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01x05 - Lions in Winter

Posted: 11/14/16 09:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Graves"...

It's a h*m* wedding, for God's sake.

One gay wedding and you're hitting on Barney Frank.

This is my life.

It won't be if you run for Senate.

It can't be.

Margaret: Lawrence just called, and he said if I did decide to run, he's on board.

You feel this, right? I mean, this is crazy.

Open up.

Bitch is nuts, ese.


Sorry, I wanted to ask if you would give the keynote at my annual Red Cross fundraiser next week.

Jeremy's gonna appear on "Good Day Santa Fe."

Let's talk about your father. He's been erratic lately.

I'm gonna come over there and beat the f*cking truth into you.

I'm going to a really rad concert Friday night if you want to hang.

Yeah, sure. I'd love to hang.

(music playing on television)

Newscaster: This is CNN Breaking News.

Announcer: Sad news out of...

You called for me, sir?

Shh, shh.

CNN has just learned that former Prime Minister Trevor Lloyd has checked into Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for what's being reported as a last attempt cancer treatment.

Oh, shit.

Celebrated when elected, Lloyd lost the support of the British people, not to mention the Royal Family, when he aligned himself politically with former American President Richard Graves.

Turn it off. Off!

Yes, sure.

So sorry, sir.

Tell Ramona I need to pack.

We're going to Baltimore.

Now, literally?

No, we're gonna wait till he's dead.

(cell phone buzzing)


Hey, Sammy. It's me, Isaiah.

Yeah, I know. It's super early.

I know. I'm sorry.

I just, um... unfortunately, I'm not gonna be able to make it to that concert tonight.

Oh, yeah, that's cool, man.

We can do it another time.

Oh, definitely. Please.

I was really looking forward to it.

I just... I have to go with the president last minute to Baltimore.

No shit.

(theme music playing)

You know, you guys are doing me a real solid here.

You wouldn't believe how ridiculously pricey airfare is.

For me, anyway.

Oh, no, for anyone. Are you kidding?

Mm. Dude.

Sad Prez is giving me so many feelings.

It's like, this was his friend, you know?

Oh, yeah, no. Everybody always said that Graves was the cowboy, Trevor Lloyd his lapdog.

I think he feels responsible for what happened to the prime minister.

You know, how he got run out of office.

(line ringing)

Margaret: Hey, darlin'.

Are you on the plane?

Yes. Actually, we're almost there.

Honey, I just don't know quite how I'm feeling, what to do.

Oh, Richard, I should've gone with you for support.

I can still cancel this.

I'll hop on a commercial flight to Baltimore.

I'm just a few hours behind you.

No, no, no.

Honey, I'm gonna be fine. I'll figure it out.

What you're doing is really important for you today.

I love you, Mags.

Well, that's disturbing, but beautiful.

That's what my mother always said about Kitty Dukakis.

I used to paint when I was a kid, but Daddy said it was too dark and street for his uber-Christian base.

Hey, stop being judged by the world, listening to all their voices.

I don't let anyone judge me.


(cell phone rings)


Yo, compadre.

(speaking Spanish)

Yes, yes, see you in an hour, (speaking Spanish) text you address.

I have to leave for work, mi amor.

What? No.

Baby, you can't.

I have to.

I want you to stay in this room with me until we grow old and we die.

I won't be gone long.


I promise.

It's already forever.

Sir, you've received a bouquet from David Cameron.

Should I send him a thank-you note on your behalf?


Yes, sir. Right away.

(door opens)

Lloyd, you look like shit.


It's all right, Ali.

No need for concern.

All former presidents have a certain startled desperation to them.

You can leave us.

I came as soon as I heard.

And what exactly have you heard?

Cancer. Bad.

Heh. I should have been stricken with the good cancer.

I'm sorry it's been so long.

Really, Richard, it's okay.

This happens to be a routine stay. I'm not on my deathbed.

Hope I didn't disappoint you.


You're still pissed at me, huh?

"The Dolt of Downing."

That's what the British press called me.

Well, you know, I could write a book on all the things I've been called.

Yet your books refer to triumphs.

Statues erected in your honor.

I was brutalized by the press, Parliament.

In private, the queen once told me that I was nothing more than a boil on the ass of that American cowboy.

That bitch.

And you!

Not one bloody f*cking time did you pick up the telephone.

But more, I was your friend, Richard.

Hit me.


Don't be daft.

Come on.

