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03x02 - Masquerade

Posted: 01/19/17 03:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on X Company.

We're about to land one of the biggest assets that we've ever had.

I need to know if I can trust you.

That goes both ways.

Your vaudevillian is in love with Aurora.

Where is it you're from?

The Moon.

Ah, of course. Yeah, I should have known they'd invade there too.

sharpsh**ter Miri was recently arrested for sh**ting soldiers from a bell tower.

Tell me where she is.

You're gonna break her out on your own?

Get yourself k*lled? I'm not gonna let you do that.

I have to see her. I have to. We didn't get to say goodbye.

Klaus! Krystina.


Did the Frommer boy chicken out?

No, I shot him.

Franz: Is she alright?

She is at the Hotel Renier. She was escorted
by an SS officer.

He's her father.

How close is Sabina with her father?

Very close.

Close enough, she'd tell him secrets?

Was there something else you wanted to tell me? Please, you can tell your father.

Papa, it's serious. It's about Franz.

S03E02 - Masquerade

(indistinct chatter)

French man: Don't forget your papers!

Is it set?

Set. Sabine?

She's not in the restaurant, and the concierge hasn't seen her leave.

What? You really think she'd give up her husband?

I don't think she wants him k*lled, but I don't think she thinks ahead.

man: You're sure about this?

I'm so sorry. I knew you would be shocked.

You're absolutely sure you want to leave him?

Franz is not the man I thought he was. I...

I don't love him.

I see.

I want to go back to Berlin with you. I want to go home.

Sabine, you have a very special responsibility.

You know what your country needs from you now.

Children, kitchen, church.

And a husband needs a wife by his side.

Papa, please, listen to me.

There is nothing worse for a couple than to lose a child, but you must be strong and not always think of yourself.

You think you understand, but you don't. It's not that simple.

I have to leave him and come back home.

What's not that simple?

(knocking on door)

I can't stay in Paris.

Come in!

If you knew why, you'd understand about Franz.

For you.

Thank you.

Are you even listening?

I have to make a phone call, but would it be all right if we talked a bit later?

Yes, if you're not too busy.

Good girl. Now, I will see you at Franz's celebration. I know.

I don't want to come either. But it's a big day for him.

Everyone will be there, so be sure to look your best. We'll talk more later.

(phone dialing sounds)

The entire n*zi machine, everything...

Planes, tanks, troops... They all run on oil.

If we cr*pple the supply, it makes the w*r smaller.

We end it sooner. Lives are saved on both sides.

I need to be back.

5 o'clock. Yes, I know.

The location of the refineries is highly classified.

Your father-in-law is one of the few people who knows where they all are. Don't socialize with the man.

What's your relationship with him?


How so?

He knows I only joined the SS because, as his future son in-law, there was no other choice.

You don't share his beliefs?

I don't.

If he heard you were a traitor...

Sometimes, I think he'd insist on leading the firing squad personally.

(indistinct conversations)

Aurora: I've got her.

Hello, Sabine.

(Sabine sighs.)

We need to talk.

Did Franz send you?

No, he didn't send me.

Where's the g*n?

There's no need for that.

I'll talk, but don't you dare touch me.

She must be inside that church.

Let's go around the back, see if there's another way in.

Even if we get past the guards, even if we do get her out of there, how far do you think we'll get without a vehicle?

The guards won't need theirs if they're dead.

They have a*t*matic weapons.

I'm getting Miri out of there. Are you with me or not?

Yeah, but only if we have a solid plan.

This is a place of God, and I have a service to do.

Take your business somewhere else!

Go away.

If we can't get inside, maybe there's someone who can.

Why don't we sit down?

Sabine: I see we have company.

He's here to protect me in case you told your father anything that might put us at risk. (bell tolling)

Did you?

Did I tell my father about the spies who pretend to be my friends, who come to my home, and follow me in the streets?

Not yet.

That's good.

Last week, we were planning to run away to Spain.

After he chased you out of my house, I thought... good.

(indistinct conversation)

Maybe we had a chance to leave all this business behind and start again. A few days later, he comes home, "Sabine, I've just met with them. I'm going to help." Another decision without even thinking to ask.

I understand that you're angry. I would feel the same way.

But he thought it would be...

He thought it would be safer for you not to know.

He was trying to protect you.

I'm not some porcelain doll.

Of course not.

And that's why we need your help.

Franz, he needs your help.

I don't know who Franz is.

Please, just come with me.

