

I took some extra time, ran a Kairos retreat.

Had the chance to, uh, contemplate my relationship with my Savior, help others do the same.

Never felt better.

Yeah. Seems like it.

♪ Abandoning my car ♪
♪ About a mile from nowhere ♪

So, do you want to talk about Alex now?

That's under control.

That has been a lot of things, but it has never been under control.

She doesn't know about this.

And she's not going to.

She won't be a problem. I won't let her be.

Hannah: Tell me about this recruiter, your instructor.

Alex: Owen Hall?

Why was he having a hard time?

Well, his daughter, Lydia, was there teaching with him and then she left.

Something happened between them.

Gathering human intelligence is the core of what you'll do as operatives, but the one true skill that will determine your success as a case officer is asset recruitment.

You don't look so good.

As case officers, you must be able to recruit people face-to-face and develop a personal relationship with them in order to utilize that relationship for intelligence, you know, when, um... when the time is right.

A relationship like that can begin anywhere... at an airport bar, a university, in your own bedroom, even in this very classroom.

Wherever it takes place, any active recruitment must start with a form of seduction, and that's exactly what you'll learn this week.

So, do it right. Get your asset to believe what you see.

And they'll give you all the information you need.

Do you want to get back in the game, love?

Now's your chance.

That is a shell of a man right there.

The easiest way to pick someone up is from the bottom of the heap.

You want information, seduce your asset.


Hannah: Why are you telling me all this?

Who are these people? Why should I care?

Because everyone I just told you about is a hostage inside that crisis right now.

And at least one is a t*rror1st hiding amongst them.

This is prime Alex Parrish.

Some crazy theory about a hidden t*rror1st, with no ability to prove anything, just conjecture and intuition.

You've said that all the t*rrorists are masked.

Do you have x-ray vision?

If you could just give me one name, just one, then you might be able to get out of here and help whatever's happening, but you can't, can you?

[Both grunting]

Ryan is a t*rror1st, Hannah.

She is talkative. I will give her that.

Anything we can use to call off the strike?

You worked undercover with Alex, and you were her handler.

You know these people.

She's saying Ryan is one of the t*rrorists.


You're pretty much the only person I can trust in this building, and trust in this building being a really relative thing.

So, take this com.

Listen to what she has to say, use the information, take everything she has, and see if you can find a connection between Ryan and the attack.

Because, right now, her narrative, it isn't convincing.

Uh, León Velez... you were working him?


Well, I mean, he's on the inside, too.

Isn't he just as likely to be a t*rror1st as Ryan?

Not if he's the man that I knew.

Nimah: You've been spending every night with León this week.

I have.

Are you okay? You don't feel compromised in any way?

I'm good, Nimah.

I just need to make sure, you know?

The longer you stay undercover, the lines can get blurry.

You can lose yourself.

I am okay.

I've done a really good job at differentiating Shelby from Jane.

Shelby drinks coffee, Jane drinks tea.

Shelby reads, Jane watches television.

You're calling yourself Shelby. That's not a good sign.

Said by the woman who had her own sister use her name for six months.

Has he told you any more about who he k*lled?

No, but he said it's for my own good.

Hmm. That's a good sign.

He wants to protect you from it.

Which means he is starting to develop feelings for me.

For Jane.


And I think when he does open up next, he's gonna give me actual details.

He's more vulnerable now.

I agree.

Just make sure you remember who you need to be, because if he finds out about Shelby Wyatt, both you and Jane will be in danger.

Hannah: Leigh Davis, Jeremy Miller, Angie, Surabaya... why are you telling me this?

All these names, all these leads, they go nowhere, don't they?

So, tell me, Alex, what are you really thinking?

I should've seen this coming.

Maybe Ryan was playing me all along, that everyone I know on the inside could be in on this, even the people I trust the most.

[NVDES's "The Other Side" plays]

Owen: Your mission at the Gold Leaf... seduce your targets and get as many numbers as you can.

