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02x08 - Du tenker bare på William

Posted: 05/07/16 10:53
by bunniefuu
Nikolai. William's brother.

She's not my girlfriend, and she's leaving now.

If you really want to meet my brother, I'll introduce you to him.

I [know I promised you'd meet Nikolai, but he's back in Stockholm. You'll meet him before summer.]

They were after William, but he wasn't there. I know I promised you'd meet Nikolai, but he's back in Stockholm. You'll meet him before summer. They were after William, but he wasn't there.

What's going on?

Just stay here.

It's the Yakuza guys.

What's up with your phone?

Yeah, sorry. My battery is f*cked.


A little stroll.

Do I get a kiss?

How long are we gonna stroll?

Can't we just stop and argue now? Be done with it.

I don't want to argue.

Yes, you do.

You'll say something like: You have to stop fighting, William. Then I'll say: I didn't mean for you to see that. You'll say: But I did see it.

I want you to stop. Me: Fine, I'll stop.

You'll say: Great. I'll say: Good.

And then we're done with it. Hm?

William.. You smashed a bottle on a guy's head.

In self defense? Yes.

You could have k*lled him!

Don't you understand how serious it is?

What's serious is that Yakuza beats up innocent people.

Someone had to do something.

Someone didn't have to do anything! You could've talked to him!

Or contacted the police, or I don't know! Certainly don't respond with v*olence.

Wow you're naive.

I'm naive?! Because I don't think v*olence solves anything?

Noora, v*olence solves things every day.

The world is driven by v*olence and w*r.

How do you think Norway became such a free and democratic country?

They had a nice chat with coffee and cake?

No. There are people who fought for it. With v*olence.

How did we defend ourselves if someone tried to take our freedom?

We solved it with v*olence.

I can't eh..

I can't be together with a guy who..

Who smashes bottles on other people's heads.

Don't do this, Noora.

Yeah but I need a little space. To think through all this stuff here.

I can't think properly when I'm with you.

Everything just becomes messy in my head.


Bit of space.

Slut, slut, slut...

On every picture.

Who commented that?

Allah9753 This weekend?

After she posted the bus picture.

Is it just because she went to the bus?

It's not because she was being so slutty.

You were acting like a real nun while the Riot guys worked for dear life.

f*cking hell, when one of the Riot guys came over to Sana and said:

"Wanna join me in the back of the bus and sit on my face?"

So Sana said: "Why should I? Is your nose bigger than your d*ck?"

Are you kidding? You said that? To who?

I have no idea. A sexist assh*le who doesn't take no for an answer.

Vilde, you hooked up a little.

The one time we're on the bus, a random fight pops up.

But it wasn't random.

It was planned that they were going to meet.

Isak contacted the Penetrators after Jonas was beat up by Yakuza.

While we were out partying, Isak called Chris.

Why did it have to happen the one time we were on the bus with them?

What happened with him that he got a wine bottle on his head?

I heard someone filmed it while it happened.

If they report it, William is screwed.

It's extreme v*olence. That's a prison sentence.

Hey girl. Hello.

What are you doing?

I'm just writing.. or I'm trying to write an article for Norwegian.

But you can't concentrate on it because you're only thinking about William?

You.. What's the deal?

The deal is that.. I'm really in love with William.

Like.. insanely.

Seriously in love.

Don't you ever want to..

Just drink until you're really drunk, or hook up with people?


What makes you not do it then?

My faith is stronger than lust.

It feels much more important to me than hooking up and drinking.

That's exactly it.

There's nothing that feels more important to me than to be together with William.

Even though I know there should be.

So why aren't you together with him?

Because he's a bad person.

Why is he a bad person?

First off, he's very controlling.


He tells me what I should feel, and what to say. What I should do.

And you don't dare to contradict him?

No, I do. I dare to contradict him.

But he gets angry when you disagree with him?

No, he doesn't get angry.

But he argues in such a way that I can't contradict him.

So.. What's the problem? That he's smarter than you, or?

He tries to change my opinion.

But your opinions only change when you think he's right.

Yeah, but I'm just trying to be strong and independent.

I can't.. Should I change all my opinion for a guy, then?

You are strong and independent when you can change your opinions. No matter what gender changes you.

There's nothing wrong with him challenging the way you think.

If you are not afraid to say what you mean..

Then you don't have to be worried about him controlling you.

But he's violent. He smashed a bottle on someone's head.

Yeah, okay.

But why did he do it?

Because he has these damn ideas that the world is driven by w*r and v*olence.

We are completely different.

I am against w*r.

That's not why he smashed the bottle.

He smashed the bottle because he was angry and scared. Why was that?

I don't know.

You didn't ask him?


Okay. I think it's interesting that you're saying you're against w*r.

w*r doesn't start with v*olence. It starts with misunderstandings and prejudice.

