03x07 - Outlaws

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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03x07 - Outlaws

Post by bunniefuu »

("Waiting for the Thunder" by Blackberry Smoke playing)

♪ Light the fuse and run now, brother ♪
♪ 'Cause you ain't got a lot of time ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Don't you act surprised ♪
♪ When it all goes to hell ♪
♪ On your dime ♪
♪ Maybe you can stand tall enough ♪
♪ To look the Devil eye to eye ♪
♪ But you better make your getaway quick ♪

Woman: Whoo, come on!

♪ So you don't have ♪
♪ To answer why ♪


♪ The bells will ring ♪

(engines revving)

♪ And the flames will fly ♪
♪ 2,000 years of fury ♪
♪ In the big black sky ♪
♪ The wind will blow ♪

(engines revving)

♪ And the rain will fall ♪
♪ Are we waiting for the thunder ♪
♪ Or will the lightning get us all? ♪
♪ NCIS:New Orleans 3x07 ♪
Original Air Date on November 22, 2016

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

If your toddler doesn't sleep and cries all night, it might very well be gas that has you on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

First, pick him or her up, stomach down, gently patting...

Kind of like a football, right?

And you pat him gently.

You can even rock him going round and round in circles, like stirring a big pot of soup.

Bob, bob, bob, bob.

Aw, what's he gonna be when he grows up?

A basketball?

If all this doesn't help...

Face. Hair. Football.

Take it family life's just peachy.

(blows through lips)

(laughing): A week ago, it was just me at the house.

Now I got a crying toddler keeping me up at night and a mama I barely know.

You knew her well enough to make the toddler.

(scoffs) Plus, she keeps texting me every minute.

"Pick up sippy cups, pick up diapers.

Pick up this, pick up that."

I don't even know what a sippy cup is.

Is this you asking me for advice?

Because, normally, I'd love to help, Lasalle, I really would, but I'm back home in DC in about a minute and a half.

Except the problem is, you're the only one that knows.


That is the problem.

It's a little awkward, don't you think?

I mean, I thought you would have told Country Mouse about it by now.

(laughing) I'm Country Mouse, all right?

Percy, she's City Mouse.

You know what? You ought to talk to Pride about this.

That man's got more homespun advice than Dr. Phil.

I heard he's got a daughter; she turned out all right.


Yo, yo, yo, what's up?

Percy, hey.

What's up?

What's up?

What's going on?

Lasalle and Gregorio: Nothing.

Uh... huh?

(phone rings)

Talk to Pride.

Morning, Sonja.


You making enough for two?


I got it.

Oh, great.

Something on your mind?

(scoffs) No, I'm good.

Okay, can you tell me what's wrong with Lasalle?

He's jumpy, he's getting these texts.

He looks like a zombie, but he won't tell me about it.

Does seem a little bit distracted lately.

Right. So.

When's the "Pride talking to" scheduled?

Doesn't work like that.

He'll come around when he's ready.

Ready, ready, right.

See, the thing is, he already told FBI.

She's obviously hip to it, so...

I think he's ready.

(phone rings)


Okay... Okay.

Got to get the coffee to go.

We got a dead sailor by St. Mary's Park.

(siren wailing)

There's Loretta.

Fresh chicory... in hopes that you will tell me all you know.

(chuckles) Bribery's not needed, Dwayne.

But it's always happily encouraged.

So, across the street a rowdy motorcycle rally, thousands of "American outlaws" in town.

Can't say I didn't expect a casualty, just didn't expect it to be yours.

Well, the Vic is Lloyd Fillibert.

BU1 stationed in Gulfport, Mississippi.

There's paperwork from the Oasis Motel.

Feet away from Bike Week's festival grounds.

Seabee was visiting for the biggest motorcycle rally in the South.

Question is... how'd the ride turn deadly?

Well, here's the basics.

It's a small caliber round.

It entered through the rear of the rib cage, perforated the poor soul's heart.

It was a clean shot.

Was dead in seconds.

That kind of an eye for detail, we're not looking at an accidental sh**ting.

Try road rage.

NOPD tells us your Vic was lined up for a street race.

Well, that would explain the burnt rubber.

I'm guessing maybe... 20 bikers?

And if Fillibert was shot at close range...

The k*ller was one of them.

Motorcycle race goes down in New Orleans, there's gonna be onlookers, Chris.

Well, I already checked.

