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01x02 - Exfil

Posted: 11/23/16 01:12
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on "sh**t"...

What can I do for you, Captain?

Isaac: This was written to the President, states that in 21 days he'll be ex*cuted.

I'm asking for your help. Your country needs you, Bob Lee.

What did he want?

Nothing, baby.

She said he offered you a job.

Some sn*per made a crazy threat against the President.

President's visit means they prioritize potential threats into three groups.

If someone seems off, send it to me, and I'll pass it along.

Jack Payne, Bob Lee Swagger.

Payne's Counterterrorism.

Bob Lee: If he's hunting, he's gonna wait for his shot, and it'll be perfect.

Isaac: I need a complete work-up.

Distances, location possibilities, everything.

Bob Lee: Knowing exactly where the President will be standing gives Solotov an advantage that's almost unbeatable.

He knows the window around the event, and he knows the exact moment to take the shot, and he's gonna take it from here.

Jack: It's Payne. He's not here.

What? I made a mistake!

[g*nsh*t, screaming]

Hey, Swagger.


[intense music]

Stay on the ground, now! Hands behind your head!

My name is Bob Lee Swagger. I did not k*ll the President.

[sirens blare]

My wife, my daughter, make sure they're safe.

Why would your wife and daughter be in danger?


Hey, talk to me.

President, not hit. Repeat. The President, not hit.

Then what happened?

He missed.

He k*lled the Ukrainian president.

Woman: Tragedy has struck with an attack on the presidential convoy in Seattle.

[men speaking in native languages]

Woman: Viktor Abromovich has been k*lled during an apparent attempt on the life of the U.S. President.

[men speaking in native languages]

Woman: We will bring you more details as we receive them.

[tires screeching]

Man: Angel, ready for takeoff.

Wheels up as soon as Flashlight is aboard.

[indistinct chatter]

Woman: Bravo team to Angel.

It was fully searched. Inside is clear.

They got him.


The sh**t.

Some guy named Bob Lee Swagger.

The crazy bastard jumped out of a window to avoid being shot.

And he lived?

Yeah, unbelievable, right?

They're taking him to USW.

You said Swagger? I served with that guy.

He's a Marine sn*per. I better get over there.

Clear the room.

Yes, sir.

You too, Doctor.

I want my lawyer.

And I wanted tickets to "Hamilton" for Christmas.

His name is Sam Vincent.

This is FBI Special Agent-in-Charge, Howard Utey, Seattle office, conducting an interview with Bob Lee Swagger in the USW Medical Center, date and time stamped on this recording.

Mr. Swagger, were you acting alone when you tried to assassinate the President of the United States?

My name is John Dominguez, Mrs. Swagger.

I'm the Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge.

I've been here six hours.

I want to talk to my daughter.

She's staying with my sister, Anna Wallingford.

Please get her on the phone.

Did you husband ever give you any indication that he was gonna assassinate the President?

No, because he didn't do it.

This is insane.

I came to you, remember?

Now, I want to speak with my daughter.

You want to help your family?

Someone get her some fresh clothes.

Answer my question.

And get me the sister's phone number.

If you don't answer it, then we'll start with obstruction and end with Mary having both parents in prison, not just one.

Did your husband ever give you any indication that he was gonna attempt the assassination of the President?

I heard the President wasn't hit.

The Ukrainian president was.

Well, that's how you know it wasn't my husband.

Bob Lee Swagger doesn't miss.

It's your daughter.


Mary: Hey, Mommy.

Hi, hi, sweetheart. Hold on.

Can I have a moment, please?

Yeah, of course.

Mary: When are you coming home?

What the hell do you think you're doing, Memphis?

I know that look, sir. My mother had it.

Her husband was a Marine.

She's used to being a single parent.

The most important thing to a single parent, her kid.

Letting her talk to her kid was an act of trust.

If she's gonna say anything, she'll say it now.

Bringing in Swagger may have bought you some rope, just make sure you don't hang yourself with it.

Get in there and get her talking.

Okay, Mr. Utey, you've had your moment.

Time to respect the Constitution again.

Sam Vincent, I represent Mr. Swagger.

I'll look forward to receiving a copy of that recording from your office.

