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02x08 - ODENVY

Posted: 11/28/16 04:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

After what I just found, your help will be invaluable.

So if you know right now that what I've been doing here is a carefully curated falsehood, I'd appre...

You need to drop this! For your own good.

Your friend who died... What was his name?


An operations meeting, and we're on the outside?

Don't read too much into it.

Man: [Through cellphone] You've been selected.

Take this phone. Tell no one.

There's an emergency NYPD bunker underneath this block.

Your plan worked. Thank you, Nimah.

I just want to make sure nothing's changed.

We're still us.

I'll give you the drives! Her name is Lydia Hall.

She has her cellphone.

If you turn off the jamming signal you can trace her.


What's going on?

Harry: It's called a rescue mission, love.

♪ ♪

I think we lost them.

Dayana: Did you recognize anyone?


Sebastian: So we're safe here?

Uh, we aren't safe anywhere.

She's still bleeding bad. We need to do something fast.

This should do for now.

You take the arm, you take the leg.

All right, Dayana.

Aah. Aah!


Miranda: This is not right.

This is not how you tell me that you're dropping a four-star general on me.

How about I tell you face to face?

General Richards.

Deputy Director Shaw.

So what brings the head of the U.S. Northern Command to the FBI?

What brings the FBI to need the U.S. Northern Command?

[Cellphone vibrating]


Alex: Hey, it's Alex.

I got the cellphones turned on.

Did you see?

Yes, but the phones were only on for a minute.

Most were in the building with the hostages, but there's one signal coming from 28 Liberty.

Even after the phones shut off again, it stayed on.

Our working theory is that it's some sort of receiver for their biological w*apon, something that allows the t*rrorists to activate it remotely.

So, if someone on the inside disables the w*apon, then the FBI can move in.


If you could disable the w*apon...

You could have some leverage.


Okay, we'll do it.

Wait, "we"?

You have people with you?

People you trust?

Ryan: Well, I don't know about you, but I've been waiting all week for this.

[Cellphone vibrating]


I think it's mine.

[Cellphone vibrating continues]


Nimah: Delivery.

Are you alone?

I will be.

[Door opens]

Alex, you're here.

Alex: Yes, I am.

And it's clearly not part of the plan.

Why are we having separate meetings with our handlers now, Nimah?

And where's Shelby? I've barely heard from her.

[Sighs] The mission's evolving, and it's not my place to say anymore.

As far as Shelby's concerned, I'm sure you'll connect.

But now I need...

You need me to go.



[Door closes]

Multiple tours in Afghanistan and harrowing years at the FBI, yet you still flee conflict when it comes to Alex.

Do we really have to keep this from her?

Until you're told otherwise, your recruitment by the AIC must stay between us.

Anything new on that brick of yours?

Not since I woke up next to it.

Maybe I failed some test without knowing.

I don't know.

They will contact you.

And when they do, you must do exactly what they ask you.

It's the only way to rise up and find out who's at the heart of it all.

You can't be the only one who's been chosen.

Well, Sebastian's near the top of my list.

Something changed in him ever since the t*rture scenario last week.

He seems haunted.

Oh, 5:59 on the dot every night this week.

Sebastian, if you're gonna sleep in Leigh's old room, why don't you just move down there?

♪ ♪

What about Dayana Mampasi?

The front runner.

t*rture brought out a darkness inside her.

And it's only a matter of time before that darkness comes back.

And if I've seen it, Owen Hall has, as well.

♪ ♪

You haven't asked about León.

I have my own intel on him.

León: Are you gonna see your family for Thanksgiving?

I'm not sure.

I thought you were close with them.

That doesn't mean I want to see them.

Every Thanksgiving, it is the exact same thing.

Two hugs, two bourbons, and a two-hour tirade on the state of America.

Everyone disagrees with their parents.

It's a little bit more than that with us.

My father's a judge.

He's textbook law and order.

Last year, he called me an extremist just because I told him I was a member of the NRA.

I'm sorry, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a patriot.

All Americans should have the right to defend themselves.

So you have a g*n?

You don't?

♪ A dream of you and me ♪

Nimah: What about London spy?

Hall knows that he's here for MI6.

It's unlikely.

He wouldn't want to risk a foreign government finding out about him.

Okay, so in the pursuit of the AIC, you burgled your way into Owen's home, you found burner phones and an air-gapped laptop, and you think that means he's an insurrectionist of the highest order?

