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01x04 - Power

Posted: 12/05/16 12:42
by bunniefuu
Javier Delgado: Previously on Mars.

Hana Seung: We had arrived; yet our journey was just beginning. With Ben gone, I took command. Mars fought us every step of the way. They say science and faith don't mix.

Javier Delgado: Open the door!


Board Member: If they fail, I don't care how much you invested, we're out.

Hana Seung: But when everything is telling you you already lost.

Ed Grann: If they fail, everyone's out.

Hana Seung: There's nothing you can do but believe.

Joon Seung: We ignored this horizontal entrance because it was clogged with breakdown debris.

Hana Seung: So we made one more leap into the darkness.

Marta Kamen: Easy, easy, easy.

Hana Seung: Hoping there was some light at the bottom of the abyss.

Marta Kamen: The idea that one of the lava tubes could be connected to a tectonic cave is brilliant. We're deploying the dome.

Hana Seung: The flag is planted. It's official. Humankind has a home on Mars.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Robert Foucault: Foucault, Robert.

Marta Kamen: Kamen, Marta.

Amelie Durand: Durand, Amelie.

Javier Delgado: Delgado, Javier.

Hana Seung: Seung, Hana, personal entry, Phase 2. Hi Joon.

[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Phase 1 was complete and Phase 2 had begun.

Amelie Durand: Medical lab is now operational. First patient was Javier Delgado. He reported cold symptoms which is funny because I, I didn't see anything wrong with him.


Robert Foucault: Getting things ready for the arrival of Vega crew has been a mission in itself.

Hana Seung: A second ship, the Vega had arrived carrying the supplies and personnel we needed to begin expanding our little domed habitat into humanity's first martian outpost.

Javier Delgado: I almost slashed through my suit with a laser welder, but the greenhouse is complete now.

Hana Seung: Taking responsibility for the construction of the settlement and the safety of my crew, was the greatest honor I'd ever had, and it was the greatest challenge.

Robert Foucault: We did it guys. It took 93 days to lay our cables in the dunes because of continuous sand drift. but as of 08:00 today both solar arrays and nuclear fission are fully online.


Hana Seung: My sister Joon's work at MMC was recognized by the IMSF, and they offered her a position there. We both agreed it was the best way to serve the mission and she accepted. Working to bridge the gap between nations and private industry. Within two years she was Secretary General.

Robert Foucault: We're experiencing some losses on the lines. I think it's the copper wire.

Hana Seung: no matter how hard we worked to meet MMC’s schedule, Grann kept on pushing for even faster expansion.

Javier Delgado: This greenhouse is just k*lling me. I'm only at half the yield that I'm supposed to be by now, and Cygnus is two weeks from arrival.

Hana Seung: As a third larger ship approached carrying experts to aid in Phase 2 upgrades to power and infrastructure, we sought answers to burning questions.

Marta Kamen: Search for evidence of martian life. My priority is obviously to find life and that's the amazing adventure.

Hana Seung: But Mars was as weary of giving up her secrets as I was of turning the settlements expansion over to a group of experts who had never set foot on martian dust.

Mae: No live matter.

Hana Seung: Maybe you couldn't blame us. We had been driven by our visions of what Mars could be, following a dream some of us had our entire lives, but with each new arrival, a new vision of Mars would come, and it was only a matter of time before those visions collided.

Ed Grann: Members of the committee, madames and monsieurs, madame secretary. With incredible success of the Olympus Town Settlement over the last four years, we at MMC feel that we're ready to go faster. With our new freighters almost ready for flight, we'll be prepared to start sending fifty people at a time beginning first quarter of 2041, almost a full two years ahead of our earlier projected schedule.

Javier Delgado: We are really behind the schedule guys.

Man: Olympus Town power will be temporarily suspended in the greenhouse as construction crews are upgrading the lines.

Javier Delgado: If you want something done on Mars, you gotta do it your damn self.

[IN SPANISH] The best scientists in the world... in the universe...

