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01x07 - Danger Close

Posted: 12/28/16 04:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "sh**t"...

I need to talk to Kasper.

Alexander Prosovich gave me this number.

You're talking to him, Mr. Swagger.

Voydian left information for me.

They're all written by the same journalist, Karlina Ordenko.

Something about a city called Graznyole.

Dimitri Voydian.

One day you roll him up.

Next day he's found in pieces.



Annex B.

Looks like we've been hiring PMCs to handle off-book black ops.

This has w*r crimes written all over it.

Somebody saw us looking into this and they shut us down.

We're taking custody of him.

He's in violation of numerous articles of the UCMJ.

Who do I need to talk to then?

The Secretary of the Army.

Howard: It just doesn't add up.

Do you believe me now?

Yes, I believe you now.

We need to talk about your b*llet.

There are four r*fles in the world that are strong enough to fire a b*llet like this one.

That's a Black King, and that's one of them right there.

You find the other Black Kings, you find your sh**t.

[smooth rock music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Howard: Until we know if there's a mole in the building, we're gonna have to keep up appearances.

That means I'm gonna have to grill you on everything Swagger-related.

Understood, sir.

Where is he?

Nadine: I have no idea.

Howard: Does he have a plan?

Nadine: Yeah, he's looking for the real sh**t.

I honestly don't know much more.

He's not very talkative.

Howard: Stay close to him.

Keep building that trust.

Nadine: Will do.

Unfortunately with Payne gone, my leads on the Voydian connection to this whole thing have gone cold.

But I'm still convinced the Russians are behind everything.

Howard: All right, if we do this, we need to do it by the book.

So we can't let on we know how deep this thing goes.

It's just business as usual.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

I read your file on the Russians.

It's well done.

Thank you, sir.

Just because they all have ties to Dimitri Voydian doesn't necessarily mean that Payne k*lled them.

Oh, and it doesn't exactly scream conspiracy.

Karlina Ordenko, I need to speak to her.

So speak to her.

Julie: Hey you.

Mary finally went to sleep, so I have a minute to say hi.

Tonight we had mint chocolate chip, your favorite.

Somehow we finished the whole pint.

I wish you were here.

It's the simple moments when I miss you the most.

Man: ♪ Hot hands you're on to my neck ♪
♪ Black boots and her French heritage ♪

Bobby Lee: I wish I was there, too.

If it's any comfort, I'm making progress.

This is almost over, I promise.

I love you.

Man: ♪ Afraid, afraid ♪
♪ Do you get afraid, afraid, afraid ♪
♪ ♪

Anne: Jules, have you seen Mary's tutu?

She wants to wear it.

Yeah, it's just in the top drawer.

Uh-uh, she rearranged everything.

I can't find it.

[scoffs] What?

I will come help you.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

Jack: Lonnie.

Lonnie: Jack, come on in.

Jesus, Lon, what did you do, steal these chairs from the Lollypop Guild?

[both laugh]

Anyway, thanks for getting me out.

Didn't really give me much of a choice, did you?

You're in good spirits for someone whose face was plastered all over the news.

All missions suffer setbacks.

Yeah, a flat tire is a setback.

You're fully blown, Jack.

In the most spectacular way possible, I might add.

I think you should retire.

You'll be well compensated, and we'll set you up someplace nice.

How does Fiji sound?


Uh, ahoy there, Captain Bligh.

[both laugh]

Look, that sounds not so good, Lon.

I mean, come on, man, you can't touch me.

Okay, and I ain't going to Fiji or anywhere else.

I want $10 million or I'm going public with that.

Now, the resolution is shitty.

It's a cell phone video of my laptop screen.

The original is way better.

Just like every page of the complete, unredacted copy of the Annex B file, which I also have in my possession.

So you had the evidence all along?


I took it from Dimitri Voydian's body.

I thought it might make a good insurance plan.

I guess I was right.


You were wrong.

See, had you come in here and given me a thumb drive, I would have rewarded you.

And why would I do that?

Oh, I don't know.

Loyalty, for one.

Because it would have engendered my gratitude.

And because I've always considered you a friend.

Yeah, well, you talk real nice for a guy who has me surrounded by armed guards.