[Camera shutter clicks]

What was your approach?

Being Alex Parrish. Celebrity works.

I've already got Stephanie, Courtney, and, um, Samantha.

I'm still working on Jeanne, but she'll fold.

I agree.

You look comfortable, so they feel relaxed.

Perfect approach.

Clearly, being Alex Parrish works for you.

♪ All my best friends say you are the worst thing ♪

What?! There it is!

Thank you. Thank you so much.

All right, boys. Put your numbers in my phone.

Don't complain. Them's the rules.

Yes, bruv!

Well done, Harry.

Sometimes all it takes is getting everyone's eyes on you.


Just one, Dayana?

Interesting pick.

Chris here works at the bursar's office at William & Mary.

He's just e-mailed me the number of every student in here.

Top of the m*rder Board, here I come.

Men alone at a bar traditionally have a hard time, Sebastian.

You should make a friend or two.

Hello. I'm right here.

You know, you might want to focus on your 9:00.

Might be more up your alley.

I know what I'm doing.

Oh, yeah?

By, uh, venturing beyond your comfort zone?

You know, you could have some of my phone numbers.

I've got a bunch.

I don't need to cheat to win.

Yeah, but you do need to win.

Why aren't you playing along?

I'm too nervous.

I keep waiting for that phone to ring.

Mine hasn't. Has yours?

During an assignment?

Look, whoever they are, they know that we're here.

I can't sleep, I c... I can't eat.

We k...

[Whispers] We k*lled someone.

Someone who deserved it, I'm sure.

[Normal voice] Who are we to say he was bad?

Look, whatever special division we've been picked for, whoever's running it, it's still the CIA.

It's still for the greater good.

Or are they just seducing us so we think so?

Very impressive, Ryan. Using an advanced neuro-linguistic programming technique designed to produce a rush of endorphins.

Once the hand leaves the subject... a sense of connection with the instigator forms.

Touch... is a proven way to get someone to trust you.

[Joe Cocker's "You are So Beautiful" plays]

You just sabotaged me.

I sure did.


Um, you see, we're not partners anymore.

So it's each man for himself.

♪ You are so beautiful ♪


♪ To me ♪

You still gonna go after the AIC?

Are you?

That's my job.

That's my cause.

[Sighs] Okay.

Look, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but how about we make a deal?



If I find out anything, anything at all, I'll let you know.

You just have to promise to stop digging yourself.


Because I want you still here when it's over.

And because you don't want to make enemies with the FBI.

So, you'd just do that?

Tell me everything that you know?

You'd really stop looking?


♪ You are so beautiful ♪

Sure. It's a deal.

Come with me.

Hey, excuse me.

This is my really good friend, Ryan, and he's a nice guy.

You can trust him.

I promise.

Yeah. Thanks.

Hannah: Okay, enough.

Ryan being a flirt, you helping him, your song on the jukebox...

I mean, are you kidding me with this?

All right, evidence is evidence.

Just because you don't see how it fits doesn't mean it's not important.

Did you read that on a tea bag?

All right, just... if you would just listen.

I'm just about to get to Owen Hall.

That's what really matters.

Owen Hall matters?

The guy who's safely in federal prison.

♪ Still haunting my every kiss ♪

[Earpiece beeps]

I don't have a number you can get.

Oh, please.

I already have your number.

Something's up with you.

Excuse me?

You're dealing with something... something big.

Something you want to hide from all of us.

♪ Wild and carefree ♪
♪ Like we used to be ♪

Okay. Yeah, I am.

♪ Will you come around like... ♪

[Clears throat]

So, um... what's her name?

She break your heart?

Time to wrap this up.


♪ Take me to the places that we talked at ♪

Uh, not exactly the Mata Hari moves I was expecting, Alex.

Owen: Tonight was the kiddie pool.

Now it's time to swim in some deep waters.

