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01x06 - Celeste

Posted: 01/02/17 04:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beyond.

Nothing will distract me from bringing you home.

So what are you in the mood for?

Something orange. (laughs)

Charlie: I see equations broken down into an infinitesimal level.

You're not some gypsy fortune teller.

I was in a four-year coma.

Jeff: Who am I looking at?

Ramirez: Tess Shoemacher.

CFO of Hollow Sky.

Shoemacher: Hollow Sky has been alerted to a young man with special abilities.

Perhaps you'd be interested in making a trade.

We will need to recalibrate our approach, Dr. Frost.

Frost was Arthur's partner?

You're connected to this machine.

I can feel it.




Holden, no!

I had you!

And then you were gone!

I won't risk that ever again.


Come on. This machine is a death sentence.

How could you do this to me?

I did this for you.

For us.

Look, you almost died in there.

I won't let that happen again.

What are you talking about?

It was like the ground crumbled. I...

I grabbed your hands. You fell.

Holden, you're not making any sense.

Yes, I am.

You know I am, but...

The Realm is too dangerous.

We spent all that time running.

Even now that we're back, after all that's happened, I... I still can't shake it.

You know as much as I do we don't belong there.

We belong here.

Finally now we can pick up where we left off.

We can stay in one place together.

We don't have to run.

You make it sound so simple.

But it's not just about us.

Was it ever about us?

All our training, remembering our time together.

It's all so I could go back in for... for him? For Arthur?

Holden, what we had was real.

It is real.

It's just... it's complicated.

Let me know when you un-complicate it.

You know where to find me.

(line trilling)

You feeling okay?

Yeah, uh, why?

Well, you mowed our entire yard voluntarily.

Any parent would find that alarming.

It's a good thing I didn't reorganize the garage.

Oh, honey, I'd have you committed.

You... going out?

I'm going to church.

On a Wednesday?

Well, I've been wanting to go back to work and Ian has a program through his congregation.

They need a social worker.


Pastor Ian. And since I'm still licensed...

Look, honey.

We all have to move forward sooner or later and there's no time like the present.

I'm starting to feel that way myself.

Does that mean that you're gonna give the high school equivalency test another shot?

Um, well, I was thinking more like... getting a driver's license?

No time like the present, right?

Okay. I see what you did.

But you are not off the hook.

I mean, a driver's license is important.

But that's not what's gonna get you a job making more than $10 an hour.

10 bucks?

That's like 80 bucks a day. That's quadruple my allowance.

And go easy on the soda.

It's been 12 years since you've gone to the dentist.

God knows what this stuff does to your enamel.

All this time... you had me believe Frost was the enemy.

That what we were doing was right.


I don't know what to believe.

I've made sacrifices for you.

The least you could do is tell me the truth.

Why would you lie to me?

You need to rest, Dr. Frost.

Seriously, Isaac. Enough is enough.

How can I rest?

She's had two more seizures.

You're gonna k*ll her.

We can try nerve stimulation.

She wouldn't survive the surgery.

We're sitting on our hands waiting for a miracle.

We don't have to wait. We can use the Machine.

No, it's too unstable.

We can stabilize it, you and me.

It's so close to being perfected.

Not nearly close enough.

(kissing hand)

I love her, Arthur.

I've never loved anyone else.

It's always been her.

I won't lose her.

Arthur: I won't risk her life.

We'll figure out a way, but this machine, it isn't ready yet.

Jeff: 185 tons the Taliban has produced in a year.

Then we show up and opium production goes to 3,400 tons.

It's got to be an inside job.

I mean, they've controlled narcotics since Vietnam.

Wait, who are we talking about?

The CIA.

What does the CIA have to do with anything?

I think I missed something.

Yeah? Which part?

The part where you were speaking and I was listening.

Jeff, I just came by to see...

It's right in front of us, all right?

People want to feel safe.


Nobody questions the how so long as the what gives them a good night's sleep.

When was the last time you slept?

Take a look at that.

That's Tess Shoemacher.

CFO of Hollow Sky.

You're doing that thing again where you suddenly change the subject.

Doesn't ring a bell.


