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01x10 - Hero-Worship

Posted: 01/06/17 07:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on Pure Genius...

When I opened Bunker Hill, I made a promise that I would do everything humanly possible to save everyone who came through these doors.

I didn't build this hospital to deliver bad news.


I promise not to overpromise.

I want to go out with you to a concert.

You know, like on a date.

Um... I'm really sorry, James, but I can't.

Verlaine: I like you. And I want to make a go of this.


I think what you did today was amazing.

You're gonna find someone really special, James.

Keep your heart open, okay?

Cooper: I've been assigned to Mr. Keating.

I'm Nina. Cooper.


Just a little bit here.

Almost done.

That's it.

You're all set.

I'll be back, okay?


(door opens)

Hi, James.



Sorry, I didn't mean to, uh...

Nina, right?

Yes. Are you okay?

Yes. What. Why?

Your face is tense.

Oh. I woke up with a headache.

Well, here. Give me your hand.

Show you a trick I picked up in Hangzhou.


You made that little boy very happy.

Timmy. He's great.

I was showing him pictures of myself with the Maori in New Zealand, and he wanted me to paint his face like their tattoos.

New Zealand. Hangzhou.

You like to travel.

Almost as much as I like nursing.


Sorry. Hey, James. I need you to sign the new intake.



Nina. I started here last week.


This is, uh... um...

Yeah. You don't have to explain.

Yeah. No. It's 'cause I have a headache.


Give it five minutes. Let me know if it works.

Morning, Dr. Channarayapatra.

Good morning, Dr. Wallace.

I got a call from the Huggins Award committee.

They were annoyed, because you won the award, but apparently I didn't let their honoree off to attend the ceremony. Which is odd, because she didn't ask me.

I'm sorry. I used you as an excuse.

Why wouldn't you want to accept it?

The Huggins Award is a huge honor.

And your work in neuromodulation implants deserves recognition.

I believe that we have a meeting.

Good morning.


This is Claudia Guerrero.

A 38-year-old local resident.

Four years ago, she was diagnosed with stage III lung carcinoma.

She underwent a lobectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiation.

She has been in remission ever since.

It says in her chart she collapsed while gardening.

Are we looking at a recurrence of the cancer?

Unfortunately, it is much worse.

Strauss: Hmm.

Guessing by the reaction of the physicians in the room, this is as bad as it looks.

She has vanishing lung syndrome.

And that's as bad as it sounds?

It's a very rare progressive disorder that destroys the internal structure of the lungs.

It's basically a hyper aggressive form of emphysema.

Well, what about a lung transplant?

Her previous cancer status makes her ineligible for the donor list.

Judging from the size of her emphysematous bullae in her upper lobes, she only has a few weeks left.

Isn't there a mechanical breathing device we can put her on?

Well, there's the ECMO, but that machine is only meant to keep transplant patients alive awaiting surgery.

I'm sorry, Doctor, we... don't have a move here.

I respectfully disagree.

Angie has been developing a mechanical alternative for patients unable to qualify for transplants.

A synthetic lung.

I hate to be the Debbie Downer here, but I'm nowhere near a working prototype.

I'm still trying to get the tech to work for long-term use, and I don't have anything close to a stable power source to even run the thing yet.

Actually, you do. Claudia's heart.

Her own heart could act as a natural motor.

We can theoretically attach the synth lung to her pulmonary artery.

And divert the oxygen-depleted blood through the artificial lung, just like the organic one.

No motors to fail.

No batteries to recharge.

The engineering problems are...

Are solutions waiting to be discovered.

Why don't you guys work together on this?

You got your groove already.


Oh, my God. My headache's gone.


Evan sustained a Gustilo type II compound fracture of the tibia nearly two years ago.

It was during a middle school track meet.

Number one in his entire school.

And nothing can stop him from working that into the conversation.

Looking at your scans, it appears that your bones have healed well. Have you noticed any improvements since they've healed?