Tomorrow night, you're going to the Estate nightclub at The Scott hotel in Philadelphia to attend the post-rehearsal dinner party of a lovely young couple about to get married.

You'll be assigned your mark amongst the wedding guests when you arrive.

Your goal... to seduce them.

You make them feel so comfortable they're willing to spend the night with you and wake up with them after.

Someone who falls asleep next to you is willing to show they're vulnerable, and a vulnerable mark will talk in ways no one you cold-bump into in a bar ever will.

Y-You're gonna force us to sleep with people?


Immoral, yes.

Prostitution, sick... yeah, yeah.

It's all those things, and if you can't do them, then you got no business here, Mr. Chen.

It's make-it-or-break-it time.

So, wake up next to them, that's it?

So, you think it's that easy, Booth?

I'll see you all there.

So, locked together, alone, in a hotel in another city.

This presents an opportunity, Alex.

Well, not that it's any of your business anymore, but it doesn't.

You see, Owen's not gonna recruit me for the AIC because he saw me naked.

Some people don't need to use their sexuality for everything.

Oh, fine, fine. Alex, okay.

But you can use your sexuality to slip this into his drink.

Wait. You want me to roofie him?

No, it's not a roofie, and it will not harm him, I promise, but that is all I'm going to tell you because you deserve some plausible deniability.

And you could help out MI6 and really get in the game.

I don't know why I trusted Harry.

Think he's one of the bad guys?

He's not.

And I don't think that Ryan is, either.

The AIC are not responsible for the attack.

They're the target.

The AIC was formed to work outside of the law where the CIA won't, but they do it in the shadows.

I think I may have been wrong to assume that this was their handiwork.

Who do you see in this picture?

Okay, so what are the First Lady, Dayana Mampasi, and the man that was ex*cuted right in front of me doing all together?

As soon as you said Surabaya, I did some digging.

One day before this photo was taken, an American journalist living in Surabaya died in a car accident.

Rumor was he used to be a CIA operative who went inside the Islamic Front.

I think Dayana and Mike Murray were the k*ll team sent in to take him out.

Can we get back to the part where Ryan's not a bad guy?

Okay, you said that the t*rrorists are interrogating the hostages and then executing them.


What are they looking for?

I think it is what we were looking for, and we've had it backwards.

The t*rrorists are not the AIC. They are hunting the AIC.

So, right now, downtown, one group of rogue agents has taken another group of rogue agents hostage.

That's what's happening right now.

Okay, well, that is a new one on me.

I'm gonna go get Miranda.

Wait. She's here?

She didn't answer my last call.

You called her?

She didn't tell you?

I'll find her.

Okay. I'm... I'm coming with you.

Just in case. Something doesn't seem right.

Sit tight. I'll be back.

[Door closes]


[Indistinct conversations]


[Sighing] Hey.

I'm standing with the man I'm gonna marry and trying to spot the man that I have to wake up with.

Traditional wedding in a white dress is definitely not in our future.

Who'd you get?

She's pretty.

And there's your guy.

Man: To the bride and the groom!

[Cheers and applause]

So, our assignment isn't just seduction, it's home-wrecking?

Well, I guess the CIA likes a twist just as much as the FBI.

But why? They're so in love.

Oh, well. Duty calls.

Listen... I know you're not asking, but... you have my blessing, you know?

Do what you need to do.

Well, I got the best man.

I'll be putting that moniker to the test in the next two hours.

We just got our assignment.

How do you do that so fast?


Ryan and I have the happy couple.

Ooh, waking up with the bridegroom the morning of his wedding?

That should take you minutes to set up, even less if she's the one who picked this deejay.

You need to focus on Owen.

I'm on it.

Your mark?

Kareem Johnson. He's a fund manager.

Stand here with me for a second.

Make him think he accomplished something when I talk to him.

Who's yours?

Got two.

The Benchleys...

Brianna and Fred.

Okay, then.

How do you know when someone's seducing you for information?

You pay attention.

