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01x02 - The Hanged Man

Posted: 12/07/16 13:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Shut Eye"...

This card suggests that he's cheating on you.

[Both grunting]

You're a magician?

I'm a housewife.

My husband, though, he's a psychic.


You had a bad experience.

God gave the gypsies the right to steal.

Stealing from gypsies, however, will f*ck you inside and out.

Sylvia made a mistake.

We are the Marks family.


We don't want you to forget who we are.


Look, I'm gonna give you the name of a neurologist.

She's a bit unorthodox, but head trauma's her specialty.

Get away from the window!


[Tires screech]

Your son doesn't have Asperger's.

I won't forget this.

He used to be another man, my Charlie.

We have a very big whale on our hands.

I want to take her down.


[Electricity buzzing]


You ready?


[Car door closes]


m*therf*cking cocksucker.

He f*cking rats out your sister and stands there singing while that c**t Rita scars her for life?

And now he's outside of our house.

He's sending a message.

Even by Roma standards, they're being pretty f*cked up.

Imagine how f*cked up they would be if they ever find out we're not listening to that message.

You're not having second thoughts, are you?


They deserve this, and so do we.

So, the other day, I'm walking down the street and I'm multitasking, which is a physical impossibility, by the way.


I'm texting and I'm walking, and I step in it.

Big, runny dog turd.

And from what my wife tells me, you've stepped in it with one of these assholes, and that is a profession full of turds.

There's no denying it.

L-Linda told me that you were in the business.

I'm intuitive.

People tell me that my intuitions sometimes help.

And sometimes my intuitions are not all that helpful.

[All chuckle]

I don't do hocus-pocus, no past lives, no messages from Grandma.

Oh, grandmothers.


Mine on both sides were, well, awful, frankly.

See, that... these phonies, they'll use that.

They'll register that you had two grandmothers that were b*tches.

The implications... that one or both of your grandfathers had mistresses.

One, I think.

Your father's father. Swedish.


Her name was Helga.

The housekeeper.


You're giving away the tricks of the trade here, honey.

I just want Nadine to see how easy it is to fool you.

It's called a cold reading.

There's nothing supernatural to it.

Your house in this neighborhood... old money.

That's easy.

Bitchy women are often bitchy because they're smart and neglected.

Old money means Scandinavian help.

Well, at least it did back in the 1950s.

And, uh, if you had balked at Swedish, I would have done some sort of double-talk and backtracked around, uh, Chinese.


Well, it is until they get you to the ATM to take the curse off your money.

[Sighs deeply]


How much did you give them?

Almost $78,000.

I went at first, I...

Oh, no, no.

I'd... I'd rather not know anything about your past.

Not yet.

It's your pride even more than the money.

You open up, you trust.

And step in dog... poop.

[Door opens]

I hope you can forgive my husband's frankness.

I wish we could have been more helpful.

Um, I don't know what I expected, really. It's just...

Your husband... Did you tell him all of this?

Adam? Oh, gosh, no.

Not the supportive type?

He's a real-estate developer.

So no.

And he's out of town.

How do you know that?

Two cars in the driveway middle of day, no one's home.

He's a real-estate developer. He must travel.


He's, uh, looking at a shopping mall in, um...


Then one in El Paso, and somewhere in Oklahoma after that.

He'll be back in two weeks.


I'm sorry. Was I being weird?

You were being a little bit weird.

[Laughing] I'm sorry.

Uh, you were seeing this, uh, "psychic," and, uh, was it on a regular basis?

Yeah. Uh, two appointments a week, like a therapist.

She came here to your house?

Uh, not at first, but then...

You broke it off.

About a month ago.

She got angry.


You think amraya?

If she was Roma.

They did tell her there was a curse on her money.

A curse.


Is... Is that what you sensed?

My advice... you look like you can afford it... cut your losses.

The Roma people, uh, gypsies... though they don't prefer that term... if you're not one of them, you are fair game.


You have a good security system, right?

Oh, state of the art.

My husband's a stickler for that.

You'll be fine. But just don't forget to set it.


Take care of yourself.

Oh. Thanks.



So, you think the husband's got something going on in Albuquerque?

Or El Paso or wherever he goes on his real-estate trips.