Get out of that f*cking bed, and you're gonna punch me right in the f*cking face.

Let's clean the slate.

You know, I lost an election for you.

I cost you your legacy.

So get your balls out of your g*dd*mn pocketbook and get up here and hit me in the face!

You've visited, Richard. Kindness noted.

Go on. Get out.

And now you're gonna die still being a boil on my ass.


Damn, that hurt.

Why, you old limey f*ck!

(both laughing)

You should have seen your face.

Utter shock. Priceless!

Trevor, there's something I gotta talk to you about.

See, I've been going through something, the way I see things.

I think you'll... you'll understand.

And it's the only gift I have left to give you.


And what gift is that?

Ali, could you be a dear and get me a packet of crisps and a soda from the cafeteria?

I need something salty and sweet.

There's a good chap.

Yes, sir. Of course.

Salty and sweet.

Let's go! Let's go! Come on, kids.

Meet the prime minister!

Hello, sir.

What's up?

Pleasure's entirely mine.

(phone ringing)


Man: Jeremy.

This is Emery Rozman, Paradigm Talent Agency.


Saw your "Good Morning Santa Fe" appearance, bro.

Mind blown. "Beat the truth into you"?

If that camera was a chick, she'd be walking bowlegged for a week.

Yeah, I mean, you know, I guess I do have a certain ease in front of the camera.

Jeremy, look, Fox, MSNBC, CNN.

Picture this... son of a president, newsman.

Like Wolf Blitzer?

Oh, yeah, f*ck Wolf!

Like Jeremy Graves! Dude, I'm telling you, just think about it, man.

30 years ago, I wasn't even registered to vote.

I had a small computer company and a magazine, and my business needed tax relief or it was gonna go bankrupt.

Then I met President Graves, and I was inspired.

Not only did Richard Graves' economic policies help my businesses grow and expand, but he also introduced me to his much better other half.



And now, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you my great friend Margaret Graves.

Thank you, Jonathan.

Not so bad.

I can do this.

Not so bad.

(vacuum sputtering)


No, no, no.

No way. It's not gonna happen.

I'm sorry, sir, but no scenario exists where I leave you and the former prime minister in the middle of Baltimore with no Secret Service detail whatsoever.

Oh, it exists, Isaiah. This is it.

Now, I'm going over there and I'm gonna sit with my old friend and have a slice, and then I'm going to deposit him back to the cancer bank.

I owe him big-time.

So now f*ck off or you're fired.



Really, sir?


Iz, it's okay. He's a grown man.

You can loosen your grip a little.

No, Sammy, my whole job is about the grip.

It's what it is. Hold on to him.

Never let go, no matter what.

Okay, so now you get to spend some time with me, and to be honest...


I need you to come with me.


You'll see.
Trev, do you ever miss it?

The power to change events, you know, affect the conversation?

Oh, at first, but not for years, really.

We're old leather chairs, Richard.

Dependable. Unexciting.

This world isn't meant for us.

But we made this world, right?

Now, I know that look.

What look?

No, no, that's the "Ooh, let's pre-emptively invade a foreign nation!"

Or "Please, may we impose economic sanctions, Trev?"

That look is what my nightmares are made of.

If anything, this look will set you free.

Thank you. Nice to meet you.

What do you think?

I think these people have way too much cash and no idea where to stick it.

Fantastic speech, Margaret.

Annie, thank you.

Well, then again, they're just words on a page until they come out of your mouth.

Lawrence Mills, Annie Novak.

Do you two know each other?



Margaret: I'm really surprised to see you here.

Oh, well, I'm going to be everywhere until I hopefully get a yes.

I need more time, Annie.

I haven't even talked to my kids.

I understand, but our window is closing.

We have about a month, so I am gonna pitch until it slams shut.

Look, Thomas Nash is a nightmare.

His polls are rising.

I know. Everyone's worried.

If it's not you, it's going to be him, and the party's afraid that we're going to lose the seat to this fearmongering demagogue.

Okay, I have to step inside really quickly.

It was great to see you, Annie.


And I heard everything you said.


Trevor: "Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks!

Rage! Blow!

You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout till you've drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!"

Shut the f*ck up or I'm gonna have these people pierce your mouth shut.

Richard, it has to be said, I think this is a terrible idea.

This pain means you're still alive.

"Rumble thy bellyful!"

Both: "Spit, fire! Spout, rain!"

What the f*ck?

