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02x07 - Rising Tide

Posted: 11/17/16 03:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Romeo Section...

Is everything all right?

Sproule: I'm sorry, it's been totally chaotic dealing with my wife.

I was wondering
if you'd like to get away with me this weekend.

Somebody comes through that door you don't know, protect yourself.

Andre: Where is he?

Rufus: He's meeting me tonight at midnight, thinks I'm going to help him get out of town.



Red: All done.

Sonya: I saw him.

Wolfgang: Seeing as she's quite possibly the last remaining witness to this event...

Get me the witness statement when you have it.

Norman: I think somebody slipped you a drug.

Sonya: Why would they do that?

Norman: Because you saw something you weren't supposed to see.

[screaming in terror] Help!

Stop the f*cking car!

[tires squealing]

[sobbing in fear] He's trying to k*ll me...

[tires squealing]

Oh, God...

S02E07 Rising Ride I'm looking for Sonya...

Has anybody seen Sonya?

[rattling and banging on door]



I'm looking for Sonya.

Excuse me, sir?

May I help you?

I'm looking for Sonya?

I'm not sure which is her room...

You... You aren't allowed here.

Please go report to the nursing station.


[nurses whispering]

There he is. That's the man.

He might know something.

What's going on?

This gentleman is looking for Sonya.

What happened? Can I help?

What's your relationship with the missing person?

He's an insurance agent.

Thank you, ma'am.

I'm going to take it from here, okay?

Got some identification you can show me?

Of course.

What's wrong?

What do you do, sir?

I'm an insurance adjuster with North Pacific Insurance.

Sonya's a potential witness for us.

When did you last hear from her?


Oh, let's see, that would have been, um...


They went outside together.

She never came back.

Thank you.

She's right.

I had a short interview with her.

It was about the same time yesterday.

Has something happened to her?

He's on the security tapes, having a cigarette, and then they walk off together.

Where'd you go with her?

We sat in my car and listened to some music, then she came back in.

I saw her go through this door.

Has something happened to her?

Well, we've received information she may have been the victim of a kidnapping.


Who reported that?

Okay, um...

I understand.


I've been trying to get her to remember an incident.

She's a potential witness to a hit and run, and...

That's all.

I admit, I have been persistent, but kidnapping?


Just take it easy for a second. Cool off...

I'm trying to do the right thing...

Okay, that's it, turn around.

And I end up...

Just hang here, all right? Just wait right here.

What's he saying?

He's saying he picked her up, drove her around for a while, dropped her off about an hour later.

What's he doing up at 5:00 a.m.?

He's a butcher's assistant, gets up really early.

But I checked out the car, checked out the trunk, looks clean to me.

Has he got a record?

Yeah, as*ault and battery.

Sexual as*ault.

No, but, look, I believe him.

Come here.

Tell him what you told me.

Who's he?

Just tell the story.

Turn around. Tell him.

I was being a good Samaritan, all right?

Driving up this street, suddenly, this chick you're talking about comes running straight at me, waving her hands in the air, screaming, "Help! He's trying to k*ll me!"

This guy, he's chasing after her, and he's got this wild look in his eye.

High as a kite, I'm thinking.

Don't stop.

I pull up, she climbs in, "Go, go, go, go! He's... He's trying to k*ll me."

I drive around for a little while, until she calms down a little, and then I ask her where she wants to go, she says the beach, so I drop her at the beach.

Show me.

You show him. Turn around.

[cell phone rings]

I gotta take this.

Let me know if he gives you any hassle, okay?

Okay, thanks.

Show me.

This is the exact spot?


This is it.

I parked right there.

That's him...

That's him.

You're the guy who picked her up?

Hey, calm down.

He just gave her a lift.

Hey, hey, easy!

What'd she say? Why'd you bring her here?

She just said she wanted to go to the beach, so I took her to the nearest beach from where we were.

What was she saying?