You heard the tone.

No kids?


Makes it easier.

"I'd rather you didn't tell me."

Just put the card back in the deck.

Don't let me see it.

[Chuckles] You are a master.

We crossed a serious line back there.

You think?

[Brakes creak]

[Music playing indistinctly over radio]

We could still turn it over to Rita and Fonso, tell them we primed the pump.


I just want us both to say it out loud.

We crossed a serious line.

We did.


There's something else, I think.

There's a ruin there.

Not the cheating husband.

She could turn out to be a whale if we just...

[Sizzling, bubbling]


[Echoing] Charlie?

[Horn honks]


[Horn blares]

[Music continues over radio]

♪ She said, "Careful ♪
♪ Always careful ♪
♪ Stay close and stay prepared ♪
♪ One slip and you are theirs" ♪
♪ You gotta walk ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Look twice at everyone I meet ♪

Yeah, I think it's cool. It's from the dollar store.

Yeah, super s... Your mom get that for you, or like...?


What are you doing?

[Cellphone beeps]


Is that the, uh... the Wellness project?

"My Life in 10 Minutes," yeah?


You got to do that part about your parents, right, and how they, like, influenced you and shit?

I do, yeah.

Aren't they, like, fortune tellers or something?

No, not really. My dad's an intuitive psychic.

The f*ck?


Is that like... Is that, like, crystals and shit?

I think that Pilot's mom is, like, way into all that new-age stuff.

Are you guys going to her kickback Friday?

f*ck yeah, dude.

What kind of name is Pilot anyway, right?

It's a f*cking awesome name.

Yeah, I wish my name was Pilot.

It would be chill if we could get something.

C-Can you get anything?

My brother just got back from the clinic in Moab.

Trying to turn it around, but...

Besides, my guy's out.

Well, you know, your brain can only access the shit that you memorize when it's in the same state as you were when you were learning it, right?

That's why doing homework on uppers is overrated.

Uh, it's... it's not for studying.

It's... It's for the party.

Well, there's always weed.

Well, weed's a given.

I'm looking for something to go on top of the weed.


I got this.

Seriously? You know someone?


Well, yeah, I think I might. Yeah.

That would be extremely cool.


Here for a reading?

Your perp alibied out.

The angry boyfriend?

We had probable cause.

Got him on misdemeanor steroids.

But he was at the gym spotting the guy he sells steroids to, even as your house was getting shot up.

So, we're here to ask again.

You have anything you want to tell us?

My life is an open book.


Well, how about we take a look at that open book?

Client list.

Anything you'd like to share.

This was a drive-by.

Why assume it has anything to do with us?


You're scam artists.

Criminals, in my opinion.

A sh**ting in the vicinity of criminal activity?

Math is easy.

If it wasn't the angry boyfriend, then we were just, like Linda said, collateral damage.

Yeah, be nice to substantiate that.

With, for example, a client list.

Make sure you don't have any more angry customers.

I'm sorry, You have to understand, what I do, it's like I'm a doctor or a priest.

I can't.

Are you actually trying to claim the sanctity of the psychic couch?


That's f*cking awesome.

Bullshit, but awesome.

Well, I appreciate you...

Hey, whoa.


You all right?

I just, uh, got dizzy.

Charlie needs his rest, if you don't mind.

Listen, if, uh, he's gonna get all wobbly and shit every time we ask a tough question, you might want to invest in a fainting couch.

Play nice.


Oh, you were faking.

Whatever works, right?


I parked a few blocks away when I saw the cops.

You need to get a better lock on your back door.

We gave the cops the name of a guy, but he alibied out.

We did not mention you.

Did you think I was here for that?

To lean?

Just the opposite.

Something you need to look at.

[Upbeat music playing through cellphone]

♪ You're gonna get what I've got ♪

It was his ears.

Just like you said.

No Asperger's.

[Cellphone beeps, music stops]

They took the cyst out right then and there...

45 minutes.

[Both chuckle]

His hearing is fine, and he's happy.

I'm sorry about what happened here.

I have a crew coming this afternoon to fix your window, the plaster, all of it.

My brother-in-law is a contractor.

They do good work.

You don't have to do...

I wasn't all that forthcoming with you guys... about my business interests.

