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03x03 - Season 3, Episode 3

Posted: 12/05/16 06:05
by bunniefuu
Noah: Previously on The Affair...

Those of you who knew my dad will-will know that we didn't always get along so well, but I-I loved him.

That was a lovely service.

You're coming back to the house though, aren't you?

Oh, uh, I don't know.

Do you think we should come back to the house?

Only if you want to.

How was teaching this week? You have any fun?

Not really.

I thought it was really elegant, Audrey.


I thought it was very dull, unless it was supposed to be a satire.

Was it?

Juliette: Hello. You just popped up out of nowhere.

Ah, bienvenue, Monsieur Solloway.

Je suis Professeur Le Gall.

I'm just so pleased to finally meet you.

I feel that you and I are kindred spirits.

Woman: Silence is v*olence!

All: Silence is v*olence!

Was there a r*pe?

I'm not sure.

I thought I'd come to America and have a grand adventure, and instead it's, uh...

Instead, it's New Jersey.

Noah, are you all right?

Yeah. I'm okay.

Officer Santos, who knows I'm here?

What do you mean?

Noah: I'm just wondering if it's possible for anybody still inside Fishkill to find out my current address.

Santos: Why are you asking, Solloway?

Noah: Never mind. It's... it's not important.


♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪
♪ At the moment of my death ♪
♪ The echo I created ♪
♪ Outlasted my last breath ♪
♪ My voice it made an avalanche ♪
♪ And buried a man I never knew ♪
♪ And when he died his widowed bride ♪
♪ Met your daddy and they made you ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ soft music ♪

It's a lovely day, Professor.

Do you have anything planned?

Just preparing dinner for a few people tonight.

Oh. Coq au vin?

We shall see.


Professor Le Gall? We don't want to bother you.

We just wanted to say that we're loving your class.

Yeah. I thought medieval French literature was gonna be boring, but you're not boring at all.

Well, thank you.

I believe love is never boring, even 900 years ago.

What are you reading, Professor?

Oh, this I'm afraid is very boring.

Andreas Capellanus.

It's part of my research.

Girl: Are you enjoying your time here?

Boy: Are you glad you came?

It's very exciting to be in America.


"Lancelot, ou le Chevalier de la Charrette."

Come prepared with questions.


Of course. Bye.

♪ soft music ♪





♪ soft music ♪

Audrey: How can you possibly call this an ambiguous case?

Mike: She got into bed with him of her own accord.

Audrey: It doesn't matter.

She did not want to give Nicholas Perry a blowjob.

Are you saying that you're okay with forcing a woman against her will to give you a blowjob?

For f*ck's sake, Audrey. Of course I'm not saying that, but this specific lady gave no indication that she didn't want what he was giving her.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mike. Were you there?

She admits it herself. She does.

She admits she swallowed.


Mike: What? Oh, come on.

Grow up. Could we not just at least maybe... maybe consider the idea that she was on board here?

Audrey: Mike, every two minutes someone is sexually assaulted in our country.

Do you know how often the perpetrator is punished?

Less than one percent.


Audrey: Thank you. Yes. And do you know why?

Because it's because of this exact conversation, because we don't believe our victims.

We make them feel like they asked for it.

Mike: Okay. I'm just trying to have a dialogue, but if you're just gonna recite a Planned Parenthood pamphlet at me...

Audrey: Oh, my God. what's the point to it?

I can't believe I ever slept with you.

(CHUCKLES) Okay, all right.

So that's what this little tirade is really about, right?

Right, Audrey? Admit it.

What I will admit, Cornwall, is that I wanted to f*ck you at the time, and I regretted it after, but because I'm a cognizant human being who is able to determine and articulate my own desire, I did not bring r*pe charges against you, even after I found out what a giant turd you are.

But if we had had sex against my will, that would have been different.

Do you understand that distinction?

Yes. I understand the distinction.

Do you think I'm capable of understanding that distinction?

Frankly, right now I'm just terrified of you, Audrey.

Oh, my God. You're a f*cking d*ck.

Whoa! Come on. It's the coq au vin.

Audrey: I'm sorry, Professor. I'm sorry.

I just... he's... I-I can't. I can't... please tell me it's not like this in France.

It's not at all like this in France.

It's much worse.

Audrey: What?

Juliette: Yes.

I'm afraid the whole topic is still not taken seriously.

Mike: Oui? C'est bon.

You're very lucky to be surrounded by such enlightened chaps such as myself and Blake.


Juliette: It's curious, though.

In this case, the two parties agree on what happened.