I'd think twice if I met someone who only wanted to hear me talk, who never want to talk about themselves.

Never pushes back, you know?

Your mark's on the move.

You've been staring.

And so have you. I just don't know why.

I'll tell you why... if you can keep up with me.

[Cellphone vibrating]

Hi. I was just thinking about you.

León: Listen, I know I said I couldn't meet you tonight, but the conference I'm attending in Philly might not go as long as I thought.

You want to meet?

Sure. My place?

How about halfway?

Halfway, like...


I know an out-of-the-way motel.

Sounds good. See you then.

[Laughter, indistinct conversations]

Ooh, Carly Klapp.

Well, that's one lucky lady with a very unfortunate name.

So, what's the holdup? She looks wholesome enough.

She's even wearing a cross. That's good for you.

Go away, Harry.

You know how good-looking you are, right?

This should be easy for you, Sebastian, but it's not.

It never is, because you can't go in cold and calculated like this.

You thought you could with the t*rture, but that tore you up inside.

That's why you went to that retreat.

Nobody should have to defend basic, human decency.

No, I agree, and yet, here we are again.

And again, you can't keep your virtue here, mate.

You have to cross lines, because if you don't, that makes you a danger to everyone around you.

And as much as I love dangerous men, you're gonna put actual lives at risk.

See, people like you want to save the world, but it takes people like me to actually do it.

I think it's about time you find something else to do.

I can cross a line when I want to enough, Harry.

And just now...

I'm gonna make sure you fail this scenario and wake up alone.

Um, James... he's a super smart guy.

I-I mean, he's not like book-smart.

He's like life-smart.


Yeah. [Laughs]

And we're gonna have... great...

Oh, my God. You're such a funny guy.

You okay?

James is talking to a very beautiful woman I do not know.

James has a history of talking to very beautiful women.

I'll tell you what.

How about I stay here and make him jealous?

How jealous?

As jealous as you want.

Del Maguey, neat, please. Water back.

I didn't take you for the mezcal type.

And I didn't think Uncle Sam covered bar tabs.

These... are on you.

Oh, okay.

Cheers. [Laughs]

Oh, so...

[Laughs] Or on me, which is why I was getting up.

Oh, sorry. Sorry.

You know what? Just drink this instead.

Go on. Water's good for you.




All right.

I'm sorry for prying so much earlier.

Are you... really?

[Both chuckle]

I... I wasn't wrong about your broken heart.

Just about who did it.


Yeah, that's not a hard leap.

She's gone.

And I'm...

Not quite yourself.


What did she do?

It's not what she did. It's what I did.

I let my career... get in the way of our relationship, when the relationship should've been more important.

I know it is. I know it is.

I just... I just can't...

Can't feel it.

Instead of you sitting here talking to me, you should be out there.

Don't worry. My mark will wake up with me.


There are many hours before the sun rises.

And I do enjoy our time together, away from everything.

So, what is the point of all of this?

To prove to every woman at The Farm that she's just a pretty girl in a dress.

No, that's...

[Slurring] That's not what...

That's not what it is.

You know what? Let's... Let's just get you out of here.

Come on. Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

I'm okay.

You're good?


You lied to me.

No, I didn't.

Is everything okay?

I got to be honest with you.

I'm not sure that I can afford you.


Excuse me?

You mean, you're not...

Oh, my God. I am so sorry.

I just...

[Sighs] I just figured you were...

Well, for someone like you to be interested in someone like me...

Just stop apologizing, and let's open the door.

I'm sorry. I didn't...

Are you sure you want to do this?

You've had a lot to drink. I don't want to be that guy.


Kareem, be that guy.

[Lock beeps]

I know this is what people say who normally do this, but... I don't normally do this.

Neither do I.

[Lock beeps]

All right. Come on. You're good.


I know what you're up to.

Owen, I'm trying to make sure you get here okay. Sit down.

Now, you know you're not the first recruit to try to get ahead by going after the instructor.

