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01x06 - Bunker Hill, We Have a Problem

Posted: 12/02/16 07:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Pure Genius...

Uh, how's it going with Dr. Brockett?

Bell: Subpar.

Wallace: Why don't you just ask her out?

You obviously want to.

Strauss: Are you okay?

You just seem a little anxious.

Cheng: Just me.

Anxious, flustered. Comes with the territory.

Let me know if you ever need anything, okay?

Bell: Julianna Wallace, executive consumer safety officer for the FDA.

Julianna: He thinks that he can just buy his way around the rules.

Wallace: But it all comes from a real desire to change the world.

I think you and I need to clarify which one of us has final say when it comes to medical decisions.

Yeah, I probably should.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, for the first time ever it is my pleasure to say... welcome to Bunker Hill, where we are changing the world one patient at a time.

We all know that travel in space wreaks havoc on the human body, putting our astronauts and our space program at constant risk.

Today, we will prove that remote surgery in space is absolutely possible.

And I couldn't think of a better way to introduce Bunker Hill to the world than to have you all witness it live!

So, to perform the first ever heart surgery in space... meet the greatest living surgeon and our new chief of staff, Dr. Walter Wallace!

Oh, good, I caught you.

I was up all night thinking about this Scott thing.

I was up all night, too... working.

He touched me.

Who? Scott.


On my shoulder... and he looked me in the eye.

"Angie... are you okay?"

I've been touched by Scott.

I need sleep.

Excuse me.

Okay, theory number one...

Excuse me, uh, we need a doctor.

Yeah, I'm Dr. Brockett.

My fiancée, she's sick.

It's bad. Please, help her.

What's going on?

I... I was fine and then suddenly it just came on.

It feels like my stomach's gonna burn up.

I've never felt pain like this.

Come with me.

Dr. Wallace, this is John Keushkerian, engineer with the space program.

He set up the communication system between us and the International Space Station that allows us to do the surgery in real time.

W-Well, not exactly real time.

There is a 1.5 second time delay for when Dr. Wallace makes a move and the robot responds on the ISS.

Okay, this guy won the Jacobson Innovation Award.

(laughing): It's like the Oscar for surgery, so, yeah.

Think he can handle a 1.5 second time delay.

And we'll be projecting this surgery on the monitors.

Dr. Wallace, meet Lenny Kramer.

Hi, Lenny. It's an honor.

Looking forward to working with you on this.

Same here.

History in the making.

Lenny's been working on the Columbus space lab now for the past three months?

Yeah, just me and Sal.


Your patient.

A realistic surgical mannequin and we built him right here in the Bunker Hill lab.

He's equipped with a four-chambered beating heart, which mimics the ejection fraction of a real one and even pumps blood.

Sal wants you to know how grateful he is that you agreed to do his coronary artery bypass graft.

You're welcome... uh, Sal.

He's pretty nervous.

Hell, we both are.

My stomach's in knots.

Haven't been able to look at food all day.

You believe millions of people are gonna be watching this?

Sorry... uh, millions?

That's right, Dr. Wallace.

We're livestreaming our surgery across the world.

I'm sure I mentioned that.




Some of your symptoms are consistent with the diagnosis.

I can't believe I travelled over 3,000 miles to get a urinary tract infection.

Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were going home.

This is Nora and Eugene.

I'm just helping them get started.

Hey, how's it going?

Go. I'll make sure we get an ER doc on this.

Okay, thanks.

Um, she's warm to the touch.

Needs vitals, a UA, culture and preg before starting her on ceftriaxone.

Looks like early pyelonephritis.

All right, well, I'm guessing Bunker Hill wasn't on your itinerary, but I promise while you're here, you'll get five star treatment.

How much is that gonna cost?

Oh, don't worry.

Bunker Hill will pay all costs not covered by your insurance.

Can I see your arm for a moment?

Uh, yeah.

It's not blanching.

Is something wrong?

I'd like to add on some additional blood tests, just to be thorough.

Brockett: We have a female patient in the ER.

Looked like a UTI, but now with a petechial rash and severe anemia.

Primary and secondary thrombotic microangiopathy syndromes?

That's a lot of possibilities.

Is she pregnant?


What do the red blood cells look like?

Red blood cells are exploding.


We know she's got hemolytic anemia. What we don't know is what's causing it.