No. Not really.

No one's figured it out yet.

None of the doctors we've seen can explain why he can't walk.

Yeah. And every one of them just throws their hands up and ships us off to the next doctor, the next hospital.

They keep saying, “We can't find anything wrong with him.”

Well, we are going to find you some answers, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman.

Claudia: Vanishing lung syndrome.

Wow. (chuckles) You guys really need to work on that name.

Sounds like the world's worst magic trick.

We are so sorry, Ms. Guerrero.

It's okay, I've gotten used to hearing bad news. First, lung cancer, even though I've never smoked a day in my life.

Thought it couldn't get any worse than that.

Until I found out that my husband was cheating on me while I was at chemo. (chuckles)

Real Prince Charming, that one. So, yeah.

I could go dark about it, but what good is it gonna do me?

Or anyone else.

I say, here I am, Bunker Hill Hospital, best of the best.

If I've got any shot at all, I'm where I need to be.

Well, we are going to do everything humanly possible to help you.

Bell: Hello, Claudia!

May I call you Claudia? I'm James Bell.

Uh, James, we are in the middle of an intake...

It's okay. Wow, Mr. Bell, uh, I didn't expect to meet you.

Been perusing your medical history.

I have a couple follow-up questions.

Have you ever had a career working with heavy metals?

Metals? Um...


I'll mark that as a no.

You ever spend extended periods of time in China or Pakistan?

No. I've never been to either.

Bell: Ever drive an 18-wheeler?

Claudia: Also no.

Any recent changes in living arrangements?

Well, I moved six months ago.

You did? Bingo. And that's the address we have here?

The one on Highland Drive?

Uh, yeah.

That helps tremendously.

Bell: W, can I talk to you for a second?

Excuse us, Ms. Guerrero.

We're, uh, leaving you in the best of hands with Dr. Channarayapatra.

The best.

Got to wondering, how does a payroll clerk from Silicon Valley contract a rare disease like VLS without any family history or DNA markers?

It must be an environmental contamination.

But what would cause VLS here in Silicon Valley?

Well, before tech companies moved their production facilities overseas, they used to manufacture computers and semiconductors right here in town.

And they often used materials that are now linked to respiratory diseases, like VLS.

Then, when the tech boom really took off, low-income residents like Claudia were moved into new housing projects, some of which were built on the same sites as those old factories.

But if your theory's correct and it is industrial contamination, there should be a greater concentration of respiratory cases in Ms. Guerrero's neighborhood.

That's the location of her new home.

Pulling up all reported respiratory cases in the county...

I hate it when you're right.

How does that feel on your legs, Evan?

This is so cool.

Jim: So that thing he's wearing is gonna tell you what's wrong with his legs?

It's a robotic diagnostic exoskeleton.

Once we power it up, it'll support and guide Evan's legs, enabling him to walk.

While he does, it'll measure and analyze the biomechanics in his legs.

It'll help us pinpoint Evan's problem, if it's in the muscle or the nerves.

Brockett: So, Angie will control everything remotely.

You just relax and let the robotic legs do the walking for you, okay?

(mechanical whirring)

(soft chuckling)



The stimulator is still powering up.

It's not online yet.

Then how is he walking?

I don't know, but it's not me.

He's walking on his own.



Is everything okay?


It turns out I was right about the contamination in Claudia Guerrero's neighborhood.

There was a microchip factory there until 1983.

Why is this one hitting you so hard?

You didn't build that factory. You weren't even born yet.

No. Douglas Prescott did.

I've heard of him.

Of course you have. He changed the world.

Isn't he supposed to be a recluse?

Never seen in public?

I've been to every event for Silicon Valley royalty, and I've certainly never seen him. He's a legend.

Before there was Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, there was Douglas Prescott, one of the original pioneers of the microchip.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be him.

We have an obligation to the public.

We need to notify the EPA.

I know we do. I know.

