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01x09 - Wheel of Fortune

Posted: 12/08/16 07:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Shut Eye"...

I need to get some property from my safe deposit box. Be right back. Don't go anywhere.

Where's Gina?

2412 Craig Street, then LAX.

She told me to tell you no hard feelings.

Which one of these pricks wants to k*ll me?

They all want to k*ll you. [g*nshots]

I knew you'd expose the Judas.

f*ck you!

I know from where the poison springs.

You should leave him.

To this end, I decree a marriage between Fonso's eldest, Drina, and White Tony's son, Little Tony.

Let the peace begin.


White Tony sent us to do the install.

What the hell are you talking about?

Security cameras in your office.

You work for White Tony now.

I'm not doing this.

It's sweet that you think you got a choice in the matter.

We found Emma's phone.

It died on a bus in Bakersfield, but we got Emma's text login, and you sent her a message, "Sorry."

What was it that you had to be sorry about?

I miss her!

Emma's dead.

They found her buried in the Angeles Crest Mountains.

Your boy and two friends were up in the woods.

Booze, weed.


There'll be a court date and a fine.

Don't forget your passport.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'll pack it for you.

I saw an opportunity and I took it.

What would I do?

I'm having these visions.

What's wrong?

I can see the future, Linda.

[Birds chirping]

First day off suspension, you should be on time.

An "I f*cked up" expression also helps.

I think I have the flu.

You got a hangover. Come on, let's go.

Am I supposed to just get up and go to school and act like none of this ever happened?

That's a survival skill I learned when I was younger than you.

Sometimes the next day's all you got.

In and out of the shower as fast as you can, okay?

We'll be out of here in 15.


Morning, Paul.

Mrs. Davies.

Okay, you're gonna laugh, but the Protestant in me is feeling guilty about having all that money that I withdrew sitting in the safety deposit box.

So I'd like to put it back in my account.

Something wrong?

You picked that money up yesterday.

What? No, I didn't.


You came in with your assistant and had me open the box so you could get the money.

What assistant?

You said her name was Laurie.

Paul, I don't have an assistant.

What is going on here?

Oh, my God.

What have you done with my money?

I thought this might be nice for the wedding.

Probably best to keep it in the box.

It's because of Drina, right?


She doesn't have the same wedding fuzzies you do.


You're welcome, by the way.

About what?

The $1.7 million I just gifted you.

What happened to the hypnotist?


I took care of it.

Why didn't you talk to me?

Well, I don't need your permission.

But this is a family business.

Which I'm in charge of.

But you do not do m*rder...

I mean, sometimes, but this is not our way.

Yeah, well, it's my way.

And it works for me.

What did you do to her?

["Sweet Madelene" by The Bright Light Social Hour plays]

[Dogs barking]

♪ Space is still the place ♪
♪ The weight of weightless faces faces straight ♪
♪ Faces straight ♪


♪ Our dreams are lies replaced ♪
♪ We reach out past the trace until it's gone ♪
♪ Until it's gone ♪

[Mobile playing]

[Baby crying]

♪ She said careful ♪
♪ Always careful ♪
♪ Stay close and stay prepared ♪
♪ One slip and you are theirs ♪
♪ You gotta walk ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Look twice at everyone I meet ♪

How is he?

He's fine.

School's the best place for him.


How are you?

She's in there.

You... You brought her in the house?

Well, I can't very well drag her out in the middle of the day and stuff her in the back of my trunk.

I called Eduardo.

He's coming.

What was your plan, exactly?

You'd go after Nadine, and then what?

You and Little Miss Sunshine would sail off to a tropical paradise, abandon your son, leave me holding the bag with Fonso?

Was that it? Was that your plan?

But you got played.

You let somebody else handle the money.

It's f*cking amateur hour.

[Doorbell rings]

That's Eduardo.


Hey, hey.

[Door closes]

What was all that bullshit about last night?

It's pretty clear.

Fonso just wants his property back.

He's got a funny way of showing it.

He's a funny man.

[Laughs] I won't lie, though.

That was pretty sweet when you decked him.


