10x09 - Excitable Chap

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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10x09 - Excitable Chap

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm not sure about this, Peregrine.

It's a lovely night.

It would be a shame to ruin it.

You told me you wanted to come out here.

I did.

But now you want to leave, and we have hardly gotten settled.

Please, can we just go home?

After a kiss.


It's not so bad, is it?

Something's moving.

Just the earth.

Please, I would like you to stop.

What do you want?



You there!

Get away from her! Aaaaaah!

Are you alright?


My God! That was the Lurker!

Do you think he might be coming back?

And he was wearing shaded spectacles?

That shielded his eyes.

They were so unusual...

But you said it happened at night.

Why would he wear shaded spectacles at night?

Suffering from some insidious disease, I'd imagine.

He was snarling like some kind of animal.

And he compromised this young lady's honour!

Well, I'm not so sure about that.

He did.

I was there.

Where does he live?

Huh... If we knew that, we'd have arrested him by now.

Are you certain it was him?

The Lurker hasn't been seen in weeks.

Of course we're certain.

Yes, it was the Lurker.

Has he accosted many women?

There have been a few incidents.

Is he always so... amorous?

Well, that's hard to say.

Usually he just swans about thieving.

This was no mere swanning about.

He att*cked us and we demand his apprehension.

And we will do all that we can...

What the devil is that, George?

The Inspector gets back today. I had it made specially.

A football pitch?

It is a cake befitting a champion.

You will, I hope, begin looking for the Lurker once you've had your tea?

I told you I would, sir.

The Lurker's back?


But he has caused no real harm.

No real harm?

He insulted this young lady's honour!

Well... It wasn't that bad.

Just do something about it!

So the Lurker has made his return.

It appears so. The new report matches the old ones.

Distinctive hat, long dark cape, shaded spectacles.

An unusual choice of attire.

Sir, they also said he snarled like an animal.

I'm sure that's just a fanciful addition.

Two witnesses both claim it's true.

First report in three weeks?

Let's hope this isn't the start of another series of nightly incidents.

Please give me all the information we have on him.


The Inspector's coming!


Thanks, lads. Thank you, thank you.

Congratulations, sir!

A Champion in our midst, lads!

Well, the Yanks gave us all we could handle but the Galt lads gave it back.

World Champions, sir.

Well, you can hardly be considered World Champions if England doesn't show up.

But the gold medal was well earned none the less.

Sir, did you see the Louisiana Purchase Exposition by chance?

They call it the World's Fair, Murdoch.

And it was glorious.

All the wonders of the world were there.

1500 buildings and exhibitions.

200 000 people a day. You've never seen such a crowd!

They reenacted a battle from the Boer w*r twice a day.

I saw a Pygmy.

A Pygmy, sir?

Little chap from Africa.

Didn't care much for the way he treated him, so I set him free.

You set him free?

Well, he was out for a couple of days before he was apprehended...

But it seemed he had a jolly good time while he was out.

Learned something scientific there as well, Murdoch.

Oh you did, sir?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You ever hear that?

No. No, I haven't.

Though it seems sound advice.

The apple is a rich source of...

Yes, yes. No need to go on, Murdoch.

I'm prepared to accept it as fact.

Good Lord!

You go to an event like the World's Fair and you realize that the world is a marvelous bloody place.

My life's half over, and I've barely even scratched the surface.

Sir, did you see Thomas Edison's steel-nickel battery by chance?

Apparently it's set to revolutionize the way that power is harnessed...

Shame! I missed that one.

Oh! Oh, well.

Well, I suppose we should get back to it.

So, what's been going on around here?

It seems the Lurker has resurfaced.

The Lurker?


The incidents began a few weeks ago, shortly before you left for St. Louis.

What's he do? Just lurk?

Petty theft, destruction of property...

The tempting of women...

It that all?

Do you think we're wasting time on a good luck Charlie?

Well, sir, as with any criminal, the severity of his crimes could increase.

At any rate, it's good to have you back.

Put the kettle on, Crabtree.


