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01x10 - The House of Uncanny Truths

Posted: 12/04/16 11:27
by bunniefuu
Hey, so, if we could get two lobster tails, five chocolate arugula, and four palmiers, unless you want...

And a croissant!

Okay, and a croissant.

Hey guys, we only have two hours.

Don't you feel like this is way too much food?

Can someone get this for me? I hate paying for water.

Okay, I'll get it.

Portia, where's the bathroom?

Oh, it's in the back.

Excuse me, how much for all that?

Back, in the back, in the back.

Also this other bird bath was 25 dollars, don't you think that's a little steep?



Guys, can we please get brekky somewhere cute in Montréal?

Actually, there's so many suggestions I'm excited about.

I'd really rather just go there, you know, 'cause we're so close, and...

You know, if Chantal's waiting there, we should go get her, and then... and then we'll... and then we'll figure it out.

Hey, baby. Chill. All right?

Look. We're making good time.

I have the address plugged in.

We're cool. Today's gonna be a good day.

Hey, Dor, Ell and I met this really hot balding girl at Baby's All Right on Thursday night, and she's a body painter, wants to do a whole Lewis and Clark thing on my body.

Can you tell me, do you think this is classy or shameful?

Wait, wait. I'm sorry. Uh... Elliott, weren't you at the museum lock in on Thursday?



Yeah, he was. That was on Thursday.

That must have just been another night that you guys went.

Yeah, Portia's mixed up. Thursday night was museum night.

Wednesday night was Baby's All Right night.

Yeah, Elliott, uh...

By chance, do you remember if you brought a sleeping bag to the museum?

Well, we were...

Dory, I actually wasn't talking to you. I was talking to my friend, Elliott.

Now, Elliott, would you mind telling me, did you or did you not bring a sleeping bag to the museum?

Of course.

What an interesting response.

That's not the point...

I can't believe Dory didn't tell me she's cheating on Drew and she would tell you.

Like, I don't even understand how that's possible.

Like, we're so much better friends.

I'm sorry, I just...

I cannot take straight couples fighting seriously.

It's like, get over yourselves, you know?

Do you love him?


No, of course I don't.

He's a psychopath.

Then why'd you do it, Dory?

I don't know, because I just did, okay?

There was a moment where I could have stopped it or I could have just let it happen, and I just didn't stop it.

You know, I don't know, honestly, if you're just now becoming a terrible person or if you've always been a terrible person and I just couldn't see it.

I'm so sorry...

Don't... Stop!

Stop! Stop!

I'm so sorry!

After I got that death threat note, I didn't know what to do, so I thought Keith was, like, the only person who could actually help me.

Oh, my God. Dory! I wrote the note!

I wrote the note and I put it on the wall, and I ripped up all your shit!





Why would you do that?

Because you wouldn't listen to me!

How could you do something so cruel and stupid, Drew?

Are you that f*cking stupid?

Look at yourself. Look at me, look where we are!

You drag your friends out to the middle of nowhere, you put all of our lives in danger for yourself.

This whole thing has been for yourself.

You know, you and I aren't supposed to be together, and I've known that for a very long time.

[Sobbing quietly]

Yeah, I'd like a bus ticket from Montréal to New York, please.

For tonight.


And how fast does the bus go?

I'll... I'd like to be on the fastest bus.

I wonder if there's a... way... that you could check if someone, like, boarded their flight or not.

'Cause, I feel like Keith probably went crazy when he got to the airport and, you know, I wasn't there.

Yeah, um, Dory, what are you imagining is gonna happen when we get to Chantal?

I don't know exactly. I mean, I think she's hiding.


I have an idea. What?

Dor, Dor. Yeah.

We have crayons, and we're smart...

Mm-hmm... and we can...

Let's put the pieces together.

Let's, like, figure it out, Yes you know?

I love this. Here we go.

We know that there is a cult of some sort, and we know that Keith may be a part of that cult.

Write that down. I want Keith stuff in red.



You know, now that...

I think about it, When we snuck back the second time, he seemed to know his way around.

Maybe he's a mercenary that they hired.

That start with a...


Maybe they sent him out to, like, find innocent girls to impregnate or something?

Maybe Keith is the father So, that's... of Chantal's baby, right?

I mean...

Wait, what about Lorraine?

Maybe she knew something about Keith and Chantal.

And maybe he k*lled her because she had proof.

Okay. I'm writing Lorraine in blue. Heads up.

What was that cryptic thing she said to you?

Remember, she was like, "They're after me, they're after you."

Yeah, something like that.

"They" being the cult.


TW Brownway, her real estate company, and the cult...

They're definitely affiliated.

Okay. So, Keith is a part of the cult.

He's after Chantal, and he k*lled Lorraine because she knew.

Yes, and Lorraine found you.


Mm, I don't know why.

But, you know, that's the question.

There's a question mark in the middle.

I just can't believe you slept with Keith.

I know.


I think we could get back in time.


Oh, great. Drew smokes now.


Oh, babe, you okay?

Thank you so much.


You saved me. [Chuckles]

I'm Portia.

[French accent] Matthieu.




Female:In 0.3 miles,

your destination will be on the right.