This is a real organization.

I can't tell you how I know, but you need to start trusting me the way I'm trusting you.

Okay, and Ryan?

Do I need to trust him, too? Because he's not here.

What about you, Harry Doyle?

Where's your partner?

Oh, no.

MI6 does not do partners, and I prefer it that way.

It allows me to focus more.

Now, come on, let's just focus back on you now.

Let's talk about those phones.

Why don't you just ask the advice of your handler, Shelby Wyatt?

I haven't heard from Shelby Wyatt for a while.

Are they freezing you out?

No? Okay.

I'm sorry. It's just a thought.

Uh, I will, um...

I will do some digging during the break on my side of the pond and see if I can come up with anything to do with your AIC.

In the meantime, do find out what's happening with your handler.

I would hate for you to be gone when I come back.

I do quite enjoy you.

♪ ♪
♪ Found a piece of me ♪


♪ Staring at the sea ♪

Ryan: Look, today's the last day before Thanksgiving break.

I'm gonna try my best to get more information, but everything's about to get put on pause.

I know, but we're not done yet.

And you're not gonna like what I have to say.

What's all that?

Why? You still worried about my work as an instructor?

No need.

Even I can handle our work today.

You're still mad about what I said last week?

I get it.

But it was for your own good.


And what would I do without you here protecting me from myself, huh?

You'll find out soon.

They finally granted my request for another tour.

I'll be out of here next week.

If you think it's possible for us to spend some time together, not on your crusade against the people who burned you, I'll delay it.

Owen: The toughest lies are not the ones we tell ourselves, but the ones we tell those we love to keep them out of harm's way.

I kept my career a secret from my daughter, and I kept up that lie until she was...

Lydia: 20.

Five years later, I returned the favor.

Spinning tales to loved ones about where you are and who you are, it's a challenge you'll all have to face.

Which is why before you go home for Thanksgiving, you'll create a cover story...

That can hold up in the real world when you're done here.

Prove to us you can make up a lie that people closest to you will believe.

Harry: Alex, just be careful what you're doing, 'cause one more move and you'll...

[Exhales deeply]

Getting from here to 28 Liberty's not gonna be easy.


Well, it's gonna be a walk in the park compared to searching 64 floors for a bio w*apon we're not sure even exists.

[Collar snaps, beeps]

28 Liberty is their home base.

I've seen them go in and out.

The bio w*apon has to be there.

And Shelby will get us the location. I know it.

Oh, quiet. [ Man speaks Swahili ]

[Whispering] They're right outside.

[Man speaks Swahili]

[Door closes]

Alex: They're gone.

Harry: Let's just assume we all make it to the end of this video game.

How do we destroy a bio w*apon without setting it off ourselves?

It's really not like you can just unplug it.

Biological weapons are alive.

Raise the temperature high enough and you k*ll what's inside it, bacteria or viral.

Alex: This bunker should have enough supplies to jerry rig a blowtorch.

The best part, if we do it right, t*rrorists won't even know their w*apon is fried till they try to use it.

How are we supposed to pull that off with Dayana injured?

You worry about yourself, okay?

I'd rather come along and be in pain than wait here to die like a sitting duck.

This plan is totally mental.

Alex: [Sighs]

But I like it.

[Helicopter blades whirring]

♪ ♪

There must be many things you want to know, and I want to tell them to you.

Are you ready?

Please tell me the only reason why you're here is because they threatened to k*ll you and me if you didn't join.

There was no threat.

Six months ago, I joined the Citizen's Liberation Front because I believe in what they're trying to liberate us from.

And what is that?

America, and the lie it sold for centuries that there's such a thing as freedom and it only exists here.

So that's your enemy?


We have no enemy.

Only empathy... for all of you fighting the endless civil wars this country has kept you in every single day, the same civil wars we escaped from back home.

This is my home.


This country would deport you if it could.

Deep down, all of us have built a wall with all those we want to keep out with it.

"You're white? So am I.

You're welcome here, but not them."

"You believe in equality? So do I.

You're welcome here, but not anyone who disagrees."

We're all very different from each other, and we don't all think the same.

This is why we have to stop believing that it's possible to come to a resolution and admit what most of the world already knows.

There's no way we will stop fighting each other, which is why I've realized that if we want to survive, we have to fight as dirty as everyone else.