Either the witnesses fled from the scene or they have a case of selective memory.

May have been afraid to rat on the wrong club.

MCs can go anywhere from harmless weekend warriors to elaborate crime syndicates.

Seen my share at A*F to know.

It's smart to keep quiet.

Victim was a member of the Brothers at Arms.

Club's got a long-standing history in New Orleans.

Started as an honorable idea.

Disenfranchised vets without home or purpose banded together to give them both.

Supposed to do good after Katrina.


Others didn't want them on their turf.

Yeah, 'cause the turf belonged to the Niners.

Bad motorcycle g*ng.

Drug dealing, trafficking weapons...

I used to go after them when I was with A*F.

Tried to root them out, but turned out they were too well entrenched.

Yeah, smart, too.

Somehow made the vets look like they were the bad guys.

Didn't help back then that some folks thought all vets were damaged goods and violent.

Even though they were really here to help rebuild?

Niners viewed them as a threat, just wanted them gone.

Sucked them into a fight, innocent people got hurt, and the vets took the blame for all the unrest.

The city... quick to judge, so they left.

And now this for a warm welcome.

Speak of the devil.

(engines revving)

There's the Niners right there.


He didn't spot me, did he?


I think she's talking about the cute guy, tribals on a t*nk, Johnny Depp circa 1990.

Know him I take it?

Yeah, sort of.

He was an A*F informant.



Is he a Niner?

No, he used to build custom bikes... or at least he used to.

He's probably here for the rally.

Pride: Okay.

Percy, Gregorio, deep-dive both clubs, get us caught up on everybody involved.

Chris and I are gonna go figure out what happened to the victim.

See who'd want him dead and why.

Don't scratch it, Yankee.


Overly casual response, one-sided shoulder shrug, lowered voice.

I know a good cover when I see it.

I'm sorry?

Oh, please, hot informant, Ramon?

I'm a profiler, remember?

Yeah, obviously not a good one.

I'm driving.

(phone rings)

I'm not one to pry, Christopher.

It's none of my business... unless it's something that affects work, but you got something going on and you need to talk...

I can handle it, King.

Don't worry.

I'm not worrying.

Just... here if you need me.

Well... just might be a... bigger conversation is all.

I'm still... trying to sort it all out and...

I want to do this the right way.

Keep an open mind, but...

Specifics would be helpful.

I think I might be a dad, King.

Or I mean...

I am a dad.

I had no idea until this... woman shows up with a baby boy.


Yeah, exactly.

Like I said, a bigger conversation.

Pride: Well, we're here.

Hold that thought.

Vets look like they're going somewhere.

Not yet they're not.

Now, easy, Chris. You come up on the vets barrel first, lose any chance of cooperation.

Trust me.

Oh, you badging us now?

Captain Hogan.

My partner, Christopher Lasalle.

Not here to arrest anyone, just... just want to talk.


How you been? A long time.

Well, not long enough to forget how cops come investigating us when it's one of our own getting k*lled.

City sent you to make us leave, Pride?

A lot of things went wrong, I admit.

Yeah, it did. We got chased out of town like a bunch of criminals all because NOPD was too afraid to take on the real outlaws.

We're not NOPD.

Here for information, not accusations.

Need to know why you came back.

Okay? It might help us find out who k*lled your man.

Save the tax dollars, Sheriff.

Niners k*lled Fillibert. Easy as that.

And how are you so sure?

My club came back for the rally.

Thought after ten years, maybe we'd start over, places still need rebuilding.

Barely crossed state line 'fore we hear that the Niners are planning something.

Now, one of 'em must've convinced him to run in their race as a-a peace offering.

Got Fillibert shot instead.

He was racing the Niners?

Surrounded him, ten to one. Then one of them k*lled him.

I'm not waiting on the law to do the right thing this time.

Okay, you want to make a fresh start?

You don't want to be called criminals?

You go out there, retaliate, that's all you're gonna be.

Know you've been mistreated in the past.

That doesn't make this right.

Got to give me a chance here, Hogan.

Let us find out who k*lled your man.

We'll bring him to justice.

You better.

(engines starting)

(music playing faintly)

(engines rumbling)

Pride: Still, you should probably tell Percy what's going on at some point.

She's concerned, hopes you're okay.

Hey, I know I should. (chuckles)

But I'm scared Percy's gonna whup my butt for being stupid.

