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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 11/17/16 07:26
by bunniefuu
Are you interested in Jack?


Lily: It was a huge, stupid mistake, and it will never happen again, I promise.


And, yeah, Lily's probably right, I'm maybe... a bit in love with you.

Eric threatened to quit the show last night.


If I don't have your trust to produce the best show possible, unfortunately, I have no choice but to stand down myself.

No, no, no. Jack has just resigned.

Look, I'll do this weekend's shows, of course, but after that...

After that can... can we just see where we are and talk?

Meredith: Are you in love with Lily?

Pete: No!

If either of us had strong feelings for another man or a woman, I'd just want us to be... just to be honest, you know, wouldn't you?

Lily: They said she's only three centimetres dilated.

So there's plenty of time.


You're gonna be a dad, Pete, you really are.

I know.


How did it go?

It was so hectic.



Oh, my back really hurts.

Is it worse?


I like you.

I like you too.

[GAGS] I'm going to be sick.

Oh, Pete, get a bucket, bucket.




Here you go.


All right, that's okay.

That's good. That's good. Yeah.

I have to have a bath.


I'll run it. Yep.


♪ Yeah... ♪


♪ You make me feel good... ♪

Bath's ready.

No, I don't wanna have a bath.

Pete: Okay.

I need a shower.

♪ You do that all the time ♪
♪ You make me feel good... ♪

Come in, I need to lean on you.



You right?

Is that right? Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.


Is that all right?


You still want it on your back?

My back!

Yeah, I got it.

♪ So high ♪
♪ Oh, no, no... ♪

I'll be right back.

♪ You make me feel good ♪



Oh, how you going?

Any calls?

No calls. [SNORTS]



Hi, Dale, it's me.

Um, has Jack turned up yet?

Dale: He's not in the studio.

And doesn't look like he's up here. He's cutting it fine.

Are you sure you got him back?

I was sure until now.

I'll, um... I'll ring him again.

Are you coming in?

I am, but I'm not sure what time.

All right, keep me in the loop.

Answering machine: Hi, you've reached Jack.

I can't get to the phone right now, but if you leave me your name and number, I'll get back to you.

Jack, hi. Dale said you haven't turned up yet.

Can you give me a call and let me know how you're travelling? Thanks.

How's everything going in there?

It's intense.

Yeah, cool.


[SCOFFS] So annoying.

Hi, it's me.

I'm sorry to call you so early...

Vincent: What time is it, Lily?

I'm at the hospital, Meredith's in labour and I'm completely wet.

Would you mind bringing me some clean clothes?

I really have to go to work.

Yeah, okay.

I'll probably... I'll be about an hour.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 'Bye.


[SIGHS] God...

Bernard, why are you still here?

Oh, I-I'm Pete's support person.

Did Pete ask you to be his support person?

He didn't have to. I mean, he sort of...

Let me know if there are any calls.

Definitely. Definitely.




Hey, do you want some gas? Yeah?

Yeah, there you go.


Pete: Do you want some music? You wanna put that playlist you sorted?





No, no, no, no, no.

No, I hate this song.


Oh, Pete, turn it off.

I've always hated this song.

Why did you put that song on?

Sorry. Sorry.

I hate it, I hate it. [GROANS]



Bernard: Sorry to interrupt. Dale texted and Jack's arrived.

Oh, great.

And also a Simone called.


Simone... Simone's called.

I-I'll come out. Go, go, get out.

Yeah, cool. All right.


Was that Mitchell?

Ah, no.

That was just someone giving us a message.

Oh, it hurts.


I'll be back.

I know it does, sweetie.

It hurts. [SOBS]

I know it does.

Oh, yeah, so...

Hey, is Simone that girl from your birthday who got wasted and tipped your brother's wheelchair over?


I really like her.

I thought she was cool.


Simone: Hi.


Lucas told me you'd called him.

I wanna be clear, this is between you and I, please don't involve my friends.

I went... I went around to Vincent's, but... you'd already gone.

What do you have to say to me?

I wanna tell you... that I love you and I miss you, and I want you to come home.

I wanna be your friend too, Lil, but I don't think that I can trust you.

I'm not mad anymore. I'm... I'm just nothing.

And I think in the interest of self-preservation, it's...'s best if we're not friends.

