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01x08 - Can I Get a Witness

Posted: 12/01/16 06:49
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ I like to make money ♪
♪ Get turnt ♪
♪ I like to make money ♪
♪ Get turnt ♪
♪ I like to make money ♪
♪ Get turnt ♪
♪ We got the white girl twerkin' like the work ♪
♪ I like to make money ♪
♪ Get turnt ♪
♪ I like to make money, get turnt... ♪

Your drink orders.

Thank you.

And good luck to you, ma'am.

Announcer (over P.A.): You, too, can be a winner.

Be sure to join our million-dollar jackpot.

(motorcycle engines revving)

(people screaming)

(alarm blaring)

(g*n clicks)

(whimpers softly)


Come on, you ate yesterday.

There's nothing in there.

Don't waste your time.

Okay, obviously I was saving that.



Debbie Sue: Well, great news!

The most darling young couple
just made an offer on your house.

Trish: Anyone want some smoothie?

There's kale in it.

Oh, God, no.

I'm disappointed in you, son.

When's the last time you had a vegetable?

Women like men who are responsible.

Men who take care of their bodies.

Oh, oh, like you're taking care of this, I see.

Hey, don't touch that.


I was exhaling.

You're gonna be late for school, RJ, go on.

Big guts are hereditary.

Yeah, all right, we'll see.

(chuckles) Let's hope the same is true of your other qualities.

(door opens)

Like my strength?

Mm. Yes.

(door closes)

And my love for hearty soups.

(both laugh)

That, too.

And... your robust sense of adventure.

I forgot about that one.

Oh, but I have not.

Which is why I think that it is finally time for our dream vacation.

Hawaii, yes.

You in a bikini with a Mai Tai.

(chuckles) No.

Climbing Kilimanjaro.

That sounds dangerous.

Especially with a Mai Tai.

Dangerous? Come on, honey.

What are you worried about dangerous?

You ride around all day with Martin Riggs.

Look, I already experienced my adventure with a little thing called open-heart surgery.

Roger, you were the one who told me climbing Kilimanjaro was your dream.

When did I say that was my dream?

On our fourth date.


Oh, our fourth date.

Baby, I hadn't slept with you yet.

(chuckles) So I might've overstated my interest in mountaineering just to, you know...

Get in my pants?


(chuckles): Gosh.

Listen, Trish...

No, you listen.

I've waited 18 years to have a little us time.

And I love our baby girl, but I am not waiting 18 more.

Time to dream big, go big, and-and get out of our comfort zone a little.

Here's the thing about our comfort zone: it's very comfortable.

(chuckles) Stop.

(cell phone ringing)

Until it's not.

Oh, I got to go.

Armed robbery.

Hollywood Park Casino.

(scoffs) This isn't over.

I didn't think it was.

♪ ♪

(sirens wailing)

(indistinct police radio chatter)

I never understand why people come here.

It's a waste of money.

It's like mountain climbing.

Well, there's free alcohol.


What do we got?

No fatalities, but they took a million.

And add to that what some customers stole during the commotion.

My security guards found a woman with $1,000 in chips in her girdle.


People still wear those things?

I'm wearing one right now.

Sam Fisher.

I've owned this place for 20 years.

But these scumbags might as well have put a b*llet in me.

The jackpot, that was my last hope for keeping the doors here open.

I thought the house always wins.

It does, as long as you got gamblers.

But I've lost them to Vegas and the Indian casinos.

This is Sarah McFadden.

She's a cocktail waitress.

Says she saw something.

Sarah: Well, I didn't see much really.

Just the engine cover on one of the bikes.

It had, like, a... like, a snake design.

Sounds like a custom job.


Let's try all the local bike shops.

Thank you.


Murtaugh: Mr. Fisher, do you mind showing Detective Bailey some of your security footage?

Absolutely. Come on.

You think he really wears a girdle?



MURTAUGH I guess a sucker really is born every minute, huh?

Come on, Rog.

Where's your sense of adventure?

You been talking to Trish?

Uh, you need to place a bet in chips.

That's a cashier's check.

We're good to go.

That's $147,000.

That's your house.

That's your safety net.

(chuckles) Safety net.

You're cute, Roger.

No more bets.

Are you out of your damn mind?

You... okay, you know what?

You go ahead and blow your money how you want to blow your money.

I can't say I care either way.

You know, I can't watch this madness.

Riggs, pick up that damn check.

Drop it.

You knew I'd do that.

You care.

