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02x06 - Saint John

Posted: 11/16/16 17:57
by bunniefuu
This programme contains some strong language I'm back in Germany.

You have a tumour. You have to understand that if you do nothing, you will die.

Gem, I need to tell you something. There's someone...

Well, some things don't need to be said out loud, do they?

What the three of us did to that poor girl.

The three of you?

Who was the third person?

Julien: Your father k*lled a girl in Iraq.

Leave. Right now.

It's hard, I know, to find out the ones you love are not who you thought they were.

Julien: I was followed when I went to the bank.

Someone hoping to steal from me.

We can fix this.

I'm not ready to go.

And when you come back, there's something I want to show you.

I'm bloody pregnant.

Eve: Kristian Herz's wife Nadia was found beaten half to death last night.

She's in a coma.

Gemma: That is Alice's necklace - with the bird.

Eve: I recognise it.

Lena Garber? She was reported missing in 2008.

That's me and Mummy, in the basement.

I think we should contin...

(Drill whirs)

(Key turns in door lock)

(Door opens and closes)

Come here.


Have you been a good girl?

I had a nightmare.


Is it because of what you saw?

I had to protect us.

Because of the bad men?


Yes, they're everywhere, Lucy.

You know that.

I know.

Can you read me a story?

No, not now, darling. Daddy has to finish something.

So... why don't you go back to bed and try and get some more sleep, huh?

Do you promise the bad man's gone?


I promise.

He's gone.

♪ Oh, my love ♪
♪ We pray each day ♪
♪ May you come home ♪
♪ And be OK ♪
♪ For now we wait ♪
♪ For you, for you ♪
♪ To come home. ♪

(Door closes)

You're back late.

I wanted to show you this.

Eve came by the pool.

We don't need to discuss that. We just...

We just don't. I know what you're going to say.

She's pregnant.


I never meant for any of this to happen.

You never do.

You never think.

You just...act.

You approach everything like it's the Army.

Don't think, don't question, just do!

And keep moving on!

I needed, er... something.

(Gemma scoffs)

I needed you.

But you're not here.

Are you?

And if I could take it back, I would.

All of it, like that.

I'm so sorry, Gemma.

Don't you touch me!

(Gemma thumps up the stairs)

Miss Stone?

(She sighs heavily)

What do you want?

I need your help.

I was hoping to look at the Army personnel files from 1991 in Iraq during the Gulf w*r.

Those are classified.

I know.

But I'm close.

Close to understanding the truth of what happened with Alice and Sophie.

If I can just see these records...


I spoke to your father.

You did what?

I told you, your father and Henry Reed committed a crime when they were in Iraq together.

Oh, Christ, Baptiste, not this shit again!

When I talked to him, he said there was a third person.

If I could find out who this person was...

My father can't remember who I am from one day to the next.

Whatever you think he said...

What harm can it do for me to look?


You don't get to accuse my father of k*lling someone and then ask for a favour. Do you understand?

Are you listening?


(Julien shouts in French)

Why were you in Erbil? What were you doing down there?

It was him...

I'm sorry.

It was never him.

He wasn't real.

But this doesn't change anything.

We both want the same thing, you and I.

If we could just help each other.

You're not well, Baptiste.

You need to go home. And don't come back.

I'm sorry.

(He sighs wearily)

(In German):

(Text alert sounds)

(They laugh)

(Phone buzzes)

(Knocking on door)


(Knocking on door)




(Adam's phone rings)

(Phone buzzes)

'Jorn, it's Baptiste. I'm back in Eckhausen.'

I need your help once again, my friend.

Please, call me.



(Iron hisses)

Mrs Webster.

My apologies for disturbing you.

Woman on TV: Now, the trial of Mr Herz marks the culmination of a case that has gripped the nation of Germany...


..and indeed the world.

Last year, Mr Herz was accused of the abduction of British schoolgirl Alice Webster...



You need to turn that off, love.

You were watching that when I went to work.

Tv: Mr Herz allegedly held Alice prisoner...

You can't keep calling in sick, you know?


..a miraculous escape in December last year.

When she returned to Eckhausen, Alice Webster identified...

Gem, you can't.

Tv: her abductor and claimed she's been held with another girl...

It's been a year now.

You can't just keep blaming yourself for what happened.

Tv: A further tragedy struck the Webster family...

For Alice what did to herself.

..with Alice taking her own life shortly...

Maybe you should see someone.

Tv: The British community...

Can you move?