Are the numbers going down?

I can't even see any numbers.

[Phone chimes]

[Chuckling] You guys, Matthieu is so funny.

I texted him. I was like, "Why do you like soccer?"

And then he just texted me a picture of his knee surgery.


Elliott: Oh, my God. It's like a prison.

You have arrived.

Dory: I think it's open.

Yeah, I'm not going in there.

Portia: Guys, we're trespassing.

I'm scared.

Are we just now realizing that Agnes could have given us a completely made-up address and now we're fully intruding into a stranger's home?

[Suspenseful music plays]

[Door creaks]


Guys. Guys!

Portia: Is she dead? I don't want to look.

Elliott: Well,someone's been here.

I don't get it.

Does she just, like, hide out here all day?

This is where she feels safe.

Okay, so now what do we do?

b]Portia[/b: I said "ridiculous."

The word ri-dic-u-lous.

[Laughs] No.

Oh... I can't pick the restaurant.

You're the local. You pick!

Have you been to Lait Rouge?

Yeah? Okay, good, I like yummy food too.

Okay. Okay, bye.


So I think it's weird that we're all sitting here, waiting for Chantal.

I don't think that's the best way to use everyone.

So how about one of us goes into town, like me, and has a drink with a local, you know, Matthieu, and I can bring a notebook and get sort of information on Montréal.

No. I don't...

No, no... I don't...

I don't think we should leave. You know what I mean?

Because Chantal can literally be home any second, and I just... I think we should be here, uh, when she gets back.

Come on, Dory. It's just a drink, okay?

It's just a... it's fine...

Text me and I can come right back.

Portia: Drew?


Can you drive me to my drink?

Yeah, sure!

[Squeals] I love you!

[Sliding door opens, closes]

So, are you still thinking of taking the bus back tonight?


I think you should stay and that we should keep talking.

Hey, Portia, let's go!


Okay. I love you!

Keep me in the loop!

I can't believe that they just left.

I know.

I mean, we just drove all the way here.


And we're finally in the house that Chantal's been hiding in, and they could give a shit.

[Cellphone rings]

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

I have to take this. It's my editor.

What you're doing is more important.

I have to take this. I...

Gina, hello. Let me just go outside here.

[Sliding door opens, closes]

And would you call yourself a liar?

Oh, without a doubt. Yeah.

Um, but it's very complicated, obviously.

Like, it's rooted in insecurity.

I mean, I'll admit, I'm insecure, and various childhood traumas, uh, some of which, you know, I was subjected to...


... others that I maybe felt were a part of my journey but I didn't necessarily experience.




[Vehicle approaches, brakes squeak]

[Vehicle door closes]

[Doorknob rattling]

[Rattling continues]


Keith: Chantal?

b]Elliott[/b: I'm certain I can recall various times in my life that I felt empathy for other people...

[Knocking lightly]

You know, I-I can recall very...


Oh, my God.




Keith: Dory.

Come here. Slow down.

I know you know where she is.


Stay away!

Jesus Christ, is that a taser?

Don't come near me.

Tell me where Chantal is.

You lied to me.

Why are you freaking out?

You told me you worked for Chantal's family.

All right, okay. Yeah, I'm sorry.

No, I don't work for the family.

I said that because I wanted you to think I was legit, but I was more than happy to share the money with you.

What money?

Stop it!

Don't do that.

Stop playing games with me.

I care very deeply for you.

No. No, No! No, no.

I know everything, okay?

I know that you work for the cult.

I know that you k*lled Lorraine, and I know that you're the father of Chantal's baby.


Dory, come on. I love you.

Now put that stupid thing down.

[Whines] [Taser crackles]


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Are you okay?


Are you okay?

Oh, shit.

Oh, my God. [Screams]

You selfish, spoiled little bitch!

That's how you treat me?!

That's how you're gonna treat me when I love you?!


What do you think of me? Bitch!

What is the matter with you, huh?!

I love you!


Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Oh! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! [Gasping]

What happened? Are you okay?

It's Keith. He tried to k*ll me.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I love my publishing team!


Is he dead? Is he dead?

Oh, my...


Okay, what is this?

It's Keith.

He came for Chantal, and then he att*cked me.

Okay, is he dead?

Elliott, what do we do?

We need to call the police.

No, no, no. Drew, Drew. Shut up, shut up.

We're fine. Are you okay?

H-He was trying to k*ll me.

And then... And then I tasered him, and then he fell back, and then he hit his head.

He att*cked you first, right?


Yes! No, but he was crazy.

He was crazy.

We just need to call the police.

No, we don't!

Yes, we do! Elliott!

We don't need to call the police, okay?

You don't call the police when you've k*lled someone, okay?

He is dead. We are not.

It'll be fine.

It was self defense.

Was it?!

[Sliding door opens]

Portia: Guys?!

I found Chantal!



Guys? [indistint whispering]

I went to the barn that was on the matches and followed a clue.


Okay, Portia, just give us two seconds, okay?

Uh, Portia, don't come in here. I'm naked!

So don't come into the kitchen.