Constable Crabtree!

I hear the Lurker is back.

I keep my ear to the ground.

You'd think a police force should be able to track down a lunatic.

Well, one could say the same about a clever journalist, Miss Cherry.

So you'll admit I'm clever?

If you hear of anything, Constable, my readers would love to know.

I'll certainly keep you in mind.

I surely hope you do.

And the gold medal is awarded to Canada!

Welcome to the 1904 World Fair!

The world's the wildest bloody place.

I saw a pigmy, a little chap from Africa.

My life's half over and I've barely scratched the surface.

He doesn't like to lurk far.

All of the incidents have occurred in this small area east of Yonge Street.

Every available constable should be patrolling these streets.

And be sure...

... sure that everyone has his description.

Excuse me.

... in their hands.

Stop it! Stop it!


James Pendrick!


What's so amusing?



What are you doing here?

I just popped in to see my old friend Tommy Two Cakes.

I told you about that...

You like the name fine enough.

I ran into James at the World's Fair.

He showed me around.

Not as much as you did me.

Your Inspector is a man of great appetite.

I see.

You're no slouch yourself.

Thank you, Tom.

But there is something...


Do you have my swords?


Yes, I had Tom bring back a pair of antique Japanese Katana Swords from St. Louis.

Ah, yes. The weapons used by the Samurai during the Muromachi Period.

Oh yes, very good, Murdoch. Very good.

Do you have them?

They're at home. I'll bring them in tomorrow.

Right then James, it's six o'clock.

You know what that means?

I certainly do.

Time for the pub!

Only a few, Tom. I've a busy night tonight.

Never more than a few, James.

I've heard that one before.

Oh, Murdoch, would you care to join us?


I really should...

Why not?

I just wish I had time to see everything the fair had to offer.

You might have, had you not spent so much time on Mr. Ferris' wheel.

It was like flying.

Man's achievements, when gathered together, are an impressive sight.

You can say that again, James.

Those Egyptians were a clever bunch.

I never knew that about them.

We flew.

I'm sorry, Murdoch?

We flew. Over the falls. That was something.

Yes. Yes, of course.

You know what is interesting, Thomas, is that, Egyptians aside, the most impressive achievements on view at the Fair have come into being in the last ten years.

We are in the Age of Invention, James.

Indeed we are. Another?

Yes. Just call me Ten Tankard Tommy.

Ten Tankard Tommy.

Is there something troubling you, William?


I heard James Pendrick dropped by the station today.

He did.

You should have brought him home.

Oh, I think he's out with the Inspector.

The Inspector?


The two of them have seemed to have struck up a friendship since spending time together in St. Louis at the world's fair.

That's what's troubling you?

And apparently, he shields his eyes with shaded spectacles.

Well, I would think he could be a revenant, but he seems more intent on locking lips with women than any real v*olence.

Sounds to me like this Lurker is just looking for a good time.

Nina, he's a monster straight out of Stevenson.

Just because a man has lust in his heart doesn't make him evil, George.

Everyone has two sides to them. Look around.

These men have their vices but it doesn't mean they don't lead good lives.

And I suppose I have to count myself among them.

But some men don't have a dark side. And I think that's admirable.

It's what we should at least be striving for.

I certainly hope not.

Why's that?

If people strove for that, where would my business be?

Oh! You won't believe what happened!

The Lurker att*cked me on my way to the club.

The Lurker?

It surely was.

He's not lurking anymore, though.

After I stabbed him with my hatpin, he just ran away.

I said he ran away!

He's long gone by now.

I hope you can catch him quickly before he does something serious.




Thomas, why are you sleeping down here again?

Bloody old bugger!

You there!

Thomas! Thomas!

It's all right.

It's all right. He's gone. He's gone.

He's gone. It's okay.

It's all right.

Miss Hall said she fended him off with a hatpin so he can't be any real threat.

The man's a bloody menace.


Last night. In my home. The Lurker.


Yes. He broke into my own bloody house.

Scared Margaret half to death.

