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06x09 - Changelings

Posted: 11/28/16 04:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon A Time"...

I had a vision. I die.

What's going on?

Oh, I think you know...


I'm here to warn you...

Do not let him destroy us, like he did his last family.

You will never even set eyes on this child.

Let me remind you, dearie, that Rumplestiltskin takes children, not the other way 'round.


There's nowhere to hide from me, dearie.

Whatever you're doing, the Mother Superior won't let you get away with it.

That wingless glowworm won't stop me.

None of you will.

Evil Queen: What is it between you and fairies?

You never have told me why you despise them so much.

What are you doing here?

[Chuckles] Oh, isn't it obvious?

I came to join in the fun.

Oh, I thought you'd be happier to see me.

And I will be, once you've taken care of that problem we discussed.

Oh, you mean Zelena.


You don't really expect me to k*ll my own flesh and blood for you?

Well, that depends on how serious you are about these new beginnings you say you want, because I think one of them involves me.

Why should I believe you've at long last gotten over Belle?

Because I've finally come to my senses.

Belle won't accept me for who I really am.

I know you never really wanted to rule alone.

Well, you no longer have to.

There's just one tiny speck of green in your way.

That being said, if you don't mind, I have my own problems to attend to.

Which is what, exactly?

I'm gonna send a message via fairy.



It was the Dark One with the Evil Queen.

They're together.

Emma: I used magic like that when I was the Dark One to speed up Zelena's pregnancy.

This is about me!

Rumple's going to do the same thing so that he can use the Shears of Destiny to cut our son's ties to his fate.

And then, when that happens, he can take him from me, he can corrupt him, or even worse.

Hook: If that truly is his plan, then why would he announce it to us? [Scoffs]

Because he wants me to know what he's doing.

He's trying to scare me so that I'll go back to him, which I won't do, I can't do.

There has to be a way to stop him.

[Door opens]

Belle: Rumplestiltskin, you're back.

I, uh... I did the wash, and I polished the silver like you asked.

Good. Now you can take care of this.

[Baby cries]

A baby? [Exhales sharply]

But where... where did it come from?

What... where are its parents?

They no longer matter.

The child's mine now.

[Crying continues]


What you... you stole him?

Yes. Scandalous, isn't it?


It's okay. Shh.

Oh, shh.

What kind of beast steals a child from its parents?

I mean... [Sighs]

What happened to you that made you like this?

You'd do best to stop asking so many questions.

Ahh, there it is.

I have work to do.

I'm not to be disturbed.

Well, at least tell me his name so I can soothe him.

Or did you not even bother to find out?

Why would I?

A name's a special thing.

You don't waste it on something you've no intention of becoming... a-attached to.

What do you mean?

What do you plan on doing with this child?

I shall be back at sundown.

Don't think about trying to hide it.

I'll find out.

[Inhales deeply]


Goldman's "Treatise on the Metaphysics of Magic."

Talbot's "The White Sorcerer's Way."

What's this?

Hildrew's "Manual on Defeating the Dark One."

Huh. I've never seen you before.

"Follow the strand."

The strand of what?

I'm in the dream world again.

Son: Our dream world.

Hello, Mother.

My son.

[Chuckles] It's really you again.

[Exhales deeply]

Yes. I've come to warn you.

The glowing thread you followed is the strand of my fate.

It's what my father plans to cut with these shears as soon as I'm born.

I-I'm trying to stop him, but I don't know how.

You know the answer to saving me is already inside you.

It's right here in front of you.

You just have to be willing to see it.

And do so quickly, or any hope of protecting me will be cut short.

Just like my fate.

Look at these grades.

I think they're finally getting it.

Is something wrong?

I feel silly saying anything with all you're going through.

No. It's okay.

We're friends.


He might have found something to help locate Agrabah.

A genie lamp.

I don't know how much you know about it...

I know a little bit. My father found one once.

Then you know how unpredictable genies can be, how all their wishes come with a price.

And you're worried about what the price could be if you wish to find Agrabah.

What am I to do?

Don't you remember the story you told me the first day we met?

About the princess who didn't embrace being the hero she was meant to be?

You mean the story about me?

Yes, I do.

It is never too late to be a hero, Jasmine.

This might be your chance.

So, in my dream, my son said that the answer to stopping Rumple was right in front of me.

Didn't say where.

And this is the book you were reading?


Yeah, I don't think a spell for the removal of hair is going to help us.

It's not the spell that's gonna do it, Swan.

It's the book itself.

Or, rather, the ink it's written in.