Ed Grann: But as you know, we need the infrastructure to support those settlers when they arrive, and that begins with power. With MMC's composite nanowire technology, our power efficiency from nuclear fission will double.

Robert Foucault: No, no, no, you'll cross the cooling lines.

Tech: The north wall sir?

Robert Foucault: Power goes on the east wall, east wall, just stand by.

Man: Electrical engineering team please report to the outer west wing to await further instructions by Dr. Foucault.

Javier Delgado: Concentration! Initiative! Twenty years of study... twenty years to come here and do everything myself.

Ed Grann: This upgrade in power will be overseen by the very best; allowing Olympus Town to generate all the water, oxygen, and physical infrastructure they'll need to support our settlers. With world-renowned nuclear physicist Leslie Richardson entering Mars atmosphere as we speak, to take a role as director of MMC's Phase 2 expansion.

Jane: I have the report for you Commander Seung.

Hana Seung: Thank you Jane.

Radio Voice: Commander Seung, Commander Seung. Please proceed to the airlock for the onboarding of Cygnus crew.

Marta Kamen: Chances are we find life before you even meet wife number 4, Robert.

Hana Seung: Are you guys up for a welcoming committee?

Marta Kamen: That's Robert's department; if you ask me, we're already at capacity.

Robert Foucault: The Vega construction team are already exhausted just trying to keep up with the day to day; I'm looking forward to a little extra muscle for expansion from Cygnus.

Hana Seung: It took a month to clear Vega crew for EVAs, we've got a lot of experience to share now, so let's do everything we can to help the third team make the adjustment.

Marta Kamen: Listen, good luck with the welcoming committee, I'm not gonna make it. Ta ta.

Sam: So I told him, astronauts are probably the sanest people you'll ever meet. I mean how many people keep a cool head sitting on 88 tons of high expl*sives.

Pilot: EDL sequence is engaged. Five more minutes Ava, and you and Oliver are home.

Leslie Richardson: Big step Paul.

Ed Grann: Luckily for us, Dr. Richardson's decided to bring her husband along.

Paul Richardson: Okay, I'm okay.

Ed Grann: Nobel prize-winning exobotanist, Paul Richardson, will be personally overseeing a parallel agriculture expansion, focused on his own hybrid plant technology that plans to eliminate Mars' reliance on Earth for food by 2048. Ladies, gentlemen, our dream is now a reality.

Mae: No live matter.


Successful transfer of Cygnus crew.

Amelie Durand: Just want to check your eyes. Look me in the eye.

Robert Foucault: There they are!

Hana Seung: I'd ask how you're feeling, but I think I can take a guess. Base Commander Hana Seung.

Leslie Richardson: It's great to finally meet you in person.

Hana Seung: Likewise.

Amelie Durand: I'll be right back.

Hana Seung: Welcome.

Robert Foucault: Don't worry, three or four weeks and your inner ear will remember which way is down.

Oliver Lee: You know I'm just excited to not to have go to the damn suction toilet every time I go to the head.

Ava: Nice, Oliver. Classy reunion.

Hana Seung: Dr. Richardson.

Robert Foucault: Hang in there buddy.

Hana Seung: I'm so looking forward to working with you in the expansion of Olympus Town. And, Paul, very nice to meet you, welcome. I've read your work. Both of you, we all have.

Robert Foucault: Your progress on low temperature super-conductant casing is astonishing.

Leslie Richardson: Thank you.

Hana Seung: And Paul, Javier Delgado is dying to talk to you about phosphorus levels in our hydroponic mixtures. You have no idea how excited we are to have you here.

Paul Richardson: Well, I'd like to see the greenhouse.

Hana Seung: Great, as soon as you're settled and have time to adjust.

Paul Richardson: The sooner the better.

Hana Seung: Of course, but we have to run some medical tests, it's base protocol, so let's go do that.

Robert Foucault: Some help?

Paul Richardson: Yep, thanks.


