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01x07 - Tenker alltid det er meg det er noe gale med

Posted: 11/14/15 18:52
by bunniefuu
Did something happen on Friday?

I think Jonas was with Ingrid.

Why are you lying to me?

I'm not lying!

Were you with Jonas last Friday? Just answer me!

Last Friday? Yeah. Yeah I was with Jonas.

Eva, this is Iben. My girlfriend.

I'll meet William again soon. There really can be something between us.

Ingrid's brother is a dealer.

I trust you 100%.

First there's Ring Lord instead of Lord of the Rings.

Then we have The Lion King.

Taking Lion literally, you can have sex in the woods.

I won't!

Or instead of the Hunger Games, we'll say the Thirst Games.

The Thirst Games!

Because we drink. And we don't drink Pepsi Max, if you know what I mean.

No? It's about Smirnoff Light here.

Did you know Diet Coke won in the Pepsi Max versus Diet Coke test?

So Pepsi Max really isn't that great. It isn't!


What are you doing on your plate, Vilde?

I'm just sorting my salad.

I don't think you have to sort it anymore.

When should we talk about what happened at the Halloween party?

That William and Sara hooked up.

Who are they?

Were you upset?

No, dear god. It was a hook up party.

It was completely normal to hook up at the party. Everyone hooked up with each other.

Penetrator Henrik hooked up with Frida from 1STE.

Borkis hooked up with Elise from 1STB.

Chris hooked up with someone. And then there's William and Sara.

Chris, who did you hook up with? No, not this Chris. Penetrator Chris.

Who did he hook up with?

I don't know. I just heard he hooked up with someone.



What are you doing today?

Thought I'd go skate.

Can I come? And watch?

Yeah... When did you get into that?

I feel like being with you.

But I have to go now. We'll talk later.

Love you!

Yeah, you too.


Is Isak available?

Yeah. Why?

I felt there was some electric chemistry going on here.

Some really hot vibes between us.


I see it's going better with you and Jonas.


You don't want to say why?

No, we just talked some stuff out.

I f*cked up badly.


What did you do?


If I tell you this, you have to promise not to say anything to Jonas.

Okay, I promise.


Otherwise you could ruin our relationship.

I'm not gonna tell anyone, okay? You can trust me.

What did you do?

You know how I thought there was something between Ingrid and Jonas?


So I asked Ingrid if they had been together.

And they had been.


But there was a reason for it. It was...

But Ingrid didn't tell me that.

So I was really pissed. And sad.

I hooked up with Chris.

You hooked up with Chris?!

The girl who keeps eye f*cking me?

No, no!

Chris from the third year. Christoffer.

So you hooked up with a third year?

f*ck! It's really-

It was just hooking up, right? Nothing more happened?

No, no.

It would been worse if it wasn't just hooking up.

If it had meant something to you. But you were just angry.


It feels shitty not to tell Jonas.

Honestly, Eva...

If I had a girl who had hooked up with someone else, I wouldn't want to know.

Things like that f*ck up a relationship.

You don't have to tell him if it meant nothing.

And it seems like you're more in love with him now than you were before, right?

Maybe it was a good thing?

It was just a little hook up, right?

It'll be okay, but make sure no one knows. That it won't come from someone else.

Especially from Chris, right?

It'll be okay.


For what?

You know.



I have to ask you something.

Yesterday you said Chris hooked up with someone at the Halloween party.

What do you know about it?

I just heard he hooked up with someone.

Okay... Who said that?

Or was it Robin who hooked up with someone?


Now that I think about it, it was Robin. Chris has a girlfriend.

Yeah, okay.

Do you like him?

Huh? No, no!

Imagine how perfect it would be if I was together with William, and you were with Chris.

Vilde, seriously?!

It was just a suggestion...

You can't walk around in that sweater thinking you'll be with William.

Come here.

You see that girl over there?

She has slept with William.