[Indistinct conversations]

Bobby, please.

We're their guests.

I don't believe we've had the pleasure.

Special Agent Shelby Wyatt.

I've been running point on the crisis since it began.

And you've done an excellent job with that, Agent Wyatt.

If there's anything you need, just let us know.

Actually, it's not what I need, General.

It's what you need.

I've got someone on the inside of the crisis.

Alex Parrish...

She's trained, armed, and ready to help.

And you can reach her?


Just tell her to stay safe.

We have everything under control from here.

♪ ♪

It didn't work.

I said the g*n stuff and the stuff about taking the law into my own hands.

He didn't bite, just like he didn't when I mentioned sovereign citizenship or the alt-right militias.

Seriously, León and Jane talk about politics less than I did with Caleb.

You're taking the wrong approach.

His profile is screaming survivor guilt for all the ways he never stepped in during crises he photographed.

That haunts him.

Try to find a way to exploit it.

Owen: You thought drones were hard? t*rture?

Try not being able to speak to someone you love ever again because doing so might endanger your life undercover, which is why none of you will leave for Thanksgiving until you craft a credible cover even your own father would believe.

So come on up and let's hear it.

I'm moving to Mumbai to write a book about my experience during the Grand Central bombings.

Owen: All right, good.

I'm going undercover for the Bureau, and if you contact me, you'll expose me.

Dayana: Having trouble?

I don't have many people in my life who ask questions about me.

What about your new relationship?

León: I'm seeing someone new, and so, if we're still together, I would tell her I got an assignment for the Times or something, that I'm unavailable.

I'm on a mission with the church.

Harry: [Imitates buzzer] Red card. Sorry.

What about when his family inquires about him at mass?

Doyle's right, Sebastian. Get back down here.

I have a sister and a brother-in-law in the U.K., and I'd tell them I'm in the States searching for my father.

And what would you tell your sister when you didn't find him?

That he died.

Which he did.

And I never told her.

Owen: You can go.

Maybe you should stay here for Thanksgiving.

Is all this talk about family getting to you?


It is that time of year.

And you'll let it go?

Sebastian: I've got it now.

I will tell my family I was on a mission, and everyone at the church, that I was at conversion camp again.

♪ ♪

Uh, okay.

And you can go.

I'll tell my friends that I'm going to a new boutique firm and we're very competitive, so as long as I can assure them that it's a step down, they won't care.

It falls apart if even one of them calls the new firm.


I'll tell my family that I'm going to pass the bar in another state.

They're lawyers, so they'll understand.

They'll also know that you can do that in a day.


I'm finally cashing in on those vacation days that I...



Lydia: Nicely done.

All of you, except one, crafted convincing covers, which will work for most people, but we all have someone in our life who just can't let it go.

Which is why over break you have one final task.

Figure out who that one person is and how to cut ties with them forever.

Burn the bridge with the one person who never lets go.

Happy Thanksgiving.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Hey, hey.

Looking forward to seeing you back here in one piece.

Take care of yourself, Harry.

Dayana: So I just stay here?

That's my punishment.

You can leave as soon as you come up with something that'll work.

But something tells me you're not gonna do that, are you?


Hey, you.

What are you doing tonight?


Or for the long weekend.

I was thinking maybe you and I could get away.

Have you talked to Miranda?

No. Am I supposed to?

What don't I know?

Nothing, I was just...

You know, I was curious.

At least lie convincingly.

First Shelby, now you.

I really think you should give her a call.

I will.

All right.

Shelby said that the w*apon's on the roof, which means we go through here.

[Man speaks Swahili]


Dayana: [Groans]

León: Shh.


Get in there.


Okay, stay here. I'll scout.

Just keep that door closed.

[Conversation in Swahili in distance]

Okay, look, I've got bad news and a crazy idea.

Crazy idea...

Bad news first.

Bad news first...

t*rror1st convention around that corner.

There's no way we'll make it through.

Okay, crazy idea?

We go above their heads.

What does that mean?



Shelby: I told her about Alex.

You know what she said?



Just look at me and act natural.

I dialed into the conference room Polycom the second she arrived from here.

My office would've been too obvious, and no one cares if you get caught.

No offense.


A predator drone is being prepped.

Target is 28 Liberty.

This crisis has gone on too long.