Jack, if I wanted to k*ll you, I would have had you thrown out of my jet at 35,000 feet.

Are you really this stupid?

I'm not giving you $10 million or anything.

From now on, you're on your own.

Well, then I guess I'll just have to go to the Feds.

Go ahead.

And by the way, it's Captain Ahab who had one leg, from "Moby d*ck."

I'll get you a copy.

You'll need something to read while you're awaiting trial.

Good seeing you.

[dog barking]

Colonel Singer.


You've known Colonel Singer all your life, and now out of the blue he's accessing classified files on Annex B?

You dug his grave when you asked him to help you.

Now you gotta fill it.

Singer doesn't know anything.

He knows you.

And he knows about Annex B.

There's careful, and then there's paranoid.

Singer's not dangerous.

And he's not some old lady either.

People will miss him.

You know...

I think you're forgetting your place.

My place?

Who the hell do you think you are?

You're a drunk with a security clearance.

And you're that assh*le who thought he could outsmart me.

Now work out your bullshit and then you go deal with Singer.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

Nadine Memphis. We spoke on the phone.

You are friend of Alexi?

Not exactly. I'm a Special Agent with the FBI.

Just need a few moments of your time.

[mutters in Russian]

I am very busy woman, Miss FBI.

I have no time to be harassed.

A Ukranian journalist by the name of Karlina Ordenko has gone missing. I need to talk to her.

I'd be very grateful if you could make some discreet inquiries.


I'm afraid I cannot help you.

The FBI is already aware of a number of potentially illegal operations with ties to you.

Just takes one push the set the dominoes tumbling.

We both know if you had something, you would have already used it.

You're right, I would. Move in.


[overlapping shouting]

Man: Show me your hands!

Man: Down on your knees!

This is a beauty salon.

You own three beauty salons for money laundering, an illegal casino on 8th, two brothels, and of course the entire Russian drug trade in the Pacific Northwest.

[speaking Russian] _

What are you looking for? Perhaps I can be helpful.

[indistinct chatter]

Man: What do you think? It's one of my favorites.

I like it.


What do you think?

[indistinct chatter]


Jones: Thank you.

Are you Mr. Jones?

Uh, I am, yeah, sir.

You loaded Wakefield's b*ll*ts in his thousand-yard bull's-eye at the Missoula Nationals, right?

Yeah, that was some damn fine sh**ting.

It sure was, man, but it was your b*ll*ts that gave him the edge.

He should split his winnings with you.

What can I do you for?

Well, my family's finally decided to unload some of Daddy's r*fles.

And, uh, you know anybody around here at the show that might be interested in an original 1941 Johnson?

Uh... Paul Helling, maybe.

He's got a booth on the other side.

You can't miss it.


Trust me, yeah.

Just tell him I sent you.

Will do. Thanks.

Thank you.

Quince: Man, I told you that handgun stuff was for pussies.

You want stopping power, spray and pray.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Excuse me.


You Paul Helling?

That is the name they gave me.

S.C. Jones sent me over to you.

Said you might be able to help me out.

Okay, well, if you're looking to sell, it would have to be something special.

I'm only interested in the best.

Well, what's the fanciest r*fle you got?

What, you trying to gauge the price before you show me?



That's okay.

That's okay, I don't blame you.

Smart play. Smart play.

But here's the thing.

Most long g*ns aren't worth much more than what you pay for 'em.


Often less.

Well, what about, like, a real special g*n?

Like this one I read about, uh, the Black King.

You got a Black King in there?

[both laugh]

Man, don't I wish. Shit.

I wish, too.

But they only made four?



Let me show you something.



Now, each of the individual g*ns, marked with its own king.

See what we got here? We got the King of Clubs.

Holy shit.

You ever fire it?

Have I ever fired it?


See that?

Shot that from 883 yards.

That's impressive.

Yeah, well, that's nothing compared to what this guy can do.


Here, hang on.

Look at this.


Watch that.



Man: Ain't no way he makes this shot.

Man: Damn, man, that's about 1,500 yards.


[cheers and applause]

That's six sh*ts, bolt action, 1,500 yards, all in the black.

Yeah, I just... I just got this yesterday.

I mean, it's great timing for me.

What's that guy's name?

