02x06 - Changing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supergirl". Aired: October 2015 to present.*
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"Supergirl" is Kara Zor-El, cousin to "Superman", who ended up being taken in by the Danvers family after being sent away from Krypton at age 12. Until the age of 24, she learned to keep her superpowers hidden but as a result of a disaster, she chose to reveal them, setting the trend for the show.
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02x06 - Changing

Post by bunniefuu »

Kara: When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. I hid who I really was until one day, when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people, I'm a reporter at Catco Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl.

Previously on

I want to do something good for the world.

You can make me a suit.

I will help you.

I didn't know you were into girls.

I'm not.

There's some truth to what you said.

Alex: You were fired.

So, does this mean I don't need to get a job?

You still need to get a job.


I'm a member of an organization called Cadmus.

Dr. Jones, there's something you need to see.

Has the permafrost thawing accelerated?

It's already melting at a rate that'll put Helsinki underwater in the next decade.

Sir, we... We don't know what this is.

Dr. Jones: A frozen wolf?

We found a stone spearhead in the body.

It dates to around 3000 BC.

So, Bronze Age Vikings visited Svalbard.

I mean...

We're studying climate change, not archeology, doctor.

Touch it.

This wolf has been trapped in the ice for over 5,000 years.


It's not possible. It's still warm.

One hour out of the ice, the tissue is soft, and at a normal body temperature.

Woman: What the hell survives 5,000 years under ice?

You mean, besides a disease?


Help me!



Aldebaran rum. Deadly to humans, but a refreshing cocktail for the two of you.

Did you order this thing?

Did I order this thing?

No, it's from Giggles.

Oh, she's blue.

This is unbelievable.

That's the fourth round of drinks some girl has sent over.

Your friends are nice.

Yeah, yeah. I'm lucky to have them in my life.

Makes being here on Earth a little less lonely.

Working here does that for me.

I'm glad we found this place.

I am, too.

Hey, hello? Can you stop flirt-drinking for one second?


You have been dodging me for days.

You promised me we would talk about a job.


Even if it's not Catco, you have to work.

I've found work. Mmm-hmm.

That's great!

What is it?


Various things, and odds... Odds and ends.

At least, let me train you.

You have all these powers and you're not learning how to control them.

I can control things.

That's dangerous.

You have to know how to...


This was not the prime example of that.



I'll make a trade with you.

You drink this drink, and I will train with you.

I... I don't think so.

You scared?

(SCOFFS) Oh, my God.


That was very quick. How do you feel?


But I'm not floating.

No, you're sitting.



And, ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

You have to train with me now!



Anything you say.

Whoa. That hits you fast. (GASPS)

I'm going to get us two more drinks.

I'm going to clean up while you're gone.




Hey, you look like my sister.

Are you slurring your words?

Am I?




Kara Danvers drunk. That's... That's a first.


Hey, have... Wow.

Hey, have you seen...

You... I'm driving you home.

I'm not flying. That's for sure. (CHUCKLES)

Danvers! You're alive.

Yeah. Uh... Sorry.

For what?

Well, for coming in here and dropping a b*mb on you.

That's not the first b*mb that's ever been dropped on me.

How you doing with all that?


I just... I don't know what to do now.

You know, I mean, I'm almost 30.

(GIGGLES) And I feel like a kid again.

Well, everyone's experience is different.

I can only tell you what I did.

Which was what?

I came out to my family.

How did they take it?


My dad isn't exactly known for his en-mindedness, but he was pretty good.

And, so was my mom.

Maybe it's just a phase.

You know, maybe it isn't real.

No, it's real. You're real.

And you deserve to have a real, full, happy life.

Okay? Tell your family.

This is the biggest thing that's ever happened to you, and you shouldn't have to do it alone.

I have you.

Yeah, you do.

And I'm good for a drink when you come out.

You promise?

Cross my heart.


I have to go.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Yes, I'm sure you are.

Everything is fine, A-okay.

Let's just take a seat.

Come on, there you go.

Where do...

Hey, you're really tall.


Where did you go?

Oh. Hi.

What's the emergency, Mr. Schott?

Is she drunk?

Mon-El took me to happy hour.

Of course he did.

He knows how to drink drinks.

Of course he does.