Just kept repeating that you were trying to k*ll her.

Did you see where she went?

She started down the beach, that way.

When was this?

About two or three hours ago.


You'd better be telling me the truth, or I swear to God, I will be coming back for you.

f*ck you.

f*ck me?

Hey, hey, hey, easy...

I hope you do find her.

She was f*ckin' scared.

Maybe you should be looking at him.

Think about that?

Um, two pieces fish and chips?



Um... so...


[coins jingling]

I've only got $9.50.

Let me give you the rest.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Three deceased, couple of 'em from a bikers' puppet club on Seymour.

The other's a dope courier working out of your old guy Bennie's spot on Hastings.

That could be a guy they call Shorts.

So, you're thinking what, it's a three-way sh**t-out.

Looks like they caught each other in a crossfire.

A crossfire, seriously?

Anybody confirm any of that?

Nobody saw a thing.

It's a theory.

If only walls could talk.

We'd all be f*cked.


You heard anything?

Just what was on the radio.

The street's saying it was Shorts, Andre, and another guy.

Alonzo maybe?

Not Alonzo, some other guy.

[cell phone rings]


Yeah, I heard.

What happened?

Bunch of goofs went stupid on each other.

I'm supposed to buy that?


Andre lays a beatdown on Shorts, Shorts firebombs his club, and they get together in a motel to what, kiss and make up?

Somebody gave up Shorts.

Am I right?

Ask no questions.

Go with the flow.

Here's your downloads.

Took me a few hours to crack the code, but he used the same encryption on both computers, so you got it all.

What do I owe you?

500 should cover it.



Excuse me, I'm looking for a young woman.

Dark hair? About this big? Blue eyes?

Hi there.

I'm looking for a young woman.

She's about this big, blue eyes, dark hair?

She would have been here by herself.

She might have looked distressed?


Thank you.


You must have been starving.

I am.

Are you thirsty?

I've got some juice.

Thank you.

You seem a bit lost.

I am.

Were you just released from the hospital?

I noticed the wrist band.

I should go back. They'll be missing me.

Yeah. I'm sure they will be.

I've, uh, I've called my friend, and he's coming to give you a ride.

Finish your juice.

He'll be here any time now.

Let go of me.

No, no, no, no, no.

I really think you should let me help you.

We're a long way from the hospital.

We'll drive you.

I'm just concerned about you, okay?

I'm really scared.


[car approaching]

Here he is now.

Everything's going to be all right.

Come, we'll have you back in a jiffy.

man: Hey!


Something to distract you for a couple hours.

Michael Gary's emails for the last year or so.


I've run out of my pills.

In my coat pocket.

I think I've got something.

This is from a file named "Vancouver Trip."

"Hello, Michael. Thanks so much for your invitation to the Vancouver negotiations. I am unfortunately unable to travel as my passport has been withheld temporarily. My lawyer, Antonio, will be attending. He is empowered to speak on my behalf."

Can you spare any?

Looks like you've got five or six left.

One more. They've got to last me.

Are you listening to me?


There's another couple of emails here, and they all refer to an upcoming series of meetings here in Vancouver.

Oh, hang on, I saw something about a gathering here.

And... this one, "Michael, I've asked our in-house counsel for their opinion, and they suggest it won't be illegal as long as we conduct all our business there in Canada."

Meaning, whatever it is they're up to here is illegal elsewhere.

Money laundering? What?

Divvying up the market maybe?

These are all agreements with international subsidiaries of Global Standard.

He's bought up companies all over the globe in places where the economies are taking a beating.

Greece, New Zealand, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Canada.

So, what's the connection?

What does the world have a surplus of?



Ex-military men and women, intelligence officers, well-trained and disciplined at the public expense, all of them looking for work in the private sector now that their particular conflict is over.


By the million.

And what does a growing force of mercenaries need to stay busy?

A w*r?

Government contracts.

Would you please glue all that together for me?

