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03x12 - Ice Ca-Cabes

Posted: 01/03/17 01:06
by bunniefuu
Walter: Previously on Scorpion...

Cabe, you need a place to crash for a couple weeks, right?

As of now, Happy's apartment has a vacancy.

He's been alone for 20 years. He's desperate for company.

Last night, we played cribbage until midnight.

This is my campaign manager, Allie Jones.

My name is Gabe, Cabe. Cabe, Cabe Gallo.

Why don't you ask her out?

She's at least ten years younger than me.

Everyone's at least ten years younger than you.

As gross as it sounds, she's warm for your form.

Walter, cut the crap. You're still in love with Paige.

I never liked you because you never made me feel welcome.

You will never be a real member of Scorpion.


Take the job your friend offered.

No, it's-it's in the Middle East.

This is not necessary.

Walter, you didn't drive me away.

I made this choice on my own.

Man, it is hotter than a jalapeno's armpit out there...

Walter: Come on, Toby, sweep that broom!

No way! It's going too straight! I call shmockery!

Nope. No sham. No mockery. Just bristles coated in an ice-melting bacteria I cultivated myself.


You ever see the movie Gus about the field goal-kicking mule?

If the rules books don't explicitly forbid it, anything is legal.

Now, look at this.


Winner, winner, fermented fish dinner.


Cabe: Shouldn't you guys be prepping for today's job?

Already have. The Interstate Waterway will be tested and cleared for use by sundown.

Turbine will have enough thrust to push the waters through the pipeline from Spokane to San Diego.

All this talk of pipes made us realize that by running chilled calcium chloride through copper tubing underneath a small pool of water, we could create a curling pond.

You guys are distracted too easily.

Hazard of busy minds. Batter up.

Walter: W-Wait. Huh? What is that?

Little device I whipped up.

Dial in a few bits of data, and...


(mechanical whirring)

No brooming necessary.

What are you so smug about? Machine did all the work.

Yup. And I built the machine.

Phooey. Dingo's.

What happened to Winchell's?

Tim lived next to Winchell's.

Now Tim's on his way to the Middle East, so we're back to Dingo's.

How do you screw up a donut?

You know, Tim's departure doesn't only affect snacks.

I ran some numbers, and he was integral to 29% of our cases.

No small loss.

Not really.

Well, I'm not saying that for any personal reason. It's just a fact.

Everyone on Scorpion is replaceable.

There are other top mathematicians, behaviorists, engineers.

We could find a younger and stronger federal agent.

A-And, truth be told, there are three people with higher IQs than mine-- four, including Ralph.

So, my point is that we are all substitutable parts of a machine.

(door opens)

Great pep talk, Coach.

(door closes)

Paige: Hey. Sorry I'm late. Tim's flight was delayed, so I spent a little time with him at the airport.

No problem, kiddo.

You okay?

Me? Sure. Of course.

(whispers): She's not okay.


Toby: All right. What do you got, Cabe?

All right...

Uh, so Tim got off all right?

Other than the flight delay, of course?


Well, there are numerous factors that affect the accuracy of airline departures...

I'm sure there are, but we should really get the team going. It's a... long way to the desert.

Of course. Work.

Yeah. Well, I'm glad to hear everything's back to normal.

Back to normal?


How exactly do you feel everything's "back to normal"?

Well, Scorpion is back to the original roster, and we have a-a case to handle, and Tim leaving, as he told me, was his decision. So, I calculated that you wouldn't be angry at me...

My calculations were off, weren't they?

Just a bit.

But Tim told me he wanted to go.

Tim said what he had to say because of an uncomfortable situation you created.

You effectively forced him out.

So, with respect to things between you and me, things are definitely not back to normal.

(footsteps moving away)

Just got a call from my contractor.

My house is officially mold-free.

So you get your couch back, and I'm finally out of your hair.



We're still, uh, in the middle of that game of Stratego.

Yeah, I know. I figure I can come by one night, we can finish it up.




I, uh...

This belonged to my mother.

She wore it on her wedding day.

And there's that tradition: something old, new, borrowed, blue.

Thought, when you married the doc, that if you wanted, you could wear it.

It's okay if you don't want to.

I love it.

Thank you.

Just a little something for lettin' me shack up with ya.

Speaking of shacking up, isn't that the cutie that's hot for your booty?