Uh, Lon Scott.

Lon Scott.

He's a hell of a sh**t.

Oh, yeah.

Hold on there a second.

Anyone ever tell you you look like the marine who took a shot at the President?


No, man, sorry. Wrong guy.

I just want to have a better look.

Why don't you get out of my face?

[cocks g*n] I said I want a better look.


[tense music]

♪ ♪

[phone buzzes]


Bob Lee: Hey, it's me.

I think we found our sh**t.

Name's Lon Scott.

I just saw a video of him firing a Black King.

Lon Scott?

CEO of Anhur Dynamics? That doesn't make any sense.

Not yet, anyway.

So I'm headed out to their Virginia headquarters to give 'em a visit, start putting the pieces together.

Oh, and, uh...

I got into a little jam in Bozeman.

If it ends up on the FBI's radar, you might want to squash that for me.

Little jam? What do you mean?


Bob Lee: Thanks.

My office.

What's up?

Close the door.

Just got word there was a sh**ting at a g*n show in Montana.


One wounded, non-life-threatening.

[sighs] That's a relief.

It would be if several witnesses didn't see Swagger in the middle of the melee.

Any proof?

All right, look, I know you're talking to him.

You need to tell him to be more careful.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


Isaac: Let's take a walk.

You really think we should be seen together?

It's important.

Why can't we talk here?

Look, I owe you.

I'm gonna make it right. Trust me.

You don't have anything to fear with me.

Hi, Jim.

Oh, here.

I appreciate it, and I'm keeping track of everything.

Is Bob Lee alive?


Is he alive?

Come on, Jim, you know that he's not.

Do I?

They never found his body.

Jim, I don't understand. What's going on?

We took you into our home, Julie.

We opened ourselves up to this madness.

I hope you understand how much your sister has done for you.

I do and I'm grateful.

The sooner we get this all behind us, the better.

Man: ♪ I moved into this neighborhood ♪
♪ To get back on my feet ♪
♪ For a while everything was going just fine ♪

[phone chirps]

♪ ♪
♪ But then a brand-new bar opened on this very street ♪
♪ That's where I spend most of my time ♪
♪ Well the bar room is too close ♪

[siren whoops]

Man: ♪ To my home ♪


[siren whoops]

Damn it.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Good afternoon.

Well, it was until about 30 seconds ago.

I didn't think I was speeding.

Oh, you weren't.

You got a broken taillight cover.

I do?

Man, that must have just happened.

I'm gonna need to see your license and registration, please, sir.

Of course.

And, uh...

Oh, shit!

You're never gonna believe this, man, but I think I left my wallet back at the motel.

And where are you staying?

Skyline Motel, just up the road.

I'm out here visiting my in-laws, and I don't wanna stay with them, so...

Are you the owner of this vehicle?

Yes, sir. Leo McGovern.

Okay, sit tight, Leo.

I'm gonna call it in.


[tires squeal]


[phone buzzes]


[line rings]

Talk to me.

My people have made contact with Ordenko.

Where is she?

She's in Moscow.

But she's terrified of being found by the FSB, so she keeps moving to a new location every few hours.

Does she have access to a computer?


I want you to tell her to Skype me, 10:00 A.M. Moscow time.

I'll be standing by.
[tense music]

♪ ♪

[engine sputters]

♪ [Death From Above 1979's "Trainwreck 1979"] ♪

♪ ♪

Man: ♪ I was born on the highway ♪
♪ In a train wreck ♪
♪ With a heart ♪
♪ That was beating ♪
♪ Out of my chest ♪
♪ So now if I follow it around the world ♪
♪ I can't keep up ♪
♪ If I don't get it soon ♪
♪ I know I'll bleed until I drop ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ 'Cause I want it all ♪
♪ I can't get enough ♪
♪ 'Cause I want it all ♪
♪ I can't get enough ♪
♪ Get enough ♪
♪ I can't get enough ♪

[sirens whooping]

Who's in charge?

Lieutenant's on site, sir.


So I understand you had an interesting customer today.

Tell me everything you two discussed.

[sighs] I already told the cops.

Now you're gonna tell me.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[computer chimes]

Miss Ordenko, can you hear me okay?

Yes, I can hear you.