Even though he is about to be part of the family.

This f*cking wedding, costing me a fortune.

Okay, for starters, I have to rent out the place for the whole f*cking weekend.



And then throw in the live band, all the food and beverage, tux rentals, not to mention two dozen cousins that I got to fly in from overseas.

Sounds like a hell of a party.

You got it, boyo, and I got to pay for it, which is why, as my two newest employees, you got to start producing.

You think we're not producing?

I know you're not producing.

I wake up this morning, look at the feed from these two cameras, what do I see? Empty f*cking chair.

Business is better for us in the afternoons.

Yeah, but I need paying customers rolling through that door all day long.

You got to start advertising.

Create some kind of online presence, increase your visibility.

You see my spot?

We just have never done that before.

Well, it's a new day, you know.

I don't care what Fonso did before.

I'm a hands-on kind of businessman.

You want us to earn, we're no good to you dead.

No, that's right.

I'm the only thing standing between you and a disemboweling from that nut bar.

You take care of us, we'll take care of you.


You're protected.

But let's be very clear about our relationship here.

You ever steal from me or short me on a payment or run a con behind my back, or even think about laying a finger on me personally, you'll wish you were dead.

[Door opens, closes]

I feel so ridiculous.

I don't remember any of this.

And yet, there you are.

There I am.

You got hustled, Mrs. Davies.

I'm betting most of yesterday is a blur.

It is.

You ever hear of a drug called scopolamine?


It robs a victim of their free will, messes with their memory.

What's the last thing you remember?

Someone was at my front door.


You recognize this woman? Have you seen her before?


Her name is, um, Gina... something.

She works with this couple, a psychic and his wife.

These people have a name?

The Haverfords.

Charlie and Linda Haverford.

Thank you.

So, we're lying to the school now?

I was at the dentist last week.

Yeah, I didn't think that dress shopping would count as an excused absence.

I already have a dress.

You know you need three for a Roma wedding.

Are you coming?


It's just gonna be you and Simza.

Dad, I f*cking hate her.



She's gonna be your sakra, all right?

I'm trying to make this easier for you.


Well, she wanted to take you all day.

I said no.

How noble.

Listen, just go to the store with her, help her find a dress that represents her family, and get it over with.

Just let her pick. I don't need to be there.

Drina, please, Jesus, if your mother was here, she'd be doing all this.

But she's not.

She's not.

And I can't.

Mr. Marks!


Dr. Shields, Gina's English comp teacher.

Yeah, how you doing?


I'm just sorry we won't get to hear Drina read her poem on Saturday.

I didn't even tell them.

Drina, you don't have to be embarrassed.

Your daughter is a beautiful writer.

We had her slotted to read in a prime-time spot at ArtsFest this weekend.

You sure you can't make it?

She has a prior obligation.

It's kind of a big deal.

Schools from all over the state.

Yeah, it's a family matter.


All right. Maybe next year.

Wouldn't miss it for the world.


Talk to me about Emma Gilbert.

Tox report says she died of an overdose.

Scopolamine, right?

Yeah, why?

Bank robbery yesterday.

Older woman's the victim, doesn't remember a thing.

Girl on the tape works with our friends the Haverfords.

Well, I was just about to pay them a visit.

What for?

Coroner called.

r*pe kit came back positive.

Semen in the vag*na.

I need a swab from that kid.

[Scoffs] Good luck with that.

As a friendly gesture, why don't you come with me?

Jackson's out sick. I'll show you how Julie does it.


[Cellphone buzzing]



I left you like four messages. Are you okay?

Yeah, fine, just a little sick.

What do you need?

Your son, you said... you said that he was in trouble.

It wasn't him. He's fine.

It's something else.

What was it?

[Baby crying]


[Monitor beeping]

Charlie, can you hear me? Hello?

Yeah, sorry.

I think you might be pregnant.



[Doorbell ringing]

Charlie, the door.

Good afternoon.

We'd like a swab of your son's DNA.


Semen inside Emma Gilbert.

Young lady last seen alive in this house.