..really has been shaken to its core by the events of last year.

Many here will be hoping that this trial will finally be justice done for Alice's family.

(Reporter continues in the background)

(In German): Mrs Herz?

Mrs Herz...

You are going home today.

(Reporters shout questions)

(Commotion continues)

Man: Do you think they will find your husband guilty, Mrs Herz?

(She sighs)

(She sighs)

(They rap in German)

(In German):

(Engine revs)

(Phone buzzes)


Hey, hey, hey, slow down.

Slow down.

Jesus, Matthew...

I didn't know who else to call.

Shit, Dad.

Shit, this is so bad, I've messed up.

Where are the others?

They've gone. They told me to leave it, but...

I used your pass.

They'll know it was me who nicked it.

You did what?!

Do you know what you've done?

What if something had happened to you?

You could've died!

You don't care. You don't care any more!

Just go home. I'll deal with it.

Really? What are you going to do?

I'll think of something.

I'll say it was me. Give us the pass.

What are they going to do to you?

Dad, you can't...

Give me the pass.

And just keep your mum out of this cos she doesn't need this worry right now, OK?


OK, I won't tell her.

What I said to you in the hospital, I don't know how many times I have to apologise for that.

How many times I have to tell you I don't blame you for what happened to Alice.


But I do.

I do blame you.

And I blame your mum.

But most of all, I blame me.

Because when Alice walked back into our lives, we weren't ready.

We didn't know... what to say or how to look after her.

I'm sorry.

This'll be on your record.

It'll mess up your career.

Will you buy us a pint?

Let's go for a drink, like we used to.

Tomorrow night, just me and you.

I know we can't... start again after what's happened. But we can try, can't we?





Kristian: I've been so worried.

Every day, I've wondered... will this be the day she wakes up?

I came out of the coma a few months ago.

And I couldn't work. I couldn't string a sentence together.

Yesterday, they finally let me go home.

I'm so... so sorry for what happened to you.


I will never understand how they can be so cruel.

Remember you lost your camera last year, a few days before you were arrested?

Turns out it was handed into lost property at Anstrom Park.

Anstrom Park? Why, I...?

I was att*cked before I could open it. So I only saw it yesterday.

But, darling, I...

I don't understand...

I found pictures.

Kristian... pictures of the girl.

But how? I don't understand.

It wasn't me.

Darling, I never...

You must believe me!

There are only city birds in Anstrom Park.

Why would I go there?

This is somebody trying to make it seem I'm guilty.

One year now, they have nothing. No proof.

Only the words of a poor girl, who was driven to madness and su1c1de.

And now, with the trial weeks away... this camera shows up, damning me, out of nowhere.

It's too late.

I gave the camera to the police. It's up to them now.

People need to know who you are.

(Door buzzes)

Woman on TV: A source has told me that a key piece of evidence has come to light.

(Phone rings)

This piece of evidence makes it all but certain that Kristian Herz will be found guilty of the abduction of Alice Webster.


'Mrs Webster.'

It's Julien Baptiste.


I heard you weren't well.

'Yes. Unfortunately the last year hasn't been easy. But, you know, we go on. Forgive me for calling, Mrs Webster.'

It seems there is new evidence, A camera.



'A magazine here in France' re-printed an old interview with you from many months ago.

In it, you talk about your daughter and a story she once told about a rollercoaster.

Erm, Mr Baptiste, I don't really understand...

'It gave me an idea. I believe the description' of the theme park narrows it down to just one possibility.

I have spoken with Jorn Lenhart, from the Polizei. He's a friend.

He's going to see if any further leads 'might come from this.'

But I... I mean, we know what happened to my daughter.

We know... who took her, so... what's the point in digging up the past again?

'Because I still do not believe' the girl who perished in that fire was your daughter.

They, er... they tested her DNA, Mr Baptiste.

'You know, the DNA test on the remains in that shed,' this was conducted by the British Army.

Not the German Polizei.

'Yes, but what difference would it make?'

I mean, I'd like to change the facts, Mr Baptiste.

As much as I'd like to, I can't.

'Detective Lenhart and I were also looking into a man, before my health forced me to leave Eckhausen.'

This man, Henry Reed, was a soldier in the Army.

He was m*rder*d, his death made to look like a su1c1de...

'And soon after, the British Army are given unprecedented powers in an investigation that should have been German jurisdiction.'

But it was her.

It had to be her.

'Science, Mrs Webster, doesn't lie. I would never pretend so.'