What does this Bill propose?

I've forgotten exactly, but it's something nasty.

I'll tell you.

The privatization of everything.

It's coming together, all of it.


You think this bastard Gary has Sonya?

No, I don't.

She's a really sweet girl.

[cell phone rings]

She'll turn up.

You know, sometimes, your optimism is really uncalled for.


You're sure.


All right.


I f*cking knew it.

I must not eat or drink too much.

It will be a long night for me.

But you promised me I would have you to myself for one night.

You will soon have me for many nights, as many as you wish.

You're lying to me.

You tell me nothing true.

I love you.

That is true.

I can have a dozen lovers if I want them.

But to win my heart, there must be no secrets kept from me.

All right.

I will tell you.

Not here.

Come inside.

Go away, you cow.

This cow has news for you.


Your son is about to get himself m*rder*d.

How so?

He is planning to rob the Emperor's warehouses and steal all the opium.

How do you know this?

He has joined the secret society, and the robbery is planned for this very night.

I will stop him.

Give me wine, your strongest, and his favourite food.

I will make certain he misses his rendezvous with death.
Pretty f*cked up what happened out there at the motel.


This is how it goes when cooler heads do not prevail.

That's you and me.

Cooler heads, right?

It's a pretty shitty situation for everybody.

Ah, maybe not everybody.

There's usually an opportunity in these sort of things.

What kind?

Now there's a hole that needs filling in Andre's club.

You look to me like you could maybe handle it.

You said the other day I looked like I was in over my head.

That was the other day.

Things have happened.

Funny the difference a day makes.

What about Alonzo?

Alonzo's a good strong kid, but he's a second, not a first.

That club is a good earner for us, It's a nice piece of real estate, right off the strip.

We need a strong hand to run it.

Give it some thought.

I'm interested.

I think I can convince him it's in his own interest.

Where'd you get this?

Picked it up locally.

It's rare that you see scopolamine up this way.

It's a psychotropic, popular as a street drug in Colombia, been around forever.

Mostly used for robberies and assaults.

When the victim's been exposed, they become extremely compliant, happy to give up their bank account PINs, or credit cards, or whatever else they have to give up.

A person inhales it, drinks it, eats it, and they just want to cooperate, right?


Police often use it in interrogations.

They won't tell you they do, but they do.

It's a truth serum of sorts.

And how long would it last?

Depends on how many doses you've been given.

It could theoretically go on for weeks.

Would you remember what you did under the influence?

No, not generally, but there have been many reports of flashbacks weeks or years after the fact.

And you can give a person direct commands, like, "Go to the corner, take a left, "find a rock under a basket, throw the rock through a window."

Yes. That's the thing about scopolamine, you lose all your inhibitions, all your moral boundaries disappear, you happily follow instructions.

If someone were instructed to commit su1c1de, would they comply?

That I couldn't say.

[dialing number]

[cell phone rings]


Are you ready to go?

Packed and ready.

What time should I come by?

How does this evening at 7:00 sound?

We can get a bite to eat here first.

It's only an hour's drive, and we can get the sunset on the road.

Lovely idea.

I'll see you at 7:00.

I'm really looking forward to getting out of town.

Me too.

Till then.

[breathing hard]

You could come along, do the books for us.

Same thing you're doing here, keeping the tally, running things, making sure staff shows up.

I'd be managing the club.

Yeah. Okay, manager.

Why not?

I'm trying to get out of the dope trade, not climb in deeper.

It's the bar.

The bookings, events, nothing to do with any dope.

"Nothing to do with dope."

That's what Bennie said.

"You'll be selling bicycles.

Nothing to do with dope."

It's got everything to do with dope.

Everything does.

You'd just be running the club.

How's Alonzo feel about that?

He likes you.

And what would you do about this place here?

Put somebody in place, keep it running.

It pays money.

Let Red run it.

I'll think about it.

I'm doing it.

It's just if you want to come along or not.