God, the suspense is k*lling me.

Black 26.

Oh, look at that.

You just cost me a ton of money.

But wait for it.

I don't care.

(indistinct conversations)

Cruz: It's like they rehearsed this in advance.

So they got good intel.

Could be employees or regulars.


Why be a regular in this dump?

Man: Yo, Sonya. What's up?

Hey, Maxy, how you doing?


No wonder why you want to get up out of here.

Sometimes I come here to relax, all right?

To each his own.

Too bad you weren't here in the morning.

Could've been a witness.

Yeah, instead of our oh-so-helpful cocktail waitress.


She said she saw the heist, but she left before the crew showed up.

She missed the whole damn thing.

There's no way she could've seen the engine cover.

So why'd she say she did?

Sarah: Come on in, Mr. Gottlieb.

Billy, please.


Uh, no, don't bother.

This won't take long.

Now, like I said, I'm with the casino's insurance company, and... we just had a few follow-up questions about the incident today.

Oh, I-I told the police everything.

Which was?

Not much, just something about the bike.

A custom engine cover with a snake on it.

Is there anything else you noticed?

I'm sorry, but I really don't think so.

Well... we are offering a reward.

Well... I'm real good with faces.

For remembering drink orders and stuff.

And those guys knew what they were doing, so maybe they came in before.

I... maybe I could've served them.

If I showed you a mug book, think it might jog your memory?




I'll take that coffee now.

Yeah, sure.

Why would she lie about seeing something as specific as an engine cover?

I don't know. Maybe she's not lying.

Maybe she thought she saw it.

Or maybe she saw it before and knows the heist crew.

Or maybe she's the inside man...

(Sarah screams, g*nsh*t)

She's alive.

(radio static)

Dispatch, this is 4King10.

I need an ambulance.

1270 Magnolia, Unit 2.

Dispatch: Copy that, all units...

Murtaugh: Stay with me, Sarah.

There was a shot fired.

The perp must be on foot.

(g*n uncocks)

Easy there, cowboy.

Don't sh**t.

It's okay, pal.

I'm a good guy.

(sirens approaching)

Murtaugh: Sarah?

Sarah, you're gonna be okay.

Stay with me, Sarah.

An ambulance is on the scene.

Woman (over P.A.): Pain management, dial 143.

Pain management, 143.

How's he doing?

Riggs: I don't know.

He hasn't said a word.

Well, that's not abnormal for a kid his age after witnessing a traumatic event.


How's Sarah?

Doctor said it's critical but stable.

The b*llet fractured her skull, but it missed her brain.

They're prepping her for surgery right now.

It's gonna be about 24 hours before she's conscious.

Right now, kid's our only witness.

What do you think, Doc?

You can make him talk, right?

Yeah, yeah, I'll just wave my magic wand, since it works so well with you.


Be patient.

Ethan's been through a lot.

He lost his father.

He and his mom moved around.

Plus, he's been in and out of foster care.



Once, his mother took him to a bar where she was working.

Another time, she left him at a playground so she could go on a job interview.

You know, I'll talk to him.

Traumatized kids need a protector.

A father figure.

Hey there, little man.

I'm Detective Murtaugh.

But you could call me Roger.

You mind if I ask you a couple of quick questions?

Hey, hey, hey.

Not to give you any parenting advice, but you have his mother's blood on you.

Yeah, on that...

Oh... Yeah, yeah.

Um... hey, little man, this nice lady here is gonna take you back to the office and ask you a few questions.

Hey, Ethan, would you rather ride with Detective Riggs?

No, why would he want to ride with me?

You have a siren?

Yeah, I got a siren.

And flashing lights?

Yeah, those, too.

Then I'll go with you.


Well, that settles it.

Ethan, please make sure Detective Riggs wears his seat belt.

All right, let's see, we got all your major food groups.

We got cheese puffs, potato chips.

You got peanut butter pieces...

Are you gonna find the guy who shot my mom?

Yeah, of course I am.

You know, but, look, any information you can give me will greatly help.

I only saw the engine cover.

You were at the casino during the heist.

Your mom said she saw it 'cause you weren't supposed to be there.

The babysitter flaked.


And Mom's boss said he'd fire her if she missed one more shift, so she took me.

I was behind the bar.

If you tell, they'll take me away.

Who am I gonna tell? Come on.

Besides, it's a good thing you were there.

You found us a clue.

You're pretty good at this crime stopping stuff.

I'm not gonna fall for any of this junior detective crap.