Oh, man, I'm starting to sound like Toby.

(whispers): How do I look?

Allie. (chuckling): How you doing?

Good. Thanks.

I-I'm so sorry to bother you at work...

Ah, it's-it's no bother.

I just wanted to drop off the guidelines for the upcoming debate between Mr. Patel and Sylvester.

You can review them.

Oh, that's not necessary.

If you say they're fair, they're fair.

Oh, okay. Um...

I thought we'd have it at the Elk's lodge?

Oh, that one near the new Italian place?

Yeah, yeah! That's the one.

In fact, I've been wanting to check it out.

I hear they have a fantastic vegetable lasagna.

Oh, I love Italian food.

With a last name like Gallo, how could I not?

(both chuckle)


Oh, okay. Um...

Well, I'll see you soon.

Have a good time today.

"Have a good time today."

Good time at what? What the hell does that mean?

I don't know. I-I got nervous.

She was begging you to take her to that Italian joint.

No. Pretty sure that was... just a conversation between two adults.

Paige: All right, adults, let's hit it.

Cabe, she wanted you to ask her out. You suck at girls.

(door opens)

♪ ♪

Look at all that hardware.


Toby: Cold Northwestern water traveling 1,400 miles underground to drought-ravaged Southland.

Government finally got one right.

Speaking of "cold travels,"

Paige didn't say a word the entire drive out here.

She's pissed.

Yes. I'm aware.

Can I please plug my fan into one of your dashboards?

I got an extension cord so I can share the breeze.

A fan? No way. Victorian ladies fan themselves.

It's 110 degrees out here.

When your sweat evaporates, it cools the skin by naturally taking the heat with it.

Yeah. Along with your manhood.

Okay. So, we need to run a full diagnostic before the contractors come back on Monday, so, Happy, run a line from the water truck to the pipe intake.

We need to prime the pump and run the turbine.

I'll calculate the energy output.

I'll record solar panel function.

And as the federal agent assigned to oversee this federal job, I will observe from this chair, with my eyes closed, while I enjoy iced coffee in the sunshine.

Paige? Do you want to help record my observations of the turbine when in operation?


Cabe: Middle of the desert, and I still felt that cold front.

Oh, you're not helping at all.


Water pressure fluctuation's at less than five percent variable.

Copy that.

Coil resistance is stable.


Energy output is a-above normal.


Well, that's because the temperature's running hot.

Actually, very hot.

Walter: Uh, Happy? Come check this out.

Copy that.

Hey, there's a bigger draw on that solar panel than expected.

It's 'cause the turbine's running hot.

Happy: What's up?

Turbine's hot.

So are you, by the way.

Love that rubber boot, mechanic outfit combo.

Happy: Let me guess.

Save it for the honeymoon. If you could.

Uh, there's your problem right there.

The rotor's coated in copper.

Government specs don't mention that.

Copper in this heat gets a lot hotter than an alloy.

It's warping the pins.

It's getting louder, too.

Okay, I'm gonna shut it down so Happy can check each piece, just to be safe.


How am I supposed to get any sleep out there with all this high-pitch noise?

(expl*si*n, clanging)

Oh, that sucker exploded.

Looks like a shard of copper snapped off in the velocity and friction.

We'll have to find it if we're gonna fix it.

Sylvester: Where is it?





Paige: Cabe?

Sylvester: Cabe! You okay?

Happy: Cabe? Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

♪ Scorpion 3x12 ♪
Wreck the Halls
Original Air Date on January 2, 2017

No! That's too long! He's bleeding from his stomach.

Tell 'em a small piece of shrapnel sliced his abdominal aorta and he's bleeding out!

Did you hear that?

Get here now!

Sylvester: Set him down gently, gently.

Toby: Nice and easy, nice and easy.

Cabe, listen to me. Can you understand me?

I feel dizzy.

Cabe, I'm gonna have to slow your blood loss, so I got to do something that's a little personal and a lot of gross.

I'm gonna stick my fingers inside your wound to find the bleed, and then remove the shrapnel.

Oh, boy.

(cries out)


(Cabe yells)

You're hurting him! You're hurting him!

If I don't find the bleed, he's gonna die in seconds.


(Cabe continues yelling)

Okay... and here is the culprit.

Oh, okay.

I got to find the cut.

Got to be in there somewhere.

