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02x05 - Duck and Cover

Posted: 12/18/16 16:33
by bunniefuu
[Film Projector Starts]

♪ Edelweiss, edelweiss ♪
♪ Every morning you greet me ♪
♪ Small and white ♪
♪ Clean and bright ♪
♪ You look happy to see me ♪
♪ Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow ♪
♪ Bloom and grow forever ♪
♪ Edelweiss, edelweiss ♪
♪ Bless my homeland forever ♪



[Car Engine Starts]

[Car Drives Away]


♪ I run the boardinghouse ♪
♪ And I run the laundry ♪
♪ We have chop suey every Thursday noon ♪


Man: Salisbury steaks in brown gravy.

A new frozen main dish. A taste of home.

Your own sh**ting gallery?

You bet, with the...


The United States continues to reinforce its Cuban base at Guantanamo Bay, the naval depot that Castro wants the U.S. to give up.

These marines have been assigned the job of protecting the base against any Cuban threats that might arise during the present crisis.

They'll be on 24-hour alert... our first line of defense.


I hear you've been looking for me.

I'm George Dixon.

I disconnected the microphones in your room and the tap on the phone so we can talk.

But they can still see you.

Who is able to see me?

You really should not have come here.

Listen, I came here to find you.

My mom told me be the truth about you and Trudy.

You betrayed everything she died for.

You're Resistance.

Those men who just tried to k*ll me, are they with you?

Since Trudy loved you, I'm going to give you this advice just once.

Run away, far away.

We will never forget what you did.

Don't hang up.

Goodbye, Juliana.

The Man in the High Castle sent me.



Tomorrow 8 a.m.

Walk west into Central Park, past the Chancellor's Museum towards the lake at East 79th Street.

You got it?


How will I find you?

I'll find you.

Sit beside me.

Why here?

I don't want to end up in a Gestapo basement.

I'm not a n*zi.

Did you or did you not give Joe Blake the film and let him escape?

Not for the reasons you think.

So it's coincidence you're sponsored by the most evil son of a bitch in the American Reich.

What are you talking about?

John Smith.

Do you know how many people he's had k*lled?

No, I just met him.

I don't know what he wants from me, either.

Well, he didn't grant you asylum out of the kindness of his own heart.

I'm guessing it has something to do with the Man you mentioned.

You're in his films, George.

What the hell are you talking about?

In one of them, San Francisco's destroyed by an atomic blast.


It's part of why I came to find you.

He thinks you've got something to do with causing it.

Me? How?

I don't know.


I don't know.

San Francisco is my home.

I hate the Pons, but I want to go back there one day.

There are people there that I love.

So you can't think of any reason why...

No. Of course not.

If I thought for a second that he was right, I'd... I'd put a b*llet in my own head.

Then maybe this is enough: Me warning you.

Maybe this is enough to stop it happening.

If he wanted to talk to me, he knows where I am.

Why would he send you?

He didn't exactly send me.

Look, he knew that I knew you from his films somehow, but...

Listen, my mom told me the truth about you and Trudy, but I just had this feeling, and I knew it had to be me who found you, that... this is all happening for a reason.

That's really why you came here?

You have to believe me.

Juliana: George.


It's okay.

Don't make me regret this.

Let's go.


You'll find out.

[Line Ringing]

Girl: Hello.



It... Yeah, it's Thomas.

I tried to find you after school yesterday.

I heard you're going to the mixer with Barker?


He asked me yesterday after school.


Yeah. That's okay. I understand.

He's, uh, really athletic and all.

[Singsong] Tommy's in love.

Tommy and Annie, sitting in a tree.


That's enough.

Thomas, are you there?

Gotta go. Bye.


I'm sorry, Mother.

Don't be sorry. Just have a seat, please.

Tommy's in love. [Kiss Noises]

Shut up.

Did I just hear "Shut up"?

Sorry, Father. Jennifer was teasing me.

No teasing at the table, please, or anywhere else.

Thomas, is that a little peach fuzz I see on that chin of yours?

[Amy And Jennifer Giggle]

I have an extra razor you could use before we get you your own.

Thank you, Father.

Why don't I cancel Julia tonight?

Just the family for dinner.

Such short notice.

We don't want to be rude, do we?

I'm sure she's tired from the move.

Ah, she'll be fine.

Everything will be fine.




Everything go all right?

Yeah. It went fine. Where's Childan?

Childan's here, left alone, unpleasantly, with the Conspiracy King.

You'd be smart to take that Heydrich tip.

