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02x08 - The Racket

Posted: 11/28/16 07:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Secrets and Lies"...

Is that yours?


She has a white iPad.

Guess she had two.

Do you have cancer?


Patrick committed a felony buying houses.

You're looking at multiple charges.

Starting with fraud.

Money laundering, tax evasion...

The properties went bust! You had... you had no assets!

I had a buddy. He said he would rent out one of the houses.

Get the hell out.

[People screaming]

I'm looking for Carly! Carly.

Neil: How was I supposed to tell you that your brother's wife runs a whorehouse?

[Indistinct conversations]

Good morning.

You have no idea.

What is that?

Oh, this? Nothing. It's just an incident report from last night.

sh*ts were fired at 8686 Mint Hill Drive.

Was it a homicide?


No, somebody unloaded two in the wall.

House was empty by the time the unis arrived.

Why do we care?

Oh, because it's a whorehouse, and the name on the title is "Sherwood Equity Group."

S.E.G. owns a whorehouse?


But the utilities have to be in the name of an individual.

And... they are.

Patrick Warner.


[Siren chirps]

[Police radio chatter]

[Footsteps approaching]

Two slugs. Maybe warning sh*ts.

Want to run ballistics?

Why bother? Nobody got hurt.

Cornell: We may have something better.

What are we looking for?

Carter, we got a camera here.

What are the odds it's the only one?

The camera transmits via Wi-Fi.

Well, that explains the booster downstairs.

They were recording the customers.

Can you trace the signal?


Were they recording for the ladies' security, or to blackmail the Johns?

Probably both.


What do you got, Carter?


An FTP server capturing multiple images somewhere in the house.

Carter: Detectives, in here.

Collect the footage, please.

The data-storage system is the same as the one they used in the S.E.G. building.

Right, but why would they leave it here?

Because it was easier just to swipe the decks clean.

Well, that sounds just like the Warners' M.O., doesn't it?

One of them.

Neil: Fraud, prostitution.

Who knew private equity would be this exciting?

You forgot m*rder.

Okay, what do you need from me?

The truth. For once.

I still don't know what happened to Kate, and S.E.G. is falling apart.

I want to know everything you know and when you knew it... Start with Carly.

I met her through the website a year ago.

I liked her, you know? She's fun, smart, low-key.

I-I had a plus-one for your party.

And people bring their wives, friends, girlfriends.

So why not bring your favorite hooker?

I admit, in retrospect, it was a terrible idea.

[Glasses clink]



You ladies look lovely.

[Indistinct conversation]

♪ I can't sit around and wait ♪

You need to go.

Okay, look, I can't leave.

Excuse me.

♪ The canvas white my heart a darker shade ♪

What's going on?

She needs to leave. Now.

The hell she does. This party's just getting started.

Uh, I got to go.

♪ We don't have to to rush ♪
♪ I want you, take it all until the fade out ♪

Carly! Hey! Carly, wait!

I have to get out of here.

What's going on?

How do you know Melanie?

I didn't know her husband worked at your firm.

I never would have come.


She's my boss. Melanie is my boss.

You're serious?

Melanie's your pimp?

[Door opens]

Someone's coming.

[Door closes]

Eric: And that's when Liam walked by?

Yeah, but I didn't think Melanie's job had anything to do with Kate's m*rder.

Patrick broke into Kate's desk that night.

He was trying to get rid of the bank statement that proved he set up an illegal account in S.E.G.'s name.

I don't like where you're going with this.

It gets worse.

Melanie erased the security footage from the night of the party.

They're both trying to cover up their tracks. What does that tell you?

I am so sorry, Eric.

I swear the only thing I knew about was "madame Melanie"...

Not... not the house, the fraud, or the statement.

After Cornell brought me in, I wanted to tell you, so I went to Patrick.

Look, I have been questioned three times by one cop and beaten up twice by another.

Wait, the guy with the g*n is a cop?