(laughing): Well, she might.

Listen, this is a tough one.

You'll figure it out.

All right. About the Niners.


I know they got a rap sheet and there's a lot of bad blood between them and the vets, but do you really think Fillibert's the casualty of a ten-year-old grudge?

It's hard not to consider it, based on how and where he was k*lled.

Still, why do you think the Niners are gonna talk to us?

'Cause they don't want the law up and in their business any more than they do the vets.

All I know is we got to figure out what's going on before things escalate.

♪ ♪

Thanks, Chief. Appreciate it.

Marshal's ruling out any accidental expl*si*n.

Sebastian's almost done inside, thinks he might have something.

How many casualties?

Five, two critical.

All Niners?

Yeah, apparently they were holding a meeting inside.

Which means whoever did this...

Knew they'd be here.

I know you don't want to hear it, King, but maybe the vets...

Could've taken justice in their own hands. I know.

Doesn't make sense, though.

If Hogan had already planned this, why send us over here so we could see it all?

Man: Hey! You!

What are you gonna do about this, huh?

You gonna arrest these bastards or not?


You know him?

Leader of the Niners.

You need to calm down, take it easy.

I figured it'd be you working on this case.

Just like ten years ago, huh?

Both know damn well who did it.

We're not jumping to conclusions, just like we're not jumping to conclusions about who shot one of their men either.

You protecting them?

Is that what this is? Just because they're vets?

This has nothing to do with them being...


Hey, hey.

We got it under control.

All right?

So, why don't you just back off?

(indistinct police transmission)

(siren wailing in distance)

He ought to be more grateful. He's lucky to be alive.

What'd you find, Sebastian?

Uh, mostly shrapnel.

Looks like it came from some kind of detonator.

I'm thinking improvised expl*sives device.


Anything on the expl*sives?

Yeah. Matter of fact, got to finally use my laser-induced breakdown spectroscope again.

It identifies expl*sives on site.

Also fulfills my lifelong dream of wielding a laser g*n.

What exactly did it identify?

Well, given the nitroglycerin base, sorbents, and stabilizers, it looks like old-school dynamite.

Used mostly (phone ringing) just for demolition these days.

Demolished it is.

Tell me things.

Gregorio: Well, there's good news and bad news.

Gonna spare you the choice.

A*F still classifies the Niners as a motorcycle g*ng.

Two of 'em are up on m*rder charges as we speak.

FBI also shows several attempted sting ops on racketeering charges, though nothing's stuck so far.

Anything on the vets?

That's the good news. Other than a few bar fights, they check out clean.

Yeah, in fact, city hall shows Fillibert pulled up a permit six months ago.

Apparently the vets were planning to help build affordable housing in Broadmoor.

Broadmoor's where they tried to build ten years ago.


Right after that jerk stole the Katrina funds.


How do you know about McKinley?

Long story.

Any chance Fillibert's permit gave the vets access to demolition expl*sives?

Looking into it.

Here. Shows the order of a pickup last week. Why?

That what blew up the Niners' shop?

You thinking the vets retaliated for Fillibert?

Every sign's pointing in that direction.

It just... doesn't make sense though.

See where Loretta's at on Fillibert's autopsy.

Maybe we can match b*llet to g*n.

Chris'll go to the hospital, find out what the vics know.

Coming back to the squad room?


Pay another visit to the vets. This time with a warrant.

We need to hustle here. Bring in Fillibert's k*ller and the bomber before things get out of control.


(ship horn blowing)

Hey! What are you doing here?

You are supposed to be arresting Fillibert's k*ller!

I'm still investigating that.

Also investigating who blew up the Niners' bike shop.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, I hope that's true.

'Cause a lot of people got hurt.

All I know so far is that, uh, demolition expl*sives were used over there.

Oh, jumping to conclusions again, huh?

Par the course for you people.

Just gathering evidence.

But I got to tell you, if you or your boys didn't do it, somebody's working awful hard to make it look like you did.

Maybe, uh, history repeating itself again?

Maybe. Only way to prove you didn't retaliate, though, is to make sure that the expl*sives don't match.

Evidence. That'll square you away.

You got a warrant?

Do I need one?


There you go.

I brought one just in case.

Just so we're clear.

If this comes back a match, next time I'll come back with arrest warrants.

(siren wails in distance)

Gregorio: Just saying, you know I know.

I know you know what?

