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05x07 - Vigilante

Posted: 11/17/16 02:50
by bunniefuu
Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen.

After 5 years in Hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city.

Today, I fight that w*r on two fronts.

By day, I lead Star City as its mayor, but by night, I am someone else.

I am something else.

I am the Green Arrow.

Previously on "Arrow"...

How long you gonna be staying here, man?

I'm a fugitive, Rene. I live here.

Why didn't you tell me that Kovar was making a move against the Bratva?

Anatoly: The Pakhan is going to be here any moment.

He will explain everything.

We're going to blow his new casino up.

Kovar: Hello, Oliver Queen.

My name is Konstantin Kovar.

Is there something you want to tell me?

If that's code for "are you still drinking," then my answer hasn't changed since the last 50 times you asked me.

Felicity: Oliver, I think we have a real lead on who Prometheus is.

Oliver: He's a member of the SCPD.

Man: ♪ night and no place to go ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ street of lies ♪
♪ I'm a one-man show ♪

What's with the music?

It keeps the girls mellow.

She'll do. 5 k.

Come on, man. Look at her. 7.

♪ It's time to get-- ♪

Oh, that's the Green Arrow.

Turning off the lights.

I heard he does that.



Man: Run!

♪ Arrow 5x07 ♪
Original Air Date on November 16, 2016

Come on, hoss. Ease up.

What's gotten into you today?

For the past 3 weeks, either been living here or at HIVE.

Call it cabin fever.

Well, how about you don't take it out on me?

I don't even know why you're teaching us how to use these things.

What good is wooden stick if the other guy's got a g*n?

You ever heard of Slade Wilson?

He could take you down in about two seconds with a wooden stick.

Actually, they're more than just wooden sticks.

They're from the Philippines, and their technical name is--


"All that most maddens and torments, all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain."

Rory is that from the Torah?


Oh. Does that make me Ahab?

Well, if the obsessive and really intense look fits.

Prometheus has stopped k*lling randoms.

You'd have to be as crazy as he is to think he's stopped.

This guy's deliberate.

I mean, he has a very specific plan, and we need to find him before he executes the next phase of it.

Felicity: But for now, we have a new problem, or should I say another new problem?

Nathan Sierra and Pablo Estevez-- but I prefer douchebags one and two-- just showed up at SCPD.

Doing what?

I don't know. Just hanging around.


What is it with this city and serial K*llers lately?

Who says it's a new one?

John: Yeah. Look at the "V" on their faces.

That's not Prometheus' M.O.

The victimology doesn't fit either.

Sierra and Estevez both have rap sheets for human trafficking.

SCPD thinks that these murders might be the works of a different vigilante.

How do you already know that?

I have an inside man with SCPD.

You mean your boyfriend-- or whatever he is.

Who needs labels?

So either we're dealing with Prometheus or another multiple m*rder*r.

Either way, he has to be stopped.

Uh, does he, though?

Blondie's got a point.

Two less scum bags on the street.

What's the downside?

The downside is that we already have one psycho loose in this city.

Can't afford to have another.

Who gets to decide who's a psycho and who's a vigilante?



Mr. Queen, dobryy den'.

I thought you might enjoy a break in my men's questioning.

I trust you show the proper manners.

Please eat.


I must confess you've become something of a fascination with me.

Oliver Queen.

Starling City's favorite son.

Presumed dead after a maritime accident 4 years ago.

What do you want from me?


You tried to blow up my casino.

Now my sources tell me you've become Bratva.

I have many enemies, but you're quite unique.

A week of questioning, a week of t*rture, and you've... told my men nothing.

Just except the occasional screaming for a woman, to avenge her.

What was her name?

Taiana. Taiana.


Kovar: Hmm. Galina.


Lovely lady.

I believe you knew her daughter.


Yes. Yes.

She came to me.

Galina came to me a year ago.

She said both her children, Taiana, Vlad, had disappeared.

I said, "do not worry.

"I'll get you a job so you can get by while you wait for them to return."

And she's been there ever since.

Sorry for the wait.

No worries.

Gives me time for this Twitter w*r I'm having with an investigative journalist from Russia.

What can I help you with?

So formal. That's not fun.

Susan, I've got a million things to do today.

Including with whoever dropped two bodies on the SCPD's doorstep?

How do you know about that?

I believe it's called being good at my job.

Susan, the city is still reeling from the throwing star killings last week.

