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01x11 - Et jævlig dumt valg

Posted: 12/12/15 03:33
by bunniefuu
Why did you have to cheat just because you thought I was?

Call me when you find out who you are.

It was just a hook up.

It was your boyfriend who sent the tip.

Did Isak send the tip?

I think it's completely psycho.

Do you have feelings for me?

Like you didn't know.

Will you come home with me to do homework?


Let me know when you change your mind.

What are you doing on your plate?

I'm just sorting my salad.

I'm not on the bus anymore.

She started staggering, and then she tripped. She's not responding.

I think I k*lled William's baby tonight.

You kept pushing me out of bed.

You pulled away my covers.

Your mom is never at home?

She is, but she got a new job at the Ministry of Environment so... ever since that she's been traveling a lot more.

She's home every other week.

You're alone a lot! Isn't that cool?

You can do whatever you want.

Where's your dad?

He lives in Bergen.

Chris! You get to clean it up.

Yeah, I'll clean it up.

Dad lives in Bergen. Mom and dad are divorced.

I think we moved from Bergen when I was twelve?

Do you have contact with him?

No... Yeah, we have. But we kind of lost contact when we moved.

My dad got remarried, and his wife was a bit jealous.




We made breakfast.

Yeah, Noora made pancakes.

Let's eat.

You can sit here.

Take some pancakes.

Just start! Sana?

Do you want juice, Vilde?


I just spilled a bit.

Do you want jam?

I don't remember anything from yesterday.

Nothing happened. It was fine.

Blackouts are God's way of telling you not to worry about anything, Vilde.

Nothing special happened.

You just passed out when you came to Iben's party.

So we took you here. You just slept.


Which girl with self-respect hasn't blacked out at least once before?

Thank you.

I mean it.

You don't have to thank us.

That's why we're on a bus together.

To help each other.

You still want me on your bus?

What are you talking about?

You're our bus boss!

You think any of us want to do the finances and the budget?

But eh... I can be a bit stressed as the bus boss.

If it interferes with other things. That could easily happen.

Yeah, like what?

Well, like school and...

Things like fun stuff outside of school.

Or, eh...

A child.

Vilde, are you pregnant?

Are you sure?


How sure?

Yeah... yeah, yeah.

It'll probably be another little trip to doctor Skrulle.

It's quite catchy.

Who are you talking about?


Your crush.

Eva, that's between us.

Look, look!

Yeah, yeah. I saw that.



The theater group invites you to the Christmas tree lighting on Friday.

Are you coming?


You have to. The entire school will be there.

Okay, we're coming.


Yeah, yeah. I've seen it.

Hi beautiful.

Willhelm! Wow.

You're not answering my messages?

No power.

For two weeks straight.

Should we skip the next class?

You have to give up now.

Give up?

I won't give up.

You're wasting your time.

Listen, Noora Amalie Sætre.

You're a smart girl.

You have to understand that every time you reject me I only want you more and more.

So if you really want to get rid of me, just go on a date with me.

Stop playing hard to get.

Great logic.

Was that all, or?

No, one more thing.

f*cking hell, you're so beautiful.

Just tell me what I should do!



Maybe we should talk.


When can you talk?

I have lots to do this week.

But, Thursday maybe?

Thursday is fine.

What's up with him?

He's in love with me.

You're kidding!

Hi there!

Oh, she's new. Salaam alaikum?

Vilde is pregnant!

Ai, that went fast.

Vilde Lien, what should I say? Congratulations?

She's not gonna keep the child!

That's completely up to her.

She's 16! She's still a child herself.

World's youngest mother was 5 years old when she gave birth.

But she wasn't from Norway. She was from some place in South America.

I want to say Chile.

Or was it Peru?

Yeah, hello?

Hi. Yeah.

What should we do?

Yeah, what should we do?

I think the first thing we should do is a blood test.

I took a test.

When did you take the test?

I took it on Friday.

On Friday? And have you had sex since Friday?


Are you really sure?

There were a few hours where it went a bit black..

Okay, girls. This here is an ovulation test.

An ovulation test?

It will tell you the likelihood of you getting pregnant after taking the test.


But there's more. I feel sick in the morning.

I have a bloated stomach. It's gotten a lot bigger.

I hasn't gotten that much bigger. Can I take a look?

Does this hurt?


How's your diet?


What did you eat today?

It's still really early, so a Cola Light and gum.

Yeah, got it.

Then I don't think there's a baby in your stomach.

There's probably air in your intestines.

That happens when you cram Cola Light and gum into your stomach.

It just produces more gas. Do you eat a lot?



You should. You're pushing up too much air in your intestines.

Then you get a stomach ache. You have to fart it out.

In the worst case scenario we have to give you a colostomy.

It's like a poop bag on your stomach.

Are you serious?

No, of course not.

But you can't live on Cola and gum.

That's the point I'm trying to make.