Offer's open.

Food's ready.

Looks good.

Wolfgang: In 2005, Michael Gary's previous company, Global Measures, provided tactical support and financing for an attempted Coup d'état in Equatorial Guinea.

In return, he was to be awarded security contracts by the wannabe new regime.

The coup failed when a helicopter he provided to drop mercenary support crashed.

He was arrested, escaped prosecution, the firm declared bankruptcy.

Two years later, he was awarded a similar security contract when the new government came into power in Mali.

His company had provided security at the polling booths.

There were reports of intimidation.

A silent coup.

Jump ahead a few years, and he purchases a smaller entity producing a*t*matic weapons in Romania.

He sells his interest in that for a tidy half a billion dollars, and goes on a worldwide spending spree, picking up various security outfits around the globe.

Since 2012, he's bought into several Canadian security firms.

If pattern holds true, he's trying to land government security contracts here in Canada.

Which brings us back to the Intelligence Bill.

He's bet big on this bill passing.

He's invested big in Canadian companies, and he wants to make sure that the bill passes Parliament the second time around.


A dangerous man.

A dangerous man with dangerous ideas.

But there's plenty of those around.

The big concern is when the wrong man meets the right circumstances.

Then all bets are off.

Listen, I'll call you back when I know something.

No, later.


Now is not a good time.

Just wanted to drop this off and say sorry for your loss.

What is it?


Lana baked it.

Leave it over there with the other shit.

And I want to let you know we're here to help out.

Help out with what?

Whatever you need to get through this.

Supply, bank, protection, whatever.

Andre's 24 hours in the ground, and you're here looking to pick his bones clean.


Just trying to make the best out of a f*cked up situation.

And why do you think I need anything from you?

I know what it takes to keep a shop like mine afloat.

I can only imagine what it takes to keep this thing going.

Now that Andre's gone...

I'm the guy that keeps this place running.

Andre was just a name.

And now it's your turn to be the name?

I get it.

We're here to support that.

You got a proposal in mind?


We split the action 50/50.

Wanna hear my theory?

[coughs] Sure. Why not?

You f*ckin' sent Shorts to k*ll Andre in the first place, and you made this whole thing happen, you f*ckin' snake.


I was thinking the exact same thing about you.

Get the f*ck out of here.


You should think about it.

Tell Lana thanks for the lasagna.

I'll make sure my dog gets it.

Alonzo wasn't too receptive to the proposal.

But you planted the idea in the head, so he'll be thinking it over.

All he needs is a little encouragement.

You can provide that.

Take it easy for a few days.

Stay away from Alonzo, go about your business.

If we're talking business, I got a lot of product ready to ship.

You got any interest in bulk deals?

If the price is right.

What kind of weight are you holding?

How much can you move?

The price gets better the more you buy.

Same quality?

Same same, guaranteed.

What kind of turnaround?

Tell me how much you want, 24 hours, I can have it in your hands.

Oh, I'm never going to touch the dope.

You hold the dope, you distribute at the club, on the street, you collect the revenues.

Every night at midnight, we square up with the dope sales.

We'll square with the club revenue at the end of the month.

I only touch the money.

Alonzo Manna.

What is this?

Need to ask you a few questions about your former boss.

Call the lawyer.

Tell her to meet me down at the station, and if she beats me there, she gets a bonus.

[director]: You've just made love in the bed over there, and you pull them out, pull all the way out down the hall here, come all the way down, and land around this area right here.

Okay, we're going to get some BG going on down the hall here.

Easy on the smoke...

Oh, he's always been handsome, since the day I gave birth to him.


Tell me again, Mother, how were you chosen to be my mother?

I wasn't the only beauty in the village, but...

I could sing.

[hums a tune]

♪ La-la La-la...

♪ La-la-la La-la-la-la... ♪

So when the Emperor, your father, came looking for a concubine, I began to follow him at a distance, singing, but always just out of sight.