Well, given her urinary symptoms, it could be primary glomerulonephritis.

Maybe sickle cell... but she would've been diagnosed much earlier.

And there's no history of a blood abnormality in her family.

She's not a drug user or marathoner.

No mechanical valves or shunts.

Could be a microangiopathic drug reaction to an antibiotic if she was treated as a UTI.

Yeah, it's possible.

Are we missing anything?

Food poisoning.

I plugged in all of Nora's symptoms.

The computer scanned the index and generated a differential diagnosis based on similar past cases worldwide.

Verlaine: But that doesn't make sense.

She's not vomiting, there's no diarrhea.

It's rare, but E. coli can present without typical food poisoning symptoms.

Brockett: And she and her fiancé have been all over the town the past week.

She definitely could've picked something up.

But food poisoning wouldn't cause red blood cells to fragment like that.

Well, it could.

If it's a certain strain of E. coli that produces a toxin that can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome.

It causes tiny clots to form in the blood vessels and shreds the red blood cells.

In some cases, it can be fatal.

Oh, hold on.

Now we're jumping to H.U.S?

That's pretty rare.

Well, when it hits, it hits hard.

I mean, over 50 people died in Germany a few years back over an H.U.S. outbreak.

Let's run a stool culture and a gram stain first before we go there.

I started her on supportive therapy with IV fluids. In the meantime, I'll put her on plasma exchange, try to clear out that toxin.

Let's hold on the antibiotics unless she's septic.

Hey, I can take this. You should go home.

You're exhausted.

I'm fine.

Brockett: She's my patient now.

I'm not gonna leave her alone.

Hear that.

W, you're needed in wardrobe.

Nora: So, you're saying I don't have a UTI?

You do have an infection.

It's just... not in your urinary tract.

You ingested E. coli.

E. coli? Oh, my God.

But the good news is the IV fluids and plasma exchange are working and your fever's reducing.

Where's Eugene?

Uh, he's in the restroom.

Nora, I don't want you to worry.

You're getting the best care possible, okay?

(tablet beeps)

Hey, can I talk to you for a second?


Excuse us.

I had the E-Hub run a search to see if there are any other cases of E. coli causing H.U.S. in a 20-mile radius.

Check this out.

Five more cases just popped up in the area.

Can't be a coincidence, can it?


It's an outbreak.

Nora: Eugene.

Verlaine: Hey. BROCKETT: Eugene.

What's wrong? Are you all right?



Eugene? Eugene?

Nora: Are you okay?!

Oh, good, you're here.

Glad you chose the eggplant.

You pop in eggplant.

James, can we talk for a minute?

Privately, if there's anywhere in this hospital right now that's private.


I won't allow this surgery to be livestreamed.

It's the first remote surgery in space and a thousand things can go wrong.

It's too risky to open the world up to see it.

The best surgeon in the world is performing mock surgery on a dummy. What could possibly go wrong?

A lot.

And I get that there's a place for fund-raising and there's a place for publicity, but that place is not the OR.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

I'm the billionaire who handles the press, remember?

Remote surgery in space, it's sexy.

It's the perfect vehicle to get the press behind us.

You saw them all drooling in there.

Believe me, it doesn't matter how good we are.

If Bunker Hill Hospital is gonna succeed, we got to get them on our side.

They can make us or they could ruin us.

I'm gonna have to insist on this one, W.

I think I see a little bit of shine there.

No worries, we can fix that.

Touch-ups. Yeah.

Ooh, you do have a little shine.

Okay, so I want to start on an extreme close-up of Dr. Wallace Mm-hmm. and then widen out to reveal me, watching intently.

Uh, this is an iconic moment in mankind's history...

The plasma exchange worked for me, so it'll work for him, right?

And he'll be fine?

That's our hope.

His blood pressure is very high, but we'll monitor him closely.

Nora... there are other people who have come into ERs in the area with similar symptoms.

Oh, my God, how many?

So far, five.

So... what are you saying?

This is some kind of outbreak?

We don't know that yet and we don't know how dangerous it is.

But we do want to err on the side of caution.

We'll start to work with all of the patients to find out if we can locate the source of the outbreak.

So, we need you to write down all the places you've eaten in the past week.

We've been... eating our way through the city.

I can't remember the name of every place.

That's okay.