See her over there?

She has also slept with William. There comes another one.

There, and up there.

You can't know that all those girls slept with William!

There's a lot of guys on their bus.

Vilde, it's marked on the sweater.

The one you've slept with is marked in red.

You're walking around like some living trophy now.

You have to forget William!

Give him back the sweater, and take back your integrity!

He's the loser, not you.

You need to know that if a guy doesn't like you it's not you there's something wrong with.

It's him.

But how do you think like that?

I keep thinking it's me that there's something wrong with.


What are you doing here?

What do you mean by that?



Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?

Good. I was reading.

Yeah, what?


Are you gonna get that, or?



You're such a stalker!

Hi, mom! I can't talk right now. Someone's visiting.

Mom?! What kind of sick game are you playing?

I'll call you afterwards, okay?

Okay, my girl! We'll call later/

Okay, bye!

Wait, one more thing.

Have you done your homework?


Was that your mom?


"Someone's visiting"?!

[It's REALLY important that you shut up about what happened on Halloween, okay?]

Have you still not told her we're together?

You know what?

You had the chance to meet my mom but you chose to smoke marijuana with Ingrid's brother.


It's sweet that you call it marijuana.

[I'll keep my mouth shut. No worries.]

What's sweet about it? That's what it's called.




Only old people say it.

Old people?! I'm a little older than you. Little smarter.

What do you call dr*gs?


I don't know. We just call it greens or something.

But it's the same. And it's not good for you.

You're really far away now. Do you see me?

I'm perfectly fine.

Then you're an alcoholic.

You've tried drinking alcohol.

You can't compare those!

That's what you're saying!

Okay, great. So I'm a junkie for trying it sometimes. -Sometimes?!

How many times?

I don't know.

Are you awake all night?


Can't you stop for my sake?

I can do everything for your sake.



You can't buy pink uggs!

Uggs in general.

Why not?

They're super comfortable, though.

They look insanely ugly.

I've decided on what I'm going to say to William.


What are you talking about?

My integrity.

You don't have any. Next subject.

What are you gonna say?

I will say that I will not be treated like this.


And then, I'll return the sweater.

You can't do that.

Why not?

We're finally in with the Penetrator guys, and now you're going to f*ck everything up?

Says you, who ruined things for all first years the first time we were invited to a party.

Sana, it's good that Vilde will explain to William that she will not be treated like crap.

She can't tell him! It won't work. It's better to be completely cool.

It's possible to be cool and speak up.

There he is.

You're going to say it now?!


He's with his friends.

I don't give a shit who he's with!



If you thought I would walk around like some living trophy, you're terribly wrong.

Don't play dumb! You know what I mean.

What's your name again?


Okay, Vilde. Take a deep breath.

I think there's a small miscommunication here.

I'm sure it's my fault.

If you think I look at you like some trophy, you're wrong.

Because you're not good enough.

What an awesome guy you are!

Who are you?

What happened that made you have such an inferiority complex... that you have to piss on the feelings of a first year girl to feel cool?

Were you never validated as a child, or?

Did mommy never compliment your drawings?

Or did daddy never come to any of your graduations?

You didn't have hair on your d*ck in 7th grade and you were bullied for it?

Anyway, you have to seriously get over it and start behaving like a human.

Stop walking around like a f*cking cliche.

I have to go to Norwegian.


I have to!

But seriously, I really have to go. I've been late way too many times.

We'll talk!

f*cking hell, you were so awesome yesterday.

Yeah, you were legendary.

Are you doing okay?

Yeah, yeah. Completely over William.


Anyway, nobody cares about what happened.

Everyone's talking about that rumor that's going around about Chris.

What rumor about Chris?

Chris hooked up with someone at the Halloween party, and his girl found out. She went psycho!

But you said it wasn't Chris!

Chris hooked up with someone at the party. I saw it.

You saw it?

On the staircase.


You f*cking whore!