I hope you're well, but please don't call again.

Yay! You're here!

You've got a couple of segments today, so I thought we'd get you into wardrobe ASAP.

Is Lily around?

No. Running late. No judgement.

Look, I just wanna do the cooking segment today, nothing else.

What about 'Jack's Storage Solutions'?


Well, let's get you into wardrobe.



I thought he'd resigned.

Craig asked Lily to get him back.


I think because he's good-looking, a great chef and the viewers really like him.

Oh, hey. Hi, I'm Bernard.

Ah. Ivan.

How you going? I'm one of the godparents.

Are ya?

Oh, hey, Dad.

Oh, how's it going?

Ah... I think it's all right.

She's in a lot of pain, though. It's really hard to watch.

Stay out here then.

I'm joking. Come on. Do you want something to drink?



I've got some muesli bars.

That'd be good, actually.

No worries.

Sorry, uh...


Nurse: Keep it coming.


Keep it coming.



Well done.


And breathe.

Lily: Really good.


Did I have a boy or a girl?

No, you haven't... you haven't had the baby yet.

Do you want some muesli bar?


Can we swap, please?

Ah, yeah, yeah.


Okay, okay, I got you. I got you.

Before she has another one.


There you go, sweetheart.

Is Ivan here? He can come in.

No, he's outside.

He can come in. He can come in.

I'll go get him.

Ivan, Meredith wants to know if you wanna go in.

Good, God, no.





Dale, you're gonna have to call the show.



Nurse: Congratulations, here's your baby.

[SOBS] Hello, it's Mummy.


Oh, sweetheart!

Oh, what is it?

Pete: It's a little girl. It's a little girl.

She's beautiful.

She's perfect.

Oh, look at your little fingers.

They're your little fingers. Hello, beautiful girl.

[LAUGHS] Hello.

Meredith: Oh, she's perfect.

Hey, beautiful girl.

Pete: Ah, look at our little girl.

Yes. Hello. Oh.


You're a beautiful little one, aren't you?

Aren't you a beautiful little girl?

[SOFTLY] Thank you.

[SOFTLY] You're welcome.

Jack, good to see you.

Hey, I heard you resigned.

Did you?


But you're back? [CHUCKLES]


Back for good, or...

It's hard to keep up with you. [LAUGHS]

Hey, listen, I wanna tell you something as a friend, as a mate.


Some people think you're... overstepping the mark a bit.

Be careful. Okay? Be careful.

Don't... don't bite off more than you can chew.

Know my place.

Those were not my words.

I don't want that being repeated around the production office, because seriously they... not my words.


I am dying over this shirt and dying over you in it.

#I'mDead. [LAUGHS]

You have a grandchild! [LAUGHS]


That's wonderful.

Grandpa's here.

And Uncle Bernard, oh...

[SIGHS] I think I'll head off.

Okay, yeah.

Let's catch up soon, though.

Thank you, Bernard.

Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you for everything.

No, it's totally my pleasure.

I'm gonna text you.




'Bye. Thank you for everything.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.



Did she have the baby?

Mitchell. Hi, um...

Everything go okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

What did they have?

They had a little girl.

[GASPS] Wow! That's great.

Is Meredith all right?

Everyone's happy and healthy.


I'm sure you can go in and see them.

No, no, there's no need.

I just wanted to make sure everything went... well.


That's all.

[SIGHS] Okay, work.


How did it go?

It was so hectic.

Hello, Graeme, nice to meet you. Welcome to the show.

Hi, I love you on the show. I wish you weren't a lesbian.

Oh, thanks.

Floor manager: Five.

Four, three, two...

Erica: Welcome back.

And look who we have here, it's Graeme Bloomquist, who has one of the best coin collections in all of Melbourne.

Eric: Yes, indeed.

So tell us, Graeme, when did you start this amazing collection?


A car crash. I'm watching a car crash, and not the fun kind.

Erica, get him off. Throw to Hamilton.

Erica: Thank you so much for that, Graeme.

Absolutely fascinating.

Hamilton, what's happening with this crazy weather?


Okay, Jack, are you ready?

We're gonna go to Hamilton and then to you.

Hamilton: There's a cold front...

Erica, we're on the weather.