Depending on how that plays out, it could shift the power balance.

Yes, well, it's already shifted my blood pressure sharply upward.

You two work it out.

I'm gonna take a shower, clean up.


We need to talk.


Where have you been?

Stashing the expl*sive.

All night?

You have got to be kidding me.

You and that...

So what about the stuff?

What are they gonna do with it?

I didn't ask. The less we know, the better.

We shouldn't have done that, Frank.

We should not have helped them.

Come on. Tell me it didn't feel good.

It didn't.

We're not like those people, Frank.

Yeah, well, maybe we should be.


A little privacy, please?

_ [Joe Speaking German]



I was informed you were leaving.

Have you come to see me off or stop me?

I will not force you to stay, but there is something I need to ask from you.

What's that?

I need you to come with me.

There's something I need to show you.

My plane leaves at 3.

I won't let it leave without you.

We'll drop you at the airport after.

After what?

After you hear the truth.

Please. This is important, even more important for you than me.

What is this place?

The Jews built it as a nursing home before the w*r.

A poor investment.

We renamed it Haus Fruhlingsdammerung: Spring Dawn House.

We won't be long.

Come this way.

Have you heard of the term Lebensborn?

No? I think the translation is, uh, "Fountain of Life."

Yeah, guys in school used to talk about those Fountain of Life places.

Weren't they cat houses for the top guys in the Reich?

That was a myth about them.

What was, and indeed remains real, is the Führer's desire to perfect the species.

And Lebensborn is... an early attempt to that end.

I think it... This way. This way. Ja.

You see, this facility was phased out in the late '40s after it failed to deliver the desired results.

But there are still some who still see the children of Lebensborn as the chosen ones... the Führer's own offspring.

I guess there's a point to this, right?


Racially desirable women volunteered to have their babies at the Lebensborn birthing houses to be raised in line with the Party ideals.

Places like this one were to provide the next generation of the SS elite.

So this was a birthing house.

This was... your birthing house, Josef.

What the hell are you talking about?

You were born here on April 10, 1935, at 7:32 in the morning.

No, I wasn't.

On August the following year, you were kidnapped and taken to America.

No. I was born in Brooklyn in a filthy hovel that my mother couldn't afford because you abandoned us.

I'm sorry. That simply isn't true.

I understand how upsetting this must be.

You don't understand a thing about me.

When Elsa stole you, I wanted her caught and you brought back.

But I came to realize this program was wrong.

Its intentions were pure, but its methods were cruel.

I don't believe a word you're saying!

Your mother was right to take you away, Josef.

You must never blame her.

Stay the hell away from me.



[Knock On Door]

Yes, Sergeant.

Sir, our agents have located Juliana Crain in New York and are making arrangements.

Inform them I want her brought back immediately.

Sir, it may be more complicated than we thought.

Her asylum is being personally sponsored by Obergruppenführer Smith.

That is... very troubling.

Do we proceed with the operation anyway?

[Static On Radio]

The Nazis keep jamming the usual frequency, but they broadcast on a secondary...

[Rock Guitar Plays]

[Man Singing Rockabilly]

Juliana: What kind of music is this?

It's Pirate Radio, from the Neutral Zone.

A little reminder of what we're fighting for.

Unlike any music I've ever heard.

That's because it's illegal.

Too much of the n*gro influence.

So don't tune in at home if you don't want the Nazis listening.

You wouldn't know it, but this used to be a great city... before.

It was noisy and a little messy but... totally alive.

San Francisco, too.

You're too young to remember, aren't you?

I remember looking out the window with Trudy, watching the Japanese tanks rolling down the Embarcadero.

How did she get here?

Into the Reich.


I don't want to talk about Trudy.

Why not?

Because she worshiped the ground you walked on.

After what you did, even she couldn't forgive you.

If you think you knew my sister better than I did, you're wrong.

Here's the deal, kiddo.

Your father and I were best friends.

Your mother and I were... close.

So I don't want your blood on my hands.

What does that mean?

My people want you dead for what you did.

You sent them away.

Well, I'm not in charge.

The only reason they're letting me talk to you is to give you a chance.

Chance to what?

Redeem yourself.

Look, George, I can't get the film back.

Oh, they know that.

Then what do they want from me?


Tell me this isn't about Smith.

He's our top target.

We've come close, but...

I'm not an assassin, George.

Nobody's asking you to do that...

Not right now, at any rate.

I don't know what you think I can do.

We want you to get close to the Smiths and their friends.