I just... I want to inform him first.

I want him to be part of the solution.

Otherwise the press are gonna twist the facts and tear him down. I-I...

I don't want to be responsible for that, not to him.

He's my hero, W.

You talk to Prescott. In the meantime, Malik and I will bring in Ms. Guerrero's neighbors and screen them. We'll do full blood works.

Even check soil samples.

Okay. (exhales)

Thanks, W.


I always dreamt of meeting Douglas Prescott.

Just... mm, never like this.

I'm not following.

Mrs. Coleman, when Evan walked earlier, we hadn't yet turned on the stimulator.

No crutches, no support.

He walked on his own.

Strauss: Perfectly.

There are no physiological problems with Evan's legs.

Okay, so, just say what you're saying.

We believe that Evan's paralysis is psychosomatic in origin.

Neurological symptoms can physically impact the body in very profound ways.

If it's all in his head, how do we fix it?

It's usually accomplished through counseling.

Behavior therapy has the best results.


So, you want him to see a shrink.

That's your big pioneering approach?

What you're saying is there's really no way you can help our son.

We're not saying that. We just... need more time.

Of course they do.

Any ideas?

Seems like conversion disorder.

So the brain has deactivated the neural impulses in his legs.

Patients are incapable of overriding it, even when they're told there's nothing physically wrong with them.

There are cases of people going blind with fully functional optic nerves.

So wouldn't that indicate that Evan's got some undiagnosed trauma in his past?

Yeah, that's what worries me.

Usually it's sexual or physical abuse.

And until we identify what it is, we can't treat it, let alone get him walking again.

Claudia: You guys really think you can pull this off?

We don't want to overpromise.

We have a ways to go making this design work, but we are hopeful.

We are working very hard for you, Claudia.

Wow. I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

Is there someone that you'd like to be here with you for support?

We strongly encourage you having family around if possible.

Thank you. I'm close with my older sister.

She's in Mexico. But she's got four kids.

She's a single mom, there's no way she could be here.

It's okay.

Don't worry. Really.

I'm fine on my own.

I understand.

Uh, Dr. Wallace, are we all set?


This is a pulmonary function test to monitor your VLS.

Just put your mouth on the tube and blow as hard as you can.

You're not gonna buy me dinner first?


Forced expiratory volume is down 12%.

Her lungs could be building up to a rupture.

I'll confirm with an MRI.

Mr. Bell, come in.

Call me James, if you want.

All right.

Or not, if you don't.


Call me what you want.

It's your house, and you're you, so...

(chuckles): I'm gonna stop talking.

Oh, wow.

Mr. Prescott, your house is a museum made just for me.

(both laugh)


Is that the XT?

Oh, how do you have one of these?

'Cause you're Douglas Prescott, of course.


RF-1. Holy moly!

I remember reading about this in Omni magazine.

I couldn't believe you got 2,500 transistors into one tiny chip.


Well, the latest generation has 1.8 billion.

Cut by UV lasers into purified silicon.

I'm sorry to geek out so much.

It's just, uh...

Uh, you've kind of been my inspiration since I was ten.

Oh, well, it's my pleasure to share them with someone who actually appreciates them.

So, uh, what brings you here today, Mr. Bell?

As you can see, the cluster of cases are overly represented when compared against the general population.

We think our patient was affected more severely because she's an avid gardener, which increased her exposure to the contaminated soil.

And all this happened on land that used to be mine?

Mm, uh...

Yeah, Prescott Technologies.

Between 1974 to '83.


Hey, any other hospital never would have made the connection, so good for you.

Thanks, um...

So, how do you want to proceed?

Would you mind if I could see that?

I want to get right into this.

You know, I really want to make this right.

Yeah, of course.

It's wonderful.


Okay, thank you.

Um, well, you know, thank you for, uh, taking the time.


It really was an honor to meet you.

Oh, thanks.


Okay, so this is embarrassing.