I'm not looking to rile people up if that's what you're implying.

I'm not implying anything.

I'm gonna ask you nicely... to please leave this alone for the time being.

Ok. Fair enough.

Thank you.


I know being mayor's a hard job, but you look more in need of a drink than anyone I've ever met.

Ha ha!

Are you really surprised?

The--the police force is filled with these corrupt officers, the city has not gotten over the serial murders last week, and now there is another psychotic in town.

Yeah, that does sound like a whole lot of suck.

It just makes me wonder if what I'm doing is having any positive effect.

Tonight, McGuire's, 9 pm.

I'm gonna buy you that drink you so desperately need.

I appreciate that, but I don't... need a date.

No, but you need a friend, maybe even more than you need that drink.

See you tonight.

[Knock on door]


Um...Um, do you have a minute?

Uh, Branson's got a new poll in the field as of last week, and our approval ratings are up but not as much as I would like.

Are you ok?

No, not even close.

Did--did you fall off the wagon?

Well, to do that, I'd have to be on it.

You went to a meeting.

I--I...I took you there myself.

And I'm sorry.

Let's roll.

[Computer beeping]

Guys, we have incoming!

Guys! Hello!

Star City National Bank robbery in progress.

We haven't had one of those in a while.

Suit up.

Not surprising in Star City--no. Ok.

Tango spotted. Cover me.





Overwatch, robbery's over. Suspect down.

We need immediate medical attention.


Yeah, genius. That's what we are.

The vigilante... did this.


These guys are definitely my favorite crooks, not that I'm condoning their actions, just their choice in disguise.

Evelyn: Really?

Yeah, I could totally see Paul and I's next Halloween costumes.

That's almost a year from now.

Felicity: Ok. Back to things that actually matter.

The spooky crew's been on a bit of a spree.

Yeah, more than a bit.

They've hit up 7 banks in 3 states over the past two weeks.

Who's running point?

Felicity: Eric Dunn. It's not the first time he's tried these scare tactics.

SCPD collared him in 2011 for multiple armed robberies.

He should be in Iron Heights for another 8 years, trading cigarettes.

So how'd he get out?


Our justice system at work.

Felicity: Dunn must have formed a new crew.

Oliver: So Dunn and this new crew hit the bank, but vigilante got there before you did.

Yeah. Looks like he and his crew booked.

The guy they left in the bank, however, did not make it.

The bank's CCTV coverage got a glimpse at our new friend.

Oliver: Ok. We are fighting a w*r on two fronts.

Felicity: At least.

Evelyn: So we're stopping other vigilantes now?

I think what's Evelyn's suggesting is we're on the same side as this vigilante fella.

Really? Because last week, all of you were pissed when you found out that the Hood use to play judge, jury, and executioner.

We can't have this both ways.

We're gonna find Dunn, we're gonna find Vigilante before any more banks get knocked over or people get k*lled.

You don't believe me.

I believe Taiana.

She said you were a monster.

The world is a complex place.

Who's to say who is the monster and who is the hero?

For example...

Friedkin: How does an American become this Bratva devil?

[Neck snaps]

Kovar: Recognize this man?

Never seen him before.

Except in jail...

Where you snapped his neck because the Bratva told you to do it because they told you it would help to get to me, a convenient lie so they could steal his business...

And you k*lled this man, and you gave the IP address of a black market site on the dark web to the Bratva.

It's a site the Bratva now controls...

Like how they control you.

Good, evil, hero, monster.

My friend, truth is a matter of perspective.


No more games.

You are gonna get me out of here.

You're late.

You didn't even know I was coming.

I dropped a resignation letter on your desk.

You didn't think I'd expect you to show up and try and talk me out of it, and you can't, by the way.

And what makes you think that I even want to, huh?

You lied to us, Quentin, repeatedly.

So what are you doing here then?

Look. You...

You are like family to us, ok, and I'm--I'm worried about you.

I--I'm not sure I deserve your worry.

Yeah, neither am I, but I...

I am still here, aren't I?

Yeah, but that's-- that's--that's not what I mean.

Listen. When I-- when I drink like this, I black out, I lose time, and it's been happening a lot lately, and last week, I woke up, and I had blood on my hands and...

And this.

Uh, sorry, pal. We're just closing up.

Really? I was hoping you could help me out.

It's kind of an emergency.


I'm going duck hunting tomorrow, and I'm totally out of a*mo.