She gave him a blowjob. He didn't force her to.

No, he didn't.

But they don't agree on the meaning of the act.

He said she wanted to.

She said she didn't.

Is that right?

She didn't consent.

But he didn't force her.

Mike: No.

But she didn't consent.

That's very confusing, isn't it?

No. Not to me.

Juliette: Yes.

I see that it's quite clear to you.

But I live some decades now, and there's a lot about what I want that I don't understand and that I don't expect a lover to understand.

Professor Le Gall, please tell me that you see the problem here.

Juliette: I see problems, I do.

But I think we all live in our own version of the truth, and thus we are prone to terrible miscommunications.

Perhaps she was trying to communicate one thing, and he read something else.

That's possible, isn't it?

Yes. Of course it's possible.

That's why the university needs to establish and enforce a mandate of verbal consent.

I understand how such a thing would protect the university, but I don't see how sex itself would survive.

Why not?

Because I am afraid the articulate is the enemy of the erotic.

Isn't the whole point that you don't know what your lover will do next?

That you give yourself over to a sensory experience that you haven't planned and can't control?

The reason I like sex is that I can finally, for a moment, turn off my neurotic mind and just be consumed.

If I give my lover permission... yes, no, uh, touch me, not there... don't I undermine the potency of his desire?


I'm sorry. You're all looking at me like I'm crazy.

Do I sound crazy?


Well, Professor Le Gall is a love expert.

Professor Le Gall is a courtly love expert.

Mike: What's your point?

Audrey: Besides the fact that this manner of thinking has been out of date for 600 years, was written entirely by men wherein the women served as the object of male desire, but had no voice of her own.

So perhaps we can forgive Professor Le Gall for assuming that the articulation of female desire is somehow anathema to sexual satisfaction.

But with all due respect, Professor, I would argue that she simply never learned the appropriate language, because I can tell you exactly how I want you to f*ck me.

Believe me, I remember.

Audrey: And Lila can tell you exactly how she wants you to f*ck her.


Audrey: And if you give me 45 minutes, I can teach Professor Le Gall to tell you exactly how she would like you to f*ck her, though you would not be given the opportunity in a million years.

Oh, forgive me.

I think I hear the soufflé falling.


I have to have you right now.

Oh, Mike, no.

speaking French

No, no, no.

No, no.

Anybody could walk in.

Who gives a f*ck? Come on.

No. Mike, no.

Professor... I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to offend you.

You... you didn't.

Yes, I did. Of course I did.

I behaved like a total assh*le.

I just... ugh, it's Noah Solloway.

He just makes me so agitated.

I mean, I didn't know he was gonna be here.

I mean, why did you invite him?

We bumped into each other on the quad, and he seemed rather lonely, so...

I'm taking his class. Did I tell you that?

You didn't.

Well, I am, and he's a complete d*ck.

I mean an utter assh*le, and all I can do is think about f*cking him.

Mike: So do it.

Seriously, Audrey. What's stopping you?


That he's your professor?

That he's twice your age?

That he's an ex-felon? But you're so liberated.

Oh, my God, Mike, why are you so obsessed with me?

Mike: Obsessed with you?

Audrey: Yes.

I'm trying to have a private conversation with my professor.

Do you mind?

Yeah, I do mind, Audrey, because I was here first.

Today romantic love has replaced Christianity as a doctrine for enforcing the ideal of monogamy, and the French realize all this is unrealistic.

What happened to Noah? Did he leave?

No. He went upstairs. He said he wasn't feeling well.

Lila, tell me you agree with me.

The French recognize marriage for what it is: a social construct created to protect property.

I agree with that... with that one statement out of everything you said tonight.

Lila: Just don't be that happy.

Blake: You... you like... you just like disagreeing.


Oh, hi.


I was... I was looking for a quiet space.

I hope you don't mind.

Are you okay?


I haven't been around that many people in a long time.

Takes some getting used to again.


Are they always like that?

The students? You tell me.

It's your country.

I am just a visiting professor.

What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

Uh, I'm here because the library claims to have unearthed certain pages from a rare manuscript that I happen to be an expert on.

Really? What is it?

Les Esches d'Amour.

The Chess of Love.

It was written in the 14th century.

And this library thinks they have some missing pages.


Do they?

I'm not sure yet, but if I had to wager a guess, I'd say no.

How long have they got you for?

I'll teach until the end of the semester.

I've promised my husband I'd be home for Christmas.

Long time to be away.

Yes, but they gave me this generous residency, and this house, and the cutest little red car.

I love that car.

Is this your, uh...