Jeremy on speaker: Just know if you ever do it again in front of me, I'm gonna come over there and beat the (bleep) truth into you.

Anyway, thanks for having me.

(phone ringing)


Hey, Jer.

Are you f*cking sitting down?

'Cause you're not gonna believe this.

Little bro's gonna be a TV star.

I'm telling you, for the first time...

Jeremy, listen to me!

Okay, Jesus.

Quick question.

Let's say you were at a friend's house
and you accidentally found, I don't know, like, a little bit of dr*gs.

First of all, are you in a closet and is your friend you?


Okay, well, uh, that shit's poison and your friend's a f*cking moron.

Actually, wait, wait, wait, wait a second.

What are we talking about here, like, a joint?

A couple of joints? Occasional user amount of dr*gs?

I'm gonna choose to say yes.

Well, then, don't be such a f*cking judge-y bitch about it.

I mean, hey, check a reflection every once in a while, am I right?

Glass houses.


Okay, love you.

Love you.

Oh, shit.

Trevor: My Rosemary would've been horrified by this new tattoo.

No, she would've loved it.


Actually, you know, she probably wouldn't have cared either way.

By the time she died, we were distant.

It was a dispassionate marriage.

Separate bedrooms. Often separate homes.

During my years in office, the neglect took its toll, you know?

I don't think that we were ever really in love.

More a marriage of convenience.

Well, there's a damn shame.

I've never shared this, but, you know, I was in love once.

Gloria. She worked in the kitchen at Eaton.

Had these wonderful green eyes.

And her laugh? Oh, magic.

We saw each other every day.

Of course, no chance of it going anywhere.

Look at that.

Reminds me of London in the early '70s.

I never did participate in the hippie culture, the 'shrooms, the debauchery of the LSD.

Well, never say never, Trev.

That's what this is all about.

(phone ringing)

f*ck, Liv, enough. Look, I'm in the middle of something, all right?

Olivia: Stop!

I need your help.

Do you know what a Kalashnikov is?

Yeah, it's a big f*cking g*n.


And, you know, would, say, I don't know, like, a Mexican day laborer have a good reason for owning, I don't know, eight of them?

Maybe 30?

What the hell is going on? Where are you?

Let's just say I spent the day breathing in the air, and it's full of sunshine, only instead of sunshine, it's cocaine!

(car pulls up)

Oh, shit. I gotta go.



Where are you going?

Out of here!

Wait, wait. What happened?


You f*cked, ese.

Olivia! Olivia, stop!

Come on, let me explain!

♪ I'ma hit it like it's sake, 'cause sexin' is my hobby ♪
♪ Tell your girl take notes in case she wanna copy ♪
♪ Not my fault that I get a little naughty ♪
♪ Haters try to intervene, but they know they can't block me ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm going... ♪
♪ And I'll pop you if you try to stop my party ♪
♪ Party over here, punk, you over there ♪
♪ We ballin' over here, y'all broke over there ♪
♪ We ballin' over here, y'all broke over there ♪
♪ We gettin' it in, gettin' it in ♪
♪ Gettin' it in, gettin' it in. ♪

Not what I was expecting.

Mom and Dad, Isaiah.

Isaiah, Mom and Dad.

So, um, what are we supposed to do here, do you think?

Uh, I think... whatever you want.

I just wanted to see it.

You've never been here before?

No, I... well, I tried a few times, but, you know, childhood trauma and all.

And then I took off.

What happened to them?

Car versus truck. Car lost.

That's horrible.

Yeah, well... we all have dark shit.

I could leave you alone if you want to say something to them in private.

No. Will you stay with me, please?


Besides, I...

I don't even...

I don't even know what the hell I would say to them.

"Hey, guys. I'm a waitress.

I live with a dude that sells weed out of our trailer.

Oh, and, Mom, that little heart tattoo you told me not to get?


I mean, it kills me, you know?

I don't think...

I know that they'd hate how I turned out.

What? No, that's not true.

I can promise you that.

Well, you're incredibly smart, for starters, one of the most honest people I've ever met.

I mean, you have zero fear, which is a quality that even a former US president admires.

No, they'd think you're amazing.



I like you.


If I, or any American, want to carry a g*n, I can damn well have a g*n.

That's my constitutional right.

That's my freedom.

What a load of rubbish.

In Britain we're smart enough not to sh**t each other in the street, unlike here, where even you've been shot.

Three times, no less.

If I had been carrying a g*n, I would've been shot only once.