But ju... You... You are the first one to not take no for an answer.

Sit down. You look awful.

You're pissed at me?

I'm pissed at your assumption.

[Chuckles] I just... I thought you were different.

Now, what? No, you couldn't have thought I was that different, 'cause... you're here, trying to make this story end the way it did for you last time.

You think I want something from you, and the only way I can get it is to sleep with you.


Do you know how archaic this whole scenario is?

Like, the only thing a woman has to offer is sex, and men are so dumb that they're gonna give up anything to get it.

I can get whatever I want without having to compromise myself, and if you couldn't, then you weren't a very good operative.

You're saying no to a question I'm not asking, which means this is about what you want from me.

And what is it I want from you?



Oh, damn it! [Sighs]

I forgot something. I'll be just a second, okay?

Whoa. Slow down, Alabama.

I hope I didn't take you away from your marks.

I lost them. I was actually on my way out.

You did this?

He's alive.

Look, I don't know what happened. I just...

[Glass shatters]

It's okay.


They told us the men would come for us.

[Voice breaking] Not to fight, just be ready.

I was just 10, and my mom, she didn't want that for me and my sisters, and so... she taught us how to...

He was just a nice man, a perfect gentleman.

He was harmless, and I just...

One second, he was touching me, and the next, I could just hear my sister saying, "I'm not ready"...

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Shh, shh, shh!

"I'm not ready," and I just...

Hey, hey, relax! Shh! Calm down!

Hey, at least he's not dead.

But I wanted him to be. I wanted him to be.

Where are you going?

León: I'm going downstairs.

In a place like this, the bartender will have Rohypnol.

He'll sell, no questions asked.

This guy will not remember a thing, okay?


[ Sighs]


[Keyboard keys clacking]

You and I need to talk.

Owen: The fantasy of being an operative is very different from the reality.

This morning, some of you completed the scenario, a few did not.

Seduction isn't a game.

It's powerful.

And power always has a cost.

You have to be willing to be used... violated... culpable, and even betrayed to successfully seduce an asset.

But no matter how successful you are in completing your mission, waking up and accepting what happened the night before is one of the hardest parts of the job.

Now, for the next few weeks, every one of you will cross a line you thought was impossible.

Because you are the ultimate w*apon to use on people you've never met, those you love, sometimes your country... and even yourself.

All right. Get out of here.

[Teakettle whistles]

I think I found one of your phones.


In your fiancé's pocket.

You're kidding.

I'll take this cup.

There's somewhere you need to be.

[Door opens, closes]

[Knock on door]

Hey. Are you okay? You didn't show up.

I got waylaid.

Yeah, well, I waited at some creepy Motel 6 for two hours before I realized you weren't coming.

Jane, we've known each other for, what, a month now?

That's not a long time, right?

We met at a diner. We... We... We spent a holiday together.

I've told you things about my life I haven't even told my own family.

It's not normal for me.

Something doesn't add up. Something about you.

Just because I'm interested in you?

That's what a relationship is.

I'd say it's a little more than interest, wouldn't you say?

I mean, y-you sleep with me, you pull back, you leave me wanting more, and the whole time, y-you're searching and you're... and you're digging.

I mean, who are you, really? W-What are you hiding from me?

I know that you have skeletons in your closet.

So do I, but I don't press you about yours, because I know you need someone who's not gonna judge you.

That is what I need, too.

Look, it's okay that we met, and it's moving fast.

You're different from anyone I've ever know.

I don't know. I-I can't explain it, but it's just...

I know that I feel safe when I'm around you, and I hope you do, too.

You know what? Here.

Take my phone. Call anyone in there.

Ask them who I am, and see if I don't add up to you, because I have nothing to hide from you.

I'm not afraid to show you who I really am.


[Knock on door]

So, top of the m*rder Board.

Guess you woke up with her, then.

I slept with her.

[Sighs] All right.