Oh, I got it! Oh, man!

That's cut clean through.

Um... Happy, give me that binder clip that's on the government specs.

Oh, man, this should work.

That's not sterile.

Sly, I'm wearing Cabe on my hand like a puppet.

Sterile was gone a long time ago.


I've almost got the clamp on, but that aorta is pumping strong and it's hard to control.

And I have... got it on.


Paige: Bleeding stopped? He's okay?

He's stabilized, but that clip isn't gonna hold long.

When's the help get here?

Lancaster scrambled a chopper, but it's 250 miles away and they said it only goes 150 miles per hour.

90 minutes to get up here, 90 minutes to get back down there.

That's three hours before Cabe even sees an operating room!

His artery's still oozing. He doesn't have three hours.

(weakly): Walter...


Help me.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, so let's break this down logically.

The blood is being forced out of the binder clip because the heart is pumping out blood from the cut artery, (mumbling): so we need, we need... we need to stop the heart from beating.

They taught us at Harvard that stopping the heart is actually bad for the patient.

Something about the brain needing oxygen.

What if the brain doesn't need any oxygen?

What if we bring his body temperature down so low that it slows his metabolism down so he's not using any oxygen?

Suspended animation?

That's a long shot.

Well, take it from a gambler, sometimes a long shot's all you have to bet on.

We're in the middle of the desert.

How do we get the body temperature low when it's a million degrees out?

Guys, he's shaking.

He's in shock. Guys, we have to figure this out like yesterday!

Sly's stupid fan!

What about it?


I can use the water tanker's intake manifold to create a super-cooling evaporation vacuum.

What the hell does that even mean?

It means we're gonna make him an ice bath.

It would have to go down to 58 degrees.

Can you get it that low?

It'll be tight, but I think I can pull it off.

Okay, so Happy freezes Cabe, which will stop his heart.

The next step is repairing his aorta.

I'm a shrink; last time I did vascular surgery was in med school. That was on a cadaver.

There's no way to keep Cabe's temperature down on the helicopter.

He'll have to be warmed up within the next 90 minutes.

And we can't warm him up if his aorta's still torn.

He'll just bleed out again.

Walt's right, it has to be repaired while he's still frozen.

Doc... you can do it.

You're damn right, I can.

You were in my corner when you taught me how to box.

I'm gonna be in your corner now.

Okay, first thing I'm gonna need is super glue to hold the artery together.

Gasoline and Styrofoam will get you a really strong adhesive.

Do you have Styrofoam?

No, but the polymer in Styrofoam is in polystyrene and I have that in the packing foam of my hand drill.

Next thing I'm gonna need is an elemental reducing agent, something like hydrogen sulfur gas.

For what?

Well, we can't just reheat Cabe like a frozen dinner.

Shock like that'll damage his heart so badly, it'll k*ll him.

The hydrogen sulfur will protect his major organs when awakening from a traumatic state.

This is a geologically active area; 20 miles away, there are sulfur hot springs that I saw when I was mapping out the route.

Toby: That'll give us what we need.

Paige: Cabe, we're gonna pull this off.

But you need to stay strong, okay?


Toby: The last thing I'm gonna need is a blood thinner.

When Cabe's heart stops, his blood is gonna clot.

When we rev him back up, if one of those clots hits his heart, it'll k*ll him.

Sly, you're gonna hate what I'm about to tell you, but you have to head back to that outcropping of rocks we passed half a mile back and catch a rattlesnake.

Venom is a natural anticoagulant.

For Cabe, I will catch one with my bare hands.

I got to borrow your pliers to pick up the snake.

On my truck.

Okay, we all know what we need to do.

Let's get it done.

♪ ♪

Hey, don't cut it too short, I need about ten feet of hose.

Got it.

Paige: I'll fill it!

Toby: All right, I got my end, lay it down.

Almost done, how much longer?

Paige: Almost full.

(both grunting)

Look out!

Lay him in carefully.

One wrong jostle and that clip pops off his aorta.

(Cabe grunts and pants)

Toby: All right, Cabe, we got you set.

Any minute now, Happy's gonna do her thing.

Just need to stay calm, keep your heart rate down, buddy.

Okay, I'm ready.

Put the nail can on his wound while I freeze the water.

How does this even work?

Truck's intake will pull in air through this hose.

