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03x06 - Wednesday's Child

Posted: 12/15/16 07:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Salem...

Man: (grunts)



I'm sorry.

(groans, screams)

She deserves it.

But the innocent life inside her womb does not!

That you spared me.

I know which one I want. Mercy.

She keeps their manhoods locked up in her room.

Go back. Go.

(screams, grunts)


Who did this?

Mercy: Drink it, and you, too, shall be free of my hold forever.

I do not want it.

I have earned my reward and my vengeance.

Boy: All shall be as we agreed.

Once you arrange this one last matter.

m*rder my brother.

There's one with child. Will you have a look?

I need to find him.

The baby's father?


Cotton Mather.

This is too nice for a wh...

For someone like me.

Anne: Nonsense.

This is now your room, for as long as you need it.

What will your father say?

My parents passed away during the plague.

I'm so sorry.

They're with the Lord now, and I can use their name and their fortune to help the less fortunate in Salem.

You were always so different from everyone else in this town.

So kind, so generous, even to a fallen woman.

In this world, no woman should judge another for the choices she's forced to make.

And I'm quite sure we are all fallen in one way or another.

But when we fall, we get back up.

Gloriana: (exhales deeply)

You need to get some rest, Gloriana, and look after yourself, and most important of all, the precious cargo of life you now carry.

Every life is precious, but I can't help feeling the little babe in your womb is especially so.

(exhales sharply)

("Cupid Carries a g*n" plays)

♪ Pound me the witch drums ♪
♪ Witch drums ♪
♪ Pound me the witch drums ♪
♪ Pound me the witch drums ♪
♪ The witch drums ♪
♪ Better pray for hell ♪
♪ Not hallelujah ♪

You look very fine in that gown, Mother.

I am happy to see you looking so ravishing.

And I am grateful to the Baron for restoring my gowns to me.

I'd forgotten what it feels like to dress properly.


He did right to do so.

Since today is indeed a day worth dressing for... a most special day.


♪ Married on Wednesday, Bedded on Thursday ♪
♪ Sickened on Friday, Died on Saturday ♪
♪ Buried on Sunday ♪

Every end must have its beginning.

And some of us have been awaiting this beginning of the end a very long time.

And now it is here.

This Sunday will at last be Black Sunday.

About time.


It is all about time, isn't it?

I'm sorry, dear brother, to have tested your patience.

It it not about me or you, But our brothers must be released.

I do not answer to them or you.

While you play with toys, they burn in Hell.

Perhaps I made a mistake choosing you, of all of them, to help me?

Then why now, my Lord?

Because inside and out, everything is finally ready.

These are the final five days of life in Salem.

When Black Sunday comes, all outside this house will perish, and all those fortunate souls inside the Sibley mansion will live to see the new era.

So let us savor these coming days, for soon we ring the change, and nothing will be the same.

Man: Open the gates! Open them for the wagon!

(indistinct conversations)

(man coughs)

It's John. It's John Alden, returned!

We're saved! What happened at Deerfield?

My son, he lives near the meeting house there.

I need to get a letter to him.

How close are the French?

Are we ready for them?

How stand our defenses?

(all speaking at once)

Man: Help us, John.

Woman: What did you see, John?

Are we ready? Help us.

(all speaking at once)

(indistinct conversations)

Where the hell have you been?

And why the hell have you taken so long?

The whole town's under attack, and there are no defenses.

Treasurer Putnam has disappeared.

Half of Salem thinks I did away with him and the other half thinks he's fled for safety to Boston and are preparing to do the same.

I saved your life, Alden, and I expected results.


There's no point in building a stockade.

The French have their hands on a w*apon that turns heart pine into kindling... a kind of powder that burns like a forge and can destroy an entire town with a single shot.

Such things exist only in the fevered dreams of alchemists.

Really, Captain, I expected more sense from a hardened soldier like yourself.

I've seen it with my own eyes in Deerfield.

The town turned to ash.