I'm not five.

Can you catch a cheese puff in your mouth?

In midair?

'Cause I can.

I want you to listen to me, all right, Ethan?

'Cause I'm not kidding around.

I've caught more cheese puffs in my mouth in midair than anybody else on the whole planet.

Prove it.

All right.

Gonna make a deal.

For each one of these I catch, you tell me something you know.

Prepare to get wrecked.


All right?

Notice anything about the guy from last night?

He said he was from the casino.

Something about a reward.

But he was lying.

I could tell.


Look, grown-ups lie to me all the time.

I can spot it a mile away.

New deal.

I don't lie to you, you don't lie to me.



All right.

Bailey: Found a clear shot on the security footage.

A snake engine cover.

They're signature at this guy's bike shop.


Look at this Harley Heritage Model.

You're a motorcycle guy?

I don't know what that means.

Am I a guy who appreciates a motorcycle?

Yeah, had one when I was 17.

Nothing like this hog here.

You used to have a motorcycle?

Damn right.

And I'd still have one today, but I gave it up when Junior was born.

Being the responsible father and all.


You got something to say, say it.

(chuckles) Nah, just... you on a motorcycle?

It's funny.


Yeah, like those dudes from CHiPs.

The TV show from the '70s about the CHP...

1977 to 1983, to be exact.

I'll forget more about CHiPs while I'm sleeping than you'll ever know in your whole life.

Man: Can I help you two?

Hope so.

Murtaugh and Bailey, LAPD.

We're looking for any customers that may have bought a bike from you with a snake engine cover.

They all do. I put a snake on every engine I build.

So, that's a dead end.

Thanks anyway.


Wait, hold-hold on. One other question.

How much for this Harley Heritage?

For you?

(chuckles): Yeah, for me.


Well... don't seem like a bike guy.

Oh, he is. He loves CHiPs.

He does?

He does.

Did you know that in season five, Erik Estrada quit and they replaced him with Bruce Jenner?

Cahill: Okay, Ethan, I think it's time for you to get some rest, and maybe to get some real food in you.

Not hungry.

He did crush an entire bag of cheese puffs, so...

Okay, well, then maybe just some rest.

And listen, I think the safest place for you tonight is gonna be at a foster home.

No, no, please.

The last time I was in foster care, I had... you know, an accident.

(softly): Hey.

No big deal.

I mean, things happen, all right?

I still have accidents.

Ethan: Yeah, well... the foster lady hit me with a belt, then made me spend the rest of the night scrubbing the sheets in the bathtub.

That's terrible, Ethan.

But I promise you that we would never place you...

What about my Aunt Kristi?

I stay with her all the time when my mom has to work.

Please, can I go to her house?


If your aunt takes responsibility for you, then yes, sure, but otherwise, it's-it's foster care.


Riggs, can you drive me over?

We can run all the red lights again.

(chuckles): What?

Come on.


We had the sirens on; it was completely safe, you know.

(quietly): Just can't... we can't tell her stuff like that.

And, that, young Ethan, is how Ponch met Jon on CHiPs.

(laughs) Good story, huh?

Um, yeah... I guess.

Rog, I just... I don't think CHiPs really holds up...


Just don't, not with CHiPs.

So what's your aunt's name again?


Hi, Aunt Kristi.

My mom got shot, and these are the cops solving the case.

I told them I could stay with you instead of foster care.

So tell them it's okay, okay?

Hi, Ethan.

Yes, I heard about your mom.

I'm so sorry.

But, uh, well... you see, I'm not really his aunt.

I just work with his mom, and now's not a very good time for me, so...

My mom told me to call her Aunt Kristi.

And I really do stay here.

I know, I know, I know, come on.


I'm sorry, really, but...

I just can't. I'm sorry.


Is everything all right with you?

You seem a little... flustered.

Everything's fine.

I need to go.

(lock clicks)

♪ ♪

Rog, you good?

Yeah, I'll be right there.

Just checking something out.

Hey, Riggs, why don't you get Ethan in the car.

Look at me.

You stay in this car, lay down in the seat, and don't get up, okay?

Low, lay down.


May I come in?


Not polite to sh**t at strangers, you know!

Why don't you come out here so we can get to know each other?

(Kristi screams)

(crying): Oh, no!
Murtaugh: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.


What are you doing?

I told you to stay in the car.

I... I know. I-I just...

What? You just what?!

(crying): I'm sorry.

We're here because of me. I'm sorry!