That'll pull the air from the upside down bucket creating a vacuum that will pull vapor from the water beneath it, creating high-speed, powerful evaporation.

Which Sly said is the cooling process.


An engine as strong as the truck's will super-cool the water pretty fast.

Dramatically fast.

That's how we'll freeze him.

(breathing weakly)

Cabe, this is where the rubber meets the road.

When we start this process, your body temperature is gonna drop to unnatural levels.

Your heart'll stop.


Five percent... tops.

I trust you kids.

Do it.

Toby: I'll place the can when the water starts to freeze.

I got to get the thermometer.

Hey, roomie?

We still got to finish Stratego, right?

Cabe, I'm gonna do everything in my ability to bring you back.

If not... it's not your fault.

Cabe, you cannot leave me alone with these guys, okay?

It's been a pleasure working with you.

(thermometer beeping)

All right, start it up.

(beeps twice)


(engine starts)

Oh, it's working, it's getting colder by the second.

His temp's dropping. God, his lips are turning blue.

Toby: That's good. That's what we want.

Guys, making a Cabe-sicle is pointless if we can't safely reheat him. You have to go get that hydrogen sulfide gas.

Okay, all we need to get is the wet vac, wire, an oil funnel and that battery from Happy's truck. (beeps)

Sly, we're all doing our part over here!

How's the snake hunt going?

I found one.

I think he knows I'm after him.


He's kind of under the ledge of a bridge.

Happy (over radio): You can lure it out.

You've got an IQ over 180.

You can outsmart a snake.

Toby, how much colder does the water need to get?

I'm not sure how much the engine can handle in this heat.

He's at 90.

We got to drop another 32. Keep it going.

Happy: Okay, copy that.

I'm prepping 40cc's of ice water that's about 48 to 50 degrees.

I'm gonna sh**t it right into your heart.

Last few beats of your pumper will spread it through your arteries, but once I do it, you're gonna lose consciousness.

All right, buddy, here we go.

(both grunt)

We won't let you down, Cabe.
(engine rumbles and hisses)

Not good.

What the hell?!


Get the engine up and running! We need him cold!

Not warming up!

What do you think I'm about to do?

Happy, what happened to the engine?

Blew the hose.

I'm working on it.

Is Cabe frozen yet?

No, and without this engine running, he won't get there, he'll just bleed out!

I said I'm working on it!

I'm swapping in a hose from the backhoe.

Oh, damn it!

Toby: What?

It's cracked from the sun.

I can't start the engine again.

What do you mean you can't get it running again, Happy?

You can fix anything!

Not without a hose, I can't!

Aah! Damn it.

I have an idea.

I'm gonna make a hose.

You need to refill the radiator!

Get me a bucket of water!

Roger that.

Happy, what's your plan?

Happy: Working on it.

Rubber boot plus zip ties equals rubber hose.

Nice. Nice.

Oh, ah, damn it.

Why did science have to make water so heavy?

How's that hose coming?

It's strong but I'm not sure if it's strong enough!

These boots were made for walking, not pumping.

Wow, a joke from Happy in a tense situation.

You must be really scared.

You're not?

I'm scared to death. Cabe's death.

I'm done.

Me, too!

Happy's gonna give this a shot.

What if it doesn't work?

Cabe dies.

Happy: Not gonna happen.

Come on.

(engine stalling)

Happy: Come on.

(engine catches)

That's my girl.

Toby: And we're back!

Happy's evaporation vacuum machine is sucking as much air as it sucked before, but in this case, sucking is a really good thing.

Sly, all this is for naught if you can't get that venom.

I have a plan. I'm going to use sensory jujitsu to lure this reptile out of his nook, and then nab it.

I'm gonna use real jujitsu on you if you don't get that rattler!

I will. Let me explain.

Rattlesnakes don't hunt using vision.

They feel vibrations and sense heat.

So I am putting my cell phone on vibrate, and running multiple apps to heat it up, and putting it in my sock.

Remind me to never borrow your phone.

Then I am pulling a string from the sock so I can dangle this (phone buzzing) fake kangaroo rat in front of the snake.

I am ringing the dinner bell and counting on 150 million years of limited evolution to take over.

Here, snakey-snakey.

(phone buzzing)

Boss, even with that venom, if we don't get the hydrogen sulfide to protect Cabe's organs upon re-entry to the real world, we're still screwed.