Do you mind if I take a selfie with this?

I-I had this magazine cover taped to the wall of my locker.

Um, no, uh, this is for you.

No. No, I couldn't.

No, go ahead. I mean, I don't need to be staring at my mug all day long.

Please, it'll be my pleasure.

Oh, thank you.

You're welcome.

(mouthing words)

Evan: Dad, please.

Jim: You don't need these.

You can walk on your own. You gotta dig deep, son.

I-I can't walk without my crutches.



I'm sick of these things.

Honey, please!

Mr. Coleman, please.

I can't do it, Dad.

Yes, you can!

Jim, please, calm down.

We've been going about this all the wrong way, Cindy.

He doesn't need any damn doctors.

He needs family, we can fix this ourselves.

Mr. Coleman, we understand...

I am not faking this, Dad, I swear.

Tell him what you told me, that it's all in his head.

That there's nothing wrong with him.

That is not what we said at all.

Mr. Coleman, please. Let's step outside, okay?

Just walk for me, okay? Do it now.

You did it before, just do it again.

Come on!

Jim, stop it!

Let's go.

Get off me!

Brockett: Mrs. Coleman, we have to ask you, um, has your husband shown any abusive behavior toward your son?

What are you talking about?

We noticed in the room before, when he wanted Evan to walk, he... he seemed very passionate.

Yes, he is passionate. What are you saying?

We think it's possible that the source of Evan's leg issues could be from a past trauma.

We observed that your husband was pretty upset before, and we were wondering if maybe this was a pattern of behavior.

No. No.

Jim is a good man.

He would never lay a hand on Evan, ever.

I swear to you.

Okay. No.

You understand why we have to ask these questions.

Of course. It's just, Jim isn't...


He's a simple man.

He was raised on a farm.

He just wasn't built for everything he's had to go through with his children.


Evan was registered as an only child.

We had a...

Evan had a brother.

We didn't know.

I don't think any of us has really been the same since... Derek.

(breathes shakily)

His name was Derek.

We'll administer a sterile talc powder via a chest tube, which will reinforce your lung lining and reduce the chances of a tension pneumothorax rupture.

I know this is a lot to absorb, Claudia.

We believe the surgery will be successful, and we can keep you healthy until the synth lung is ready.

What happens if it isn't?

If your lungs fail, we'll put you on ECMO.

Which is a ticking clock, right?

Two weeks and I die?

Two precious weeks for us to work on the synth lung, yes.

How's that going?

There have been some complications, but James Bell is personally working on it, and if anyone can fix it, he can.


Claudia, I know that people have let you down before, but we won't.

You need to have some faith in us.

Everyone said the same thing to me when my ex-husband left.

And when I had cancer.

It wasn't faith in other people that kept me alive.

It was me.

I survived on my own.

I haven't relied on anyone since.

It hasn't been easy, but it's my life, my terms.

I don't want to spend my final days chained to that machine, hoping that you guys will pull through for me.

So you need to promise me, if the surgery doesn't work, that you won't use that thing on me.

Claudia, please do not limit my choices.

I know that it is hard to trust people.

Believe me, I do.

But you need to trust me.

I can't.

Not on this.

Promise me.

Okay, uh...

I promise.

But we won't need ECMO.

The surgery will work.

(video game g*nf*re)

Evan: This setup is so awesome.

Man, you're no newb. You must play a lot.

Hmm. Yeah.

I play with my nephew online.

He's level 70 with the Cataclysm expansion pack.



I'm stuck at 53.

Did you used to play with your brother Derek?

Your mom told us about him.

W-We, um... We never talk about him.

Yeah, it must be really hard, I mean...

Probably really painful to think about it.

So that's what this is really about?

You know, my therapist tried to pull the same move.

Y-You form a bond with the subject, No, Evan, that's not what this is about. then you get him comfortable to talk, right? I'm not faking this.

No, I don't think you are.

