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03x08 - Breakout Capacity

Posted: 11/28/16 04:06
by bunniefuu
Man: And polls have officially opened in what is shaping up to be one of the most dramatic American elections in recent memory.

For the first time in nearly 200 years,
we may be looking at a deadlock in the Electoral College for president.

For more, we'll turn to our election correspondent, Robin Carver.

Robin, what would this three-way tie look like?

Robin: Well, Sam Evans is looking strong and could still win the outright majority, but if he fails to reach the magic number of 270 electoral votes, then the winner will be chosen by the House of Representatives, according to the Twelfth Amendment, which means that any one of the top three finishers, including incumbent Conrad Dalton and Fred Reynolds, could still win the election.

Man: And what are the odds of that happening?

Robin: I'd say 50-50.

Now, it's all coming down to a few key swing states, particularly Ohio.

Is Dalton gonna lose?

I told you, he's not gonna lose.

He just isn't gonna win... today.

But he's totally gonna win in the House of Representatives in a couple months.

Which, again, makes no sense.

Well, it's tricky, but Evans has alienated a lot of people in his own party, so in a contingent election, Dalton should emerge as the compromise candidate.

And if he doesn't, do I have to leave Westmore?

Noodle, we've been over this.

No one is moving until you are safely in college.

Even if we are unemployed.

Is that what you're wearing?


Well, it's just... you know, Russell Jackson had requested a blue tie.

You agreed to let him dress me?

(sighing): The guy was foaming at the mouth, ranting about optics.

I just want it to stop.

Hang on, we are unemployed?

I thought Dad's job was safe.

Turns out there's no tenure at the w*r College, so if Evans is elected, my head could be on the block right next to Mom.

Elizabeth: But you know what they say.

Couple that gets fired together, stays together.

No one says that.

Well, then we better hope Dalton wins.

Or don't.

You know, just in case you want any real change.


Are you kidding me, Jason?

What is that?

It's exactly what you think it is, assuming you can read.

Um, I think you missed the part about how Mom and Dad could lose their jobs.

No, I got that.

It's just a small price to pay to defeat the establishment.

Well, as long as it's a small price.

Take it off.

I know everybody's obsessing over the Twelfth Amendment, but last time I checked, I'm still protected under the first.

He cannot wear that to school.

Henry: No, he's right.

Elizabeth: If Jason genuinely believes that Reynolds would make a better president, I don't have a problem with him wearing it.

No matter how obnoxious and disrespectful it may be.

Thank you.

Would be a little bit ironic if you bought it with our establishment credit card.

Seriously, Jason?

Come on, when Reynolds gets elected (cell phone ringing) he's gonna wipe out all the consumer debt, anyway.

Student debt.

Jason: Whatever.

Big difference.

Elizabeth: Russell.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're just walking right out the door now.

So, we're going with that tie?

I'm gonna risk it.

Yeah, you are a brave man, Dr. McCord.

Nah, I'm just a humble, establishment-supporting coward.

Yes, well, I love you with every ounce of my cold, plutocratic heart.

Fine, mock me.

We'll see who's laughing when the revolution comes.

(indistinct conversation)


For those of you who don't know, this... is my big board.

Been with me since my first race for commissioner in Seneca County.

It hasn't let me down yet.

When we started down this road... some of us... myself included... thought winning as an independent... couldn't be done.

But this board... this board says we have a shot, a real shot... of pulling this thing off... if... we get to the House and we can't do that unless we deliver the great state of Ohio for Conrad Dalton.

Succeed, and you can tell your grandchildren you were a part of history.

Fail... and you can explain to your parents how you all got fired.

Let's go!

(indistinct conversation)

Don't forget to smile!

That was a blur.

There were so many judges.

Good thing we had a game plan.

Yeah, about that.

I know that we agreed, you know, Crutchfield for the advisory neighborhood commission... but then, you know, I got in the booth...

You picked Schneider.

Me, too.

I know.

Come on, it's...