I'm sure you're down with the basic biology.

Semen inside the victim means she had sex with someone before she died.

Nick's not here.

And even if he was, you're not talking to him.

This goes a lot easier if you cooperate.

You already ambushed him once.

Guess a friendly gesture doesn't go as far as it used to.


[Vehicle approaching]

[Car doors close]

Life, most of life, is about choices... good and bad, right and wrong.


Sometimes bad people make good choices.

Sometimes good people make bad choices.

Did you and Emma have sex?

We need to know exactly what happened between you and that girl.

I don't want to talk about it.

Son, the police came here this morning.

They found semen inside of Emma, and they want to take a sample of your DNA to see if there was a match.

You need to tell us.

Is there gonna be a match?

[Inhales shakily]

We just did the one thing.

She wanted to.

We had sex.

Kind of. It was weird and sloppy, and there were people in the house.

I don't want to talk about this.

You have to, son.

It was her idea!

She said we could hook up if I wanted to, so we did.

Then she said I had to go and get some morning after pill, and that's what was in the bag you were teasing me about.

I would never hurt her, I swear. I know. I know that, son.

Honey, you're gonna have to tell this to a lawyer.

A lawyer? I didn't do anything.

Nick, everything is gonna be all right.

We're gonna work through this.

All I did was like a girl!

[Doorbell rings]

You were supposed to be here this morning.

You think I should have hopped to faster?

No, my son is here. We have to work around him.

Where are your guys?

I'm alone.

You're gonna use your own car?

No, I'm not using my car.

Obviously, we can't use my car.


Didn't I show you loyalty?

Right here in this house, I credit you with miracles, and you shit on our friendship.

What? What are you talking about?

I woke up today a million dollars poorer than I was yesterday.

And you know what?

That's on you. Eduardo -

If I was you, I would let me finish.

The other day in the warehouse, I asked you to expose the traitor in my crew.

And then I found out that the wrong man got clipped, and I know it was the wrong man because the other two guys, the guys I let live on your intuition, skipped town with my f*cking money!

They cleaned me out.

And the building that I was eyeing, it went on the market.

Some gentrifiers made an offer, and I have to counter, but I don't have any more f*cking money, thanks to you!

Let's go back to the warehouse just for a second, just for a second. Now, there's only...

There's not just one way of looking at what happened.

You either saw this coming and didn't say anything, or you didn't see this coming, which makes you a liar and a fraud.

No, no, it's not that simple.

Okay, then let's simplify it.

You're a business owner and an operator.

Now, you're gonna make things right financially by kicking back to me whatever it is you pay the gypsies.

I helped you. I helped your family.

I helped you with that thing. I helped your son.

This is the shit cake you baked, my friend, including this body.

Now, you deal with that, but I want an answer by the end of the day.

[Door opens, closes]

I told you, it's hideous.

This dress is for me, okay?

It represents my family.

You can hate it all you want.

You're wearing it.

Tell her, Fonso.

It's tradition.

And it's a beautiful dress.

I express no opinion.


The most important day before the wedding, she's in the store texting the whole time.



You've got a hobby, that's great, but when you're a wife, you won't have time for that.

See what I mean?

She is out of control.

When you live at my house, you're gonna learn how to behave.

Oh, my God. This is insane.

She's got that right.

The whole day was one big f*cking battle.

I don't know how you do it with girls.

This usually helps.

We need to talk.

That's... that's never a good sentence.

I've given this a lot of thought.

You know I love being with you, Fonso, but we're gonna be family.

It's getting too dangerous.

Who doesn't want a little danger, huh?

You know what I mean. It's getting too close.

Well, I want it to be close.

Every family event, parties, holidays.

We need to stop.


I am.

Last time was the last time.

So, no more hotel soap?

I got a whole drawer full.

What about my f*cking drawer?

I guess someone else will have to take care of that.

And you, what, crawl back under baby d*ck with the gold chains?

Don't be cruel.

You're back with the wedding dress?


Yeah, well, every store we visited, but your granddaughter, she's unreasonable.