It was, uh... It was, uh, just like you said it would be.

It was easy.

So... I showed her some interest.

She's, um...

She... She's, uh... She's beautiful...



She, um... She lives in L.A.

I've been to her church.

But, uh... none of that matters because... I woke up with someone who... who thought I was a good person.

[Sobbing] And... And I'm not.

So, what I did... What I did was... It wasn't good.

I d... I did it just to prove to myself I could.

[Sniffles] And to prove it to you.


What's wrong with me, Harry?

What... What did I do?


I'm sorry. I can't do this.

[Door closes]

Oh, how'd I know this was coming?

I'll put a BOLO out for her.

No, just give her a head start.

I hate to admit it, but she's the only one who can end this.

I'm so gonna regret it.

Alex: They took away the mattress.

They're rolling this whole place up tomorrow.

Well, then, no one will know what happened in here.

That's a little sad.

Well, we know.

Top of the m*rder Board, huh?

And you?

Well, you saw my ranking. I failed.

Is there anything else you want to talk to me about?

Is there something you want me to talk to you about?


So, the AIC hasn't contacted you yet?

I told you I'd tell you if they did.

Yeah, well, you told me a lot of things in our time together, and not all of them have been true.

I thought we made a deal, that you wouldn't persist with this if I decided that...

We did. I lied.



Well, Miranda was right.

Yes, she was, but you lied, too.

You're really not gonna give this up, are you?

Why should I, Ryan? This was my assignment first.

So I'm not letting it go till it's done.

Hmm. Okay. Well... we promised each other we'd tell the truth in here, and since it's our last night, I hope you don't mind what I'm about to say.

They chose me, Alex, not you.

It's over.

That's what I wanted you to believe.

♪ Are you good? ♪
♪ Because I don't feel right ♪

[Cellphone vibrates]

♪ Are you strong? ♪

I was hoping you'd call.

Carly: [Chuckles] Well, that's good to hear.

Uh, you promised me dinner.

When's that happening?

How about this weekend? I'd like to see you again.

You were good, Shelby.

Feels good.

We have him. We're gonna do this.

Okay. Take care.

♪ And I think if I'm evil ♪

I got the information you requested from Kareem.

And you won't even find a single fingerprint on him from me.

Because I used León Velez to clean it up.

Because he's weak and he shouldn't be a part of what we're doing.

♪ If I'm evil ♪
♪ Maybe I had you fooled ♪
♪ If I'm evil ♪
♪ And still you're right beside me ♪
♪ If I'm evil ♪

All good?

Well, that remains to be seen.

Hey, did that pill work?

Well, did you spike his drink?


Well, then, it worked.

Little radiation tracer he ingested is a little tradecraft secret, courtesy of MI6.

That's what was in it?

You... You poisoned him?

I already told you, it's not gonna hurt him.

It's just a tag.

Our dear teacher/criminal mastermind will simply secrete a minor dose of radiation over the next eight days.

And we can track everywhere he goes with this.

So, where is he now?

He's just across the way.

♪ If I'm evil ♪


♪ If I'm evil ♪

You okay?


I'm fine.

♪ If I'm evil ♪
♪ Then we'll be going down ♪

When the jets are five minutes out, I'm going to need a secure line to the White House in order to get the final go-launch confirmation from President Haas.

You get that BOLO out immediately!

NYPD, State Police, get NSA to flag any number associated with her.

Yes, ma'am.

Until further notice, we keep this need-to-know.

The public's already dealing with too much as it is.


What's going on? What happened?

Alex Parrish escaped, General.

And so did Miranda Shaw.

♪ We'll be going down ♪
♪ If I'm evil ♪
♪ We'll be going down ♪
♪ If I'm evil ♪



Give me one reason why I should trust you.

You're right, Alex.

I wouldn't trust me, either, but I will tell you this.

♪ If I'm evil ♪

I am one of the t*rrorists, and after the conversation that we are about to have, you will be, too.