C'est Etienne.

With my daughter, Sabine, many years ago.

She's all grown up now.

She a medievalist, like her mom?

No, but my husband is.

A very famous one.

A famous medievalist?

Yes. In certain circles.

That's how we met. I was his student.

Do you think it's true what Audrey was saying downstairs?

What was Audrey saying?

That she knows exactly what she wants from her body.

From men.

From everything.


I think Audrey is...

I think Audrey is very young.


But I don't ever remember feeling that confident, even when I was her age.

Maybe she really does know exactly what she wants.

Maybe this younger generation simply understands themselves better.

Maybe the uncertainty that I've always assumed is integral to eroticism... doesn't exist for them.



Are you asking me if I think the kids downstairs are having better sex than you or I?


Do you?



But they may be having more of it.


I'd... I'd better go.

No! Stay. What?

No, no. I-I'm sorry. I'll let myself out.


Where were you, Julie?


I still don't know what to do about Noah Solloway.

I'm just gonna f*ck him and get it over with, and then I'll stop thinking about him.

But if you sleep with him, you'll never actually know what he thinks of your work.





Oh, f*ck.






both speaking French



♪ somber music ♪




Yeah, of course.









♪ dramatic music ♪












Noah, I'm here.


Man: Any medical history? Any allergies?

No. I don't know.

Is he taking any medication?

I don't know. I'm not his wife.





♪ soft dramatic music ♪





Oui, ma cherie.



Mon amour.










Man: Noah! Noah!

Man: Noah! Noah!

Hey. Come on.

Come on.

Stay with me. Stay with me.


♪ soft dramatic music ♪


Hey, come on.



Woman: A 50-year-old male with penetrating trauma to the left neck.

Six-inch blade. He's 80 over 40 and tachy.

Coags and CBC are pending.

He's typed and crossed with four units on standby.

We're prepping OR 4.

We're still trying to reach his next of kin.


Woman: All clear. Shocking.




Woman: All clear.






Man: Solloway?


Sorry it took me a while to get here.

They never let us know who's coming through.

I hope that Warden Hagan wasn't too much of a hard-ass.

He can really lay down the law, but, uh, he's actually a good guy, once you get to know him.

No. He was fine. Thanks.


You don't remember me, do you?

Uh, you... uh, you look... you look familiar.

I, uh...

No, I don't.

John Gunther.

I'm from Bloomsburg.

Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania?

No shit.

We've actually met.

It was high school. Yeah.

Swim meets.

Remember All-County '85?

You took the whole thing.

It was impressive.

I was just in the back somewhere drowning.


Sure. Yeah. I...

Yeah. Ah, you don't remember me.

It's okay.

I've been following your career.

Pretty impressive stuff.

Well, it hasn't exactly worked out that well for me.

Ah... shit happens.


Hey, look. I'm, uh, gonna keep an eye out for you, all right?

Thank you.


You know, over the years, I've wanted to reach out to you, but I just never really, eh... but here you are.

f*cking Noah Solloway.

(LAUGHS) Okay.

Ligaya: Mr. Solloway?


Mr. Solloway?

How do you feel?


Well, these should help with that.

That's one Zofran plus two Percocet for pain.

Here. Let me lift your head up.

There you go.



Ligaya: Can you tell me what the date is today?

Uh... September 24th.

That's right. Do you know where you are?

In the hospital.

Do you know why?

I had surgery.

Very good.

Well, you're lucky to be alive, Mr. Solloway.

Wait. What happened? What... wh...

How did I get here?

I don't know all the details, but your wife may be able to tell you.

My wife?


She just stepped out to use the ladies'.

She'll be so happy to see you awake.

Wait. Who... who are you... who are you talking about?

Can you tell me your wife's name, Mr. Solloway?

Alison Bailey, but she... we're not together.

Is she here?


I believe she said a different name.


You're awake.

Told me you were sleeping.

I just woke up.

You look okay. He looks okay.

Feel like shit, actually.

Who told you I was here?

Nina. I couldn't believe it.

I'm sorry.

I almost thought that she was joking.

You said you were the wife?

She's my ex.

Have the police arrived yet?


They really should have been here by now.


Who did this to you?

Who did what to me?

Who stabbed you, Noah?

What... what is she talking about?

Did I get stabbed?

Why doesn't he know that?

I'm-I'm very sorry, Mr. Solloway.

You were att*cked by someone with a knife.

You bled profusely.

They took you to surgery where Dr. Quittner closed the artery off.


You were very lucky.

The blade missed your airway, and your jugular vein, and just nicked your artery.