Paige: Okay, we're almost at the hot springs.

Three more miles.

Toby: That's good, 'cause we're ahead of schedule.

Cabe's body temperature's falling fast.

We'll be ready. Keep us posted.

It's chilly in here, huh?


Strange, given how hot it is outside.

Guess the A/C really cranks.

If only Cabe's makeshift pool had such an effective refrigerant.

All right, so I know you're upset about Tim...

Walter, the only thing I'm thinking about right now is Cabe and how serious this is.

Understood. I mean, someone has to think about it.

I'm sorry, did you mean something by that?

We all had a chance to say good-bye to Cabe in case we never see him again.

A moment to tell him what he means to us.

You told him it's been a pleasure working with him.

Any idea how messed up that is?

We were pressed for time.

Please, Walter!

I've been working so hard with you for 2½ years now.

I thought you'd been making progress, but for every step forward you take a hundred steps back.

Well, it has been a pleasure working with him.

And that's the last thing you wanted to say to him?

Toby has a shot at saving a man who is bleeding to death in the middle of the desert, but I don't know if there's a cure for what you have.

For all I know, you're suffering an immense inner turmoil over Cabe potentially dying, or you truly feel nothing.

I-I want to help you, Walter, but I don't know if you can be helped.

And that... makes me so... sad.

Uh, there's a turn right past those rocks.

The hot springs is just around the bend.

(engine idling)

Doc, time check.

This thing is gonna overheat any second.

Just a few more seconds, 'cause this tub's gonna do the opposite.

(ice cracking)

It's freezing!

Sweet. I'm gonna siphon some gasoline for the super glue.

58 degrees! We have a Cabe-sicle!

I was gonna say Ice-Ice Cabe-y, but "Cabe-sicle" just came to me.

And you kiss me with that mouth?!

Not if you don't shut up!

Toby: Is it working?

Looks nice and gluey.

All right, it should hold.

All right, let's do a dry run on this wet, fake aorta.

I'll push the edges together, you spread a nice, thin layer over the cut line.

I'm familiar with how glue works.

It should dry fast.


Check that out, it's holding.

That'll survive any chopper flight.

Okay, so much for the test run.

You ready for the main event?

Don't mind me.

I'm just a fat kangaroo rat who's lost in the desert.

(phone buzzing)

Sure hope a big ol' snake doesn't come up and eat me for lunch.


I'm full of iron and proteins. Num-num.



This is ridiculous.

You should be jumping at the chance to gobble up this little fella.

The only reason you wouldn't feed would be because you're pregnant.

But in that case, there should be a daddy snake down here with you.


Oh... it seems daddy snake is up here with me.

This is a problem.


Got it.

Drop your comms out for now.

We don't need the others listening in to what's about to go down, in case it doesn't work.

Hey, Cabe, we're gonna patch you up, warm you up, and you're gonna wake up, deal?

He doesn't feel like talking.

Well, he does seem a little blue.

You kidding me?

I'm nervous. I don't know if this'll work.

Uh, and...

Uh, there she is.

One binder clip coming up.

Ah. That's so gross.

Okay, time to put those sticky fingers to work.

What? Me?

I need both hands to pinch the artery tight.

You apply the glue.

You know how I am about blood.

I do. Now, how are you about your friends dying?

All right. There you go.

Now, slide 'em in right over my fingers.

Slide 'em down and find the artery.

There it is.

You got it.

It's just like putting your hand inside of a pumpkin, but instead of a pumpkin, your hand's inside Cabe's body cavity.

Oh, God.

Slide your fingers down a half inch.

Okay, you're right on the cut.

Spread the glue all over.

Don't be stingy.

It feels like cold spaghetti.

Good news, you're done.

Remove your paw from the federal agent.


Whoa. I'd fist bump you, but our hands are covered in guts.



I'm really proud of you.

I just hope the others are getting what we need.

Oh, boy, this is an issue.

Paige: Excuse me, sir, we don't want to... you know, um, and we need to collect some hydrogen sulfide for a friend.

Guard: Yeah, sorry, folks, private property, nudists only.

If we don't get what we need and get back to our team soon, then a man could die.

Look, I've heard every story in the book from perverts that wanna get all sneaky-peaky without undressing themselves.

But you're not naked.

I just work here.

Drop trou, don't come in, I don't care.