Sir, are you quite sure it was the Lurker?

Of course it was the Lurker. I saw him with my own eyes.

What did he look like?

Like a damned beast!

A beast, sir?

Like an animal? Or a man possessed?

Or a creature bearing no resemblance to any earthly species whatsoever?

I don't know, Crabtree. I didn't see his face.

But he sounded like a slavering monster.

Sir, are you sure about this?

Constable Crabtree.


Gerard Waldkirch, known by all as the Sausage King. A popular chap.

Well, they did name him King.

Cause of death was a very deep knife wound.

Thin blade.

Did anyone see the incident?

Two witnesses, sir.

Neither could give much of a description, but it was the Lurker.

Why say that?

Sir, they described seeing a man cloaked in darkness who snarled like an animal.

Well... You know what this means, George.

Yes, sir.

The Lurker has moved up to m*rder.

Constables have interviewed all of the neighboors, and shop keepers.

The victim was known to all, yet no one emerged as a suspect.

The man had a busy night.

A m*rder, the Star Room, and he broke into my own bloody house.

All we know is that the incidents continue to occur in a concentrated area.

I'll talk to Station House 3 and get more Constables.

He was about to attack my wife, Murdoch.

We're catching him tonight.

Mr. Pendrick?


James! What are you doing here?

It's about this unfortunate m*rder, I'm afraid.

There's somebody I'd like you to meet.

This is Ashmi, my assistant.

A woman?

Always a woman, Tom.

Ashmi saw the Sausage King only yesterday, in my laboratory.

What was he doing in your laboratory?

I hate being interrupted by time-wasting meals.

Ashmi has our lunches brought in.

The Sausage King delivers them directly to us.

I see.

Did he do or say anything of interest?

Only this.

That someone had recently damaged his cart.


He said a man was "out to get him."

He was m*rder*d on Parliament Street.

Were either of you in that area late last night?

In a sense. We were in the laboratory, working till dawn.

Do you often work through the night?

We are conducting a series of highly technical experiments.

I take copious notes on everything.

The way you are looking at me is both flattering and uncomfortable.

Now, Tom. I'll need those swords.

Oh! Bollocks, I forgot.

We should go to my house.

You keep the Katana swords in an unsecured location?

This is a police officer's abode.

It's as secure as a pharaoh's tomb.

Oh. I see.

Having said that...

The bloody Lurker.

They've gone.

What do you mean, gone?

Tom, those swords were important!

Then you should have told me they were.

Besides, they weren't the only things that were stolen.

They were the only things of mine that were stolen.

They're were only a couple of bloody old swords.

And replicas, if I remember correctly.

It's not the swords I'm concerned about. It's what was in the case.

Was I smuggling something for you?

Well, not exactly smuggling, no.

Then what, exactly, was I doing for you?

Well, yes, it was a form of smuggling, all right.

I'm a police officer! Bloody hell!

Always with the "bloody hell", Tom! You're a better man than that.

And it was the fact that you're a police officer that I felt it was safe with you.


What it?

A container of an herb called guarana.

But not ordinary guarana.

Well, that clears things up.

Ordinary guarana is found throughout South America.

This particular strain is only found in the lowlands of Panama.

Nearly unobtainable.

Whoever stole it knew exactly what he was after.

And he may have followed us from St. Louis.

What's so special about it?

Do you want the short answer or the long one?

I think we should get Murdoch involved in this.

You're probably right.

Gentlemen, welcome to my new laboratory.

As you can see I have a team of people helping my pursuits.

Ashmi, of course, helps me with my research.

This is my lab man, he keeps the place tip-top.

The man at the piano there is an expert in mechanical engineering.

He says music is the food of thought or some nonsense.

Anyway, he's terribly good, so I'm hardly complaining.

This is Dr. Karlsson.

Physicist. Swedish.

Have you ever had a Swedish massage, Tom?


Anytime you like, Inspector.

Well, I've been feeling a little bit pinched...

Can we get to the point...

Ah, thank the Lord!

