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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 01/02/17 04:40
by bunniefuu
Kevin: Falcon to Deathstalker, come in.

Falcon to Deathstalker, do you read me?

Holden, pick up!

(walkie talkie static)

Dude, are you there?

Where are you?

(dog barking)


Dammit, Holden! Pick up!

Diane: Oh, it sounds like he's testing you.

Hol, I've been up here for like an hour!

You've got to be strong.


Oh, I know it's a bit rocky now, But you gotta...

(walkie chatter continues)

Wait, he said what?

Oh, you know what?

It's just a phase. Yeah, Holden was the same way.

No, it's the age.

Luke, no!

Luke, honey, we're having dinner in 20 minutes, okay?

But I'm hungry!

(gasps) I know, sweetheart.

You know what? Take this to your brother.

Sue, I'm so sorry.

Astronomers and stargazers...

Whoa, slow down there, buddy.

Slow down. You see this? Look, look, look, look.

There's gonna be a meteor shower.

Closest one to the Earth this century.



No running in the house!


(Max whimpers)

Hang in there, Max. Almost done.


Falcon to Deathstalker, come in.

Here, it's for you.

Come on, man. Pick up.

Falcon, Falcon, this is Deathstalker.

Yeah, I'm on my way. I'm on my way. Over.

Finally you answered!

I've only been trying...

What's that?

... to talk to you all night.

Get the door.

You ready?

Luke: I like the red one.

Yeah, me too. That's Mars.


Can I come with you to watch the meteors?

Not tonight, little man.

Then when?

Next time. I promise.

Hey, I, uh, I do have a very important job for you.

You gotta stay here and take care of Max for me, okay?

Make sure he eats all his dinner.

Can you handle that?

You swear on the Holy Secret Covenant of Brotherhood?

There's no such thing.

I swear on the Holy Secret Covenant of Brotherhood.

♪ Oh ♪

All right.

Gonna go out to meet Kevin!

Hey, it's a school night!

Be back by 10:00!


I mean it, Holden!

♪ Go back to the top ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Back to the top ♪

(engine revs)

♪ ♪
♪ I know it's not the right time tonight ♪
♪ But I won't move until this stops ♪
♪ Go back to the top ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Back to the top ♪
♪ Top ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I know it's not the right time tonight ♪
♪ But I won't move until this stops ♪

Holden, hurry your ass up here.

I think I saw something!

Dude! Where have you been?

(both laughing)


High school girls, high school women.

It's gonna be awesome.

Aren't they all the same girls we knew in middle school, just without braces?

You're just saying that 'cause you're too afraid to talk to 'em.

No, I'm... I'm not afraid.

And besides, what girls do you ever talk to ever?

I... I talk to some.




Julie. From summer camp.

You don't know her.


Did you know there's over 100 billion stars up there?

And they're all different.

Yeah, so?


Don't you ever feel like we're a part of something bigger?

I feel like...

I'm drunk.

Yeah, I'm drunk.

(both laugh)

(car approaching)

Oh no.

What? What is it?

The cops?


You owe me a six pack.


It's Dad's beer, Jeff!

I got as much right to it as you do!

The beer is gone, okay?

So just piss off!

(chuckles) Funny...

I always wanted a bike just like that.

Friend: Yeah.


(Kevin grunts)

(Jeff and friend laugh)

Look at this kid!

Get off of me, Jeff!

You're breaking my arm!



Get off!



You're dead.

Holden, run.

Get him!


Jeff: Don't let him go!

Go, go! Get him!


Come on, go, go, go, go! Let's go, let's go!

Hurry up! Hurry up and get in!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

(tires screeching)


Come on, get him, get him!



Speed up, speed up!


Go! Get him, get him!

Get him!


Keep going! Dammit!




(walkie talkie static)

(static, beeping)



(engine starts)


Hey, who's there?


(monitor beeping steadily)


(air blowing)

(woman speaking on P. A.)

(unclicking, unsnapping)

(monitor beeps rapidly)


(phone ringing)

(ringing continues)


Man: Mrs. Matthews?


I'm calling to tell you that your son...

Dr. Warren: Mrs. Matthews, please!

We still need to run necessary tests, CT scans.

Your son was unconscious for 12 years.

You know the risks.

There could be brain injury, amnesia.

I need you to understand.

We need to maintain realistic expectations.

And I want to see my son.


(monitor beeping steadily)



You're okay.

You're okay.

Mom, your... your hair.


