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12x06 - Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

Posted: 11/18/16 02:59
by bunniefuu
Heil this.

Dude, you k*lled Hitler.


Dean: Saving people and hunting things, this is our life.

I think we make the world a better place.

I spent my life running from hunting.

Dean: You were good at this, weren't you?

Mary: Very.

The thing is, Hunters?

No matter how good they are, they all end up the same way.


Rufus: Bobby!

I know all about you, Dean Winchester.

Bobby: Don't hurt her. That's a human possessed by a demon.

Sam: Regna terrae...

Meg: An exorcism?

Dean: You're gonna burn in hell.

Sam: Vade, satana... [ Screams ]

How about some pie?

Maybe later.

Ever since Mom left, you've been a little, uh, cranky.

Dean: What, she took some cash, she took a cellphone she doesn't answer, and she bailed on us.

You know, sometimes families do better after a little time apart.

Yeah? Yeah, who? The Mansons?

[ Panting ]

[ Growls ]

[ Grunts ]

Aah! Uhh!

[ Snarling ]

[ Groans, inhales sharply ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Groans ]

[ Thud ]


[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Turns off engine ]

So... this is your house?

Look, you did a great job of pointing directions, but words are helpful.

And names. Like me?

I'm Mary. Winchester.

Asa. Fox.

That's a great name.

You're gonna be fine.

I know it doesn't seem like it, but you are.

What was that...thing?

A werewolf. One I've been tracking for a long time.

We had history. Come on.


[ Car doors close ]

You k*ll werewolves?

I hunted a lot of bad things.

“Hunted.” Like past tense?

I'm retiring. Well, officially, I'm already retired.

Just tying up a few loose ends.

But if you retire, who's gonna save people like me?

Uh, your mom in there?


Hey, let me just...

That's better.

Good enough.

Well, go on.

[ Camera whirs ]

[ Car door closes, engine starts ]

[ Bachman-Turner Overdrive's “Roll on Down the Highway” ]

♪ We rented a truck and a semi to go ♪
♪ Travel down the long and the winding road ♪
♪ Look on the map, I think we've been there before ♪
♪ Close up the doors, let's roll once more ♪
♪ Cop's on the corner, look, he's starting to write ♪
♪ Well, I don't need no ticket so I screamed out of sight ♪
♪ Drove so fast that my eyes can't see ♪
♪ Look in the mirror, is he still following me? ♪
♪ Let it roll ♪
♪ Down the highway ♪

[ Racks shotgun ]

♪ Let it roll ♪
♪ Down the highway ♪

[ Whoosh ]

♪ Roll, roll ♪

[ Screeches ]

♪ Look at the sign, we're in the wrong place ♪
♪ Move out, boys, and let's get ready to race ♪
♪ 454's coming over the hill ♪
♪ The man on patrol is gonna give us a bill ♪
♪ The time's real short, you know the distance is long ♪
♪ I'd like to have a jet but it's not in the song ♪
♪ Climb back in the cab, cross our fingers for luck ♪

Hey, you know they make new cars, right?

I don't want a new car. This is my lucky car.

♪ Down the highway ♪
♪ Let it roll ♪
♪ Down the highway ♪
♪ Roll ♪

[ Crunch ]

[ Rope creaking ]

♪ Supernatural 12x06 ♪
Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

Ahh, Netflix, what do you recommend to fill my day off?

[ Pizza box thuds ]

[ Singsongy ] Speak to me.

[ Sets down glass ]

[ Turns on TV ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ Sighs ]

[ TV playing indistinctly ]

Wow! You look terrible. What's wrong?

[ Chuckles ] Sure, we'd love to come in.

[ Clears throat ]

Hey there.


Yeah, we just, uh, finished a hunt in Brookings.

And you couldn't take a shower first?


Ha ha.

Figured we'd stop by on the way home, see you, Claire, and Alex.

Aw, that's fun.

Unfortunately, the girls are in Omaha for the weekend, being angsty at a Radiohead concert.

But I can feed you.

Ooh. Yes. All right.

Oh, uh...Since the last time we saw you?

I k*lled Hitler.


Thank you?

You're welcome.