Thing is...

I just don't want a 19-year-old zoning our neighborhood.

We could wind up with a bunch of juice bars and artisanal vape shops.

(reporters clamoring)

And who wants that?

Madam Secretary.

Dr. McCord!

Do you want to make a statement?

Uh, well, this is a very sacred ritual for us because we voted on one of our first dates.

It was very romantic... and very economical.


Who'd you guys vote for?

Now, Todd, the United States remains committed to the principle of the secret ballot.

I voted for Dalton.


Free speech, another cherished principle.

Thank you, guys.

(reporters clamoring)

Madam Secretary, one last question...

(clamoring continues)

Elizabeth: Bye, guys.

So, how do you think that went?

Are you kidding?

Even Russell's gonna be happy about that.


And you got to admit, the tie?

k*lled it.

Yes, it did.

k*lled it.

Not that it's gonna sway the election, but...


If Sam Evans becomes the next president, he's gonna take our legacy apart, piece by piece, until there's nothing left.

Dalton embraced a new foreign police 'cause I pushed him.

He ran as an independent, again, because I pushed him.

It's all on me.

Hey, okay, easy.

You can't blame yourself... even if Evans wins.

Then who?

Well... the voters.


Wow, I'm just glad our son isn't old enough to be one of them.

(sighs) Yeah.

That thing with the T-shirt seemed to be crossing a line, even for him.

He's baiting us.

Yeah, it's working.

(cell phone buzzes)


Walter Nowack wants to see me.

Remember him?

Yeah, the nonproliferation guy.

The last time he got nervous, a dirty b*mb went off in Virginia.

Daisy: Turns out, Oliver invented some kind of neural network they want him to develop.


Did he ask you to go with him?

Begged me, practically.

But I-I said no.

I mean, what am I supposed to do in California?

Write copy for the next Pokémon Go?

Well, once you get a taste of the action, the private sector seems a little dull.

Oliver says he doesn't have the stomach for long distance, so we broke up.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Of course if I'm out of a job tomorrow, I'm gonna look pretty foolish.


(sighs) the short term, I suggest alcohol.

Is this your first presidential election in D.C.?

Yeah, why?


Well, it's a little like New Year's Eve and The Hunger Games rolled into one.


Traditionally, we veterans gather at the Brickmore to cope with the agony and the ecstasy of watching the returns.

Why don't you come with me?

I'd love to.


Well, good morning, fellow citizens.


Morning. We're going to the Brickmore this evening to watch the returns come in.

Would you gentlemen care to join us?

The Brickmore?

I was going to hit the election rave at Tangerine, but I guess I could kick it old school.

Moran, you in?

I prefer to watch at home where I can curl into the fetal position with my blanket.

They have a Steinway.

I'll bring my song book.

Walter Nowack on the seventh floor.

Daisy: That guy gives me the creeps.

Matt: When he shows up, doomsday preppers head for the bunker.

Is it too early to start drinking?


I'm asking for a friend.

Hassan Karimi, Komeil Yazdani, Saeid Davaran.

Recognize the names?

They were all top scientists in Iran's nuclear weapons program.

And all three arrived at Vnukovo Airport in Moscow last week.

It's the nuclear equivalent of getting the band back together.

Kurchatov Institute is near Vnukovo, isn't it?

Less than 80 kilometers.

So, they were either visiting Russia's top nuclear facility or they're on a team-building outing to see Stravinsky at the Bolshoi.

But assuming they're not ballet fans...

They were advancing their nuclear program.

Which is a direct violation of our deal.


Is anybody else traveling with these guys?

Not on that flight, but we could expand the search, look at old manifests.

Do it.

But this stays between the three of us.

Send whatever you find directly to me.

There's still a chance we could be wrong.

Unless there's corroborating evidence, we're going with a night at the ballet.

This is your 15 minute warning.

Elizabeth: Thanks.

You can't be late for the Dalton event.

Do I have to go?