Hana Seung: People call us dreamers, but without the dream, the reality of Mars would've never had a chance.

Peter Diamandis: There's a romanticism about going to Mars and colonizing it. And it's a future in which we are building cities. We humans love a target. We love to have something to sh**t for, to aim for, and to build a plan to make happen. It's been the case over and over again, whether it's the colonization of a New World, the railroads, the opening up of the West. All these things are all impossible until we make them real.

Robert Zubrin: What will life be like in an early Mars colony?

Roger Launius: Let's take some stages in terms of how we might do things on Mars. There is exploration, somebody going out and coming back. The next stage would be some sort of research station. You would mostly resupply it from Earth. You cycle people in and out on a regular basis. I would contend that that would look a lot like Antarctica. You don't have to fly into space obviously to go to Antarctica, but it's not easy to get to, and it's not easy to sustain life there.

Man: At the very bottom of the world there's a cheerless land where the long night is 125 degrees below zero, and murderous winds howl at 200 miles an hour across a desert as desolate as the moon.

Charles Elachi: Before we used to send people to Antarctica, they crossed the Antarctic Continent and came back and waited 3 or 4 years before you sent the next expedition.

Man: Then in 1954, a dozen nations decided to man 50 stations built around the continent. Now, the emphasis shifted to science.

Charles Elachi: Today you literally have hundreds of people who actually live in the station, throughout the year.

Joseph Levy: There are more scientists working in Antarctica today from more different countries than there probably have ever been in the past. And what that means is globally we need to think about how we'll collaborate and manage and work together. I think it's a good model for how policy and engineering and politics can come together to produce great science.

John Grunsfeld: The McMurdo Station is a kind of analog to the kind of activity we hopefully want to do on Mars someday. Because McMurdo is in fact a city.

Jennifer Heldmann: This is where you have infrastructure, where you have power, where you have supplies.

B.K. Grant : We have everything from people who cook the food to people who prepare science cargo. We all live and work together and we have essentially one goal and that is to support the science.

David Dinges: What happens in the Antarctic is what will likely happen on Mars. We'll create a kind of early version of community, and what we really want to do is make sure that we understand how humans can cope with the next level of risk, living on Mars. Trying to feed everybody, and coping with different visions of what should happen next. And that's going to require a much different level of understanding how to do this. We'll get there, we just gotta move to it in steps.

Hana Seung: Seung, Hana, personal entry. Hi Joon!


Cygnus crew arrived safely. Medical examinations reveal only expected challenges from transfer. Everyone's okay. It's so great to see Ava and Oliver. I think they became an item on their way here. Hell of a place for romance. God love them. Paul Richardson seems intense. Right this way. We had hoped to have the second facility up by now, but we've been running into trouble every step of the way.

Paul Richardson: How long until they're completed?

Hana Seung: It's hard to say, we're currently using all the power we produce, which is driving our construction schedule.

Leslie Richardson: Well we're prepared to upgrade all of the outdated copper lines to maximize output from the nuclear fission reactor within six weeks.

Hana Seung: And how long would you need to take the reactor offline to complete this?

Leslie Richardson: My team's been drilling in the SIM for months. Once the lines are laid we just need one short power cut for each junction box.

Hana Seung: With all due respect, SIM is no substitute for Mars surface. It took us three months to install the lines, the dunes are constantly shifting due to sand drifts.

Leslie Richardson: We're prepared for that.

Hana Seung: I'm sure your people are excellent, I know they are, but no one is a hundred percent while adjusting from micro-G’s. I would feel much more comfortable holding off until after dust storm season has passed.

Paul Richardson: No, no that's two months away, I've barely enough amps in here to power my LEDs.

Leslie Richardson: We'll never drain more than two percent of backup power during changeovers.

Hana Seung: Dr. Richardson, if we can just...

Leslie Richardson: No, I value your opinion, I do, and I know you've been through a lot up here. But I have an assignment and I would really appreciate your support in executing it.
Robert Zubrin: There are two primary drivers for going to Mars at present. One is for the settlement. Can we open up the human future. The other is science to find out if life ever developed on Mars and how far it got and what it was like.