Evan, your brother's death was a tragic accident.

I-I don't want to talk about it.

But it was just that. It was an accident.

It has nothing to do with my legs.

You were ten years old. You weren't responsible.

How do you know that? Were you there?

No, I wasn't.

Why don't you tell me what it was like?

It's over.

You were downstairs.

Derek was upstairs.

I said I don't want to talk about it.

You smelled smoke.

Please don't.

Evan, look at me.


It was not your fault.

Yes, it was!

As soon as I smelled that smoke, I ran.

Like a coward.

I could have saved him.

He was my brother and I could have saved him.


(digital beeps)

(Cheng and Verlaine whispering indistinctly)

I'm assuming, from all the whispering, you guys have the lab results.

We didn't want to interrupt you.

I wrote the upgrade to the Bunker app, while simultaneously negotiating our Chinese distribution.

I'm more than capable of multitasking.

We found 16 cases of elevated cadmium in the patients we tested, just like we did in Claudia Guerrero.

This can lead to anything from chronic cough and emphysema to vanishing lung syndrome, like Claudia.

Prescott used cadmium in the first three generations of his microchips.

Well, cadmium levels on local topsoil typically run around 0.13 micrograms per meter.

The samples taken from Claudia's neighborhood had levels above 128.

From Douglas Prescott.

He said it needed to be delivered directly to you.

Thanks, Ny.

That's... much higher than we though.

Cheng: Everything okay?


Douglas Prescott is denying all wrongdoing.

This is a cease and desist from his lawyers.

He played me.

I'm sorry, James.

Yeah, uh... what are you gonna do?

I'm... gonna fight him.

Gonna fight Douglas Prescott.

I've designed the scaffolding.

You should check it.

If it holds up, output it to the 3-D printer.

We've never attempted to output anything this intricate before.

I don't know if the printer can handle it.

Well, if we're gonna save Claudia's life, we better find a way.

(heart monitor beeping)

Are we ready to begin, Samir?

I need a minute. I'm having a hard time ventilating her.

Doctor, her oxygen sat's tanking.

Her lungs are like tissue paper.

(alert noise)

Damn it!

Channarayapatra: All right, her lungs have ruptured.

It's a tension pneumothorax.

There's air trapped in her pleural cavity.

She'll have a full cardiopulmonary collapse if we don't release it.

I'm gonna access the right second intercostal space.

Sterilizing the area.

Oxygen's in the basement, folks. I'm doing what I can, but you need to release that pressure now.

Channarayapatra: Okay, I've penetrated the pleural wall.

I need to hook her up to ECMO.


What are you saying? Doctor, this patient will die if we don't get her hooked up to ECMO now.

I promised.



Fine, do it.


Look, this problem has nothing to do with me or my company.

Your early generation of microchips used cadmium.

Which is well known to be linked to respiratory diseases.

Yes, but not from secondary exposure in topsoil.

And certainly not after 30 years.

Actually, the research on the matter is pretty conclusive.

No, I'll think you'll find, on closer examination, that there is no real scientific consensus.

Except that there is.

Suggesting otherwise is like denying climate change.

There's an obvious link here.

Look, this is more likely an example of apophenia.

Seeing patterns where there are none.

I... thank you.

Look, I-I wish you all the best with your patients, and-and I thank you for coming by.

Wait, hold on a minute. A woman is dying.

16 other people that are already infected.

You have to take responsibility for this.

Mr. Bell, connecting any of this to me is scientifically unverifiable and legally indemonstrable.

Do not pursue this any further.

I'm not gonna let you cover this up.

Look, I made Silicon Valley what it is today.

And you, on the other hand, are the flavor of the month.

So trust me when I say you do not want to go up against me.

Good day, Mr. Bell.

I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for you, that's true.

You should know I'm not afraid of you.

Not afraid to go against you, either.

Well, then you're just as foolish as I assumed.

I have nowhere to hang this after all.