I'm not going to jail for Melanie!

This is not her fault, man.

Well, good luck telling that Danny guy when he shows up at your door.

Not to mention whatever Eric's gonna say when he...

Hey, no. We cannot tell Eric.

There is no "we". You have to tell him.

My best friend thinks I k*lled his wife.

No, no, no, he doesn't.

Look. Look, everything is gonna be fine.

You just need to calm down.

I can't keep saying the same thing.


Eric: That's when I interrupted.

Where are you going?

My father doesn't know about any of this. I got to tell him.

Look, you can't. Isn't he sick? This will k*ll him.

So what do I do, Neil? Lie?

Even if my father does have cancer, it's best he hears it from me.

[Car alarm chirps]

[Door opens]

[Engine starts]

Another camera.

So whoever was recording wanted the outside covered, too.

I don't think so.

That is a sleeper camera.

It's motion-sensitive. It e-mails the images via cellular.

My old unit used to use them.

Are you telling me vice has this house under surveillance?


Bro, what's up?

You're fired.


We will pack your personal effects and have them brought to the house.

Hey, Eric...

You need to go, Patrick.

Does Dad know about this?

I'm sorry, Mr. Warner. I need to collect your I.D.

[Exhales sharply]

[Door closes]

It's done.


A pre-emptive strike is your only option.

That means full transparency to any government agency's request.

Any agency?

Police, IRS, SEC, possibly the FBI.

Eric made two very stupid mistakes that leave S.E.G. open to prosecution.

I went to the bank and confirmed Patrick opened the account.

I knew it was fraud and didn't raise the alarm.

So, Eric can't be blamed for that.

He wanted to know who was behind it.

So S.E.G.'s managing director was either in on it or tried to cover it up.

You see how that works?

That was a mistake. I would have made the same one.

Would you have gone to a whorehouse that S.E.G. owns and started a brawl?

I was trying to help a cop find his missing daughter.

Doesn't matter if you're saving starving orphans.

You went to Mint Hill.

It makes it harder to claim you had no idea what it was.

Now, S.E.G. owns a brothel.


A managing partner was a client.

That is all the D.A. needs to connect this firm to commercial sex trafficking.

Hey, Carly's an escort, not a sex sl*ve.

Whatever we did was consensual.

How do you know she even had a choice?

If she was groomed, coerced, threatened, or abused, she's a victim.

You didn't ask because you didn't care.

You engaged in prostitution which was advertised on the Internet.

If phones, dr*gs, or hotels were used to deliver sex work, that violated interstate commerce.

Money collected from illicit trade paid mortgages on a multi-million-dollar real-estate loan.

Textbook money laundering.

Oh, god.

If the Feds build a case, they will perp-walk each one of you in front of the cameras until they get what they want.

Okay. What do they really want?

The names of the call girls and all the men who paid them.

Probably some important names on that list.

Anyone who has it can horse-trade for immunity or a lesser sentence.

Okay, so how do the rest of us get our "get out of jail free" card?

You don't.

Even if this firm survives, none of you are getting away unscathed.

[Telephone rings]

Cornell: [Sighs] 8686 Mint Hill Drive.



This is Detective Andrea Cornell.

When you ran the Mint Hill house and it went back to S.E.G. and Patrick Warner, you should have alerted homicide.

I would have done that eventually.

Well, I'd like to see the photographs from the sleeper camera.

That bun seems really painful.

[Scoffs] m*rder trumps prostitution.

Yeah, but your victims are already dead.

Mine at least have a chance to be saved.

Ralston: Felicia.

Do me a favor.

Can't say no to that face.


[Clears throat]

Thank you.

These will be very helpful.

The thing is, the Mint Hill camera was used for intelligence gathering, so we know who all the players are.

So you didn't have a warrant?

Oh, no wonder you didn't want to share your intel.

We're working on probable cause.

That prostitution ring is good, and they know what they're doing.