Yeah, so what?

If you say you're in favor of a world full of peace..

You have to try to understand why others think and act the way they do.

You have to accept that not everyone sees the world the way you do.

You can't just believe that everyone has the answers to what is right and wrong.

If you haven't even made an attempt to understand the one you love..

Then I'll be pessimistic on behalf of the whole world.

You don't have to be with him, but you can't decide it without even trying to understand him.

Then there's Vilde..

Ah, Vilde.

I'm really scared that she'll be devastated.

You're underestimating Vilde. She's the coolest of us all.

She's actually the first one I would take to w*r with me.

Just tell her. She'll manage.

And she knows. That William isn't hers.

Deep down.

Deep down, indeed.

Deep, deep, really deep down. In the inner cells of her body, there's an atom.

In that atom, there is a proton.

In that proton, there's a small sealed box.

Inside that sealed box, there's another box.

And inside that box, that's where she knows.

Good luck.

But completely serious now, Noora..

If nothing feels more important to you than being with William..

You have to try to make it work.

It's not certain it'll go well. It may as well go to hell.

But that's life!

It's impossible to know for sure.

Unless you have a magic hijab like me. Then you know.

What does your magic hijab say about me and William?

It says inshallah.

What does it mean? Is it good or bad?

Impossible to say. Could go either way.


Who would have thought? Sana has a soft side.

If you f*cking tell someone..
Hey Vilde.

Noora? Hi.

What are you doing here?

I have to talk to you.



I'm in love with William.

And he's in love with you?

I think so.

What are you thinking?

A bit relieved, maybe?


I thought about why I was so obsessed with William.

I knew he was just a fuckboy.

I thought I could use him to just be done with the first time.

But then when we were together, he wasn't a fuckboy.

He was good, nice, and kind.

That meant something.

It got me thinking that maybe it meant something for him as well.

Of course I understand that it didn't..

When he said I wasn't good enough.

That's when I was done with him.

It only confirmed that he never felt something for me.

But then he apologised, and there he was again. He sent messages and invited us to parties.

That's when I was unsure.

I think it was the uncertainty that just made me completely..


But now..

Now that you say you're in love..

I don't have to wonder what he's feeling.

And that's a relief. If you get what I mean.

Can I ask you something?


All those times you said William was a selfish assh*le that wasn't good enough for me.

Do you think he's good enough for you?

I don't know.

Anyway, I'm really glad that you told me.


No, of course..

It's not "of course".

You could have tried to kept it a secret.

Pretended there was nothing. Dragged it out, let me sit there and talk about William..

And look stupid. While you actually knew he had feelings for you.

But I did keep it a secret from you.

I know that.

I was just testing you.

You knew?

Yeah. I've known it for a while.

But I'm gonna continue working out.

Do you think this body becomes like this by itself? Huh? No!

It's hard work. This here are squats, every two days. Every morning at 7.

I'll be done in half an hour. Do you want to eat lunch at the coffee place?


Noora, wasn't it?

Eh, yeah.


Is William at home?


Okay. But do you know where he is?

Yeah, where is he? Training, maybe?

Did you try to call him?

Yeah, but my phone runs out of power all the time.

I can try to call him for you.

Eh, yeah.

Or do you have a charger? A phone charger?

Yeah, yeah!

This is Noora. She'll just borrow a phone charger.

Do you want some wine?

No thanks.

Something else to drink?

I'm fine.

I actually thought you were in Stockholm?

Okay.. Why?

Because William said so?

William, William..

William isn't very fond of mixing friends and family, you see.

He's not answering?

Eh, no.

We're in a fight, so..

I can send him a message to hear when he's coming home, if you want to?

Eh, yeah. Maybe. If you want to.

Who's the girl with blonde hair sitting at the end?

Eh, Mari.

I think she goes to my school.

Yeah, she goes to Nissen.

Did you get a reply?

William's not coming home..


Where is he, then?

Noora, you.. Seem like an incredibly nice girl.

And I'm really happy for William.

He's my little brother.

There's nothing I want more than for him to have a girl like you.

It's just that William is.. complicated.


He used to have these insane tantrums.

He would hit, or bite. Kick.

He once threatened to push our little sister out the window.

Mom sometimes had to lock him inside of a room. She was so scared of what he could do.

He's stopped biting, though William has always done as he pleases.

He's good at manipulating to get what he wants.

When he doesn't get what he wants, he becomes extremely destructive.

He doesn't really care about other people.

If you were wondering why he didn't want us to meet. This is why.

He's really scared of being found out.

Perhaps I'm a bad brother for telling you this but..

I've seen enough good women like you come and go.

There are girls who believe he's good deep down. That he's going to be better to them.

I don't know..

You're standing here. Waiting.

While he's out there somewhere and sleeping with someone else.