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01x08 - Hele skolen hater meg

Posted: 11/21/15 07:28
by bunniefuu
Ingrid.. I miss you.

You look like a slut.

How are Ingrid and Sara doing?

Why are you interrogating me like this?

Stop walking around like a f*cking cliche.

I trust you 100%.

Chris hooked up with someone at the Halloween party, and his girl found out.

She went psycho!


Have you talked to him?


What did he say?


Let's sit down.

He's not very happy.

He has to talk to me. He has to let me explain.

Maybe he just needs some little space.

How did he find out about it?

The entire school is talking about it.

Yeah, but how did he find out?


So then he just believed it?

It's true.

I don't understand how he can believe a rumor without talking to me first?

He said he should've known about it already.

You've been acting a little random lately.

Maybe it just made sense.

[Don't think we should talk now.]

Is it Jonas?

[You have to let me explain!!!]

[If I see you now I'm going to say things I'll regret, so I'd rather call you when I'm ready to hear your explanation why you chose to f*ck up everything that was good between us.]

It'll be okay.

It'll be okay.

How are you doing?

I'm fine.

I think if I were in your situation, I would have been really upset.

I've been overhearing some conversations and Ulla from 2STE said it was Chris' girlfriend who told everyone.

Has Chris said something himself?

There's a lot of people who are saying you're slutty.


I'm just telling the truth.

There's a rumor going around that girls have black listed you.

What does that mean?

I'm not really sure. But Tiril from 2STB was blacklisted last year.

They cut off her hair.


I'm just telling you what I've heard!

Good job, Eva!

Excuse me?!

Excuse you for what?

You seem like really charming girls.

Oh, so sweet! Defending your friend.

It seems like you're very close.

I'm sure you'd like to continue that. Until she pisses on your entire life.

Then I won't think you're so damn charming anymore.

What did she mean by that?

Were you and Ingrid friends?

A long time ago.

What did she mean by "pissing on your entire life"?

I don't know.

There must have been something?

I'm sure she said it to create drama, okay?


[But how long do you think it will be until he wants to talk to me?]

[I don't know, Eva.]

[But it seems like he's still just as mad at me. What did he say?]

[He hasn't talked about you.]

What are you doing here?

What do you think?

I got a call from school because you were in a fight!

That's why I came home.

You could've spared the trip.

No. I couldn't.

Because I come home and you haven't received a passing grade in math for your Christmas grade.

Christmas grades don't count.

What happened?

Nothing happened. Some girls att*cked me.

Just like that? Unprovoked?


Who were those girls?

No one! Some b*tches from the second grade.



I can't handle this conversation.

You have to! We have to talk about-

No! I actually don't have to.

You can't be gone all year, and then suddenly start meddling in my life.

It doesn't work like that.

I just want to help!

If you want to help me...

Then stop yelling at me!

The entire school hates me, and Jonas wants to break up.

So the last thing I want is for you to come home and bitch at me!


Are you dating Jonas?


But Jonas is...

Mom! I know who Jonas is.

You don't need to tell me.

Don't you think Vilde is really... far removed from Earth?

She's floating on a pink cloud with all this Russ stuff.

Russ time is her life, and there are three more years.

I just don't understand what the big deal is.

But, it's kind of nice though.

He still hasn't called?

You know you don't have to wait until he is ready to talk, right?

You have the right to explain yourself.

You know what always gets me in a better mood?

Okay, promise you won't hold it against me?


Seriously, you can't tell anyone.

It's between us.

If this song doesn't put you in a better mood, then..

Justin Bieber? Cool...

It's not something I listen to, but eh...

It was because eh...


I don't need to explain myself to you, anyway.
Is there something? Something you want?

Will you come home with me to do homework?

Excuse me, Willhelm.


That pretty much answers the question, don't you think?


I don't even know your name.

Call me what you want.

Yeah but then...

Then I choose to call you assh*le.

You think it was funny?

Are you coming?

I thought I answered quite clearly, but...


Let me know when you change your mind.

Go home and wait for it.

Who does he think he is?!

Why did you call him Willhelm?


You called him Willhelm, but you know he's called William.

Oh yeah, that was a suppression technique.


I saw it on Suits once.

I've always wanted to use it.



Mostly surprised.

That you both watch Suits, and listen to Justin Bieber.

Was that a little joke?

You made a joke Eva!

That's a good sign! That's good.

