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03x07 - The Man Who Was Thursday

Posted: 01/05/17 09:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Salem"...

Man: (screams)

Cotton: Black Sunday is coming. We have but five days left of life in Salem. We must move inside the mansion. The only safe place is inside.

Woman: There's one with child. Will you have a look?

Anne: With child? What's your name?

Gloriana: Gloriana.

Anne: You're the baby's father?

Gloriana: Mm-hmm. Cotton Mather. Wha...


Anne: I have ensured your child a healthy, happy life as the beloved child of Cotton Mather and his wife, Anne Hale.



Man: Isaac is a truth teller! Three cheers for Isaac!

(indistinct cheering)

Man #2: Ugh!

Man #3: You freed us, Isaac. We're your men now.


Boy: I have a surprise for you. Black Sunday will be a new beginning for us.

Sentinel: Our brothers must be released. While you play with toys, they burn in hell.

Boy: Perhaps I made a mistake choosing you of all of them to help me.

Tituba: The devil's brother will destroy Mary unless you destroy him first. You must forge a dagger with that in it and k*ll him with the dagger.

Mary: We must find out what Sebastian knows.

John: If you have no magic, either, how can you expect to stop Sebastian?

Mary: Alden is my past. You... are my future.

Sebastian: I believe that, Mary. I may not be able to change in an instant the way you feel about him, but I can change the way he feels about you.

Mary: (breathes heavily)

Sebastian: No kiss goodnight?

Mary: I hate you.

Sebastian: You cannot deny it was good.

Mary: And that is precisely why I hate you.

Sebastian: If that is what your hatred tastes like, I look forward to your love.

Mary: Oh, do they make love in hell? Because surely as the sun is near rising, the boy will see you there before he lets me go.

Sebastian: I told you I can free us of him, and I will. Leave with me before Sunday's blood dawn. My family castle lies far across the ocean, and I can take us there.

(both gasp)

Mary: Stop tempting me. It is no use. Even if I wanted to, I cannot.

Sebastian: Yes, you can. Let Salem burn. Let the boy rant over his charred puppets. You owe nothing, and you leave nothing behind. You've never even seen the world outside these muddy borders. The old world is filled with splendors. This new world is a cesspool... and Salem its rank bottom.

Mary: You do not understand. The Essex used their sacred tree to resurrect my life force. I am forever bound to it. They warned me I can never travel beyond its roots.

Sebastian: And you believe those shriveled tree worshippers? They knew you would abandon them and run away as soon as you returned. So they had to keep you here if not with a simple lie. You don't believe me.

Mary: Where are we?

Sebastian: Far from the roots of Salem.

Mary: (groaning)

(gasping) Now do you believe me? You test my word with my very life.

Sebastian: Forgive me.

Mary: I am bound to this hell. At present, this very house. But if you must go, then go.

Sebastian: No. I will not leave you here.

Mary: A promise easily made, yet we will see just how loyal you prove to be.

Sebastian: I worship you. Ask of me anything.

Mary: There is only one way we can be together. You must choose. Me or the boy. Will you help me k*ll him?

("Cupid Carries A g*n" plays)

♪ Pound me the witch drums ♪
♪ Witch drums ♪
♪ Pound me the witch drums ♪
♪ Pound me the witch drums ♪
♪ The witch drums ♪
♪ Better pray for hell ♪
♪ Not hallelujah ♪

(dogs bark, sheep bleat, indistinct conversations)

(horse neighs)

Cotton: Anne?

Anne: I'm here, my love.

Cotton: I got your message and came at once. Are you not well?

Anne: I have vomited twice this morning.

Cotton: Ohh.

Anne: Never felt so well.

Cotton: (chuckles)

Anne: (chuckles)

Cotton: Then let the light in. The sun shines but a few more days. We must make the most of it. But...

Anne: (chuckles)

Cotton: (gasps lightly) But it is hardly a week.

Anne: I believe... my witch blood has quickened the speed of life itself.

Cotton: My child...