Hundreds of people k*lled in the blink of an eye, and Salem is next.

Hathorne: How can we possibly defend against that?

By making sure they don't take that shot... not from close enough to reach us.

Now, I'll build a perimeter around town.

I'll round up some men today.


That should do it.

Anything else I can get for our hero?

Shave, haircut... a meat pie?

Not for me.

All I need is home and sleep.

But you can ask the magistrate here.

He's paying.

If Salem's paying, you might as well get dinner out of it.

Two meat pies, please.

(cat meows)

I'm glad to see you alive.

The feeling isn't mutual.

Not for myself.

For Mary's sake.

And I have a mission for you.


You haven't even heard what the mission is.

I don't trust you.

I never have.

So the answer is no, unless I get to see my Mary, first.

I haven't laid eyes on her since she walked into that damn house.

It is dangerous.

And worse, a waste of the very thing we have the least of... time.

Time runs out, Mother.

If we don't do anything by Sunday, this blood will be all I have left of Mary Sibley.

Countess Marburg: Then shut up and feed it to me.

The more of her blood I have, the more I can help you.


Tell me before it is too late.

How can I make her mine, without that boy destroying us both?

You have powers. Use them. I told you.

I want the love of a free woman, not a bespelled puppet.

You do not have to control her footsteps to throw rose petals at her feet.

Use magic to court, not to conquer. and leave the Dark Lord to me.

I swear to you, you shall see, when the time comes, I will deal with him.

I'm glad you have your dresses back.

The Countess was wrong to take them from you.

There seems little point in such finery, if Salem is to burn.

But you will not burn, Mother.

You, above all, will be safe.

More than safe.

I have a surprise for you.

Boy: Black Sunday will be the end for many, but a new beginning for us.

(exhales sharply)

You fool!

You risk everything by snatching me from that house so openly.

What if I had been seen? You were not.

I have already dispatched the Essex traitor, and he is the reckless one.

I was afraid I'd never see you again.

I was afraid of the same thing.

But now I'm even more afraid for all of us.

Oh, you are right to fear.

There is a great terror coming.

I know.

I've seen it.

What does it do?

Burns. Everything.

John: All of Deerfield And everyone in it.

Oh, we have little time.

Your son intends to turn that on Salem in five days.

Our son.

You did not birth him alone or fail him alone.

But she's right.

We're running out of time.

Where did you get that locket?

I saw Sebastian give this to a French officer, and that Frenchman is now dead, which means our son must have some other plan.

So we need got to figure out what that is, and our best chance is...



Draw him out of the house. Let me get my hands on him.

I'll make him talk.


Against magic like his, even your strength will be useless.

Then what?

Leave us.

You taste so different.

For the first time since we were parted, you are kissing me, not Mary the Witch.

Well, if you're no longer a Witch, you're free.

We can leave.


No, I'm free from my contract with the Dark Lord, but it was not his power that brought me back.

It came from roots and moons and blood and wombs.

Women's magic... the Essex tree.

As I told you before, if we have any future together, John, it must be here in Salem.

But if you have no magic, either, how can you expect to stop Sebastian.


We have no choice.

We must find out what Sebastian knows.

I cannot let you back into that house, vulnerable and powerless.

Vulnerable I may be, but I am not powerless.

I am the most powerful thing there is.

I'm a woman in love.

(indistinct conversations)

My dear, whatever is the matter?

Oh, nothing.

Merely the end of the world.

Black Sunday is coming.

Black Sunday?

Satanic Easter...

The unholiest day in the Devil's calendar.


What is that?


Brown Jenkins running wild with his new freedom.

Go on. Tell me about Black Sunday.

Easter is the resurrection, the foundation stone of Christendom, proof that God will judge the world in righteousness.

So imagine then what the Devil's Easter is...

Judgment in evil, The beginning of the Devil's reign on Earth.

Go on. Pack your things.

No. Why?

I told you.

Black Sunday is coming.

The boy said we have but five days left of life in Salem.

We must move inside the mansion.