I am famished.

A new dish for you tonight, Mr. Pendrick.

Nice to have your business again.

Yes. Well, with the demise of the King... Now, Murdoch, are you familiar with the herb guarana?

No, I'm not.

Good Lord. That's a first.

Guarana is an herb that has been known to help the addled mind focus. It is readily available.

If so, why steal it from you?

The particular strain I'm interested in has demonstrated remarkable qualities. It is a super guarana.

Found only in the swamplands of Panama.

I arranged to purchase a small quantity of it, but I was not the only interested party.

And my competitors would do anything to take it from me.

That's why you arranged for the Inspector to transport it here.

An action for which I have already apologized.

Now, Murdoch, it is imperative that you apprehend this Lurker of yours and return the guarana to its rightful owner.

Why's it so important to you?

In combination with a formulation that I have created, I believe I can exponentially expand a human being's intellectual capacity.

You can make a bloke smarter.


What's the formulation?

It is a carefully-calibrated concoction of Khat, Ephedra sinica, phenyl-isopropylamine and a number of other substances.

I call it "jumper."

Is this a helicopter?

A hovering platform?


I have hundreds more. None of them finished.

One of the unfortunate side effects of my jumper is that my mind tends to dart from place...

An automated pancake maker?

Not one of my finest hours.

Needless to say all my other ideas are brilliant.

But sadly, they are incomplete.

And you need the guarana to make them complete?

Very good, Tom. My formulation expands the mind, the guarana helps focus it.

What's in your formulation?

Always the skeptic.

Merely curious is all.
Oh no!

Oh, dear God, no!

It's gone! Ashmi!

Yes, Mr. Pendrick?

Where is it?

Who's been in my safe?

No one. No one but you.

It was sitting here open when I got here and I was not the one to open it.

Tom, Murdoch... You have to find them.

If my formulation and the guarana fall into the wrong hands... whoever stole them could become the most dangerous maniac the world has ever seen!

The "most dangerous maniac" may be a bit of an overstatement.

Be that as it may, do you think he's right?

That our k*ller and his thief are one and the same?

It's possible.

We have to assume whoever stole the swords from your home also broke into Mr. Pendrick's lab.

So it was the Lurker.

Witnesses believe the Lurker and the k*ller are one and the same.

My question is, what's the connection between Mr. Pendrick's research and the sausage vendor?

Maybe he witnessed the robbery.

Or maybe the k*ller just didn't like him.

Or maybe the Lurker's just some complete bloody madman.

Well, there is one factor from which we can work.

The thief had to have knowledge of Mr. Pendrick's experiments.

One of his assistants.

We'll send George down there to make a list of everyone who's set foot in that building in the past few weeks. If any of them has a connection to the victim, I believe we'll have our Lurker.


He fought back.

Our attacker should be bearing wounds.

Mr. Waldkirch's injuries are quite minor.

Save the knife blade through his heart.

Of course.

So it was a knife, then?

It appears so.

Could it have been a sword?

Miss James?

I'd say it's possible.


And is he a m*rder*r now?

That seems to be the case.

Good Lord! He att*cked Lydia.

She was able to fend him off...

This time.

And that doesn't let the police off the hook.

Don't worry, we'll catch him.

I hope so.

Aaaaah! It's the Lurker!

Oy! You stop there!

James Pendrick?

Theft, harassement, m*rder.

And to think we had the Lurker right under our noses the entire time.

Do not sit down!

How could you hide this from us?

And break into my own bloody house.

You don't understand.

The man you arrested last night, that... that wasn't me.

It wasn't you?

The truth is that my formulation produces side effects.

After the jumpers wear off, I fall into a deep sleep.

At that point, I apparently lose all control over myself.

And I have no idea it's happening.

You don't remember a thing?

Not a moment of it.

You're claiming you had no idea that you were the Lurker until you awoke in our cells today?

Well... the notion had crossed my mind.

You never said anything.

I wasn't sure!

Believe me, I'm as confused as anyone.