And if there's any footage from those decks that you pulled from that house, then that could help my case.

Well, since Ralston's already shared that with you, you should know they were wiped clean.

Yeah, but Pete said you had skills, so I'm thinking you can find it.

I'm looking for a k*ller.

Most people, even some cops...

They think that prostitution is a victimless crime.

They should have been with us on our last raid.

We found two girls, runaways, in a cellar...

13 and 16, sisters.

These traffickers... they charged $50 a go.

They were both pregnant.

Now, Mint Hill... It might be a nicer zip code, but when you dig down deep, these victims, they're always the same.

So how can we help you?

Can you spare the man-power to set up round-the-clock surveillance?

Whose shadow do we need to be?

They're scared.

With good reason.

I'll do whatever it takes to make this right.

The only thing they're guilty of is coming to work.

The government's a slow-moving leviathan that can take its time deposing all of you.

Everyone who works here may eventually need a lawyer, and they charge by the hour.

Your people could go bankrupt defending themselves over crimes your brother committed.

Is there any way I can fix this?

Not unless you're willing to do something aggressively drastic.

Just tell me what I have to do.

Over here. Right over there, sir.

Ralston: When he gets back, could you have him call Detective Ralston in homicide?

What can I help you with, Mr. Warner?

Okay, bye.

While conducting an internal review, we discovered a rogue employee who had circumvented our internal procedures to commit bank fraud.

I'm notifying you and turning over those files.

Well, something stinks.

Sounds like a lawyer coached you.

You realize this is solid motive for Kate's m*rder.

Why do you think I'm here?

Let me know if there's anything else you need.

Who'd he throw under the bus?

His brother.

[iPad chiming]

[Keypad clicks]


[Keypad clicks]


[Country music playing]

Eric: Hey.

Thanks for meeting me. I didn't know who else to go to.

When did you find out that your sister-in-law has a stable?


Look, you're a smart guy, Eric.

How did Melanie set up a ho crib right under your nose?

I don't know, but she did it for Patrick.

Patrick was broke, and he needed the money.

Okay, you better not be hiding anything from me, 'cause your stupid idiot brother's not more important than my missing kid.

If he k*lled my wife, yes, he is.

Don't hold back information that could help me find Rachel.

Not ever.

[Dryer buzzes]

What's this?

Rachel: That was the best game ever, Daddy.

Do you think some of the Red Sox are crying right now?

Yeah, well, we can only hope.



You can't wear your hat to bed.

Why not?

Look, everybody knows little girls' heads only grow at night.

That's not true.

If you sleep in that hat and your head grows too much, it's just gonna rip right through.

But, hey, okay, it's your hat.


Do you think a girl could ever play for the Yankees?

Sure. But not you.

Why not?

'Cause you're too pretty.

I mean, all the guys would be looking at you instead of the ball.

They'll be, like, dropping pop flies, running into each other.

Forget about it.

Here. Let's get you... Put this up here.

And you go to sleep, all right?


Tuck you in.

Go to sleep, okay?


All right.

Dad, wait!

I love you. Be careful.

Are you crazy? Nothing could happen to me.

You got the b*llet, right?

Always, Dad.

Well, then, we got our bases covered.

I love you, too, Rach.

Night-night. Go to bed.

[Light switch clicks, door closes]

Some kid at school convinced her there's a b*llet with every cop's name on it.

And she didn't sleep for a month.

It was k*lling us.

Then I got this idea.

I had this made.

And I told Rachel I had found my b*llet and that she could hide it from the bad guys.

And she wore it every day for years.

Till I found it hanging on the mirror the day she left.

Look, I know you need to try and find Rachel, but I need your help.

What do you need?

A few months back, someone tried to blackmail me.


Kate wanted me to pay and track the money back to the source, but I said no.

I figured I'd call their bluff.

She let you think it worked and then followed through with her plan?


What we didn't know was, around then, Patrick was going underwater with those Mint Hill houses.