Our country has become its hostage.

It's our job to end it, and end it we will.

They're gonna k*ll everyone.

It's okay. You don't need to speak.

You're wrestling with how everything you stood for might be pointless.

It's hard. Believe me, I know.

And you'll see I'm right.

What I see is how wrong I've been about you.

I always thought of you as the other half of me.

We were taught the same lessons.

We played under the same sun.

We even matched each other to become one person.

But you're not my other half.

You're my shadow.

You're the darkness I leave behind me.

I'm fighting for what is right.

You're not fighting for anything but yourself, your resentment, your anger.

We both felt the burden of being ourselves in this country, but you've carried it harder.

The prejudice, the bigotry...

You could never let anyone in.

You were always waiting for them to show their true face, and when they didn't, you forced them to see it.

Like Simon.

You enrolled us in the FBI so you could fight, but the law wasn't enough, was it?

You couldn't simply fight hate, because you felt hate, too.

I'd ask who changed you who turned you into this thing, but I know the answer is me.

How dare you come in here and trample over the Constitution and m*rder innocent civilians in the process!

Innocent civilians?

You yourself said some are t*rrorists in hiding.

I'm doing what you couldn't. I'm ending this.

Those t*rrorists have a w*apon pointed at the heart of the city.

We have to take it out.

And if everyone dies, that's the price we pay.

What if we can take out the bio w*apon without a strike?

We have someone on the inside!

Alex Parrish, miracle worker.

She saved thousands before.

She can save millions now.

Just give her a chance.

Or would you rather go to your grave knowing that you took innocent lives just 'cause it was easier.

There's nothing easy about this.

Permission to strike will be granted in 48 minutes.

You give me results before then, I'll call it off.

48 minutes.


♪ ♪
Hey, don't let go.

Don't tell me.


[All grunting]


I can't come with you.

Can't or won't?

Even after I've been tortured, you still think I could be a t*rror1st?

Look, no offense, but it wouldn't be today's biggest surprise, okay?

I'll stay back with her.

Go back to the bunker.

If we're not back in 30 minutes, call the FBI.

Tell them we failed.

You two good to go?


Charlotte: It was when Elliot was working as an admissions tutor while at Oxford.

Father made him to teach him what a real job felt like, as if admissions tutor is a real job.

[Sighs] Come on, must we?

No, we mustn't.

But I love this story, so shut up.

Dear, you act like I haven't already heard it 12 times.

Oh, it's not for you.

It's for the girls. Oh, who are positively rapt.


Anyway, Elliott calls me and says, "Char, there's someone I'm bringing for Christmas you have to meet.

He's wickedly funny and vaguely depraved."

What walks in is this street urchin he found.

Terrifyingly bleach-blond hair and an accent one could all but understand.

Something that had crawled out of Camden Lock.

Next thing I know, Harry's with us at the estate the whole summer.

The three of us very "Brideshead."

I thought he was in love with me.

Maybe I was.

No, you weren't.

Phillip, is it time for bed?

Yes, yes. Come on, kids.

You're excused. Let's go brush our teeth.


While Pip puts the kids to bed, we can talk shop.

Everyone at Vauxhall Cross hopes your time at The Farm is getting us what we need.


♪ ♪

[Car alarm chirps]

[Engine starts]

I finished packing for you.

You're going home.

Oh, that's not possible.

I wrote you a cover.

It's a good one, too.

You want to force me to spend Thanksgiving with my family and then tell them to go to hell?

This is not a negotiation.

It never is with you, Lydia.

I used to worry that if I cut the ties in my life, I'd feel lost without them.

But you will stand stronger on your own.

You have no idea where I come from, what it's like there.

And after everything I have been through, my parents mean everything to me.

Unlike you and yours.



[Cellphone vibrating]

Jane, what's going on?

You don't usually call.

I'm sorry. I feel like an idiot.

I probably freaked you out earlier with all that talk about g*ns.

I know we don't talk about politics and...

And personal things.

Well, we can if you want.

It's just I wasn't completely honest before.

I'm listening.

My father and I, he had a public face of being so fair, but at home, he was...


Not against me. My mother.

I was fine.

But the thing is, that's almost worse, because when it happened, I was forced to watch it and be completely paralyzed.

That is a guilt that eats away at you.

You want to know why I have a g*n?

So I never feel paralyzed again.