The only safe place is inside.

Sunday? I have things to prepare...

Anne, I will not leave you behind like Lot's wife.

I did not come all the way back to Salem just to lose you, or our child.

Rest assured, my dear husband.

I will do what I need to do, and before Sunday, I will join you in the mansion.

Yes. You will.

For you are now not just my wife, but my life.

Gloriana: Cotton!


Hush now.

Everything is all right.

Gloriana (weakly): Cotton.

I heard him!

I know I did.

Fever makes us hear things, people, that aren't there.

It's only you and I here.

No, I...

And the baby.

And for its sake, calm yourself.

Can... can... Can you not send him word?

If he knew, I know he would...

Yes. I'm sure if he knew, he would fly to your side.

He is that kind of man.

But remember, Cotton Mather is a public man.

And when he returns to Salem from Boston, I will get word to him, but quietly.


(indistinct conversations)

Business. Governance.

These have been my brides.


Now I find myself happy sl*ve to such strange sensations.

Oh, I cannot go on like this.

Business... My business, your business, this business of love.

All this must be one.

You are asking me to marry you.


You see?

We're already of one mind.

Let us be of one heart, too.

Marriage, along with the restoration of your good name, is the only way we can be together and keep hold of what we both have, and together we can displace that mealy-mouthed Mather and his insipid wife and become first couple of Salem.

You are so very forceful, my dear.


And I love you for it.

Of course, I would gladly accept your proposal.

But there remains one obstacle.

Wh... What obstacle?

Name it, and I shall remove it.

I swear.


An obstacle named Isaac.

Isaac: Good boy.

Good boy.

(horse whinnies)
Isaac: Cake?


It's delicious.


Bet there ain't much in this world that can't be made better by cake.

If I was king of the world, I'd say cake for everyone.

Cake every day.

Where did a little thing like you learn how to make such a big tasting cake?

Well, my mama taught me.

Hers were better.

Well, she probably made hundreds of them.

I wish she was here.


No tears.

You are the luckiest girl I know.

My mama's dead.

How's that lucky?

No, silly.

That's not the lucky part.

She loved you.

That's the lucky part.

Better to lose a mom that loved you than have one still alive who gave up on you out of shame...

One that wouldn't even look you in the eyes once you was branded, kicked you out your own home, sold you into servitude.

But you know what I think we need?

More cake!

Dorcas: (chuckles)

Anne: Bastard Acacia...

Black Nightshade...


Tannis Root.

What do I lack?

Ah, yes. Grave Earth.




(breathes shallowly)

John: From this distance, no French cannon can hit Salem.

They must not get past this line.

Man: What do we do if we see the French?

Give the signal, warn the next man, and k*ll the bastard.

What if there's more than one of them?

Then fight like Tomahawk Billy.

Who's Tomahawk Billy?

Well, he's only the toughest Indian fighter I've ever met.

He took on five Abenaki singlehandedly.

Why'd they call him Tomahawk Billy?

Well, that's about the best part of the whole tale.

You see, Billy took a blow, a k*lling blow, from a tomahawk right to the chest.

He was a goner, and so was I.

The last Indian was right on top of me trying to push his knife down.

What'd Billy do?

He pulled that tomahawk right out of his own heart and lopped off that Brave's head.

He only had enough time to say, "There you go, Captain," and he was gone.

You're the watch now.

Stand tall.

Relief in eight hours.

All right.

You held up your end of the bargain.

What do you want?

The Devil's brother is determined to destroy Mary.

I didn't know the Devil had kin.

The Devil was not always the Devil.

The Devil was once an Angel, an Angel named Samael.

By his side stood another angel, some call this one the Devil's Right Hand, his Sentinel.

And he and strives to raise his old army of fallen Angels from Hell.

But he is convinced that Mary makes the boy weak.

And whether the boy, Samael, wants him to, he will destroy Mary, unless you destroy him first.

Everything you need to k*ll an Angel.