I'm Special Agent Nadine Memphis.

I'm with the FBI.

I'm glad I finally have a chance to talk to you.

I don't have much time.


I know you were trying to get Dimitri Voydian information.

He was going to pass it to me.

Where is Dimitri?

He's dead.

He was a good man.

A patriot.

And the microdrive, is it gone?

Yes, it's gone.

Was there more about Graznyole?

It was much more than just Graznyole.

They wiped out whole villages.

I saw the smoke coming from the piles of burning bodies.

Infants crying, looking for their mothers.

What they did wasn't human.

No government can stand in their way.

And now the proof is gone.

I can protect you, Karlina.

Look, I want you to go to the U.S. Embassy.

I'm gonna give them a call.

I can be on a plane in a few hours.

No. No, no, I won't be safe in U.S. Embassy.

The microdrive had a lot more information.

Very, very classified information.

Files on the U.S. involvement...

[static, distortion]

...called Annex B files.

Wait, what's Annex B?

And all the operations... [distortion]


[distortion, static]


Say again? Karlina...

[static] ...responsible for many, many death.

I-I can't understand you. Karlina, you're breaking up.

[glass shatters] Oh... Oh, my God.

They found me! They found me!

Karlina? [screams]



[clattering, Karlina screaming]


[loud thuds]

[speaking Russian] _

[breathing heavily]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[phone buzzes]

Yeah, what?

You got a big problem.

He found the sh**t.

What the hell are you talking about?

Lon Scott. It's him, right?

You calling from a secure line?

Oh, now you're concerned if shit is secure?

I asked you a damn question.

Is Lon Scott the sh**t?

[clears throat]

The guy is basically Howard Hughes.

He's completely off the grid.

No way he'd expose himself.

He exposed himself all right.

He unzipped his fly all the way down.

Bob Lee is headed to Virginia.

I'm guessing he's planning a rendezvous.

Lon has plenty of protection, trust me.

Do you realize how completely screwed we are?

The CIA hired a private military contractor to assassinate a foreign national on American soil.

It's a mouthful.

This thing started out as bad and now it's worse.

If I were you, I'd be packing bags.

I don't have any bags, Johnson.

How 'bout you?


Freaky, huh?

Sort of like Elvis.

I hate it when the media won't let something go.

Anne: Lunch is ready.

Mary, come on.

Last chance to answer the question.

We would all be implicated.

You know I'm right.

Right about what?


Jim was just mentioning how the media can't seem to move on from everything.

I'll go get Mary.

Jesus Christ, Memphis.

Can't this wait till I get upstairs?

Karlina Ordenko is dead.

She was m*rder*d last night while I watched.

Oh... Oh, my God.

They found me! They found me!

[clattering, screaming]


They were definitely professionals, Russian FSB or worse.

[speaking Russian]

Sir, they know who I am.

It's time that we handed this off.

I'm gonna get us a sit-down with the director.

No. I mean, we can't prove anything.

I can't even find any articles she's written other than the ones we printed.

She's being erased.

Going somewhere?

No, I just pack all my belongings for exercise.

Well, you can stop packing. You're not going anywhere.

Karlina Ordenko is dead.

You sold her out. You got her k*lled.

You think I want this kind of heat?

I didn't get her k*lled. You did.

And now because of you, I have to run.

Who did this, Kasper? Who k*lled her?

If I had known you were involving me with jackals like Grigory Krukov, I would have told you to go f... yourself.

Who's Grigory Krukov?

You want to arrest me? Do it now.

Otherwise get the hell out of here.

I'm done talking to you.

People who talk to you end up dead.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You know Swagger's on his way here, right?

I'd hoped so.

For the love of God, why?

Because you failed.

Now I'm gonna finish it.

Swagger is a lot smarter than any of us realized.

Smarter than you. Not us.

Said by the guy posting videos of himself on YouTube?

Swagger is a hunter, possibly one of the best this country has ever produced.

If he thought I was hunting him, he would have never come.

The trick is to make him think he's in control.

Now he does.

So the video worked.

I don't mean to be an assh*le, but he's coming, he's coming hard.

I appreciate your concern, Hugh.

But your paternal instincts would be better focused on Jack Payne.

Turns out he's had the Annex B files all along.