I didn't think you'd take me on if I had been up front.

I'm sorry about that.

And you don't have to worry about those cabrones coming around anymore.

I'm on that, too.

You know, actually, I was wondering if you could see if I was good to go on that.

Uh, good to go?

These guys are chumps, fools.

But fools can be dangerous.

You're gonna pay these fools a visit?

Yeah, and I was hoping that you could, you know, take a look for a sign and make sure I wasn't walking into something.


Why don't I come with you.

I'm not going to Disneyland here.

I get that, but if I'm close, I might sense something.

Then I can help.

You would do that?

You'd make it up to me.

I'll be in touch.

[Indistinct conversations]

Thank you.

Her name's Claudia Brewer. Husband died two weeks ago.

She's a total mess.

That house was sick, bro.

How'd you get in?

Knocked on the front door. [Chuckles]

Told them my car broke down and my phone was dead.

I, uh, had to fake a call to AAA, but she totally bought it.

She stepped away, I started snapping.

Home brewing? What's that about?

Yeah, dead guy liked to make his own beer.

Had this whole room with all this gear and shit.

Couldn't get a photo, but, uh, thought it was something to work with.


You're really going all out on this one, boss.

What's the deal?

The gypsy beast is hungry and I got to feed it fast.

You mean Fonso.


I heard about what they did to your sister, man.

It's f*cked up. I'm sorry.

How many a*t*matic writings did you do this month?


Every time you do an a*t*matic writing with invisible ink, you use 1.6 ounces.

So if I come over and I check the ink supply, I'll find 9.6 ounces gone, not 11.5 or 12.8, and I won't find the ink supply watered down?

It won't happen again.

It will, and I'll know when it does.


Are you gonna tell Fonso?



I might need your help with something Linda and I are working on.

But I need to know I can trust you, that you'll keep it between us.

Of course.

I'm not f*cking around, Ted.

You tell anyone what's going on, and Fonso will pay both of us a visit, and it'll be much worse than what happened to my sister.

Are we clear?

Absolutely. Whatever you need.

[Mid-tempo music playing in background]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Knocking on door]

We're closed today.

Well, this is a residential neighborhood.

I'm not sure you can even operate a business.

What are you, the zoning commission?

I'm your new neighbor from across the street.

I'm Gary.

Hi, Gary.


Uh, I... I think we're getting off on the wrong foot.

Yeah. That already happened.

I know who you are.

I got your note... I mean three notes... about the sign being too bright.

Well, I... I was hoping to talk, now that... that you got a replacement sign, about something a little less ostentatious.

A man died, Gary.

I just thought maybe you'd want to be part of the neighborhood and not just an eyesore.


Here's the thing, Gary.

You want to be a part of the neighborhood, maybe come over, plate of cookies or something, ask us nicely about the sign instead of your squirrelly-ass little notes printed in, what, four different fonts and slipped in our mailbox when no one's home.

I have things to do, if you don't mind.

We're zoned "mixed use," by the way.

[Door slams]

[Vacuum cleaner whirs]

[Over computer] I was overwhelmed.

My questions were unanswered.

My world was closing in.

I felt like a change was coming.

And Heather told me, "You need to leave him."

I needed to know...

Was I ever gonna find my one true love, my soul mate?

f*ck me sideways.

assh*le put himself in the commercial.


Thinks he's Colin f*cking Hanks.

...How I would meet her and where that would happen, and what I could do to make sure that...

Love the wardrobe.

Maybe you ought to get some more gold chains.

Maybe you ought to go f*ck yourself.

Make fun, but White Tony is raking it in down there in the South Bay.

Both of you should take lessons from him.

Lessons in how to be a douchebag.

[Pool balls clack]

Families like his give our people a bad name.

What do you got for me?

Something I think you'll like.

Claudia Brewer. New widow.

Six-bedroom house in old Pasadena.

I sent Ted over there to visit her.


That sounds like a lot of borai lavai.

Oh, there's definitely a lot of money there.

And she came to East Hollywood, so she's open.

Yours for the taking.

Husband brewed craft beer.

That's a good detail.

I thought so.

What else you got?

That's all for now.

Charlie, you're f*cking k*lling me, man.