He would have been scrambling for money just to stay afloat.

At least until Melanie got things up and running, but that would take some cash to do.

Oh. You think that they blackmailed you.

I think Patrick and Melanie are capable of just about anything right now.


The tracking software on Kate's iPad pinged a new location, which means the transponder Kate planted on the money is on the move.

Well, then, follow the money.

I can't. I need the access code.

Oh, you need an encryption key.

All right. I got a guy in cyber crime.

He can download something for me that'll open it. Gimme.

Let's go.

All right?

Patrick: Hi, Ma.

I know it's been a while.

I should've come to visit you more often.

But this... this place creeps me out.



[Crying] I screwed up, Ma.

I wanted Dad to see that I was smart.

And... I wanted his respect.


I tried to make it right, but...

It's not supposed to end up like this, Mama.

It's not.


[Footsteps approaching]

Patrick Warner, you're under arrest.

[Handcuffs click]


You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

[Engine shuts off]

[Car door closes]

[Engine starts]

I'm not answering any of your questions.

Oh, I'm not asking any.

I have all the information I need to convict you of m*rder.


Even your brother thinks you're guilty.


Who do you think gave me the evidence against you?


Your brother thinks you m*rder*d his wife.

He's angry and hurt.

He's your flesh and blood. What did you expect him to do?

Is my lawyer here?

I'm not here to judge you, Patrick.

I just want to find out the facts, wherever they lead.

[Chuckles] This is ridiculous.

Why would I k*ll Kate?

Because she knew about the fraud.

She could expose you.

No, I didn't k*ll her.

I did not k*ll Kate.

What about your wife... Melanie?

She's very protective of you.

And Kate was a threat.


We're done here.

I want my lawyer.

I'll let you know as soon as he arrives.

He invoked.

His lawyer's gonna be here any minute.

Then you don't have much time.

[Elevator bell dings]

Your father and sister are waiting in your office.

You got Patrick arrested?

I turned the evidence against Patrick over to the police, per instructions of counsel.

You're always telling me to listen to my lawyer.

This is different!

You did this with no regard for what would happen to our brother.

He k*lled my wife.


Do you know that for sure?

I will when he confesses.

Oh, you can't honestly believe that.

Firing Patrick was the right thing to do for the firm, but turning him over without even discussing it with me?

You gave me this company. I run it now.

I still run this family.

Well, you should be really proud of that today.

Patrick had a motive.

Kate knew what he was up to, and he had the opportunity.

And we all know that he was drunk and angry that night.

He would never do that.

Two days ago, you would have said the exact same thing if I accused him of fraud.


But today... today...

You know that Patrick betrayed this company.

He put everyone here at risk.

He is capable of more than any of us ever thought.

Eric, you're not thinking straight.

And you're not thinking at all.

Patrick has made mistakes, but he is not a m*rder*r.

Believe what you want. I did what needed to be done.

Like always.

[Door opens]

Your lawyer is in the building.


The man's a heavy hitter.

He gets 50 grand retainer just to pick up the phone.

The thing is, you and your wife are broke.

Your collective assets were frozen minutes after your arrest.

What's your point?

A little kid asks an old man on a New York street, "how do you get to Carnegie Hall?"

And the old man smiles and says, "practice, my boy. Practice."

10 years ago, your wife worked at a service in Charleston.

That's a lie.

Use your head, Patrick.

You don't just wake up one day and decide to run a whorehouse.

You learn the trade first, from the bottom to the top.

That's a lie. You... you photoshopped that.

Here's your lawyer two weeks ago walking into Mint Hill whorehouse.


Okay, I see what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work.

And there's Melanie going to lunch with him.

Yeah, well, he's my lawyer. Why wouldn't she?

Oh, she can't afford him.

But maybe she had lunch to work out a payment plan and... got a room at the Ritz to work out the first installment.

Maybe it won't take Melanie that long to pay for 50 grand.