Friend of mine said you might have the kind I need, 5.56-mil armor-piercing hollow points?

Big b*ll*ts for ducks. Anyways, I'm closing up, so if you...


Dude said it was an emergency, yo.

This is a nice shop.

Heard you're the only guy in town selling 5.56-mil hollow points.

I don't know what you're talking about.

John: Hey!

Every week, you get a shipment of 5.56-mil hollow points.

You sell to one customer!

Hey. We had this handled.

I want a name!

I don't know who he is.

I haven't even seen his face.

He's always got the mask on.

Scary as hell. Worse than you.


Hey, baby.

Where you going? My house is the other way.


I said you're going the wrong way.

Aw, baby, don't be like that.

Heh heh heh.

What's the matter, baby?

Look like you've seen a ghost.

He's not a ghost.

We have some questions for you.

[Voices whispering from rags]

What the hell was that?

I thought I was supposed to be the wild animal.

Wild Dog.

You totally lost it on that guy.

Listen if I lose it, you'll know it.

Rene's right. You were kind of unhinged, which isn't your style.

What's up?

Nothing man. Forget about it.

Try us. We're empathetic.

Well, one of us.

Today's my son's second birthday.

I missed the party.

It's not because I've been chasing down vigilantes either.

It's because the U.S. Marshals have my home under surveillance.

That sucks.


I feel stupid even talking about this, man.

It's not like J.J. will ever have another second birthday, and it's not like I'll ever stop being a fugitive.

[Van starts]

Tell us where to find Dunn.

Please. I don't know what Eric's been up to.

I lost touch with him when he went inside.


Sorry. My friend and I don't believe you.

How far could you throw him?

It depends on how many bones you want broken.

Eric Dunn's out of prison and robbing banks again.

Give us a line on him, and we'll go harass him instead of you.

I told you. I haven't seen him in a while.

3 bones. Better yet, make it 4.


I know how he operates. Unh.

He picks banks based on proximity to police stations.

Furthest first and works his way inwards.

It shouldn't take you too long to figure out which place his crew will hit next.


Hurry, hurry!

We still have a minute or two before the Blues get here.

Not them I'm worried about.

You're right to worry.

I'm not here for you.

Then stop trying to k*ll us!


I'm going after Dunn.



Keep your g*ns down.

So then you can just sh**t me?

We're on the same side.

You're out of control.

This city is out of control, and you haven't been able to save it.

Take one more step, and one of you isn't going home tonight.

If you're not with me, you're against me.

Then I'm against you.

Then you're a dead man.

Curtis: I think we scared him off.

He'll be back.

Kind of reminds me of you, don't you think?

Ahem. Where are we?

I got two bags of bones in ACU custody.

And Dunn?

In the wind.

The recruits are still out looking for him.

Send them home. It's been a long night.

If we don't find Dunn before vigilante does, he's a dead man.

You know, you said that I inspired this new wave of vigilantes, but I don't think that's true.

I think that vigilante is out there right now because we haven't been getting the job done.

It's been 4 years, and things have only gotten worse.

Oliver, you saved this city 10 times over.

At least.

And I've been trying to be a legitimate hero, which means that I lean on the courts and the justice system.

The fact that someone like Eric Dunn is out there right now should tell us something.

Like what?

Maybe none of it's working.

Twitch, and I will open your throat.

Now you tell your men to put their g*ns down.

Do it!

All right. Let's go. Come on.

Oliver: Move!

Oliver: Go.


I need a vehicle.

Mr. Queen, think about what you are doing.

I know exactly what I am doing.

Keep moving!

Your partner will be very displeased by this course of action.

Oh, really? Tell me does his mom work here, too?

Actually, we've reached an accord.

The Bratva will lay off hostilities as exchange for a percentage to my casino's profits.

Your first two lies were more believable.

I told you truth is a matter of perspective.

Ask yourself which is more likely, that the Bratva will let an American into their brotherhood or that they're using you for whatever little value you can provide.

Or option 3. Ahem.

You're too weak to know the difference.

Ok. So tell me what happened again.

We've been over this a hundred times already.

Ok. So you must be getting really good at telling it then.

Ok. The last few weeks, I've been blacking out.

Last week, I woke up, with, uh--I don't know-- all bloody, and my arm's cut with that.

So I had a friend on the force run forensics on it, and it turns out that thing is consistent with the Throwing Star k*ller and his victims.

Ok. So...So what?