Because her signature is all over Yellow Jacket's release from the hospital.

He was in the hospital?

Don't work yourself up.

I mean, he was in there for only less than 24 hours.

Hasty discharge considering the extent of his injuries.

So, I paid a visit to his home.

Place was completely empty.

I mean, the furniture, dog, clothes... all gone.

Wait, wait, a second. You're saying he moved?


Why else?

Because we're getting close.

You sure we want to be close after... what happened?

You mean my brother's m*rder?

I want to be close enough to see the life evaporate from the eyes of whoever is responsible.

I thought I wanted that too.

Then why don't you help me?

Look, I hit a dead end with the Shoemacher.

But if we can somehow get our hands on a few Hollow Sky tax documents, it'll just lead us straight to...

Jeff, I can't.

Okay? I'm sorry.

What do you mean you can't?

Listen, Matthews.

You hear that?

That's the sound of the universe telling us to keep digging.

Maybe it's the universe telling us to move on.

There's nothing for me to move on to!

This is all I've got.

Look, Jeff, it's not.

You've got a choice.

When are you gonna learn, Matthews?

None of us has a choice.

Eventually... we all do exactly what the universe wants.

Man: 23?



Come on.

Woman (whispering): Everything okay?

(whispers) Yeah.

I'm fine.

Woman: The answer to 11 is 'E.'

12 is 'D.'

Who are you?

Come on. That was an easy one.

Thanks. I got this.

Not from where I'm sitting.

What do you want?

Just wanna talk.


Yes, now! It's important.

So is this. Please, go away.

"Car is tra..."

(fire alarm rings)

Charlie: What I wouldn't give to watch this place go up in flames.

Too bad it's just a false alarm.

How would you know that?

Don't play dumb with me.

You're not fooling anyone.

You did this?

Isn't that a felony?

It's a misdemeanor, Coma Boy.

Yes, Holden. I know who you are.

Don't you want to know who I am?

Not really.

Well, isn't that just my luck.

I meet a really sweet guy who also happened to spend an extended coma vacation trapped in a bizarre, fantastical world, and he just, he wants nothing to do with me.

Maybe I should get back on Tinder.

I'm Charlie.

Thank you.

A student ended up in the emergency room after taking pills left for the freshmen girls... in Harrison Hall.

You've been named as...

Yeah, I... I didn't do it.

As someone who knows who did.

And we know that you didn't do it.

But we know that you distributed pills in the past.

And there is enough testimony in here... to expel you.

With everything that's been going on at home, I can see why you'd end up getting into dr*gs.

We have a suspect.

Now, I just need your cooperation.

Give me her name, and we'll let you slide with work duty and probation.


Really? Wow.

You... you would do that for me?

That's... that's amazing.

Or we can expel you. Your choice.

Doctors said I was unconscious for four years.

I know that's not setting any records, but still.

You know, a lot can go down in 1,461 days.

Yeah. Well, when I woke up, suddenly Pluto wasn't a planet anymore.


Is that your go-to world-shattering change?

Do you want another one? Should I grab you a bucket?





What, can you do better?

Yeah. I blacked out on...

August 11th, 2001.

One month to the day before the planes hit.

The whole world changed while I was under.

I can't imagine.

Yes, you can.

So do you remember anything from the Realm?

I remember enough, Coma Boy.

Dark jungles, frozen stretches of ice, cities built from glass and stone.

And I remember learning how to do things.

Very special things.

Special how?

Well, it started when I woke up.

I can see the world in numbers.

Algorithms, time series and data sets.

So what, you're, like, really good at math?

No, Holden.

I'm exceptional at math. Hold on.

Do you smell antifreeze?

I'm pretty sure it's antifreeze.

You don't smell it?

Okay, here, just watch.

And we have liftoff.

Girl: My balloon!

Wind from the South-Southeast.

On the windward side of the target.

High voltage conductors. Duplexed.

Two inch conduits pumping out 7,200 volts.

(people exclaiming)

More like 12,000 volts.

Bystander: Come over here!

What happened?

(car approaching)

(car honking)

(car honking)

(car alarm chirps)

Valvoline or Prestone, what do you think?

You knew this was gonna happen?