Anne: Our chance.

Cotton: (gasps) Life is a force of nature that not even the devil's fire can stifle. Here, amid all this turmoil... my dream comes true. I will be a loving father.

Anne: And I will be the best mother this baby could have.

Cotton: I implore you to come to the Sibley house. Now. I must have you and... and our child safe.

Anne: I must finish a few things. Then I will gather what I need and come by the end of the day. I promise.

Cotton: Promise me you will come as quickly as you can.

Anne: Hello? Who's there?


(ghostly shriek) I know what you are. I have no choice. I am only doing what is best. Leave me alone!

(indistinct conversations in distance)

Blacksmith: What the hell you want?

John: Nothing I don't intend to pay for. Look. This is for you to take off and not come back before dawn. I've got work to do.

Blacksmith: What kind of work?

John: Need to make me a knife. Got no place to make it in. My knife needs to be forged by my own two hands. It's a... family tradition.

Man: John, leave him be.


Mary: My dearest John, my every heartbeat is ignited by the thought of you. I have already gained crucial information that I must share with you. But I can hardly confess what I have had to do to obtain it.

Gloriana: Witch! Beast!


Anne: (straining) I don't want to harm you.

Gloriana: (moans) Why are you doing this to me?

(voice breaking) My baby...

Anne: Cotton's baby. I have saved his child. This baby would most likely have died in childbirth to a woman in such poor health as you. Do you not see all I have done for you?

Gloriana: You... bitch.

Anne: Your bastard child would have been born out of wedlock, and Cotton would have had no choice but to turn his back, deny his upstanding name to both of you. So, you see, this is for the best for everyone. And I am generous enough to help you.

Gloriana: You stole the life from inside me.

(breathes heavily) God will strike you.

Anne: God will see one of his kind creatures saving another!

Gloriana: Lie for your own ears' sake, but you and I both know what kind of creature you truly are!




(bird shrieking)

Sebastian: I know I am an unwelcome guest here.

Essex Elder: No. You are a gift. We have all dreamed of swallowing the warm blood of the line that betrayed us and all the hives that roamed this mossy orb.

Sebastian: I come only as a messenger.

Essex Elder: Then it be a fool's errand. We want no orders from that foul dwarf hell itself excreted.

Sebastian: I was sent by Mary. Tonight she plans to vanquish the boy. She can not do it without you.

Isaac: Let my truth be heard! Look around you. We live in the sludge running from those fine houses. Their Puritan piss washes right into your alleyways.

(horse neighs) You ever wonder why they treat you like dogs?

(sheep bleats) Because you live like dogs! Never wash yourselves. Screw each other in the street, in the plain sight of children! I know. If the truth was easy to hear, everyone'd tell it. But it gets you branded. Made an example of. Well, here's the hard truth, and I ain't afraid to tell it. We're not their equals. We're their betters!

Men: Yes! Yes!

Isaac: Or could be. That's what them Puritans are so afraid of.

(crowd members shouting "Yes!") There's more of us than there is of them. And the day we finally respect ourselves enough to stand up for ourselves, that's the day they fear.

Man: Let us not fear them!

Isaac: The day of their reckoning. We don't need their law!

(crowd shouts agreement) Or their contempt!

(crowd shouts agreement) We're gonna clean up these streets, and we're gonna have our own law!

(crowd shouts agreement) Where being poor don't make you guilty!

(crowd shouts agreement) Who is with me?

(crowd cheers)

Mercy: What is that Greek sea monster that, when you cut off one of his heads, another grows back even more hideous than the last?

Hathorne: I think you refer to the dreaded Hydra of ancient myth.

Mercy: No. I refer to that shit-sayer whose head swells even bigger than before because your cowardly self couldn't even rid Knockers Hole of him.

Hathorne: Isaac has grown most popular, but disposing of him permanently, that would have brought the worst attention to our little corner... and to you.

Mercy: Well, if you truly loved me, you wouldn't keep me locked away in this wretched quarter, ruled by my own worst enemy.

