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02x03 - Er det noe du skjuler for oss?

Posted: 03/19/16 03:32
by bunniefuu
Did you hear William beat up someone from Hansen this weekend?

You're going on a date with William.. for Vilde's sake?

It was good that you apologised to Vilde.

About her not being good enough for you.

I hope it was a smart plan.

Because now she's keen on me again.

I'm not keen on her.

Where are you?

We have to go.






I slept here.

I can see, you know.

Who is he?

His name is Håvard.


How was your date yesterday?

Eh.. fine.

How was he?


Nice? You have to tell me more!

Good morning!

Hey birthday boy!

You know what?

I think I'm still drunk. A little.

Could you be a little bit more quiet?

Okay, Linn! We'll be quiet all day!

I need some water.


What did you say to Eva?

I didn't say anything.

I said you'd gone on a Tinder date with a guy.


Hello, what world do you live in?

I had to say something about why you weren't out celebrating my birthday with me.

Eskild, it wasn't your birthday.

You can't just hang out with my friends when I'm not here.

We chatted a little on Facebook. She said she wanted to party.

I wanted to party too, so..

Eskild, you..

Are you jealous? Jealous that I'm taking all your friends?

Because I'm popular? Because I'm hot?


I won't take your place in your friends g*ng.

I'm trying to be serious!

You are hugely popular and so funny! Pretty! Smart! Good!

Do you need a hug?

No! I don't need a hug.

Bear hug.

Is it better now? Do you want a hug?

You.. Are you okay now?

Just take me serioulsy!

Yes, I am taking you seriously!

The Yakuza-boys were like: Hey, guys! Stop, you're k*lling him!

He sat on top and hit and hit him, but he screamed: Haven't you had enough now?!

He just lay there and wasn't even able to respond. He just spit up blood.

Did you see the video?

It was so rough!

The Yakuza-guys fought with a knife.

.. he found his mother dead in the bathtub. After that something snapped in him.

.. and so I wrote to him: Heard there was a fight on Friday. Are you okay?

He didn't answer. I was terribly worried.

I heard that he wasn't even there.

Who did you hear that from?

I was talking to Iben, and he told me it was only Chris and a few others who were there.

That's why it was really unfair.

Because the Yakuza-boys were with 20.

They were looking for William, but William wasn't there.

So they were beaten up... while William was at home f*cking some girl.

What girl?

It's just a rumor. I don't know if it's true.

Did William reply?

No, he didn't reply. So I sent one:

"William, could you answer, so I know you're alive? I'm terribly worried."

Then he replied at 11.33: "Alive. I'm alive."

Has anyone seen them?

Chris is definitely still at the hospital.

Isn't that William's car?

Did Iben say more about the girl William was with?

It could be Olivia from the third year.

Or Marte from 1STA.

No, she's a bit strange.

What's the name of the girl that came out of the cafeteria?

She's quite pretty.

Or maybe the dark girl? Isabel?

Wasn't she with Jonas..


It could be Anja from 2STB, but she isn't really his type.

She is a bit.. thick.


You have to stop now. She's fat?!

Not fat-fat. I'm just saying William likes skinny girls.

That's the dumbest thing I've heard, Vilde.

I'm just saying that boys like different things.

Some like small butts, others like big ones.

Not everyone has to be super skinny, but William likes girls who are model thin.

Like you.

If it's true that William's dating a girl, she's definitely really skinny.

It's not to diss Anja.


I'm going to find out who it is on Friday.


If William's actually dating someone, she's definitely coming to his party.


Oh yeah! We can't drink at my place.

Mom's coming home.

Can we do it at your place?

Eh, yeah. But I won't be at William's party.

Why not?

Because I can't on Friday.

You never want to go out anymore.

You didn't go out last weekend, either.

There was no one who could go out last weekend.

Is there someone you're hiding from us?

A little girlfriend, maybe?

Bring her to William's party.

Seriously? I can? That's so amazing, Vilde!

Maybe she can come to the cabin?

A lesbian couple in Hemsedal.

That would be so cozy!

Right, Eva?


What do you have now?


I have class in the B-building, so.



f*cking hell, it's you! Isn't it?

You're dating William!

Eva, before you freak out here..

f*cking hell. f*cking hell!

Hallo, okay. We've been on one date and I did it for Vilde.

Why for Vilde?

Because the stuff he said to her during Christmas, he just said it because I promised I'd go on a date with him.

Are you kidding me?

Am I on an episode of Gossip Girl?

Eva, you know I hate that show.

This is totally sick!

But you don't like him at all, right?

Eva, it's William we're talking about here.

So how was your date then?


Do you realise now why I can't go to the party?

If William starts to make a move on me... Vilde will start to realise it.

I just hope she doesn't start asking him about it.

I don't trust him at all.

f*cking hell. This is Gossip Girl.

Okay, maybe a budget version. But it's f*cking Gossip Girl!

I've had it with all the Gossip Girl references now.


Noora, you're impressive.


I don't understand how Eskild can party so much.