[ Romantic music playing ]

Dean: [ Mouth full ] Jody, you watching some kind of chick flick here?

Well, Dean, I'm a chick.

No. No, no, you're -- you're a badass sheriff chick.

You're not a-a Rom com chick. Wait, are you a Rom com chick?

Are you?

[ Mouth full ] He's more of a, uh... animated Japanese erotica chick.



[ Telephone rings ]

I need to leave this scintillating conversation.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Ring ]

Don't tell her that.

Don't tell her what?

It's Jody, man.

Dude, be proud of your hobbies.

Make sure you are.

[ Laughs ]

Man on TV: the end zone, throws it.


Touchdown! Game over!

[ Turns off TV ]

Jody, what's up?

[ Voice breaks ] Friend of mine died.


Asa Fox.

[ Sighs deeply ]

Asa Fox. Why does that name sound familiar?

Isn't he the guy that Ellen used to tell stories about back at the Roadhouse?

Yeah. Supposedly, he k*lled, like, five Wendigos in a night.


Yeah. Yeah, he was a Hunter.

He, uh, he rolled into town a few months back, tried to convince me he was FBI Agent Fox Mulder.

He was chasing a pack of ghouls, and I helped.

He'd pass through every once in a while after that, and we'd grab co-- coffee or...something.

[ Whispers ] Oh, he was a good man.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Voice breaks ] The -- the wake's tonight, and, um, they're gonna salt and burn the body tomorrow.

I can't believe I just said that like it's something normal.

Well, we're gonna come with you.


You don't have -- I'll be fine.

Yeah, no, Jody, we -- we know you'll be fine, but...

You know, we never go to Hunter gatherings, outside of bars.

Dad always said they were trouble, so...

Yes, you'd be doing us a favor if you let us tag along.

Thank you.

You're gonna have to get cleaned up before we spend five hours in the car together. Yeah.

Five hours? Where, uh, where we going?

[ Alice in Chains' “Man in the Box” playing ]

[ Engine turns off ]

O Canada.

That is a big house.

Family home.

Asa was just a guy.

[ Laughter ]

[ Glasses clink ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Hey, buddy.

♪ I'm the man in the box ♪


Oh, Jody, thanks for comin'.

Mmm. Loraine, of course.

How you holding up?

Well, it's a house full of loud, drunk Hunters... and my son's dead body is in the parlor.

But I haven't slit my wrists yet.

Small victories.

We're very sorry for your loss.

I know.

Everyone's sorry.

♪ Jesus Christ ♪

So...this is gonna be fun.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

No label.

Well, that's a red flag.

Nah, fully safe. I home brewed it myself.

Here. Not a twist-off.


Oh, hope you like strong beer, buddy.

[ Woman cheering ]

That's good.


Uh, Dean Winchester.

The Dean Winchester?

No freakin' way. [ Chuckles ]

Aren't you dead? Like, four times?

Yeah. It, uh, didn't take.

Wait. Your brother here? Sam?

Yeah, he's still alive, too. He's --

[ Chair scrapes ]


Okay, good talk.

Yeah, sorry about Elvis. He's, uh...Elvis.

I'm Bucky Sims.



Randy. Randy Bull.

Ah! Watch out for the horns, right?

Hey. [ Chuckles ]

Uh, you two Hunters?


Yes, sir.

Did you know Asa?

No, no, I never met him, but, uh, heard some crazy stories.

Yeah? Like what?

Well, I mean, come on.

Nobody can take out five Wendigos in a night.

Hey! Our famous friend said the magic word.

Drink, everybody.

[ Bottles clink ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

“Wendigo”? Is that, uh --

Man: Ah! Do it again.

[ Cheering ]


[ Bucky laughs ]

Stop saying that or we're not gonna make it to morning.

[ Laughs ]

Didn't know the rules.

You think the stories about Asa are crazy, you should hear what they say about you.

Wait, so you guys were raised by a witch, but you're Hunters?

Both: Yep.

She was, like, a good witch.

Very Enya. It was the '90s. [ Chuckles ]

Lots of crystals.


She taught me to hunt witches. Uh, bad witches.

Sure. And what did she teach you?

Uh, mostly how to seduce men.