Hathorne: No, no, no, no.

Mercy: Yes. Yes!

Hathorne: You look out the wrong window. You look in the gutter when you should look at the finer side of town. The side of town you will be living in soon enough... with me.

Mercy: How? Those who don't know I'm a witch know I'm a whore.

Hathorne: They know nothing of the kind.

Mercy: Yes, they do.

Hathorne: Nothing. Let me tell you a story. Come. A story about... a poor motherless girl. Preyed upon by witches, deceived by Mary Sibley herself. A girl made scapegoat for the crimes of others, driven to fend for herself out in the dangerous woods, and barely escaped with her life. Mary Sibley has already been cast out of polite society... a servant in her own home. And I see no reason why the role she so dramatically filled... the Belle of Salem... should not fall to the worthy beauty I see before me.
(knock on door)

(both laugh)

Mercy: You're the last person I thought I'd see in this place. Anne Hale.

Anne: Oh! I came to see the Madame of the house.

Mercy: (scoffs) Do you not recognize me, old friend?

Anne: Mercy?

Mercy: In the flesh.

Anne: But what are you... doing here?

Mercy: You know what they say... the only women in this world with any real powers are whores and widows.

Anne: So you became a whore?

Mercy: Give it time. I may yet become a widow. Now, what brings this pale paragon of Puritan virtue into my cozy den of sin?

Anne: It is a delicate matter. That I would prefer to discuss in private.

Mercy: My quarters are private, indeed... and quite occupied. But I'm always aroused by delicate situations. I will come to you. When it is convenient for me. Good day.

Anne: Good day.

Cotton: Go away! You have at every turn damned my life, this town, very possibly this entire world.

Mary: In just three days' time there may be nothing left of your life, this town, this entire world, unless you help me stop what I set in motion. Do you know what this is?

Cotton: No. No, it cannot be.

Mary: You know what it is.

Cotton: Red Mercury. I want nothing of it.

Mary: Cotton, please. This is his w*apon. I fear this will bring about Black Sunday.

Cotton: You should fear. Even in the great tomes of Greece it was said to come from the bowels of the underworld.

"And the earth shall be scorched." Every flower, every blade of grass "shall be licked by the flames of hell itself."

Mary: In all those tomes, did they ever mention a way to stop it?

Cotton: Only by stopping he who wields it.

Mary: Cotton...

Cotton: I will help you no further.

Mary: You're afraid.

Cotton: I am. But not on my own account. I have others to think of. Anne... who carries my child.

Mary: I had no idea. I will not ask you to risk theirs or your own life. But do just this one thing for me. Deliver this letter to John. I promise you, I will ask for nothing more.

Increase: Come. Cotton. Cotton, my son. Come closer.

Cotton: Father are you in there?

Increase: Yes. Here. Where you shall be. Where you already are.

Cotton: I'm coming, Father. I'll help you!

Increase: Your shoulders, Cotton. The heaviest burden, Salem's salvation. Abandon all hope. Do not abandon hope, you who enter here.

Cotton: Father, I don't understand. What are you trying to tell me?

Increase: When you are asked, say yes.

Sentinel: Stay away from this door!

Cotton: My father is in there!

Sentinel: Then pray for him.

Cotton: Who lies beyond that door?

Sentinel: Haven't you guessed?

Cotton: I insist that you tell me now.

Sentinel: Beyond that door lies hell itself.

Cotton: (breathes heavily)

Man: Stole a loaf and two pheasants.

Man #2: My boy hasn't had sustenance in two weeks' time since we were driven from our home.

Isaac: You're an educated man. You find no sympathy from the Puritans?

Man #2: We are Quaker. French and Indians burned all that we had.

Isaac: And those who toiled to bake that bread and hunt those pheasants? Should they have nothing to show for their efforts? Thievery will not be tolerated. But neither will hunger. This man... could be any one of us. And as such, he will be fed like a brother. But he will also work off his crime by cleaning our streets here for a period of one week.