Bam! Pow! Boom! You're dead!

Deejay: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to our main stage the beautiful, mystical China!

Let's hear it for fine China!

Sweet heaven.

♪ It's going down, girl, now we're on the brink ♪
♪ Bodies moving everywhere ♪
♪ I'm grabbin' on your waist ♪
♪ Truckin' so hard that the floor is gonna break ♪
♪ Drop that booty to the ground, girl ♪
♪ Let me, let me see it, see it ♪


That's what she looked like.

There. My Gloria.

That's Gloria?



It was Christmas of his first term, and Janet and Richard passed out before 9:00.

The time you stayed in the Lincoln Bedroom was New Year's.

No, it was December.

January, because I remember you wearing this hideous blue velvet tuxedo.

Cost me a fortune.

It was hideous.

But I remember that night.

A bottle of absinthe, two bong hits later on the Truman Balcony.

We're not gonna talk about that.

(song playing on stereo)

Oh, my God.

Okay, no. I have to get back out there.

And so do you.

Now, Maggie, Maggie. Come here.

♪ Pretty woman ♪

♪ Just pass on by ♪


Trevor: ♪ I may be right ♪

♪ I may be wrong ♪
♪ But I'm perfectly willing to swear ♪
♪ That when you turned and smiled at me ♪
♪ The nightingale sang ♪
♪ In Berkeley Square ♪

(both chuckle)

Baby, you sure you don't want nothing else?

No, no, no. Thank you, Gloria.

Thank you.

Time's up, hon. That'll be a hundred.

Ah, ooh.

This was a gift from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia.

The Hope Ruby, it's called.

Ten million pounds at last assessment.


Even if this is all bullshit, you really are one sweet old man.

Olivia: How the hell did I end up here?

I mean, I could always pretend to be Mrs. Rockefeller with some monogrammed towels and the monthly bikini waxes, leaving him little love notes in his briefcase, which all ate me up inside like cancer, but at least I understood that disease, that world.

But rebounding with a drug dealer? My God, Jeremy.

What's wrong with me?

Tell me. I can handle it.

We're gonna need a bigger boat.


I'm so f*cked up.

No, you're just you.

That's a terrible thing to say.

Okay, you're banging a drug dealer? So what?

Some of the best people I know are drug dealers.

Look, I'm doing my own thing right now, as you can probably tell.

Watching TV?

No, I'm not watching TV.

I've been trying to tell you this all day, but you can't hear me through all your f*cking air-sucking drama.

I'm talking about a commentator, okay?

A news... whatever, I don't exactly know yet.

But whatever it is, it's going to be my thing that I'm doing because I want to do it, and I don't give a shit what anybody else has to say about it, let alone a former president and first lady, okay?

So you just... you just do your thing, all right?

(knocking on door)

Yeah, what's up, Ramona?

This came for you.

It's divorce papers.

So sorry.

It's okay.

Out with the old.

♪ I never... ♪

You need to run.

So you'd vote for me?

I'd bet my fortune on you.



Okay. Can't. Just... I'm sorry.

I can't. I just can't do it.


I'm sorry. I can't.

So, what's it all about, Graves, this epiphany of yours?

I wanted to make the world a better place.

I made it worse.

Oh, you did good, too. We all did.

No, I don't... I don't see that anymore.

I just want to take back all the pain I caused, yell out, but... maybe it's best I just remain silent and fade away.

No, no, no, no, no.

You stay alive long enough to yell, Richard, at the top of your lungs, and make them listen.

Just remember one thing.

At the end, all that really matters are those who love us.

They are the hidden victims of our administrations.

It's not just the country, but it's our families we hurt.

Are you scared?

Mostly no.

I've read all the books I wanted to read.

Most evenings, I find existence rather dull.

Not this evening, though, old friend... my oldest friend.

Graves: Homer wrote, "I should not have sorrowed so over his dying if he had gone down among his companions in the land of the Trojans, or into the arms of his friends after he wound up the fighting."

In his twilight, Trevor seized the final moments.

The memory I will hold of Trevor will not be his public image, but of his private self at the end.

I watched as he shed the anchor of regret.

God bless him.

♪ Our homeward step was just as light ♪
♪ As the tap-dancing feet of Astaire ♪
♪ And like an echo far away ♪
♪ A nightingale sang ♪
♪ In Berkeley Square ♪
♪ I know, 'cause I was there ♪
♪ That night ♪
♪ In Berkeley Square ♪