She also taught him some magic, which is actually more useful.

Eh, mostly the men thing.

[ Laughs ] Max. [ Laughs ]

Are you Sam Winchester? You are, right?

Oh, this is nuts. Wow. Hi.


Uh, Elvis, um, Katz.

Wow. Look, so thing is, I got this friend down in the States, right, who knows this girl who knew your pal Garth.

Garth. Yeah.

And, well, he said that she said that Garth said that you were possessed by the Devil?

Like, Lucifer, the actual big, bad Devil, and you lived?

Both: Whoa.

Dude, you don't just ask someone about something that messed up.

Seriously, back off.

But it's pretty amazing, huh?

N-- It -- it's really not that amazing.

It -- it just kind of is what it is. Um...

I'm gonna get a-a beer.

Yeah, you good? Yeah? Good. [ Clears throat ]

So what's your guys' deal?

Could...could you, like, go away from us now?


Oh, hi. This is a real Angel Blade. Legit.


Did you know people tell stories about us?

Yeah. Apparently, we're a little bit legendary.

Yeah, but, I mean, so was Asa.

Then a hunt went bad, and he ended up hanging from a tree, alone in the woods.

He died on the job.

No better way to go.

You really believe that?

Yeah. What, you don't?

I mean, come on, Sam, it's not like we're in the “live till you're 90, die in your sleep” business.


This only ends one way.

We should get back.

Yeah. Oh, uh, don't say “Wendigo” to anyone.

[ Woman laughs ]

Thank you.

[ Vehicle departs ]

That was nice, wasn't it?

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

And Asa made us go roller skating, and right after these ghouls almost got us. [ Laughs ]

So there's the three of us, all banged up, with a ton of ironic teenagers skating under these neon lights.

[ Laughs ] You remember this, Jody?


Oh, it was classic.

I mean, you know, until you two snuck off for some sweet, sweet time alone.

Ooh! Oh, yeah!

“Sweet, sweet time alone”?

You, Jody?

You didn't tell us you were in a relationship with Asa.

Man: Remember that.

Oh, it was just -- it was just a casual thing. Sorry, Loraine.

Asa was always popular with the ladies.

Men: Yes, he was. Our mom loved him.

She used to talk about him all the time.


And, you know, I do have a life when you guys aren't around.

[ Bottle thuds ]

Beer, anyone?

I'm good.


Ah. Okay.

And, uh, here's a news flash -- dating is hard.

Jody: It's not like I just turn into a boring small-town sheriff when you guys are gone.

I do stuff.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

[ Bucky speaking indistinctly ]

Elvis: Get it, Jody.

[ Ice cubes rattle, cooler lid closes ]

I hunt. I meet people. Sometimes I...

[ Man laughs ]

It was no big deal. Right?

[ Slices ]

[ Gagging ]

You shouldn't be surprised that I'd enjoy the company of a ruggedly hot man.

Amen to that.

Max: Can't argue with that.

[ Laughter ]

Man: Yeah.

Dean: Hey, you clearly deserve...

[ Door opens ]

...your sweet, sweet time alone.

Jody: Well, I mean, it wasn't always sweet.

Uh...yeah. It's just not how we think of you.

You know? I...

Good, 'cause that would honestly be weird.

Nobody -- nobody said you can't date, right?

That's fair.

[ Dean speaks indistinctly ]

Come on in. Don't hover.


Sorry, I knocked.

Door was open.


Mary: What are you doing here?

Dean: What are you doing here?

We, uh... [ Clears throat ] Asa was a-a friend of a friend.

Uh, friend of Jody's.

Jody, Mary.

Mom, this is Jody Mills. Mom?

Mom. [ Clears throat ] Wait, m-- Your mom?


I thought -- I thought you were...

I was.



[ Gasps ]

It is so nice to meet you!

[ Gasps ] Wow!

I'm gonna...I'm j--

I'm gonna give you guys some, um, some family time.


Where you been?

All over. I went back to Lawrence for a few days.

And then, um, I've been using John's journal to retrace a few things.

Try to catch up on what I've missed.

You could've just asked us, you know.

Dean, come on.

She could've.

It's okay. He's right. But...

This is something I needed to do alone.