Come on, let's move it along.

Yeah, okay.

Thorul Arctic Research Station in Norway...

(CRYING) Please! Please! It's not human!

So, after the SOS went out, nobody has been able to get in touch with them.

The government put the whole place under quarantine until the DEO could investigate.

All right. Supergirl and I will fly up there.

Alex and I will take the jet. Let's go.

Have you ever seen anything like it?


It's like something sucked him dry.


Who's there?

Come on out!

Dr. Jones: Cold...

(WEAKLY) Cold... Cold.

He's gone into shock.

We got to get him back to the DEO.

Dr. Jones: They're all dead, aren't they?

I'm sorry.

You've been through a lot in the last 24 hours.

I would like to keep you for observation.

Global warming isn't taking a break.

Our planet is being destroyed.

And not by any invader or army. By us.

Just taking it for granted.

My colleagues gave their lives to stop climate change.

I'm still here.

I have to carry on in their name.

We may need to ask you further questions.

You can find me at National City University.

All right.





I slipped.

Better. Again.

(GROANING) Yep, okay.

Less better. Again.


(CHUCKLING) Come on.

Too hard?

No, I'm fine.



(GRUNTS) Okay...

Is this because I got you drunk?

Let's never discuss that again.

You need a break?


Okay, I accept your surrender.

Ha, ha. This is serious.

You have to learn how to defend yourself.

How often are you planning on attacking me?

I'm training you. So that, one day, if you are so inclined, you can make a difference.

And what if that's not me?

Sure it is.


Kara, hey... Can I talk to you? Alone?

So, what's going on? Is something wrong?

No, no. I, um... (CLEARS THROAT)

Just, uh...

I wanted to talk to you about something.

Something about me.

Alex, whatever it is, you can tell me.

Your cop friend.

She and I started working on a couple of cases together.

And, you know, we started hanging out after work.

And you know, I... I started, um...

Thinking about her.

I don't know what that means.

I mean... Um...


I started to...

Develop feelings...

For her.

Feelings? Like...

Yeah, those... Those feelings.


So, Maggie thought that I should...

Tell you. And so I did. I just... I just did.

So... So, she's gay?


And, are you saying, you're gay too?

(SIGHS) I don't know.

I'm just trying to make sense of it all.

It's so complicated.

Alex, it kind of sounds like you're coming out to me.

Have you felt like this before?

Not like this.

Have you ever been with a girl?

No. Never.

Okay, what's different?

I know you haven't been dating much lately...

This isn't because I haven't found the right guy.

I never said it was. I'm just...

I'm just trying to understand, okay?

You know, I'm up all night, just thinking about it.

And if I'm being honest, you know, I realize that...

Maybe I've had thoughts like this before.

Do you remember my best friend in high school?

Vicki Donahue?

Yeah, I remember Vicki.

You guys had a really bad falling out, right?

I used to love sleeping over at her house.

In her room...

In her bed.

And I think, uh... I think I felt something then, and it scared me.

You know, because... Because next thing I knew, I'm fighting with her over something so stupid.

And we just...

We just drifted apart.


I shoved that memory down so deep inside, that...

It's like it never happened.

I'm remembering stuff like that now.

So, are you and Maggie like, um...

I mean, do you know if she likes you...

I don't know. I...

I don't really want to talk about it anymore.



Dr. Jones: The organism seems to be absorbing my red blood cells, rewriting my DNA into something new.

We're not two distinct beings any longer.

We've become one.

One greater than the sum of its parts.

Jones! You should be at home, resting.

After what you have been through.

What I've been through is extraordinary.

It has energized me to continue my work with a new fervor.

The world's not going to end overnight.

Not today. But one day soon.

I'm right about this. The world is changing, and not for the better.

(SCOFFS) Perhaps you better take more than a day off, Dr. Jones.

Your erroneous obsession with climate catastrophes might be better indulged at a different institution.

You're firing me?

It's not the first time I've had cause.


No, we don't accept that.


You and who else?


So, I analyzed the laptops of the dead scientists up at Thorul.

I found some kind of video of an autopsy on a Dr. Bailey's computer.

Here we go.

Woman: What the hell survives 5,000 years in ice?

Dr. Jones: You mean, besides a disease?