I hope you like the sound of my voice, 'cause your client didn't say a word.

That's because he's very smart.

Now, start at the beginning and don't leave out any detail.

They could be hiding recording devices anywhere in this room.

Wouldn't matter anyway.

None of it'd be admissible.

I'm not worried about a trial.

I'm not gonna make it that far.

They read you your rights?


I'm sorry about dragging you into this, Sam.

I'm in deep shit.

You didn't drag me into anything.

Your daddy would crawl out of his grave and hunt me down if I didn't come.

Mary is with your sister-in-law, and Julie's at the FBI.

They haven't charged her with anything, but, my guess, she won't be taking any vacations soon.

She won't be going home either.

They emptied out your house and moved its contents to a federal warehouse.

You had research on how to take the shot, locations, trajectories, photos.

News reports are indicating the Feds have security footage of you two weeks ago scouting the shot.

And they're already issuing warrants to check private security cameras.

Finally, there's the matter of your weapons.

Seven long r*fles, semi-a*t*matic, bolt action, hand g*ns, thousands of rounds of a*mo, powder, copper,
and, of course, the m*rder w*apon.

[intense music]

Forensics recovered the slug about 30 minutes ago.

The evidence is compelling.


I'd say for a guy who spent his entire life learning to be invisible, you certainly left a lot of crumbs.

Hell, you left the whole damn cake.

Does that sound like me?

All right, what's next?

Because your injuries are not life-threatening, you're being moved to a federal penitentiary.


I've arranged for protective custody until your arraignment.

Anything you can tell me that would be helpful?

Woman: Disgraced Marine sn*per Bob Lee Swagger arrived in federal prison today where he faces a litany of charges, including the assassination...

Yo, there he is!

[indistinct yelling]

[overlapping shouting]

[intense music]

♪ ♪



[peaceful music]

[music intensifies]

Your country needs you, Bob Lee.

[dramatic music]

[g*nshots, men groaning]

God damn it.

This shit is rigged.


Hey. [laughs]

You want a game?


Swagger survived a three-story fall.

No one could've predicted that.


You wanted Payne on the job. I didn't.

Payne is a pit bull. You've got the leash.

Don't play victim. It doesn't suit you.

When are you going back to Russia?

Jet's waiting.

Air travel is still restricted.

We're wheels up when I get on the plane.

The advantage of working for the Company.

He'll talk eventually.

Time has a way of playing with a man's mind, especially when he's locked up.

Trust me. I know.

You don't know Swagger.

You set him up, framed him for a m*rder, and tried to k*ll him.

Don't give me this semper fi shit, okay?

It's not about loyalty.

It's about strategy.

He knows his family's exposed.

They're gonna arraign him on Monday.

He's in protective custody in a federal prison.

Emphasis on federal.

Do svidaniya.

Any issues?


Paperwork was all in order.

No one suspected a thing.

Swagger has to be taken out of protective custody and put in general population.

He's the most well-known inmate in the world.

I can't just magically move him.

Here, plant this on the HVAC system.

Turn it on. It'll do the rest.

What's it do?

It's magic, assh*le.

[bells chime]

Woman: Attention, attention, please clear the area immediately.

Carbon monoxide leak. You got to go.

Go where?

It's only temporary until they clean out the gas.

Raines will take you to area D.

No smoking, no gambling, no working out, no fighting in any form, no g*ng-related activities, no dr*gs, no sex, no visitors except your lawyer, no phone calls till after your arraignment.

Now, the warden says that we have to treat you special, but I have my own version of special.

[door buzzes]


[ominous music]

Good luck, sh**t.

[indistinct chatter]

Yes, there is. Officer Timmons, Officer Timmons, can you tell us anything about Bob Lee Swagger?

How did you know he would be in that hotel room?

Uh, I been on the job for a while.

You learn to trust your gut.

How did you know he was there?

I was getting coffee when I saw him, and there was something about him that just felt off.

So I followed him just to make sure, as soon as I heard the shot, I kicked the door in.

Please shut the hell up.

And I just trusted my instinct.

[intense music]

[door buzzes]

♪ ♪

Well, this is gonna be easy.

What'd you say, Sam Crow?



[all yelling]


This man is under my protection.

I don't need your help!