Well, yeah.

Wh... where... where am I?

Nurse: He's disoriented.

We gave him a sedative to help the transition.

Keep him talking. Let him hear your voice.

Holden, you're in a hospital, son.

But you're okay. You're safe.

You were asleep for... a long time.

A really long time.

But you're awake now and you're with us.

How... how long was I asleep?

What... what happened?

Mom... Mom?


N... no.

No. Come on.

Nurse: No. Holden...


Where are we?

No, Holden.

(monitor beeps rapidly)


Diane: Holden...

(beeping continues)

What happened to me?

Dr. Warren: It was just a panic attack.

A mild one.

But he's okay?

As you know, there's been no sign of muscle deterioration.

No atrophy.

He shouldn't even be speaking, let alone moving as well as he is.

Which is why I'm recommending he be transferred to...


I don't understand. He's talking, he's responsive, you said that he was healthy.

Tom: Diane...


He's coming home with me.

I'm grateful, Doctor, for everything that you've done.

But my son is coming home.

Dr. Warren: To call Holden's awakening a phenomenon would be an understatement.

His condition is nothing short of a miracle.

Not only does he have considerable use of his arms and legs, his mind appears to be fully responsive.

Holden's body is operating at a level that would be impressive regardless of the circumstances.

But it's still early.

Over the next few weeks, we'll need to run extensive diagnostic tests, CT scans, and an MRI to monitor any lingering effects.

There could still be unforeseen complications.

At this point, it's critical that we begin to understand what happened to Holden and why.

(reporters shouting)

Tom: My God, what is this?

Oh, my God, Tom.

Go on, get out of the way.

(Tom honks)

(reporters shout)

Where'd these people come from?

Diane: How'd they find out?

Reporter: Here he comes.

We'll try to get a comment from him.

Diane: What? No! No!

Can you tell us what you expect in the next 24 hours?

Diane: Leave us alone!

(reporters shout)

Reporter: A couple of comments! Just a few comments please!

Tom: Hey! Hey! Stop it!

Diane: No!

Reporter: For 12 years, Holden Matthews has laid at County Hospital in one of the longest recorded comas in history.

But today, that streak has come to an end.

Holden was discovered awake in his bed at 7:15 in the morning by one of the on-duty nurses.

Now, we are being told he's in stable condition.

There is no word on whether or not he'll be released in the coming weeks, but stay tuned for additional updates,

(alarm beeping)

as the story continues to unfold.

Christine: Kevin!




(footsteps approaching)

Voice: Holden?

I came as soon as I heard.

Luke. You... you look...


Yeah, yeah.

Puberty's a bitch.

Well, obviously.

Welcome home.

How old...

I'm 17.

Holden: Whoa.

Luke: I already said it. They're not girlfriends.

They're just friends that are girls.

What's the difference?

I'm not...

I'm not dating all of them.

I made all your favorites.

Thanks, Mom.

We thank you, Heavenly Father, for the food we are about to receive.

We thank you for giving us the strength during this difficult test.

We thank you for returning Holden to us and for your compassion and your mercy in bringing our family back together.



All: Amen.

You like it?

Very good. Thank you.

Mm! If you want, you can make a list of anything that you want in the house to eat or drink and I will go out first thing tomorrow.

Luke: I could use some things.

Since you mentioned it.

Tom: Doesn't your school have a meal plan?

Paying a lot of money for something.

It's beer and weed mostly.

Well, that's fine.

(Luke and Diane laugh)

Diane: Don't listen to your brother, Holden.

College has corrupted him.


(phone rings)

Tom: Let the voicemail get it.

Diane: It hasn't stopped.

We've gotten calls from Diane Sawyer and Wendy Williams, hell, even Oprah.

Oprah called for me.

Well, not her personally. Her people called.

They want to sit down with you and talk.

On TV.

You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, all right?

(phone rings)

Sit down. Let the voicemail get it.

I'm not letting Oprah go to voicemail.

Take it somewhere else. Tell 'em we're eating.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Um, you wouldn't believe the change in the neighborhood.

You remember where you used to play little league?

It's a shopping mall now.

Yeah, complete with a movie theater and a Home Plus, even an Apple store.

There's a whole store that sells apples?

Apple computers, iPads, MacBooks, Steve Jobs...


Don't burden yourself trying to play catch up all at once.

All right?

You've got plenty of time.

Take it slow.



Now, Holden.

See you soon.