I'm done taking orders. From you, from Franz.

And you can tell him I won't come to his party either!

What party?

For his promotion.

Everyone will be there.

My father wants me to look pretty and play the happy wife. If he only knew.

Listen, I don't want to tell you what to do...

Then don't!


I'm done with Franz And just because I haven't told my father doesn't mean I won't.

Now, leave me alone. Sabine! Sabine!

You have the power to make a choice I told you not to touch me!

Aurora: You know he's gonna get shot, that's the law!

You don't know who my father is. There is no law.

He can have Franz exiled...

Might be a little bit naive.

There you go again. I'm a child!

Let me go! Or are you gonna just sh**t me?!

Your husband loves you very much. You know that?

Call the police! She's a thief! They have a g*n!

woman: Oh, my goodness!


Stay away!

Volatile. Uncooperative.

We'll need to keep our distance. But we did get the recording.

Sabine had no idea.

So we got what we need?

Yeah, loud and clear.

She knows her husband is working with the Allies, but she's keeping a secret.


For now.

This technically makes her a traitor too.

Let's hope we don't need to use it.

He's got to get back.


There's a party this evening. Faber is being promoted and Sabine says that everyone will be there, including her father.

And I presume she's not going to be there.

But all the top brass are.

We may not get a chance like this again We were thinking that we could mingle, listen.

Plant some false Intel.

Schmidt's gonna be there?

That's right.


What are you thinking?

Does Helene Bauer know how to dance?

(chuckling) Of course she does.

If Sabine decided to talk, you could be walking into a trap.

If the party's on, she hasn't talked.

Good point. Let's see if we can get you on the guest list.

Make Schmidt your priority.

How is she?

She's not in danger.

She hasn't said anything incriminating to her father. You're safe to go.

Did she say if she's coming home?

Only that she won't be attending your celebration tonight.

I need you to put two names on the guest list.

Helene Bauer and Sturmbannfuhrer Karl Reimann.

Absolutely not. It's a private function; it will bring unwanted attention.

You won't be compromised.

I said no.

This is what a double-agent relationship looks like. Are you in or not?

It is in your interest that I maintain credibility with my superiors?


My agent in Canada has not reported in since the failed operation.

But if he has been captured and is in your custody, it would reflect poorly on me.

I know you would never release him.

That's right.

I need him terminated.

An honorable death. Consider it done.

Tonight, your agents can listen and observe from a discreet distance.

I will make introductions of my choosing.


Good luck with the call.

(dog barking) (indistinct chatter)

Excuse me, Father.

Can I help you?

The people they're holding inside the church...


My friend is one of them.

I want her to know she has a friend on the outside. Can you help me?

Bread for the prisoners.

(people shouting indistinctly)

Bread for the prisoners.

Thank you.

Thank you, Father.

Are you the "girl from the Moon"?

(beeping in Morse code)

I assume you acquired your job at the Royal Care Society through your sympathizer contacts. Who are they?

We're already questioning your Swastika Club associate at the bar, as well as the other patrons. They're mostly idiots.

But you also have some sophisticated colleagues.

Who provided you with the compact expl*sive you gave Klaus?

Any other questions? Maybe I should make a list.

The sooner you answer my questions, the sooner you get some circulation back in your arms.

Is that how this works? I just tell you what you want to know?

They must have run out of manpower to promote you to sergeant.

If you were better at your job, you wouldn't be here.

I'm impressed Klaus Frommer was able to get the b*mb past your security. Kid was a little jumpy.

He didn't need to die. You manipulated him.

You seem to care a lot about a German you k*lled.

He was your first, wasn't he?

And they sent you in to talk to me.

Bad strategy to send an emotional officer into a room with a subject.

That's it.

I didn't want to have to do this.


(Aurora sighs.) You OK?

I'm OK.

Good luck.

(door opening)

(indistinct chatter)

(string ensemble playing classical music)

Frau Helene Bauer and Sturmbannfuhrer Karl Reimann.

(crowd chatter)

It was a pleasure.

A pleasure to see you again.

My warmest congratulations, Franz.

Thank you for including us, Herr Brigadefuhrer.

I'm delighted you both could make it.

Alice, when did this come in?

A half hour ago.

Rumour or confirmed?

I thought Jacques Rigaud was still in exile in London with General De Gaulle.

Two sources confirmed he has landed on the coast.

He's been making his way toward Paris, village by village, off the radar.

