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03x05 - Samme tid et helt annet sted

Posted: 11/05/16 01:12
by bunniefuu
Emma, you're damn beautiful.

It's Magnus' birthday on Saturday. I and Mahdi are planning to arrange something cool for him.

Yes! I'm all in, man!

I've talked to Sonja, and she was wondering whether we could pre-drink at your place.

Stop surveilling me.

Let's go!

Uhm, where?


[ SATURDAY 15:15 ]

Which one was it?

It's just a Nicolas Cage movie... in which he doesn't overplay.

Is that even possible?

I think so...

I actually think life is like a movie. That one can sort of be the director of one's own life.

Do you get what I mean?

I do... I don't quite agree, though.

You don't agree?

Nah... What's really interesting is the infinity.


All the parallel universes, and all, kind of, how big everything is, and how small we are compared to the infinite parallel universes that exist, and... everything that can happen is going to happen. Or not just going to happen it is happening.

I'm sure that in a parallel universe there's an Isak and an Even who's lying in the exact same way in the exact same place, only, like... the curtains are of a different color or something...

So... yellow curtains, then?



I think you've had enough jay [joint] now.

Haven't you ever thought about that?

Yeah, but I'm just starting to feel so... I don't know, lonely.

It's so interesting, though!

No, I don't like it, man.

Why not?

I don't know.

It often freaks me out.

Jesus, in what way? It freaks you out?

Not freaked out like you get from watching horror movies, but...

Like... Feeling alone, that sort of freaked out, I guess.

That like... it's your head... it's you and your head... and all of your thoughts.

Alone in your head, what do you mean?

A "The Mind is Alone" feeling.

A, what feeling? The mind is alone?

Because the only thing that exists is you and your thoughts, right? You can't escape from your own thoughts.

The only way to do that is to die.

That's dark, though.

Yeah, but haven't you ever thought about that?


Jeez! I'd forgotten how young you are, man!

What is it?

Are you just going to spend your whole day in there?

I'm sleeping!!!

Okey...? Whose shoes are those in the hallway?

They're... they're Jonas'. I borrowed them.


Damn... f*cking babysitter, man.

How did you end up in this ap... in this flatshare?

I... It was actually just... hehe... There was this one night when I was f*cking shitfaced drunk and then I met Eskil...

Okay... So, he seduced you, then?


Or, what the f*ck do I know, I actually don't remember.

I think he just felt sorry for me, because, as I said, I was completely blacked out, and... my dad had just left my mom, you know. So... yeah.

He... The thing was, I didn't want to go home.

So, he brought... me here. And then, blah, blah, blah.

Okay, blah, blah blah. Good story.

You can have it. Make a movie.

I am going to make a movie about you.


Do you wanna know what it's called?

"The Boy Who Couldn't Manage to Hold His Breath Under Water."

That sounds like a pompous, totally shitty movie!

Yeah, and anyway, I can, in fact, hold my breath under water. But I just got a drop of water in my throat.

Drop of water in your throad, is it? Yeah.


So, that's that.

I'm so f*cked right now.

Can't I just... stay in here with you forever?

Can I?

You can...

[ SUNDAY 09:32 ]




What are you doing?

I'm cleaning...

Good morning!

The wall...?

[TV or radio about politics in Bergen is on in the background.]

Yes, that's...

So... hi, good morning, Isak!

Good morning!


That guy Even was really cool!

Oh, you met him?

Ye... I mean... yeah!

In the bathroom this morning.

So, yeah, wh... who's that?

Uhm, just a bud... buddy.


[ MONDAY 11:52 ]

Excuse me, isn't Even at school today?

No, I haven't seen Even today.

And it's inside [incomprehensible].

No, but it's not inside [incomprehensible]. It's in a sort of room, by the side.


Because when we got closer to her, she had sort of... stubbles in the face.

She wasn't a full ten, but...

A girl?!

Yeah, didn't you see her?


It was on your birthday, though.

Yeah, I know, but I was so f*cking stressed...


You had your birthday.. Sorry, bro!

Yeah, I... Congrats!


You're 17 now, man!

I was at this f*cking family gathering, man... So boring...

So what happened, guys?

Well, these dudes hooked me up with Vilde, you know.

No?!! Did you hook up?

No, almost.

Right, almost!

That was almost, what the f*ck!!!

Yes, yes, that was almost.

Huh, what happened?

No, it was just... It was a long story, bro.

But, that girl with a mustache...

Oh, f*cking hell...

I don't believe you, a mustache, I saw...

You had to have seen her! I mean, like, when you, like, got close to kiss her, that's when you noticed.