So I can step in and do something.

Wow, okay.

That... that's all you have to say?


Look, if... if this is just sex, I get it.

That... that's fun, you're fun, but I can have fun with anyone, and so can you.

So, I'm opening up to you, and you can either step up and show me who you are, or you can find someone else to have fun with.

Don't answer now.

Think about it, and I'll understand whatever you decide.

Goodbye, León.

[Cellphone beeps]



Nimah: How did it go?

I made a play.

Now all we can do is wait.

Maybe we should wait together.

Sebastian: Aah!



[Loud bang]

Harry: How are we supposed to disarm the w*apon now?

I'll go back.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

And just go down 65 flights to where that thing exploded on impact?

You're one of them.

You are one of them. He's one of them.

I didn't say it before because I couldn't prove it, but you are one of them, and dropping that canister has just confirmed it!

You can't possibly believe that.

Shut up! Shut up, both of you.

Sebastian, you and I are gonna find that w*apon and we're gonna guard it.

You are gonna go find another blowtorch.

There's an industrial kitchen on the 39th floor where Jeremy Miller att*cked me.

You want me to leave you with him?

Yeah, well, I'm definitely not leaving you two here.


Yeah, okay.

I'll be back.

Watch yourself.

Charlotte: No one suspects anything?


They all think I'm merely part of a pilot program between us and them.


I am making lots of lovely new friends.

Mm. Good.

Every asset you develop at The Farm is critical for us.

Once we formally leave the E.U., we'll need as many sources as we can inside U.S. intelligence.

We need to stay informed of what they're thinking, what they're doing, and what they're no longer telling us.


I mean, what respectable country destroys itself over a nickname?

That self-destruction allows MI6 to operate selfishly again.

The most important moments in our country's history have been born of self-interest.

We like to pretend we do good in the world, but... we only care if it serves queen and country.

Now, as your handler, it's important I know who you think from The Farm you'll be able to put in play once Article 50 goes through.

Okay, well, Alex Parrish will give us intel.

Ryan Booth, too.

Whether they're Agency or Bureau, it can only help.

Now, I have been working on Dayana Mampasi, but she's a bit of a slow burn.

You're leaving someone out.

Am I?

Sebastian Chen.


Are you spying on me?

If we don't spy on our spies, we'd never know anything at all.

Does your father spy on you?

Fine. Well, if you're gonna look over my shoulder, you can help me find some information.

Having the upper hand can only help.

[Sighs] The kids are down.

Enough business.

Cheers, mate.

Man: On your left.

[Cellphone vibrating]

[Cellphone beeps]

[Cellphone vibrates]

[Cellphone vibrates]

[Stun g*n crackles]

I knew you and Ryan were keeping something from me.


Shelby's given up her work as your handler to be in the field.

She's met someone, a likely AIC recruit with whom she's made...


So if you're not my handler, then who is?

You don't have one anymore.

Miranda was supposed to tell you in person, but then she had an emergency.

And in the meantime, we were getting things in order for you to be pulled from the mission.

The FBI wants you back in New York.

They'll find something for you.

Does Ryan know about this?

It's better for everyone.

You weren't making the headway he was.

I had a feeling you didn't like being my handler, but to push me out, take my spot, to betray me...

I did not betray you.

In fact, I'm usually the one who is defending you.

Sure, this situation could've been handled better, and I'm probably gonna regret what I'm about to say, but I'm your best friend, so I'm not gonna lie to you.

You didn't cut it, Alex.

You failed.

Harry: Ah.

I used to be better at sneaking out without waking anyone up.

Well, I never fall asleep anymore.

Kids, the world... keeps me up.


You and Charlotte have a good talk?

You know, there used to be a time you'd be in there with us.

I don't miss it.

Though I am angry she does save the good scotch for you.

Yeah, well, you have the family, Pip.

She has the life.

And I have...

A promise.

One you made to me on Elliot's behalf.

She's your wife.

He was my friend.

Yeah, well, he was everything to me.

Your father-in-law is a very... powerful man.

Well, that doesn't mean he should get away with it.

It was good to see you, Pip.

Say goodbye to the girls for me.

We'll see you at Christmas.

[Door opens, closes]

♪ ♪

[Both grunting]


No, no, no.



[Cellphone vibrates]

[Door slams]


[Footsteps approaching]

[Cellphone vibrates]


Owen: This isn't like you.