I'd be a poor excuse for a pirate if I didn't recognize squid ink when I saw it.

Squid ink.

It can stun Rumple.


And while he's held, we can take the shears from him.

Okay, I can use my magic to extract the squid ink.

The question is... how do we dose him?

I can do it.

He's doing all of this because he thinks it'll force me back to him, and if that's what he wants, then that's what I'm gonna make him think I'm doing.

Sorry, Belle, but no.

It just gives Gold an opportunity to use his magic to speed up your pregnancy.

Hook: She's right, love.

Your dream got us this far.

You just have to leave the rest to us.

"but Gideon was unafraid.

He drew his sword and turned to face the evil Sorcerer, ready to save the people he loved."

[Baby coos]

You really like this, don't you?

So did I, when I was little.

This is the first book that my mother ever read to me.

I used to tell her that when I grew up, I was going to be a strong, brave hero, just like Gideon in the book.

Maybe you could grow up to be like him someday.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Of course, you'll only get the chance to if we can figure out what Rumplestiltskin is planning before the sun goes down and he takes you away, which, now that I've calmed you down, maybe we can do that.

Knock, knock.

Ooh! Look who it is!

Your Evil Auntie!

Would you like to hold her?

I think she misses you.

Oh, no. That's okay.

In fact, I was hoping to catch you during nap time.

Why's that?

Why are you here?

Gold sent me.

So, what now?


Oh, I suggest you put the baby down.

Mommy loves you.


So, this is it.

How about we take this outside?

Enough games.

Let's end this.


Looks like evil does beat wicked.

Goodbye, sis.




[Heart beating]

My heart.

Regina: Not your heart.



You can't control me with that?

Oh, I don't have to.

All I have to do is crush it.

You wouldn't.

Not for her.


Let's find out.



[Beating continues]

So, now that you know I'm serious, you're going to tell me why you'd do this.

Zelena: It was Rumplestiltskin.

He said it was either me or him.

Did he now?

Oh, you're just jealous!

You think he cares for you?

Don't you get it?

He lied to you because he knew your revenge wasn't enough.

You still have a hole in your heart, just like I did when I first came here.

You don't know what you're talking about.

And you're so desperate to fill it, you actually believed him.

You're wrong!

Am I?

Go ask him and find out.

After all, we're done with you here.


[Doorbell rings]

Oh, look who it is.

The Savior's lap dog.

Come to pick out a new collar, have we?

Actually, I've come to try and stop you from ruining another one of your son's lives, just like you did with Bae.


Is that a fact?

What made you think it was a good idea to provoke the Dark One?


It's called a distraction.

Killian... I'm all right.

Let's get searching.

I'll remember this, Pirate.

He's not carrying the dagger or the shears.


You look up here. I'll search in the back.



[Exhales sharply]


Are you okay? What happened?

I saw another vision.

Well, I thought those had stopped.

Me, too.

Against Hyde.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you okay?



I don't know.

No. No, no.

How did you...

You really think dried squid ink can hold me?

I'm far too powerful for that now.

Look, I know you want me back, Rumple.

It's... it's never gonna happen.

I know.

But I cannot lose another son, Belle.

I won't.

Not if I can stop it.



[Baby coos]

All right.

This is fairy language.

It's an incantation for someone called...

The Black Fairy.

But what would Rumplestiltskin want from her, and what does that have to do with why he took you?

[Baby cries]

That's for me to know...


And you never to find out.


You knew I was going to do this.

Not only did I know.

I was planning on it.

You really think I left the tower door open by accident?

I don't speak fairy.

But why do I need to when I have you?

No. I will not let you hurt this baby.


The child is no longer your concern.

I think you should stay here for a while.

Don't want you getting any ideas about trying to stop me.




Why... why are you doing this?

After all this time, you must know.

I will never be the man you think I can be.

It... it doesn't have to be like that.

I'm afraid it does.

When we met, I told you I was a difficult man to love.

But more than that, I think...

I think I'm a man no one can love.

But this son, with him, I can start over.

Maybe he can love me.

Not like this.

Don't give up, Rumple.

I... I never wanted you to be perfect.

I just wanted you to try.

I have.

And look what's happened.


I've only ever pushed you away.

Now, uh...

I-I'm afraid all I really have... is this.


And it may get you your son.

You know there's a price.

You won't just push me away again.

You'll lose me forever.

Is that a price that you're willing to pay?

All right, hold still.

[Exhales sharply] Thank you.

After a scrap like that, I don't think I could magic a glass of warm milk, let alone heal myself.