I would sing just ahead of him, then he would look down the street, and I would be gone.

In this way, he fell in love with me.


He's asleep.

Now go.

I will make sure he stays asleep.

Thank you, Fan Fan, for saving my son.

I was mistaken about you.


[whispering] Take off your clothes.

[mumbles groggily]

I just forgot my script notes, I will be right there.


Well, isn't that a lovely way to start the weekend.


I thought we might have some champagne to start things off?

Oh, that's a charming idea.

You weren't followed, I assume.

I took the empty elevator in the car park, got off two floors below, walked up the last two flights, so, no, I wasn't seen.

I hope you like the pâté, for all the goose goes through.

Taste that, tell me if it's gone off.

No, that tastes fine to me.

Very nice.


Will you excuse me a moment?

I have a little something to show you.

I hope it's a surprise.

I love a surprise.

Are you unwell, Eddie?

I'm feeling... drizzley.


Is that a word?



You're a foolish old man, aren't you?

You're having a heart attack.


Not much to do about it.


Let go.


What's wrong?

You sounded upset when you called.

I am upset.

I had a meeting scheduled with Edmund, but he hasn't answered his phone for the last hour and a half, so I gave up.

And I hate to waste a good bottle, so I thought...

Good thinking.

And my luck Eddie stood you up.

It's not like him.

I hope he's not had an accident or something.

Was the meeting important, or just another excuse for him to display his overwhelming charms?

[scoffs] He can't hold a candle to you.

Well, that's a very nice thing to say.

Well, it's true.

You're a very charming man.

I can understand how you got to where you are today.

You make me blush.

So, the meeting with Eddie...

You don't mind if I relax a little?

No, please.

You know, he's been in a strange mood these last few days.

Hey, don't sit so far away.

Sit here. [patting seat]

Why, I don't mind if I do.

I'm wearing a new perfume today.

Do you like it?


And the dress is alluring.

Thank you.

You finally notice.

All for this meeting with Eddie?


I put it on in the car 10 minutes ago.

The dress?

The perfume.


And to tell you the truth, the dress is a little... uncomfortable.

It keeps creeping up.

It really does look lovely.

So, this meeting with Edmund, what was that to be about?

Oh, I've already forgotten about it.

I'd rather be here with you.

Why's that?

Do I have to spell it out?

I wish you would.

All right, I will.

What's all this about, then?

It's about... a woman who needs a little attention now and then.

And if you don't do it, I'll have to find someone who will.

[cell phone rings]

It's Edmund.

Let it ring.

You bitch, you betrayed me!

I will be k*lled for this!


Don't go!

The Emperor knows about the robbery...

Let me go!

Let me go!

[distant g*nf*re]


They are sh**ting the gangsters who tried to steal the opium.

How were they caught?

Someone betrayed them.

You fools, they will think it was me!

I am a dead man.

[distant g*nf*re echoing]





What are you doing here?

Heard you closed last night.

We got worried.

No, I just spent 24 hours in the cop shop.

Ah. They giving you a hard time about Andre?

And every other unsolved mystery in the history of this f*ckin' city.


I need a shower.

How you holding up?

I've been better.

You don't have anybody to keep the doors open?

Manager didn't show up last night.

It's been a tough week.

It's been more than a week.

This'll turn around.

I'm not worried.

Neither am I.

This is a good spot here.

I know you'll make the most of it now that Andre's gone.

You're ready for this.

I appreciate you saying that.

Looks like this guy, Rufus, is putting up some big numbers.

So they tell me.

You might think about bringing him into the fold.

Make an ally out of him.

He's not really a team player, I don't think.

Just an idea.

Rather than you wasting energy working against him.

He could be a good earner for you.

Let me think about that.


Get a shower, have a nap, and let's get this thing back on its rails.


The coroner figures she was way out on the flats, probably got caught by the tide coming in.

They got all their pictures?