How the hell am I supposed to k*ll him with this poison?

You must forge a dagger with that in it and k*ll him with the dagger.

We need to talk.

We may speak without fear of being overheard here, except, of course, by my mother.

I am not made of iron.

When you look at me the way you look at me, I feel it.

But I simply do not understand why.

Why send me your longing looks?

What is the point?

The point?

Have you understood nothing of me?

From the first moment I tasted you on my mother's lips, I knew there would be no other, ever, for me.

No one whom I could truly love, and no one I would want to be loved by.

Only you... you alone.

I risked my life to set you free.

And every day you walk the earth and are not mine, I burn.

You're wrong.

I do understand.

I know you care for me, but...

But you still yearn for John Alden.

Are you blind?

It is not John Alden who stands between you and I, but my son.

He would k*ll us, or more likely k*ll you, if he had any inkling of what passed between us.

Why do you torment yourself and me when you know we can never be together?

I have a plan.

A plan?

I know precisely how we can be together, forever escape that brat's control.

I'm listening.

Kiss me.

You'll have to do better than that.

So will you.

(scoffs) A plan.

Perhaps you are just a lovesick boy happy to while away the time in a dalliance with me while the world burns.

I think you know nothing.

In a matter of days, the French and Indians...


The attack will not come from the French and the Indians.

It will come from inside.

You see. I do know much.

And I mean what I say.

I'm not concerned about the boy.

I know you do not love him, and I know what to do about him.

Call it lover's vanity, but I know you love John Alden, and I will not risk my life to save a woman for another man.

John Alden will always be my past just as she will always be yours.

Show me.

If you want to know what I intend to do about the boy for you and I, join me in my chambers, tonight.

Boy: Why so alarmed, Mather?

Cotton: Are you really playing chess against God himself?

Get up, Mather.

A man can't write on his knees.

And this is my house, not His.

Here is a little test for you, Mather since you know your Bible back to front.

So tell me.

Whenever a human being encounters an Angel in the books, what are the first words the Angel always says?

"Be not afraid."


And did you ever wonder why, when encountering a human being, an Angel must immediately tell them not to be afraid?

Because Angels are monsters.

We were then as we are now, fearsome engines of wrath.

The most terrible things we did, we did on His command.

The Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the torments of Job, Jonah, Daniel, St. Anthony, and all other holy fools, even the temptation of Christ himself...

All on His orders.

Write that down.

That is your God.

A vengeful, jealous, sadistic m*rder*r, and hypocrite.

And yet you plan a sacrifice every bit as cruel as the ones you charge Him with.

Doesn't that make you the hypocrite?


I at least am honest.

I do not ask those I torment to love and worship me.

I am satisfied with mere obedience.

Bitter, is what I would call you.

You don't just plan a mass sacrifice.

You wish to inaugurate an age of total w*r.

You cannot compete with man for God's love, nor with God's for man, so you would see his most beloved creation destroy itself.

You, sir, are the vengeful one.

All you want is revenge on God.

It might be honest, it might even be just, but it is also petty, and unworthy of one of the architects of creation.

I like you, Mather.

You remind me of Abraham and Moses and a carpenter I once knew.

I believe you to be a great soul with a great destiny.

Gloriana: (screams)

(sobbing) My baby! My Baby!

(sobs) My Baby!

Whatever is it?

It was trying to k*ll my baby!

What was?

The creature from my dream.

It was dark and twisted, limbs blackened, face... a black mask of horror.

It was just a dream. All mothers have them.

It's perfectly natural to be worried about your baby.

I saw it.

I saw it as clearly as I see you now.

And I... I haven't felt the baby since I awoke.

Not a kick, not a stir.


I'm afraid.


Did you feel that?

See? Everything is fine, Gloriana.

I know just how to take care of you, and I know exactly what you need.

I lack just one more ingredient, and I will fetch it tonight.

And then I will mix you up something that will take all of your troubles away.

(chuckles, sniffles)

You already have.

Trust me, Gloriana.