A few things about the wedding. I'm the phuri, of course, and you and I are going to hold the kaluna, 'cause the kaluna has to be held by two people who have been happily married, two wives who are very devoted to their husbands.


Of course.

The dress can stay here.

See you at the wedding.

[Door opens, closes]
At the house, did the detective specifically ask if you and Emma had intercourse?

They didn't use that word, but yeah, they asked.

What did you say?

I just told them no.

Why don't you give me a minute with your parents?

This won't take long.

Best assessment?


Normally with a kid his age, the state won't ask for a fitness hearing.

Meaning he stays in the juvie system instead of being tried in adult court.


The exception for that is r*pe or m*rder.

Since they're asking for a DNA swab, I have a feeling that's where the prosecutor's headed.

We've got some challenges here.

The Adderall thing at school, the minor-in-possession charge.

They'll argue Nick had a drug problem, that he used the scopolamine to drug this girl and r*pe her, and then he panicked and k*lled her, hid her body in the woods.

That's ridiculous.

He would never do anything like that, and he said so a hundred times.

I understand, but he left out the sex part, and I don't like putting scared 15-year-olds on the witness stand, which is why you two are crucial.

And Nadine Davies. I'll need to talk to her.

Yeah, that's not a good idea. She's a former client, and I don't think she'll have anything positive to say.

I need to know now.

In fact, if there's anything that Nick left out, anything you think that I need to know, you should tell me now.

I don't work well with surprises.

We can't think of anything, no.

Could Nick go to jail?

Linda, I'll do everything I can, but it's a possibility.

I'm sorry.



How the hell did we end up here?

I got us here.

You want to tell me how?

She was already dying when I found her.

I didn't k*ll her, Charlie.


You think I could do something like that?

You were with Nadine. [Sniffs]

Emma was in Nick's room.

And I came in here to lie down.

She must have taken a walk around the house.

I found her on the kitchen floor.

She was foaming at the mouth.

Eyes rolled back in her head.

Gina had come by.

She gave me that drug.

The scopolamine.

Emma must have found it.

All I could think was, "Protect yours.

Don't let this happen here, not now."

So I put her in the trunk, and Gina helped me bury her.

You should have told me.

I'll go to the cops.

I'm not gonna let anything happen to Nick.

The scopolamine was Gina's, right?


And Nadine just got fleeced out of $1.5 million plus by Gina with the scopolamine.

Any minute now, she's going to realize all her money's gone.

Who do you think is the first person she calls?


You're not turning yourself in.


I know you're hurting.

We love you.

We're not gonna let anything happen to you.

Mom, what are you talking about?

Seriously, what are you talking about?

Emma's dead, and people think I did it.

And now you're gonna protect me?

Yes. Yes, I will.

We will.

["Dear Love of Mine" by Daniel Spaleniak playing]

♪ I'm sittin' down ♪
♪ Sittin' down in my home ♪
♪ Dear love of mine ♪
♪ Please come here alone ♪
♪ How many nights ♪
♪ We're all burning so ♪
♪ Dear love of mine ♪
♪ Please don't go so slow ♪
♪ It's midnight now ♪
♪ She is on the phone ♪
♪ You don't know why ♪
♪ But you roll like a stone ♪
♪ Different change ♪
♪ Once he loved you so ♪
♪ She will let you know ♪
♪ When it's time to go ♪
♪ And now she is gone ♪
♪ Sit back and close the door ♪
♪ She said, "Now I'm done" ♪
♪ And now she's with someone ♪
♪ Now where she's gone ♪
♪ Is not something I can know ♪
♪ And now I'm all alone ♪
♪ Drinking on my own ♪

"If I drive myself so fast, so hard, that I'm guaranteed to get there, I won't remember how to stop to look at things beside the road.

Sure, life of breeze.

I'll lose sight of the things I started on the long wide loop to gain and rush blind without the feeling in my legs.

I won't notice and will run to the dirt carrying nothing but the mounting dissatisfaction of never having reached the horizon."


What are you doing?

These are incredible.

They're private.


Dress shopping, hmm?

Grim business.