So you can safely move across to the kitchen.

Hamilton: Are you kidding me, Hamilton? No, I love a laugh.

But I don't joke around about the weather. Never have, never will.

But a cold front, for those wondering at home, is when a mass of cold air replaces a mass of warm air that was there before.

[WHISPERS] We've gotta find a better way to do that.

I've just stripped all the tan off my knees.

Hamilton: When a cold front arrives, temperatures can drop...

Lily: Hi.

Dale: Do you wanna take over?

No, but I'll speak to Jack.

It's fine. I've got it sorted.

I will speak to Jack.

Gareth: Camera one on Jack, please.

So, Jack, what's on the agenda for today?

I'm gonna show you a delicious vegan dish that I often make for myself at home.

Erica: Sounds lovely.

Jack, what are some of the advantages of veganism?

Well, there are three main ones.

Firstly, the most obvious one is that no animal dies in order for us to eat.

Secondly, most vegan diets are healthier than those including meat.

Erica: Of course.

Jack: And, thirdly, it benefits the environment.

Cattle farming is not environmentally friendly.

There's something else I'd like to share with the viewers this morning.


I'm leaving 'The Breakfast Bar'.




Absolutely perfect.

What have we got?

We've still got the coin guy.

Go back to the coin guy.

He's frozen.

Just do it.

Eric? Pick up a coin and talk about it and describe it in detail.

Gareth: Camera one.

Bloody hell.

Eric: Very impressed by the little silver ones there with the hole.

They're like... they're like little doughnuts.

[LAUGHS] Aren't they? Without the icing, obviously.

Jack, I know you've just said you're leaving the show, but I want you to say that it was a joke.

I know you're discontented, but you cannot make decisions like this live on air.

We can talk about this after the show, please.

We'll only go to Jack for 30 seconds. So, can you have a backup package ready?

No worries. What have we got?

Can you write up a line about Jack going away for a week?

We've got '10 Common Laundry Mistakes' or 'Is Your Dog Smarter Than Your Spouse?'

Go with the dog.

Jack, I'm gonna feed you a line.

Erica, I want you to listen so you can prepare a response.

"I was just having you on before, Erica. I'm taking tomorrow off to go to a farmer's market on the North Coast."

Erica: So, Jack, tell me, are you really leaving 'The Breakfast Bar' or are you off...

He's taken his earpiece out.

Erica: on some foodie adventure?

Ah, well, both.

I'm keen to explore veganism a bit further and to do that I'll be leaving the show.

No, no, no.

Erica: What about your restaurant?

Will that keep going?

Of course.

You'll always be welcome there.

Look, but I do wanna say thank you to the many, many viewers who have contacted me or said hello to me in the street or come to the restaurant.

I appreciate you and always will.


Erica: Well, I, for one, am gonna miss you like crazy. [LAUGHS]
Is the package ready to go?


Erica, throw to Eric and the brainy dog.

What's he doing?

Eric: Well done, mate.

It's wonderful to hear you've got so many other things going on.

Eric, throw to the dog!

You know, you'll be missed here.

Eric, throw to the dog!

You know what, Erica? Might be time for me to get in the kitchen.

[LAUGHS] I don't think so.

Is his intro on Autocue?

I might even have you over for dinner one night.

See if I can't teach you...

Eric, you read your Autocue.

I'm sure you, ah... you could, you already have.

Right now, Eric!

And coming up next, is your dog smarter than your husband?

You might be surprised by the answer!

We'll see you soon. [LAUGHS]


Floor manager: And we're clear.

What? What the hell is going on? Anyone? Lily!



I am so glad I'm not you.

Craig's on the landline.

I can't speak to him. I have to get to the studio.

Eric: Don't be put off by how that looks. That's actually pretty good.

Where's Jack?

Who's Jack?

Lily: Is Jack around?

Nikkii: Ah, he really wants to be alone right now.

So he's here? Where is he?

I think I should talk to him first.

He just really needs to find his still centre and your energy is...

Nikkii, if you don't tell me where he is by the time I count to three, I'm taking you permanently off all fashion and style stories and I'll have you reporting on federal politics for the rest of your television career.

[GASPS] He's in the green room!

What the hell was that?

You promised me you would do the show, then we'd talk.