This baby is as important to me as it is to you.

Hathorne: This way.

He's here somewhere.

Follow me.


I am disappointed in you, Isaac.

I had such great hopes.

But you disobeyed orders, run 'round chasing phantoms, and you've ignored your vital duties.

On your watch, Treasurer Putnam has most likely fallen victim to foul play.

I'm afraid you're through.

Turn over your nightstick.

Disappointed in me?

I haven't words to tell these people how disappointed I am in you.

I thought you a man of the people.

But he calls people like us animals.

Fine then.

We are all good, honest animals.

But you, Sir, are a snake.

I know for a fact you gain from their misery, collude with their murderers, and cover up the truth at every turn, to keep the good people of Knockers Hole down and your profits up.

That's enough. Take him.


Isaac is a truth teller.

He tells the truth.

If you want to remove him from his post, you'll have to come through us.

Woman: Away with you!

(all speaking indistinctly)

These animals, they're on the verge of rioting.

We are outnumbered.

Surround me, and let's get out.

It's not the end of this, Isaac.

Three cheers for Isaac!

Isaac the Truth Teller!

Isaac our protector!

The Mayor of Knockers Hole!

Man: Our protector!

You freed us, Isaac.

We're your men now.

(all cheering)

(cheers and applause)

(indistinct conversations)



(breathes shallowly)


Archaeus of the womb, Aqueous of the tomb...

Golden seed of lunar ghost... argent egg of furious host...

White Moon's dark and Black Moon's light, waters of blindness, and fires of sight.

(Gloriana screams)

I have exactly what you need and I swear to you on my parents grave that what we do now will absolutely ensure the life and health of your baby.

I do trust you.

I'll do whatever you tell me to do for my child.


This is the old way.

The way women have taken care of women and their babies since time out of mind.

Now, unbutton your shift.

(breathing heavily)

Now all you need to do is lie down on your side.

(groans, sighs)

(exhales sharply)

I love this baby so much.

And you're doing what's best for it.

♪ Golden slumbers kiss your eyes ♪
♪ Smiles awake you when you arise ♪
♪ Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry ♪
♪ And I will sing a lullaby ♪
♪ Rock them, rock them, lullaby ♪

(knock on door)

I'm pleased you've come, and dressed like that.

Did you really think I was so simple?

That one little kiss from my longed-for Mary and I'd be your puppet?

It will not be that easy.

I told you I had doubts.

And your kisses only gave me more cause to doubt.

I could taste Alden on your lips.

It was a farewell kiss.

I told you.

Alden is my past. You are my future.

I believe that, Mary.

You will be mine.

But you're not yet.

I told you I could, and would, save you, but not for another man.

For us.


Have you forgotten what it's like to have powers?

You may have none, but I have enough for us both.

This is John's house.

Yes, my dear.

I'm taking you back to your lover.

(heavy breathing)

Please stop.

Let us go back.

You can do whatever you want to me, just... just not here.

Sebastian: Yes. Here.

Please me now, here in front of him, and I will rid us of this burdensome boy.

No, he will see us.

Yes! It will only fuel our fire.

I may not be able to change in an instant the way you feel about him, but I can change the way he feels about you.

Sebastian: Alden will see everything, hear everything.

Most likely think it all a dream in the morning.

But he will never forget what he has seen, nor will you forget him seeing it.



(baby cooing)

Cotton: (laughs)

Hello, sweetheart.

Hello, little sweetheart.


Oh, my love.

You have given me the greatest gift a woman has given a man.

(baby cries)


(sighs) Oh.



Little one. (gasps)

Cotton: (laughs)

Hello, little one.


Oh. Oh.

My precious one.

Gloriana: (gasps)



What have you done to my baby?!

I have done exactly what I promised I would do.

I have ensured your child... a healthy, happy life, one it could never have enjoyed as the bastard child of a whore.

But one that it is sure to enjoy as the beloved child of Cotton Mather and his wife, Anne Hale.

(door closes)