Man: (grunts)

John: Let... let... let go!

Isaac: John Alden?

John: Isaac?

Man: They caught him red-handed at the smith's shop.

John: We had an arrangement...

Man: Smith ain't nowhere to be found.

Isaac: What's this about?

John: This?


(chuckling) What is all this about? Where's the Magistrate? Who made you judge and jury?

Isaac: They don't care what happens here. We do.

(crowd murmurs agreement) You swear you done right by the Smith?

John: Yeah.

Isaac: I vouch for this man. But if the smith should return with another story, or not return at all, John Alden will answer for it. So, are you gonna tell me why you decided to take up smithing in your spare time?

John: Too many bad ears around. I'll tell you when it's over. If I'm still around. If any of us are.

Isaac: What's coming, John?

John: An attack.

Cotton: And it's closer than you think.

Isaac: Reverend Mather?

John: Speak of the devil. And his ass-licking servants.

Cotton: But you don't know the full truth, John. I was spelled. I'm better now.

John: So your sermon the other day...

Cotton: A charade. An act of survival. I'm here to make it right.

John: Yeah. Well, it's a little late.

Cotton: Would you prefer never? Please. Just spare me a moment of your time. There is much to explain. Red Mercury. Took less than a thimbleful to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

John: And Deerfield. Saw it myself. I've got men all over the woods, watching for any sign of a cannon.

Cotton: No. The attack will not come from the forests. It will come from within.

John: And you know this?

Cotton: Mary was able to draw it out of Sebastian.

John: How?

(paper rustles)

John: Could you...

Cotton: One of these days John, should the Good Lord spare us, I intend to teach you proper letters.

(indistinct conversations)

(clears throat)

"My dearest John, my every heartbeat is ignited by the thought of you. I have already gained crucial information that I must share with you. Already I've learned the attack is not coming from outside of Salem, but from within. I can hardly confess what I have had to do to learn this, but I believe you may already know. I have no choice but to stay the course. Sebastian is their tool, and I must make him mine. Please know that we fight the same w*r. I in here, you out there. Try not to think of what I do, as I try not to imagine the deadly danger that you place yourself in. All that matters is that we stop them. If we do, we shall have all the days and nights of our lives to make it right. And if we fail, my sins will burn along with the rest of us. All my love... Mary." You and I have been cursed... with complicated women.

John: Complicated witches.

Cotton: Yet witches who have captured our hearts. And mine is with child. I am to be a father, John. I will not let my child be an orphan before he draws his first breath of life on this Earth.

John: I, too, am father to a witch's child. Look how that turned out.

Mary: Behold the bride of Satan. Queen to the child I myself birthed. Well, do you not think I will make a splendid goddess?

(sighs) I am under no delusions. Nor are you. We are but servants to the newly exalted God he has fashioned himself into.


(otherworldly shriek)

Gloriana: (groaning)

Sebastian: I must speak to you, my lord.

Boy: I've been expecting you. It's time we talked about you... and my mother.

Sebastian: My lord, I have a grave indiscretion to confess.

Boy: How was she? Have no fear. Unlike my Father, I have no taste for virgins. Enjoy her. Until Sunday... when I will finally make her mine... body and soul. Now, what is it you wish to speak about?

Sebastian: You have held my loyalty for centuries, my lord, but in Mary's embrace I faltered and, in secret, I've conspired against you. I beg your mercy.

Boy: You betrayed me?

Sebastian: As we speak, she plots in the woods with her Essex kin to slay you.

Boy: You allowed her to leave, knowing this?!

Sebastian: I saw a chance to redeem my sins, allow you to catch her in the act, to destroy the hive that has been the cause of so much dissent.

Boy: Destroying those conniving Essex once and for all...

...this will bring me great pleasure. Take me to them.

Anne: Mercy, a pleasure.

Mercy: Don't bother. What do you need from me?

Anne: I came across a wayward young lady among the refugee melee, and I have nursed her back to health, but I can do no more for her.

Mercy: And I can?