Look, it's okay, all right?

Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you.


I want to talk to my lawyer.

There'll be time for that, don't worry.

And you're gonna have a lot to talk about, seeing as you're being charged with attempted m*rder of a police officer.

But you can make it a little easier on yourself by telling me what you know about the casino robbery.

Know what would've made things easier for me?

What's that?

If I hadn't just missed that big, bald head of yours.

Close but no cigar, right?

(both laugh)

Maybe I should thank you.

Because ever since our encounter, I decided I'm gonna start doing the things I always wanted to do, like causing bodily harm to scumbags that try to hurt me.

That's enough, Detective.

That's enough.

Let's go.

Okay, little man, here's what we're gonna do.

Who's this guy?

The boss.

Look, what he's trying to say is take your time.

All right? Look at these guys and tell us if one of them's the one that shot your mom.

What if I don't know?

You gonna yell at me again?

It depends.


You gonna ignore my advice again?


Then maybe.

You ready?


Yeah, come on.

All right.

Now, remember, they can't see us.

Only we can see them, all right?

Are any of these men the one that shot your mom?

You see anyone you recognize?



It's okay.

You did great.

We are so proud of you and we support you.

Um... okay. Thanks.

It's important that children always feel supported.

Oh. It's what, uh... it's what...

You, uh... you feel supported there, Ethan?

What does that even mean?


Well, it means that you feel, you know...

Good talk.

Good talk.

Yeah, all right. (clears throat)

Let's see if we can find some doughnuts or something.

Ethan: Cops always have doughnuts.


You're home early.

Yeah. Things got a little down and a whole lot dirty during an arrest.

Everything okay?

Everything's fine.

Hey, Trish.

You know, I was thinking about what you said about we got to dream big, don't let anything get in the way of our adventure.

I think you were right.

(laughs): Baby...

You want to go to Kilimanjaro?


I want to buy a motorcycle.

Oh, a motorcycle?

Yeah, I saw one just like the hog I used to ride when RJ was little.

I figure I can put you on the back of it.

Can take long rides on the beach.

Baby, we are not getting a motorcycle.

Why not?

They're dangerous.

And to be honest, you'll look silly on it.

You are not a motorcycle-type guy.

First of all, being a cop is dangerous.

Climbing big mountains in Africa is dangerous.

Someone telling you that you look silly on your motorcycle is dangerous.

And most importantly, I am totally a motorcycle type of guy.

Okay, I'm sorry to do this, but...

Hawaii, 2003, Mauna Loa Road incident.

That wasn't even a motorcycle.

I know! It was a bicycle, Roger.

The degree of difficulty way lower, and how many stitches did you need?

It was a tandem bike.



And it was your fault.

(laughs): My fault? That's funny.

You lost the rhythm.

Whoa, slow down there, little man.

Captain Avery, I'm Madeline Tate, defense attorney for Russell Carswell.

He's in holding. I'll take you.

Off the record, Ms. Tate, your client fired a shotgun at one of my detectives.

We also have developing intel on his involvement in the casino robbery.


Not a lot of wiggle room for the D.A., unless your client starts cooperating.

Cruz: Hey, Captain, what do you want me to tell foster care about how long we need that kid?

He do the lineup yet?

Tell them I'll call them.

All right.

Different case.

Thank you, Captain.

I'll take it under advisement.


(Murtaugh chuckles)

Are you sure you know how to ride it?

Do I seriously look like a guy who can't ride a motorcycle?


It's yours now.

Just got to get you to fill out paperwork.

Be right back.






You want a picture of me standing next to my bike so you can put it on your wall of...

Ethan: You live here?


Clubhouse on the beach. Oh.

It's awesome.

Ah, yes, it is.

Ooh, all right.

Hey, what have you got to eat?

I'm starving.


Here. Beef jerky.

High in protein, low in fat.

It's like a superfood.

What's super about it?

Well, it's called jerky.

That's a good thing.

Um, all right, so as you know, legally, you're not supposed to be here.

Don't worry.

I know how to keep a secret.

I cover for my mom all the time.

Oh, yeah?


Ethan: You drink a lot.

You an alcoholic?

Well, that's a very grown-up concept, Ethan.

No biggie.

My dad was one.

♪ ♪

You have a wife?

Uh, I did.

Uh... she passed away.

♪ I was watching Syria, blinded by... ♪

That sucks.

♪ The sunshine strip ♪
♪ And you, you were in the kitchen... ♪

You must miss her.