Oh, I'm sure you don't, but no matter how many of them you fight, the guards will not put you in the hospital, not when there's a price on your head.

One of the guards will most certainly share in.

Right, girls? Off you go.

I'm Alexander Prosovich.

You may call me Alex, and you're Bob Lee Swagger.

[speaking Russian]

I've taken the liberty to have your things moved to my cell I'm not looking to recruit you, although you'd be very welcome.

I only wish to thank you.

Thank me?

For your b*llet.

You did something that my Russian brethren dreamed of for years.

To us you are a hero.

So... come.

To the hero go the spoils, right?

Or at least some very good contraband.

Seems like an odd place to meet.

Let me see your .45.

Appears to be working just fine.

Is that about how far you were from Bob Lee?

He was moving, man. He was already running.

And you didn't get cocky?

Maybe say his name so he could make sure it was you?

You weren't there.

No. I'm here.

Move it a foot and sh**t again.

I'm out of b*ll*ts.

I planned it down to the second.

All you had to do was sh**t him.

I know you've k*lled men 'cause you brag about it all the time.

Shit happens.

Not on my watch.

sh**t again.

I told you I'm out of b*ll*ts.


You may draw your check from someone else, but you work for me.

Are we clear?

sh**t again.

Mrs. Swagger...

Excuse me!

[overlapping yelling]

Can you tell us why your husband might have done this, Mrs. Swagger?

[overlapping shouting]

All right, let's get back!

[shouting continues]

Oh, my sweet girl. I am so sorry.

They've been out there for over an hour.

They were waiting like vultures.

Sam, thank you for bringing her.

Of course.

Thank you so much for everything.

You don't have to thank me. Family first always.

Speaking of which, there's someone inside who can't wait to see you.



God, I missed you.

Mwah! Hi.

Where's Daddy?

Daddy is on a mission, sweetheart.

Why are all the people here?

Well, even though Daddy's missions are top-secret, those folks want to find out about them.

We never talk about Daddy's missions with strangers.


Now, what have you been doing without me?

I've been making cookies with Aunt Anne and Uncle Jim.



We haven't had any TV on and the backyard's empty.

Thank you so much, Jim.

I appreciate it.

Sorry about all of this.

All right, kiddo.

Let's make sure the next batch doesn't burn, huh?

I'm gonna have to head back to the office.

What is it?

They're saying Bob Lee wrote an email, something about wanting the Medal of Honor like his father.

Says he's mad about it.

That's crazy.

Bob Lee doesn't care about medals.

Look, I should go out there and say something and defend him.

I know you feel very powerless, but whoever's pulling the strings is not.

They're smart, and they're deadly.

This is complicated on levels we are not prepared for.

Bob Lee is gonna figure this out, and we're gonna help him, but you need to stay out of the crosshairs until he does.

How'd the hell did you miss it?

Sir, we spoke about Swagger.

I told you his record was sterling, and I had no idea why he was with the Charlies.

You didn't say the deadliest sn*per in the history of the Marine Corps sent an email to the President demanding a Medal of Honor.

That's because it wasn't there.

Are you saying that someone placed it in his file after you cleared it?

Or, to put it another way, maybe there's more likely a government conspiracy than you doing your job half-assed.

The Bureau appreciates your work, but you'd better get used to your desk, 'cause you're gonna be there for a while.

I'm the only one Julie Swagger trusts.

I'll find another female agent.

Dismissed, Memphis.

[Russian hip-hop music]

They don't mind you having a knife in here?

Of course they mind, but as long as I don't stick it into anyone, and keep paying them off, they'll overlook it.

Cherkisovkaja? Help yourself.

No, I'm good.

If you ever get out of here, you should go to Horlivka.

You'll have a lot of friends there, Russian friends.

The man you k*lled, Abromovich, not a good man.

Who's gonna replace him?

A leader of Parliament till next election, but he's reasonable.

He's smart and fair.

He's very likely to be their next president.

Very good for us.

I like you, Bob Lee. You don't speak much.

Very refreshing.

Hold on a second.

What do you need?

A drink, a smoke?


Maybe something stronger.

Benzos, pot, coke?

What the hell did you do on the outside?

I did what was asked of me.

