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02x07 - Land O' Smiles

Posted: 12/18/16 16:33
by bunniefuu
[Film Projector Starts]

♪ Edelweiss, edelweiss ♪
♪ Every morning you greet me ♪
♪ Small and white ♪
♪ Clean and bright ♪
♪ You look happy to see me ♪
♪ Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow ♪
♪ Bloom and grow forever ♪
♪ Edelweiss, edelweiss ♪
♪ Bless my homeland forever ♪

[Frank Reciting Hebrew Prayer]

We were slaves to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt, and the Lord our God took us out from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm.

Uncle Frank, who's Pharaoh?

Uh, the Pharaoh was a ruler and... a tyrant.

Are our rulers tyrants?

Laura: It's not safe here, Frank.




[Hissing Continues]


[Hissing Becomes Louder]

[Stammering] No, no, no no!

Uncle Frank!

No, no, no!

Don't breathe! Hold your breath! No!

John, Emily, don't breathe!

Uncle Frank!

No! No! Don't... Don't breathe!

Don't breathe! Don't breathe!


Well what?

What do you think?

I think you don't really want to know what I think.

I mean, no offense, but you're not the only white guy who wants a girl to look like a Pon.

I'm not like those men.


Why don't you just tell me what you want me to do?


Uh, I... I would like you to say Gokigen-yoh.


Danna-sama-wa, I-ki-na-o-hi-to, désukoto.

Danna-sama-wa, I-ki-wa...


I-ki-na-o-hi-to, deskotu.


All right, uh, again, please.

Danna-sama-wa, I-kina- o-hi-to, désukoto.

Danna-sama-wa, I-ki-na-o-hi-to, désukoto.

You have no idea what you're saying, do you?

Does it matter?

It's dirty talk, right?

Once again. And this time, just... with real feeling.

Are the cufflinks finished?


I just need to polish them.

Well, get a move on.

Everything must be absolutely "pafekuto."


You do know what today is.

Of course I do.

Have you seen Frank?

No, I have not.

You're welcome to join me, Mr. Frink.

No thanks. I don't, uh...

Fair enough.

I'm Hagan.


I saw you at Karen's service.

I'm not a Reverend anymore.

Right. No.

Now you're... a what?

A fighter.

How does that sit with God?

The problem with promising people their reward in heaven is they're liable to sit on their asses here on Earth, eating shit and hoping they'll sprout wings real soon.

That's why I didn't mind so much when they de-frocked us.

You know, I thought Jesus might approve of that.

He didn't need a dog collar to make people sit up and take notice.

What about turning the other cheek?

Christ was no pacifist.

He lived in a suffering society, too.

That old King James translation?

Resist all evil?

Bullshit propaganda, my friend.

Amen to that.


Hagan, here, showed me the path, Frank.

He'll show you too, if you care to listen.

Thanks for coming, brother.

What's going on?

I asked you here because that expl*sive you recovered for us?

We're going to use it.

Hagan: We're going to divide it up to make smaller bombs, then we're going to use them to assassinate the top ranking Pons in the Pacific States.

Hit the bastards where it hurts.

There's a big-deal Pon general in town.

Thanks to you, we can take him out without sacrificing any of our people.

And you want my help to make the b*mb.

No. I want you and Sara to figure out where to place it.

Hagan's people have been tracking the general.

They think they've found a pattern.

He goes to the same place, same time every day.

You'll watch his route when he gets there, work out the best place to plant the expl*sive.

What about reprisals?

They'll get worse.


Gary: Good.

You know, if this is just a dry run, I can always go on my own.

That won't work.

Uh... just do as you're told. Okay, brother?


Pervitin to help with fatigue, Obetrol for my figure, Eukadol for my muscle pain, and of course cocaine for my sinuses.


I'm going to miss Dr. Adler. We all are.

You should really consider snagging yourself a doctor, Julia.

To keep you in prescriptions?

[Giggle] Well, that's what friends are for.

How's it going in here?

Glad to see our refugee is earning her keep.

Here, this will help oil the wheels of industry.

Um, you know, actually, I should probably get going.

You mean to say you dressed for a funeral, but you didn't intend to actually go?

I wasn't invited.

I just offered to help Lucy with the flowers, and thought I should dress appropriately.

