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01x09 - Man er det man gjør

Posted: 11/28/15 20:52
by bunniefuu
Eva, this is Iben. My girlfriend.

It was just a hook up.

You just follow what everyone else thinks is exciting.

Chris hooked up with someone at the party. I saw it.

You saw it?

On the staircase.


I got an unpleasant phone call from the Rad girls saying that as long as Eva is on our bus, we're all blacklisted.

I don't understand why you're attacking Eva, when they're the enemy.

Jonas and Ingrid were a couple. So Eva only has herself to blame for the situation she is in now.

[PS: On the back there's a greeting in period blood.]



You were right.

The Rad girls are after the entire bus.

Whatever. I'm not on the bus anymore.

Why not?

Why bother being on a blacklisted bus where everyone hates me?

There is no one who hates you, Vilde.

Sana made it pretty clear.

Anyway, I'm back with Pepsi Max.


I just want you to know I'm not the type of person who steals other people's boyfriends.

What kind of person are you then?

When I think of Foss, I see a dude jamming on his guitar.

When I think of the entrance, I see those majestic stairs.

I strongly recommend this school.

[Hi! I would like to change schools in the middle of the school year.]

[Immediately. From Nissen to some other place. Preferably Foss. Or Elvebakken.]



You weren't at school today.


It's really unfair that you get this much hate.

I have decided to change schools.


Because everything is f*cked at Nissen.

And that's why you're changing schools?



Okay what?

It's just not typical of you.

What is that supposed to mean?

I didn't know you were someone who would just give up.

What is this bullshit about what kind of person I am?

Maybe I am someone who gives up!

I don't know! Why would you know what kind of person I am?

Everyone is like: "What kind of person are you? You have to know who you are!"

What a f*cking cliche.

Yeah, ok.

Just chill.

I didn't mean it like that.



It's actually not that complicated, Eva.

It's just what people do.

If you want to change schools because things are a little f*cked up, you are someone who gives up easily.

I'm not five years old. You thought reverse psychology would work on me?

I don't know. Does it?

You've got to fight back girl Yes?

Are you Maria? Bus boss from Rad?


I am Eva.


I am that Eva.


I just want to say that I got your letter.

I know I f*cked up, but I think it's unfair to blacklist the entire bus.

My friends didn't do anything.

It was me. Take me, not them.

Okay, Eva...

You can say hi to your friends and tell them we won't "take" them.

We have more important stuff to do than blacklisting first graders.

So, what's up with the letter then?

We haven't given you a letter.

Someone's f*cking with you.

So you guys aren't mad that I hooked up with Chris?

Eva, we don't give a shit who you've hooked up with.

Even Iben's boyfriend?

Even Iben's boyfriend.

Eva, listen.

I'm sure that in your head this hook up is the most important and dramatic thing you've done in your life But for us who have been here for a while, it's only a little comma.

So I suggest you accept that, okay?


And relax.

You shouldn't care. Youre in the first grade. You'll hook up a lot.

But don't sleep around. There's a difference.

When we were in first grade, we had a chlamydia epidemic.

Did you find out who started it?

It was William.

It wasn't William.

Chris had it too, right?

It was one of the guys for sure.


I see what you did wrong.

I didn't do anything wrong.

You did it completely wrong, Sana.

The answer key is wrong.

The answer key isn't wrong, Sana.

It is! Because it doesn't have the same answer as me.


I talked to the Rad girls.

They aren't after us.

Now I can finally breathe again!

It's Vilde who cares about that stuff and is peeing her pants about some blacklist.

She isn't on our bus anymore.


She said she didn't want to be on a bus where everyone hates her.

Something's wrong.

At the bus meeting, she was mean. And Vilde isn't a mean person.


It seems like you just defended Vilde?

I'm just saying something's wrong.

We are her friends.

You guys should pay more attention to her.


You guys... I feel like I owe you an explanation. About what Vilde said about me and Ingrid.

But I don't have one.

I know I should've done things differently.

Save that speech for Ingrid.

f*ck Ingrid!

You don't owe her shit. She was sucking up to Iben and hooked up with Chris herself.

I'm sure it was her who sent the period letter.

What are you saying now?

You don't think it was her? I think so.

Has Ingrid hooked up with Chris?

Yes, I saw it at the Halloween party.

I saw her and Chris making out on the stairs.

Are you kidding me?

No, I saw it!

And you're telling me this now?!

What? I told it before.

I thought I told it before.

We have to talk.

Unless you want me to tell Iben that you hooked up with Chris.

I know you don't want to listen to me, but you have to.

Whether you want to or not, we'll be going to the same school for the next three years.

You can't keep trying to block me out, throwing shit, or sending me threat letters.

Just hear me out, okay?

I moved here from Bergen in the 7th grade...

No one wanted to hang out with me because I talk so weird.

You were the only one who took care of me.

I remember how proud and lucky...

I couldn't believe the most popular girls in our class wanted to be friends with me.

I always really looked up to you.

You're the best friend I've ever had.

Just the thought of me destroying that... makes me feel sick.

More than sick.

It made me stop liking myself as a person.

But I can't continue having regrets for the rest of my life.

It wasn't going well between you and Jonas.

You talked about breaking up with him every day.

I know that's not an excuse, but...

I loved him.

I wish I could do it all over again, completely different.

But I can't.

I'm just going to have to accept it and move on.

I'm saying this for the last time.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I lied and went behind your back.

I'm sorry that I ruined our friendship.

You didn't deserve it.

I'm not trying to say you should like me.

Or that we should be friends again.

I just...

I can't bear any more threat letters, okay?


No more shit.

But I didn't send a threat letter.

And I barely knew Iben when I hooked up with Chris at the Halloween party.

f*cking hell!


You have serious issues.

What's wrong with you?

You can't just jump on people. Pull yourself together.

You're with the school's largest douche.

Your way of coping with it is to jump people and send threat letters?

I have a better suggestion for you...

Break up with your f*cking boyfriend. He's a f*cking assh*le.

I didn't mean it like that.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I know it's true, so...

I just...

I think you deserve better. Everyone deserves better than that.

I love him.

Maybe he'll change.

It was good that he told you.


That he had cheated.

He didn't tell me He didn't?


Some people told me that's how you knew about it.

That your boyfriend told you.

My boyfriend?! It was your boyfriend who tipped me off.

My boyfriend?


But my boyfriend didn't even know.

He must've done. It was him who sent the tip.

That's how I found out about it.


The little blonde one.

The one you're always with. Isn't he your boyfriend?

Isak Yaki? Isak?

Isn't that what he's called?

Did Isak send the tip?

I thought you knew.