That there's more to this Ramon thing than you're letting on to, and the more you pretend there's not, the more I know there is.

Girl, you need to get a life.

Sorry, my life's back in DC.

This is all I got.


I worked a case with A*F, an arms pipeline, uh, run by another motorcycle g*ng.

Ramon built them some bikes, and I used him to get in, that's it.

You screwed him.


You gonna say you didn't? (laughs)


Well, first do you want to tell me how you knew about McKinley stealing those Katrina funds?


Yeah. Looks like I'm not the only one with secrets.

Work. Shall we?

The b*llet was a .22 caliber, but more interesting is a piece of fiber I found inside the b*llet wound.


So, not from what Fillibert was wearing, I take it?

No, and it had trace amounts of g*nsh*t residue on it, which means...

It came from the discharge.

sh**t's clothing?

That's the theory.


k*ller rolls up to Fillibert, g*n concealed under his jacket, pulls the trigger... sh**t through it, delivering us the breadcrumb.



The most important thing, dear.

Yes. Uh, I might be able to recover touch DNA and ID your k*ller. I just need a little time.

Something we don't have much of.

Is there anything you can tell us now, help us narrow down the suspect pool?

Well, the questionable fashion choice might help.

The fiber came from a gold metallic thread, which means either it was Liberace, or...

The one motorcycle g*ng flying gold patches.

The Niners.

Lasalle: All I heard from the hospital was how bad the Niners want payback.

Well, vets do, too, from everything I can gather.

But if they're the ones that blew up the Niners' shop, then they already got their payback.

Unless they're not the ones that blew it up.

Well, I don't know who else could've.

The vets are loaded for bear.

Do we have an expl*sives match yet?

Sebastian's still analyzing.

It's hard to think it's not just an eye for an eye.

Yeah, and it's only gonna get worse, too.

We can't stand by and let two motorcycle clubs take justice into their own hands.

You mean continue taking it into their own hands?

Problem is, we don't have enough leads yet to draw any conclusions, let alone make any arrests.

Well, next move is the Niners.

Now, how do we stop them before we get any more leads?



Your old informant?

I mean, we saw him running with the Niners, didn't we?

Might be our only way in, plus Percy already has a cover.

No way we get a UC in any faster.

I don't know.

Just sayin', she's got both the cover and the chops to do it.

Well, thanks. I think.

You think your cover's still good?

Yeah, I mean...

I was long gone when the raid went down.

Besides, Ramon wasn't part of the g*ng we busted, he was just my source.

There's no way he made me.

He could get us valuable information, maybe even enough to keep this thing from escalating, but if you're not comfortable, then I don't...

No, no.

Gregorio's right.

I'll do it.

All right.

She has to wear a wire.

We have to be able to pull her out if things get squirrely.



You and Patton back her up.

Wait, why Gregorio?

Maybe because I've done a million backups already at FBI.

Don't worry, I got your back.

All right, we'll work the case from outside.

You let us know the moment you hear anything.

Copy that.

Go get wired.

Just gotta say, I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I were backing her up.

Yeah, well, I think you got enough on your plate right now, Chris.

Besides, as much as those two bark at each other, they're good together.

They just don't know it yet.
("Let It Burn" by Blackberry Smoke playing)

♪ Well, if I had a nickel for every line ♪
♪ This town put on my face ♪
♪ If I had a dime for every time... ♪

(motorcycle revving)

And we're live.

(music, chatter from bar over radio)


You park an FBI surveillance van in this town, and you'll stand out like a sore thumb.

Oh, and the A-Team's was the only alternative? I'm sorry.

Crafty pop culture reference, Mrs. T.

Way they work, though, only encourage my nerdism.


Sonja: Y'all better have this feed up because I'm about to make contact.

♪ Just as long as I get out... ♪

I'm sorry, but, uh... do we know each other?

Holy crap, you gotta be kidding me.

Where the hell have you been, Sunny?



Oh, yeah, he likes her.

Buy me a drink, Ramon?

♪ To get a little behind and have a man ♪
♪ Come and take it back ♪

(wet kissing sounds)

What's that sound?

Pretty sure it's kissing.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.

You think...

Yeah, she screwed him.

No doubt.

Ramon (over radio): I just... just still don't believe it.

Two years. What happened?

Where'd you go? Why'd you leave?

I don't know, I was just... dealing with some stuff, you know?