Now, you are deceptive, sure.

But not cruel.

These names in your bag, all fake.

Every single one of them.

But of course you know that, just like you know how badly I want to find the person who burned me.

So what is this to you?

It's a test? What?

Is something a test when you're already certain what the person will do?


Yesterday, I asked you to drop this, and you said stay.

And the first chance you get... the first...

You throw it all away for nothing.

At least now I know for sure.

Your crusade against the Agency will always come first.

Oh, Lydia, it's not even about that.

You made your choice.

[Knock on door]

Shelby: Hey. Hey, what's wrong?

It's okay, we... we don't have to talk about it.

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

I slept with my boyfriend's father.


I k*lled a man.

In prison?


You're not...

What, mad?


León, I trust you.

And... whatever happened, I'm sure you didn't have a choice.

It was self-defense, right?

Sebastian: Alex.


This is meant to k*ll millions of people?

That's strange.

It's not connected to the cooling fan.

It's connected to an intake vent.

This thing goes off, it only spreads the virus inside the building.

We need to get out of here.


Before the t*rrorists bring the hostages back into this building.

We need to warn the FBI.

The threat isn't what they thought it was. - Stop!

Why do we need to warn the FBI?

Because this w*apon was never meant to k*ll anyone outside of this building.

It was meant to k*ll everyone inside.

Harry: Alex, Alex.

Alex: Harry.

The threat's not what we thought it was.

It's a su1c1de failsafe, not a WMD.

I said stay in the bunker. What happened?

The bunker's been destroyed.


I don't know. Someone must've tipped them.

Guys, guys, guys, guys!

[Men shouting in Swahili]

[Door opens]

What am I doing here?

Shelby and Nimah already told me I'm out of the mission, and... I won't ask if you knew, 'cause I don't want to know.

You know I knew.

I asked you here because I don't know where else to talk, because I thought that this was supposed to be a safe place for us, not just of the mission.

I get it.

You were just doing your job, just trying to protect me.

That's not an excuse.

How do we get through this, Ryan?

I mean, we're already keeping so much from each other, and I don't like secrets.

I like answers.

And I may not always be able to give you them.

But how we get through this?

I know that one.

Marry me?

Look, what we have is never gonna be easy, but to have a real chance, we have to build something together, something that's so strong that it can't be burned down, so that even when we want to cut ties, we can't.

And I'll never let anything come between us.

And I'm prepared to leave it all behind...

The FBI, the CIA...

If you want me to.

Even if I have to lie for a living, I need to know that I can come home to the truth.

And that truth is you.

♪ ♪

So, what do you say?

[Chuckling] Yes.


♪ ♪

You said yes, right?

[Laughing] Yeah.

♪ ♪

So you made the choice to leave The Farm?

Lydia: Answers.

Real ones.

I hope they make you happy.

You're wondering if it checks out, it does.

You're not at the center of any conspiracies.

You just got burned because of something you did.

Remember Helen Sharp?

She was an asset.

You failed to protect her, and after she was k*lled, your name was leaked.

The Agency agreed that that mistake was endemic of too many others made by you.

♪ ♪

Whatever your next obsession, I won't be here to get in your way.

♪ ♪

[Door opens, closes]

I'm sorry you found out this way.

[Scoffs] I am.

I'm not gonna try to patronize you or justify it.

You don't have to.

I've made arrangements for you to return to active duty in the New York City office in five months.

Are you ready to come back?

I'm not coming back, Miranda.

I'm gonna stay here at The Farm, find the AIC, and take them down myself.

You cannot do this alone.


Well, then I guess it's a good thing you don't get to tell me what to do anymore.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Ryan: Anyone here?

Did you guys have a... test today?

[Cellphones vibrate]

[Cellphone beeps]


[Cellphones vibrate]

[Pounding on door]

[Man speaks Swahili]

You still have a chance to do the right thing.

This is the right thing.

If you don't join us, you will die.

I'd rather die than join you.

She's not one of them. I told you.

Keep her in there until this is over.

[Door closes]


[Indistinct conversations]

She's still got time.

♪ ♪

[Man speaks Swahili]



[Grunts, exhales sharply]




[Remote beeps]

You cross inside, you'll set the w*apon off.

Everyone will die.

Alex: Ryan. Ryan! Ryan!