Listen...most of the people I knew are dead.

And then I remembered Asa.

He was so young when I met him, I thought he must still be around.

And then...

I saw an article about his death, and, uh...

So you'll text us once a week, maybe, but you'll drive all the way to Canada to see some dead guy?

Well, that's awesome.

I'm gonna get some air.

[ Sighs ] Dean, wait.


You okay?


Huh. Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme, excruciating detail how you k*lled Hitler, but, uh, you neglected to mention the fact that your mom is back from the dead?

Yeah, no big deal.

That's a lie.


Look, maybe this isn't my place, and this is epic stuff, but, you know... if I could have my son and my husband back?

I mean....

really back, I would give anything, absolutely anything, to have that.

And it would scare the hell out of me.


Yeah. 'Cause what if I've changed?

What if they changed?

What if it just didn't work out the way I wanted?

If you wanna talk about anything, absolutely anything, I'm here.

Thanks, Jody.

Asa's favorite.

Tastes awful.

I'm Loraine Fox, Asa's mom.

Mary Winchester.

No, you're not.

Asa told me about you, but... you'd be my age.

So how...

It's a long story.

I'll bet.

I'm sorry --

You should be.

Like I said, Asa told me about you.

You're the reason my son didn't become an astronaut.



[ Box thuds ]

Asa wrote those to you over the years but couldn't send them because you're so “mysterious”.

I saved his life.

[ Scoffs ] What am I supposed to say to that?

After you, Asa got so...

Hunting was his whole life.

He never married, never had a family, kids.

And now...

Enjoy the wake.

[ Sighs ]



Everything all right?

I'm fine.

[ Postcards clatter ]

It's fine.

Are you sure?

[ Switch clicks ]

I saved Asa when he was a boy.

All of this, it's on me.

Well, no. Obviously, Mom, he made his own decisions.

And he helped a lot of people, you know?

Yeah, I don't know.

I just don't know anymore.

Everywhere I go and everything I do just... feels wrong.

[ Sighs ] But I'll get used to it.

Being back here, I will.

I just --

Yeah, Mom, you don't have to explain anything. I get it.

You need space. And -- and so does Dean, you know?

I-I mean, he -- he's just...

We just got you back, and he's just scared we're gonna lose you again, that -- that because we're Hunters, you're gonna walk away.

But I know that's not true.

Even looking at these...

I mean, you saved Asa in 1980, um, after Dean was born, after everyone thought you quit hunting.

Seems like you couldn't stop then, and...

I'm guessing you can't stop now either.

This job, this life... it's crazy and insane.

But it's in our blood.

Come on.

Where we going?

To say goodbye to Asa.

[ Sighs ]

And Asa loved that Jeep.

Fuses were shorted, fuel line was busted.

Ah, he didn't care.

He'd just roll up his sleeves, he'd get right to work.

Guys, we need to leave now.


Randy's dead.

What happened?

Someone gutted him and roped him to the ceiling.

That's what happened.

Anyone know why the water's shut off?

God, what's that smell?

Both: Su: hur.

[ Electricity crackling ]

Man: Wait.

It's a demon.


It's him.



He's a crossroads demon.

And he hangs people.

It's his thing.

Snaps their neck, slits their throat.

He's a real piece of work.

Hanging? Like with Asa?

He's the one that k*lled him.

[ Door rattles ]

Son of a b*tch.

Let me.

[ Grunts ]

Max: You're wasting your time.

[ Whoosh ]

The whole house has been warded, inside and out.

What does that mean?

It means we're trapped.

[ Sniffs ]

[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Dogs bark in distance ]

Go away.

You're not the boss of me.


What're you doing here?

My job.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I'm not dead yet.


But actually, I just finished inside.

I was reaping a fresh soul.

Look, back in '97, Asa was working this case in Yellow Knife, all right.

A possession of a First Nations girl.

Got real bad, real bloody.

Was it, uh, Jael?

Asa exorcised him, but not before Jael k*lled the girl.

He made her tie a noose around her neck and he made Asa watch.

Sam. Sammy!

[ Door rattles ]


You can huff and puff, but that house is on supernatural lockdown.

They can't even hear you.