Helen: Who did this to you?

I don't know.

I-I-I don't remember.

You can't remember anything?


Well, why not? I mean why can't he remember?

I'm not sure, Mrs. Solloway.

When is the surgeon coming back?

'Cause I'd like to speak to him.

They found you in some student's apartment?

I'm renting it.

And you really don't remember anything?

I remember washing dishes late at night...

Well, why were you washing dishes so late?

Could this have been an accident?

Maybe I f-fell or something.

It was a knife, Noah.

A f*cking knife sliced into your throat.



Helen: Are you sure that he doesn't have any brain damage or something?

He had a CAT scan, and the result came back normal.

Somebody tried to k*ll you. Do you understand?

Trevor: Can we come in now?

Shit, Dad. Are you all right?

Hey, kids. I've been better. Everything's gonna be okay.

Does this thing have a massage feature?

Your dad's right. He's going to be fine.

He should be home in a couple of days.

He doesn't live with us.

Ligaya: Um, Mr. Solloway, I need to ask you a few more questions. I'm sorry.

And then I'll let you rest.

Can you tell me, do you have a history of any previous surgeries?

He had his appendix out ten years ago.

That's it, unless you count his wisdom teeth.


I think you were what, 25 or 26?

Ligaya: It's not relevant.

What about medications?

Helen: No. He doesn't...

Are you currently taking any?

Helen: He hates medication.

He won't even take Tylenol when he has a fever.

I'm on Vicodin.


Ligaya: Dosage?

7.5 milligrams.

I had a shoulder injury. I'm... the pain gets pretty bad.

Is that getting worse? Who's treating you?

I have a prescription, Helen.

From who?

Ligaya: That's all I need for now.

Is there anything I can get for you, Mr. Solloway?

No. Thank you very much.

Stacey: Can we go now?

That's a good idea. Your father could use some rest.

Helen: Can you bring your sister down to the cafeteria and get her something to eat and I'll meet you guys there, okay?

Trevor: But I don't have any money.

Helen: Nothing too sweet.

Could you get a few more blankets?

It's freezing in here.

Ligaya: Sure.

What happened to you?

Helen, I really need to sleep.


You can stay, but just please stop talking.



Man: And I'll k*ll you! I'll show you!

Man: Hey, hey, hey! Break it up! Break it up!


Man: Split it up, all right?

You're both going to the hole next time!


Hey, Solloway.


Congratulations. Happy six months.


It's transparent.

Right. Yeah.

See if you got a shank, or contraband, or whatever, you know.

It's good, right?

It's great.


(CHUCKLES) Can you believe it?

There's a place in Jersey imports these things.

Takes, like, months to get here.

Prisoner got out last week and just left it behind, so I thought that maybe, you know, you could, uh...

I don't know how to thank you, man.

(SCOFFS) Use it.

I will.

All right.


Hey, I ordered your book.

Am I gonna like it?

Let me know.

I will do.

What, you thought I forgot you?


Thank you.

You're welcome.

♪ ominous music ♪



Mr. Solloway.


I'm Detective Stanton.

Detective Romero.

Romero: How you feeling? You all right?

Not really. My head's pounding.

Is that nurse anywhere?


Um, she'll be back in a few minutes.

Do you feel up to answering a few questions in the meantime?

Go ahead. Ask.


Don't think I'll be able to help you much.

I don't remember a thing.

Well, can you say what you do remember?

I was at the sink washing dishes, and then I'm here being told someone stabbed me in the neck.

And you have no idea who might have done that to you?



We've been by the apartment, and we got our guys over there now.

And so far we've seen no signs of a forced entry, so would you happen to recall whether or not you locked the door?


(GROANS) Uh...

I might have or not. I couldn't... why? Do you think this was a robbery?



Not with the nature of the injury.

The fact that he went for the neck, I mean, that tells us that the assailant meant to do real harm.

Yeah. Well, he succeeded.

Stanton: Mr. Solloway, we're treating this attack as an attempted homicide.



What the f*ck?

What about the kid?

What kid?

Uh, the frat guy.

Regers or the guy I sublet...

Dan? Dan Regan?


Could they have been after him?

Mr. Regan's at the station. He's cooperating.

Yeah, I mean, plus, you know, like you say, he's a 20-year-old Delta Phi kid, and you just finished three years at Fishkill.

You're a public figure.


Stanton: So if either one of you was gonna be targeted, we're gonna lean towards you.

I mean, would you agree with that?


Romero: Try to think then.

Is there anyone out there that's got a gripe with you?