Stuff. Like what?

Come on, I deserve to know, Sunny.

You and me, we got close, and then you just... up and disappeared.

You never even said good-bye.

I know. I'm sorry.

Ramon: It was probably a good thing you left when you did, though.

Everybody got busted right afterwards.

Apparently, somebody ratted us out.

Yeah, but you didn't get busted, right?

No, thanks to you.

How much did Percy say about this Ramon dude, exactly?

Not enough, obviously.

Sonja: Yeah, but you didn't do anything wrong, right?

You were just building bikes for them, right?

Ramon: Yeah, pretty much.

Yo, looks like Percy's hiding more than just a hook-up.

Neglected to mention that Ramon didn't get busted because she saved him.

You calling Pride?

No, FBI. I got a bad feeling about this guy.

I want to know exactly who we're dealing with, for Percy's sake.

Which means... if you haven't felt the urge to hack into the A*F database, get access to our undercover ops, now would be the time-- just sayin'.

But isn't that illegal, Agent Gregorio?

Don't ask, don't tell, right?

Ramon: That really did a number on me.

I didn't eat, couldn't sleep.

You know I was riding around Texas, Nevada, all the way out to California trying to find you?

Well, I'm here now, aren't I?

Well, it's better late than never.


(phone rings)

Can't keep avoiding her, you know.

Yeah, I know, but she can't keep calling all the time, either.

I gotta focus on work.

Work isn't always an excuse, Chris.

How well you know this girl?

Not very.

I mean, that's the problem.

Look, you know how I used to be, after Savannah's death.

It was dark times, sleeping around.

It's not something I'm proud of.

And it's not who I am anymore, either.


(phone rings)

I honestly don't know what to do.

Still, I can't just... walk away.

But I don't know if I'm ready for all this.

I gotta ask-- you sure the baby's yours?

Boy, he looks like me.

And the math definitely works.

Then the only way to deal with something like this is head-on.

It can't be easy for the mom, either.

But one thing's for sure... it's not something you can avoid.

Call her back.

I'll see where Sebastian's at.


Hate to pressure you, Sebastian, all right?

I'll take anything you got.

Well, what I got, I don't think you're gonna like.

I reassembled most of the IED, and either your bomber's got pristine Googling skills, or he's got a military background.

Okay, well, what about the expl*sives?

That's more bad news.

It's a perfect match to the sample you brought back from the construction site.

I mean, there's no doubt about it.

I don't want to believe that.

Why would the vets come back here after all these years just to get sucked back into what drove 'em out in the first place, only worse?

Well, old grudges die hard.

Nobody's done more to support veterans than you have, Dwayne.

You just can't save 'em all.

I know.

Still, it's disappointing, if it's true.

Something like this stains the whole veteran community.

What are you gonna do?

What I have to do-- arrest Captain Hogan.

(conversation over radio continues indistinctly)

A*F says Percy was UC on a g*n-running pipeline about two years back.

Easy Rider, he just fixed bikes.

He did the occasional run, but he was a small fish.

Percy played the player so she could get in.

That's it? Nothing else in her case file on Ramon?

No. In fact, she barely mentioned him at all.

Did you guys find anything on him at the FBI?

Just some petty stuff.

Still doesn't change my gut on the guy.

Hangs out with too many bad guys without being dirtier than Percy thinks he is.

Love is blind.

(phone rings)

Yeah, deaf and dumb, too.

Pride, you're on speaker.

Is Sonja okay?

Percy? Yeah, why?

What's wrong?

Hogan's missing.

We just went to bring him in, found his bike in a ditch behind the construction site, fresh blood on the t*nk, tire tracks leading away.

Put Sebastian on it.

You think the Niners kidnapped him?

I don't know what else to think.

We got a BOLO out on Hogan now, and we're headed over to the vets' clubhouse to see if they know or saw anything.

I don't like where this is heading.

If the Niners took Hogan, things could get ugly real quick.

We can't let Sonja get caught up in the middle of it.

I'm on it.

We gotta get word to Percy.

Sonja (over radio): The Niners g*ng just came up to Ramon asking for something.

Looks like something's going down-- I'll find out what.

Hey, baby, next round's on me.

Uh, look, something's come up.

I gotta jam.

You gotta jam? What do you mean?

Who are those guys, anyway?

Nobody you want to piss off, trust me.

Look, we'll have to catch up later.