Casey Dreier: The history of science in the last few hundred years has been the understanding that the sciences that we know on Earth are the same sciences that happen out in the universe. Physics on Earth, it's the same physics that governs the motions of planets and stars in the cosmos. Chemistry on Earth is the same chemistry out in the galaxies and the gas clouds and all these things that formed in stars. But there's a fundamental science that we do not know if it's the same out there as it is here and that's biology. Is biology that we have on Earth the one way to do biology?

Jedidah Isler: We have been talking about life on Mars forever. It's been part of movies, and in shows; and I think it just has that mystery.

Casey Dreier: Back 100 years ago there's kind of this widespread acceptance that there's probably life on Mars.

Walt Disney: Will we find a yellow farm of vegetable life, or will there be mechanical robots controlled by super-intelligent beings.

Casey Dreier: That happened up through the 1950s. And then we flew by in Mariner 4.

Mission Control: Liftoff.

Casey Dreier: When Mariner 4 flew by, it had very low resolution cameras, and it only took a few dozen pictures. It was barren, like the moon. Cratered and dead.

President Johnson: It may just be that life is more unique than many have thought.

Casey Dreier: That was kind of a crushing disappointment to a lot of people who just assumed there would be something there, anything there.

Roger Launius: But, we haven't abandoned the idea that there's life there. There's almost a religious belief that we will find it eventually if we just keep looking, and it's based upon faith and not knowledge, in the same way religion is based upon faith and not knowledge.

Marta Kamen: Marta, mission entry, Phase 2. Search for evidence of martian life.

♪ ♪

Mae: No live matter.

Marta Kamen: I have found many more places where it does not exist. No microbes in the samples. The conditions for life must have existed here, but there's a lot of red sand to sift. End report. I'm working please.

Leslie Richardson: Dr. Kamen, do you have a moment? I don't mean to interrupt your work, but it seems to be never ending so I thought I would just drop by.

Marta Kamen: Ah, sorry I forget myself. I'd offer tea but um, I've broken my second cup. Let me.

Leslie Richardson: It's okay, uh, I need to rebuild muscle after the transfer.

Marta Kamen: So you can enjoy our tennis courts.

Leslie Richardson: They might not be so far away.

Marta Kamen: Every seed knows its time. I'll start with a bigger lab.

Leslie Richardson: We can make that happen. Within two months we'll have enough power to double the size and capacity of your facilities.

Marta Kamen: Hana approved this?

Leslie Richardson: Uh, I informed her, yes. Your work is very important to all of us and I want to help however I can.

Marta Kamen: Thank you.

Leslie Richardson: May I?

Marta Kamen: Soil, single particles.

Leslie Richardson: Terrestrial?

Marta Kamen: The spores were hitching a ride after an earthquake stirred it up in the American Southwest. This one carried a fungus from Africa to the Caribbean.

Leslie Richardson: That's quite impressive. I don't see any life in that one.

Marta Kamen: Neither do I. Mars regolith. We have seen radiation-resistant spores on Earth that can resume life after a 25 million year dormancy. What if, what if interstellar clouds of dust could possibly play the same role in transporting organic molecules.

Leslie Richardson: If the right conditions were waiting on a planet's surface.

Marta Kamen: Evolution could begin again. Am I chasing ghosts?

Leslie Richardson: But if you did succeed, if you find evidence of a second genesis, imagine, we would have the funding to do whatever we wanted up here.

Marta Kamen: I'm sure you and your husband could write an excellent book about it. Thank you for coming by, Dr. Richardson.

Hana Seung: She's brilliant, no one questions that, they both are. But intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing. I don't care how many SIMs they've done, they don't know Mars. I'm worried, Joon.

Assistant: Mr. Ed Grann is here to see you.

Ed Grann: Hey. JOON Seung: Hi, how are you?