I think it's lovely to just be at home and relax. Don't you agree?


Does school suck?

I hated high school. It truly sucked.

The teachers had no sympathy.

"The curriculum is the same for everyone." Easy for them to say.

We are the performance generation.

We have it a little worse than they had.

At first I was like that as well.

"f*ck this shit."

"I need a year off."

Drama between Vilde and William. Vilde is crying in the bathroom.

Since you're already standing up... could you hand me a Fun light?
Noora! Hi!

What happened? Where's Vilde?

She ran away.

But you're here now!

But.. what happened?

You said there was some drama between Vilde and William.


She's so in love with William, but I don't think he's in love with her.

They didn't say anything about me?

They said nothing?



Shhh. Shhh!

You were on a date!

Do you think he..

I don't know, but I have to..

Yeah, you have to go say hi!

Halvor.. and Jacob!

He is so sweet. He's almost my boyfriend.

No! Jonas! You came!

We are best forever, right?

I love you so f*cking much. Did you know that?

I've said it a few times already.

Drink a little, guys.

You should meet girls.

Where are you going?

To the toilet.

You can't leave her.

It takes two seconds.

I'll be back soon, okay?

You came.

What did you say to Vilde?


She walked out crying.

She wanted to hook up, but I wasn't interested.

You didn't say anything about me?

About you? Who are you?

I'm kidding. Of course I didn't say anything about you.

f*ck off!

What the hell is going on here?

Who are you?


William? Axel.

The party you're having here.. You have to put an end to it.

We've gotten complaints from your neighbors.

Music off, and people out.

Everyone. Great.



The party is over, ladies and gentlemen.

William, I have to borrow your cellphone.

Eva left with all my stuff.

Hi Eskild. I have lost everything. My phone and keys.

Call me when you get this message.

On this number.


It's time to leave.

Are you coming with me?


Did you get to her?


But I left a message on the voice mail of someone I live with so..

He'll definitely call back soon.

When are your parents coming home?

They're not coming home.

Where are they?

Dad lives in London and mom lives on Snarøya with a new man.

You live here by yourself?

More or less.

I don't drink.


Don't you have siblings?

My brother studies in Stockholm.

Do you want something else?

Do you have.. cocoa?

Baking cocoa?

Yeah, I don't know why I got it. The lady at the check out got it for me so it was okay.

It says something about dark cocoa drink here.

Extra dark and powerful cocoa.

Five tablespoons of Freia baking cocoa.

Four to five tablespoons of sugar.



Don't you remember how to make it?

I do, but I just want to do it right.


Why don't you live with your mom?

Because my mom is a c**t.



It's still your mom.

So what? Should I not be honest?

Sure, but you don't need to be a complete misogynist about it.

So you only want me to be honest if it's politically correct?

Has Eskild called?


You have to check your cellphone.


Do you want one?

Oh my god, seriously?

Can I have it?

Do I look good?

It's the sweater of all sweaters. Many at school have acquired it.

Insanely popular.

Then I would've been just like you.

That's the dream, right?

A guitar too?

Have we really come to this point?

There's nothing missing then, so to speak.

Do you play for girls?

So sweet.

Sweet, indeed.


Do you play for them before you take them to bed? You have to, right?

You have to do something.

What do you play?

I don't play for girls.

Yes you do.

What else? Oof.

There's sound! It's a real one, then?

You obviously play for girls. I know it.

What do you play?

Is it country?

I know what you play.

You just..

Was that it? No? No..

Then it's more like..

With a little rapping. No? Really?

Now I know, William. I know it.

I think it's for you.

Hello, where are you?

At home. What's up?

I lost all my stuff. Keys, cellphone, everything.

Okay, so.. That sucks.

It really sucks!

At least I'm at home now.

Just call from downstairs and I'll let you in.

Yeah.. Yeah okay. Bye.

Is he home?

Eh, no. No. He is in the city with some people.


I can sleep on the couch.

Oh, no. This works, right?

Just stick to your side of the bed, okay?

It's my bed, so both sides are mine.

No. That's not how it works here now, William.

You may not be used to this, but... there are sides to this bed.

This is your side. This is my side.

I suggest that we build a little border.

So don't come over and invade my personal space.

Are you going to sleep with all your clothes on?



What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?

I won't be eating breakfast here.

Eggs and bacon? Great.

You are the biggest cliché I've met.


I was never validated as a child.

Mom never came to graduation. Dad never complimented my drawings.


But you like me for it.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do. You like me.

What is it? Is there someone you have to beat up?

It's a message from Eskild.

He doesn't want to stay up and wait for you any longer and wonders when you're coming home.

I'll answer: Noora is so keen on me... that she failed to get away.

Excuse me? No! You're not writing that!

Excuse me, you're on my side now!

Can you.. please get over on your side?

Can I?

That's your side of the bed.

And this is my side of the bed.

So we're going to let the cellphone and pillows be.

Let go, let go, let go!

Just write that I'm coming home tomorrow.

You like me.

Goodnight, Willhelm.

Goodnight, Noora.