Because my people are telling you to.

Look, you don't understand. They're playing at something.

They don't actually trust me.

Go figure.

Look, you tell your people that this isn't going to work.

You understand?

You really want me to do that?

Because it's the deal I struck with them to keep them from k*lling you.

I think I'm going to be sick.

You really shouldn't have helped that n*zi.

Did you ever love her?

Or was she just breeding stock?

Oh, I loved your mother.

And I was very proud of my first son.

Why didn't she tell me?

If she had told you the truth, how would you have reacted? Hmm?

My whole life is a lie.

Hmm. No, no, no, no, no.

Your actions define you.

And they do not lie.

I am proud of the man that you have become.

And who is that?

Who have I become?

You are a good man, worthy of my trust, Josef.

There is a world of possibilities here for you, if you want them.

I want very much for you to stay, but if you prefer to go to New York, I understand.

And I will no longer interfere.
[Knock On Door]

Oh, hey, what's going on?

I got your message.

Come in and find out.

How's Ed?

I kind of like Ed.

Oh, yeah? Uh, well, yeah, he likes you, too.

Frank, you did good yesterday.

Want a beer?

Nah, no thanks.

So you know what you're going to do with it?

The expl*sive?

Not your problem.

But it won't go to waste. Trust me.

Yeah. I trust you.

You all right?


Can I talk to you for a second?



I really feel like, uh, like I should be there, you know?

We both know where you need to be right now.

You're the only one standing between him and...

Yeah. I know. I know.

Leave this for me.



Look out for yourself, brother.

All right. You, too.


Be safe.

[Door Opens, Closes]

So what are we doing here?

What does it look like, Frank?

Wetting my whistle.

There's something I need to ask you about.


The films.

I need to know about them.


Because I saw the one that Juliana...

Because I saw myself die in it.

You were in the film?

Yeah, I was in...

I, uh, saw myself... get ex*cuted.

Then you know everything you need to know about the films, why we don't f*cking watch them.

I was on my knees. It never happened.

How could they have a film...

Ted Vecchione, 1947. Bobby Vecchione, 1949.

Sam Kyle... Karen's husband, 1961.

And now Karen herself... the last of the Vecchione family, 1962.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that it doesn't matter what you saw on those films.

We're all going to die.

The question is, do you want to die on your knees or do you want to die standing tall?

We have to go.

Come with us.

He came alone?

No appointment?

Yes, sir.

Chief Inspector Kido.

I am Obergruppenführer Smith.


To what do we owe the pleasure?

I come on the orders of General Onoda with a request.

For the extradition of Juliana Crain.

Please come in.

Well, this is a... it's a little awkward, I must say, Chief Inspector.

You see, Juliana Crain has been granted asylum here in the Reich.

But when that decision was made, the Reich may not have been in possession of all the facts.


Please take a seat.

Miss Crain is a known member of the Resistance.

She was involved in the m*rder of two of my officers.

We interviewed Miss Crain.

I'm satisfied she was never a member of the Resistance.

In fact, she sought refuge here because the Resistance is trying to k*ll her.

Yes, because she betrayed them after they brought her to meet the Man in the High Castle.

You have proof of this?

Erich, could you, uh, could you give us a moment?

[Door Opens]

[Door Closes]

The medal behind your desk.

Might I examine it more closely?

Be my guest.

The Solomon Islands.

Why display a medal from your U.S. military service?

I keep it as a reminder.

The consequences of the failure of command.

There were many casualties in that campaign.

On both sides.

You were there?

Yes, Obergruppenführer.

I was.

Tell me something, Chief Inspector.

Soldier to soldier.

You must have known before you came here I was going to refuse your extradition request.

Why are you really here?

Sir, if I may ask...

Listen to me, Erich.

I want you to erase all record of that meeting from the log.


He was never here.

[Classical Music Plays]






Good day, Miss Mills.

It's John Smith.

Well, hello.

Did I catch you at a bad time?

No, no, no.

I've just been doing a little house cleaning.

Cleanliness is a virtue here in the Reich.

Yes. Yes, I read that.

Glad you're fitting in.

Helen wanted me to ask you if you have any objection to pot roast.

Pot roast?

For dinner tonight.

That is if you can still make it?

Right. Uh, pot roast is wonderful.

Is there anything I can bring?

No, just yourself. See you at 7.

See you then.


Man: Mutual assured destruction is what McNarmara calls it.

And I say, damn right it is.

Woman: Never thought I'd look back on the world wars as quaint.