We were just, like, kissing and got all horny and stuff, and... [whispering] I'm sorry, I'm freaking out.


b]Elliott[/b: Jesus.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[Both muttering]

I'm so sorry. You're our everything.

You're everything that we... have right now.


Guy... guys?

Your jacket, your jacket.


You're being so annoying.

Chantal, come!

It's okay? Are you okay? You'll be okay.

Hi! You guys were kissing?

I'm jealous, I think.


Hi, guys.



It's so weird that you're all here.


We've been looking for you.

I know.

Portia told me.

Thank you.

You should know that you're safe now.

Dory, I'm so touched.

Dor... she told me the story.

I can't wait for you guys to hear.

Oh, my God.

[Crying] I don't know if I can go through it again.


[Sighs] Okay, so [sniffles]

It all started with my... with my ex.


Yeah, do you know him?

Sort of.


I was cheating on him.

I was having, um, I was having, like, a real-life affair with, um, with this married guy.

What was his name?



Um, so I met up with him, and I told him that he had to leave his wife and kids.

Anyway, so we got into this huge fight, because he said no, like an idiot.

[Sighs] And I kind of just...

I kind of just walked away from everything.

I stayed with my friend Agnes in the city for a few days, and... and then I found out that my family thought I was missing, and I was like, wow.

I need to call my mom, but then I was like, "No, you know what?"

Like, this is finally like my chance to really just go, "like, be myself," you know?

So this was something, you know, I felt like I had to do.

Like, I had to just ghost everyone.

So [sniffles] I broke open my piggy bank, and Agnes let me stay at her Aunt Noni's summer house for, you know, a while, because nobody lives here.


But it's weird, because, like, I'm scared that someone is gonna come in and, like, clean or, like, sublet at any moment, so I'm, like, sleeping in the storage room upstairs.

I'm like, oh, God, I dyed my hair, like, this crazy color.

Yeah, I don't understand.

I mean, there's more to it than that, obviously, but, like, that's basically it.

I'm sorry.

[Crying] I know everybody says it, but love is so powerful.


I was, like, literally blinded by my love for Farley, and I can see now how [scoffs] naive I was for ever believing that he was the one.


[Scoffs] Like, what an idiot.

[Chuckles weakly]

Isn't this hilarious, you guys?

We... like, nothing happened.

Like, we... literally, we thought it was, like, all these crazy bad things, and literally, nothing happened.

I mean, Portia, my heart got broken.

That's, like, not nothing.

So sorry, yes.

That's real, and that's hard.

No. No, no, no.



W-What about your baby?

My baby? What do you mean?

I found the sonogram in your room.

Oh! That's my sister's.

Sorry, w-why were you in my room?

With the cult.


Bellow & Hare.

Oh, that's my necklace.

Yes, it's from the cult.


Those are just my sister's stupid bridesmaids gifts.

Are you an artist?

Oh, my God. No.

Are you a bridesmaid?

Lorraine. What about... What about Lorraine?

I'm sorry. Who?

She knew you. Keith.

Keith pushed her in front of a train.

[Train approaches]

Oh, my God. I'm sorry. W-Who is Keith?

He was after you.

Hey, Dory.

[Camera shutter clicks]

I'm sorry. I don't...

I don't know any of these people that you're talking about.

Did we go to college with them?

No, it's okay.

No. No.

It... w-w-what... what about...

What... what about the blouse?

What about the bloody blouse?

They found a bloody blouse in the woods.

It's either her or me!

You have to decide and you have to decide right now!

Goddamnit, Chantal!

I've only known you for two months!

Why should that... aah!


Oh, Christ. Are you okay?

Look what you made me do, Farley.

Why won't you just choose me?


Wait, what? Is that my blouse?

How am I supposed to get home, Farley?

You idiot!

There was blood everywhere, and I think, yeah, I think I'm gonna have a scar.



I saw you at the Chinese restaurant, Chantal.

Remember, I saw you and you ran away from me?

Like you were in danger or something.

Oh. Oh, my God. I'm sorry.

I... you know what it was.

I couldn't place you, and I was getting a fake passport from Agnes' cousin and I was like, "Oh, my God. It's a policewoman."

I'm in trouble."

But then, a week later, I was like, "Oh, yeah, oh, of course. She was in my dorm."


Wait, wait, no, no.

I don't... I don't understand.

Dory, stop.




Who are you hiding from? Who are you hiding from?



I've honestly been through hell.

But you know what?

It's been amazing to be off social media for a little while. You know what I mean?

Yes! Oh, my God. I did that at a yoga retreat.

Like, they say that it causes depression...

Oh, it does.

... and they're right.

Chantal: It's really bad.

Ooh, you have some blood on your forehead, sweetie.


Dor, hey. We found her.

We found you! [Chuckles]

♪ You're slipping, I'm sinking ♪
♪ Now I'm underwater ♪

Um, Drew. What's been going on with you?

I haven't seen you in so long. Are you still a swimmer?

Oh, no.

No? You were like... the best.


Do you guys wanna get dinner?

Let's get drinks!

Yes! Oh, my God! Yes, please, I haven't...

You haven't probably seen Montréal.

I've been in this one bar and that's basically it.