Yes! We will not be having a baby!
Vilde... I see what you're doing. And you have to stop.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, I do know.

You stuff yourself with chocolate milk and pancakes and you look like a super model.

What are you talking about?

You look like a super model.

Vilde, you're super pretty.

But not good enough.


Be completely honest with me now.


If I don't believe you, I'll ask Jonas. Then I'll tell him why I'm asking.

I understand.

When we were at the cabin, and I asked you if you knew if Jonas and Ingrid texted..

I knew he texted with her because of her brother.

So it wasn't about French?

No. Well, maybe that too.

Jonas stressed like crazy about bringing that shit on the cabin trip.

He couldn't reach her brother, so instead he sent her a message.

You guys smoked at the cabin?

Yeah, that's why Elias came. Jonas didn't get anything before we left.

I won't criticize you, but we were pretty out of it.

I'm surprised you didn't notice it.



What about the other time?

When I thought I heard Ingrid's voice on the phone.

When I asked you, did you know anything?


I could've known it was because of her brother.

But I promised Jonas I wouldn't tell you anything about him smoking.

So I kept my promise.

But you advised me to ask Ingrid?

That was bad advice. Plain bad advice.

I should've just told you that you shouldn't worry about her.

He was more in love with you than... ever.

It would've been really cool if you could've told me this a bit earlier.

One more thing. If you wanted to f*ck things up between me and Jonas...

Then why didn't you advise me to tell Jonas about Chris?

I knew that if you told Jonas yourself he would have forgiven you.

Do you understand how messed up that sounds to me?

I feel like I don't know you anymore.

I know it might be hard to believe, but I never wanted to hurt you.

It just turned out that way.

I'm sorry.

Karma's a bitch.

If nothing else...

At least now I know how Ingrid must've felt.



How are you doing?

I'm fine.

What are you doing?

Just Christmas shopping.

You don't like Christmas shopping.

Who was that?

My sister.


I swear!

Okay, I believe you.




You told me to call when I found out who I am.


Do you want to meet?

Yes, of course. When?

Now you're probably going to smoke marijuana with Ingrid's brother.

That's not true.

Come in the morning.

Yeah, tomorrow suits me.


We'll talk then. Bye.





That was warm.

Do you remember the first time we kissed?

Why are you laughing?

Of course I remember that.

Yeah? What do you remember?

What do I remember?


What is it?

It's a bit weird.

No. Say it.

The thing is that I didn't know you felt the same thing I did.

Since you were best friends with my girl, it was a big risk to take.

If it didn't go well, it would have been really weird.

So I just waited for a sign.

What kind of sign?

A sign that I should kiss you.

And you know the Take Me to Church song they played all the time?


I kept thinking if that was the next song that came on, I should go for it.

So did it come on?

No, it didn't.

They played this Kygo shit...

But then it was you who kissed me.

It was me who kissed you.

What you didn't know, was that I thought the exact same thing as you.

Oh yeah?

I need to have a sign.

If the next song was Kygo, I would kiss you.

So funny.

But that was not why you kissed me, was it?


That wasn't why.

I kissed you because I couldn't help myself.

It wasn't like I was with you just because it seemed cool.



You accusing me of that, actually angered me a little.

It felt like I had to give up everything to be with you.

I ditched my best friends.

So when you said I just do what others think is cool... and that I don't have my own opinion, it's really unfair.

Because it's not true.

Because I chose you.

And it was a really stupid choice.

But at least I didn't do it to be popular.

A really stupid choice?


A really stupid choice.

Because it made me feel like shit.

I was being paranoid all the time because I thought there might be something betwen you two.

I thought that if you and I could do something like that to Ingrid... you could do the same thing to me.

You understand?

Maybe I thought I deserved it.

And so I became insecure and desperate.

Your opinion meant more than my own.

That's not how it should be.


I have to find out... what my own opinion is.

And I have to do it on my own.

Do we break up now?

I think so.

Is that what you want?


Right now... this seems like the most important thing.

As if nothing else has meaning.

Then we'll just lie here for now.



Me and Jonas broke up.

I just thought I should tell you.

Are you okay?



Have you seen Vilde?

Eh, no.

But she should be coming, right?

Yeah, I think so.

Okay, can I just borrow your phone?


My battery's dead.

In 2015? Is there no one who has functioning technology?


Do you have Vilde's number?

No, I don't.



I just want to say Merry Christmas.

Yes, Merry Christmas!



Noora is looking for you like crazy.


I'm sure she's scared you've blacked out somewhere.

Really funny!




Remember when I said you weren't good enough?

That was bullshit.

You're more than good enough.

Anyone who says otherwise, is an assh*le. Including me. Okay?


What just happened?

I have to tell Chris and Sana!

Hey you.

I found Vilde. You're never going to guess what just happened.

I just thought of something.

Remember when you told me it was a little weird when Isak said he had feelings for you.

Eh, yes.

Because... I just think that maybe it's not you he has feelings for.