Yes, Russell Jackson made that clear at length and at a very high volume.

Also, Walter and Jay sent this up for you.

Have any of the networks called anything yet?

Uh, not yet, but polls should be closing in a few minutes.

Should I tell Mr. Jackson you're on your way?

Koohyar Nazari.




(indistinct conversation)

Ma'am, there's...

Oh. Thank you so much.

Man: Madam Secretary.

Madam Secretary.


Man 2: Secretary McCord.


Man 3: Madam Secretary.

Hey, Bruce.

That was an excellent round table on Haiti.

Well done.

Hi, guys. So sorry.

Man 1: Hold on, Madam Secretary.

Hey, Sheila.

How's the parakeet?

Madam Secretary, how ever did you find us?

Elizabeth: Those guys weren't going to the ballet.

They were shopping.

There's an Iranian banker on this list.

How did we miss that?

No, it-it's...

I only know the name from my time at CIA.

Koohyar Nazari.

Now, on the books, he's listed as a manager of a lumber company.

He secretly works as a loan officer at Razmian Bank.

Which the Iranian government uses to make illicit deals.

Nazari arrived two days before the scientists.

I mean, a guy like that only shows up when there is a massive purchase about to take place.

There's your corroborating evidence right there.

But what are they buying?

Well, there can only be one logical answer to that question.

Vasily Heavy Industries has a plant right here.

I'm guessing they don't make toasters.

Actually, they do. But they also hold an exclusive contract to build centrifuges for Russia's nuclear weapons program.

If the Russians are supplying Iran with centrifuges, they'll achieve breakout capacity in a matter of months.

Okay, we need to track every shipment out of that facility within the last week.


Matt: Jeez, it's like Comic-Con in here.

Blake: I don't get your reference, but I do get the claustrophobia.

Well, just close your eyes and think of Gershwin.


(chuckles): Sorry, Mattman.

So, who wants sh*ts?

Oh, me, me. A thousand times me.


Well, that was weird.

What was?

The tie adjustment, the old nickname.

I'd swear she was putting out the old Matt-signal.

Well, it's possible.

She did just break up with Oliver.

Whoa, she's single again?

Easy, Mattman.

Daisy: Fireballs.

If we're going down, at least we're going down in flames.

I will drink to that.


Oh, just one second.

I'd like to make a toast.

Should this be my last administration, I'd just like to say that working with you all has been... a real pleasure.


All: Cheers.

Dalton: Bess, what do we have?

The Russian vessel is the SS Kazym, out of Vladivostok.

Officially, she's got a cargo of wheat and barley.

Unofficially, my team has reason to believe that she is carrying a shipment of gas centrifuges to Iran.

Do you really think Iran is breaking our deal?

Sure looks that way.

Where is she now?

Gulf of Oman.

Traveling ten knots on a course for the Iranian port of Bander Abbas.

She's going to enter Iranian territorial waters in less than two hours.

Can we intercept?

We have a destroyer in range, but the window's narrow, and it is closing fast.

Do we have any hard proof that they're carrying contraband?

For now it's circumstantial.

The proof is in the hold.

If we come up empty, we could be looking at a major embarrassment.

So you want to just let 'em go?

Our coalition is hanging by a thread.

I've planned for a lot of contingencies, but taking a wrecking ball to the Iran deal isn't one of them.

Not to mention what this might do to our relationship with Russia.

Yeah, it I'm wrong, we would be embarrassed.

But if I'm right, and we do nothing...

The Iranians will be at breakout capacity.

Call in the Joint Chiefs. We're stopping that ship.

♪ If our side Should fail to win ♪
♪ Should fail to win ♪

Daisy: ♪ Oh, if our side should fail to win... ♪

The last thing I want to do is take advantage of a vulnerable person.

♪ I might go back to grad school ♪

Look at me.

I'm vulnerable, too.

I mean, was it the best sex ever?


Was that enough? Guess not.

What do you think?

"Shall I part my hair behind?