Well, of course you should come.

I'm just teasing.

I'm sure there will be an eligible M.D. or two for you to meet.

We're going for poor Alice.



[Door Opens]

Sir, the witness positively identified Taishi Okamura as the man he saw at the barn, along with several known associates.

Then we have proof: The Yakuza have been working with the Nazis.

How should we proceed, sir?

Okamura is very powerful and not only in the Pacific States.

There can be no compromise.

[Organ Playing]

This is a sad day.

But under our glorious Führer, death is no longer a matter of sorrow alone.

No man is immortal.

And the life of an individual is necessarily finite.

But when that life is lived for the collective, as Gerry Adler's was, that tiny seed also becomes the very source of our communal immortality.

And that is what we have come together to celebrate today: Our common purpose.

Please stand.

Death is one with life.

A new spring will conquer the dark nights of winter.

The blood of the fallen and the tears of their loved ones will enrich the blessed soil of the Reich now and for all eternity.

Heil Hitler.

All: Heil Hitler!

Childan: Each cufflink is finely crafted with the black enamel Gothic style letter L on an engraved ground of scrollworks surrounded by a delicate gold frame with bronze hold-backs on verso.

These, are, of course, the very monogrammed sleeve buttons worn by President Abraham Lincoln on that fateful night of April 14, 1865, and were later authenticated by the President's own son, Robert Lincoln, in 1922.

Why are they not advertised in your catalog?

Uh, well, obviously, uh, for insurance purposes.

Insurance purposes?

Yes. These... These would double my premium.

Perhaps another day.

Tell him the real reason, Bob.

The real reason?

I'm Ed, Bob's associate.

Frankly, the real reason why they're not listed in our catalog is... it would be too risky.



[Speaking Japanese]


See, originally, only one of the cufflinks was found.

The other went missing the night of the assassination.

Now, Robert Lincoln searched the President's box himself.

But the second cufflink was nowhere to be found.

He spent a considerable amount of time and money searching for it... over 50 years, in fact.

But then, on the night of May 30, 1922, just after the dedication ceremony for the Lincoln Memorial, Robert Lincoln, who was in his late 70s, was approached by a man named Theodore Kipling.

Now, Theodore Kipling had worked as an usher at the Ford's Theater the night the President was shot.

He claimed he found the missing cufflink that night and agreed to return it to the President's son for a price.

Five thousand dollars.

So Lincoln agrees to meet Kipling later that night to exchange the money for the cufflink.

Three days later, Kipling's body was fished from the Potomac with a rare .41 caliber b*llet hole in his forehead.

Not long after that, the cufflinks had been mysteriously reunited.

Now, no one was ever arrested for Kipling's m*rder.

However, when Robert Lincoln died, among his possessions was a rare Colt single-shot .41 caliber colt derringer.

It's now time for the eulogy.

I asked Obergruppenführer Smith to speak about the noble work being done by our doctors on behalf of all of us and for the future of the Reich.

If you would step up here please, John.

Orator Hanley did ask me to say a few words... ahem... on the subject of Gerry's... professional diligence.

Uh... but I decided to go another way.

When I sat down to think about what I wanted to say about Gerry Adler...

I realized it all came down to one thing... the family.


Gerry was a family man.

And I don't just mean his intense pride in his two fine boys and his beautiful wife.

Nor am I talking about the fact that, through his work as a doctor, he... he came to be a part of all of our families.

No, What I mean is that... a man is only ever as strong as the people around him: The community he serves and the family he is sworn to protect.

Whatever strength he has... he draws from them.

And for them... he must be prepared to give everything... his life for his blood... or else... or else everything he has done... has been for nothing.

He is nothing.

Now, if you'll please stand and join me in singing "Der gute Kamerad."

[Organ Plays]

[No Audible Dialogue]



[Distorted Voices]



Thom... Thomas?


Let's go, honey.

Guess the Yakuza will have to k*ll someone else this week.

Well, I'm sure that won't be a problem for them.

Well, I better get this to them.

Wait, wait, wait.

Mr. Frink got us into this mess.

He should be the one to... make the drop.

It's okay. I'll do it. You don't have to come.

You do realize they're just as likely to k*ll you as they are to honor the deal.

They want us to keep paying them, don't they?