But people...people lie all the time.

What if somebody 'in the British Army lied about the DNA test?'

Mr Baptiste... 'why would you tell me something like this?'

Because I am dying, Mrs Webster.

I cannot fight any longer for the truth.

'You can. You know that girl was not your daughter. You, better than anyone.'

(She turns her phone off)

(He sighs)

Julien... you're supposed to be resting.

My body is being poisoned. I...require distraction.

You mentioned... there was new evidence.

Proving what? Guilt?

So it seems.

(She sighs)

You have to let it go, my love.

When Jorn Lenhart called last year, saying that you'd had a fit in the car and, for a moment... I don't know, I stopped listening, I was so panicked.

I thought he was saying that you were dead.

It was just for a moment, but... but now I know.

I know exactly how it would feel to lose you.

I don't want to feel like that again.

You have to put it behind you, my love.

Focus on getting better.

I spoke to Jorn Lenhart, you know, like you said.

And, er...

Sorry, please.

Well, I...I found something.

This is the girl who came back.

This is my daughter Alice.

And the girl behind them is wearing my daughter's necklace.


Can you print this picture for me?

It might be of help.

Of course.

Staff Sergeant Stone is looking into the identity of the third girl, along with the German police, so... maybe, if they find out...


Then there is hope.

But, Mrs Webster, that's not why I'm here.

It was a tragedy.

There was Henry Reed and, erm... the other soldier was Brigadier Stone.

Eve Stone's father.

I believe he knows more about your daughter's abduction.

Are you telling me Brigadier Stone did it?

Only that he was involved, in some way.

Involved? How?

Oh, love, it's not...

What does Stone know about what happened to Alice?

The wrong man was convicted for this crime.

And, yes, I believe former Brigadier Stone knows something.

And you believe this?


Yeah, I do.

Jesus Christ!

(Door slams)


Do you need to follow him?

No. Erm...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, carry on.

Brigadier Stone told me there was a third person involved in the terrible events of 1991.

I need to find out who this was.

For that, I need access to Army records.

The name of every single person in Stone's unit.

These records are confidential.

But you, with your husband's connections...

Well, you could find a way to look at them.

I can't talk to him.

I can't talk to him about anything any more.

There is another way of getting those files.

You teach on the camp.

I can't help you.

I'm sorry. But maybe Eve can help you, if they find something to do with this picture.


So we sit and we wait and, er... we hope.
(Rapping in German)

What's wrong, Matty?

That French detective came to my house.

He reckons the guy that used to run the Army garrison has something to do with my sister's disappearance.

You believe this?

I don't know. But my mum does.

And the French cop does.

The Army, they always look out for their own.

So, what are you going to do about it?

What do you mean?

Action, Matty.

Just like me and Axel did with that bitch.

(In German): Well, except if this French guy's right.

Then maybe she wasn't involved.

These Army arseholes, you know it, Matty, they keep each other's secrets.

That bitch, this guy...

What's he called?



Probably in it together.

One way to find out.

When, Julien?

When do you say "enough"?

(Television on)

(Door opens)

Mr Stone... do you remember me?

I was watching my programmes.

I wanted to talk with you more about your time in Iraq.

Who are you?

My name is Julien Baptiste.

I'm a friend of your daughter's.

Leave me alone.

There is nothing to worry about, Mr Stone.

I just want to share some memories about the desert.

How did you feel, as a young man, on operations in Iraq?

Get out!

I don't know who you are... but you are addressing a superior officer!

There were three of you, that's what you said.

"What the three of us did to that poor girl."

You and Henry Reed. Who else?

Show some respect!

Tell me what you know about the girls in this photo.

I said, get out!

Stand down, soldier!

Henry Reed.


Who was with you?

Who was it, Mr Stone?

Give me the name!


(In German): I merely wanted to talk with him.

The man got upset.

He att*cked me.

He...hurt me.

You better leave now or we call the police.

He was confused.

Sir, leave now.

(Car brakes screech)

(He pants)

(He retches)


You've failed.

No-one here believes a word you say.

What are you doing?

To yourself.

To us.

I know.

So come home.

(In French):

Celia: You ran away.

(In French): But...I had information. It couldn't wait.


'Mr Baptiste, I thought you should know, I heard from Daniel. It's an e-mail. It says he learned something about his father.'

What did he learn?

'He doesn't say. He just talks about the sunset near some place called Azwya.'


I couldn't lie in a hospital bed waiting for the devil to take me.