What are you doing? You want to save Cabe?

Nude up, genius-boy.

70 degrees. The ice is melting.

This isn't good. We have to start thinning his blood before he warms up too much.

Why don't I just start the truck and re-freeze him, then?

But there's nothing on the chopper to keep him frozen.

He has to be alive, with his heart beating, when that chopper takes off.

So we have to start warming him up, but even a small blood clot's gonna k*ll him.

Where the hell is Sly with that snake?


Take it away from me.

Ooh, ooh, take it far away from me, please.

Take it away! Oh...


I gotta be honest, I didn't think you'd catch one of these critters.

That thing is untrustworthy.

He snuck up on me.

You're a rattlesnake. Use your rattle!

All right, Doc, how are you extracting the venom?

We're not. The snake's gonna intract venom.

You're gonna let him bite Cabe?

No, they're gonna kiss.

Yes, Sly!

He bites Cabe, the venom goes in, and Gallo doesn't die from blood clots.

How about dying from a snake bite?

No, big guys can handle big doses.

Besides, a chopper from a desert hospital will have antivenin.

Why are you hesitating?

Because it's kinda messed up to force a snake to bite your friend!

Would you let me ease into this, please?



Come on, you diamondback bastard.


Come on, I'm serving him up on a platter.

Oh! Perfect shot.

Uh, uh...

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Walt, Cabe's got a shot of vitamin rattlesnake.

Where are you with the hydrogen sulfide gas?

Collecting it now.

Walter: Okay, lower your electrode into the water.

I am going to pass a small electrical current from my electrode down the wire to your electrode.

This will split the water into oxygen and hydrogen, which will combine with the sulfur in the water to make hydrogen sulfide bubbles.

Just hurry. That dude's trying to get a peak at my... bubbles.


Starting the current.

(bubbling loudly)

You may notice a mild tingling sensation.

That's just the weak electrical current stimulating nerve endings.

Great. Didn't think this could get more awkward.

(vacuum sucking loudly)

Oh, it... stinks like rotten eggs.

Oh, yeah, that's the hydrogen sulfide.

It means the electrolysis is working.


You can really feel the tingling, can't you?

Just stop talking.


Mesquite will strengthen the flame.

And give Cabe a nice, smoky flavor.

It's warm. He's almost thawed.

Couldn't let him get to 78 degrees without the venom, and now we can't let him get to 98 without those hot spring fumes.

Walt, Paige, ETA.

A minute away, and I've got a t*nk full of stinky gas.

I hope she's talking about the Shop-Vac.

No, the hydrogen sulfide collection went off without a stitch.

Uh, I mean hitch.

It went off without a hitch.

No problem whatsoever.

Toby: He's at 92.

Let's put out the flames and let the steaming water gently warm him until he reaches 98.

Then, the normal autorhythmicity of his heart will kick in.

It'll beat on its own, and he'll be okay.

Not if Walt and Paige don't get here.

(car engine rumbling)


Help me with the Shop-Vac!


He's zooming past 94.

Get that hydrogen sulfide over here!

Walter: Come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on.


Toby: All right.

I'll pinch his nose.

You create a seal around his mouth.

Sylvester: Okay.

Happy, pass that gas.

Valve is wide open.

Oh, that's strong.

Oh, I can't believe Cabe has to ingest this stuff.

Up to 96 degrees.

Perfectly on target. Another degree or two, and his heart should start beating on its own.

Incredible, we fixed his aorta, thinned his blood, gassed up his lungs.

This is really gonna work, isn't it?

I can't believe we did it. We did it.

Walter: Uh, guys.

Guys, Toby, Cabe's temperature is up to 99 degrees.

That can't be right.

At this temp, his heart should've restarted by now.

No, the thermometer says 99 degrees.

Toby: Cabe? Cabe?

We got to get him out of here before he gets too hot, or his heart will never restart.

Why isn't this working?

(all grunting)

Cabe, wake up. You can do this.

You're gonna leave me after we've become friends?

Still nothing!

I swear to God, if you die, I will not wear that pin just to piss you off.

Toby: Come on, Cabe. You got to come back!

He's not responding.

Quick, get out of the way. Get out of the way!

Come on, Cabe. Come-Come on, Cabe.

Come on. Come on, Cabe. Come on!

Come on, Cabe. Come on.