You--you think you're him, you're-- you're that guy?

I mean...

I don't know what to think anymore, Thea, but, no, I don't think even my drinking could turn me into a psychopath.

So why did you even resign then?

Because I lied to you about going to the meetings, the drinking, and now, this--this psycho, whoever he is, he's--he's messing with me.

He's targeting me.

I'm damaged goods, Thea.

I shouldn't be anywhere near close to you or the mayor of our city.

This is a nice mask.

Do you prefer Bonesy, or can I call you Laura?

Go to hell.

Ok. Laura it is then.

So...Laura, it actually turns out that I'm a lot more interested in Eric Dunn than I am in you, which makes this your lucky day.


Come on.

How about you just tell me where Eric is, and I'll let you walk out of here.

I said go to hell.


Do you need directions or something?


I've been to Hell, and that makes me somebody that you do not want to screw with.

Try the Papp Motel.

That was impressive.

It got results at least.

I'm gonna reach out to Judge Balderrama, get a warrant to move on the Papp Motel.

Should take about an hour, maybe two.

Quick as you can. I don't think this vigilante waits on warrants.

No, I bet he doesn't.


Do not reach for that g*n.

I'm already dead.

The other masked crazy has me marked.

You know what's funny?

The first time I got arrested, I wasn't even guilty.

They got the wrong guy, but the D.A., they didn't care.

They had to pin the crime on someone.

I was a good kid.

I spent two years in Iron Heights.

I wasn't a good kid after that.

[g*n cocking]




Anyone still think that vigilante doesn't need to be stopped?

To be fair, the story Dunn laid out is legit.

His conviction in '07 could be the basis for "Making a m*rder" season two.

Eric Dunn might not be a choir boy, but he doesn't deserve a death sentence.

Rene: Point made.

The question being, how do we stop Vigilante?

Better yet, how do we find him?

Well, we have Dunn in protective custody downstairs.

I guess we can't just lave him hog-tied on Main Street and then wait for Ski Goggles to show up.

Let's assume that's not plan "A."

We work the problem.

All right. I have to go see someone.

At this time of night?

Who are you meeting? Because we're all here.

Uh, I'm meeting Susan Williams at a bar for...uh, mayor's office stuff.

Mayor's office? Sounds like a date.

If you get anything new, please call me.

He's totally going on a date.


All right. So we're here.

Where's here?

It's a place called New Oasis.


You need it, Quentin.

I don't think so, not with everything that's going on right now.

It's just not the time.

This is exactly the right time, and you know it.

Everything has just been an excuse keeping you away from feeling what you need to.

I suppose you're gonna tell me exactly what that is.

I don't have to.


I know you think that you have dealt with your grief on this, but...

All of this drinking is saying otherwise.

It just hurts, you know.

It just hurts so much.

It just hurts so much.

I--I know. I know.

And the worst thing is knowing how ashamed she'd be of me right now.

She wouldn't be ashamed of you, Quentin.

She would be concerned, ok, just like I am.

You know, I used to get shot at for a living.

I don't know what it is about this building that's got me so scared.

We're afraid of things we don't know, especially when we've in pain this long.

It's hard to even accept the idea of being happy.


When'd you become so wise, huh?

I've been through...a lot--heh-- the last 4 years.


Your mother would be proud of you.

Why don't you go in there and make Laurel proud of you?

What about being Deputy Mayor?

It will be waiting for you right when you get back.

I promise.


For everything.

Thank me by getting better.

Man: ♪ Got rivers left to cry ♪
♪ and everything that you'll do... ♪

Ha! That's what you get for leaving the corner pocket open, pal.



Ah, you are here.

You play pool?

Well, if by "play" you mean "win," then yeah.

One drink as promised.






The friend part.

Try me.

I'd say that this is off the record, but I'm pretty sure it's public knowledge.

Um, this job... this job has proven to be a little bit more difficult than I expected.

What's occasioning the dark night of the soul?

It's tough to explain.

Let's say that there was someone else in my position, but they were more extreme than I am.

And you don't want to go there.

I don't want to go there.


But they've gone there, which makes me question if what I'm doing is actually effective.

I'm trying to come at things differently.

I'm trying to be more... optimistic for me.

Nah, but it just feels like--

It's one step forward, two steps back.

That's it.

I think that's what's called being in charge.


Look. The truth is, you're all this city has, so...however you go about your business, just keep doing it the right way.