(g*nf*re and indistinct radio chatter)

Virtual reality therapy.

The military developed it to treat combat survivors suffering from extreme PTSD.

Soldiers are put through VR battle simulations to help speed up therapeutic recovery times.

So you want to take Evan back to the day he broke his leg?

No, not exactly.

Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, we believe the trauma that caused Evan's conversion disorder was his brother's death and Evan's belief that he is responsible.


That happened years before his accident.

And Evan lost the use of his legs when he was 13. That was the same age that Derek was when he died.

We believe this treatment is our best hope to break the cycle of guilt that's destroying his body.

You want to put him through that again?

That horrible night? We lost a piece of our family that we'll never get back. Ever.

We're not putting him through that again.

We're not putting ourselves through it again.


We don't talk about Derek.

We never have.


If we do this, if we put him through that night again, what happens?

Are you saying that you believe he'll walk again?

Well, we don't know what will happen, but, yes, that would be our hope.

Brockett: We told you that we would find the cause of his paralysis.

Now let us help him walk.

(ECMO breathing steadily)

How's she doing?


I started a red blood cell transfusion.

Her hemoglobin levels are above ten.

So she's stable.

And how you doing?

I promised that I wouldn't put her on ECMO.

She has no support system here.

I was supposed to be her advocate.

And I failed her.

You did not fail her.

I know what it's like.

To be on your own.

Without loved ones.

And it is scary.

And Claudia, she trusted me.

You made the right call.

You bought us time to save her life.


I should have done more.

Ugh. I knew this would happen.

Every attempt to print the scaffolding's collapsed under its own weight.

Well, then switch materials.

Use something stronger that will support the structure.

We've tried over a dozen bio-compatible materials.

Medical-grade polymers, liquid acrylics, epoxies... none of them work.

Our choices are limited because we have to implant them, so they have to be purified and nontoxic.

Can't we modify the printer?

I mean, with trial and error, but the real problem is getting the parts.

It would take manufacturers weeks to get them.

We don't have weeks.

Maybe we could redesign the scaffolding to give it more internal support.

The volume of the shell casing is a constant.

The number of tubes required is a constant.

The length of the tubes is a constant.

There are no variables in this equation.

This is the only solution.

In theory, yes. But in the real world...

No, we have to make this work.

It's a beautiful design, James.

But there probably isn't an engineer alive who can make it for us in time.

Yes, there is.

Look, if you think bringing me here to your Willy Wonka world is gonna impress me...

Not trying to impress you.

Trying to avoid mutually assured destruction.

And seeing as you accepted my invitation, I assume that you are, too.

Look, spare me, Bell.

Just tell me, what am I doing here?

Claudia Guerrero is gonna die within two weeks.

I already told you, I am not responsible for that woman.

Not interested in blame.

I'm not.

I only care about helping my patient.

The irony's not lost on me, but you may be her only hope.

(computer whirs)


Is that a... artificial lung?


First of its kind.

But where's the... where's the battery?

There aren't any.

Powered by the patient's own heart.




That is beautiful.


We've run into a snag.

You've perfected the art of building microstructures.

You have the technology I need to make my design a reality.

And why would I allow a hostile competitor access to my proprietary technology?

You'd be saving a woman's life.

Look... if I help you with this, then you agree to drop all these accusations.

In perpetuity.


I can't possibly agree to that.

It's not negotiable.

(exasperated exhale)

So do we have a deal or not?

(quietly): Okay.

We have a deal.


Brockett: This is a virtual reality headset.

What you'll see is gonna look very real.

You still okay with that?

Yeah, I'm actually a lot less nervous than I thought I'd be.

Well, that's the Propranolol working.

It reduces your stress.

And the D-Cycloserine will enhance your memory.

So I'll control your environment from here.

As you remember more details, tell them to me and I'll add them to the environment.

Remember, you can stop at any time.


Mom, Dad? You okay?