Let's go. Let's go!

Come on, Cabe!

Come on, Cabe!

Manual CPR won't do it.

Our only chance of getting Cabe's heart beating again is the application of an electrical current.

How? I don't exactly see a portable defibrillator anywhere.

No, but we do have electricity.

Okay, quick.

Lean him against the metal rim of the tub. Just do it.

(all grunting)

Careful, he'll drown!

No, he won't. He's not inhaling.

He's dead.

Sylvester: Is she planning to do what I think she's planning to do?

She's gonna throw the toaster in the bathtub with Cabe.

Okay, everyone back away from the toolbox!

Please let this work.

(electricity crackles)

Cabe? Cabe!

Still nothing.

Please don't let this happen.

I got a lub and a dub!


Toby: Lub dub! Lub dub!

(Walter and Sylvester laughing)

It fixed... it's tired, but steady!

Cabe's heart's beating!


Toby: Ah!

Welcome back, Cabe.

Oh, man... heaven's full of nerds.


(chuckles weakly)


(helicopter blades whirring)

Well... looks like your ride's here.

Pilot: Sir, sorry.

Liability rules dictate only family can come aboard.

I am family; he's my father.

Okay, get in.

♪ ♪

(monitor beeping)


How am I doing, kid?

Surgery went well.

I'm, uh... (clears throat) ...tracking your cardiac function with my own oxygen demand formula and ejection fraction composite, so I foresee a full recovery.

So much for a relaxing day in the desert sun, huh?

I should tell you that... the others, they're concerned, so I should, um, uh... bring them in if you're feeling up to it.


Yeah, okay.

(groans lightly)

I'm sorry I-I...

I'm sorry I didn't use appropriate words before we stopped your heart.

As you know, I have... (lightly chuckles) ...I have issues expressing myself.

It's been more than "a pleasure" working with you.

As I said in the garage, we could find another federal agent, but...

...but, uh, we couldn't find another Cabe Gallo.

Makes all the difference.

It's okay.

I know you care about me.

It's much more than that.

I love you, Cabe.

I love you.

I love you, too, son.

(door opens)

Oh, boy, look at this crew.

Thought we'd bring our sunny day to you.

We brought you some iced coffee.

I think I'll try to avoid ice for a while.

Makes sense.

Hey, roomie, you might hear that I yelled at you a lot when you were dead.

I was just motivating you.

It's okay.

I assume you were all going a little nuts out there.

Thank you.

I'm gonna go share my, uh, medical data with the doctors.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Walter, are you okay?

Of course I am.

I can't decipher you.

Just when I'm sure you're an android, you're not.

I know you get frustrated when I take steps backward, but I don't mean to do it; I just do.

There are parts of my brain that work so much worse than others.

I know.

You're still mad with me about Tim, aren't you?

I am.

I have every right to be, but right now it's not about you or me or Tim.

It's about... Cabe, so let's just... put it aside for the night and appreciate he's still with us.


You can talk to the doctor later.

Let's try to keep Cabe company.

You know, I was thinking, after all I've been through, that maybe I should ask that Allie girl out to that Italian place.

Superlative idea.

There you go. Get back up on that horse.

I'm fine with it, but I'm reserving final approval until I determine whether she's good enough for you.

Maybe I'll wear one of those Hawaiian shirts on our date.

Bad idea.

We're in these nightmares because our clothes are wet and sunbaked at the same time.

Oh, yeah, speaking of which, why did you guys come back from the hot springs in pristine condition?

Huh? What? No. What?

Clothes are dry.

And you have to get into the water in order to use the electrodes.

Well, the low humidity of desert air dries fabric incredibly quickly.

Happy: You should have white salt lines on your clothes from the sulfur.

Where are they?

Holy skinny-dips!

You went to a nudist spring!

You two saw each other's parts.

We did what we had to do to save Cabe.

Uh... it was very... professional.

And naked. It was so sunny out there.

You could've burned your schmeckle.

Now I wish I got hit with the shrapnel.

Okay, well, uh, I'm gonna go to Kovelsky's.

Get some food.

Hey, Walter, Paige, can I get you guys anything?

Melons and sausages?

Cantaloupes and wieners?

I will k*ll you.

Tater Tots and salami?


It's very amusing.

I had to die for an hour to finally get some peace and quiet from you guys.