Do I dare to eat a peach."

I don't think anyone ever got laid quoting Prufrock.

Mike: What up, nerds?

Matt, you know Win.

I believe you two are what the kids call "Eskimo Brothers"

Matty man, it's good to see you.

Mutual, I'm sure.

Matt: Since when do you two work together?

Ever since legal marijuana became a bizillion-dollar industry.

Can I buy you guys a drink?

I don't think so.

Actually, I'd be delighted.

Yes, Max, I agree.

Invasive species are a menace to the Everglades.

That's why I'm the only candidate with a comprehensive plan to tackle them.

And, yes, that includes additional funding, so... do I have your support?

I'll take it.

Rexford's a maybe.

Okay. You've got Kripke next, followed by Simonson.

(cell phone chimes)


It's happening.

(Russell exhales)

(indistinct chatter)

We're hailing them, Mr. President.

Naval Officer: Vessel Kazym, repeat, this is the U.S. Navy Destroyer Pico.

Heave to and prepare to be boarded.

Fire a warning shot.

Captain, put one across her bow.

No response, sir.

They're making a run for it.

How long till they reach Iranian waters?

T-minus five minutes.

Sir, I'm getting multiple contacts approaching the Pico.

Iranian fast-attack craft. They're closing quickly.

Looks like someone called for backup.

Are the Iranians crazy enough to attack us?

Elizabeth: Not in international waters.

The moment our destroyer crosses the line...

They'll be all over us. Options?

Sir, the Pico has a platoon of Marines in two raiding craft on standby.

If we act now, we can capture the Russian ship before it reaches Iranian waters.

Do it.

Charlie, Echo, you're clear to board.

(indistinct orders being shouted)

Hostiles still inbound. Visual contact in two minutes.

You better be right about this.

(indistinct shouting)


Soldier: Drop your w*apon!

Please tell me we didn't just k*ll Russian sailors.

What about the Iranians?

Their ships are turning. They're bugging our, sir.

We have eyes on the package.

Marine: Stand back.

Admiral, can we get a closer look?

Stand by. Get close, Echo.

I'm guessing that's not a Crockpot.

It's a centrifuge.

The media's gonna have a field day with this.

We're gonna lose. It's over.

You don't know that.

I spent months... trying to build a coalition... all on the strength of two things... our nuclear deal with Iran, and détente with Russia.

And thanks to Pandora here, we just lost both in the span of five minutes.

It was the right call.

(exhales): Of course.

I'm just trying to get my head around electoral Armageddon.

The question is how close is Iran to getting the b*mb?

The Navy impounded the centrifuges.

There's a chance we stopped them in their tracks.

Or it's just the tip of the iceberg.

There's only one way to find out.

Trigger Article 63 of the deal.

If Iran commits a violation, the U.N. Security Council has the right to send in IAEA inspectors.

So if Iran cooperates with the inspectors and comes clean, we could put the genie back in the bottle.

In theory, yeah.

In theory, I'm eligible to be Pope.

Other than being married and not Catholic.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Russia holds a veto in the Security Council.

And a grudge, now that we k*lled two of their sailors.

Yeah, they'll never allow inspections, not now.

Elizabeth: We have the centrifuges.

The evidence of a violation is undeniable.

It's never stopped 'em before.

(cell phone chimes)


They're getting ready to call Ohio.

♪ Hail to the Chief who in triumph advances ♪
♪ Honored and blessed be... ♪

Citizens United was a ringing endorsement for American liberty.

Said the Dark Prince of K Street.

You only think money is speech because it's paying you.

Money is America, Nadine.

Oh, my God.

The only reason that the colonist revolted is because the king told them to buy stamps.

I know it didn't last long, but it meant a lot, you know?

No, no, man, I get you. (chuckles)

She has that effect on people.

When she turns those big eyes on you, it's totally...

Sublime! It's like two black opals staring straight into your soul.

Yeah, I was going with "hot," but sure.