♪ The wounded with the wounder's whip... ♪

Yeah, I do.

All right, you take the couch.

I'll take the chair.

Let's get some rest.



Oh, buddy... no more questions tonight.

Mr. Riggs is all questioned out.

I didn't see the man who shot my mom.

I-I heard his voice, but I got scared and closed my eyes.

I-I wasn't brave enough.

I just wanted to get me and my mom a new life.

Somewhere safe.

Somewhere better.

♪ I was stung by all of us ♪
♪ The blind leading out the bored... ♪

I'm sorry.


♪ Only time is ours, the rest we'll just wait and see... ♪

We're gonna figure this out.

All right?

You and your mom are gonna be okay.



♪ My invincible friend ♪
♪ Oh, hello, love... ♪

Get some rest.

♪ And the burr ♪
♪ Hello, love, for you ♪
♪ I have so many words. ♪

Did you really think that I wouldn't call and make sure that Ethan made it to foster care last night?

Well, I was hoping you had better things to do with your evening than check up on me.

This isn't about you, Riggs.

This is about Ethan.

I'm very concerned about him.

Has he had a decent meal in the last 48 hours?

Has he changed his clothes, brushed his teeth?

Look, you may have me on the meal thing, but he turned his underwear inside out.

And I know that might not, you know, live up to your standards...

Do you even hear yourself right now?

How am I gonna get this kid to trust me if I go dump him in some crappy foster home?

Does he trust you now?


He told me that he did not see his mom's sh**t.

He lied to us 'cause he was hoping that we could... give him and his mom a fresh start.

That's my fault.

I should've seen that a child as parentified as Ethan would've done anything to protect his mother.

Tough little man.

Got to give him that.

Well, maybe in foster care, he'll be allowed to be a child again.

Okay, about that...

No, enough is enough, Riggs.

He's not a witness anymore.

We can't keep him any longer.

S-So what am I supposed to do?

Just say sayonara and dump him in the system?

It sucks, but, yes, that's the way it works.

I'll drive him to foster care.

Let me do it.

Just doing your job?

Murtaugh, I got something.

I ran Sam Fisher through the system.

Not even an unpaid parking ticket, but three years ago, he filed a restraining order against this guy named Billy Gottlieb, his stepson from a first marriage.

In the court docs, Fisher says that Billy demanded money from him and threatened him physically.

Murtaugh: Hmm.

Does Billy the Kid have a record?

One prior for as*ault, two for robbery.

Run his driver's license.

Wild guess: he's a bike guy.


Motorcycle license.

Takes one to know one.

Well? How'd it go with Russ?

You're gonna need to pay him to keep his mouth shut.

Wants 300K.

It's not like he doesn't know you got a million from the casino.

Yeah, well, the problem is, even if I pay him, the cops still have a witness.

I think their witness might be a kid.

Russ said they brought a boy to his girlfriend's place.

The son of that waitress.

What was her name again?

Sarah. Sarah McFadden.

Cops are talking about taking the boy to foster care.

Riggs: And one non-healthy snack.

Every hour. (clicks tongue)

Ain't that right?

Hey, look, if have any trouble or you need anything, you just call the division and ask for me, okay?

Yeah. Sure.

Hey, come on.

It's better this way.

Now, we both know I'm not a responsible adult, right?

Hey, I'll come check on you tomorrow, see how you're doing.

All right?

Don't bother.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Hi there.

Detective Brandon, LAPD.

My partner just dropped off the McFadden kid, and, well, there's a little more paperwork we have to fill out.

I just wanted to ask him a follow-up question.

Ethan is right in here.

At least he was.



Nathan, what are you doing?

You're gonna get us both in trouble.

It was an emergency.

What's the emergency?

I saw the man who shot my mom.

At foster care.

Look, we had a deal. No lying.

I am not lying! I saw him, for real!

I heard his voice at the foster center.

And he came in looking for me, so I ran.

He was tall, with slicked-back hair, kind of scruffy.

He said he was a cop, but he was lying to them.

Just like he lied to my mom.

(cell phone ringing)

Hey, Cap.

Let me call you back.

I'm in the middle of something.

Murtaugh cracked it.

It was Fisher's son.

A guy named Billy Gottlieb.

He robbed the casino and then went after Sarah because he thought she could I.D. him.

There's a warrant out on Billy now, and Murtaugh's on his way to meet you.

Question: Billy doesn't happen to be tall, slicked-back hair and kind of scruffy, is he?