(In French): Remy...

You let us go back into that hospital and wait for you, thinking you just needed to summon your nerve.

You know, the surgeon, the nurses, everyone!

I had to go back in there and tell them I didn't know where you were!

You ran away!

You ran away for one last moment in the sun for the Great Detective Baptiste, because we're not enough for you!

(In French): You're done.



I need to speak to you.

Come in.

Have a seat.

I won't be long.


Sam told me about the baby.



I'm sick of hearing myself say sorry.

For all the good it'll do.

But I am.

Are you keeping it?


It must have been hard for you, back then.

Carrying...a baby for nine months.

Being a mother and then...

Well, then suddenly, you weren't.

I knew what I was letting myself in for when I agreed.

I wanted to help my sister.

It doesn't make it any easier, though, does it?

I know what it's like to lose a child.

What happened to me is... is nothing like what you had to endure.

What I'm trying to say is you shouldn't have to go through that again.

It's the right thing to do.

(Gemma sighs)

If you don't want to keep the baby, that's your choice.

But if you're getting rid of it for Sam's sake, or for mine...

Sometimes you're allowed to be selfish.

Sometimes you have to be.

(Phone rings)

I am so sorry.

I need to take this.

Excuse me.

Staff Sergeant Stone.

(Phone rings)

You're late.

The phone was being used.

If you would just get one for the cabin...

'If we're going to make a life out there, it has to be off the grid.

'So just...

'So just think, Sophie.'

You ring me at the right time.

Morning. Afternoon. Evening. Have you got that?

I'm sorry.

OK, then.

'Can I speak to Lucy?'

No, she's playing.

I miss her.

I miss you.

'Well, we'll be together soon.

'In, like, two weeks.

'We're so close.

'So just...'

Just be patient, OK?

'I will.'

Do you love me?


Good girl.

(Slops slosh in the bucket)

I'll get you a clean one in a minute.


Good day?


Lucy drew a picture of you.

Well, she got my nose right, eh?

It stinks in here.


You know... you don't have to lock the door, and then we could use the bathroom.

You can trust me now.

After everything I've done...

It's not that I don't trust you.

Or that I want to lock you in.

It's that I want to keep other people out.

Well, who'd come in?

Well... you never know.

You look exhausted, love.

I saw that guy in the street again today.

Same as before.

He was just... just looking at me.

Looking at the windows.

He probably just lives around here.

He's probably just walking his dog.

Probably isn't good enough.

Probably gets you taken away. Probably is a f*cking tripwire!

We can't live like this.

It's not good for you. Or me.

And it's not good for Lucy.

Before it was... simpler.

I thought... everything we did after you went to hospital, I thought it'd mean that people would stop looking for you.

We could be safe.

We could be a family.

But now, I...

Every time the doorbell rings, my heart... feels like it's trapped in my throat.

So let's go.

Let's go somewhere. And... it could just be us, we could be free.

It's not that simple.

Our lives are here.

We could start afresh.

Take a leap of faith.

And you know I do all this for you, don't you?

I know.

Good girl.

(Barrage of questions)

Man: Mr Webster, will you be at the court?



You think they're going to be there all the way through the trial, watching us?

Oh, God knows.

I spoke to Matthew.

We're going to go for a pint later. Like we used to, so...

Oh, yeah?

And I've been thinking about scaling back at work.

You know, give us more time.

Are you listening?

(He turns the hoover off)

What's going on with you?


That, er...

That French detective, he called earlier.

He said that he thinks somebody's interfered with the DNA test.

He thinks someone's swapped the samples or something.

Slow...slow down.

Maybe I was right.

And maybe that girl living in our house wasn't our daughter.

And, you know, there's a chance, there's a chance that she's still out there somewhere.


I'm not doing this, not again.


He had pictures.

He was talking about pictures of a rollercoaster and...

Do you know how you sound?

You know, cos you've been asleep at the wheel for this last year.

You can hardly looked me in the eye.

You think it's all your fault.

You're punishing yourself and you're punishing me.

No. You talk to Baptiste. Then you'll realise.

Then you'll understand.

We've been through all this, Gemma.

What, so the police were wrong?

That she was living in this house all this time and she, what, was lying to us?

Why would she do something like that?

I don't know.

I don't know!

But I do know that something wasn't right.

I said it, didn't I? Didn't I, when she was here?

You need help.


Because this isn't a way to battle those demons running around in your head.

This is sick.

(She restarts the hoover)

He looks like you.