What do you think?

Mr. Warner invoked his rights, so the interrogation stops now.

Don't worry, Patrick. I'm working closely with your wife to get you out of this.

[Alarm buzzes]

[Both grunting]

Take it easy.


Come on.

Now let's go ahead into table position.

Oh, yeah.


I love that.

Go ahead and tighten that core.

Really open your chakras up.

Yes. Perfect.

[Door opens]

Now let's move into downward dog.

Go ahead and dig those feet into that mat.

Ralston: You might want to stay in down dog, Melanie.

On your stomach, hands behind your back.

[Handcuffs click]


[Clears throat]

Melanie Warner, you're under arrest.


Maybe you can make use of that retainer after all.


Shut the door.

I went to visit your brother this morning.

Did you clear that with Stratman?

Damn it, Eric. I don't need permission to go see my own son.

I wanted Patrick to know that no matter what, his family still loves him and cares about what happens to him.

He refused to see me.

Patrick's sitting in a jail cell, alone and terrified, right now.

I'm sure you remember what that feels like.

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Patrick thinks we've turned our backs on him.

He turned his back on us.

After what he's done, he's lucky that's all I'm doing.

He would never hurt Kate.

You think you know what he would and wouldn't do because he's your son.

He's made mistakes, but if he's guilty of anything, it's poor judgment.

What about blackmail?

What are you talking about?

Right around the time Patrick's first loan payment was due, I received this.

Kate paid the money without even telling me.


Uh, oh.

You all right?

[Murmurs indistinctly]

I'm fine. I just got a little bit lightheaded.


What makes you think it was Patrick?

You have the only existing copy of my juvenile record.

You haven't handed it over to Cornell because you can't find it, right?

Who else would have done this?


These last few days have been the hardest since Kate died.

I understand Patrick is your son...

No, you don't. You can't. You don't have children.

You were gone making money.

I raised him. I raised him.

I packed his lunch. I got him to school.

I protected him!



[Patrick sniffles]

Why are you two hiding in my closet?

Dad left again.

Come here.

Dad had a meeting. He'll be back tomorrow.


As long as I'm around, you'll never be alone.

We're a team, okay?

All right.

We're gonna be all right.

I was more of a father to him than you ever were!

No. No.

No, you see, if that were true, you would know that you don't stop caring no matter what.

You expect me to forgive him even if he k*lled my wife?

You can be enraged. You can hate him.

You can be disappointed, but you can't stop loving him.



[Door opens, closes]


I didn't k*ll your wife.

But I can tell you don't believe me.

Eric: Why should I? You lied to me about everything else.

Then what do you want, Eric?

I told Dad that I was more of a father to you than he was, so I'm here to look you in the eye and see if there's anything worth saving.


You know, I know that I'm a disappointment.

I suppose, in some ways, my whole life has just been a dress rehearsal for this.


But you know what's funny?

As I realized while I was sitting in my cell that it wasn't Dad's approval that I wanted.

It was yours.

Yeah, and it hurts to see you like this, Patrick.

Yeah, well, you put me here, brother.

No, I gave you up.

I didn't put you here. Your actions did that.

We still may face federal prosecution.

We'll be paying legal fees for the next decade, and if word gets out, no one will do business with us.

Is that funny to you?



It's just... You'll figure it out.

You always do.

So you just don't care. Is that it?

I'm going to prison, Eric.

And the only thing that's worse than that is death.

I cannot tell you how sorry I am that Kate is gone.

You know, and... for what it's worth, you were right.

My wife is trash.

What about you, Patrick?

Do you get why you are here?

Oh, I know what I did... To you, the S.E.G. family.

Do you know that I've spent my whole life trying to fit into your world?

And, you know, the crazy thing about that is that I don't even like finance.

I hate it. I always have.

I... I think that it's boring.


But for years, I tried to be just like you instead of being myself.

And now? Who are you now?