He could make a hell of a difference. The Resistance is divided.

They need a leader. Track his movements, get his photo up.

No photos.

The man's a shadow. How's interrogation going?

I'm giving him a short break to think about life.

And long enough.

You like the map?

Map's good.

(crowd chatter)

(string ensemble playing)

officer one: It's a long time coming.

officer two: In Berlin, the Fuhrer built us an Autobahn fit for Kings. But here? I feel like a rat in a maze.

officer three: The narrow streets are positively medieval.

officer four: I hear the Panzers have joined the 6th army in Stalingrad.

officer five: I wonder what route they will take to come back.

woman: I don't think you should worry about it. You know, because...

(string ensemble playing)

(indistinct chatter)

Do you think they will come back through France?

More likely Norway.

I was recently in Oslo.

Our informants report increased Allied activity in the North Sea.

(indistinct conversations)

So it went well?

What did?

It sounds like the telephone call with the Fuhrer went well.

Yes. Fine.

Who is that woman?

Frau Helene Bauer. She is a good friend of my wife's.

Where's Frau Faber this evening?


Herr Obergruppenfuhrer.


Are you enjoying the party?

I would if my daughter were on your arm where she belongs.

She won't be coming this evening. She hasn't been feeling well.

She was fine when I saw her a few hours ago. Our conversation was cut short.

There was something on her mind.

Is there anything I should know?

I can't imagine.

She's always been a happy girl, but ever since she moved to Paris she's become melancholy.

It's been a difficult time for her.

So I hear.

All the more reason to keep her in good spirits.

This is something I trusted you with.

I do my best.

She has such an affectionate disposition; she's ready to love another child.

A healthy child.

It would be good for both of you.

Have you asked her what she thinks about that?

Excuse me, Mademoiselle. You look familiar.

At this moment, your name escapes me, but I could have sworn that we have met before.

(German accent): Uh, I'm sure I would have remembered that.

Rose? Rosa? Violette?

(Aurora giggling) Something to do with a colour.

My name is Helene. Not very colourful, I'm afraid.

Ah! I was hoping I'd see you here.

Excuse us.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

I suppose you do now. Heidi Adler.

I saw Oster circling you and thought it my sisterly duty to rescue you.

Helene Bauer.

Thank you for the rescue.

He's not worth your time.

He smiles like a bachelor, but he has a wife back home.

(Heidi laughing)

Do you know the guest of honour?

Yes, I'm a friend of the Fabers.

So nice to meet you.

Excuse me. I'll be... I'll be right back.

Good evening. You must be Sabine's father.

I've heard so much about you.

Horrible things, I'm sure.

Of course not.

She loves you very much.

Helene Bauer. I'm a friend of hers.

Sabine shouldn't be missing this. It's not right.

But I'm sure there's a good reason.

She is prone to headaches.

Of course.

I was so pleased when she said you'd be here tonight.

I've been looking forward to meeting you.


She told me that you, uh, you wept for joy when you heard that Paris was spared from the bombings, and I felt the same way.

This city is like a precious jewel.

I think so too.

It's the only city in Europe that feels enchanted.


It's a perfect word.

"Enchanted." She did say you have the soul of a poet.

She said that?

I can't imagine you're here alone.

Actually, my... my husband isn't with us anymore.

I'm sorry to hear it.

Neither is my wife.

Sabine told me.

My condolences.

(sighing): It's not a happy club we're in, is it?

Especially on evenings like this.

My husband was a very good dancer.

(string ensemble playing)

I'm sure I'm a bad substitute, but, uh, the honour would be mine.

(Aurora chuckling)

(string ensemble playing)

You're a very good dancer.

My Elsa would have disagreed with you.

And she would have been wrong. Oh!

I'm... I'm so sorry!

No, no, no.

Not at all. My fault. Well, perhaps we could start again, ja?

Let's do that.

(suspenseful music)
Our only chance is when they take the prisoners back to the truck, when they're exposed.

I've only got eight rounds.

Enough to get each of them twice.

Does she know we're here?

Yes, but...

Good. What did she say?

She was pleased.

But there's something else you should know.

(Germans chattering)


They're taking them to the square.

German: Over there!

(indistinct chatter)

(string ensemble playing)

(indistinct chatter)

May I... cut in?

What were you doing with Schmidt?

He asked me to dance. I didn't want to be rude.

You were to stay on the sidelines.

You're not my handler; I am yours.

If this is to continue, you're going to follow my lead.