Even if it takes longer to get the job done, you'll know, and so will the city.

Will they?


So stop being so hard on yourself.

Technically, that is your job.

Damn right.

[Cell phone vibrating]

You work very late hours, Mr. Queen.

You have no idea, and, Susan... call me Oliver.

John: Hey. We can't find Vigilante, but I think we figured out a way to draw him out.

Talk to me.

How do you feel about us robbing a bank?

God, it's hot in that mask!

Rene: I'm used to it.

Security cameras.

I'm on it.

Rory: Maybe I wasn't paying attention during the briefing, but isn't the point to get caught?

Yeah, not by the cops.

That's why I'm only cutting lines to SCPD.

You two take the safe upstairs. I'll cover Felicity.

Rory: Isn't that taking the method acting a little far?

We have to make this look legit.

Terrific, Artemis, we're on the move.

Anything going on outside?

Negative. All quiet out here.

Rene: This was easy.

Maybe we're in the wrong line of work.

Rory: You had to say it was easy.

Call your boss. We need to have a chat.

Don't listen to him!

Shut up!

Call him. Do it now.

They don't have to.

I'm right here.

Tell your friends to beat it.

This is between us.

Vigilante: Do it, or I'll waste him and then you.

Go. I've got this.

There was a girl outside.

She's still breathing.

She'll wake up with a headache, though.

What do you want?

To operate without interference.

So you can keep k*lling people?


Like the people at the motel?

Collateral damage.

You don't seem to know that this is a w*r.

Maybe that's why you're losing.

We have to move!

We can't just leave him there with that nut job!

The guy's got a g*n right to Curtis' head, Blondie.

There's no way we can be faster than b*llet.

What is he doing just standing there?

Don't worry. He's got this.

You got a lot of faith, man.

Green Arrow--

Shut up!

You're not getting the job done because you don't take it seriously enough maybe because you haven't lost anyone.

You don't have a full understanding of what's out there.

Oh, I've lost people, almost more than I can bear.

Then it hasn't been more than you can bear.

Maybe you need a push!

You're right. This is a w*r, but I'm gonna fight it the right way because I am all this city has.


Come on.

Ohh. Ohh.

In the field, I--I prefer Mr. Terrific, if you don't mind.

Where's Ski Goggles?


Hey. Heard about the vigilante.

I'm sorry he got away.

He will be back, and I'll get him.

You always do...

But, uh, I need to talk about Quentin.


He found this in his apartment last week.

Somebody is going through a--a lot of trouble to make it look like he's behind the throwing star killings.

Why would Quentin believe that?

Because he's been blacking out.

Look. He's--he's in rehab.

He's just taking some time.

I--I've been wondering why--why would somebody be targeting him, and... the only thing I can think of--

What if Prometheus knows I'm the Green Arrow?

I've k*lled men for less than this.

Oliver: So try, or are you gonna turn down a challenge in front of your men?

Maybe that means you're too weak to know the difference.


You will not interfere.

[Both grunting]

Greggr: What madness is this?

Kovar, we have a deal.

Your man did not believe me.

I was--I was trying to convince him.

If he dies, it's coming out of your cut.

You believe me now, Mr. Queen?

Your precious Bratva and I have made a deal.

Truth... is a matter of...perspective.


Rene: Really, do you ever not work out?

I have a few things to get off my chest, remember?

I do, but I got a better solution.

Ha! Little man, look at you!


How you doing? Am I sweaty?

What do you say?

You're sweaty.

I'm what?

You're sweaty.

Yes, I am a little sweaty.

Did you plan this?

You couldn't make it to the party, so...

We could bring the party to you.

What about the U.S. Marshals?

We did 3 SDRs.

Marshals are halfway to Hub City by now.

Hey. You want some cake?


Go get some cake.

Let's get some cake.

Hey, you. I love you.

Ha ha ha!

Go get some cake, man.

Thanks for doing this, brother?

What are friends for?

John: Hey, come one. Come here.


Fellas, can you give us a minute, please?

I was just headed out for the night.

I know. I, uh, may or may not have had one of the guys on your detail text me when you were headed out.


Ha ha ha!

Wow. Heh.

Thank you for the other night.

That was, um--that was some good advice and a good drink.

Well, now you owe me the drink.

[Whispering] Should we go now?


Let's go.

Ha ha ha!

Don't worry.

Nobody followed me.

They don't suspect a thing.