Hey, a word of advice, though?


Hooking up with your ex is bad news.

Especially if you've still got feelings for her.

You're probably right.

Thanks, man.

Oh, huh. Anytime, bud.

Great chat.

And it looks like we are finally ready to make a projection in Ohio.


As we all know, if Dalton loses here, his race is over.

But if he manages a victory, the election will be thrown to the House of Representatives.

We are calling Ohio for Conrad Dalton.

(wild cheering)

...deadlock in the Electoral College since 1824.

Man: Oh, my goodness!

On January 6th, the House of Representatives will choose our next president.

We're entering uncharted waters...

Out of the frying pan... into the House.

(indistinct chatter)

Told you.

Hey, you seen Daisy?

We won, baby! (whoops)

Easy, boy, it's just Ohio.

Yeah, we didn't lose. It's going to the House!

♪ I love you, baby ♪
♪ And if it's quite all right ♪
♪ I need you, baby ♪
♪ To warm the lonely night ♪
♪ I love you, baby ♪
♪ Trust in me when I say ♪
♪ Oh, pretty baby ♪
♪ Don't bring me down halfway ♪
♪ Oh, pretty baby ♪
♪ Now that I found you, stay ♪
♪ And let me love you, baby ♪
♪ Let me love you. ♪

Two of my Russian countrymen are dead and you give me regret?

Our Marines acted in self-defense.

After illegally boarding our ship.

It was a by the book search and seizure.


You had no right to seize the Kazym.

These were taken in the cargo hold, hidden in a container of wheat.

High-frequency gas centrifuges, used to enrich uranium.

What exactly are you implying?

Nothing. I'm stating a fact.

The Kazym was involved in a deliberate attempt to circumvent the terms of our nuclear deal with Iran.

You need to support our vote to send inspectors into Iran.

I see only lies.

Conjured by your CIA to justify another invasion of the Middle East.


You're going with conspiracy theory?

I remember well your aluminum tubes and yellowcake before the invasion of Iraq.

Alexei, talk to me.

What the hell is going on?

The United States will pay for what it has done to us.

Evans (on TV): This appeasement,

This cowardice of the Dalton administration...

You're up early.

I was gonna go for a run, but I got distracted by this blowhard.

...the Iran deal and order an immediate military buildup in the Middle East.

On January 6th, the citizens...

(TV turns off)

That's comforting.

Well, don't mean to pile on, but guess who's going to the Reynolds' rally at RFK Stadium this afternoon?

Oh, Jason.


That's disappointing.

Although we have given him a lot to rebel against.

How is that, exactly?

They've lost their right to a normal life.

I don't want to take away their right to react to it.

So their extremely privileged life isn't exactly normal.

That doesn't give him the license to be smug.

Which he really was, when he announced this to me last night.

I wanted to shut him down, but... after the whole T-shirt thing, I...

Oh, slippery slope.

Iran's Supreme Council just issued a blanket statement, insisting that the centrifuges were intended for civilian use.


Yeah, high-frequency centrifuge would mix up a hell of a salad dressing.

Well, at least they're not like Russia, going with paranoid conspiracy theory.

Doesn't that reek of desperation?

Well, yeah, it's a little stinky, but they got caught with their hand in the nuclear... cookie jar.

Yeah, I'm-I'm just saying, if Russia really wanted to give Iran nuclear weapons, (door opens) wouldn't they have been ready with a more plausible cover story?

Just saying.

(door closes)

(phone buzzing)

(phone beeps)

Good morning, Madam Secretary.

Nadine, can you please get me Walter Nowack in my office ASAP?

I want him to scour everything we've got on Vasily Heavy Industries.

Yes, Ma'am.

(dog barking)

Get right on that.

Did you get a dog?

(dog continues barking)

Uh, no, ma'am, I'm pet sitting.

Okay, bye now.

So... waffles?

(engine revving loudly)

Can you turn the air on?

You feel that suspension?

What I feel is nauseous.