Then stop stepping on my toes.

woman: Well...

You came.

I guess I didn't need to.

You already have a date. (Aurora sighs.)

Sweetheart, have you been drinking?

I was told I had to come. No one said I had to be sober.

You look wonderful. It means a lot to me that you're here.

I'm not here for you. There he is.

I need another drink. Excuse me.


Let me.

(ominous music)

(suspenseful music) (clinking)

(sigh) Combination.

1, 9, 1, 2, 9, 1, 4, 5.

Six numbers. 5, 1, 2, 1, 9, 1.

8, 5, 9, 1, 2.

(knocking on door)

(door closing)

(string ensemble playing)

How is your headache?

It went away, but now it's back.

Listen, before you do anything you might regret...

Three vodkas, please.

man: Yes, Madame.

Hello again, Helene.

Hello. Sabine Faber, Heidi Adler. I've heard so much about you from your father.


We worked together in Poland, in the same building.

You've come a long way.

He said every German needs to see the City of Lights at least once, so he arranged me an invitation.


We'll drink to the Brigadefuhrer.

I don't like vodka... It burns my throat.

(nervously): Haha!

I never liked it either.

But since I'm working in Poland, I learned to love it.

What kind of work do you do there?

The kind that gets me invited to parties like this.

Oh, as a guest of... Obergruppenfuhrer Schmidt?

Oh, no, no, no, no. The invitation came in my name. I'm "unaccompanied."

To being unaccompanied.

I thought you didn't like vodka.

Maybe I like it now.

(Heidi laughing)

(sinister music)

Pi. 3, 1, 4, 5, 1, 9.

Fibonacci. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

Euler's. 2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8.


Argh! Ugh!

I want U-boat locations in the North Sea.


I don't know!

Of course you know. You came here by U-boat.

How would I know?!

Do you wanna go again?

Because it's been so effective.

Do not push me!

Maybe you're the one who needs a break.

I'm fine.

Are you sure? Because I'm the one who's supposed to crack, not you.

Is this how you interrogated Klaus?

This has nothing to do with him. Again.


(prisoner panting) The Uboat pens, where are they?

I. Don't.


Let me help you.

(stifled screaming) One syllable.


Yes or no!

Stavanger? Hm?

(prisoner grunting in pain)

No? Kristiansand?

(prisoner panting) Are you sure?



Yes, Bergen.

In Norway?

Yes. What are your defences in Norway?

(flesh-tearing sound) (prisoner gasping)

We're done here.

(indistinct chatter)

Heidi: It's really quite liberating.



Excuse me. Is this yours?


Come here.

Sabine: Oh, now, you're ready to talk.

Where were you?

I went out for a walk.

I needed to think about things.

Everyone noticed your absence.

What about it?

It reflects poorly on your marriage.

You know better than to air your dirty laundry in public.

Are you ready for your speech?

Right. Right.

(distant man laughing)

(indistinct chatter)

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please.

I would like to introduce you to our guest of honour, Herr Brigadefuhrer Franz Faber.

And his beautiful wife, Sabine.


Thank you very much.

Thank you very much. It is a great honour for me to be here with you all this evening. You have been so welcoming.

I will keep this short. I will only say that, while it is a profound honour to be entrusted with this position, I'm struggling every day with the question am I worthy?

Am I worthy of any of my life's blessings?

And I realize, no, I'm not.

I'm not yet.

But I have faith that, with the love that I feel for Germany, I will come to understand better every day what my true duty is.

My true duty is to know what is right and what's wrong, and to follow what's right no matter what the cost.

Because every choice that we make shapes the future for our families and for ourselves.

We have taken strides toward victory.

We have also known loss.

We... must grieve.

So, for the sake of all the souls watching us right now, watching every choice that we make, let us make them proud, let us show them honour and love, and do what is right.

Because the future... I have something to say.

I want to make a toast to my husband.

Franz, I never thought you'd become the man you are today.

I hope we can all find a way to live by your words.


To the future!


all: Heil!


all: Heil!


all: Heil!

(loudly): Citizens of Caillefaux, I expect your full attention. (dog barking)

(people chattering)

You are all to proceed to the town square for an important announcement.

Move! Move!

Attendance is mandatory.

(whispering): Hey, come on. Watching.

Move, move, move!

Everyone, move into the square, now!

Move, move, move!

Move now!

Jacques Rigaud, we know you are here.

If you truly are who you say you are, don't hide like a coward.