Woman: Are you all right?

Winn: Oh.


Woman: Please!

Dr. Jones...

It's not human!

He's infected.

Oh, God!

Dr. Jones?


It's just like the other bodies we found up in the Arctic.

I guess we know why Rudy Jones was the only survivor.

He k*lled them all...

Dr. Jones: You can't stop us.

You can't stop what we're changing into.

This planet is being destroyed by the human race, which lives only to suck the life from it.

Like parasites. Only we can save it.

Sorry, pal. Saving the world's my job.




Such power... We like it.



What just happened?

Whatever was under the ice is inside Dr. Jones.

But it's not k*lling him. It needs him to feed.

And I figured out which alien!

Parasitus alienus, if we're going by the Wile E. Coyote classification system.


It's an alien parasite, guys. Come on.

It's probably from the Angon system.

Most likely got stuck here during the ice age.

So, it finds a host, feeds whatever energy the host comes into contact with, turning them into those husks we found.

It's more than just food.

The second he touched me, he got more powerful.

The more he absorbs, the more dangerous he is.

Kara, you all right?

I'm fine. (GASPS)

Agent Schott, start looking into the other victims Dr. Jones' might be targeting.

Supergirl, go home and rest. You'll need your strength for the next fight.

I want to help.

James, we got this.

I should come with you. Just to make sure you're okay.

No, no. I'm okay. Don't worry.

How did you even hear about what happened?

Oh, you know, reporters, they have their anonymous sources.

You know, I'm going to show you out, photojournalist James Olsen.


So, what, are you out of your mind?

Like, what's...

Are you?

Kara almost died, Winn!

You think that I don't know that?

I... Get out of here.

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I know I don't hold the copyright on caring for Kara.

But we're out of time, man. I need that suit now.

When it's ready, I'll will let you know.

No. Now, Winn!

Are you serious?

No, no. I'm not taking orders from you.

Dude, I'm not your assistant. I'm not the IT guy.

I know.

I'm the guy who knows what he's talking about.

I know.

In fact, I am better at this kind of stuff than anyone else you will ever meet!

Until I finish making it all fancy, it's just going to be a glorified Halloween costume.

So, when I tell you the suit is not ready, that means, if you go out there right now, you're going to die!

You will die.


And then what? You're not going to be helping anyone.

(SOFTLY) Okay.




I said, I was fine.

You didn't need to check on me.

I'm not checking on you.

You've been weird ever since I told you.

I don't mean to be.

Kara, I know when you're sad.

Or when you're disappointed.

I don't know what I would do if you were disappointed in me.

I would never be disappointed in you, but you said you didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Well, I do if you're not okay with it.

I am so okay with it.


Sit down.


Come and talk with me.


I... I think I owe you an apology.

For what?

For not creating an environment where you felt like you could talk about this with me.

All those years we spent together growing up, the endless nights talking and sharing...

Now I realize that they were all about me and my secret.

There's never been room for you, and that's my fault.

And I'm so sorry.

You didn't do anything wrong.

And I know...

I know that this is not the same at all, but I do know how it feels to keep a part of yourself shut off, to keep it inside.

And I know how lonely that can make you feel.

But Alex, you are not alone.


I can't do this without you.

No, you don't have to.

So what about Maggie? What's she like?


I... Um... I just like her so much.

You know she's so...

She's smart, and she's tough, and she's just...


She's so beautiful.

So are you.




Uh... DEO's reporting an alien attacking civilians in an alleyway downtown.

I'll go get the alien. You get the girl.




Hold it!



Ah, okay, before you say anything, you should know that this gentleman here...

Stand up, Brian.

(GROANS) Hi, there.

Brian here has a bad habit of not paying back his debts promptly.

Brian: I do.

And, if his bookie wants to pay me to help him improve his habits, I mean, who am I to say no, right?

(CHUCKLES) I mean, who's the victim here, really?

Run along, Brian.

Yes, ma'am.

Are you kidding me?

This is how you're using your powers?

As muscle for hire?

It's a living.


A temporary living.

You're supposed to help people.

You cannot use your powers for money.

Why? Don't you?

Absolutely not!

Well, that's a missed opportunity, because...

This goes against everything we stand for.

Um, everything you stand for.