I got the Chinese and the Armenians moving west, soaking up my beach business.

Yeah? [Sniffs]

I need more leads.

Maybe you should advertise on the Internet, star in your own spot.


You're in a jaunty mood.

Well, I can't help it.

I mean, Claudia's a gold mine, and I'm really looking forward to my cut.

Why don't you have a ponchik with me, huh?


Ponchik. They're like Armenian doughnuts.

[Distorted sound, sizzling]

When they're hot can't beat the taste.

[Muffled] Careful.

[Normal voice] There's cream filling inside that will burn the f*ck out of you.

Maybe he doesn't like those.

[Muffled] The f*ck is wrong with a doughnut?

[Oil gurgling]

[Normal voice] Have one. It won't k*ll you.

[Gurgling stops]

[Smacking lips]

[Exhales softly]

I'm not hungry. Thank you.

No repercussions from that kick to your head?

d*ck still works?

Good as it ever did.

That's a shame.

Dosta! Watch your language.

Get the f*ck out of here.

Oh, "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck."

Sorry, Ma.

Still owe me for Arcadia.

[Door closes] Do you trust him?

Much as I do any gadje. Why?

What if he knew what his sister was doing and he didn't tell you anything?


Guy tells me everything.

He wouldn't take a shit in his own house without asking for my permission.

The other day before the council, he came to me to ask for mercy for his sister.

Were you aware of this?


Well... then he doesn't tell you everything.

[Keys jingle]

[Birds chirping]


[Cellphone chirps]

What about his wife?

Did you ever ask her something?

I mean, she... I saw her at the council, and she was so... cold, so rude.

She was behaving very strangely.

People have a tendency to do that when they see a family member getting their face f*cking carved up.

Just woman's intuition.

You like Charlie, and maybe he's being truthful.

But the dog you like is not the dog that will bite you.

[Pats back]


Get your ass down here!


Head injuries... there's no rule book.

Sometimes it's just a couple brain farts, sometimes two days after a bump in the head, you don't wake up.

I'd like to keep you overnight.

While you're in, we'll run a full series of tests.

What kind of tests?

Well, there's one where I drill a hole in your skull, stick a small catheter in your head.

Very unpleasant, or at least it looks that way.

I mean...

I'm... I'm joking.

[Chuckles] Oh.

We'll just do a follow-up CT and an MRI.

And I want to run a full neuropsych assessment, nothing that hurts.

What do you do for a living?

I'm a... counselor, essentially.

What, does that matter?


I just, uh... I just find you interesting.

What kind of counseling?

I'm more of an administrator. I own several clinics.

You know, I'm an ordinary guy and I don't do dr*gs and my best drinking days are behind me.

What happened to me, this kind of brain injury, could it... could it change the way I see things?

Bad fish can change the way you see things.

Can you be more specific?

I'm hearing things.

Colors are too bright.

Time is out of joint.

What does that mean?

What does that mean, "time is out of joint"?

[Sighs softly]

You say you don't do dr*gs.

Back in the day, you ever take acid?

[Both chuckle]

I grew up in Vegas.

That's pretty much how you spent your weekends.

Coming onto it, the colors and sounds, is that the sensation you're describing?

More or less.

Yeah, okay.

Well, it's not dissimilar to the aura that prefaces a migraine.

Usually it goes away.

Then the headaches begin?

Or the acid trip.


I'm not reassuring you, am I?

Not so much.


Well, there's no such thing as sudden onset insanity, if that helps.

[Chuckles dryly]

I mean, sometimes there are instances of depression or schizophrenia after a blow like yours, but those are things you have to look forward to.

I mean, if you're gonna schiz out, it is not gonna happen for a while yet, so...

Look, you're just gonna have to lean on me... on my expertise, right?

You're in the best hands possible.

I mean, I'm awesome, but like I said, with head injuries, there's just no rule book.

So, how have you been?

Great, yeah.

I mean, no complaints.

And how is high school?

Are you settling in?

It's good, yeah.

There's this girl I like.

Well, uh, she's a... she's a year older than me.

But I think I might be able to cope.

What gives you that impression?

Have you ever driven a Lamborghini?

My friend Chris says the acceleration is just... just insanely responsive.

Okay, let's try to stay on topic, hmm?