Just write down what you can recall.

Nora, I'm so sorry this is happening.

I can't believe it.

This was supposed to be the most romantic thing we've ever done.

Getting married on the Golden Gate Bridge.

Is there anything we can do to help?

Can we call anybody? Your family?

Maybe let the caterer know there might be a change of dates?

There are no caterers.

Or family.

It was just gonna be the two of us.

And the priest we found on Craigslist.

Our families haven't really been all that supportive.

They're both pretty old school.


And we're so not.

We're gonna do everything we can to get you to that bridge.

Thank you.

Didn't take you for such a romantic, Brockett.

There's something about those two.

So young, but so brave.

And their commitment to each other, even after... everything working against them?

I don't know, it's inspiring.

I've also been up for like 20 hours, so...


I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier when you told me to go home.

It's all good.

You know, I just wanted to... look out for you.

(phone chimes)



Okay, thanks.

We need to get the team to the E-Hub.

What's up?

Six more cases were just reported.

Is this really necessary?

My head's gonna be inside the console the entire time.

Channarayapatra: Oh, actually James had the face plate altered so the camera could catch your expressions.

You got to be kidding me.

(TV chimes)

Kramer: Almost show time, Dr. Wallace.

I've created a sterile environment, and strapped Sal to the table.

Would you like me to sterilize the surgical field now?

You're afraid Sal's gonna get an infection?

Aren't you?

Well, we can wait to apply the ChloraPrep until James brings the press in.

Might as well give them the full experience.

Wallace, Talaikha?

We need you.

(alarm beeping)

There are now 12 reported cases of H.U.S. due to E. coli poisoning in the area.

Got to find the source of what's making them sick immediately.

This could spread through the entire Bay Area real fast.

I'm pulling up the raw data taken from the phones of all the affected patients.

I'm digging the purple scrubs.

Bell: Good, cross-reference that with other social media footprints to find out where each of them have travelled over the past week.

Your nonfat double cappuccino.

Oh, I didn't order any...

Verlaine: I did.

You need the fuel.

Brockett: Thank you.

Cheng: Here we go.

Bell: I'm not seeing much overlap here, how is that possible?

They all ingested the same strain.

Two of the patients went to the same Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Call the Health Department.

Have them check it out.

Can't call them with a theory, it's quicker for us to find the source ourselves. Then we'll alert them.

Angie, what about the biosensor you were showing me?

The pathogen biosensor. I can take it with me and test food and water samples for this specific strain of E. coli.

I'll go with you. Might be of some use.

Okay, it's a date. A... plan.

Bell: Good, the sooner we find the source, the sooner we stop the outbreak.

Guys, it's time.

♪ ♪

Dr. Wallace is making his first incision along the sternum.

(machine whirring quietly)

Channarayapatra: Lenny, you can now retract the ribs and tissue.

Dr. Wallace will now make a small incision to open the pericardial sac around the heart to expose the coronary arteries.

(mechanical whirring, digital beeping)

Why isn't it stopping?

I... I don't know.

(alarm beeping)

What's wrong?

Stop cutting!

Dr. Wallace?

(heart beating)

k*ll the feed.

k*ll the feed.

(switch clicks)

(electronics powering down, then sustained beep)

(whispering): What the hell just happened?

I think you just k*lled Sal.

(people murmuring, camera shutters clicking)

I think it's time for lunch.

See, that was just a little pinch, right?

Ma'am, we need to know all the places your son may have eaten over the last few days.

Oh, of course.

Um, Michael's gonna be okay, right?

We're doing everything possible for your son.

Nurse: Doctors, you're needed in room 32.

That's Eugene.

Excuse us.

Mother: Okay.

(alarm beeping)

Something's wrong.

He's acting really strange Eugene, how are you feeling?

I need my umbrella. It's going to rain.

Could you get me my umbrella? Eugene?

Baby, we're at the hospital.

Who are you?

Brockett: He's got peaked T waves.

Let's get the EKG up. Give him an amp of calcium gluconate.

Why doesn't he know me? What's wrong with him?

His toxins are building up in his blood and his kidneys can't get rid of them. I need a MAHURKAR line set up and a dialysis machine in here now.

Right away. Let's start the antibiotics.

What's happening?

His kidneys are failing.

Wallace: A solar flare?