These are not reasonable men.

Yes, they love money, but sometimes not as much as inflicting pain, particularly on gaijin.

Well, it's better that it's just me, then.


You're a very strange specimen.

You proved today that you may have hidden talents... admittedly buried very deeply.

And the devotion that you and Mr. Frink show each other would be touching if the two of you hadn't so thoroughly ruined my life.

And it weren't so futsuri-ai.

You're growing on me, too, Bob.

What's that word mean?


You're a grown man, Mr. McCarthy.

When are you going to step out of your friend's shadow and spread your wings?

Me and Frank take care of each other.

Wish me luck, Bob.


You know nothing of the linguistic nuances of Japanese and are therefore liable to say something that might get me k*lled too.

I'll come with you.

But you gotta stop calling me Bob.

[Man Shouting In Japanese]


How long are we going to have to wait?
Sara: The general will be here any moment now.

You sure that's where he'll come in from?

I'm sure.


You know, you have more in common with him than you think.

You both see me as a Pon.

Well, since you are telling me what I think.

So tell me I'm wrong.

Tell me the reason you wanted to do this alone isn't because you regret having sex with a filthy Pon.

You know, you don't get to decide what I am.

I'm American.

Wherever you were born, you don't know what it is to be treated like a piece of shit every minute of every day because of what you look like.

I grew up in a concentration camp.

It wasn't all that long ago the white male called the sh*ts.

But not this white male.

What do you mean?

My family name is... was... Fink.

I'm Jewish according to the law.

I don't get to decide what I am, either.

Makes no difference to me what you are.

You can't say the same about me, can you?

Here he comes.


There's a lot of security for a grain warehouse.

Why does a general come here every day?

Get ready to move. Watch where he goes.

I'm going to follow along like I'm delivering food, right?

Take the trash to the dumpster over there.

And remember, look for wherever he's most isolated.

[Speaking Japanese]


Where are you going?

[Shouting In Japanese]


Sara: Hey! You!


Stay back!

Hey, you!



You blew it, Frank.

Gary: If you can't follow orders, we're going to have a serious f*cking problem, brother.

There isn't time for what you're planning.

What are you talking about?

The badges... There isn't time.


All right, my buddy Ed, he was always in the hospital.

I was usually with him.

In the X-ray department, they wear radiation badges.

That's why the Pon general is here and why they're pumping enough power into that place to run a small city.


Because they're building an atomic b*mb.

You got that from a badge?

Not just that the badge.

The film. In the film we lost, it didn't just show me being ex*cuted by the n*zi.

It showed this city being destroyed by an A-b*mb.

If the Pons are building an A-b*mb here and the Nazis find out...

They'll wipe it out.

And all of us with it.

Sara: So what the hell do we do?

We change your plan.

Gary: How?

We bring a plague to the Pharaohs.


Hey. How are you?

How are you doing?

I was worried about you at the church.

Oh, I'm fine.

Mom says I'm...

I'm over-exercising myself lately.

She's probably right, but I need to get in good shape.


Aren't you gonna ask me why?

Yes. I'm sorry. Why?

You know...

Thomas, would you check on your sisters, please?

But you said earlier that I could stay.

That was before you almost fainted from overexertion.

Let's go.

Maybe I'll see you later?

Come on.

[Rhythm Section Playing]

[Woman Singing Jazzy Song In Japanese]

[Speaking Japanese]


Oh, God.

Linguistic nuances of Japanese?

What the hell did you say to him?

I assure you it was nothing I did.

How low did you bow?

Low enough!

[Muffled g*nshots, Shouting]

Clear the building.

[g*nshots, Shouting Continue]


Get out.

[Speaking Japanese]

[Piano Playing Classical]

Everything all right?


He had some sort of an episode at the church.

An episode?

One of the "absence" seizures from the medical report that you showed me.

It only lasted a few seconds, but it was like... it was like he died and then he came back to me.

He's okay now?

Yeah, I sent him upstairs to rest.

He thinks it was overexertion.

But we may need to speed things up, John.

Oh, Julia, can I introduce...

Henry Collins.

You are every bit as beautiful as she's described.

How are you finding life in civilization?

Uh, very different but fascinating.