You could have hurt someone.

No, no, the car from the east was going 23 miles an hour.

The other car was going 26.

If one car was going 32.3 miles an hour, then Houston, we'd have a problem.

You're telling me you can predict the future?



I can only see patterns.

That's the truth.

I... I see things that look like random occurrences like words in a book.

All I have to do is read.

All right, Coma Boy.

I showed you mine.

Aren't you gonna show me yours?

Well, the Realm's beautiful compared to this heap of junk.

I'm not saying this isn't romantic.

Look, if you want to see mine, you should probably stop talking and back up.


Keep moving.

Little more.


Really, Holden?

I'm serious.


Did I miss it?

I'm, uh...

All right, I'm gonna try again.




I don't get it. I mean, it worked before. I...

Don't... don't worry.

It happens to a lot of guys.

Well, not a lot of guys have what I have.

You keep telling yourself that, okay?

Wait, what are we talking about here?

Okay, um... let's try to recreate this.

Okay, so what brought it on before?

I don't... I don't know. It was more of a... reaction.

Like... like anger or something?

The Hulk trigger?

Sounds a little...

Are you angry right now?


Okay, well, maybe... maybe that's the problem.


Ow! Ow!

What the... Ow!




(clattering, shattering)

(car alarms ringing)

You okay?



You weren't kidding.

Feel like I should smoke a cigarette or something.

'Cause that's what they used to do in the old-time movies after they would...

You know, never mind. Never mind.

Whoa. You're... you're bleeding.



Was it good for you?
You don't have to carry those.

You called me to help.

That's what I'm doing.

You think Mom is gonna have a total freak out?


Your mom's going through a lot right now with your brother and all.

You getting kicked out of school for dealing dr*gs may not be what she needs right now.

I wasn't dealing dr*gs.

Just for what it's worth.

So, you were covering for somebody.

Wouldn't happen to be that girl you've been seeing, would it?

Something tells me we'll be seeing a lot less of each other.

Good. Time apart. That's a good idea.

Yeah, you would know, wouldn't you?


Been through a lot, all right? We all have.

I just want you to learn from this.

You understand?

Yeah. I have learned a lot all right.

I think sometimes when life hands you a lemon, sometimes you just gotta shut up and eat a lemon.

Let's just hope that through all that wise-cracking, you'll think about what's best for yourself.

Speaking of self-preservation... would you tell Mom for me?


For her sake, we'll just say you moved home to be closer to Holden, all right?

Finally a lie I can live with.

For your sake, gonna get a job.

You're gonna reimburse me for the tuition we lost.

In that case, maybe I should just, you know, call Dean Anders.

What for?

Well, you know, maybe it's not too late to confess.

Not funny.


Um, anyone?

Looks like it's just us.

Oh. Um...

I can't believe you grew up in a house like this.

I thought they only existed on TV.

In the 50s.

Hey, you... wanna see my room?

Um, your hair is in the way.

I can't, um...

So move it.

Okay. Um...

Are you shaking?

No, I just, um... ju...

Holden Matthews.

Am I the first girl to be brought up to your bedroom?

Well, one of the gazillion things I missed was hanging out with girls.

There, I said it.


So, I take it you don't have a girlfriend?


Well, I did. It's just...

Sort of. It's...

We kind of broke up.

It's complicated.

Yeah, complicated sucks.

You know what's better?

Simple, straightforward, no-drama relationships.

Yeah. That'd be nice.

For a change.

I'm messing with you.

That would be boring.

Uh, right.


Here, should we, um... um...

Like that? Is that...

Okay. Just...



This picture come with the frame?

That is, um, me and my dad.

We're fishing.

Oh, don't tell me this one with the go-kart, for a go-kart contest.

First place.

Two years in a row.

Why doesn't that surprise me?

Hey, do you want to stay for dinner?

(phone vibrates)

Are you gonna take that?

No, it's... it's not urgent.

(clears throat)

So what are we having?

(steady beeping)

(clacking, whirring)

(steady beeping)


What did you do?

What you were afraid to do.


She's stable.

But we need to bring her back. I'm not finished.

I'm not letting you near her.

I don't need your permission.