You can grab a Red Bull from the glove box.

Last night was amazing.

Just... make a left turn right here.

(tires screech)

And you're right, it was end-of-the-world sex.

'Cause I didn't know if I'd have a job in the morning.

Guess I still don't know.

Just don't expect it to happen again.

Oh, I won't.


What happens on election night, stays on election night.

Walter: It seems your suspicions regarding the Russians were on point, ma'am.

Three Vasily Heavy Industries officials were disappeared by the FSB last night.

The C.O.O., the VP of logistics, and the chief engineer of the centrifuge program.

Oh, that's great.

Wait, so a bunch of dudes are disappeared without due process in an authoritarian state and that's great?

It means that the Russian Government didn't authorize the shipment.

It was a rogue operation, through and through.

But if the Russians are willing to prosecute their own people, why won't they come clean about what happened?

Probably because what happened is super embarrassing.

Nadine: And it's hard to save face after the fact.

Tell me about it.

I may have a way for them to save face.


(door closes)

Dalton: Keep me posted. Thanks.


(phone hangs up)

She's making another run at the Russians.

Well, she better hurry.

This whole debacle is driving a stake through the heart of our coalition.

The delegations from Iowa, Utah and Virginia just flipped to Evans.

Dalton: (blows out) That was fast.

Yeah, and only the beginning.

Nebraska and Colorado are now in the maybe column.


Sam Evans isn't just stealing our friends.

He's snatching our lunch money and kissing our girlfriends.

If the House voted today, he'd win.

So how do we take down the bully?


By making common cause with his enemy.

Fred Reynolds.

Reynolds only secured the electoral votes in nine states, which means he doesn't have a shot at winning in the House.

But he does have the power to play kingmaker.

We get his endorsement, we can hit 26 states without breaking a sweat.

That's a big if.

Reynolds wants to hike the marginal tax rate to levels we haven't seen since World w*r II.

He hates virtually everything I stand for.

Well... let's hope he hates Sam Evans more.



How was the rally?

It was awesome.

Yeah, I saw. On your profile.

This is Jason McCord for the Revolution.

Now I pledge to support Fred Reynolds because I believe that...

(crowd cheering)

He is fighting for real change.

(crowd cheers)

He is the-the only candidate who thinks billionaires should pay their fair share in taxes.


...sit on the sidelines while so-called wise men allow the status quo to grow like a cancer on our future.

(video stops)

Take it down.



Do I really have to spell it out for you?


Are we done?


Let's say Reynolds does become president, what then?

Then he's president.

And what's his position on... for example, Iran?

He wants every country to control its own destiny.

Hmm, what's that mean exactly?


So, if Iran is self-determined to acquire nuclear weapons, does Reynolds think we should let them?

Do you?


No, I...

I'm not sure.

And yet you're sure that he would make a better president.

What's-what's your point?

Your knowledge is a mile wide and an inch deep.

Do you know what that makes you?

A poser.

A dilettante.

If you're gonna support someone, and publicly humiliate your own family in the process, then you damn well better be able to defend him.

So either educate yourself, or stop talking.

Crowd: Hey, hey! Ho, ho!

The status quo has got to go!

Hey, hey!

(crowd cheering and whistling)

Dalton: Fred.

Thanks for seeing us.

Mr. President.


I could have done without the cloak and dagger.

You've, uh... you've fought a hell of a campaign.

Inspired millions.

(chuckling): Even I was getting a little misty-eyed at some of your speeches.

Dalton: But now it's time to unite.

The stock market is crashing.

Our enemies abroad smell blood in the water.

The American people need certainty.

And I'm happy to provide it.

Assuming we can work together.

School reform has been the cornerstone of your agenda.

And it's an area where you and I are in lockstep.

Now, I'm prepared to offer you the Department of Education, along with a mandate to run it as you see fit.

I think our people got their wires crossed.

I was under the impression that you were going to offer to endorse me.

You can't be serious.

Your support is disintegrating.