I'm lucky you happened by.

Yeah, about that...

No. Listen, let me... let me go first.

I should have been the one to reach out and find you, to apologize.


I didn't come here to apologize.

Truth is, I thought I'd find some magic here to help reverse an aging spell Gold used.

You mean you came here to steal from me?

Well, what I supposed to think you'd share?

After everything you did to me and my friends?

Well, if that's what you assumed, why even bother saving me, then?

Because that's what heroes do, Zelena.

They save people.


Even the people who have hurt them in... unimaginable ways.

So this is about Robin Hood.

You still blame me for his death.

Yes, that's exactly right.

What about forgiveness?

What about redemption?

I mean, you've been forgiven!

You've grown.

You've changed!

You're not me.

I can never forgive you.

I can pity you.

I can hate you.

I can spare your life.

But I can never forgive you.

You ready?

[Breathes deeply]

I am.

[Mental clanks]

I don't understand.

Where's the genie?

He's been freed.

But without a genie, I can't use a wish to get back to Agrabah.

Actually, I think you will.

What are you doing?

You'll be a prisoner of the lamp.

It's not such a bad life.

Sure, some genies are insufferable, but I knew a pretty great one once.

And he's been free for a while now, so...

Maybe I can be like him.

Hey, hey.

Either way... let's say we find out.
Evil Queen: You didn't use it.

So Regina was right then.

You were just using me to get rid of Zelena.

If you've come here looking for retribution, you've come to the wrong place.

Oh, let me guess why you didn't use the magic on Belle.

She gave you some speech about "the man in the beast, "o:r whatever she claims to see in you.

Even if you were the person she wants you to be today, how long will that really last?

Soon enough, she'll realize, as she always does, that's not who you really are.

But this time, she'll have a child to protect.

And she'll do what she should have way back when.

She'll go and take the boy with her.

[Laughing] And you'll be alone, just as it was the first time.

With Baelfire.

You want to know what failure looks like?

Take a look in the mirror.

Do not dare question me again.

Now go.

We're done.



[Pounding on door]


Hello? Is someone out there?

Please, I... I need help!




You're a... a fairy.

[Panting] I'm Blue.

And by the looks of things, you're another soul held c*ptive by the Dark One.

Yeah, and... and I need you to get me out of here.

Rumplestiltskin has a child who's in great danger.

I know. That's why I'm here.

I came as soon as I sensed the fairy incantations being read.

We have to stop him before he can use it to summon The Black Fairy.

Why? I thought that all fairies were good.

Well, she used to be good once.

What happened?


No one knows exactly.

Just that her heart blackened and she stopped defending the children that she was meant to protect.

She started stealing them instead.

Which means that that child is in grave danger.

Rumple is trying to use it to lure her.

But why?

What could possibly be so important that he'd want from her?

I wish I knew.

But, right now, we just need to get you free so that you can save that child.

What? Me?

But I... I don't have magic.

Well, that's precisely why it has to be you.

My magic can't save him.

Hurry! There's not much time.

Wish me luck.

I'm going to need it.

I... I know I should be relieved...

Well, no one's gonna blame you for still worrying.

Gold did the right thing today.

That doesn't mean he'll do the same tomorrow.

Emma's right.

And we have to make sure that he can't use that magic on you, and we will.

Here you go. One cup of chamomile.

It soothes the soul.

Thanks, Granny.

Aye, love.

Drink up. Helps calm the nerves.

Excuse us, love.

So, are you gonna tell me what happened back at Gold's, or do I have to guess?

I saw my death again.

It was the same details, the same figure.

Everything was the same.

Except this time, there was something new.

The sword... the sword that's used to k*ll me, I...

It had a red jewel on the bottom of the handle, almost glowing.

What brought the vision on?

I don't know.

Maybe just being in the shop?

Maybe there was something in there.

[Glass shatters]

Belle: [Groans]


What is it? Are you okay?

The tea.


Aah! No!

No. No. This can't...

This can't be happening!

Please, no!



[Baby cries]

Let the night sky tremble, as the Dark Star shall fall.

Awake, Black Fairy, and heed my call.

[Crying continues]

Rumplestiltskin: I'm afraid I can't let you get ahold of that baby.

Not yet, anyway.

Who dares summon me?

Squid ink.

Nasty stuff.


So you know who I am.

Oh, who hasn't heard of the Dark One?

And if you've heard of me, you know that squid ink won't hold me long.

Oh, I know.

That's why...

I have this.

And how exactly do you plan on using that?