Anne: I believe in her past this girl was... employed in... a profession such as... the one practiced in the establishment of which you are a proprietor.

Mercy: She was a whore, you mean.

Anne: (scoffs lightly)

Mercy: Please. We have both felt the thrust of the Dark Lord's goat deep inside us and given ourselves over to his lust. Let us not be modest. Now, where is this girl? Aren't you pretty?

Gloriana: (chuckles) If it pleases you, Miss.

Anne: My dear, this is Miss Mercy. She's going to take care of you now.

Mercy: What is your name?

Gloriana: I don't... remember.

Mercy: And how did you come here, to Salem?

Gloriana: Oh, why... I don't... remember that either.

Anne: It is the way with so many of these girls who've been through the trauma of the w*r.

Mercy: Sometimes it's better that way. The past only stirs up pain. Let us create a new life for you, yes?

Gloriana: (laughs)

Mercy: You'll owe me for cleaning up your mess. And congratulations.

Anne: What?

Mercy: I sense a yawning emptiness in her womb. All is fair in love and w*r... if there's really any difference. Come, my little bird.

(door closes)

Anne: (gasps)

Essex Elder: My child...

Mary: It is a grave hour I fear.

Essex Elder: Yet one of ultimate freedom. I am so proud of you.

Mary: Would that this day had never come.

Essex Elder: The course of life is not ours to direct but the primordial right of the Earth. Hers is the only will we carry forth. She is indebted to you, as are we, Mary, for what you will do.

Mary: It is I who am grateful.

Man: Be brave. It will all be over soon.

Boy: Oh, yes. Very soon. Why would you conspire against me? You and I are not only of one flesh... we are of one soul. Yours just as black as mine.

Mary: No. No, I swallowed the bitter taste of evil, but in service of something greater. You only want greatness for yourself.

Boy: And for you.

Mary: I don't want to be a god. Only a woman.

Boy: Do you think your namesake asked to be chosen? Your consent is not required. I really must thank you, Sebastian, for arranging this entertainment. Do not compound your errors!

Sebastian: I've made none. None of us have. Only you, child.

(whooshing and snapping)

Boy: You think a few rotted vines can hold me?!

(whooshing and snapping)

Essex Elder: Once you were the source of Mary's power. Not anymore. Now t'will be our power coursing through our sister. You've never understood the real meaning of sacrifice. Nor its power. No one may sacrifice another. Only themselves.

Boy: (grunting)

(knives plunging, women groaning)

Boy: No, don't do this! No, you can't! No! No! Ba'al Zabub! Come, brother! Now! Save me! Ba'al Zabub! Brother! Free me! You waste time!

Sentinel: We challenged our father for one reason, and only one. Freedom. The right to say no. And I say it to you now, brother, freely... No.

Boy: I beg of you, do not do this!

Sentinel: I leave you to your fate, Samael. And come Black Sunday, which will rain down as black as night, my true brothers will rise from hell and stand beside me, not above me.

Boy: Don't be a fool. You are but Thursday. I am Sunday. Black Sunday is my day!

Sentinel: Not anymore.

Boy: Mother! Stop! Mother! Mother!!

Mary: I am not your mother. I am the last of the Essex.

Boy: You cannot do this! We shall be gods together! Out of all the many, I chose but one!

Mary: And out of the one... I shall make many...

Boy: (straining)


(indistinct talking)

Sebastian: You are a most remarkable woman.

Mary: Only because of the remarkable women who gave themselves for me.

Sebastian: You know it was the only way.

Mary: As did they. And we are far from done. Black Sunday still looms heavy. We are free of my son, but his brother is still here. And he intends to leave only ashes where we would have a home.

Sebastian: Wherever you are will be my home. And whatever I must do to make it so... shall be done.

(bell tolls)

Children: ♪ Married on Wednesday ♪
♪ Bedded on Thursday ♪
♪ Sickened on Friday ♪
♪ Died on Saturday ♪
♪ Buried on Sunday ♪