Are you serious?

Just before you made the incision at, uh... 11:32 a.m., an M-Class solar flare was recorded on the sun's surface.

The electromagnetic pulse caused a temporary disruption of communication between Bunker Hill and the ISS for approximately seven seconds.

So a solar flare is why the robot kept cutting?

It didn't get the memo in time?


Why didn't we know about the solar flare?

Well, they're just like earthquakes. Impossible to predict.

And ones this massive are very rare.

Tell that to people tweeting #RIPSal.

It's trending. Yeah, look at that.

What? There.

He's in pain, his lower right quadrant.

He said he had a stomach ache this morning and he doesn't have an appetite.

(phone chimes)

Update from Angie.

Eugene's infection isn't responding to the plasma exchange.

But Nora's is, right?


Well, have the team check her blood samples and compare it to Eugene's.

Why is she responding and he's not?

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Okay. (clears throat)

Uh, bring Lenny up on the monitor please.

(sighs) How's Eugene doing?

The uremia causing his confusion has cleared up, but his white cells are still elevated, and he still has active hemolysis and toxin production.

His infection isn't going away.

If we can't clear this infection, his kidneys will be permanently damaged and more of his organs will begin to fail.

Look at the E. coli in Nora's blood sample.

They're covered in antibodies.

Verlaine: No antibodies in Eugene's sample.

So Nora's white blood cells produce antibodies, that can fight the bacteria and stop the toxin.

Eugene's don't.

Is there a way to extract her antibodies and inject them into Eugene.


But it would take days to purify enough of her antibodies to prime his immune system.

Huh. Wait.

What if we artificially synthesize her antibodies?

We could have it in hours.

Nora could literally save Eugene's life.

(traffic sounds, car honks)

Cheng: Ugh, I love chow fun. Can't live without it.

You might even say I've got a... an addiction.

Sort of like your thing with apples.

I have a thing with apples?

Uh, can we see the manager please?

I mean, my point is, you know, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

A-addictions, I mean.

You know, I mean, everybody's got them or... or gotten over them.

But we should feel free to share them, right?

I'm the manager. Can I help you?

Hi, uh, we're from Bunker Hill Hospital.

There's been an outbreak of H.U.S. in the area and we need to test your food and water for contaminants.

No, this place is very clean.

We got a B rating.

Yeah, I-I saw that.

(plate shatters)

Excuse me.

(men arguing in foreign language)

Cheng: It's a combined optical biosensor and lateral flow immunoassay that uses both reflective surface plasmon resonance and antibody-antigen binding.

Current models take eight to ten hours to give you results, this puppy takes eight seconds.

(biosensor chimes)

Make that six.

Water's clean.

(plates set on counter)


Excuse me, I'm a doctor. Are you feeling okay?

(both speaking Mandarin)

Angie, let's get him to the hospital.

The plot thickens.

Lenny, I noticed on the playback you're clutching your side.

The stomach ache you had yesterday, is that moving to the right?

Yeah, it's gotten pretty k*ller, too.

And when's the last time you ate?

Uh... yesterday.

I haven't been very hungry, I thought it was just the nerves.

Push on your left side, do you feel any pain there?

No, just the lower right.

No matter where I push.

(sighs) My appendix?

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

It's inflamed and swollen, and irritating your abdominal wall.

Lenny, is there anyone on your crew who's medically trained that can help you?

There's no doctor onboard and there's no one here to assist.

I'm locked in here by myself right now.

The solar flare fried the electrical system and all compartments are temporarily on lockdown.

Any way to override the lockdown?

Unfortunately, no.

We're working as fast as we can, but may take at least a few hours to get all systems back online.

He's been having symptoms since yesterday, he may not have too long before his appendix ruptures.

Bell: Is there some kind of lifeboat to get him back to Earth?

The Russian Soyuz capsule.

Even if he could get to it, the force of gravity alone on the journey could burst his appendix.

Lenny, we're gonna try to override that lockdown.

But in the meantime, do you have a pulse oximeter there?

Uh, I do.

You do? Good.

Uh, I'm gonna need you to monitor your heart rate and your temperature.

If they get too high, and we can't get these doors open, we need to be prepared to operate.

With just me and the robot?

Who's gonna assist the surgery?

We'll need you to help.

(sighs) You're gonna have to do it.