You want to call your wife?

Can they trace this?

Nah, but don't read her "Crime and Punishment."

[intense music]

♪ ♪
Hi, honey.

Either we talk, or I will.


How long did we serve together?

Almost three years.

And how'd you explain that away, our friendship?

I didn't explain it.

I reported it.

And I didn't characterize our relationship as... friendly.

You know how many missions we ran together?


53 times I went outside the wire thinking you had my six, and now this.

I never should have saved your ass in Musa Qala.

That's not how I remember it.

As I recall, you disobeyed a direct order.

And yet, here you stand.

So who did it?

Who took the shot?

I'm guessing it wasn't Solotov.

You took the shot, Bob Lee.

Everyone knows that.

Same old Captain Johnson, still compartmentalizing.


Pretty soon all those spaces in your head are gonna fill up, and then what?

Where are you gonna put all the bad shit you've done?

You've never understood the burden of leadership.

You may have k*lled a lot of men, but you've never ordered one to battle knowing he would die.

You framed me for m*rder.

Stop acting like you're Chesty Puller.

What am I doing here?

Who are you working for?

I thought you wanted to talk. I guess I was wrong.

'Cause they'll k*ll my family!

You know I'm right!

I can handle whatever's coming my way, but they don't deserve it.

My daughter saw you, man, when you came to my house!

She saw you!

She's only six years old.

You don't go to all this trouble and leave loose ends.

You know I'm right.

There's only one thing I can do to protect them.

I'll confess.

What'd you say?

I'll confess to trying to k*ll the President.

I won't grant any interviews. I won't write a book.

I'll fade away... but there's a price.

My wife and daughter are left alone... forever.

Tell whoever you're working for I'm ready to deal.

The sooner you confess... the better... for everyone.

Put these in too.

That's a lot of dollies you have.

This one is for Lily. Okay.

And this one is for me.

And this is an extra if anybody else wants to play.

[laughing] Okay.

[phone rings]

Hold on.

Oh. Hi, Sue.

Mary's very excited to...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

What is it, Mommy?

No, these things can sneak up on you, so...

I hope she feels better.

Okay. Let me know.

[sighs] I'm sorry, Mouse. That was Lily's mom.

Lily's not feeling well so she has to cancel.

But our picnic...

I know you're bummed, but how about instead we have a Mama and Mouse day?


That will be even better than just a picnic.

Jules, there's someone here to see you...

FBI Agent Memphis.

Sorry to do this so cloak-and-dagger.

I came through the back door to avoid...

Do I need my lawyer?

I'm here in a nonofficial capacity.

Did your husband ever talk to you about wanting medals?

My husband respected the Medal of Honor.

His father received it.

No Marine would ever demand it.

You're asking the wrong question.

What's the right question?

Where was the email sent from?

Well, the IP address was traced to the Harbor library.

[chuckles] Bob Lee's never set foot in that place.

I doubt he even knows where it is.

You read the email.

They bragged about his k*ll count, and they used the public number.

His number's actually much higher.

Someone else wrote that email.

You seem pretty sure.

And you snuck into my sister's house to ask me a question you know I'm gonna have to answer officially.

You don't think he did it.


Have you been over the evidence from our house?

I've seen the report. Why?

It occurs to me that if Bob Lee had a visitor, let's say an old friend he hadn't seen in a long time, they would've left a way for him to get a hold of them.

I have a date with my daughter.

You can let yourself out the front door.

I have nothing to hide.

You're wasting your time, my friend.

You will not escape.

I know the look.

It's not my first time in prison.

I can't stay here forever.

After the arraignment, they'll move me.

Ah, Pavlo Tenney, r*pist.

This is the third time they've caught him.

He blinded the girl so she couldn't identify him.

So how'd they catch him?

Lots of muscle, not very smart.

The girl's fiancé lived long enough to ID.

You have any family?


My wife, two mistresses, a mother.


How do you keep them safe while you're in here?

We come from different worlds, my friend.

No one will touch my family.

It would be like touching plutonium.


You asking for yourself?

I would've assumed you had a plan.

Not for this.

[speaking Russian]


Give me your hand.

Memorize this number, then wash it off.

If your family ever needs help, end-of-the-world sort of help, call this number and ask for Casper.