I did the show, now we're talking.

And what?

You were trying to sabotage me personally?

I just wanted it over, now it's over.

Why? Why did you have to do that live on air?

I've been thinking about this for some time.

But I just need to get away and take a break from the show.

And from you.


I didn't know he was gonna say that.

Well, I assumed that, but why did he say it?

He doesn't want to do the show.

I get that, but why was he allowed to say it on air?

I can't control everything, every tiny thing that everybody says.

Well, that's pretty much your job description, to control what people say on this show.

That's why we have writers, that's why we have scripts.

[SIGHS] I don't know what to tell you.

I didn't want him to leave the show.

There is gonna be major repercussions on this, and most of it is gonna land on your head.

We've got an ad campaign worth hundreds of thousands of dollars all based on Jack Winters!

From now on, every little segment, every little thing that goes through your head, you run by me, okay?

How will that help?

It'll help you keep your job. Maybe.

Hello, Grandpa.

Oh! Hey!


I know!


Thank you.


Oh, no, you can't go in.


The midwife's in there... doing something.

Right. So how are you feeling?

Oh, great.

It's, uh... I mean, it's really, really exciting.

Lily: I know.


Lily, now might be a good time to give Pete and his girlfriend a bit of space.

What do you...

What do you mean? [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY]

I mean, Pete needs to be free to be a dad, he doesn't need... distractions.

[SIGHS] Sometimes... [CHUCKLES] when a new baby comes into the house, it... [SIGHS] there can be pressure, so it might be time to back off a bit.

I don't think I get in the way of Meredith and Pete's relationship. Do I?

I don't think you mean to.


We can go in now.


Ivan: [SOFTLY] G'day, mate.

Pete: [SOFTLY] Hey, Dad.

Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd pop back in.

Hey, come in.


Come meet your god-daughter, Manisha.


She's beautiful, Pete. Really gorgeous.

You wanna hold her?

No, no, no.

I don't wanna disturb her.


Where's Meredith?

She's at a bathing class.

What you got there, Dad?

I thought I'd get her into the game early, you know.

I won't stay, I'll let you guys have some family time.

Wait until Meredith gets back.

No, no, no.

I really... I have to go, but well done.


What are you doing here?

I know... I know, you wanna be left alone and I promise I am, I'm gonna leave you alone, but I just, um, I wanted to give you this.

It was meant to be for your birthday, but... now I'm probably not gonna see you on your birthday, so...

You don't... you don't have to open it now.

I also... I just wanted to say one last time...

I wish I didn't lie about Jack.

And I am really, really sorry.

I'm sorry about everything.


The stupid thing is I didn't tell you because... I was scared of losing our friendship.

And then... I lost you anyway.

Are you with Jack?


Do you want to be?

I don't know.

Promise... promise you'll open it.





Why are you here?

To say goodbye.

I feel like we were never really able to meet.

We were always... missing.

When do you leave?


I don't want you to go.

Come with me.

See if there's anything between us, away from work and everything, just the two of us.

Why would you want me to go with you?

You don't seem to like me very much most of the time.

No, I like you too much.

I like the way you press your nose to stop yourself laughing.

I like the way you push food into your mouth when you eat.

I like the way you see the best in everyone rather than the worst.

I have responsibilities here. I can't just take off on a whim.

A whim?


I've got stuff to do.

I thought I was going to be speaking about feet accessories this morning and then I found this.

I know Jack has just left us and I don't wanna speak ill of the dead.

He's not dead.

But this guy is amazing.

Totally hot, totally committed.

210,000 Instagram followers.

Great body, perfect for the show.

What does he do?

Does it matter? Look at him.

I'm kidding! Okay, you ready?

He's a celebrity fitness trainer.

Alice: Do you mean he's a celebrity or he trains celebrities?


[GASPS] Sweet.

Follow him up.

Eric, you said you wanted to pitch something.


Yes, I'd love to.

I know at the moment people are very interested in dating and reality shows, so I thought we could do a mini reality segment each week about my dating love life.

I'd watch that.

I wouldn't.

Each week, viewers would pitch themselves for a date with me, and, of course, each week I'd go on a date with the view to find Miss Right.

I'd love to produce that.

Eric, aren't you married?