Ed Grann: I'm fine thanks, and you?

Joon Seung: Good, please, any coffee or anything?

Ed Grann: No thanks. Well?

Joon Seung: It was a hell of a show, committee was impressed.

Ed Grann: Can you sell them on it?

Joon Seung: I think you've already sold them on it. The question is if they should have buyer's remorse. How real is this thing, Ed?

Ed Grann: I've sent the best people and the best equipment in the world.

Joon Seung: Of course you have.

Ed Grann: Then what's the problem?

Joon Seung: It's a little too ambitious right now.

Ed Grann: Well, you don't go to Mars without ambition.

Casey Dreier: A permanent presence on Mars depends on what kind of permanent presence we're talking about. Are we talking about a presence like something in Antarctica where ultimately the long term goal is science? Or are there people actually living there, trying to make lives there?

Neil deGrasse Tyson: I think there are many reasons to go to Mars. But I group them into reasons for exploring. But if you want to stay there and not go back, you need to grow your own food or make sure there's a continual supply train.

Jennifer Heldmann: When we first go to Mars, we probably will be more Earth-reliant than we will be down the track. It's very similar to the McMurdo case, you know, it is reliant on resupply coming from other parts of Earth.

Roger Launius: The problem is, suppose a resupply ship doesn't arrive like it's supposed to. What happens then?

Charles Bolden: On the International Space Station today, we're literally hours away from having a supply vehicle come up and bring more food, bring more parts if you break something. When you're on Mars, the closest someone is to you is a year or two.

Roger Zubrin: It will become necessary for a Mars colony to become increasingly self-sustaining. You know, this is what we do, the entire history of life on Earth is one of transforming barren environments into those that are friendly to the development and propagation of life. Until we get to the time when Mars is terraformed, agriculture is going to have to occur inside of greenhouses. And therefore there will be a tremendous driver for plants that are absolutely as productive as possible.

Paul Richardson: Uh, here I am on Mars. As you can see, um, the greenhouse is up and running, greenhouse, singular. Um, the plants are adapting better than we hoped. They weren't ready, but the feed systems are up and running and, I'm very happy with the work. Um, what wasn't ideal was the, uh, was the trip.

[MUMBLING] I was warned, uh, what 7 months, how that would affect me. The landing, absolutely terrible. We knew I wasn't going to be a natural. Um, anyway, I've successfully reared the Emmer and Einkorn, and they're growing twice as fast as anticipated. I have received the pictures. I have some instructions, so please take notes of some concerns. Begin with the Majesty Plant on the 3rd floor, the one labeled 15C. It's in the guest room, I can see you forgot the epsom salts. Um, the next is the Photonia, the one the cat likes to chew on, you have to pinch off more of those flower spikes. It weakens the shot of the leaves. And finally, the English Ivy. Now this one troubles me the most. It's the aphids, they're still there. Can you make sure the water's dry before you apply the alcohol? And then spray under the leaves. That's where the aphids hide. I don't know why it's so difficult, it's only ivy. Okay, mum, give my best to dad.

♪ ♪


Javier Delgado: I'm sorry.

Paul Richardson: It's okay.

Javier Delgado: I forgot how loud everything was after seven months in space. A couple more weeks and it'll pass.

Paul Richardson: Thanks.

Javier Delgado: Your Emmer and Einkorn are growing faster than I've ever seen. It's incredible. First crops raised in ancient Mesopotamia and now look... a return to the cradle of civilization for the dawn of a new one. I love the symmetry.

Paul Richardson: Without agriculture, there'd be no civilization. Without plants. You know, I used to stand in the doorway of the farmhouse where I grew up looking out at all the crops thinking about all the people they'd feed. One day, there's gonna be rows and rows of greenhouses right here, filled with these hybrids, thriving as far as the eye can see. Without plants, we're nothing.

Javier Delgado: I love your work.

Paul Richardson: Thank you.

Javier Delgado: I'll leave you alone.

[IN SPANISH] Finally I don't do everything myself...