That's what we like.

[I'm calling in an extraordinary Russ bus meeting tomorrow at 15.00h.

Important that everyone comes.]

Extraordinary bus meeting?

It's funny that she's calling it extraordinary, since we have so many ordinary bus meetings.

Is the toilet paper in the box?

And the money? Has Vilde received the money?

Will this meeting take a long time? I have something else.

As everyone knows, Eva had an unlucky incident at the Halloween party.

Quite a lot of people are upset with her.

Busses have blacklisted her.


I got an upleasant phone call from the girls yesterday.

They're saying that as long as Eva is on our bus, we are all blacklisted.


You can laugh, but it's actually really serious.

Last year someone broke the brakes on a blacklisted bus.

Everyone could have died.

We don't even have a bus.

No, but they can do other things. Cutting our hair, or..

Throw us in the water. I know of several girls that went too far.

They can try.

We have to talk about this.

It's unfair that we'll all become unpopular because of Eva being slutty.

It's interesting that you, someone who describes herself as a feminist, is calling others slutty.

That's not true. I think Penetrator Chris is also slutty.

It's unfair that he doesn't get this reputation.

He was at much at fault as you.

But that's not my fault either.

Chris doesn't have that reputation because guys don't go around calling each other sluts.

So if you think it's unfair, you have to stop calling girls sluts.

Don't yell at me! I'm not even done talking.

That's not the only reason Chris said Eva is slutty. There's more.

This isn't the first time Eva has ruined a relationship.


That's between me and Ingrid.

It's actually not that simple, Eva.

Because Ingrid has told Iben and other girls.

What you did affects all of us as girls.

What is it we are talking about?

Eva used to be best friends with Ingrid from Pepsi Max.

In the 9th grade, Ingrid got a boyfriend.

She was really in love with him, and they were the sweetest couple in the entire school.

Everyone thought they were perfect for each other.

Their parents thought they should get married.

But right before summer, in the 10th grade... he started to behave strangely.

He was dismissive and didn't reply to her texts.

Ingrid was really sad.

Eva was there for her, comforted here, and pretended nothing was wrong.

Even though she knew why he was acting so strange.

Because Eva was seeing him behind Ingrid's back.

His name was Jonas.

Jonas and Ingrid used to be a couple.

So Eva only has herself to blame for the situation she is in now.

Because it's pretty messed up to steal your best friend's boyfriend.

You can't steal anyone.

Whould you want a friend who hooks up with your boyfriend?

Better than a friend who calls girls sluts based on rumors.

It's not a rumor, it's true. Just ask Eva.

I don't understand why you're attacking Eva.

They can try. We'll get them back.

That might be the way it works in your Muslim gangster world but for us it doesn't work like that.

I can't be bothered listening to this.

You're completely psycho. You threw water in Ingrid's face.

You're crazy!

I threw water in Ingrid's face because she and her friends called you a slut for hooking up with William.

That's how it works in my Muslim gangster world.

You don't judge your friends, and you stand up for them no matter what.

For once it would have been really nice if you could have defended me, Chris!

Okay, Eva. I'm listening.

I just want you to know I didn't hook up with Chris because I liked him.

I have never liked him.

I just did it because I thought you and Ingrid hooked up.

That's your explanation?


I've taken a lot of crap from you because you thought I was with Ingrid.

But then it's actually you who was unfaithful. And you lied about it.

And I have to find out through Elias?!

It was you who lied to me first. You said you weren't with Ingrid, but you were.

I hooked up with Chris because I was hurt.

It never would've happened if you hadn't lied to me first.

Okay... So it's my fault?

No! That's not what I meant.

I'm just trying to explain why I did it.

I f*cked up, okay?

I'm sorry.

I wish I'd never done it. Really.

I'm sorry.


I love you.

You're saying you hooked up with Christoffer just because you thought I was with Ingrid.

Why did you have to cheat just because you thought I was?

I'm sorry.

Eva, it's actually not about infidelity or lies.

It's about me not understanding who you are.

When we were in middle school, and you, Sara, and Ingrid were best friends... and I was with Ingrid, you wanted to be with me.

But now that you have new friends and they are into third grade guys, you suddenly want to be with them all the time.

That's what I don't understand.

You just follow what everyone else thinks is exciting.

You don't have an own opinion.

What do you really like?

Who are you?

Call me when you've found that out.