From time to time, I would awake with bruises, surrounded by items I had supposedly stolen.

Yet you kept taking the drug.

It's clear I've misbehaved.

And it's clear I have much work to do on my formulation before it's safe for consumption. But none of this makes me your k*ller.

When you were apprehended last night, your behaviour and your attire matched the witnesses' description.

Yes, but why would I steal from myself?

The guarana, my formulation, somebody took it.

Whoever stole it could have imbibed it.

Or there is no thief.


What motive would an international pharmaceutical thief have to m*rder a sausage vendor?

What motivation would I have?

I don't know.

But you knew him and you lied to us!

I've been entirely truthful.

No, you haven't.

You lied to us just now.

You say your formulation was stolen, yet you had a dose last night.

No. It was stolen.

I keep a vial in reserve.

I suppose you should keep it.

Mr. Pendrick, may I see your right hand?

Appears I've been pricked by something.

A hatpin, perhaps.

Please remove your shirt.


There were no scratches on him. There you have it.

There could be another explanation for the tissue under the victim's fingernails.

But sir, we know Pendrick is the Lurker.

He could very well be the k*ller.

How can you be so sure?

Although we didn't know it at the time, he offered us an alibi for the night of the m*rder.

That's right.

His assistant said he was in his lab all night.

Which we know was a lie.

Do we?

Yes, sir.

He was stabbed with a hatpin outside the burlesque that very night.

I was not completely truthful in my earlier statement.

Did you see Mr. Pendrick leave the laboratory last night?

No. I went home to sleep before midnight.

I was gone for some hours. When I came back, he was in the laboratory, sound asleep.

I assumed he hadn't left.

But he could have.

I was only trying to protect James.

The world will suffer if his work is not allowed to continue.

Please stay nearby in case we have further questions.

Any chance the m*rder w*apon could still be around, do you think?

It wouldn't hurt to look.

Oh, I don't know, Murdoch. It makes no sense that a man would steal from himself.

That means someone else could have taken Pendrick's jumpers.

And that person could be the k*ller.

Sir, our constables are interviewing all of his employees.

If none of them have a connection to the victim, I'm afraid we are without another suspect.

This one's locked.

I could try to pick it...

Forget that.

Those are...

Pendrick's swords.

He really did steal them from himself.

We should get them down to the morgue.

One of them could be the m*rder w*apon.

George Crabtree!

Just the man to give me the latest on the Lurker.

Louise's Latest on the Lurker.

That's clever, I'll give you that.

You could make a daily column of it.

Terrific idea. But then I'd have to come down here every day to get the scoop. Can you imagine, the two of us running into one another every single day?

Oh no, it would be utterly miserable.

Hello, George.

Ready for lunch?

Oh, Nina! Yes, of course.


Louise Cherry, Toronto Gazette.

I'll leave you be.

A bientôt, Constable.

A new friend, George?

More of a nuisance, if anything.

I mean, all reporters are a bit of a nuisance, but Louise in particular...

Yet you call her by her first name.

I call my Uncle Jerry by his first name.

That doesn't mean he's not a royal pain.

I must say, it's hard to believe after all these years James Pendrick may really be a k*ller.

There was no blood on the swords.

But if one of them matches the wound...

You see, I feel like we've had this conversation before.

Every time his guilt seems unassailable, it turns out that he's actually innocent.

Well, we know that Pendrick is the Lurker, that's a fact.

And the only other explanation is that someone followed him here from St. Louis, stole his concoction, and k*lled a sausage vendor.

It does seem far-fetched.



There's no point denying it any more.

The man's a k*ller. I thought I knew him but I was blinded with his bloody charm.

I will say, in my experience, no intoxicating substance can change a man's personality.

It simply brings out one's true colors more vividly.

Then the Lurker must be a bloody delight. And a filthy liar.

The Lurker does display much of James Pendrick's "carpe-diem" personality.


So the question is, does James Pendrick truly have in his heart the desire to k*ll a man?

I don't think anyone knows what's in this man's heart.