Leslie Richardson: Richardson, Leslie. Phase 2, we have begun replacing the old copper lines with our nanowire upgrades, as detailed in my written report. I have divided my own team to maximize efficiency and turnover with crews of two dispatched to each junction box. Base Commander Seung put Javier Delgado and his construction crew at our disposal to assist. End of report.

Javier Delgado: How old?

Oliver Lee: Almost four. My parents are taking care of her but uh, I almost gave up my spot on the Cygnus, didn't know if I could let her go.

Javier Delgado: Jesus, that must have been hard.

Oliver Lee: Yeah, I remember the first time I saw her. She came right up to the door of the cage at the pound and she just looked at me. Ears like pigtails, little nub tail wagging on the floor. People think I'm crazy when I talk about it, but you gotta have them to know, you know what I mean?

Javier Delgado: Yeah, I know.

Oliver Lee: You gotta be a pet person.

Javier Delgado: Yeah, yeah, that's a thing. That's a real thing, definitely.

Oliver Lee: Man, sometimes I wake up at night and think I can hear her little name tag bumping up against the edge of her bowl like it did when she'd get up for a drink, then I realize it's just the g*dd*mn scrubbers again.

Javier Delgado: Buddy, you're sure you don't have the spanner up there?

Oliver Lee: The what?

Javier Delgado: The spanner.

Oliver Lee: Ah!

Javier Delgado: Oliver, talk to me, Oliver!

Mae: Warning, rupture detected in EVA suit.


Oliver Lee: Javier!

Mae: Temporary pressure compensation is engaged.

Oliver Lee: I tore my suit.

Mae: Warning, temporary pressure compensation failure.

Oliver Lee: I'm decompress...

Mae: Warning, please assist Oliver Lee, rapid application of field patch is required to prevent catastrophic injury or death.

Javier Delgado: Medical, prep for decomp!

Mae: Return to a pressurized environment immediately.

♪ ♪

Hana Seung: The shift in control at Olympus Town left us vulnerable to inexperience. On the frontier, mistakes don't go unpunished.

John Grunsfeld: In trying to establish a survivable community, lots of people throughout the history of exploration have either died out completely or had, you know, high casualty rates. Well Mars is gonna be a lot tougher than anywhere on Earth. Uh, with the exception perhaps of Antarctica...

Man: It's the coldest place on Earth, so cold that 95% of all the ice in the world is here. At one point the ice was 14,000 feet deep, not a tree nor a blade of grass grows upon the Antarctic Continent. The humidity is as low as the temperature and the raging blizzards are much like desert sand storms.

Joseph Levy: Mars is probably about as indifferent to human exploration as Antarctica is to human science and the moment you stop paying attention to Antarctica, and the moment you stop paying attention to the weather and the landscape, that's when it becomes dangerous. Accidents happen. And so when the wind is howling, when it's minus 20 or 30 degrees, it's enough to make me start thinking about having frostbite, or hypothermia. Despite being dangerous and extremely cold, and windy and having hazards all around you, there are questions we can answer here that we just can't answer anywhere else. It's that combination of cold, dry, salty and irradiated which makes this the harshest place on Earth for life. And my work here is to find it. So we're heading to a water track in the first circ in Beacon Valley. We're going to the one oasis in the middle of that big valley that might support microbial activity and finding ways that life can survive in Antarctica is gonna help us look for life on Mars.

Charles Bolden: Why are we going to Mars? Number one reason is because we are looking for signs of life elsewhere in the solar system. That is incredible, dramatic, just think about what it would mean if you found a single cell microorganism on the surface of Mars?

Peter Diamandis: Assuming we find life on the surface of Mars, we have two roads. One road is that it turns out to be DNA-based life, just like ours. The second option is it's different. It isn't DNA based, or it's a radically different DNA-based life form. And then did we have genesis? You know, the creation of life occuring independently on two planets? And what does that say for the potential of life on hundreds of billions of planets throughout our universe?