(bird cawing)

What the hell?


Oh, my God!

He's here.

He just walked through the door.

Holden, where have you been?

Thank you, Sheriff. I appreciate it.

Don't do that!
Are you all right?

I'm fine.

What happened?

Needed some air.

I'm okay.

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Of course you did.

(off-hook beeping)


I need Security.

Luke: Here.

This should do the trick.

Oh, man.

It's old, but it'll get you online.

There's this website, it's called Wikipedia.

It's like an online database for, you know, just about everything, so if you have any questions about like the past 12 years...

Are you okay?


Of course.

'Cause you can tell me... if you're not okay.


I'd be out of my mind.

Like, pissing down my left leg terrified if I had to...

Not that you should be terrified.

I'm fine.

This morning, I...

I don't know, I just needed some air.

Swear by the Holy Sacred Covenant of Brotherhood?


I swear by the Holy Sacred Covenant of Brotherhood.


Mm. Come on.

Mom gave me some money for some new clothes.

You up for a drive?


What is it?

I've never driven a car before.


(car door closes)

Luke: Dad taught me this.

It's an a*t*matic. There's like nothing to it.


So roll it over.

(engine starts)


All right, put it in gear.

This guy, right? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay, uh, park.


R. R, cool.

There you go.

And now ease on the gas. Ease.

(car speeds)

Oh! Brakes, brakes, brakes!

(brakes screech)




Officer: What about Janitorial?

The night shift, maybe someone had a key.

They know me. They wouldn't.

Well, I'd bet my badge whoever did this was after something specific.

You care to speculate?

If I had to speculate...

I think I look like Dad.

Or someone's dad, right?

Yeah. Yeah, you do.

It's very dad-core. I love it.


She seems to like it.

No, don't... look right at her.

Who needs subtlety, right?

What do I do?

You go and talk to her.

Maybe she wants an autograph, you know?

Maybe something a little more.


Look, there's nothing to be afraid of. Just...

I'm not afraid.

I know. I...

I know.

Just, um... just go over there and... and ask her name, you know?

And compliment her, okay? That is like, key.

Doesn't really matter what.

You just kinda gotta... pick something and tell her it looks good.

All right?

Yeah, okay.

Go, go.

Wait, wait, wait. Okay, sorry.

You can't... you can't wear that.

This okay?






I know.

Oh. Okay.


That would look good on you.

Excuse me?

Oh, no, I, um, I don't mean...

It's the, uh, um, it's a nice color.

The color, it's nice. It's like blood.

I'm so, uh...

Look, I'm sorry, I...

Not sure how this normally goes, but probably a lot better than this, but I...

Uh, forget it.

I was never here. Sorry.

I'll see you soon.




Man's voice: Do it.

Do it.

Do it, Holden.

No more holding back.

Don't be afraid.

Woman's voice: They're coming for you.

Do it, Holden. Do it now.

Ah, great.

So I'll see you next Wednesday.

Yeah, come on in.

Nice office, Falcon.

I'm so sorry, Holden.

You're married?

That's Christine.

We're expecting our first kid any day now.


So, you're, um... some kind of psychiatrist?

No, um, school counselor/teacher.

I'm still working on my doctorate, but they let me see students during office hours.

Listen, Holden, uh, Dr. Warren said it might help for you to talk to someone.

Look, I'm here as your friend first and foremost.

How are you holding up?

Wish everyone would stop asking me that.

You know, um, there's this psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, and she wrote a book outlining the five stages of grief, the first being denial.

She says most of the time, people ignore or try to rationalize what they're going through...


Thought you said you were my friend first and foremost.

I... I am.

My friend never... read anything that didn't have a centerfold, so...

Talk to me, Holden.

You know you can trust me.

I know.

Dr. Warren requested a few more photos for her album.

Wait, um... will this hurt?

You'll be fine.

Try not to move or we'll have to restart.

(machine whirs)


(indistinct chatter)

Look alive, ladies. Here we go.

Female technician: Initiating scan...

Images coming online.

System reading normally. Everything's great.

Looking good. Nice slices.


Male technician: What's going on?


Female technician: It must be some kind of interference.

Attempting signal suppression.

Man's voice: No more holding back.

Do it now.


What the hell was that?

Shut down. Let's restart.


Aah! It's hot.


Male technician: Grab the extinguisher! Go, go, go, go, go!


(machine whirs)

(exhales) Do we have to do it again?



(phone vibrates)

Everything okay?