One minute he's a friend and the next he's attacking my wife.

I wish I could be dissuaded, Julia.

But the evidence is damning and the alternative explanation is preposterous.

Yes. Well, gentlemen, are you ready to hear my findings?

Go on then.

This sword might be the m*rder w*apon.

Might be?

I wish I could answer more conclusively.

But the attack was made in a frenzy.

The s*ab wounds are not clean, so I can't determine exactly the width of the blade.

If only Mr. Pendrick had some memory of the night in question.

Maybe he does.

What's this about, Tom?

That's Inspector to you, Pendrick.

Found in your laboratory.

I've been stealing from myself.

Where's the guarana?

Inside the flap.

And what of my formulation?

Have I been stealing that as well?

No sign of it.

Though I suspect you'll know where it is.

And you can tell us.

Right after you tell us you're the m*rder*r.

I can't confess to what I don't recall.


But if you don't remember, maybe the Lurker will.

You want me to take my jumper?

It may be a fruitless endeavour, but perhaps once you turn back into the Lurker, you will have the Lurker's memories.

And then we can question you about the m*rder.

And get your confession.

All right.

If I'm guilty, then I deserve to be punished.

One request...

May I have a pencil and paper?

This may be the last chance I get to take my jumper and enjoy the hour of great productivity it provide.

It would be a shame to waste it.

Bottoms up.

When will the hanging be?

The man hasn't even been brought before a judge yet, sir.

Well, then, when will he be brought before a judge?

As I said, we are happy to testify.

Is that him right there?

Just out in the open?

How long has he been at it?

We gave him the formulation over an hour ago.

It's remarkable.

There's no doubting his drug is powerful.

How long do you think he'll be out for?

I have no idea.

Well, let me know when he wakes up.



Hello. I'm sorry, it seems...

Well, it seems that whatever was meant to happen hasn't come to pass.


What do we do now?

We wait. Julia!


Mr. Pendrick, we're trying to help you!



James, stop this!

Give yourself up.

I'm sorry, Inspector.

I believe I have the right to remain... violent.


Aren't you lovely?

Please, just wait here.

I've had better.

Get out of the bloody way!

What have we done?

Sir, we've let a m*rder*r go free.

Sir, any sign of Pendrick?

He knows we're looking for him.

Maybe he's already fled the city.

We should search his laboratory.

Jackson was there. No luck.

He wouldn't risk getting caught by going back to his lab.

Sir, if Pendrick is leaving town, he wouldn't leave without all his research.

Maybe you're right.

Find out what that's about. I'll handle the lab.

Madam! What is it?

The Lurker! It was the Lurker!

Where did he go?

Down the alley.

Constable, take this woman's statement.


Pendrick! Stop!

Mr. Pendrick, you're under arrest for m*rder.

Mr. Pendrick. Nice to have your business again.

You k*lled the sausage vendor.

Of course.

Just as surely as I'll k*ll you.

James Pendrick!

Give yourself up.

Stay away.

We don't have to do this, James.

I'm not James Pendrick, I'm the Lurker!


It's me, Tommy Two Cakes.

Don't do this. You're not a k*ller.

Pendrick! Stop!

Well done, sir.

Are you all right?

Never in doubt, Murdoch.

Well, sir, it would appear that James Pendrick is not our k*ller.

Maybe not.

But he came bloody close.

James Pendrick, exonerated again.

I'm rather surprised he was given little more than a slap on the wrist, sir.

He didn't k*ll anybody.

No, he didn't, but he is responsible for several counts of petty theft, harassment, groping...

He even broke into your house, sir.

All in the name of science.

I thought you'd appreciate that.



What happened to the international thief who followed Pendrick from St. Louis?

There was no such man.

So it was just some restaurant man in a spat with a sausage vendor.

Rather prosaic when you put it that way.

How did he even know about Pendrick's bloody jumpers?

Pendrick had been bragging about them openly.

I suppose the man thought that they would help him to figure out how to win back business that he'd lost to the Sausage King.