(both grunting)



Daniel: You're wasting your time.

Why bother hitting that thing if it won't hit back?

You volunteering?

Ah, my days of fighting are over.

Don't tell me.

You were in a pee wee boxing league.

San Quentin. 18 years.

Arthur never told me.

I asked him not to.

Come on.


Just another lie to add to the pile.

I asked him not to, 'cause I wanted that part of my life to be behind me.

Your grandfather disagreed.

Said it was part of who I am.

He saw potential.

Everyone else saw an ex-con.

He saw the best in people.

Look where it got him.

You're more like him than you know.

You saw the best in Holden.

You still do, despite what he's done.


What'd you do?

18 years, that's a long time.

I let my emotions get the better of me.

Thank God for second chances.

Keep your guard up.

Oh, we told him that he could be whatever he wanted when he grew up.

So, for Halloween he was a Superman-Digimon-astronaut combo.

(gasps) Super-maut!

Oh, I love it!

Signs of indecision appear early in life, Holden.

Mom, Charlie doesn't want to see what happened when I was six.

Yes, I do!

Yes, thank you.

Yes, I do!

Please keep 'em coming.



Diane: Oh, it is so nice to finally meet one of Holden's friends.

Now I know where he's sneaking off to.

It's my fault.

He's been on my case about having dinner with you all and I... I keep bailing.

But he finally wore me down.

Oh, well, good.

When Holden puts his mind to something, you'd better watch out.

I'm happy you two found each other.



Holden: Mm.



Dear Lord, I'm moving in.

(both chuckle)

(people chatting)


Least you're eating your veggies.

What are you doing here?

Hey, my man, can I get two more beers over here?

No, no, I don't need you to buy me a beer.

What are friends for?

Sorry about what happened to Kevin.

He was a good kid.

Good man.

I failed that man.

So now it's on me to make sure that I make the right connections that no one can see.

Think maybe you've had too much to drink, Jeff.

These are pictures of my family.

Where did you get these?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

Where did you get these?

Hear me out, all right?

The people that k*lled my brother are after your son.

The hell are you talking about?

That's the guy who k*lled my brother.

When Holden was in a coma, was there anyone that came around asking about him?

It was 12 years.

Researchers were asking about him all the time.

Anyone saying they were from Hollow Sky?

What's Hollow Sky?

It's a religious organization.

Tax-exempt status might be easier than you think.

And you think this...

Shoemacher woman is the head of it.

No. It's someone higher.

And you really believe these people are interested in my son?

I know they are.

You've spun a lot of theories here, Jeff.

I think you need some help.

I need your help.

All right?

You want to know more, Tom, and I can see it.

I need you on board.


I gotta go.


How'd it go?

The state of Kansas decreed...

I can drive anywhere I want to.


Well, not anywhere.

You've still got parents. Here.

Your father and I figured that you needed an upgrade from the bike in case you want to go somewhere on a rainy day.

Wait, thi... this is mine?


Wh... thank you!



I put new gaskets in her, new filters, she still needs new brake pads and tires.

Probably a new fan belt, water pump.

I thought we could fix her up together.

You know, be our new project. You okay with that?

(scoffs) Dad, I drive a glorified bike and you just gave me a truck!

I'm... I'm great!


Thank you! Thank you!


You can put it to good use and take Charlie out for a nice dinner.

Yeah, yeah, at least to a drive-thru.

Oh! Thank you, guys.

I love it. I...

I'm gonna take it for a spin!

Whoa, hey, slow down.

Still need to check in.

(engine starts)

Still need to know where you are, all right?

All right. I will.

Bye, guys.

Be careful!

Have fun.

What kind of backwater is this?

One of the, uh, eight wonders of Kansas.

There are that many?

Oh, no.

Nope. We're absolutely not doing that.

Oh, we definitely are. Come on.

Come on.

(sighs) ♪ Nobody knows... ♪
♪ The trouble I've seen ♪
♪ Nobody knows my sorrow ♪

See? You're singing. I knew you'd love this.

Sleeping Beauty over here thinks he's smooth.

Oh, you think I'm beautiful.

Don't make me push you in.