Are you just gonna ditch me... after all this time?

And here I was thinking you wanted to know why I left.


What is she doing?

Walk away now, you'll never know.

All right, you can come, but, uh, you still carrying?

The knife in the boot, you still got it?

Yeah, why?

Gregorio: Don't give up your knife, Percy. Don't do it.

Niners pat us down and they find something bad, we ain't going nowhere good.

Of course.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Forget that, we gotta get her out of there.

(radio static)

The wire's dead.

I'm out.

Gregorio: Excuse me.

Gregorio: Did you get anything from the vets?

Other than they're pissed off, no.

Now, how could you lose Percy?

You're supposed to be her backup.

What are you talking about?

We didn't know she was gonna dump the wire.

She had to if she was gonna stick with Ramon.

She could have let him go without her, but she's a pro, she found a way.

Yeah, but she expected you to have her back, like you promised.

All right, that's enough.


All right?

This isn't getting us anywhere.

For better or worse, Percy's put herself in position-- she's counting on us to find her.

GPS her burner phone?

Burner phones, by nature, don't track easy, but I'm working on it.

Well, work faster.

If the Niners show up with Hogan, I don't want her ducking b*ll*ts trying to save him by herself.

(computer trills)

Sebastian: Yo, anybody home?

Please tell me you got something for us.

Oh, I do. It's a brilliant idea.

I think you guys should put a plasma in the courtyard.


Right, okay, sorry.

Um, so I finally got the results on the touch DNA from the sh**t's jacket.

I ran it against the Niners, which was easy, since they all have a police record.

What'd you find?


No match, which means Fillibert's k*ller was not a Niner.

But he was wearing a Niner jacket.

Yeah, because he wanted to make it look like the Niners shot him.

Right, well, to that point, I also ran DNA recovery on the IED expl*sives, uh, but no match on any of the vets, either.

Checked both navy and DoD records, too.

So, what, you're saying that neither the Niners or the vets are responsible for all this?

Well, you know, I'm just a scientist cooped up in a lab all day, but if we go by the evidence, then yeah. However, the evidence also shows that the DNA from the k*ller's jacket and the bomber's IED are a match.

Which means?

A third party's trying to set 'em both up-- trying to rekindle the feud.

But to what end?

I mean, who stands to gain from them k*lling each other?

What we have to find out.


You hear this guy?

Just the right amount of cocky, huh?

20 high.

I gotcha.

Damn it.

I brought beer.

Yeah, about time.

What's going on over there, anyway?

I don't know. How would I know? I just build bikes, right?

Yeah, except I don't see you building any.

(chuckles) Come on.

No, hold up.

You brought me all the way out here to paradise pit, I think I deserve to know what's going on.

I just don't want us to get in any kind of trouble.

We can't, you're my lucky charm.

I don't get in any trouble when you're around.

Come on, let's go catch up in private.

Think I might have something.

I'll call you back.

Lasalle: Zoning maps?

I've been trying to figure out who else would want the Niners and the vets fighting again, but I keep coming up empty.

Then I started wondering if maybe it was more about somebody not wanting the vets back in town at all.

Isn't that where they're trying to build affordable housing?



After the vets were chased out of New Orleans and McKinley took off with the FEMA funds, whole neighborhood went into litigation.

Been left for dead ever since.

City released it six months ago.

When Fillibert got the permit.

City approved Fillibert because of the vets, but he wasn't the only one with eyes on the land.

Developers been wanting to rezone it for commercial use for years.

Vets beat them to the punch, kept it residential.

So, what, it's a land grab?

Somebody wanted to rekindle the feud to get the vets to leave again?

If the vets leave, city releases the permits.

Yeah and Broadmoor gets rebuilt, but not for housing.

For profits.


Well, any idea who the developers are?

I think I know.

If memory serves, before McKinley ran off, he put Broadmoor up on fire sale.

If memory serves?

Not the point.

Keep going.

Yep, I thought so.

Company tied up in litigation--

Aufiero Partners.

Aufiero... Mob?

Out of New York, originally, yeah.

Is that how you know about all this?

Not the point.

But Ramon might be.

I think the Aufieros were connected to that A*F case Percy was working on when she met him.

Lasalle: "Extortion, arms dealing, drug running."

They all got busted, but where does Ramon fit in?

He didn't get busted, Percy made sure of that.

Long story.