Jennifer Trosper: As I think about the understanding of our universe and what's the next level of connection that we need to make, that's people on Mars, right? I mean that's where you get the true awe, the true awe of understanding what else is there, how it got there, why are we here? Those are all questions that I think everybody has at some level and I think that's a great reason to explore.

Joseph Levy: Our societies value exploration, they value overcoming adversity. They value answering hard questions in hard ways. and that's the story of exploration. The first explorers come to Antarctica, suffered terrible hardships, and great loss of life. And those are the hard steps that got us to where we are today. I like to think that geology is destiny, where there's the right combination of rocks and water and nutrients and atmosphere, you're going to create a habitable environment and something is going live there. What we're here trying to find in the dry valleys of Antarctica is that very brief period at the very end of summer where we've stored up just enough heat from the sun to cause a little bit of melting and a little bit of a habitable environment before it freezes off in the winter. Martian climate goes through the exact same kind of extreme swings. Really, the McMurdo dry valleys are about as close as you can get to Mars without needing a space ship. So see how there's sort of a change in texture? I think this actually may be the spillway for the pond. So the challenge is a little further down, that's where the water track starts. Some recent research said is that if you look at Deacon Valley as a whole there's no sign of microbial respiration or cellular processes. And so the reason we're here is because I think that might not be the case.

Woman: Alright, I'm ready.

Researcher: 77.79763.

Joseph Levy: We're here collecting soil samples to take back to Texas to answer is that soil habitable, is there evidence of microbial activity in that soil. I mean, this is as basic as basic research gets. What is the limit of the most important thing to us? I think respect for life and an interest in life is a kind of fundamental human value really. Look at this sample. Get those guys right here. And so exploring the very ends of our planet is worthwhile, it's noble and it also serves society's needs, not just for scientific answers but also for a frontier to work in. Sometimes people look up into space for that and sometimes they look south to Antarctica and it's the same frontier. Antarctica is a place to look to to say well, if we can do that, we can do anything.

Peter Diamandis: I think of the Earth as a living organism. And we humans are the reproductive organ of Earth. And the Earth is about to bud, we'll do it driven by the desire to explore, the desire to look for resources, the desire for the unknown, because it's part of our human soul. And you'll have no shortage of people willing to risk their lives to become part of the Mars citizenry, the first people to colonize.

Robert Zubrin: The first expeditions to Mars will certainly have a very heavy scientific agenda. But once we get past the stage of McMurdo Station then this Mars base can grow into a bonafide human settlement. Into an embryonic, new civilization. and if we do this, let me tell you, we'll not just bring life to Mars, we're gonna bring Mars to life.

Hana Seung: Seung, Hana mission entry, Phase 2. Javier Delgado and Oliver Lee were carrying out expedited expansion orders as directed when an accident occurred. Both men are being treated by Amelie presently. Transformer 013 is down.

Amelie Durand: Another ten seconds and Oliver would have lost that arm; if you hadn't been there he would have never...

Ava: Commander Seung, Dr. Foucault is asking for you.

Hana Seung: I'll be back.

Amelie Durand: You need to rest.

Javier Delgado: No.

Amelie Durand: Yes.

Javier Delgado: We've got to get back out there and power up those lines, Robert and I can go right now.

Amelie Durand: You're exhausted and dehydrated, you need bed rest and fluids.

Javier Delgado: Come on, please, give me a break.

Amelie Durand: You need to take it easy Javier.

Javier Delgado: No! I'm sorry.

Amelie Durand: No, it's fine.

Javier Delgado: Don’t be angry please.

Amelie Durand: I'm not, I just... I don't know, I just...

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Hana Seung: Robert, I know we have no power without the lines, but I have injured crew in the... That can't be right.

Robert Foucault: I don't think we're going to get a chance to get that reactor back online.

Hana Seung: We had trained for a worst case scenario. Thousands of hours in simulations. The best minds on Earth working together to prepare us for any eventuality, but this wasn't Earth.