So, we're gonna centrifuge your blood to isolate the antibodies.

Then use it as a template to create a synthetic protein treatment.

And inject that into Eugene?

Brockett: Right.

It's not a sure thing, but if it does work, it would not only help Eugene, it could also be our path to helping other victims of the outbreak.


I'm sorry, I'm not great with needles.

So you and Eugene are both art students, right?

Where do you go to school?

Rhode Island School of Design.

RISD. That's big time.

(chuckling): Yeah. Try saying that to my parents.

You should've seen my mom's face when I told her I wanted to be a photographer.

First member of the Vasquez family to go to college, and I choose art school.

Then I started dating a Vietnamese digital artist.

That really sent her over the edge.

How did you two meet?

Architecture class, sophomore year.

We bonded over our mutual love for the Golden Gate Bridge.

Did you know the bridge almost didn't happen?

No. Seriously?

Yeah. There were lawsuits, hearings, boycotts, setbacks.

Had everything working against it.

Now look at it.

It's the most beautiful bridge in the world.

You know, you guys would make a cute couple.

(chuckling): No...

Uh... Yeah, I don't...

I don't date guys at work, it's... way too complicated.

Yeah, I don't date guys at work, either, so...


Hey, uh, can I steal you guys for a second?


Cheng: Got word from Alameda County.

Their H.U.S. patient just died.

Wasn't he just admitted, like, an hour ago?

He didn't respond to the plasma exchange, either.

First, his kidneys failed. Then his pancreas, his heart.

Eugene doesn't have much time.

We need to synthesize those antibodies now.

♪ ♪

This is the 3D structure of the antibody we extracted from Nora's blood.

We'll replicate it to build a synthetic copy using the same peptides.

Looks kind of like Minecraft.

Or a complex, fully automated protein synthesizing program.

But sure, you know, let's go with Minecraft.

Where are we on the search for the E. coli source? Uh, the food and the water at the Chinese restaurant were clean.

We have access to the most advanced data analytics and pathogen biosensors. Why can't we locate this source?

We're tracking the recent movements of every victim, but there doesn't appear to be any common location where they all have been.

It means keep trying.

(stuttering): I-I have reinforcements all over the Bay Area testing food and water. We will find it.

We need to find it now.


(door closes)

(indistinct chatter)

We need to do damage control. The press is getting restless at being locked out.

Lenny's temperature and heart rate are climbing.

He's septic. His heart rate's 130, his temp's 101.

He's probably leaking pus into his belly and he's locked in there on his own.

I'm very close to pulling the trigger to do this surgery using him as his own nurse.

Okay. We can help you any way you need. Tell me.

I need you to move the press out of here.


I'll keep them out of the OR. Do a feed outside.

Put it on a ten minute delay. They'll think it's live.

But if we need to shut it down, we can shut it down.

Meanwhile, if this works, and you do this, we get national headlines. Bunker Hill becomes a household name in healthcare.

If the only story they leave with here is a botched remote surgery, we're a laughing stock.

James, this is a man's life.


Tell the press to get a latte to go, and get them the hell out of here.

♪ ♪

Lenny, you'll need to be awake in order to assist as your own nurse. Do you think you can do that?

Yes, sir.

And you need to stabilize yourself on the table somehow so you don't float away, but still be able to move your upper body.

I can strap my legs to the table.


My family.

Can you call them?

We already did. They're on their way.

You have kids, Doc?

Yeah, I do. My son's, um, a senior in high school and my daughter's an undergrad at UCLA.

You're a little ahead of me, then.

Mine are, uh, entering their awkward teen years.

12 and 14.


How long will that go on, huh?

Oh, you've got time yet.

All right, this is the same medical kit Lenny has on board.

It's basically what a paramedic might have.

First aid, saline, defibrillator...

(closes compartment)

Do you have any lidocaine? To numb his skin?


There's Benadryl here.

He can use it as a poor man's anesthetic.

Lenny, here's what you need to do.

Crush a couple of these Benadryl capsules and mix it with saline.

Then you'll inject the solution under the skin of your abdomen where the incision's gonna be made.

Got it.

Um, now what about suction?

We'll need to clear the surgical field of blood so it doesn't float away like Sal's did.

Hey, Lenny.

Have you got any cable or piping?

I have an oxygen tube. Would that work?