It's very hard to combine a high-powered career with marriage.

It's very hard to combine being an arsehole with marriage.

Alice, if you're interested in producing that, I'll leave it to you.

Nikkii, you work with her.


Mmm-hmm. Cool.


Lily? Hey.

You do realise that I won't be any part of an Eric dating segment, don't you?

I just feel like I would have failed as a feminist if I inflicted him on another woman.

Let's just let it settle and see what happens.

Ah, there you are.

Before you set me up with any girls, I'll need to see photos.

You'll get a full bio, Eric.

No bios, just photos.

When I think I couldn't dislike him any more, he does something to prove me wrong.

Lily. Craig wants to speak to you.

Mmm. Thanks, Alice.

No, no, he means in person.

So, I've got some great ideas for the Eric dating segment.

Should I only choose women his age or should I go older and younger as well?

Yeah, my idea is that I introduce him to some women that he wouldn't typically go for, you know, artistic people...

What do you think?

Please tell Craig I've gone home sick.

[WHISPERS] Hey. Shh. Manisha's asleep. Come in.

Is Meredith here?

Oh, she's asleep as well.

How's it all going?

Oh, yeah, it's pretty good.

It's weird thinking about someone other than yourself.

I imagine that would be quite challenging for you.


You know, it's so odd to say, but I feel like I love her and I'd do anything for her and I've only known her for a couple of days.


There's, um... there's something I wanna talk to you about.

Jack's asked me to go away with him.

Go away for what?

For a holiday. A long holiday. A few months.

You're not gonna go, are you?

No, I real... I want to.

Oh, I think that would be a big mistake, Lil, huge.


I mean, think about it.

You don't really know him.

I do know him. I know him well.

He's leaving on the weekend.

Are you serious?

You went to Bali for a week and took three months to plan it.

And now you're thinking about going off to God knows where with this guy in two days?

I'm considering it. Please stop judging me.

Well, don't do things that trigger judgement.

What, Pete? You? You have everything, okay?

You've got a beautiful little baby and a partner.

I sometimes think us hanging out so much has stopped me from meeting my special someone.

Well, clearly it hasn't.

Why are you being like this?

Because throwing away your career and running off with someone you barely know is stupid and foolhardy.

Have you had some sort of brain snap?

Why are you being such a prick about this, Pete?

Whenever you've had difficult situations with women, I've listened.

Now I come to you for advice about someone I think I might actually be in love with...

Love? Two seconds ago, he was loving your flatmate!


I've put up with so much shit from you.

Like what?

Like you sleeping with me when you're in love with someone else who was pregnant.

I didn't know she was pregnant.

Remember that?

I can remember a few others but that tops it.

You know what, go away with your guy if that's what you want.

But don't worry about your new little god-daughter, don't worry about your career, and I'm sure you'll enjoy a break from me as well.

I really will.




Pete: No, I am happy for her if she's happy.

I just think she's making a mistake, that's all.

But it's her mistake to make, so...

I think if she's in love, then why not go for it?

Is she in love? I don't know. I don't think she's in love.

It doesn't really matter what you think, does it?

It matters what she thinks.

Oh, don't fester about it, Pete. She's your best friend.


Come in, Ivan.




Granddad's here. That's your granddad here.

Do you wanna have a cuddle?

Yeah, I'd love to.

Hey. Go to Grandpa.

You got her arm?




She suits you.

Thank you.

I'm gonna get dressed.


Been a long time since I've held a baby. [CHUCKLES]



Ooh, someone's done a poo.

Sorry about that.

Pass her here. We'll put her down. That's the way. There you go.

Someone done a big poo for Dad.



You've done a big stinky poo.

Why do you have all these covers on?


She's her father's daughter.

[LAUGHS] Wasn't that bad, was I?

There we go, get these off.


Proud of you.

Proud of the man you are.


Thanks, Dad.

So, I went to the doctor last week.

Oh, yeah? What's wrong?

Haven't been feeling too good.

What do you mean?

Well, I've been getting these headaches and, ah... feeling pretty angry all the time.

I know I've gone off at you a few times when you haven't deserved it.

I'm all right, Dad, I'm a big boy.

Anyways, he said all those years of playing footy...

[CLEARS THROAT] might have done some damage to my brain.