How are you doing academically?

Better, yeah. Better, I think.

So, you find it easier to focus?

[Cellphone chirping]

What... what are you doing?


I thought we would talk a little about Nick's progress.

He still shows attention issues.

You know, if... if we were to increase the medication to 30...

[muffled] for the month, as long as it doesn't cause him any trouble sleeping, which hasn't seemed to be a problem for him... [Cellphone chirping] ...he might benefit from it.

If we can see how he's doing in a month or two, then make a judgment...

[Stopwatch beeps]

Tree, sleep, animal, felt, besiege, discretionary, usurp, desire.

Did you write these?

They're standard. Keep going.

[Stopwatch beeps]

Heinous, egregious, disingenuous.

[Stopwatch beeps]

They're not on the test.

I can still drill that hole in your head.

Fast as you can.

Do not lift the pencil from the paper.

[Stopwatch beeps]

Red, blue, green, blue, red, blue, blue, green, blue, green, red, blue, green...

No, it doesn't work if you're not looking at the paper.

Did I get them right?

[Stopwatch beeps]



Hey, babe. Hey, buddy.

Hey, how was the appointment?

It was okay.


Yeah. He's making real progress.

Good. Did the...

Are they keeping you overnight?

Oh, I'm afraid that's my fault.

Nora White.

Uh, you're Charlie's wife?



Well, from what Charlie's saying, he's still having symptoms, so I thought it best to keep him under observation.

While he was in, I just thought I'd run him through the wringer.

Well, maybe he doesn't want you to run him through your wringer.

Well, what kind of doctor would I be if I gave him a choice?

So, I just want to finish up this one, and then I'm gonna put you back in the machines.

So, I need him to myself.

I'm sorry, the tests are compromised if there's anyone else in the room when they're administered.

Would you mind if I said goodbye to my husband before you get back to your tests?

See you tomorrow.


What are you guys gonna do tonight?

I'm gonna work on my Wellness project.


A little DIY TV, glass of wine, "Rehab Addict," and out.

[Sets glass down] Mmm.

Amazing stuff... Arnica.


It'll heal.

I like the way it feels.

In the shower.

I feel the water on it.

I think of you.


What'd you do today?

Some errands.

Took my son to therapy.



He's got ADHD, some anxiety stuff.

True what they say about L. A. kids... all shrunk and medicated.

I'm medicated.

That gonna be a problem?

Only if it fucks with your orgasm.

That just means you're gonna have to work harder.

Is this your usual bent?

My bent?



Am I your first trip down lesbo lane?


I hope this doesn't hurt you to hear.

You're not my first anything.

[Breathes shakily]



f*ck yeah.

f*ckin' Gina.

[Cellphone beeps, ringing]

Yeah, what?

Yeah, Fonso.

You're not gonna believe this.

You're in counseling, you said?

More or less.


I thought about doing something like that.

I grew up in the church. [Chuckles]

For a while, I thought I'd be a nun.

How come that didn't work out?

I like sex too much.

But it's wonderful, isn't it?

Being able to change lives.

People who aren't a part of that have no idea.

So, I've written you up for Valium in case you're experiencing anxiety, and for Risperdal... It's an anti-seizure drug.

I want you to take it for two weeks.

It has some dire side effects I need to warn you about.

You might grow breasts.



You know, I've had some baseball players over the years... as patients.

Balls to the head, bats.

The one thing they all had in common... baseball wives.

No nonsense, really good with the books, really tough customers.

Sometimes trauma and injury can provide the injured party with a way to check out of a stressful environment... like a vacation, if you will.

You're suggesting that I faked all of this to get away from my baseball wife?

Well, a Freudian might offer that you went out looking for that blow to the head, but I am not a Freudian by any stretch.

No, I'm suggesting that something in your basic nature is rebelling against what you've become and is using your injury as an excuse to try other... options.

You know what, f*ck this.

I think you're gonna be fine. I looked at your test.

I know you're gonna be fine.

[Tosses paper]

Your brain is fine, and you are not gonna have a seizure, so if you are feeling anxious, call me.

[Tears paper]



[Siren wailing in distance]


[Rooster crows]

[Upbeat music playing]

[Indistinct conversations]

But actually, okay, had we known that Pilot's house was like this, or we would have come around a lot more...