Oh, my God.

I'm home.

(laughs softly)

Oh, my God.

Jim: It looks exactly like our old house.

The home videos and pictures you provided us with allows me to create a fully immersive, 3-D environment.

Evan, where were you the night of the fire?


Getting ice cream.

Derek was in his room.

We were playing video games together.

Brockett: Okay.

Think back to that day the best you can.

Is this what the downstairs looked like?


There was smoke.

Cheng: Like this?


A-And I could tell it was coming from upstairs.

Cheng: Like that?


Yeah, like that.

Exactly... like that.

Evan, what'd you do next?

(whispering): Scared.

I'm so scared.

(breathing quickly): I can't...

I gotta, I gotta, I gotta run away.

I can't breathe.

(panicked breathing)

Oh, my God, I can't watch this.

(whispers indistinctly)

Evan: Wait.

I didn't leave.

I-I went up... up the stairs.

Derek was upstairs.

Evan, we're gonna take you upstairs now, okay?


Cheng: Tell me what it was like.

Evan: Smoke.

Uh, lots of... smoke.

Flames. Lots of, lots of flames.

Where are the flames?

Flames coming from... the end of the hall.

They were coming from above.

I-I could see Derek's room.



There was, there was, there was something else.

Something strange.


The ceiling was crumbling.

A beam fell.

Blocked the way.

The door was blocked.

I couldn't get there to help him.

Oh, my God.


(stammering, sobbing)

It wasn't my fault.

Of course it wasn't.

We know, Evan. We know.

Evan: It wasn't my fault.

Jim: It's going to be okay.

♪ But faint ♪
♪ Lies reverberate ♪
♪ The feeling ♪
♪ Has gone away ♪
♪ ♪
♪ The feeling ♪
♪ Has gone away ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Bell: Claudia Guerrero is now in recovery... the first ever recipient of a synthetic lung.

This tremendous achievement is the result of the merging of the indomitable spirit of the Bunker Hill staff... and the brilliance of Douglas Prescott, without whom none of us would be here today.


You know... it's dangerous to meet your heroes.

Too often they don't live up to the image that you've cherished of them since childhood.

In the case of Douglas Prescott, I can safely say that he is not the man that I thought that he was.

He's better.

So today, Douglas Prescott has pledged to fund the relocation of all the affected families and the environmental cleanup of the chemicals that led to Ms. Guerrero's tragic illness.

He's also taking full financial responsibility for medical treatment for Ms. Guerrero and all the patients affected.

James, the truth is...

So let's give it up for my childhood hero and a truly great, great man, Douglas Prescott!


Thank you.

One day you'll thank me for this.



Your oxygen saturation is at 98% and your CO2 is 40%.

Your new lungs are functioning nicely.

Are you trying to distract me with all this good news?

Because I know what you did.

You put me on that machine.


But I got you off it.

Looks like you have a visitor.



My God, what are you doing here?

Why didn't you tell me what was going on?

How did you know?

(Anna exhales)

How did she know?

Just because you're okay being alone doesn't mean you have to be.

That was nice... bringing in Claudia's sister.

Figured if I surprised her like that, I'd distract her from the fact that I didn't honor my promise to her.

Well, what you did was amazing.

Team effort, Dr. Wallace.

Yeah. Speaking of which, I think you should pick up that award tonight, Doctor.

You've done great work.

And showing up will help inspire others like you to follow.

Which is why I bought a table.

Our whole team will be there.

Just because you're okay being alone doesn't mean you have to be.

Emcee: And now, for her extraordinary work in neuromodulation implants, the Huggins Award for Neurological Surgery...

Dr. Talaikha Channarayapatra.


♪ These days I can't take too much ♪
♪ I've been falling down ♪
♪ Falling behind ♪
♪ And I know what it takes ♪
♪ And I think we can make it ♪
♪ Through everything ♪
♪ You are all I knew ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh, I am away from you... ♪