Yeah. How'd you know?

Told you so.

Is that Ethan?

What's going on?

Yeah, look, it's a long story, but I'm getting him back right now.

Damn it, Riggs, don't move.

Wait till Murtaugh gets there.

(motorcycles engines revving)

Hope he's hurrying.

Come on. Go, go, go, go, go!

(motorcycle engines revving)

Jump in.

Jump inside.

Trust me. Come on.

Come on.

What about you?


I'm gonna be just fine.

'Cause you're a soldier?

Well, that and I'm just a difficult person to k*ll in general.

You know, kind of part of my charm.


All right, now, you count to 100.


Like with Mississippis?

Just like with Mississippis.

I'll be back before you know it.

♪ ♪
♪ Whoa, thought it was a nightmare ♪
♪ Lord, it was so true ♪
♪ They told me don't you go walking slow ♪
♪ The devil's on the loose ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪

30 Mississippi, 31 Mississippi...

♪ Thought I heard a rumbling ♪
♪ Calling to my name ♪
♪ 200 million g*ns are loading... ♪

Go, go, go!

♪ Satan cries, "Take aim" ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle... ♪

76 Mississippi, 77 Mississippi...

♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Whoa, don't look back to see... ♪

98 Mississippi, 99 Mississippi, 100.


(door opens)

(footsteps approaching, door closes)


Like I said, walk in the park. Come on.

Okay, look, it's a little messy out there, okay?

So I want you to keep your eyes closed for me.

Can you do that?



All right. Come on.

♪ ♪




Riggs: Rog!


I didn't take you for a motorcycle guy.

I don't want to say the whole thing was like CHiPs, starring me... (laughs) ...except for the fact that it was pretty much exactly like that.

Wait, hold on. Wh-What's CHiPs?

Oh, no. No.


I will not dignify that with a reply.

All right, so what, you gonna move to the motorcycle unit now?

Nope. Can't let him do that.

Course not. I'm too valuable here.

No, it's not that. Trish would k*ll me.

She letting you keep the motorcycle?

Let me? Not her decision.

If the road calls, I'm listening.



She said I could ride Sundays, if it's sunny out.


Did you know that beef jerky is a superfood?

And that you can brush your teeth with cola?

And that Riggs' wife died and he misses her, just like I miss Dad?

Thank you.

For everything.

Yes, ma'am. It was my pleasure.

You're leaving?

Yeah, yeah, but I...

I promise I'll come and visit you...

♪ ♪

Hey, you're gonna want to save some of these for your mom.

She needs them more than I do.

♪ Tired of sleeping on the sidewalk ♪
♪ Working at the bus stop... ♪

All right.

♪ Night till morning... ♪

Don't eat cheese puffs without me.

I can't go making promises.



Get out of here.

I'm going!

♪ Dark where I'm going ♪
♪ Don't ♪
♪ Don't punish me... ♪

Hey, everyone happy in there?

Yeah, seemed to be. (clears throat)

Oh, uh...

Give that to Sarah.

Tell her it's a Crimestoppers reward for Ethan's help.

This is a lot of money.

Well, I got to thinking.

Roger's right.

It makes a good safety net.

♪ Vicious demons on the TV ♪
♪ So I sold it on 16th Street... ♪


You might not be a total disaster with the whole fatherhood thing.

I have to say, I feel like this is a real breakthrough for you, Riggs.

You two are enjoying this.

Yeah. (laughs)

Me, too.

Well, I'm not. So stop.

You know what?

And wait for it.

I don't care.

♪ So I crawled out of the back door ♪
♪ I took off all these tight clothes ♪
♪ Jumped into the water... ♪

All right, come on.

♪ So I crawled out of the back door ♪
♪ Took off all these tight clothes ♪
♪ Jumped into the water ♪
♪ I jumped into the water ♪
♪ The water ♪
♪ So I crawled out of the back door ♪

This is dreamy.


Hey, Trish.


Thanks for letting me keep the bike.

Well, I can hardly say no.

You look so good on it.

(both laugh)

Maybe now you'll climb Kilimanjaro with me?

Maybe. Hmm.

As long as I can keep my arms around your waist the entire time.

Running out of gas?

Seriously, irresponsible.

I slightly underestimated the size of the t*nk... it happens.

Not to real motorcycle guys.


You know, it's fine.

I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.

Yeah, all right.

So, uh, do you guys want to come get it, or should I bring it to you?

Just put the gas down and go.

Where were we? Kissing.