Look, I never said I wanted to save the world.

Things in this world cost money, and if I can make a few bucks using my powers, why shouldn't I?

Okay, I get it.


No. You are so selfish.


I don't know what else I should have expected from a...

From what?

From a Daxamite?

I didn't say that.

Yeah, but you were going to, Kara.

Okay, I may have your powers but I don't have this...

This innate desire to go leaping into trouble.

But that doesn't make me a bad person, all right?

It kind of does.

No, it doesn't.

You're no saint, Kara Zor-El!

Excuse me?

You fly around, rescuing people, like you're just pure of heart.

But that is crap.

Because you love that attention.

You love people loving you.

You are not selfless.

And you are no hero.

I thought you could be, but I was wrong.



I need to punch somebody.

Your timing's perfect.

Your IT prophet has a lead.

Kara: Rand O'Reilly. ALEX: He's a lobbyist for climate-change deniers.

He's also on the board of National City University.

He's been working behind the scenes to oust Rudy Jones for a long time.

Where is he now?


Dr. Jones: Mr. O'Reilly.

We've never had the pleasure of meeting in person.

Dr. Rudy Jones.

You had me fired.

If you're looking to get your job back, that's not going to happen.


I'm looking to stop you before you harm our world any more than you already have.


You're sick, Rudy.

You need to come with me.

Not before we drain him.

Well, I'm afraid Mr. O'Reilly isn't on the menu tonight.

This planet doesn't take to kindly to parasites.

This planet is dying, and we've been chosen to save it.




Agents down!

Something changed when Dr. Jones drained Kara and J'onn at the same time.

I don't know. It might be one too many alien DNAs in his system, but he's mutated.

Okay, well, that's something the DEO can handle, right?

Any updates?

Sorry, I have to go.

Are they going to be all right?

Alex: Kara will be, eventually.

The yellow sun lamps are bringing her back very slowly.

Way too slowly, if this thing att*cks again.

And J'onn?

He's lost a lot of blood.

Yeah, and hard to get a transfusion when you're the last son of Mars.

He's the last son, but he's not the last.

Stay here. Monitor them.

You let me know if anything changes.

Hey, you.

We can't wait any longer.

The real Rand O'Reilly is due to speak at a climate-change deniers conference this evening.

Just lots of evildoers in expensive shoes.

And since Dr. Jones seems to be targeting environmental enemies...

He's not going to be able to resist.

Come on. (GRUNTS)

I better suit up.



Before you open it, I need you to make sure you are sure.

All right, this will be the end of James Olsen.

Full stop. You do this, you are someone else.

There's a cost. Are you sure?

I've been ready to do this since the day I found out the truth about Clark Kent.

This is who I am.

I can't hide behind my camera anymore.

If there's a cost, I'll pay it.

That's a pretty good answer.


M'gann, thank God. You're here.

What's wrong?

J'onn needs your help.

Is he okay?

No, he's in really bad shape.

Yeah, uh, just let me get my stuff.




Not particularly.

I've just found that drinking is the fastest way to get drunk, so...

This city could really use a hero right about now.

Fighting rampaging creatures isn't on my resume.

Oh, that's right. Kaol.

Uh, beating people up for money is though, right?

Hey, here's an idea. Why don't you go believe in somebody else, Alex?


I don't believe in you, Mon-El.

I suspect you're a coward, and that you would run at the first sign of danger. - Mmm.

My sister, she's the one who believes in you.

That's why she's so upset with you all the time.

She thinks you have potential.

To make a difference, like she does.

To ba hero.

I don't know how.

You can start by standing up.

Like the rest of us.

What happened to him?

He was att*cked by a parasitic organism.

His vitals are getting worse.

We don't have much time.

What can I do? I'm not a doctor.

He needs a blood transfusion. From you.

My blood?

The blood of a Green Martian.

I can't do that.

I don't have time for squeamishness.

You have to help me save him.

You don't understand.

If J'onn knew, he would not want this.

We're not on Mars.

So, whether you're saying no because of custom, or history, or your own personal reasons, none of that matters right now.

He is dying.

He will die if you do not help him.


You're his only chance.

Thank you.


Gentlemen, gentlemen...

Gentlemen, the Earth is in peril.