I used to hit the ground pretty hard.

Yeah, but that was a long time ago.

Yeah, I know, I told him that.

He's, uh, sending me to this brain specialist in a couple of weeks.


Well, I mean, I-I can go with you if you want.

Can I have a cuddle?

Yeah, sure.


Oh, Dad.



♪ You come and go and you stay as you please ♪
♪ Convinced a moment's time is all that I need ♪
♪ These temporary highs can't make me believe... ♪

Oh, hello, hello.

♪ That your feelings are true... ♪

Here, Dad.

Anthony: I'd like a glass.

♪ Holding out your hand ♪
♪ While you turn your head ♪
♪ I don't want half of your love ♪
♪ Empty words you've said ♪
♪ Bare unravelled thread ♪
♪ You know it's never enough ♪
♪ You can't love me this way ♪
♪ You can't keep me in chains ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh ohhh ♪
♪ You can't lead me astray... ♪


Oh, what's wrong?

♪ From an arm's length away ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh ohhh... ♪

Oh, what's wrong, hey?

What have you got, eh?


♪ You search for breathing space while I'm undersea ♪
♪ Tell me to wait so you can sort through your needs ♪
♪ Keep leaving trails that you'll follow to me ♪
♪ I can't let you get through... ♪

Home renter.

Your palace!

♪ Holding out your hand ♪
♪ While you turn your head ♪
♪ I don't want half of your love... ♪

Missed my hand.


♪ Empty words you've said ♪
♪ Bare unravelled thread ♪
♪ You know it's never enough... ♪

Hey! Hey! Help!

Anthony: I never thought I'd hear your mother say those words.

Could you just say that again for us, darl?

She shouldn't be hungry. I just fed her.

Yeah, I think she just needed a big cuddle.

Don't you? Yeah.

♪ You can lead me astray... ♪


♪ From an arm's length away ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh ohhh ♪
♪ Your absence won't define me now... ♪

I love you.

♪ Held up my end with breath I've found ♪
♪ Surrendered time to solid ground ♪
♪ Solid ground ♪
♪ You can't love me this way... ♪

I have an announcement to make.

Mimi: Ooh.

I resigned from my job today.


♪ You can't love me this way You can't keep me in chains ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh ohhh... ♪


♪ You can't leave me astray... ♪

Are you in love with me, Meredith?

I'm in love with the family we've created.

Best present ever.

That's both a good and a bad thing because now I don't know what I'm gonna get you for your actual birthday.



I made you this.

Thank you.

Follow your heart.

Vincent: Sim.


I'm glad you're here because I have no idea where the breakfast bowls are.

Did you put them with the oblong receptacles or the circular ones?



Do I have to talk you through this again?

Could we? Could you show me?

I put them over here.



I've got something to tell you.


Two thumbs up, palm tree emoji.

So you're just gonna take off on a whim?

Sure am.



So, I take it you're leaving, then?

[SIGHS] What do you want, Pete?

[CLEARS THROAT] This is for you.

'The Evolution of Radiohead'.

You finished it.


And I-I wanted to explain why I reacted the way I did.

Oh, I know that.

It's because I'm stupid and foolhardy, was that right?

Yeah, no, that's... that's pretty much right.

But I also reacted the way I did because... I don't want you to go.

That I...

No, no, no. Shh. No. Stop. No.

You can't just... No, no, no, You cannot put something on the table that you can't take back.

I wanna put it on the table.

If we had a moment, it's passed.

Please let me say it. Let me say it.

It's passed.

Let me say it. Let me say it.

Move... [SIGHS]

I always thought a best friend was the person you most liked being around, you know, the person that made you the best version of yourself, the person you thought of first when something bad happened, the person you thought of first when something good happened, and that's... that's how I feel about you.

But then I realised that's not how you feel about a best friend, that's-that's how you feel about someone you're in love with.


Everyone told me that when a baby's born, it's not about you anymore, and I never understood that, but now I do.

It's... it's about Manisha.

But I had to tell you how I felt before you went away.

I'm in love with you.

Have a great trip.



Congratulations on the baby.

Oh, thanks.

I hear you're... you're going away.

Jack: Off on an adventure.

Pete: Well, look after her for me.

Will do.


I love you.