I don't know.

But I'm gonna be forced to figure it out.

Without any of you.


And you know what?

I am really looking forward to that.

[Buzzer, door opens]

[Door closes]

You're all out of cards, Mrs. Warner.

How does that feel?

Ah, I'm a little sore. [Winces]

Yep. Mogwai's yoga... It's very challenging.

Other than that, I'm peachy.

How can you be this comfortable after doing what you did to those girls?

I didn't make anyone do anything they didn't want to do.

Oh, so you're saying that if you offered them decent jobs with the same amount of money, they would choose to work on their back?

Even educated women get screwed, detective.

Might as well get paid for it.

I mean, look at you.

You eat crap from men all day for pennies, trying to survive in their world.

These women know how to control men.

And they know how to make them feel no one is more important than they are.

And they make a real living at it.

Oh, I saw the photos.

These the girls you got working for you?

How old are these girls?

You even know, or are you just too busy taking half their pay and catching Charlotte's elite with their pants down to even care?

That's a...

That's a beautiful necklace. [Chuckles]

Very interesting on the outside.

It's really interesting on the inside.

It's incredible to me how much footage you can fit on a flash drive and just wear it around your neck. [Chuckles]

Makes sense while your girl Carly got sprung so fast.

You've got some really important clients.

Well done.

Cell doors must just fly open with footage like this.

How did you... κnow the video was in the necklace?

Oh, we had a witness that told us.

Your husband flipped on you.

No, he would never do that.

When I realized that I couldn't sell the Μint hill properties, I called my wife.

She met me at the office.

This is everything my father expects of me...

Abject failure.

Screw him.

He knew this would happen.

No, he didn't.

And that's why he said no from the beginning.

He said no because no matter what you pitched him, he was going to say no.

Do you think every investment your dad and brother have made has worked out?


You have to swing big to make money, okay?


So losing a couple, it's a part of the game, right?

But your father... your father and your brother would never tell you that.

Why? Because when it comes to you, they want to rub your face in it.


You have to stop judging yourself by their double standards.

Regardless, I'm still screwed.

No. You will not be.



I promise.

That's when it all started.

[Volume mutes]

That's amazing. You're married for years, and within 24 hours of his arrest, he goes and throws you under the bus.

Whatever happened to loyalty, huh?

I did all of this for him.



You want to just get to the point? Is this about Kate?

As you said, you liked her and she liked you.

I think so.

You liked Kate, but you love your husband.

And you'd do anything to protect him, including m*rder.

I didn't k*ll Kate.

You want to make a deal?

I know who did.

[Keys clacking]

[Knock on door]

Danny: Hey, come on already.

Do you want this back or not?

You cracked the passcode?


You want to know what it is?

What is it?



Password is Eric, moron.

This whole time, the password was my name.

Yeah. But using, uh, an advanced numeric-substitution cipher and a series five-eight encryption, so I'm not gonna give you too much crap about it.

Appreciate that.



She used my name.

You look good in my apartment.

You're leaving?

Yeah. You can stay as long as you want, but I have to get to work.


Well, so do I.

So what? You want to skip through the doors together holding hands?

Maybe not skip.

We should take the day off.

Both of us? Yes, good idea. No one would figure that out.

Besides, you'd get bored of me.

No way.

There's still so much I want to know.

All you need to know is... that I love you.

Yeah, yeah. I just... I just said that.


I love you, too.

I'll see you later, okay?


[Door opens]

[Door closes]


[iPad chimes]

Hey, GPS tracker just went off.

How can that be? Patrick and Melanie are still in custody.

I don't know. Maybe someone else is blackmailing you.

But I-it says "tracking signal" right now.


Eric: Tracking it where?

Looks like the last ping came from there.

All right, man. Let's check it out.

Nobody's home.

Place looks locked up.


[Engine shuts off]

Wait, here we go. This could be your guy.

Let him drive by first. Get a good look at him.