How's Tina taking it?

She must be scared out of her wits.

My Tina, she's in fourth grade, and they have her doing duck-and-cover exercises every single day.

Tell that to Nikita Khrushchev.

If you ask me, this wouldn't be happening if Eisenhower had let him go to Disneyland back in '59, like he wanted.

Well, I don't know about that, but I'll tell you, I can't sleep at night.

And I've tried everything: Yoga, deep breathing, wine.

[Conversation Becomes Fainter]

[Tagomi Breathing Heavily]


[Speaking German]

Josef, this is Sylvia.

She has looked after our family since I was a boy.


Guten Tag, Fräulein Silvia.

Heil Hitler.

[Door Opens]

[Door Closes]

The owner's away. We're closed.

Yes, I know.

What are you...

Mr. Childan could be back any second.

You missed our meeting, Mr. McCarthy.

I know. I couldn't get away.

We continue to let you live and your friend Frank live.


So I can be useful.

And are you being useful?

I told you about the counterfeiting.

That's all I know.

The Yakuza's dealings are of particular interest to us.

You think they are going to tell me anything?

A gaijin?

When do you make your first payment to them?

Soon, I hope. In a few days.

You will report directly to me after that meeting.

You will recount every detail.

And then we will decide if you're continuing to be useful.

I will. I swear.

Now could you please...

[Door Opens]

Looks nice.

I didn't hear you come in.

I was just saying... it looks nice.

Well, hopefully our guest will think so, since clearly she is the most important thing in our lives right now.


What did I say?

I'm taking care of it.

Trust me.

I'll go check the roast.

[Doorbell Rings]

Thomas: I'll get it.

Hi, Miss Mills.

Hello, Thomas.

I thought we agreed you'd call me Julia.

I don't think I'm supposed to.

Oh, you're an adult now, Thomas.

I think it should be fine.

Julia, welcome.

Thank you for having me, Obergruppenführer.

No, no, no, no. In my home I'm John.

John. Thank you.

Hello, Julia.

Oh, and what are those?

These are for you.

Wow. Beautiful.

Oh, my girls. Amy, Jennifer.

This is Miss Mills.


Jennifer, be a dear put that in a vase with some water.

Please, come through.

We'll put them on the table.


Frank: What is this?

It's a memorial... for Karen.

There are people here from the state of Washington, Baja, the Salt Lake.

Come on.

Man: As we gather tonight, we remember that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those that are crushed in spirit.

Remember too, that we are of good courage and would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord surrounded by the loved ones who went before us.

Of course, the Lord can see Karen, even though we cannot.

For precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

So let us lay this saint to rest.

And let us not linger, children, for the wolves will soon be upon our door.

You're one of us now.

The pot roast is delicious.

Mm. Very good.

Why, thank you.

You know, this tastes a little bit like pickled cabbage, is that right?

Is that what it is?

We like to call it sauerkraut.

This is sauerkraut?


You've never had sauerkraut before?

No, I haven't. It's a little hard to come by in the Pacific States.

Colleen Meyer said that the Japs eat dogs in the Pacific States.

Is that true?


No. The Japanese do not eat dogs, I promise.

What about cats?




[Phone Rings]



Excuse me.

[Helen Chuckles]




You know what I did hear, girls... that they eat raw fish.



Joe: Did you know?

Just tell me the truth.

It's good to hear from you, Joe.

How's Berlin?

Did you know I'm Lebensborn?

Yes, I knew.

Why didn't you tell me?

It wasn't my place.

You mean because it didn't benefit you.

That's the only reason you ever do anything, isn't it?

What I did I did for you, Joe.

You have a great future ahead of you.

And you thought I'd be useful to you.

Well, you're important to me, Joe.

I won't deny that.

We're done.

Helen: Everything okay, honey?

Everything's fine.

Mr. Washington. Right on time.

You about ready to go, Mr. A?

There's a stack inside.

Would you bring it out for me, please?

Don't want to get that nice suit all rumpled up, huh?


There's a...

There's a strong smell inside.

You noticed.

Like gas.

That's the smell of leaving, Lem, the smell of moving on.

What about the rest of them?

Nothing like a good spring cleaning.



You're back.

Why do you talk to me this way?

Why do you dishonor Mom?

Noriaki, please.

No, he needs to hear this.

The world's about to come to an end, and you disappear on another one of your benders?

I did not do what you say.

Woman: Nori?

[Baby Cries]

He's back, honey.


Thank God you're all right.

[Baby Continues Crying]