How would you know? You're a guy.

The groom just has to show up.

[Pats bed]

It's important that this wedding go through.

For greater good, the family, as your grandmother likes to call it.

But here's the thing.

Not every marriage works out.

What do you mean?

Say, maybe, after your wedding, your new father-in-law... tries to make you do something unpleasant.

I mean, these things, once a man is accused, he's guilty, and it'll bring lashav, and his family will be shamed, and we'll be able to get you back home.

Mom, what's going on? Mom?

I'll come get you when we're done.

You know Mrs. Davies, right?

Of course. Can I get you anything?

My money.

Yeah, she... she insisted on joining us today.

Apparently, ever since she met you and your husband, the strangest things have been happening to her.

Yesterday, someone showed up on her doorstep and blew scopolamine into her face, ran away with a bunch of her money.

What does that have to do with us?

You two work with a woman named Gina, right?

[Door opens]

Yeah, we know her.

[Door closes]


They're here about Gina.

She stole my money.


We have her on video committing the crime.

When's the last time you saw her?

My God.

A week and a half ago.

Yeah, at least a week ago.

Oh, please, come on.

Gina is your partner.

I sat right here in this house with the three of you when we had the séance.

We don't usually do séances.

Yeah, that's why we hired a specialist.

We brought this woman in, but we didn't really know her that well.

Don't fall for any of this. They are scam artists.

He wanted my money, too.

Not true.

We were trying to help you, Nadine.

With your loss, Nadine.

Oh, please.

I never took your money, Nadine.

Mrs. Davies, did either of them ever take money from you?

No, but he wanted to.

Wanting to is not a crime.

Detective, it's okay.

She has been through a lot.

I can understand her confusion.

I am not confused.

We see you're upset.

We understand, Nadine.

It sounds like the person you should be angry with is Gina.

It's true, I had some bad feelings about her.

I really wish I would have trusted my instincts.

You and your instincts. [Scoffs]

Nadine, I know it's painful.

Trying to enroll a child you don't have into a school?

Visiting school yards and watching children while they play.


I'm sorry.

You two are monsters.

That's the show, huh?

You all have some f*cked-up ways.


[Insects chirping]

[Dog barks]

Come on.


Get down.

Oh, my God.

[Cellphone rings]


All right, we'll come right down.

The cops found the body.

They want someone to come down and ID her.

I'll do it.

You stay here with Nick.

When I first came to this country, immigration went through all my belongings.

And I thought they were going to confiscate everything.

But a nice officer allowed me to keep this hammer that belonged to my grandfather because his grandfather...

His grandfather was a blacksmith, too.

Great story.

A farrier, to be precise.

They both worked with horses.

I thought it was a sign that we made the right decision to come to America.

I'm gifting it to Drina on her wedding day.

Oh, no. It's not yours to give away.

But you can give your daughter a present she really needs... a father who truly believes in our tradition.


Bullshit traditions.

You're wearing pants, Mom, designer-f*cking pants, $1,000 a pair.

What tradition is that, huh?

You invoke tradition when it suits you, and you alone.

No, when it suits the family.

Yeah, which in your mind is only you.

No. Women are the keeper of family through traditions, and fathers play a role, too.

And do not run around with gunoi like Simza.

Don't call her that.

Why, 'cause you are in love with her?

Blind in bed, blind in business, blind to tradition.

Watch your tongue.

You act without thought.

You drink yourself stupid. Why is that?

Are you ashamed that you only have daughters?

You wish you had a son?

Yes, I wish I had a son.

A wife who lived.

My wife, that she didn't die trying to give him life.

That any minute now, she's gonna walk through that front door, home from hospital, and into my arms.

That's what I wish for.

Not this bullshit that you babble about, golden nails and f*cking hammers.

And marrying 14-year-old girls off to be r*ped.

So, yes, I wish I had a son.

Me, too.

I wish I had a son.


That's her.

Her real name is Clarissa Segal, not Gina.

You ever see her with Emma in your home?


Do you know if there's any reason why Clarissa may have wanted to hurt Emma?