Not from climate change, but from misguided scientists, and the liberal news media with its Chicken Little pronouncements of the end of the world.


Want to watch where you're going?





I regret this already.

We are Parasite.



Please tell me you're on my side.

Who are you?


Man in the van, you there?

Winn: I'm here baby, I'm here.

Your seven o'clock in the DEO speed wagon.

Yeah, he's coming back for more.

Hey, hey. You know what to do. You got this.

Are you sure?

Quit whining and trust me, okay?

What now?

Now! Now!


Oh, my God. It worked. (CHUCKLES)

(LAUGHS) Hell, yes! Take that, Grimace!


Hey. Easy, easy. It's okay.

Where's Rudy?

He att*cked a big climate conference.

Mon-El is there doing what he can.


Where's the conference?

Hey, you can't fight him again.

He'll drain you for everything you've got.

Then I'll have to get some power he can't handle.

Woman: Somebody help us!

Get her out of here, now!

Alex: I do not support this plan.

It's going to work.

This is how Chernobyl happened.

This won't be Chernobyl. Trust me.

Let's see him drain this.


A little help?

Crap! Crap!

Oh! There she is! That's my girl.

You want to change the world, then change is good when you finally become what you were meant to be.


But you were never meant to become this.

Last chance.


Let me help you.




(GRUNTING) There is such a thing as too much power.

Plutonium 239.


I'm sorry.


Whoa! Whoa.

Is he...

You showed up.

Nobody's more surprised than me.

Thank you.

Both of you.



Couldn't make it too easy on you.

Who are you?

A friend.

Supergirl managed to destroy the creature, but it was this new masked hero who has all ofational City talking.

Who is the mysterious Guardian?

Guardian, huh? (CHUCKLES)

Not bad, could have been better.


Look, I want to help people, and what better says that than Guardian?


You did pretty good out there last night.

Taking down the Purple People Eater.


Not too bad, yourself, man in the van.


You want to keep on doing this, don't you?


So do you.

Yeah, I do.


What's wrong with us?

Nothing. We're heroes, man.

Just like Kara.

We have no choice in the matter.

It's who we are.


Do you really think we should keep this a secret from Kara?

Just feels kind of weird, lying to her.

Yeah, I know what you mean, but I think we should.

At least until we get a handle on it.

(SIGHS) - Otherwise, all she's going to do is try to stop us.

And she could. (CHUCKLES)

Long live the Super Friends, then.

To the Super Friends.



How are you feeling?

Like someone tried to suck the life out of me.


(WEAKLY) Yours?

Alex said you needed me.

And you came.




I should let you get some rest.

No, stay. Stay.

Until you fall asleep.

Hey, Maggie.


Hey, I was hoping you'd turn up.

Any interest in a game?

Well, actually, I was wondering if you were still good for that drink you promised me.

You told Kara?

Yeah, you did!

I am so happy for you.

I'm buying, all night. What are you having?


I've been wanting to do that.

Yeah, I can tell.

Was that not okay?

You didn't do anything wrong.

But something's wrong.

Well, we're at really different places.

And everything is changing for you.

And everything is going to feel really heightened and shiny.

And, um, you should experience that for yourself.

Not just to be with me.

And I shouldn't get involved with someone who's just fresh off the boat.

Those relationships never really work out.



I'm here for you, but as a friend.


Are we cool?



Yeah. No, no, we're cool.

Alex, don't go.

I'll see you.

Kara: (KNOCKING) Alex.

Alex, ugh... I can see you in there.

Let me in please.

Go away, Kara.


What's going on?

Nothing. Nothing is going on.

You shouldn't have come over here.

Well, you didn't show up for work, and that's not like you, so I got worried.

You're right.

I should... I should go in.

Wait, wait.

Something is clearly wrong.

Everything is fine.

Is this about you coming out?


And just forget I said anything about it.

Okay, forget it.

Why? What does that mean?

It means that I made a mistake.

Okay, I was wrong.

And I shouldn't have said anything.

I should have just kept my mouth shut.

What happened?

She doesn't like me.

Like that.



Come here.

(SOBBING) It's so humiliating.

No, no.


I'm proud of you.



Hey, can I help you?

I'm trying to be better, so I'd love to help out.





Welcome to Cadmus.
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