I thought Rigaud was in exile.

We know someone here...

You will not be harmed if you come forward right now.

Reveal yourself.

Gentlemen, anything to share?

Rigaud, we know you're listening.

So hear this. We will execute these prisoners one by one until you step forward.

This is what comes of aiding enemies of the Reich.

If any of you interfere, you will be shot.

The sooner someone identifies Rigaud, the more lives will be spared.

No one?

Madame? Last chance.

woman: Non.

(people gasping)

Does anyone have anything to say?

Stay quiet.

There's a car waiting for you at the gates.


You need to leave. Now.

You have friends on the outside that want to help you.

I can get you to the gate. There's a truck waiting.

It'll take you to your safe house. Can you stand?

(door closing)

Where are you taking him?

Sergeant Breeland wants him.

Wants him where?

I said, "Wants him where?"

She never said anything about a transfer.



STOP RIGHT THERE! (g*nshots)

Stop him!


Get back in the room! (g*nshots)


Reveal yourself!

Who will help me save their lives?

No one.

(people gasping) (hanged man choking)

woman: No. (dramatic music)

Please, Rigaud.

Save these people.

Please, come on.

I can't do nothing.

Come on, you know what they're gonna do to you.

Think about it.

Does anyone have anything to say?

One word and the young lady lives.

(Miri singing in Roma)


I said, "SILENCE!"

(Miri singing in Roma)

(women screaming and weeping)

Stop looking.

I can't let them keep dying for me.

It's you.

No. You can't turn yourself in.

You're gonna give them exactly what they want.

And our friend, she's gonna have died for nothing.

Rigaud, identify yourself.

My friend and I, we're heading back to Paris. We have friends.

We can keep you safe. Do you understand?

France needs you right now.

What about them?

We both know they won't be spared anyways.

(indistinct chatter)

Thank you very much. Have a lovely evening.

Thank you.

Franz, I've heard good news.

Your agent in Canada is alive.


He even managed to radio intelligence about potential Allied landings in Norway.

I'm glad to hear that.

I'm going to make a recommendation to Berlin to consider fortifying our ports along the North Sea.

It was an inspiring speech, Franz.

It's been a privilege serving with you.


I thought I might stay here with my father tonight.

We have a lot to catch up on.

Please come home with me.

Everything I do, every decision I make is for you, for us.

Then maybe it's time you start including me in those decisions.

I promise.

They're planning to occupy all of France now.

No more demarcation line.



All the remaining French authorities will be replaced by Germans.

Just when the Resistance is turning against itself.

Communists, students, Catholics; none of them can agree on a course of action.

They'll listen to you.

Maybe. We'll see.

We could all use a sign of hope right about now.

(soft music)

(Harry sighs.)

(touching music)

(Neil sighing)

Come on.


They're blanks.

Don't! He's still disoriented from the interrogation.

A man with his training, he might have noticed a tail.

But he was in a hurry to get here.

Sure he was. We gave him a nice nugget to radio home...

That the Allies are preparing an invasion through Norway.

Keeps the focus off North Africa.

It helps when you let them underestimate you.

We have a promise to keep to your boss: an honourable death.

Do you pray?


They're facing a crisis.

German oil supply is draining fast.

They're predicting they'll be immobilized by spring.

So they're actually vulnerable.

Alfred: Except, according to this...

They're projecting a surge in oil production in March?

It's part of a highly classified project.

Operation Marigold.

What do we think that is?

New refineries? Bigger refineries?

And there's nothing in there about where?


We'll find out.

Yeah, we do have a new asset.

Microfilm the transcripts.

I'll get the negatives back to Camp.

Send for Mayhew.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, Alfred. Could I speak to you, please?


You and Alfred did good work.

Thank you, sir.

I'm gonna trust your judgment on how to deal with him.


Aurora, his feelings for you make you all vulnerable.

I know what I'm doing. I can handle it.

Faber knows.

Alfred: What's going on?

End it.

Harry: He's got a list of contacts we need to get in touch with as soon as we can.

Rigaud: Thank you for sheltering me.


Jacques Rigaud, special envoy from General De Gaulle.

This is Lieutenant Colonel Duncan Sinclair.

Special Operations said you'd be back.

Good to see it's true.

I'm sorry for your losses at Dieppe. I'm here to help, so when it's time for the next landing, we're ready for the fight.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.

Thank his friend.

Let's get to work then.

(inaudible conversations)