I... I didn't know her that well.

She used scopolamine on Nadine Davies.

We think she may have used it on Emma first.

Nick didn't do this.

Are you gonna take him off the suspect list?

For now.

You're right. I'm pregnant.

[Clears throat]

Are you okay?

I wanted to share the research that cost me my professorship at Irvine.

Ezekiel Horowitz, tailor, Cleveland, Ohio.

Started seeing "devils in the clouds."

He predicted a tornado, train derailment, the Civil w*r.

Betsy Jefferson, she was burned in Salem after seven of her prophecies came through.

Nostradamus, most famous of them all.

My point is that these people, all of them, were given perception, and at a huge cost.

I think it's really possible that the universe is speaking to you, and I'm not talking about predicting one person being burned to death or my...

Can you tell me if it's a boy or a girl?

I can.


I don't want to know.

I think something big is coming.

Tornado size, witch-burning size, Hitler size, I don't know, and I think you are being given the opportunity to see it, and maybe even stop it.

If I were in control of it, maybe, but I am not in control.

I can't even see in front of my own face.

Yeah, I know. Nostradamus had that same problem.

He could see, you know, Hitler, but he couldn't see the death of his own wife.

Okay, look, I don't know.

I don't know what it's gonna cost you.

All I know is that you need to decide what you want to do with this... this power.

You were chosen.

If I am chosen, and I am speaking with the universe, then what I've been seeing... confusion, glimpses, images, sounds.

It's just the beginning.

I mean, the symphony hasn't even started.

[Door opens]

I was just leaving.

I'm gonna leave these for you both, and I'm here for you if you... if you need me.

The police? Gina?

It's done.

What was that?

That was her telling me that I have a huge responsibility with my visions.


So she's putting all this shit in your head?

She's not putting anything in my head.

It's been there all along.

We know why people believe all of this, Charlie.

Coincidence doesn't make you psychic.

I may be losing my mind, but it's not coincidence, okay?

You're not losing your mind.

You cannot dismiss this as random accidents.

We are in the center of a shit storm, Charlie.

Our family. The cops are watching us.

White Tony, he's our master, we're his property.

f*cking Fonso wants to k*ll us, and we are gonna lose Nick.

We need to go after all of them.

All of them.

Tony, Fonso, Rita.

What are you talking about?


It is time for the real show.

I know I haven't been producing up to my potential.

Oh, yeah. What is this, State the f*cking Obvious Day?

Get to the point.

I'd like to offer you, out of a sign of respect to your son's wedding, a magic trick.

Something your people will talk about for years to come.

Imagine, if you will, that this is your son... handsome Little Tony, and Fonso's Drina.

The bride and groom will hold hands, walk out onto the front of the stage.

After the ceremony, the guests will gather around, and then...

[Snaps sheet] front of everybody...


That's sick. They f*cking disappeared.

Everybody loves the razzle-dazzle.

Where is it?

In your pocket.



How much is it gonna cost me?

It's on the house, my gift to you.


[Line ringing]

[Cellphone buzzes]

This better be about my money, Charlie.

It is.

Have you ever been to a gypsy wedding?


[Phone clicks]

[DJ Shadow's "Nobody Speak" playing]

♪ Picture this, I'm a bag of dicks ♪
♪ Put me to your lips, I am sick ♪
♪ I will punch a baby bear in his shit ♪
♪ Give me lip ♪
♪ I'ma send you to the yard, get a stick, make a switch ♪
♪ I can end a conversation real quick ♪
♪ I am crack ♪
♪ I ain't lying, kick a lion in his crack ♪
♪ I'm the shit, I will fall off in your crib, take a shit ♪
♪ Pinch your mama on the booty ♪
♪ Kick your dog, f*ck your bitch ♪
♪ Fat boy dressed up like he's Santa ♪
♪ And took pictures with your kids ♪
♪ We the best ♪
♪ We will cut a frowny face in your chest, little wench ♪
♪ I'm unmentionably fresh, I'm a mensch, get correct ♪
♪ I will walk into a court while erect, screaming "Yes!" ♪