(knocking continues)

I'm on the phone.

(vibrating continues)

(thunder rumbling)

This is Kevin.

Man: Where are you with Holden?

I... I was in class all day. I...

What does he know?


And he... he's confused. He's scared.

You know, I... I really don't think he's the guy that you're looking for.

But if you give me some more time, I...

Time's up.

Wait, no, look, I'll get you what you want.

(line clicks)



(phone rings)

I'm here.

Man: Change of plans.

The shrink can no longer be trusted.

Oh, you don't say?

Do what you have to do.

I want to be certain he's the one.

Copy that.



♪ Then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man ♪
♪ Came singing songs of love ♪
♪ Then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man ♪
♪ Came singing songs of love ♪
♪ "Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy," he sang ♪



First time in a bar, they didn't even card me.

(chuckles) Yeah, well...

Two beers, Gus.

They know who you are.

Everyone knows who you are.

That's... comforting.

Listen, Kev, about the other day... you've always been there for me.

You always had my back.


Kevin? What... what is it?

I screwed up.

Listen, I don't know how much time we have, or what they plan to do.


You're in a lot of trouble.

What are you talking about?


Kevin, what the hell is going on?

Look, I brought you here to warn you.

Warn me? About what?

Dude, if this is some kind of joke...

Dammit, Holden! I'm not making this up.

They're going to be coming for you. I don't know when, I just know that they are real...

Who's coming for me?

Is it the... the girl?

The girl with the black hair, did she get to you?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.

Girl? What... what girl?

Holden, did someone thr*aten you?

No, she didn't thr*aten me.

She... tried to... to warn me.



Holden, Holden, Track your breath. Come on.

Breathe, buddy. Breathe.


Breathe. Breathe.

I gotta go. I'm gonna be sick.


Hey, look, it'll be okay.

We're gonna figure something out.

Don't worry about it. Just...

(Kevin grunt)

Holden: Kev?


Holden: Kev!

Let go of me!

Holden: No!


I know who you are.

More importantly, I know what you can do.

Show me.


Please, wait.

Come on, you can do it.

What are you talking about?

I don't know what you're talking about!


Then I'd say we have a problem.

Here's what's gonna happen... he's gonna pull the trigger, you're gonna stop that b*llet from entering your friend's brain.

No, no, no!

On the count of three.

No, please, no!


I'm not who you think I am!


Holden: Don't!

Holden, get in the car!



(breathing heavily)

You hit?

Holden! Are you hit?

No, no, I... No, I don't think so.

Kevin! No, we have to go back for Kevin.

Your friend is fine. They're not after him.

I thought... I thought they were gonna k*ll him.

They were gonna sh**t him unless I did something.

They needed validation.

Proof that you have what they're looking for.

I don't.

I don't! What, do you... what, do you... you think I can... I can stop a b*llet?

I know you can.

Did you all escape from the same mental hospital?

I can't even drive a car! I'm...

Who are you?

Holden... it's me...


Is... is that supposed to mean something to me?


I've never seen you before in my life.

Where are you taking me?

Somewhere safe.

No, look, I...

I just need to go home, please.

Please, take me home.

Can't take you home.

That's the first place they'll look for you.

What... what about my family?

Luke, my mom, my dad!


Safer without you.

No, I need to get to them! I need to warn them!

Please, stop the car!

Stop the car!

Stop the car!

I said stop the car!



Whoa! What the hell was that?


What did you do?

I didn't do anything, Holden.

You did.

You really don't remember, do you?

Remember what?

The past 12 years.

Your body was dormant, all those years lying in that hospital bed.

But your consciousness wasn't.

You lived a life those past 12 years, Holden.

I watched you grow up.

I watched you learn to do the things you can do.

This, this is nothing.

Just a scratch on the surface.

But beneath that surface is something dangerous if you don't learn to control it.

This is insane.

You're insane!

It's the truth!

Come with me.

Come with me and I'll help you.

No! I don't need your help!

I don't want your help!

I don't want any of this!

I want my old life back!

I can't give you your old life back, Holden.

No one can.

But I can show you the life you always wanted.

How would you know that?

Because... you told me.

Stay away from me.

If I see you again, I'm calling the cops.

Holden, please!



Sorry I'm late.

They got to him first.

I had to intervene.

He doesn't remember.

He's not ready.

(phone chimes)

They got to him once.

They can get him again.

It's only a matter of time.

(phone chimes)

And if we're too late?