Might want to harm you?


What's your relationship like with Cole Lockhart these days?

We don't have one.

When's the last time you had any contact with Mr. Lockhart?

I don't know. Years ago.

The trial, I guess.

Brother's m*rder trial?


Stanton: Yeah, well, between what happened to his brother and the affair with his wife, Cole is definitely a person of interest.

But, um, what about Alison Bailey?


What about her?

Stanton: You're still married.


But estranged.

Wow. You guys know everything about me, don't you?

Does she still have any feelings left for you?

How the f*ck do I know?

Well, what we're trying to figure out is if she'd have a problem with you seeing other women.

Lucky for her, I've been incarcerated the last three years, and since I got out I've been a f*cking monk, so...

Ah, so, um, Ms., um, Le Gall?


(SIGHS) Ms. Le who?

Stanton: Yeah. Juliette Le Gall.

The woman who found you and brought you in.


Juliette found me?


Juliette found you at 1:38 a. m.

What's your relationship with her?

Well, we met yesterday. I barely know her.

And yet she was at your house at one...

No, no, no. She wasn't at my house.

I was at her house with several other people, and then I left.

Ligaya: Everything okay in here?

Yeah, we're good.

Yeah. We'll be done in just a minute.

Look, Mr. Solloway, we're all on the same side here.

If you just relax...

Relax? Someone tried to f*cking k*ll me, and you got nothing.

You have no f*cking clue who might actually have done this.

And when you say "actually"...

Can you ask them to go?

Just go and do their jobs?

Will you do that for me, please?

Ligaya: I, uh... maybe you can come back later?

Romero: Okay.

Stanton: Yeah, yeah.

Get some rest, Mr. Solloway.


Buzz me when it's filled up.


Thanks a lot.

(SIGHS) You're coming home with me.

Nina, no.

And why not?

'Cause for all I know your husband's the one who tried to k*ll me.

Oh, please.

JP's not smart enough to get away with m*rder.

Who the hell lives here?

A friend.

Really? You just got stabbed.

Now you want to go get a booty call?

Apparently she... apparently she saved my life.

What was she doing at your apartment at midnight?

I don't know.

I'll wait. I'll take you home after.

No, no, I'm gonna be okay. You just go home.

I'll... I'll call you tomorrow.

Nina, what are you doing?

I'm crying, you assh*le.

Come on. You don't cry. You're the tough one, remember?

f*cking take them, Noah.


Take them. He left the house to you.

I don't want it.

I don't either.

Well, then f*cking sell it.

I can't.

Why not?

You know why.

Nina, I am 50 years old.

You can stop apologizing to me now.

Right. Well, that's... that's your psychosis.

I'm fine.



It was 30 years ago.

Let's move on.

Well, you're certainly really good at that, aren't you?



I thought you were the detectives with more questions.

They've already been here?

Just like a TV show.

The younger one even carried a cup of takeout coffee.

That must have been exciting, right?

Didn't you say you were bored?


This is okay?


You must have been frightened.

I actually don't remember it happening.


I'm afraid I've also forgotten... why you were there.

You didn't forget. You weren't expecting me.

I'm sorry to have scared you.

Honestly, I wasn't scared.

I was angry.


I don't know.

I guess I was hoping that you... that this wouldn't be so complicated.

Are you all right?


Bonne nuit.

♪ soft dramatic music ♪

I imagine the doctors told you not to strain yourself.

They say that to everybody.


I make it a rule never to sleep with a man after being interrogated for his attempted m*rder.

After all, I'm a suspect.

It would look very bad if you were to drop dead at my home.

Bonne nuit.

Bonne nuit.





Hey, man.


How'd you like it?

I'm really enjoying it.

I wrote it a long time ago.

Hey, would... would you sign this for me?


To John?

Gunther's good.

Here you go.


"To my old friend, Gunther." (CHUCKLES)

♪ tense music ♪

Who is that?

That's my wife.

"Lana"? Yeah.

No, n-no. The... the... the book's not...


I'm divorced.

Sorry to hear that.



You know, what you got there is an inmate violation.

You can't hang a poster on the wall.

Eh, it's... it's not a poster. It's a photo.



I'm gonna hang on to this for safety.

Come on, don't...


Ow! Ah!

Huh? Huh? Huh?



I'm gonna keep this nice and safe.



Have a nice day.

Gah! f*ck.








Detective Stanton? Hi. It's Noah Solloway.

I think I know who att*cked me.

He's a guard at Fishkill named John Gunther.

Ah, he's been following me since I got out.

The guy's a real monster.