What about a plastic bottle?

Yep. Right here.

He can jerry-rig the tubing by putting a hole in the cap to make a syphon.


We have Girl Scouts in India.

Scott, need you to translate.


Ask him if he ate at a food truck over the past few days.

Uh... (speaking in Mandarin)

(speaking in Mandarin)

He says he ate at a Mediterranean food truck two days ago.

(speaking in Mandarin)

He says it was parked in Chinatown.

What was the name of the truck?

Quickie Kabob.

Quickie Kabob...

Yeah. I got that.

(door beeps)

I need a map of where the Quickie Kabob food truck has been over the past week.

Check their Twitter feed.

They post all their stops.

Nora and Eugene confirmed they also ate from the Quickie Kabob truck.

Okay. Now lay that over a map of where the outbreak victims have traveled over the past week.

Come on, come on.

Boom. That's why we couldn't geolocate the source.

Because the source was moving. Okay. That truck is on the East Bay right now. We have to call the Health Department to get them to shut it down.

Already on it.

Eugene's clock is ticking.

Please, tell me we're getting close.

We're cycling through the last few amino acid additions on a 58-mer peptide.

Then we can ligate the aptamers into the synthetic antibodies.


Whatever. Just as long as they have the same affinity for the E. coli as Nora's natural antibodies.

Mm-hmm. You know, they're gonna be better...

He's hovering.

Don't hover.

Not hovering.

I'm not gonna be able to take it if this doesn't work.

Oh, you're doing an amazing job, Doctor.

We'll see.

Nora and Eugene came in when you were coming off of a double shift.

You're sleep-deprived.

Anybody else would've gladly handed that over to the next shift. Not you.

Well, that's not true.

Plus you have to say that, so...

Okay, listen...

I admire your dedication.

That's all.

I'm... gonna go check in on Eugene.

Be right back.

Cheng: So...

Want to tell me what's, uh... going on there... Doctor?

What do you mean?

Okay, really? You guys kissed a few weeks ago.

Oh, please. Elody knows everything.

I don't date guys at work.

You want my opinion?


Yeah. Okay. Fine.

Malik's a good guy.

I mean, he's obviously into you, and you're clearly into him.

Dip a toe. Worse comes to worse, it doesn't work out.

Elody: I agree.

Dip a toe.

♪ ♪

(machine beeping rhythmically)

Nora: Now that we've given him antibodies, long will we have to wait to see if it's working?

We should know in a few hours.

I... I heard some nurses talk about a patient at another hospital that died.

He was in pretty bad shape when he got to the hospital.

And he didn't have the antibody treatment.

But could that happen to Eugene?

Could he die if this doesn't work?

We're gonna do everything we can.

I want to get married here.


I promised you a Golden Gate Bridge wedding.

I don't want to get married unless it's under that bridge.

♪ ♪

Bell: No. It's not a possible lead, I'm hand delivering the source to you.

Yeah. Thank you.



(sighs) The department won't shut down the truck until they have their own data to back it up, and their investigation is gonna take at least 24 hours.

So our hands are tied.

One day, Bunker Hill will be established enough so that the health department trusts us enough to act immediately.

But, in the meantime...

(typing rapidly)

James, what are you doing?

Scott, I want you to know that hacking is unlawful, thoroughly immoral and Bunker Hill does not condone it under any circumstances.

But old habits die hard, Scott-o.

Hey, listen, guys.

This is nothing. We got this.

We got the best doc in the world on this.

And I've been training for this for months, okay?

So, I don't want you to worry.

I'll see you in a couple hours.

And then you can tell everybody that your dad's an astronaut and a nurse.

I don't love any of this.

It's our only option.

(inhales deeply) I know.

You can do this, Doctor.

Nurse Janine will see you outside now.

We'll let you know the minute you can see him.


I love you.

So much.

Love you, Dad.

Love you.

I love you, guys.

It's gonna be fine, okay?

Don't worry.

You got this.

(Lenny sighs)


My legs are strapped to the table.

You have the Benadryl solution?

And the siphon?

Good work.

You'll see your family again in an hour, Lenny.


Okay, I'm ready.

Okay, Lenny, start by injecting the Benadryl solution into your lower right abdomen.






The Health Department just sent out a tweet naming the food truck as the source. Have you seen this?