Tell whoever answers you're a friend of Alexander Prosovich.

There will be a cost, possibly a great one, but I can guarantee that your family will be safe.

[dramatic classical music]

♪ ♪

It might be a shit station, but the vodka's good.

Thank God for small favors. [clears throat]

The sh**t still lives.

It's being handled.

I don't like the unknown.

Then get out of the espionage business.


I met with Putin in an office like this.

He understood the value... of trust.

Do I need to call him?


Then we're in business, and the new president can proceed with nationalization in a matter of weeks, no?

When Swagger is the in the ground.

Really? Huh.

How's the reporter lady?

She in a hole around here?

Perhaps we dig a hole for you, Mr. Meachum.


Grigory, we're friends. Call me Hugh.


I don't like threats, and I don't like to renegotiate after I've already delivered services.

I'll deal with Swagger.

It's handled.

You know, that Medal of Honor email was unnecessary and risky.

I always appreciate constructive criticism.

[chuckles] Tell me, is Swagger dead?

Isaac: No, even better.

He's gonna confess.

He wants air cover for his family.

Once he confesses, there'll be no questions.

It won't matter if he tries to back out later.

He'll just look crazy.

Either way, no one will be looking at us.

Well done, Isaac.

I'm getting on a plane. I'll call you tomorrow.

[phone buzzes]


Hugh: Finish whoever you're doing, we need to talk.

That's fine. I can talk.

Hugh: Is your man ready?

He is. 100%.

I need Swagger dead... now.

[indistinct chatter]

Agent Johnson, can I have a word?

Are you here for the briefing?

I'm gonna be here a lot until this thing wraps up.

I hear that might be soon.

So you got him to confess. Does his wife know?

You've been in contact with her?

I tried to pull the security footage from the library.

It was already erased.

They have limited storage. It's a local library.

You think you're the only one who thought Bob Lee didn't do it?

He was a good Marine.

I had a lot of respect for him.

Maybe he had me fooled too.

Well... the wife thinks someone's pulling the strings.

She wants me to go over the evidence report from their house, thinks I'm gonna find someone's phone number.

Mm. Have you done it?

Not yet, but this whole thing seems off.

Voydian tries to get me intel on the Russians' raid in Ukraine and now the Ukrainian president is dead?

I mean, there has to be a connection.

The other version is a Marine sn*per with the ability and motive tried to assassinate the President of the United States and missed, and now he's gonna confess to it.

Agent Memphis, do yourself a favor, take your emotion out of it.

Last time you went with your gut, it almost cost you your career.


Ah, there's America's greatest achievement... getting their boys hooked on fake w*r.

"Call of Duty," my ass.

Knock-knock, assholes. What is this?

You don't get to ask any questions, Trotsky.

Up against the wall, come on!

All right.

Come on!

You two in love yet? Hmm?

Mr. Raines, we have a long-standing deal which you have profited from...

Shut up, old man.

This ain't Moscow. The only rights you have are what I grant you, understand?


You got that?

Found it.

Surprise, surprise, hmm?

Well, look at that.

If you guys are looking for strap-ons, I think it's two cells down.


Try that again, Swagger, please.

Come on.

Don't use the shitter. I clogged it this morning.

Nothing in this place ever works.


Sweet dreams, huh?

[insects chirping]

Come on. You want some of that?

You ever play these things?

So realistic.

No, man.

Those games are always too hard for me.

You want me to take rounds?


Knock yourself out.

[muttering] Come on.

Damn it.

We split the bounty.


Feel free to get messy, but it needs to happen fast.

[intense music]

[lock clicks, door opens]

New cell mate.

Have fun.

[knife whipping]



[grunts] Ah!



You done yet?


Who sent you?

Get it over with.

I want an exit.

I'm gonna keep cutting pieces until you tell me what I need to know.


What was all that screaming?

Swagger finally start crying?

[door buzzes]

[intense music]

[doorbell rings]

I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am.

My name is Bob Lee Swagger.

I served with your son.

I know who you are.

I apologize for this, and you are welcome to call the police, but I need your help.

He was gonna confess. We had a deal.

We had a bad deal.

If he's dead, the story dies with him.