Why kiss a girl if she has a mustache?!

Because she was f*cking hot!!

But when you got close, you're not keen on [incomprehensible] right!


[ WEDNESDAY 10:34 ]



Where have you been?

I.... have told Sonja about you.

And we have decided to take a break.

What are your thoughts on that?



Or, if... If, or... If, if that's making you sad, then of course that's, of course... I hope that's not my fault then.

Of course I'm not sad!


No! you think your parents would say if I became your boyfriend?

I... think it would have been fine.


Or... My dad would probably not object to it.

But your mom would?

My mom is nuts.

In what way?

She... No, I mean, it's all crazy.

She thinks the world is about to end.

That my uncle is Donald Trump, like, it's...

My uncle is not Donald Trump.


But anyway, yeah. She doesn't mean shit, I haven't talked to her since I moved out.

So you're not in contact anymore?

No... Well, I've decided that my life is better without mentally ill people around me.

What do you think your parents, then, would say about... me?

I think they'd love you.


I need something to drink.


Come on, guys, let's go to Kiwi [supermarket.]

Kiwi, yeah, alright.

Did you see Helene today?

[ THURSDAY 17:15 ]

Hi. I've now been washing stairs for six hours and am dying of an OD-day* overdose. What have you done today? Nice to see you yesterday, wanna hang?

Hello, little buddy! Hi!


Hey, I've got a little prize for you, for being so nice and paying your rent on time.

You have a prize for me?

Yes. Do you want it?

Uhm, yeah!

I'm gonna let you choose a hand.

Uhhhhm, right.

You can choose the left one.

I'll take the left one, then.

Voila! For you!

An air purifyer, huh? Funny.

So it's a lavender fragrance that I thought you could have here in your room.

Yeah, thanks so much.

In case you get any more...

In case you get any more visits from that guy... that guy Even.

Or whatever his name was...

Uhm... Eskil?


I guess I'll say it... Well...

There is.... In a way, there's a... a thing, between Even and I.

We... are doing stuff...

You don't say? That's...

Hey, that's awesome, Isak.

Hey, that's absolutely fantastic!

You're not surprised?

Isak, the first time I met you, you were sitting alone in a gay bar at 2 in the night, and didn't wanna go home.

I've told you, I didn't know it was a gay bar.

But it doesn't mean I'm gay, though.

No, I mean...

That's... That doesn't matter. The most important thing is that you've found someone you like.

There's nothing wrong with being gay either, it's just, I'm not like, a gay-gay, though.

Okay, like what?

Well, like... like you.

Okay... Yeah... And what... What is it that I'm like?

You know what I mean, right? I mean, you talk loudly about sucking cock, and Kim Kardashian and lavender scent.

Well, I absolutely respect that you go all the way on the gay-thing, but it's just... I'm not like that.

Well, there's no "gay-thing" that I try to go all the way on...

I'm just trying to... I'm just trying to be myself, Isak.

Yeah, man. My God, yeah I get that.

I didn't mean to...

Yeah, of course you are completely yourself.

What I mean is that it seems everybody has to associate being gay with being like that. And... that kinda sucks, for those who are not like that.

Because, it's not like I'm gonna wear mascara and... tights and join Gay Pride just because I like Even.

Okay, let me...

I need to tell you one thing about those people who you don't want to be associated with, Isak.

About those who have worn tights and mascara and went out and fought for the right to be who they are.

They're people who, throughout the years, have chosen to endure harassment... and hate... who have been beaten up and k*lled.

And that's not because they're so insanely keen on being different.

But because they'd rather die than pretend to be something they're not.

And that, Isak, requires courage on a whole other level than... most human beings understand.

And I... I think... I think that before you've fought that battle yourself... before you've dared to stand up for who you are... you should be f*cking careful with talking and raising yourself above Gay Pride.

Yeah, I didn't mean to raise myself above it.

Yeah. Yeah, Isak... you did.

And now...

Right now I don't really want to talk to you much more.

So now... You can sit there and think about what I've said.

Hi. It was nice to see you too. I don't really know, but maybe tings have happened too quickly.. I know it's my fault, but I need some time, sorry.

[ FRIDAY 21:32 ]


Oh, yeah, this f*cking hot third grader at Nissen!

We're bros, and you haven't told us?!

Yeah, what the f*ck!

Yeah, so what happened was that we we're at a party at Grünerloøkka.

Yeah, so what happened?

And we're just, we haven't done shit the whole party, just going around chilling. She comes, and I'm like "Oh f*ck, it's her!"

So she takes my hand, and drags me into the toilet!