I... I hooked us up.

Splendid. What'd you get?

Uh, Adderall. 30s.

Aw, seriously, dude?

This is disappointing.

You said you could get us dr*gs. Adderall's not dr*gs.

It's... it's f*cking gummy bears.

Well, f*ck it. Let's just get drunk.

♪ But I'm not here for anyone ♪

You did say you could get us dr*gs.

♪ And the more I start to stumble ♪
♪ This hysteria's impromptu ♪

[Door opens, closes]

Home early.

Tough night?

You ever wish you were other people?

[Chuckles] Come here.



Other people's lives aren't all that great.

♪ Just me and you ♪
♪ I'll show you lovin' like you never knew ♪
♪ That's why I'm hot-blooded, check it and see ♪
♪ Feel the fever burning inside of me ♪

So, tell me, why'd you really want to come with me?

I answer to some very nasty people, and I need to move up the food chain.

I'm sure you can respect that.

Top of the food chain... only place to be.

I'd feel a lot better if I knew you had my back.

You saved my life. You fixed my kid.

Whatever you need... you're covered.

[Music continues through radio]


The guy frying, he was like a nephew to me.

And he's gonna tell me that he had nothing to do with any drive by.

And I want to believe him.

I want you to tell me if I shouldn't.

[Seatbelt squeaks]

You coming?

[Doorbell chimes]

[Indistinct conversation]

Let's go, ándale.

[Indistinct conversation]



[Spanish pop music playing]

[Singing along with music]




Eduardo, man. Long time.

It's good to see you.

We need to get you a better job.

Oh, man, that'd be sweet.

The hours here, they're f*cking with my head.


You know, I was out in North Hollywood yesterday.

I thought I saw you driving that shit heap out there.

No, man.


I work, I sleep, I shit, I eat. I got no time for nothing else.

That's weird, 'cause I really thought it was you.

My cousin, from time to time, I let him take the car, you know, while I'm working and shit.

Petey? That cousin?

No, man. You don't know this one.

He just come up.

[Fryers sizzling]

[Music continues]

He's lying.

Who the f*ck are you, I'm lying?

Who's this guy, Eddie?

Yeah. I think so, too.

[Clatter] Aah!

[Echoing screaming]

[Splash, sizzling]

[Screaming continues]

[Screaming stops]



[Music continues]

When they're hot, can't beat that taste.


[Indistinct news chatter over television]

...Very close to where I'm standing.

Utilities got out as quickly as they could, but they were not able to...

They're doing everything they can.

[Chatter continues]

...and flooding, it's all up and down the canyon.



[Meat sizzling]

You like it bloody, right?

[Sizzling continues]

Nick's asleep in his bedroom.

Please. Have a seat.

Charlie will be home soon.

Oh, where is Charlie boy?

With a client.

This time of night?

Did you know his sister was doing bujo?

Stealing from me and not telling me?



[Whispering] I know about your kamardi.

Little lady, huh? On the side.


My people...

[Plates clatter]

...they tend to find those relationships... unclean.


I'm a modern man. I make no judgments.

Thing is, you picked the wrong grunter joovi.

Spill a drink on any map, whatever town that's wet, she's been run out of.

[Spatula scrapes]

She's trouble, but maybe you like that, hmm?

What do you want, Fonso?

I want to know why you're with her.

Hypnotism isn't your area of expertise, so just making sure you're not conducting any unauthorized side business.

I'm just f*cking her.

That's all.

Fair enough.

[Spatula scrapes]

Word gets back to me that it's anything else, then your secret's out.

Maybe Charlie isn't your concern.

Think about what it would do to Nick, hmm?

When he finds out.

I'm not conducting any unauthorized side business.

[Plate clatters]

Now get the f*ck out of my house.


[Rooster crows]


[Rooster bawking]


[Creaking, snapping]


[Car alarm blaring]



[Rooster crowing]

♪ Didn't come around 'cause I had it all ♪
♪ I had it all ♪
♪ Never settled down 'cause I had it all ♪
♪ I had it all ♪
♪ But it all just came and went faster than I could ♪
♪ Have the time to separate the bad from good ♪