The whole Iran debacle exposes why the next president should focus on our problems here at home.

Jackson: Senator, the numbers don't lie.

The only statistical certainty in this whole election is that you're gonna lose.

It's like betting on last year's Super Bowl.

And Evans will destroy everything you stand for.

I'm fighting for the millions of voiceless people who can't afford four more years of cynical compromise in Washington.

I'm taking this to the finish line.



(door opens)

(door closes, Jackson sighs)

We know about the arrests at Vasily Heavy Industries.

What of it?

And we know that the Russian government had nothing to do with the shipment of those centrifuges.

What do you want?

Your country has a scandal on its hands, and I can give you a way out.

I'm listening.

We're prepared to say that the raid on the Kazym was a joint operation, coordinated by Russian Intelligence.

Our CIA will provide the necessary documents to back it up.

The men who were k*lled... their families will need compensation.

They could be entitled to a condolence payment.

We genuinely regret the loss of life.

None of this happens, however, unless Russia drops the veto threat and allows IAEA inspections of Iran's nuclear sites.

I'll take this to President Salnikov.

(sighs) Russell?

How'd it go with Zinchenko?

Fine. I was gonna call you.

No, never mind that.

This is about something else.

Mike B. is making an end-run around Reynolds to reach his supporters.

I want you to go as backup.

Any particular reason?

Well, I'd do it myself, but they're all skittish about this Iran situation.

I need a credible figure to talk them down.

Besides, if I'm in a room full of pacifists, there's no telling what I might do.

I have to clear my schedule...

Ah, it's already done.

Mike: So, I have a total of eight suits in there, representing key districts in Florida, Maine and Georgia.

Any one of them could flip their state to Dalton in the House, but the real heavy is Elle Vazquez, who sits on a Foreign Affairs Committee.

Take her out and the rest will follow.


Happy hunting.

Wait, before I go in there, I got to know.

Did you and my chief of staff...

A gentleman never tells.


No one in this room likes Governor Evans.

But each of us made a pledge to Fred Reynolds.

You're asking us to abandon a man who's inspired millions of our constituents.

So how do we get on the same page?

If there's one thing we can't stomach, it's another w*r in the Middle East.

Evans is practically chomping at the bit to invade Iran.

We need your pledge that Dalton won't.

Under any circumstance.

Believe me, nobody put more at risk for the Iran deal than Dalton. You have my word that I will never give up, as long as there's a sliver of a possibility that we can save it.

But I can't, in good conscience, make that pledge.

If Iran won't accept our inspections, we may not have a choice.

The House doesn't vote... until January 6.

If you can resolve this Iran issue peacefully before then, we'll switch to Dalton.

Otherwise, we'll take our chances with Reynolds.

Jason: I will support Reynolds and I will fight the old establishment of Evans and Dalton until we get the government that we deserve!

(cheering) Yeah!

Well, at least he finally thinks government should exist.


He took it down, but not before it got thousands of hits.

We're lucky it's not blasting on CNN.

Between the electoral chaos and Iran getting close to the b*mb, there probably isn't any room.

When did it all start?

This... (sighs) need to get under our skin.

I don't know, second grade?

That's about when he discovered sarcasm.

Well, I miss first grade Jason.

I liked him.

He believed in me.

Thought I had superpowers, you remember?

I was reminded of that today with those Reynolds people.

You should have seen the way they looked at me, like I could... wave a wand and make peace appear.

Still no word from Zinchenko?



And if President Salnikov doesn't support the inspections, then the deal is dead and Conrad will lose the House.

Then Iran will get the b*mb.



Isn't right about now when you're supposed to inspire me with some great religious quote?

(chuckles) Unfortunately, most of the quotes I have for this situation are about the nobility of suffering.

Oh, maybe just tell me a joke.

(Henry sighs)

So, Thomas Aquinas walks into a bar...

(both laugh)


Mike Barnow.

You know, after over two years in this office, I never noticed this painting.