Well, that all depends on how you answer one simple question.

You steal babies.

Steal them from their mothers' arms.

So, why, of all the babies, in all of the realms, why did you abandon the one child who was actually yours?



It can't be.

Oh, I'm afraid it can be...


That's right.

Rumplestiltskin is your son.

Of course, you would know that...

Had you bothered to even give me a name.

And now you are gonna answer my question.

Why did you abandon me?


Funny that the Dark One should ask such a thing.

Sometimes you have to choose power over love.

[Crying continues]


Time's up.


No more answers for you today.

Guess you'll just have to keep on wondering.




I understand now.

I mean, you didn't deserve what she did.

But sacrificing the life of an innocent child is not the answer.

No matter how much pain you're in.

No one knows anything about my pain.

I should have known The Savior would bring my wife here.

Wherever there's injustice in the world, there's always a fairy.

Fairy magic.

[Heart beating]

Boy: Can you push me on the swing, Mommy?

[Exhales deeply]

I was...

I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find you.

You'll always find me when you need to.


Belle: So, look.

We don't have much time now, okay?

Your father's coming, and he will use those shears.

So, please, if you know how to stop him, you have to let me know.

You know what you must do.



No. No. I can't.

I won't.

There has to be another way.

There isn't.

As you said, we're out of time.

I love you.

I love you more than anything in the world.

I know.

And I won't ever forget it.


Oh, and Mother... don't forget the book.

What book?


[Beating continues]



Oh, congratulations.


Thank you, Blue.

They said you wanted to see me.


Yeah, I need your help.

Of course. Anything.


Will you be his fairy godmother?

And will you take him somewhere safe, somewhere far away from all this?

Belle, what are you doing?

Rumple will never stop.

This is our son's only chance.

Please take him, just until this is all over.

But you don't know when or if that will come to pass.

I believe it will.

I have to believe it will.


[Voice breaking] Take him.

Of course.


Thank you, Blue.

[Normal voice] There's, uh... there's one more thing.


Read it to him so that he knows that I'm always there for him.

My Gideon... strong and brave... a hero for all time.

Don't you ever forget that I love you.




You abandoned our son?

After everything?

[Scoffs] I didn't abandon him!

I gave him his best chance at a good life.

And after what you did, that is clearly a life without you in it.


Rumple, no!

It's over.

Okay? It's over!

There's nothing left for you to say.

What's his name?


What's our son's name?


So you can use it to find him?

You can do what you will with me, but I will never tell you.

I would never hurt you, Belle.


But I will find our son.

[Thunder rumbles]

Evil Queen: Someone lose another son?


Not now.

Or what? Hmm?

[Laughing] Oh.

I bet Belle really hates you now, huh?



I'm going to enjoy this.

I went to a lot of trouble for this to see what happens when you poison your love.

I did no such thing.

You did.

[Laughing] Oh, no.

You did.

By making me an enemy.

Okay, yes, I did the actual dosing of the tea after I stole your magic.

But you forced my hand.

Oh, worry not.

It'll be easy to fix, no?

Just tell her.

Oh, wait.

She won't believe you, will she?


I may not have crossed a line today.

But you most certainly did.

And I'm gonna make sure you pay for it.

Oh, please.

If you haven't found a way to k*ll the woman who m*rder*d your own son without enlisting my help, I'm not all that concerned.

One thing I thought you knew about me by now, Your Majesty...

I play a very long game.

And you?

You're nothing more than one of my pawns.

Good luck finding your son.


I hear fairies make wonderful mothers.


[Glass shatters]

Good news. Regina called.

She reversed the spell.

That sister is gonna live a long and hopefully far less eventful life.

And what about Belle?

As good as can be expected after all she's been through.

What she just did... that's why I keep fighting.

As the Savior.

It's a title I've thought about running from numerous times, but I never have, and what she did today reminded me why I don't run, why I fight.

Because I want to protect my family and my friends and the people that I love.

The vision... it's still getting to you.


It's time for me to get to it.

There's the fight that I love.

Let's go find out what really happened to me.

Emma: Whoa.

Oh, well, someone had a temper tantrum.

Hook: Do you really think you'll find something in here to explain your vision?

I think I just did.

Emma: This is it.

This is the sword from my vision.

It's here.

Emma, are you okay?



I think it's safe to say this is what did it.

This is the sword that k*lled you.

Will k*ll me.

And why would it be in here?

I don't know.

But now that we have it, maybe we can finally find who's responsible.

The figure under the hood.


And then we can stop them.