Your uncle.

He was a shit.

Leaving me that cabin was probably the only decent thing he ever did for me.

I look like a boy.

You look beautiful.

It makes you look younger.

Why can't you come?

I won't get my pension unless I wait.

This is what you wanted.

To see the stars again.

Isn't that what you always said you wanted?

But I don't know why Lucy can't come with me.


Don't you trust me?

You earn my trust when I say you have.

You know that.

Take this.

Then you can have us there with you.


Look, your face is all over the papers.

If we're going to find a proper way to live, we have to do it right.

And that means me trusting you to do this.

(In French): Don't do that.

You know I hate it.


Matt, it's me. I'm here. I thought we were supposed to be meeting.

Obviously not.


Can I have another one?

You shouldn't really drink alone.

Says the man drinking alone.

Well, actually, I was supposed to be meeting someone, so...


I thought, when I joined the Army, that'd be the end of all that, you know, being on my own.

Joining a family of thousands. Now look at me.

You have a family.

Yeah, well, they're a bit like yours, you know, not all there.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. Sorry.

So you heard about my dad, then?

Nothing stays secret round here for long, does it?

(She laughs)


(She laughs)

(In German): Go on, Matty. Talk to him.

What did you do to my sister?

Go on.

What did you do?

I don't know where I am.

Mrs Webster... I was surprised to get your call.

This is everything the Army had on Adrian Stone and Henry Reed's unit.

Everything that happened on the ops they ran... during the Gulf w*r should be in there.

Thank you.

I know this couldn't have been easy to get hold of.

How are you going to find the third name Stone talked about, in all those names?

Well, we'll start with those on tour in this regiment.

Those in Stone's own unit.

Fellow officers that... might have...


What is it?

This name. This is no coincidence.

I am not done here, Mrs Webster.

Thank you.

Hey, Dad...

What happened?

You got hurt.

HE GROANS Dad, you have fractured ribs.

Don't try and move. You need to rest.

I don't know where I am.

You're in hospital.

Don't try and get up, Dad.

What's going on?


(He strains)

(In German): I want to go home!

Lie back, please.

You cannot go anywhere for now.

No, no, you don't tell me what to do!

Dad, please, you need to rest.

Look, they're just trying to make you better.

What are you talking about?

It's Eve.

I want to go home.

(He speaks in German)

Get away from me!

Leave me alone!

I want to go home!

I want to go home!

Calm down, sir.

Leave me alone!

Calm down, sir.

Leave me alone!

Sir, calm down.

Get away from me!

I want to go home!

Everything's fine, sir.

Thank you.

Everything's fine.

Thank you.

Calm down.

Staff Sergeant Stone, I am sorry to disturb.

I wanted you to know that I'll be tackling this case personally.

Your father and I had our disagreements, but it was a loss to us all when he had to step down.

Do you have any idea who might have done it?

The French detective Baptiste is back in Eckhausen again.

Staff at your father's facility say his last visitor was Baptiste.

There was shouting and when the nurses ran in to help, Baptiste was attacking your father.


You had dealings with him in 2014, during the Webster business.

Do you think him capable of such a thing?

No. But...

He's not well. He has a brain tumour.

And yesterday... he lost it in the Army cookhouse.

He was hallucinating and he went for one of the men.

(Phone rings)

Staff Sergeant Stone.

'Where are you?'

What does it matter? Only yesterday you told me to go home.

'You should come down to the station and turn yourself in.'

For what?

For what you did to my dad.

For putting him in hospital.

'Your father? I did nothing of the sort, Miss Stone.'

'I don't blame you. I just feel sad for you. You're not well.'

You're lost.

'I am not lost.'

I know exactly where I am!

Mrs Herz...

I didn't come here to harm you.

My name is Julien Baptiste.

I need to ask you some questions.

Get out of my house!

I'm not going anywhere.

Did you set him up, your husband?

For the abduction of Alice Webster?

Of Sophie Giroux? Was it you?

I don't know what you're talking about?

I am talking about the reason all of this began in the first place.

Back in 1991, for almost a month in Iraq, you were the ranking officer.

Under your command were Adrian Stone and Henry Reed.

Something happened back then, did it not?

I'm calling the police.

You will do no such thing.

I believe that finding out the truth of what happened all those years ago in Iraq will help explain why Alice Webster was taken.

And more importantly, who it was that took her.

You think it was me?

I think we don't have much time.

All right... I'll tell you what I know.