It's beautiful.

You seem busy.

I'm waiting to hear from the Russians.

(sighing): You need an escape plan.

Pretty sure the DS has something involving a stairwell.

I mean from this administration.

Unless you enjoy rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

I know Dalton's a lame duck.


He's passed on.

This duck is no more.

He has ceased to be.

I'm not resigning my post, Mike.

I know you don't believe me, but there is a whole world out there, Elizabeth.

A place where former disgraced officials can feed at the trough of corporate greed.


Okay, I have multiple speaking offers for you and I charge a very reasonable commission.

Thanks, but no thanks.


Can't blame a guy for trying.

Ma'am, we've just received word from Ambassador Zinchenko.

The Russians are going for it.

(sighs) How soon can he be here?

Daisy: He's on his way now.

Matt's writing up your remarks, but would love your input.


Sorry, got to run.

Speaking engagement.

(Mike sighs)

(smacks lips) So... dinner?

No, I doubt it.

Can I at least call you?

You're welcome to try.

Despite speculation to the contrary, the raid on the Kazym was, in fact, a joint operation between the United States and Russia to interdict contraband intended for an Iranian weapons program.

That's why today, we're issuing a joint ultimatum to the people of Iran.

Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency are in the sky as we speak and will be wheels down in Tehran within hours.

The Iranian government must accept the inspections, surrender all illicit material, or face the immediate restoration of the full sanctions regime.

(reporters clamoring)

(engine shuts off)

Well, I knew you were angry, but are you abandoning me?

You know, the first time my dad took my brother and me and sisters to D.C., I thought we were gonna go see the monuments, but he took us here instead.


To commune with dumpsters?


Well, to tell us about a strike that happened more than a hundred years ago.

See that street?

A group of bricklayers marched down it to demand an eight-hour workday.

But instead of negotiating, the factory owners got a local militia together who opened fire on 'em.

They brought the wounded in here.

Two men died right there.

Jason: Seriously?

Is there like, a plaque?

Or a statue or something?

No, I guess that was the point.

You don't always do things to get a trophy.

My dad...

(sighing): he fought his whole life for other people.

(scoffs) Yeah, I know, you resented him for it.

Yeah, I did. Half the reason I joined the Marines was to piss him off.

But over time, I came to understand that even as a kid, I was part of something bigger.

Yeah, but you're not sorry for joining the Marines.

Oh, God no.

But I had to grow into it.

You know?


You've got gifts, Jason.

An incredible facility for thought and language.

That makes you powerful.

But until you're ready to fight for something that you truly believe in, something that's bigger than yourself, that power is wasted.

No one's ever gonna take you seriously.

(sniffs) That's all I'm saying.

Parker: Two minutes till contact.

Where's the first site?



It's a former salt mine in Zanjan Province.

Intel from Russia says that the centrifuges were headed here.

Will they really let the inspectors in?

If they want to cooperate, then yes.

The moment they refuse entry...

Our nuclear deal is dead.

And we're on a direct path to confrontation.

Well, they got 'em this far.

That's a good sign.

Sir, the UN is patching us directly into their feed.

We're here to inspect the facility. We're with the IAEA.

(helicopters whirring)

What is that?

We're seeing helos.

(cutting out): Military.

They're coming fast.

That does not look like a welcome wagon.

It's NOHED Brigade.

Elite units of the Revolutionary Guard.

Chief Inspector: They're refusing entry.

We're surrounded.

Get 'em out of there.

(men shouting) Rook to Castle.

Evacuate. I repeat, evacuate.

(men shouting in Farsi)

We've lost contact, sir.

Elizabeth, call an emergency session of the Security Council.

We need to snap back the sanctions against Iran.


Yes, Mr. President.

And I want military strike options from CENTCOM on my desk within the hour.


Sir, it won't be long before this gets out.

We need to figure out how to spin it.

No. No spin.

Make sure that Iran doesn't get a nuclear w*apon.

We just accept defeat.