Okay, Coma Boy.

Tell me a story.

The... the year I went into my coma, I was supposed to visit this telescope.

In Colorado.

Um, this kid in high school started it.

People got wind, he got some funding, and poof.

I mean, soon it was big-time.

Just I always thought that was so cool.

Course, I never got to see it, but...

All right, uh, your turn.

I jumped.

My coma.

I jumped from the second floor of my step-dad's house.

I... I didn't exactly stick the landing.


'Cause I wanted out.

My childhood wasn't exactly filled with... go-kart competitions and cheesy lasagna.

I'm sorry.



Oh, my God, oh, my God! Wait, what do I do?

(stammers) Pull back on the rod.

Start reeling, start reeling!


Yeah, yeah!

Oh, my gosh!

You have one!

I caught a fish!

Bring it here!

I caught one!

Hey, she's a beauty.



Wh... what are you doing? What did you just do?

Catch and release.

You're telling me I...

I've been trying to hook one of these things all this time, and the point of fishing is to not... catch a fish?

I don't know. To me, it... it never really mattered if I came away with any fish.

You know, it...

What mattered was the experience.

You know? The... time you spent with one another out on the dock.

I was sent here.

To find you.

You what?

By a guy named Isaac Frost.

He's the leader of this group called Hollow Sky, and he wants to meet with you.

You gotta be kidding me.

Should have known.

Holden, wait.

Hold, can you... can you... can you just hear me out?

Holden, stop!

We're the ones who survived the Realm!

We're the ones who came out of it screwed.

Ever since I woke up from my coma, people have tried to use me for their own stupid goals, and I'm so, so sick of it.

And I know you are too!

All I want is to be with the only other person in the world who can understand me.

What are you gonna tell this Frost guy?

I'll just tell him that... that the point of fishing isn't to catch fish.

You never got to go to that observatory in Colorado, right?

Yeah, so?

Anil Vemuri?

I'm Willa.

We emailed about your time working with Arthur.

Um, Dr. Foreman and Dr. Frost.

I volunteered for testing.

The breakup was very ugly.

Arthur repudiated everything.

But the whole idea of using science and technology to reach the afterlife, Dr. Frost was simply taking Arthur's idea to the next level.

Oh, it was Arthur's idea?

Didn't your grandpa tell you?

How do you...

I never said he was my grandfather.

You look just like her.

Just like who?

Your mother.


You... you knew my mother?

Of course.

Her death shattered both of them.

Dr. Frost was... well, imagine losing the love of your life like that.

The love of... Frost's life?

So, Frost is... my father.

Celeste: My baby.

Where is my baby?

Arthur: No, she's fine.

You have a beautiful, healthy baby girl.



I saw it.

What, baby?

I saw the most beautiful light.

It went on forever.

Like an ocean.

And over that ocean, there was a bridge.

A bridge leading into the light, Isaac.


You were right.

There is something out there.

I touched it.

(loud, rapid beeping)

Her blood pressure's dropping.

Pushing epinephrine.


Okay, baby. Okay. Let it go.

It's gonna work. It's gonna work.

It's gonna work!

Okay, okay.



Everyone here has lost a loved one.

We've all experienced the pain, the despair, the cruel finality of death.

But we believe... we know the question... that reaches out... and grabs us and takes us... to the frontier.

What is death?

Crowd: It's just the beginning!


We can go to Celeste.

Arthur: We are finished.

And Celeste is gone.

Why can't you see that?

But she'll be on the other side.

Meaning what?

You'll visit her on weekends?

That's not the goal of our research.

You're so blinded by your delusions, you still can't see what's right in front of you.

Your daughter.

She needs you.

She needs her father.

I'm sorry, Arthur, but I can't.


I'm looking for Holden.

Of course you are.

You're that girl from the store.

Yes, I am that girl from the store.


So you two, like, a thing?

"A thing"?

Yeah, just the other night, he, uh...

Yeah, you know what? Never mind.

1,000% none of my business.

I'll go find him.


He's, um, not here.


Well, uh, could you tell him to call me?

This is my number.

In case he lost it.

Yeah. Sure.


(phone vibrating)

(end music playing)