There's got to be a reason why his name never turns up, but he always does.

Got him.

Ramon Vargas, Tony Aveda, Leo Manzini.

Specializes in trafficking weapons under every name.

And always for the Aufieros.

No wonder Percy didn't turn him in, she had no idea.

It could be he's the one who's instigating the feud for the Aufieros.

Which means, yet again, she has no idea.

Man: Come on, Hogan.

Hold on, hold on.



Ramon: Don't worry about it, Move!

It doesn't matter.

Sonja: What do you mean it doesn't matter?

Look, that guy is beaten to a pulp!

We got to do something.

What? Hold on, what the hell are you talking about?

Never mind.

Wait, you trying to take off on me?


Is that what's going on?

Hey, let go of me.


Now, look, I saved your ass once.

You better not push your luck now.

Ah, I keep losing the signal on Percy's burner.

Either there's a lot of interference, or it's too remote.

Are we at least headed in the right direction?

Well, it's by the canals, that might explain the interference.

I still can't reach her, either.

Got it!

Palomino Salvage.

She's at the junkyard.

All right, if you get her, you tell her we're on our way!

Lasalle: Right behind you, King.

Morrow: Now we're gonna settle this, Hogan.

Hogan: This won't be the end of it.

Morrow: You're right, it won't!


Get it done!

Put Captain Hogan in the trunk, come on.

Bring him over here, come on.

All right, now get him up there.

Get him on the platform.

It'll do.

(g*n cocks)

Drop it.

Turn around.


At least now I know why you left last time.

You're a cop, aren't you?

Aren't you?

Ramon, look, you don't...


Morrow: Vets think they can disrespect us?

(others jeering)

Well, then, Niners, let's do this.

You really thought you can get away with it?

I don't know what you're talking about!

The hell you don't!

Fire this thing up, we're gonna end this feud once and for all.

(hydraulic whining)


(sirens chirp)

Federal agents! Put the weapons down, now!

Don't do it! On your knees, Hogan.

Let's go!

Where's Percy?

I'll go find her.

Easy, Hogan.

You don't want to do this.

This man k*lled Fillibert, then tried to k*ll me.

I'm not running from it this time!

It's not who you are.

It's not why you wore the uniform.

Let us handle it!

Like it was handled last time?

Niners didn't k*ll your man any more than the vets blew up their shop.

Somebody's trying to set you up, both of you.

You pull that trigger, none of it's gonna matter.

'Cause we won't let you do it.

Stand down.


Ramon, don't.

Just give it up.

Screw you, Sunny, or whatever the hell your name is.

Why'd you save me?

Huh? Why'd you let me go last time?

Because I was stupid.

Yeah, I thought you were innocent, but I won't make that mistake again.

You don't really got a choice this time.

Don't I?

FBI. Drop it or I'll sh**t.

Drop it now!

I'd do it if I were you, Ramon, because I promise you that girl ain't letting you go.

I told you I got your back.

(jazz music playing)

Where is everybody?

Pride's bar.

He invited Hogan's MC.

He'll probably end up hiring 'em all, like he hires every other vet.

Can he afford to do that?

No, but that's Pride.

It drives Patton crazy, 'cause he does the books. (chuckles)

Hey, what's this doing in Lasalle's desk?

You ought to ask City Mouse.

Country Mouse.


(drawer shuts)

What do you know?

Just that I'm not gonna get involved.

So, you okay?

I mean, about... Ramon?

You should know we matched his DNA.

Makes him both the k*ller and the bomber.

He was at the junkyard supplying the Niners with nontraceable g*ns, too.

Well, I sure know how to pick 'em, don't I?

So, now you know why I kept avoiding the subject.

I can't believe how stupid I was.

Yeah, well, you're not the first girl to be blinded by the Bad Boy Spell.

Yeah, but most other girls don't almost get themselves k*lled in doing it.

True, some of us just live a life of shame, kick ourselves, run, you know.

We might have more in common than you think, Percy.

I'm all ears.

McKinley, Katrina?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That would be the bad boy I fell for, before I realized.



You're McKinley's wife?

Was his wife.


Left NOLA right after I left him.

Probably should have left sooner.

Although I'm guessing, like you, we both knew who they were all along, we just... didn't want to admit it.

Well, you live and you learn, right?


Hey, uh, this... wasn't us bonding, right?

Oh, God forbid, no.

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