Please tell me he's locked up somewhere in this building.

No, but he won't be hard to find.

He wants $10 million for the files.

If I were you, I'd pay him.



[indistinct chatter]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[phone rings]


♪ ♪


Hi, I'm Special Agent Nadine Memphis.

Jim, right?

Julie Swagger's brother-in-law?

Yes, yes. Agent Memphis, I have something I think you're gonna want to see.

[indistinct chatter]

Good afternoon.

Hey, package for Lon Scott?

I'll sign for it.

It says here he needs to sign.

Mr. Scott isn't here.

I can sign, or you can send it back.

I'll just leave it here.

Hey, man, I think you have a package for me.

Don't think so.

You mind checking today's deliveries?

It'd save me a trip downtown.

Sure. I'm parked over here.

I'm not here to k*ll you. I just want to talk, all right?

Is that what you told Donny's mom?

I didn't have a choice.

She was 70 years old, man.

She didn't do a damn thing.

If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else.

You shouldn't have gone there.

You shouldn't have gone there!

I just don't want anyone else to get hurt.


It's Claire.

I just received an odd package for Mr. Scott.

If we don't start working together...


You seem to be under the assumption that I need you.

I know you're on to Lon Scott, and you are going to need help.

Those boys you encountered back in Idaho, they're a tiny fraction of the men he commands.

Yeah, well, I left them in the dirt.

Someday I'm gonna do the same thing to you.

Whether or not you want to admit it, you need my help.

You can't stop these guys alone.

How far are you willing to go, Captain Johnson?

Are you willing to destroy your life to save mine?

Turn yourself in?

Go to jail for k*lling Donny's mom?

I didn't think so.

You're not trying to help me. You're helping yourself.

At this point, there's no difference.

Just because you realized you're expendable, doesn't make us partners.

That doesn't mean we don't need to be.

[intense music]

♪ ♪

Don't worry.

I can bury it on my end.

I just wanted you to be aware of the situation.

I'll take care of it.

Thanks for looking out.

[door opens, closes]

What the hell are you doing? Shut up!

You shut up. You went to the FBI?

I mean, how stupid can you possibly be?

You don't like me, Jim? That's fine.

You don't like Bob Lee? That's fine.

But if you ever, ever thr*aten my daughter ever again, so help me God, I will bury you in your own backyard and never think about you again.

Do you understand?

Yes, yes, I understand. Jesus.

Jesus can't help you.

You're leaving town now on a business trip.

On a business trip?

You're not coming back until this is over.

Am I clear? Am I clear?

What about Anne?

If my sister knew what you did, she'd help me dig the f... ing hole.


Are you clear?

Singer: Clear?

Thanks to you, I have to uproot my life and drag my wife to Afghanistan.

You really screwed me, man.

I'm sorry, Justin.

I'm doing the best that I can.

It's only a one-year assignment.

Trust me, the alternative was worse.

Do me a favor and lose my contact info.

I don't know what happened to you, but I don't want to know you anymore.


[line ringing]

[phone rings]


Isaac: When you go to the store tomorrow, don't forget to pick up some blueberries.

I won't forget.

[tea kettle whistling]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[line ringing]

[phone buzzes]


Karlina Ordenko is dead.

I believe a man named Grigory Krukov gave the order to have her k*lled.

He's a high-ranking member of the FSB.

His diplomatic cover is that of a senior delegate of the Russian Ministry of Trade, who are directly connected to Anhur Dynamics.

I did some checking, and it seems out good friend Jack Payne was once an employee of Anhur.

All roads lead back to Anhur Dynamics.

♪ ♪

I need you here.

It's time to end this.

Please, I can't do this without you.


Come in.

What's up?

I need a favor.

I need you to suspend me.

Suspend you?

What the hell are you talking about?

I need you to trust me on this.

♪ ♪


[line ringing]

Woman: Good afternoon. Anhur Dynamics.

How may I direct your call?

I want to speak with Lon Scott.

Tell him it's Bob Lee Swagger.

[phone rings]


When you set bait, it's important you clear your own smell.

Otherwise even a starving animal will know it's a trap.

And what will the starving animal do then?

You're about to find out.

[intense music]

♪ ♪