I was listening to people talk today about what Dr. Adler had to do as part of his job, thinking about a friend of mine whose lungs were damaged when he was young, from gas.

There's no cure.

What would have happened to him here?

Well, he'd be spared any physical suffering and also the ignominy of being a useless eater.

Some people think that's an ugly phrase, you know: Useless eater.

He got death threats, you know...

Gerry, all the time.


John. Oh, good. I need to talk to you.

Did you know that Gerry got death threats?

Of course.

And the doctor that did his last physical said he had the heart of a much younger man.

These things don't make sense.

How can a man with a good heart just... just drop dead?

Why don't we go into the kitchen?

Okay? Come on.


I-Is John coming?

Excuse me.


What happened is just... is just a terrible tragedy, Alice.

But what if it's more than that?

Alice, honey...

Uh, I don't, uh...

I didn't allow them to cremate him today.

You didn't?

Because we might want an autopsy.

Don't you think?

Um, I'm... I'm not sure this is maybe the right place to discuss this.

How about we, uh, find one of your boys who can give you a lift home?

It's been a long day, honey.

But we... we will talk?

Yes, of course we will.

Yes, we will.

Helen, I should be going now.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything.

Don't go yet, Julia. I'd like you to stay.

I would. I just have so much studying to do.


[Speaking Japanese]

I require an explanation for what transpired today.

Hai, Kakka.

Taishi Okamura was a traitor.

He was Yakuza.

And exploiting his position to spy for the Nazis against the Empire.

You have evidence of this?

Hai. I would not have acted without it.

Nor without placing your family in protective custody.

I should have been informed at the same time you made those arrangements.

I apologize, but I had to act quickly.

I fear you have been here too long, Kido-tai'i.

[Imitating g*nf*re]

Too many Westerns. [Chuckling]

We have nothing to learn from the gaijin.

I admire your decisiveness, particularly in sensitive situations, as with the attempt on the life of His Highness.

I will ensure the clan is aware of Okamura's treachery.

But hierarchy must be respected.


So... now I know everything?

Hai, Kakka.




Pick things up pretty quickly, don't you?

I think you might be overestimating me.

Mm, I don't think so.

Thank you for your help today.

I was... glad to be a part of it.

It's quite something, seeing everyone pull together like that.

Well, like I told you, this is a place where people look out for each other.

Julia, I don't want there to be any confusion between us.

What happened at the church today with Thomas...

I don't know what you think you saw, but you're new here... and I wanted to make sure you understand how important it is not to jump to any conclusions... because it could be dangerous.

Helen, what I saw today was a sweet boy... who's been overexerting himself, becoming emotional at the funeral of a close family friend.

No confusion.

Let's drink to that.

♪ I'm gonna buy a paper doll ♪
♪ That I can call my own ♪
♪ A doll that other fellows cannot steal ♪
♪ And then the flirty, flirty guys ♪
♪ With their flirty, flirty eyes ♪

So... who was she?

The girl this morning.

Yeah, she was a... work in progress.

A beautiful one.

What about you?

Has there ever been anyone special?

Aside from Mr. Frink, of course. [Snicker]



There was.

But she's not around anymore.

Did she die?


She just had to go away.

[Door Opens]

Did you make the sale?

[Mocking] Did you make the sale?


Ed: So where were you?

Out with your new Japanese girlfriend?

Grow up.

What? Don't tell me.

I should be worried about my lungs.

No, I wasn't thinking that.

Well, good.

Because I'm, uh...

Spreading your wings.

I'm spreading my wings.

[Childan Laughing]

Come on. It's my one vice.

[Ed Chuckles]

And it's legal.

We're celebrating.

Celebrating what?

Taishi's dead.

We're free.

It's over.

He's dead?


It's true.

A new Yakuza boss will take the place of the late Mr. Okamura, but all outstanding debts are non-transferable.

We're f*cking free, Frank.

You check on Thomas?

He's fine.

Poor Alice was in quite a state, wasn't she?

Tell me exactly what happened with Thomas.

Who else was there?

It was quick.

Next time, we might not be so lucky.

Did anybody else see it happen?


I grabbed his arm just in time.

[Phone Rings]





Obergruppenführer Smith.

Reichsführer Himmler.

Ja Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler.


John, what is it?

No man is immortal.