All right, an exorcism, it ain't like an Angel Blade.

Yeah, it's not permanent.


Right, so five years later, Jael -- he came back and he came for Asa.

How so?

Asa was seeing this woman, right? She had a kid --


Yeah, Marlene.

Jael got into her.

It didn't matter that he was k*lling people, he wanted Asa to know it was personal.

He gets off on it.

[ Thud ]

Yeah, and now he's here, possessing someone.

Yeah, but who?

Alicia wasn't in the room when Randy died.

The rest of us were.

I was getting a drink.

Dean wasn't in the room either.

So it's Alicia or Dean.

I'm not!

Throw some holy water on me, see what happens.

Anybody packin'?

We can just make more.

Uh, no, we can't.

The water's off.

She knew it. You knew that.

Oh, come on.

What did you do?

It wasn't me. I don't get my hands dirty. Rules.

I just clean up the mess.

Still, between us, it's always nice to see a Winchester who can't get what he wants.

You think this is funny? Huh?

Hunters are dying in there.

Everyone dies.

I think Dean's still outside.

That does narrow it...

[ Alicia coughs ]


[ Coughing ]


[ Giggles ]

Alicia's not here right now.

Leave a message.

[ Grunts ]

[ Giggles ] Oh, you're a fun group.

We're gonna have a good time tonight.

[ Roars ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Thud ]

It's gone.

Alicia, are you...

It's not gone. It's just not in Alicia anymore.

Loraine, is there anyone else in the house?

I don't know. People have been coming and going all day.

Okay, we're gonna pair off, we're gonna search the house -- for people, not for demons.

You find a demon, yell.

We'll find you.

And if your partner gets possessed, run.


Jody: Come on.

Stay here.

You got in there.

You got in to reap that soul.

You can get me in.

I could, I suppose.

But --

Do it!

But it's a one-way ticket.

And you're gonna owe me one.

I got you a double.


[ Whoosh ]


Where's my brother?

Hey, hold up. How did you --

He's the demon!


k*ll him!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, lady.

Look, I'm not a demon, okay.

I'm one of the good guys.

Now stick with me, do what I say, and everybody'll get out of here, okay? Everybody.

Well... not everybody.

You're kind of slow for a demon, aren't you?

[ Chuckles ] Careful now.

You'll hurt my feelings, and I might lash out.

[ Grunts ]

How about you go to Hell?

Please. It's a complete train wreck down there.

No Lucifer, no Crowley.

It's messy.


No, I mean, really, go to Hell.

Exorcizamus Te...

An exorcism?

...omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas --


[ Speaks Latin ]

Elvis is leaving the building.

[ Crunch ]

[ Screams ]

[ Roars ]

[ Gasps, screams ]

[ Thud ]

[ Loraine cries ]

Come on. Come on.

Come on.

Oh! [ Cries ]




Dean, we thought you were outside.

Yeah, I got back in.


It was a one-time deal.

Won't happen again.

Is this everybody?

Except for Elvis.

Yeah, demon got him.

Well, at least we're all prepared.


Mm. Impressive.

Demon Blade -- kills 'em dead.

Both: Nice.

We gotta light some candles.

Yeah. A Devil's Trap.

On it.

Dean: Yep.

[ Chairs scraping ]

All right, uh, but how are we gonna lure it inside?

We're not. [ Grunts ]

We get in.

Everybody's in, everybody's clean.

If someone won't get in...

They're the demon.

That's right.



What kind of a Devil's Trap?

Standard pentagram.

Nothing fancy.

I like a Fifth Pentacle of Mars.

It's got more character.

Because character is what really matters right now.

[ Whispering ] Sam...

This is awkward, I'm owning that.

But the demon...

I think it's in your mom.

She looks okay to me.

I may not know much, but I know people don't “look” possessed.

No, I saw her sneak out of the room when you started talking about the Devil's Trap.

Where did she go?

I mean, I know she's family, but, Sam...

What's going on?


Jody thinks that Mom --

No, I don't think. I know.

I know she's a demon!


k*ll her! Use the knife!

k*ll her now!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait.

Hold on a second. Jody, you...

You don't sound like yourself.

That's because she's not herself.

Are you?