After all that, a man was k*lled for having delicious sausages.

Also prosaic.

Well, the man's motives may not have been inspiring, but we are left with quite a story to write up in the reports, sir.

We've got a lot of paperwork to do?


Inspector Brackenreid.

Ah, James!

Of course. We'll be right there.

Murdoch, grab your hat.

The combination of my formulation and the guarana has produced remarkable results.

Has it stopped the side effects?

I don't know, I haven't tried it.

But my tests have revealed that something far greater is at hand.

Well, don't keep us waiting.

I took a small dose of my original formulation and added the guarana.

But quite by accident, I combined them in a petri dish that was home to a small family of gastrotrichs.

Tom, please, have a look.

What are they? Worms?

Gastrotrichs are organisms that reside in the benthic zon...

So basically worms.

Yes, sir.

What they are is not important.

Gastrotrichs ordinarily live less than 72 hours.

I gave these the formulation a week ago.


They've already lived twice their natural lifespan and they're as lively as ever.

What, you think you've found a way to forestall death?

Yes, Tom, I believe I have.

The proverbial Fountain of Youth is within my grasp.

I have had a devil of a time finding you, Constable.


You promised me the scoop on the Lurker.

That all's been over for days.

The case is closed, it's already made it to the papers.

Yes, but I want the story behind the story.

To tell the tale of the men who brought him to justice.

I don't think anybody would be too interested in that.

That's why you're not the reporter.

I'll buy you dinner in exchange for whatever you can tell me.

I'm not supposed to speak on the matter.

Well, then I hope you can speak on something else or our dinner's going to be awfully quiet.

Louise, I can't.

That woman from the other day?

If I've learned anything about you, it's that you don't take no for an answer. But in this case...

I understand.

Oh, Louise...

A month ago?

Nobody's done anything about it?

Oh, George! For you.

From your lady friend.


No, your lady friend. Miss Bloom?

The gorgeous woman you're courting?

With the eyes and the hair?

Yes, Jackson. I know who I'm courting, thank you.

I was just expecting...


I don't know quite how to put this, except to say I'll miss you.

The twist of fate that brought you into my life was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received.

But we both knew your path wouldn't end with me.

I'm quite sure wherever it leads will be wondrous.

Yours, Nina.

Something the matter, George?

It would appear I'm not courting anybody anymore.

Eternal life?

Do you think it really could be possible?

It is somewhat outlandish.

Beyond the pale, even for James Pendrick.

If it's true, it could change the world.

Imagine all of us, living our lives, doing our jobs, perhaps in this very station house, forever.




It's gone!

What's gone?

The guarana, the formulation, my research, all of it! It's gone!

Slow down. What's happened?

I left my lab last night to get some rest.

When I returned, Ashmi had vanished. And all my work along with her.

The fountain of youth has been stolen?

I'll never be able to reproduce it without my notes.

She no doubt intends to sell it to the highest bidder.

I hate to say it, but she may have been planning this all along.

She was very protective of you and ensuring that your research continued.

Blinded by beauty yet again.

She must be stopped.

If she left last night, she could be in another country by now.

She surely is. But she made one mistake.

A letter addressed to Ashmi.

From Panama City.

You think that's where she's gone?

For more of that guarana.


My work is the g*n, but the guarana is the amm*nit*on.

If she controls both, there is no limit to what people will pay.

And no limit to the villainy of the potential buyers.

Then what are you waiting for? She must be stopped.

I'm leaving on the next train But it is a journey fraught with danger.

I only wish I had a partner.

Murdoch, tell the chief constable I'll be taking my leave.

Oh, and you make sure you keep an eye on the place.

Sir, are you quite sure about this?

Of course he is. It will be the adventure of a lifetime.

Tom, the journey begins.

You'll write, won't you?

Where we're going the post isn't exactly regular...


Course I will, Margaret.

You've really lost your head this time, Thomas.

It does promise to be quite dangerous.

If you only live once, why not make it forever?

Come here, Margaret.
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