I mean, what the hell does it matter?

You were fine with k*lling him the first time.

Because k*lling him at the assassination was logical.

k*lling him in a damn federal prison was not.

Dead is dead. This works to our advantage.

He k*lled an inmate and a prison guard.

One of yours, I assume?

Dead prison guard means any cop who sees Swagger will sh**t on sight.

I think he's figured it out.

He knows we we were targeting the Ukrainian.

So what?

He only knows you and Payne, and you two don't add up to shit.

No offense.

None taken.

Look, you need to get near the wife.

I think you're making too many mistakes.

We all make mistakes, even the brilliant...

Isaac Johnson.

How the hell did you get this?

If anyone knows where Swagger will go, it'll be his wife.

Get her to talk.

Unless you want me to send Payne.

Oh, you don't need to worry.

The backyard's fenced.

I'm sorry.

I needed help, and I just didn't have anybody else to turn to.

That you are here is a great kindness to my son's memory.

You still trust him, and he would still trust you.

Yes, ma'am.

I raised him right, to judge a man by his actions, not what others say about him.

I didn't do what they said I did.

I was foolish.

I let myself believe I was the only one that could help.

Well, the Devil comes in many forms, including pride.

I appreciate... you remembering my Donny every year.

He was a good friend... and a good Marine, for what it's worth.

It's worth everything.

And he said the same of you.

I need to move the car out front.

It's gonna draw attention.

I already moved it.

Parked it down the street.

I can't have my neighbors seeing some strange car parked in the drive coming over asking all kinds of questions like, do I have a new boyfriend?


[indistinct chatter]

Utey: You wanted back in, go do your job.

Sure you don't want another female agent?

Just take yes for an answer, Nadine.

She seems completely unaffected.

We're very close.

She's used to her father coming and going.


I could've fought the email, but a confession?

He's making a pretty convincing case of his guilt.

He would only do that to protect us.

Then why run?

If you have any idea where he is, then please tell me so I can bring him in unharmed.

If I knew, I would.

You guys have been around me constantly.

I haven't talked to my husband since it happened.

I think I got something... credit card receipts.

He sent flowers every year on the same day... June 10th.

What's June 10th?

My mother's birthday.

Where does your mother live?

Find out who lives at this address.

Get everyone. Let's go, now!

[dramatic music]

Woman: Can we get that K-9 unit, K-9 unit back out...

We're leaving the residence now.

We got a line on Swagger.

Go get geared up!

Where you headed?

I think we got him.

He sent flowers every year to the mom of his dead spotter.

Donny Fenn. I know the family.

Howard, this man has been trained in virtually every field of recon.

He hears a helicopter, sees a federal car, he's gone.

My team is in the field.

They can recon him, identify, and send up the flare.

Your team can make the arrest.

Mrs. Fenn, I can't.

I paid off the house. I gave some to the church.

And this is what's left of his death benefits.

No, ma'am.

Take it.

Donny would never forgive me if I didn't.

[vehicle approaching]

Same car has passed three times.

They know I'm here.

How long do we have?

Five minutes, maybe.

Go out the back.

In the garage is Donny's motorcycle and his field box.

I'll keep them away as long as I can.

All right, tell them I forced you.

Tell them I had a g*n.

[intense music]

As soon as we ID him, we'll call in the cavalry.

Nobody contact the FBI until I'm sure he's there.

[doorbell rings]

Mrs. Fenn.


My name is Isaac Johnson. I served with your son.

I'm looking for Bob Lee Swagger.


[metal can clangs]


Wait, you can't just go back there!

[engine turning over, revving]

[phone buzzes]


Bob Lee: Hey, babe.


You have no idea how long I've waited to hear your voice.

Bob Lee: I'm sorry, Julie, for all of it.

No, don't you dare.

None of this is your fault, not even a little.

How's my kitten-mouse?


She misses her papa.

Bob Lee: I miss her too.

They treating you okay?

Yeah, they're, uh, doing their job, I suppose.

Sweetie, you just got to live your life.

Julie: That's gonna be hard with the circus in town.

I wish you were here.

Probably pretty crowded about now, I'm guessing.

I better go.

Bob Lee, what are you... what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna do what I do best.

I'm gonna hunt.