Yeah, I wrote it.

You hacked into the Health Department's Twitter?

Mm. Shockingly easy to bypass their firewall.

But they're just gonna delete it.

No, they won't.

Because now, I force their hand.

If they delete it and I'm right, then they look bad.

So if they leave it, then they get to be the heroes.

And meanwhile, nobody else gets sick on some bad beef shawarma.


Dr. Wallace will make a four centimeter incision at McBurney's point.

Try to relax your abdomen, Lenny.



(breathing shallowly)




Channarayapatra: You can now place the suction device over the incision site.

(Lenny panting)

Dr. Wallace will now dissect the subcutaneous fat under the skin and the abdominal muscle layers.

You're doing great, Lenny.

Keep breathing.

(breathing heavily)

Okay, Lenny, Dr. Wallace will now open the peritoneum... that's the membrane that lines the abdomen... your appendix is right underneath.

Looks like just a small amount of pus has leaked into the cavity, thankfully.

(Lenny panting)

Channarayapatra: Okay, Lenny, the appendix has been removed.

We need you to take slow, deep breaths.

Dr. Wallace will now tie off the base of the appendix and ligate it.

(inhales deeply)

(mechanical arms whirring)

Okay, Lenny...

(arms whirring)

(monitor beeping)

He lost consciousness.

We need to stabilize him.


Channarayapatra: We need to close him up now or his blood pressure will drop to a dangerous level.

The surgical field is filling with blood.

I just need to suture him up.

(beeping continues)

Okay, it's closed.

Lenny, can you hear us?

Wallace: Lenny?


I'm here.


I felt a sharp pain and then I blacked out.

What happened?

You just became the first human to undergo a surgical procedure in orbit.



We just witnessed history.


You and me. (chuckles)

Nobody else.

Nobody. Zero.

Just us.

(elevator door opens)

What am I seeing here?

We're having a wedding.

Under the Golden Gate Bridge.



For Nora and Eugene.

Oh, of course.

I have the flowers, the rings.

Did that priest call you back yet?

Not yet.

We already know a priest.


Scott speaks Mandarin.

What if he was in a Chinese prison for those five years?

Who's Scott?

It's this guy she's investigating.

Come here.

What are you... (sighs)

Okay, just 'cause you haven't slept, doesn't mean you have to look like it.

(chuckles) Mm-kay.

Verlaine: Blood pressure's normalizing.

Your labs are improving.

That is a good sign.

How do you feel?

No worse, might be sweating a little.

That's your fever breaking.

Which means it's working.

The woman you're about to marry just saved your life.

Ooh, boy, you're gonna owe her.


♪ The fire the wine ♪
♪ The bed and you ♪
♪ This crimson light ♪
♪ I find the truth ♪
♪ And truth is like ♪
♪ A punch or two ♪
♪ It hits you hard ♪
♪ It knocks you through ♪
♪ So I ♪
♪ Get on the road ♪
♪ And ride to you ♪
♪ I get on the road ♪
♪ And ride to you ♪
♪ One tender payment ♪
♪ For our sins ♪
♪ You are the drug ♪
♪ That I can't quit ♪
♪ Your perfect chaos ♪
♪ Is a perfect fit ♪
♪ So I ♪
♪ Get on the road ♪
♪ And ride to you ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I get on the road ♪
♪ And ride to you ♪
♪ ♪
♪ From broken farm ♪
♪ To broken farm ♪
♪ The engine noise ♪
♪ Like an alarm ♪
♪ It breathes a thunder ♪
♪ In my soul ♪
♪ It starts this race through the dustbowl ♪
♪ Your perfect chaos ♪
♪ Is a perfect fit ♪
♪ So I ♪
♪ Get on the road ♪
♪ And ride to you ♪
♪ I get on the road ♪
♪ And ride to you ♪

Reporter: State officials praised the Health Department for their speedy response in locating the source of the deadly outbreak.

Meanwhile, the 15 affected patients are all currently being treated and expected to make full recoveries.

Thanks to Bunker Hill.

Too bad no one knows about that part.

We know.

♪ It breathes a thunder ♪

What's that?

I had the entire surgery recorded for historical, medical purposes.

♪ It starts this race ♪
♪ Through the dustbowl ♪

Oh and don't worry, I made sure they got a good close-up of you.