[ Laughs ]

Can't blame a girl for tryin'.

I had so hoped you'd k*ll your mom!

Wouldn't that be a riot?

Yeah, super fun.

[ Laughs ]


[ Grunts ]

Anybody else?



[ Slices ]

Jody: Aah!

No! Mom!

What are you doing?!

She's a demon.

We k*ll demons.

No, but she's Jody.


[ Claps hands ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Angel Blade clatters ]

Oh, I have heard so many stories about you Winchesters.


[ Grunts ]

I desperately want the Lucifer thing to be true.

The idea that he left a meat suit alive is just so deliciously weak.

As for the rest of you, I have been inside your heads.

I know all about you!

For example, the twins -- too frightened to tell anyone that they actually came to say goodbye to their daddy.

[ Laughs ]

Or the grieving mother who hated the fact that her son was a Hunter so much, she'd hide his gear, she'd sabotage his Jeep, anything to keep him from hunting.

Not that it worked.

Could've tried harder, huh?

[ Groans ]

[ Laughs ]

And this...meat suit you all seem to care so much about, she actually fantasized about a life with Asa.

[ Laughs ] Can you believe that?

Like that worthless man --

Shut your filthy mouth --

And you...

[ Gags ] Aah!

[ Whoosh ]

[ Bucky choking ]


Brave, brave Bucky.

[ Gasping ]

I was there that night.

Tell these nice, stupid people what you did.

Tell them what you took from me.

Asa was mine.

Exorcizamus Te, omnis immundus spiritus...


...omnis satanica Po--

[ Grunts ]

Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omn--

[ Glass shatters ]

Tell them!

[ Grunts ]

Max and Alicia: Omnis legio.

Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica --

[ Glass cracks ]

Aah! I k*lled him!

I k*lled him. I k*lled Asa.

[ Grunts ]

Omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus Te.

[ Roars ]

[ Jody grunts ]

[ Sizzling ]

Jody, you okay?

[ Strained voice ] That...sucked.

[ Exhales deeply ]

Bucky, what did you do?

Asa, he was just Al--

[ Inhales deeply ]

He was just always so stubborn.

Look... we were in the woods.

Jael, he -- he was taunting him.

Asa wanted to chase him, but he didn't have the Angel Blade.

I said, “Let's go back.”

He called me a coward and he shoved me, so I shoved him back, and he fell...

[ Skull cracks ]

...and he hit his head.


I didn't mean to do it.

But it was a mistake.

Asa. Asa!

An accident.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know what to do.

Asa hated that damn demon so much that I just...

Oh, you thought that people would buy that Jael k*lled him?

[ Crunch ]

So you hung your best friend to cover your own ass.

[ Rope creaking ]

What are you gonna do to me?

Tell everyone, every Hunter we meet.

They're gonna know your name, Bucky, know what you did.

You like stories?

This is the story everyone's gonna tell about you. Forever.

I was wrong.

Asa did have a family.

He even had kids.

I've got grandchildren.

Suppose I should go meet them.


Oh. I've had worse.

I don't know what's going on between you and your boys, but I gotta tell you, mom to mom... they are good men.

Best I've ever met.

I know.

They're not the problem.


You okay?

She's really not.


Mary: Who's...

She's a Reaper.

She's the one that got me back inside.

And now you owe me one.

This one.

This one right here.


See, I'm a big believer in what dies, stays dead.

Laws of the universe and all that, so...

I didn't ask to come back here.

No, you didn't.

And you hate it.

The look in your eyes, I've seen it before.

It's a dead man's look -- eyes that say no matter where you go or what you do, it feels like this world doesn't fit anymore, like you're all alone.

Well, she's not alone.

Tell me I'm wrong.

I'm not here to hurt you.

I'm here to offer you mercy.

A one-way ticket upstairs, away from all of this.

How would it work?


You just k*ll me again?

Reapers don't k*ll people.


Well... then...

Then I guess you're just gonna have to wait.


If you change your mind -- if any of you change your minds -- you know my name.

[ Whoosh ]

Does this mean you're coming home?


Not quite yet. I just need a little more time.

Can we buy you breakfast, at least?


All the bacon.

I would love that.