In. To. The. Toilet.

Mahdi: It was a dream?

Magnus: I was like, pinching myself while I was hooking up with her.

Jonas: No!

Magnus: To check that it wasn't a dream.

Maaan, so you hooked up with her?

And then what happened?

Yeah, we hooked up, and she took of her blouse. And I took off my shirt.

Yeah, yeah!



And we hook like crazy, and then like...

You finished?

No, we didn't get to f*ck, because there was no toilet seat on that f*cking shit toilet.


So what if there's no toilet seat?

I tried to sit on it, but I just started to sink, like...

Take her from behind, man!

Yeah, oh f*ck! I could have done that.


He's an amateur, man!

I didn't think about that. But alright. So we hook up...

And a bunch of people want into the toilet, and I'm puking in that f*cking poop, shit and piss, and whatever the f*ck it's called.

And that's when you freaked out?

Yeah, yeah. I freaked out. I had to get out. And we both jumped out the window.


She went around...

Yeah... up on the porch, I went through the door...

Yeah... and that was right by the toilet...and then a guy came and was like: "Hey, damn, someone's f*cking in the toilet, what should we do?

And I was like: "For real...?" Actually me!

That was f*cking hilarious!

But guys, seriously, what's up tonight?

I'm wearing a shirt, man!

We have to find at least one place.

You're looking really f*cking good tonight.

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Yo! Hey! What's up?

Yeah, you guys are going out, right?

You've got a place?



Yeah, who? Who's coming?

Who's hosting, who's hosting?

'00 Nissen.

Yeah, done! You know them. yep!

Yeah, so who's hosting?

It's at Emma's? Emma?

Yeah, done!!

Yeah, okay, right!, yo! But where is it, though?

The address, just in a message.

Yeah, the address. Yeah. just send a message, okay? Yeah, we are just three people. Okay. right. Bye.

It's at Emma's.


Emma in the first grade. You can get us the entry, Isak. You know Emma!

No, she hates me now.

Huh, why is that?

Just, what the f*ck!

I have seen you, man, you have mad skills, just talk to her!

Vilde is gonna be there and stuff. Just get us in, Isak!

No, it's not gonna work. It doesn't f*cking matter that I know her, she hates me.

No, the boy needs to attend a family gathering, apparantly. Then we'll just go there, the rest of us.

What the f*ck...?

That's all there is to it!

Alright, just forget... I forgive you for forgetting my birthday, alright?

No, it's not gonna work, man!


Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma!

Rap a little bit about Emma.

Emma... very hot...real nice, short hair... chillin' the...

'00 party Emma G, Isak gets us in, I-sak, gets us in at Emma, '00.

You're not gonna put on shoes, though?

Hey guys, what's up?!

Who are you, man?

"Who are you?"?

Who are you?


What are you're doing?

We're gonna party right now.

It's Emma who lives here, right?

Yeah, are you invited, or what?

Yeah. Actually.

Who are you, then? Are you, like... Are you a bouncer?

I'm actually just a friend of Emma.

So are we, so it's a great match.

Which grade are you in?

We're in second.

Can't you just see if Emma's there, and then confirm that we're invited.

It's alright, I know them.

Emma! Has anyone seem Emma?

Guys, I don't know, it's starting to get really crowded in here...

This is no day parade!

It's no day parade!

It's a normal house party. [Incomprehensible.]

So, just go get Emma.

There's no stress, man, just get Emma.

Just let me in.

Why would I let you in?

My name is Isak, I'm in the second grade and I know Emma, she's in first grade, just let me talk to her.

And her last name is...?

Her name is Emma Larsen, I know her well, just let me in!

And these guys can stand outside in the meantime, and I'll be right back.

You do get that it's getting f*cking full here now, right? So you've got one minute, and they'll wait here. Alright?


What are you doing here?

Hey... It was f*cking shitty of us when we bailed on you on Halloween. I get it if you think I'm an assh*le.

It's not because of that that I think you're an assh*le.

I think you're an assh*le because you allowed me be interested in you, even though you're gay.

It's 2016, Isak. Go get yourself out of the closet.

Have you hooked up with anyone today?





Why not?

There was no one at the party I wanted to hook up with.

There was nobody you wanted to hook up with?


What's up, man?

Let's get out of here!


He's going to a family gathering, let the guy jet!



Do you have to so cheeky?


What's going on?

Hey, what the f*ck, what's going on with you, man?

What's going on right now?

What the f*ck just happened?

Relax, though, buddy!

Yeah, what the f*ck!

I was just kidding, like, what's his deal?